#fiver could easily snap a man's neck with his thighs like leliana
warlordfelwinter · 11 months
stature, motion, roots and change for anyone you're thinking about!
[character design asks]
Fiver, of course!
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
he's lean but muscular, the body of someone who's been an archer for like 20+ years. he's extremely strong, but fast and limber as well, so he's not very bulky. i hc viera as being sort of predisposed toward having nice meaty muscular legs (bnuny), but he's proportionally balanced across the board cause that sort of longbow use would give him really nice arms. and back. (basically he's hot. imo. and his kick could shatter bone.) funnily enough the sliders in ffxiv have actual numbers attached to them so i know he's 6' 1.4" for the most part he wears clothing that's practical above anything else, but that would tend to accentuate his figure just bc snugger clothes would be easier to move in than baggy or flowy things. can't risk something getting caught on your bow in the middle of a fight you know. when he's not in danger of getting into battle (rare) he tends to wear things that show a lot of skin. not bc he's trying to be sexy, he just finds it comfortable. and like look at the starter viera gear, showing skin is cutural for them skld;gn
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
he's extremely in control of his body. very flexible, very graceful, very precise. every movement is made with purpose. if he starts being clumsy, it's probably because he hasn't slept or eaten properly in several days or something and someone needs to hit him over the head and force him to go take a break. and he always dresses in things that allow for movement. i think restrictive clothing of any sort would start to make him feel claustrophobic
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
no, not really. i mean, since he's a video game character i don't really think about designing outfits for him like i might with a dnd character or something. his look is whatever i think looks neat in the game at the time. his old bard outfit with the warg pants was "inspired by" (taken directly from) an outfit someone posted on eorzea collection. most of his fits are just armor sets as is or dyed bc i'm not very good at mixing and matching (and a lot of the sets are just so good anyway)
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
complete wardrobe change and drastic haircut at about the same time, actually. this part of his canon to me began as an in-game thing of me using the free makeover ticket i got to give him his cute bob bc i was tired of his long hair clipping with outfits, and since then it's expanded to the lore side with me deciding that up until the beginning of heavensward, he stuck with his wood warder gear as well. the beginning of heavensward you're a fugitive, so fiver gave some small effort toward changing his looks (viera are so rare so i don't think it really helped, but he tried his best) and chopped his hair off and changed out his rava gear for more eorzean fashion. he felt strange and reluctant about making the decision, but once he saw himself in a mirror after his hair had been cut and wearing something just wildly different from his wood warder armor, he felt more like himself than he ever had. he still has his old gear, but he hasn't put it on since.
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