monsignorjohn · 9 months
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(hamish linklater, 80 (appears 30s), cis male, he/him) welcome to crockett island JOHN PRUITT (PAUL HILL) from MIDNIGHT MASS. you work as a PRIEST, and have been here for A FEW WEEKS. you are known to be CONFIDENT, but also DECEPTIVE. you call to mind A WOODEN CRUCIFIX ON A WALL, GOLD VESTMENTS, A BLOODSOAKED SHIRT.
Hi everyone! I'm Sophie, and I'm one of the admins of FlanaganHQ. I'm usually in the GMT timezone, but Tarin and I made this group while I'm staying with her for the holidays. We both love Mike Flanagan's projects, and this idea of this group came to us while we were watching TFOTHOU together (a rewatch for me, first watch for her!) I work with very old books for a living, which is as cool as it sounds. I work full time, so my activity might be spotty, but I'll try to be on of an evening when I can. I also write a lot of pretentious words, so never feel pressured to match my rambling replies, which will definitely become more rambling once I get used to writing John.
With that out of the way, let me introduce you to my hot priest vampire son. This is not written with any seriousness at all, because I struggle with intros:
For those of you who missed Midnight Mass, or haven't recently rewatched it, Father Paul Hill is the new priest on Crockett Island, sent by the diocese to replace Monsignor John Pruitt, the aging pastor who's been on the island for as long as anyone can remember. Pruitt was last seen on a pilgrimage in Jerusalem
Spoiler alert: Paul is Pruitt. While on the pilgrimage, he got lost in a sandstorm and took shelter in a cave, where he was attacked by a winged creature that drank his blood and force fed him its blood. With its leathery bat wings and glowing gold eyes, Pruitt obviously thought it was an angel. As the creature drank from him, he fell unconscious from blood loss
When he awoke, the years had washed away. He was now a young man, in his 30s. His memory and mental faculties had returned to him, and he saw this as a miracle, bestowed on him by the angel
He returned to Crockett with the angel in a trunk, Dracula style, and posed as Father Paul Hill, sent as Monsignor's replacement. Knowing the angel's blood is a source of miraculous healing, he is diluting the communion wine with it, feeding it to the residents of the island who attend Mass. This is resulting in the healing of serious physical injuries and minor ailments. To the Christians of Crockett, a religious revival is happening at St Patrick's
John is a liar and a manipulator, but his intentions are good. He's essentially my favourite kind of character — morally grey as a foggy sky, with a lean towards "evil" acts for his own ends
I will be filling in his childhood and youth as I write him and learn more about him, but for now, here’s what I have: his older sister Alice died of polio when he was a boy, and this turned him towards God and eventually led to him entering the priesthood. He came to Crockett in his early 20s after travelling to South America on mission, and remained there for the rest of his life. According to the newspaper on his wall, he moved to the island 8 years prior to the restoration of St Patrick’s, which seems to have happened in the 1950s. This would track with Mildred’s mention of “the war” in episode 7, and Alice Pruitt dying of polio
During his youth, he broke his vow of celibacy and had a daughter, Sarah, with Mildred Gunning, who was married at the time (someone bring me Mildred please and thank you). The two of them have never acknowledged Sarah as John's child, but he has watched her grow up from afar
I will be essentially going AU from around episode 3 onwards in order for others to take more creative liberties with characters in the show. Though I will refer to him in his internal dialogue as "John", others know him as "Paul" or "Father Paul"
I think this is all you need to know for the time being! Feel free to pop into my IMs to plot, or hit me up on Discord. I look forward to writing with everyone!
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“ Dead doesn’t mean gone. ” 
character name:
[flora gabrielle wingrave]
[flo, flower, princess, etc.]
[waitress at a local diner by evening, horticulture student by day]
[originally from essex, moved to bly manor on crockett island when she was ten.]
[hair: light to dark brown eyes: baby blue height: 5'6" scars: one prominent scar on her wrist from a night when she was found by the lake at bly, but nothing else]
[flora prefers softer, oversized clothes, things that are comfortable and flowy. when she was younger she wore dresses but now she prefers leggings]
personality traits:
[weirdness -- flora is a more than a little strange and into some weird stuff. ghost stories and big foot sightings and UFO blogs, true crime podcasts. sweetness -- she's got a big heart and a lot of compassion, she never judges anyone for anything and can make conversation with absolutely anyone chameleon-ing -- flora tends to copy the people around her, out of a desire to fit in. she doesn't always mean to, and sometimes it's harmless, like picking up a new word or listening to new music. but it can get her into trouble at times.]
[flora's parents died when she was young, leaving her in the care of an extremely wealthy but incredibly distant uncle. mostly she was raised by servants, nannies, and tutors, some of whom she's still close with to this very day. some of whom were her only friends, because her privileged position on the island left her ill-equipped to connect with anyone very deeply]
[flora enjoys gardening, growing plants of all kinds, reading mysteries and romance novels, and playing guitar]
[flora is naturally personable, though she struggles to connect one on one. she's also fairly skilled at solving puzzles and loves to tell stories to the younger kids on crockett.]
[flora is very good at blocking out background noise, or even someone talking directly to her, and can sometimes 'zone out' completely. she likes to braid a strand of her hair over and over, especially when she's nervous. sometimes she acts like a totally different person, especially if she's tagging along with a group. on her own she tends to be very quiet.]
favorite things:
[food: soup made by owen, music: taylor swift, flower: calla lily, school subject: art and history, season: late summer, drink: root beer]
relationship status:
[flora dreams of connecting deeply with somebody, with finding someone who can really understand her]
[her privileged upbringing has left her naive and sometimes embarrassingly out-of-touch. she can talk to anybody, but struggles to maintain a friendship because she can seem snobby or rude when she's really just... distracted. by all the thoughts in her head, the ones that remind her how alone she feels, like all of the time. she doesn't know how to switch it off, but sometimes she thinks she'd do anything if she could. that she'd be able to do anything -- or that she would do anything to make it stop. maybe both. ]
[flora is kind and principled, she has a strength of character that few people do. when she's sure of herself, she can be very brave, even if she's the only one standing there. she wants to do well and be liked very badly, and it's made her an extremely friendly person]
[flora can often be unsure of herself, and her desire to fit in can sometimes lead her to taking on other people's personality traits. while she's not afraid to stand alone, she doesn't enjoy it and will do almost anything to try and fit in with a group, which often leads her to embarrassing herself. she can be naive and easily tricked, especially because she loves to see the best in people. ]
[flora's always been weird and shy and easily tricked and easily scared, and she played with toys a little longer than other kids on the island and she grew up kind of sheltered. and she grew up kind of alone, except for her brothers and the servants. it was weird, so she's kind of weird. sweet, but strange. she tries not to be, but she can't help it. the weird always comes through and she always ends up doing something that makes everyone wanna sit on the other side of the diner, in any section except hers. ]
current situation:
[currently, flora has decided to take on a job during the evenings. a normal, every day, regular-person job because she can totally be a regular person. that's the goal. regular-ing it up!]
poe poem :
[alone from childhood’s hour i have not been as others were—i have not seen as others saw— ]
theme song:
[ seven by taylor swift, folklore ]
song lyric:
i was too scared to jump in but i, i was high in the sky with pennsylvania under me are there still beautiful things?
graphic credit:
[psd template by poeticfleurx]
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flanaganhq · 9 months
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We're now open! You can now post any character intros, starters, starter calls, or plotting calls you'd like. We're not opening with an event, since we want to just break the ice. We also know that this is a busy time of year, so take all the time you need to get things started. We look forward to writing with everybody, and getting this group off the ground. Be sure to tag your intros with flanaganhqintro, and your starters with flanaganhqstarter!
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