#fix their priorities. why are you dying on the boring au hill
antonblastdeluxe · 1 year
neurotypical people be normal about mental disorders challenge (this is about the asylum au)
Gonna be frank even if the OP of the au or anyone defending it is indeed neurodivergent, their experiences are far from universal. As somebody who has had friends be put into mental institutions for a plethora of reasons, trying to depict what is clearly nothing more than an angst-bait AU as a 'comedic' one is so. Tonedeaf??? Where's the humor in somebody clearly having an episode being restrained and depicted as 'wROW isN'T he being SOOOOO irrational'???
I'm noticing some big artists in the community defend it but it's so clear they're only doing it because they're friends with OP of the AU... It's just disappointing! It's 2023. There are so many genuinely non-offensive ways to joke about mental health or even make it comedic.
This post goes more into depth on why such AUs are not only offensive but even outdated & not accurate in its depictions. But my two cents is that, from a writer's perspective, what is there to do with these AU's. Like, okay, your main character is in a mental institution, now what? How many jokes can you make about delusions or interactions with the staff you can have before it gets boring and/or needs to conclude given that the AU revolves around this one place and concept? Huh???
Boring, ableist ass genre of AU's. I know the PT fandom is technically stagnating in popularity but I wasn't expecting stupid 'grasping for popularity' AUs until 2024, boy does fandom work fast.
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