#fliss gallagher
misteriios · 2 years
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“am i an idiot if i’m thinking this halloween was one of the best i have had on a long time?” although he had been there, he could not help to think it was pretty fun. he had not been on a party that got out of control like this one did.
                       ―   carl & fliss !  ( @papcrrings​ )
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
Riding Free
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One Shot: All Hands On Deck Kinktober Day 11: HANDS
co written with @spectre-posts
Summary: Fliss can’t get enough of her Sailor’s Hands…
Warnings; SMUT SMUT SMUT (yeah…no under 18s, NSFW)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. Any likeness to real life people/scenarios is purely coincidental. I do not own any characters in this fiction bad Fliss Gallagher and any other original characters. I do not consent to have my work copied/translated onto any other site. If you are reading this story anywhere bar Tumblr, it has been taken without my consent. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
W/C: 2.3k
A/N: I would say I’m sorry about this…but I’m really NOT
Riding Free Masterlist // Main Master-list
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September 2022
Frank turned off his truck engine and cracked his neck. That had been a bit of a longer errand than he’d expected thanks to a road closure due to a car accident on the highway.
“Fucking Sunday Florida drivers.”  He muttered, hopping down from his Mitsubishi. He headed up the path and through the side door, greeting Thor who had wandered into the mud room having heard his footsteps.
“Hey boy…” 
After giving him a fuss, he moved through to the kitchen-slash- family room and smiled as he saw Fliss and Mary on the sofa, bowl of popcorn between them.
“Hey…” Fliss looked over and he smiled.
“Hey, honey.” He crossed to give her a quick kiss, “sorry I’m so late back.”
“It’s okay. I saved your dinner when you called.”
“Thanks. You okay, Stack?”
“Yup.” She didn’t turn from the TV.
“Alex in bed?”
“Mmmhmmm.” Fliss nodded, “went down half an hour or so ago.”
Frank sighed, he hated missing bed time, especially seeing as he’d set off almost three hours ago for what should have been an hour round trip, tops. He should have been home, had dinner, and helped put his boy to bed in the time it had taken him to drive across town and back. His eyes then strayed to the TV as Mary laughed.
“What are you watching?”
“She Hulk.” Fliss replied, shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth. 
“What?” Frank arched a brow.
“It’s a Marvel show.”
“A female hulk? How? I mean-“
“Look, stop asking as you hate Marvel, you won’t like it.” Mary stated, then she giggled, “look, Mom, she’s got Captain America’s butt as a screen saver!”
Fliss paused the screen and smirked as she tilted her head to one side. “Oh yeah…”
“That’s America’s ass.” Mary giggled, saluting as Fliss laughed.
Frank scoffed, “well, seeing as my boy is in bed and you two are somewhat preoccupied with a fictional soldier’s rear end…”
“Errr have some respect for Steve Rogers.” Fliss narrowed her eyes. Frank arched his brow in response before he snorted.
“I’m gonna have my dinner and nip out and do some more work on the Camper Van.”
“You know, you guys have had that thing like almost two years and you’re still doing it up, Dad!” Mary stated the obvious.
“Hey, it works, we’ve been out and used it.” Frank folded his arms, “this is its second do up…I’m merely updating the engine and some of the cosmetics and tu-“ he stopped and narrowed his eyes as Mary sniggered. “What is this? Pick on Frank day?”
“Oh hush.” Fliss smirked, “go and get your hands dirty, leave us to watch our show.”
“Ohhh after this can we start a rewatch of Falcon And The Winter Soldier?” Mary asked.
“Sure.” Fliss shrugged, “but only one episode tonight. You got school tomorrow. And it’s Alex’s first day back at Daycare so we need to be up and ready.”
"Fine... Fine..." Mary sighed, popping kernels in her mouth.
Frank dropped a kiss to Fliss’ head before he made his way back to his truck for the box of spare parts he had been to collect. He tucked them under one arm and headed into his garage and stepped through to the workshop.
“Hey, Wanda…” he patted the shiny blue camper van fondly on the bonnet. He chuckled to himself, he was well aware the name belonged to a Marvel character, and was also a play on the word “wander” which had been suggested by Mary.
He’d spent his time doing the vehicle up, just as he had with his boat and finished it mostly almost seven months to the date since they’d been given it as a gift. 
Since then, they’d had a few goes in it up and down the County. Camping trips , days out and it had worked well enough but as with his boat, Frank had identified further improvements to “pimp his ride” even more. These included a bigger engine, chrome plated fenders and wing mirrors, a state of the art entertainment system and new leather upholstery to replace the current cloth ones that Fliss and her mum had installed as a stop gap measure.
An hour and a half into said engine improvements, or his 'Frank time' as he'd taken to referring to it as,  Fliss came out, his dinner plate in hand.
"Hey Sailor, you forgot something..."
Frank looked round and gave a little chuckle, “shit. Sorry, Cowgirl.”
She popped a shoulder, “it’s okay. Mary’s headed to bed. She told me to tell you she’s calling child services to report you for neglecting your father-uncle duties, and will be referring to you as Frank for the next forty-eight hours as punishment.”
“Huh, could she not just talk to me at all?” His eyes twinkled with humour.
“Well, she pondered that but then decided you’d tell her that wasn’t a punishment, more like a very welcome break.”
Frank pointed at her with a smirk, "Yahtzee."
Fliss laughed, shaking her head. “How long you intending on staying out here? Not that it matters, just figuring out whether or not I can start my weekly lesson plans for the yard or wait until tomorrow morning.”
"You could sit out here and do them, I'll bring up that little table."
“Huh, not just a pretty face are you?”
"Meh, I've been known to have brighter days." He shrugged. "At least sit with me while I eat."
“Alright, you got any beer in that fridge?” She nodded to the back of the workshop and Frank scoffed.
“How long you known me? Course there’s beer in there.”
“Well then gimme one.”
“We are still talking about the beer, yeah?” Frank grinned.
Frank laughed as he moved to pull two cold Buds out of the fridge. He popped the caps and handed one to Fliss.
"Why thank you, Sailor."
She took it from him, her eyes straying to his hand and she frowned. “Hey, you’re bleeding.”
Frank looked down at his hand, noticing the knick on his knuckles. He wiped it on the rag, half out his pocket. "It's nothing, grazed it tightening up something."
“Did you seriously just wipe it with that filthy shit rag?” Fliss wrinkled her nose as Frank perched on a stool in front of his work bench. “You’re disgusting .”
He popped a shoulder and sipped his bottle. "Done worse."
Fliss shook her head, “let me see.”
He took a small bite of his meal and passed his hand over to her. "It's nothing."
She took a deep breath and gently took it, twisting her wrist so his fingers lay across her palm. She gently swiped her thumb over the back of his knuckles as she looked at his skin. 
He was currently grubby from the work he’d been doing. And the hand she held was sporting a few healing cuts and grazes, from various minor knocks he picked up at work or around their home and yard. They were dotted across his long fingers and the back of his hand. His blunt nails were dirty, but would be scrubbed clean that night before bed, just as they always were when he came home from work or finished whatever hobby project he was working on.
Maybe once, in a time before she’d met him, they’d been softer and neater, thanks to his previous career as a professor. But now, Frank Adler had well worn and weathered hands. 
And Fliss fucking adored them.
She loved the way those fingers would drum noisily on a surface, indicating he was bored, maybe restless or impatient. How they’d slap his thigh or hers when he had made a decision. Even the way he would crack his knuckles either absentmindedly when deep in thought, or on purpose with a smirk as he knew the noise made her shudder and grimace as she hated it. 
But what she loved the most was how those hands, so tough, rough and calloused from years of manual labor were also as soft and gentle as the man they belonged to.
Five years ago, on a boat out on the open water, they'd held her to him as he'd kissed her tenderly. Three years back, they’d delicately yet ever so safely held their baby boy for the first time in the hospital, and continued to be safe, careful and strong with both her and the kids. 
They could also be a little possessive. His fingers would slip through hers when in public, or grip her hip as his arm slid round her waist, always just tight enough to keep her close, squeezing when he knew she needed reassurance or comfort, or simply wanted to remind her, and anyone else for that matter, that he was there and she was his. 
They were delicate and loving when he trailed his fingers up and down her arm, her neck or her spine. They would dance across her shoulders or skin, heating her from the inside out. 
And of course, there were other things those hands could do, when they were alone…
Brown eyes met blue from beneath heavy lids and Frank arched his brow.
Fliss moved to stand between his legs, which were spread apart at the knees as his feet rest on the lower rung of his stool. “Put your hands on me, Sailor.”
Frank hopped down and grabbed her by the waist, turning turned their bodies so her back bumped the work bench. "But I'm filthy."
A low chuckle bounced that Adam's apple in his throat. Frank cupped her face. He gazed at her and smirked before he dove right in to give her a harsh kiss, filled with tongue.
She kissed him back, her own hands tangling in his hair, nails taking over his scalp.
“Whaddya want, cowgirl?” His lips hovered over hers.
“Your hands…”
“Yes, ma'am." With a grin he kissed her again. “Turn around.”
Fliss smirked as her eyes glowed with mischief. She spun on the ball of her foot and leaned against the workbench. Craning her neck so she could peer over her shoulder, she smirked. "Well?"
“Sassy tonight, I like it.” He grinned as he pulled her back into him. His hands squeezed her hips, before he gripped the hem of her vest top and pulled it over her head.
Fingers glided up her sides and belly until Frank's hands covered her bra covered breasts and gave them a generously hard squeeze.
Fliss sighed, her head rolling back onto his shoulder.
"Again..." she said softly as her arm snaked up Frank's neck.
Frank chuckled, his lips fluttering against her neck as his hands pulled down the cups of her bra. “Like that?” His voice was a raspy whisper as his fingers and thumbs found her nipples.
A lustful moan came out her throat from the depths of her chest, the vibration beating against Frank's chest. "Yep."
“My hands feel good, huh, baby?” He hummed, tweaking a little harder.
"Always so good."
“Want then to make you cum?”
"Oh, yes...." Fliss whimpered.
Frank gave a low grunt as his teeth nipped her neck, his hands working a little harder. With each tweak, pull and squeeze, he could hear and feel Fliss reacting as she writhed and panted. Her head was completely laid back on his shoulder, eyes closed, mouth open.
"Thassit, Cowgirl. Get lost....." he was in her ear.
He could feel himself growing hard in his tasty jeans, his dick pressing uncomfortably against the crotch of the denim. With a nip to hee ear that made her squeal, his right hand traced its way down her sternum to her belly and slipped into the waistband of her lounge shorts.
Fliss gasped and moaned, the feel of his hands on her was one of her favorite things.
"Oh, Lissy," Frank crooned lowly in her ear, "so wet for me."
“Always…” she gasped, her hand tightening in his hair.
With a grunt of satisfaction at the feel of her fist, Frank began toying with her clit. Running circles around it with his middle finger.
Fliss gasped, her hips bucking at his touch.
“Thassit, baby…” his breath was warm on her face. As those nimble fingers toyed with his wife, coaxing her closer and closer, her pelvis started to move, grinding herself against his palm. "Chase it, baby," he dug his heel upward into her clit as he slipped two fingers inside her wet heat.
“Oh, fuck…” her knees buckled a little and Frank moved his left arm across her chest, holding her up as his fingers found her right nipple.
"Fahk, darlin'," he grunted. "I got you."
“You…you always…oh, god…” she groaned, her eyes flying open, “you always..always do…”
"You're there, cowgirl , c'mon."
Her breath was coming in quick, rapid pants, a staccato rhythm as the feel of his strong arms and those hands she loved so much completely overwhelmed her.
“I gotchu …” he repeated as he kissed her neck behind her ear. He then groaned when he felt Fliss buck violently in his arms. “Atta girl.”
Her walls clamped around his fingers as she cried out into the silence and dim light of his workshop.
"There you go...." Frank said softly as his lips press into her cheek.
Fliss gave a hum of satisfaction as she sagged backwards. Frank gently slid his hand up and out of her shorts, his fingers sticky with her slick as the rest on her belly.
“I can feel you,” Fliss spoke, her voice raspy as she gained her breath. “Poking me…”
“Well, I’m kinda turned on right now…” he replied , with a cheeky grins of his rock hard dick into the small of her back.
With a slow movement, Fliss turned in his arms and gripped at his shirt. She stepped back towards the work bench, a smirk on her face.
“Well, we best do something about it then, huh?”
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Riding High
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One Shot- Whamageddon
Summary: Frank loses a Christmas time bet…
Warnings: Bad Language words
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: This is my first entry for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork and @sagechanoafterdark s Festive Writing Challenge. My prompt is- “Did you put antlers on the dog?” This takes place in the Riding High timeline, alongside Ch12- ILY which was their first Christmas together.  (FYI Whamageddon is a real thing that me and my friends play every year without fail...and its HARD!!!  https://www.whamageddon.com/)
Chapter Song:  Last Christmas by Wham
Series Masterlist //  Main Masterlist
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Frank parked his truck in the space next to Fliss’ jeep and hopped out, making his way over the lawn to his apartment. That had been an awkward job, really awkward job if he was honest. It had taken him a lot longer than anticipated to locate the problem in the fuel pump, and at one point he was expecting to have to roll it over and finish in the morning which he really hadn’t wanted to do, as Saturdays were the one morning of the week he was able to lie in, uninterrupted and the thought of having to drag himself away from that pissed him right off. Thankfully, Bill had come to his rescue and collected Mary from school, dropping her with Fliss at the yard, something he knew Mary loved and Fliss seemed to enjoy too and it had given him the extra couple of hours he needed to finish up.
As a result whilst he was now tired, dirty, covered in grease and ready for a beer, he could relax that evening knowing he didn’t have to haul his ass out of bed at six am. He’d be able to at least sleep until Fliss’ alarm went off at eight. Mind you, even then he tended to go back to bed after they’d had breakfast, or nap on the couch until about fifteen minutes before Mary was due home. After all, he didn’t have horses to muck out and ride.
Fuck that.
As he traipsed up the steps to his apartment he could hear the sounds of Last Christmas by Wham playing and he cursed. “Fuck!” With a groan he pulled out his phone and opened up the group message, rolling his eyes in annoyance. He typed a single word “Whamageddon” and hit send. This was a game he and the boys played every year. It was a contest to see who could go the longest time over the holiday period without hearing that infernal fucking song. The rules were simple, you weren’t allowed to be a dick by tricking each other and sending messages, videos or emails containing it, and it had to be the original version, so covers, remixes and people singing it didn’t count. It also relied on all of them being honest enough to own up, but they were the Circle Of Truth after all. So far it had claimed Simon and Greg, leaving him and Jake in the running…and now he’d just lost meaning Jake won the forty-dollar pot. Mind you, the last 2 years they’d played it said forty-bucks had been used to purchase drinks on their night out so it wasn’t like he’d actually lost anything, just the satisfaction of beating Jake. But the fact he’d lost that was annoying in itself.
Fuck you George Michael.
Shoving his phone back into the pocket of his dirty jeans with an annoyed growl, Frank yanked the door open and instantly was hit with the sweet notes of nutmeg and ginger as something baked in the oven and the loud sounds of giggling and singing from the lounge. He passed through the small kitchen and paused in the doorway as he saw Mary on the couch,  bouncing up and down, her hands in Fliss’ as his girlfriend danced in front of Mary, twirling round, Thor bouncing along with her occasionally issuing the odd, excited bark. Fliss’ wore a headband upon which a pair of reindeer antlers were fixed whilst on Mary’s head sat a Santa hat which was adorned with light up stars.  The irritation of losing instantly left Franky’s system as he could do nothing but smile as he watched the pair of them dancing like idiots before Mary glanced up and saw him and gave him a grin. Fliss turned and smiled, waving him over. He shook his head, gesturing to the fact he was filthy but she simply grinned even more, and bent her finger at him, arching an eyebrow. The fact she seemed to get turned on by him being covered in grease greatly amused Frank and he simply met her down right filthy look with one of his own before she pouted at him as he was refusing to play. As usual when she fixed those eyes on him, he simply rolled his own and gave in, striding over the room where he dropped a kiss to her lips as Mary plonked the hat she had been wearing on his head just as the song ended.
“You just lost me a bet.” Frank looked at Fliss, then Mary. They both frowned at one another before Fliss gave a groan.
“Whamageddon.” He confirmed.
“Sorry!” she winced, shrugging as he returned Mary’s hat to her head, pulling it down over her eyes “We made sugar cookies though if that’s any consolation?"
“You’ve been busy.” Frank smiled and Mary nodded, pushing the hat up so she could see.
“We’re gonna decorate them tomorrow afternoon before we got to V and Bills.”
“Who’s we?” Frank arched an eyebrow.
“Me and you” Mary shrugged.
“That so?”
“Yup.” Mary nodded “We got ready made tubes of icing and stuff so even you can’t mess it up.”
Fliss laughed at the affronted look on Frank’s face as he narrowed his eyes at Mary before he reached out and grabbed her causing her to shriek as he tickled her sides.
Mary giggled, her protests becoming louder and lounder as did her laughter until, after one particular loud shriek Frank gave a yell and jumped, looking down at Thor who was stood behind him, his head cocked to one side, tail wagging furiously as he issued a loud bark.
“He just bit my ass!”
Fliss laughed even harder “he’s only playing. If he meant to bite you properly, you’d know about it. He’s never bitten anyone properly in his life.”
“Ha, he’s my bodyguard!” Mary straightened her hat once more before she hopped off the couch “Are you taking me to Roberta’s now?”
“Damned straight I am.” He mumbled, shooting the dog another glare before he turned back to her “You got your stuff?”
“Okay come on. What do you say?” he nodded towards Fliss who rolled her eyes.
“Thanks for watching me and baking and stuff!” she wrapped her arms around Fliss’ waist and Fliss smiled, bending over to give her a hug. “Night Lissy.”
“You’re welcome babe. See you tomorrow.”
Mary skipped off and Frank turned to Fliss giving her another quick kiss.
“You know, you don’t have to make her thank me.” Fliss smiled as he pulled away. “She comes as part of the package.”
“She can still mind her manners.” Frank shrugged “Be back in five.”
Thor made to follow but Fliss grabbed his collar to stop him, before she grinned and after faffing with him for a second let him go. He padded after Frank and Mary, neither of them paying him any attention, although Frank didn’t fail to notice the grins the three of them were getting as they walked down to Roberta’s. Most likely thanks to the hat Mary had on.
Mary pushed Roberta’s door in and they all stepped inside, Roberta coming out of the kitchen to greet them.
“Mary Christmas!” Mary grinned and Roberta scoffed “Geddit? Mary, Merry…”
“Yeah I get it.” Roberta shook her head as Frank let out a snort. Her attention turned to him and she folder her arms, looking him up and down “You look like you just crawled outta some kind of pit. You’re filthy.”
“Yeah, well, been working.” He shrugged as Mary padded past into the living room. “Erm…forgetting something Stack?”
“Oh….” She turned and grabbed her little rucksack off him before she continued.
“Night then.” He shot sarcastically, receiving no response. He shook his head and turned to Roberta “We’re not going out so any issues…”
“There are never any issues Frank.” Roberta rolled her eyes “So, get….” She trailed off as her eyes fell towards Thor “Did you put antlers on the dog?”
Frank turned to look at Thor who was indeed sporting the antlers that had five or so minutes ago adorned Fliss’ head. He gave a snort, now realising why everyone they’d passed had smirked or laughed at them. “No, I didn’t” he shook his head as Thor’s tail began to thump on the floor. “That one’s down to Lissy.”
“You sure you’re not just feelin’ extra festive this year?” she teased and Frank gave a little smile.
“I’m looking forward to it, yeah.” He admitted, his eyes flicking back to the dog before he looked at Roberta. “Been a funny year. Some ways I’ll be glad to see the back of it, in others…” he trailed off as Roberta lay her hand on his arm.
“It was tough, I know. But…it all ended well.” She shrugged “You got that little girl in there and, well, a bigger girl waitin’ for you back home.”
“I’ll tell her you said that!” he grinned and Roberta slapped his arm.
“You know full well that wasn’t what I meant, besides, I’ve seen more meat on a damned grasshopper than there is on Fliss.”
“So now you’re calling her skinny…you know, I never had you down for size shaming Roberta.”
“Get outta my house before I hit you with the mop.” Roberta pointed behind him to the door causing Frank to laugh.
“See you tomorrow.” He turned, patting his thigh signalling for Thor “Come on Rudolph.”
Obediently the dog trotted after him as he left and made his way home, a soft smile playing on his face. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out, snorting at the message of victory from Jake. He then noticed he had another message ftom Fliss. 
His phone wasn't great on picture messages, it was old school after all, but it was good enough to make him stop in his tracks. Her red, lace bra clad breasts flashed back at him along with the message "on second thoughts, maybe sugar cookies aint enough of an apology...I'll say sorry properly"
Frank swallowed as he shoved the phone back into his pocket and set off home, his pace doubled.
Thank you Whamageddon...
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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CH25- A Series Of Very Fortunate Events
Summary: It’s Fliss’ birthday and Frank pulls off the surprise of the century.
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
I dunno how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you, it just keeps getting better. I wanna spend the rest of my life, with you by my side, for ever and ever. Every little thing that you do, Baby I'm amazed by you
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Fliss gave a start of surprise as two hands grabbed her waist and spun her round.  She laughed as a pair of bright blue eyes, sparkling with love and mischief, met hers, her hands sliding up their owner’s chest to his shoulders, as a warm palm pressed into her back, fingers splaying over the top of her thin camisole. “Happy birthday, Beautiful.” Frank grinned at her and she beamed back, her nails gently scratching at the nape of his neck, tangling in his short hair as he gently swayed them to the soft music which was playing through the speakers in the kitchen.
“Thank you, Sailor.” She smiled as his lips gently pressed to hers, a chuckle flowing from his mouth as he swayed his hips to the gentle rhythm of Otis Redding’s ‘(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay’. “You know, I had set my alarm a little bit earlier today ” He informed her, spinning them a little across the floor, “planned a little wakeup call plus breakfast in bed. So imagine my slight frustration when it went off and you were already gone.” “Sorry, but I woke up and,” she shrugged giving him an apologetic look, “you know once I’m awake I’m awake.” “I do.” Frank smirked, his hands on her hips gripped a bit tighter as he swayed his own along to the music. “Guess you’ll just have to wait for that particular present, Cowgirl.” She let out a laugh, the hand on his neck tightening a little in his hair as she pulled his head down to hers. “I love you.” “Love you too.” He whispered, his lips catching hers in a deep kiss, tongues sliding gently against one another before Frank pulled back, his forehead pressed to hers. “Can I at least make you breakfast?” “Sure but don’t you need to be getting ready for work?” “Nope.” He shook his head. “Booked the day off.” “Why?” “Well it’s a Friday and your birthday and I wanted to spend it with you.” He shrugged. “I know you’re working but thought I could finish the shelving and what not in the tack room and then we can get everything ready for the guys coming over.” Fliss beamed. “I’m so excited to show them the yard. I know it’s not fully finished but...” she sighed. “I’m really happy with how it’s turned out.” “And you should be.” Frank smiled, his hips swaying to the music. “You’ve put a lot of hard work in. I’m proud of you, Honey.” “We’ve put a lot of hard work in.” She smiled as he revolves them gently on the spot. “Couldn’t have done it without you and everyone else for that matter, Mum, Dad, Joanne, Steve...” “Well,” Frank grinned as he spun her out slightly, pulling her back into him, her back pressed to his chest, her giggle vibrating slightly into his body, “tonight we can fire up the grill as planned, thank everyone properly and have a few drinks to celebrate.” “Sounds good.” She sighed as his lips brushed her neck. “My last lesson finishes at two, I cut them early for the day.” “Perfect.” Frank gently nipped at her skin, his hands splaying over her belly, pulling her back into him. “And just think, this is your last birthday as a Gallagher. You’ll be Mrs. Adler next year.” “Two months.” She rolled her head to the side, allowing Frank to nuzzle into her even more. “I can’t wait.” “Me neither, Baby.” He whispered, his mouth now on her jawline. Eventually his lips found hers and he kissed her again, her head laying back against his shoulder as his right hand started trailing down further, and further, and his fingers had just worked their way into the waistband of her sleep shorts when a soft little whimper, followed by a louder garbled chatter chimed out from the baby monitor. Frank gave a groan, his head sagging forward and his hand moving back up to Fliss hip as she laughed a little, tilting her head to look at the screen where Alex was now pulling himself to a stand using the bars on his crib as leverage. “Cock block.” Frank grumbled as he shot the monitor a look and Fliss stepped out of his embrace, turning to face him. “I’ll go get him, you can start my birthday breakfast.” She smiled, standing on her tip toes to give him a gentle peck. As she padded out of the room, Frank watched her go, eyes firmly trained on her pert ass before he smirked to himself and turned to gather the ingredients for the waffles Fliss had shown him how to make. As he spooned out the flour into the bowl he heard Fliss greeting Alex good morning and their ten month old giving a garbled little response followed by a happy giggle, the one he always gave when he saw Fliss. “Momma’s boy.” Frank scoffed, picking up the baby monitor and pressing the intercom button alongside it. He heard Fliss laugh as she turned to the monitor, sticking her tongue out at the screen, knowing full well he could see and he chuckled, turning back to his task in hand. By the time she appeared after changing Alex’s diaper, Mary had surfaced, Fred hot on her heels, and the kitchen was full of the smell of waffles which sizzled away on the iron. Mary shot over to Fliss, wishing her a happy birthday before she placed Alex in his chair and Frank stepped over to give his son a kiss good morning. He smiled as Alex wound his small hands into his beard, giving a tug before he gently scruffed against the baby’s cheek causing him to shriek in delight. “Think I might try his cup again today.” Fliss pondered for a moment. “He didn’t want his milk after breakfast yesterday as he was full so Mum suggested offering it him alongside, he might be a bit more inclined to take it if he’s doing it himself, what do you think?” “Go for it.” Frank nodded, straightening up. “Don’t worry about it too much though, sweetheart. Mary dropped her morning bottle completely round the time she was his age. He’ll let us know if he’s hungry.” Satisfied with her choice, Fliss sliced up an apple and placed it down on Alex’s tray along with half a lightly toasted piece of bread and a sipping cup half full of formula. Alex immediately went for the apple, jamming it into his mouth making appreciative noises as Frank served their own breakfast of waffles, fruit and syrup up, handing a small piece of waffle to Alex. The baby paused, taking it with a cooing noise and proceeded to look from one hand to the other. “What’s it gonna be, pal?” Frank asked. “It’s a big decision. Apple or waffle?” “Bet you five bucks he goes for the waffle.” Mary grinned and Frank wrinkled his nose. “I dunno, he likes his apples.” “Yeah but waffles are much better.” Mary’s voice was muffled as she shoved a huge fork full into her own mouth and Fliss watched as Alex continued to ponder. In the end he raised both his hands to his mouth, attempting to shove the two items in at the same time. Fliss laughed and gently went to help him out, but no sooner had she done that, Alex had already realised it wasn’t going to work. His fingers still curled round precious apple slice, he dropped the hand holding it to his tray, using the other to shove the waffle piece straight into his mouth, chewing contentedly. “Told ya.” Mary smirked. The kitchen was full of laughter as they ate, and when they had finished and cleared the dishes, Frank and Mary disappeared upstairs coming back with a few gifts held in their arms. Fliss grinned as she took the one Mary handed her first. “That’s from me and Alex.” She nodded as Fliss kissed her cheek and tore off the sparkly blue wrapping paper, her smile growing even bigger as she saw the box which contained a radio mic along with ear pieces. “You said your old one was crap.” Mary grinned, ignoring the pointed look Frank shot at her for her use of the word. Fliss laughed. “Yeah it’s seen better days, everyone says I sound like a Dalek.” “A what?” Mary frowned. “Oh they’re an alien thing from a TV show called ‘Doctor Who’, they talk like broken robots.” Fliss waved her hand. “But this is great. Thank you!” “It’s fully charged and tested.” Mary grinned. “Dad had it on the other night in the garage fixing me a blow by blow description of how he was varnishing the boat. I stopped listening. “No wonder it’s taking you so long to finish.” Fliss smirked at him and Frank arched his brows. “The reason it’s taking me so long is because every spare moment I’ve had recently you’ve put me to work at the yard either building shelving units or painting.” He folded his arms. “You know, I could charge you a fortune.” “I pay you in other ways.” She winked and a Frank snorted as she reached for a smaller wrapped gift. She tore off the wrapper and Frank held his breath a little as she looked at the white leather box emblazoned with the logo of a company he knew she’d recognise. “Did you...” her eyes instantly misted over and Frank nodded as she opened the box with shaking hands. He watched as she studied the item inside before she picked it out to examine it in closer detail. It was a bracelet made out of the hair from Heidi’s tail, wound into a thick, chunky braid, the different shades of chestnut and dark brown perfectly woven together. The claw clasp was silver and there was a small silver horse shoe and heart shaped charms hanging from it, the latter engraved with the words ‘forever in my heart’. “Frank,” she stuttered and he gave her a smile. “You were talking about getting one, did I get the right style?” “Yeah.” She swallowed. “Oh, Sailor it’s perfect.” She leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips, giving a little sniff as she pulled back. “Can you...?” She handed it to him and then held out her left hand arm and Frank opened the clasp, fastening it around her wrist. She looked at it for a moment before she smiled and wiped her eyes. With a little cough, Fliss cleared her throat as she reached for the final box which was a little bigger and when she opened that one she gave an excited shriek. “You got me a Pivo? How? These are like out of stock constantly!” Her hands trailed the box and she grinned, looking at Frank. “Lucky try.” He shrugged as Fliss opened the box to look at the starter pack. Not for the first time she was overcome with just how much Frank actually listened to the throwaway comments she made. She’d talked about getting one of the smart tracking systems you linked up to your phone for a while, it would make filming her videos for sales and the online blogging and tutorials that she had recently launched on the website so much easier. “Thank you, you’ve spoilt me.” Fliss beamed at Mary and Frank, before she turned to Alex to give him a kiss, and Frank glanced at Mary giving her a wink, both of them fully aware that the gift that was arriving later that afternoon was going to blow her mind.
***** Frank spent most of the morning putting up the shelves as promised, hanging the doors and whatever else he needed to do, whilst Alex was happily entertaining himself in his little pack and play, the air-con in the new large room a godsend as it gave some well needed relief from the sweltering late July heat. Bill and Verity arrived at midday with lunch from their favourite sandwich deli. Fliss beamed when she opened her gift from her parents which was a tripod for her new Pivo plus a year’s subscription to a new editing software app for her MacBook and iPhone. Once they had eaten, Verity offered to take Alex back to the house for his nap, leaving Bill and Frank free to head down to check that the new perimeter fencing had been done properly whilst Fliss carried on with her day's schedule, this time her, Joanne and Mary setting up the Pivo to film a little VLog for their YouTube channel that was linked to the stables. Then at just before two, Frank got the call he’d been waiting for, his big surprise was half an hour away. “I’m a little nervous.” Frank admitted as he and Bill walked back to the yard. “I mean, if she doesn’t like the damned thing when it arrives, I can’t exactly return it.” “Trust me, she’ll love her.” Bill shook his head. “If nothing but because it’s connected to Heidi and it’s something for her to start work with from the ground up. It’s what she’s always loved to do, and she does it well. As this all proves.” Bill waved his hand in the air, gesturing around the land and the various horses as Frank nodded. “Guess we’ll find out soon enough.” He was on edge for the next fifteen or so minutes as he tried to concentrate on a little more painting, but then they heard the rumble of tyres as the truck pulling the transporter trailer wound slowly up the drive. Bill looked at Frank with a grin before he pulled out his phone, no doubt to message Verity, and Frank glanced over to see Fliss had straightened up from where she had been leaning over the laptop at her desk and frowned, her head tipping to one side as she glanced out of the window which overlooked the entrance. “Joanne?” She called and the girl appeared. “Did we book a new client in today that I forgot?” “Nope.” Joanne shook her head. “Who the hell is this then?” Fliss’ frown deepened as she turned and headed out of the room, Frank following with a very excited Mary. As they walked into the courtyard, Frank watched Fliss speaking to the driver as he opened the door and hopped out. He saw the shock register on her face and a small smile played on his own as she stood stock still, blinking at the man who handed her an envelope. With a frown she took it, turning to Frank who merely gave her a puzzled shrug, before she tore open the envelope and her eyes scanned the message inside which Frank had asked them to prepare. There was a delicious moment where Frank saw Fliss’ face washed blank with confusion, like her brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from her wide eyes. Every muscle of her body just froze before a grin crept onto her face, it soon stretched from one side to the other showing every single tooth. This time when she looked at Frank, he smiled back, and she shook her head her own smile not faltering. “You did this?” She managed to stutter out as Bill chuckled, walking to the back of the large transporter to help the man with the ramp. “Well, I had help but yeah, I’ll take the credit for it being my idea.” He wrinkled his nose as Fliss gave a shriek and launched herself at him. Laughing he caught her as her legs wrapped around his waist and she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” She whispered. “But how did you even know I’d been looking at her? I never-“ “Mary.” Frank said simply as her hands slid to cup his face. “You should know by now she never misses a thing.” “Hey, Titch, you gonna let go of Frankie boy for long enough to come meet her or what?” Bill called, and Mary nodded. “Yeah, hurry up Mom, I wanna see her!” Giving him another quick kiss, Fliss moved and Frank dropped her to the floor. She turned, sweeping Mary into a huge hug before she took her hand as they walked to the back of the trailer as the beautiful bay horse was led off. Amazement didn’t quite cover what Fliss was feeling at that point in time as she stood rooted to the spot, observing the animal who stood up tall and glanced round, snorting loudly at the strange surroundings. It was a cacophony of emotions all firing at once and the smile Fliss was displaying on the outside sure as hell couldn't have adequately reflected what she felt inside; like every neurone of her brain was trying to fire in both directions at once - the best kind of paralysis. Simply put, the animal was beautiful. Sleek dark bay with unblemished limbs, two white socks on the hind legs and a blaze very similar to Heidi’s down her dark face. Her mane and tail were shiny black, and whilst the animal had little muscle definition, Fliss new that was down to the fact she hadn’t ever been ridden before having been used as an attempted brood animal. It was clear she had been looked after and cared for as the mare had a sweet eye, it wasn’t looking at anyone suspiciously or worriedly, simply curiously as she spun quickly on the spot, giving a shout which was answered by Cap in the barn, Fliss knew his whinny off by heart. As Cleo turned her pretty head, she glanced straight at Fliss who took a deep breath as shiny, bright brown eyes gazed back at her. At that the horse gave a soft little nicker and there was an explosion in Fliss’ brain... the good sort... the buzz of electricity she had felt when she’d been to view Heidi for the first time. As dramatic as it may have been to admit this out loud, to her it was the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting both their feet that they could enjoy together. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there would undoubtedly be tears and frustration, many hours of patience and hard work as there was to be expected with any horse you were backing and teaching from the start, but it was Fliss’ adventure to take. With a gentle breath she stepped forward slowly, towards her new animal and held her hand out, palm up, offering the horse a sniff. “Hey, Cleo.” Fliss spoke gently as her other hand ever so quietly moved to scratch the horse on the wither. “Hi, how you doing, girl?” Frank watched and let the happiness Fliss was exuding soak right into his bones. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to smile at Verity who juggled Alex in her arms as she stood by his side. “You do realise that if you weren’t already, you’ve effectively just become a horse widow before you even get married, right? Backing a horse is gonna take a lot of her time and become an obsession.” She grinned as Frank offered to take his son from her and she obliged. Frank gently turned him and held him to his chest, facing outwards so he could see what was going on.
“I don’t much care.” Frank chuckled as he watched Mary extend her hand out to pat Cleo as the animal rubbed her head against Fliss who reached up to wipe the tears of joy from her eyes. “Look how happy she is.” He took a deep breath, her happiness was infectious and Frank was simply savouring the feeling of sheer pleasure in his system at seeing his girl so full of joy because of something he’d managed to pull off. Simply put, he wanted to still be able to make her feel like that when they were old. Half an hour later the horse in question had been given a quick feed and a drink of water and left to settle in a spare stable. Fliss had then been given a blow by blow account of what Frank, Mary and Bill had dubbed ‘Operation Cleopatra-Comin’ At Ya’ and she thanked them all, once more getting emotional over how much thought and effort had gone into everything so far. Eventually, once Cleo had been turned out into a field with Monty for the evening, they all made their way back to the house, showered and changed ready for the BBQ they were hosting later, Bill and V taking up residence in the guest suite for the night. Frank was already in the kitchen, dressed in jeans and a blue and white checked button down, sleeves rolled up, when Fliss walked in wearing a pale blue sun dress which accentuated her waist and boobs, much to his delight, her Cowboy boots completing the look.
Their friends arrived and there were more gifts exchanged before drinks started to flow and they then made their way to the yard so Fliss could show their friends around. She laughed as she saw that Bill had jokingly put a ribbon over the gate for Fliss to cut, which she did to a few cheers and some sarcastic comments from her brother, one of which earned him a slap round the back of the head from Verity. Frank watched as she showed everyone around, Jake taking particular interest in the state of the art security system that was installed as he said it was similar to the one he was looking at for Lisa’s cake shop. The pride was simply flowing out of Fliss as she talked and explained everything, and Frank loved to see it. A few hours later, it was dark and their back yard was lit up by the various strings of lights and lamps dotted all around, which Frank fake-grumpily liked to point out made their garden look like a Fairy’s grotto. The air was full of chatter, light music and laughter as everyone milled around in the way they always do at parties. After more drinks and the food had been eaten, Fliss said she was going to head up to check on Cleo and Frank hastily offered to go with her, not least because he didn’t want her going alone, but because he wanted to snatch a moment alone for the pair of them. It was a beautiful, clear night. Peaceful and quiet bar the sounds of crickets. The horses, who were in the fields happily settled, all raised their heads as they passed, Cap trotting over to the fence line to greet them. Frank gave him a quick stroke on the nose before they moved down to the next paddock and Fliss ducked under the electric fencing and strode over to check Cleo. Satisfied that nothing was amiss she came back, a smile on her face and they set off back down the path, her hand linked in his. “Thank you.” She broke the comfortable silence a moment or so later.
“What for?” Frank glanced down at her and she let out a contented sigh.
“Everything today. And everything everyday.” She said, her voice laced with happiness. “All my gifts, it just shows how much you actually listen to me...”
“What you mean is I don’t ignore you deliberately as you accuse me of doing?” Frank shot back and Fliss snorted.
“If anything this proves it is deliberate when you do something I don’t like.” She looked at him and he chuckled before shook her head. “I still can’t believe you managed to get a horse here from England.”
“Yeah and basically empties half our savings.” He snorted and she shrugged.
“She’s worth it. I’m impressed, Francis.”
"Well like I said, I had a little help, it was a family affair.”
“I know and I love that Mum and Dad and Steve all chipped in but still, it was your idea.” She smiled. “It’s so thoughtful.”
“Well, you spend enough time thinking about everyone else, making sure we’re all happy,” Frank shrugged, the pleasure lancing through his system at her happiness made him in turn feel contend. “I thought it was time you got something back.”
“You make me happy every day.” Fliss shrugged. “And I’m not saying that just to be sentimental either. It’s a fact. And you know what else is a fact?”
“That you’ve now imported as many horses into this county as I have.”
“Guess that makes me the Cowboy to your Cowgirl.” He nodded seriously as they stopped at the end of the path by the large open fronted barn just off the main yard area.
“Yeah? Is there a snake in your boots?”
“There’s one in my pants.” Frank grinned, and she laughed. 
“Is it dangerous?”
“No, but it spits.”
“Frank!” She scoffed, elbowing him in the side as he laughed, looping his arm round her shoulder,  pressing a kiss to her head as he pulled her back into him, his chest flush to her back. “Wanna fuck in the haybarn?” His voice was deep and soft in her ear as his lips dropped to the side of her neck, large hands curling softly over the curve of her hip, the cotton of her dress bunched in his fingers. Her entire body erupted into goose bumps and her belly was in knots, but still it was there, that overwhelming sense of comfort and familiarity that enabled her to laugh softly as she tilted her head to the side to look at him. “Only taken you what? Like three years to suggest that?” "So I'm a little slow.” Frank chuckled as she turned to face him, her hands sliding up his chest. “Well,” she smirked up at him, eyes flashing in the moonlight, “better turn up the speed because they’ll be wondering where we are.” “Fuck ‘em.” Frank shrugged, but still he wasted no time as he hurriedly backed Fliss into the haybarn, the two falling into a pile of it with a giggle. His large hands hiked up the sides of her dress, exposing her panty covered mound as his lips latched to hers in a deep and tantalizing dance. Thick fingers, soft and rough in their own way, played at the hemline of her panties just at the apex of her thighs, a thumb pressing into her clit just over the fabric. As his mouth moved from hers to her jawline, the scruff of his beard giving her that delectable burn she loved so much, a needy rumble vibrated from her throat and chest, Fliss enjoying every bit of pressure Frank offered. Then, a cool breeze touched her wet opening as she realized Frank had moved her panties to the side, an elicit sound escaping her lips as he slipped two fingers inside her. "You know today, I remember thinking that your laugh was the prettiest sound in the world.” Frank’s breath was hot on her ear as his teeth nipped at her neck. “I was wrong, it's your moans." Fliss choked a little on another groan as his fingers curled against her spot, over and over, in a beckoning motion, as if he was motioning her towards him. The heel of his palm pressed up against her clit and she pushed her hips down, rotating them a little as she sought out the friction of his strong but gentle touch. “That what you want?” Frank’s voice was husky, his mouth hovering over hers as she gave a wanton mewl, his hand keeping the same steady pace, forcing her to up his. “You wanna cum on my fingers, huh?” “Yeah, God, Frank...” a hoarse murmur  slipped from her lips as her eyes flickered shut, head tipping back in pleasure. “Jesus, that feels good!” “I got something that’ll feel even better.” He quipped in a low, rough tone that was almost a growl and a grin spread across Fliss’ lips as he slanted his mouth over hers, swallowing the noise of protest she made as he removed fingers from inside her, kneeling up, both his hands flying to his belt buckle. Fliss sat up, wriggling her panties down her legs and over her boots. With a cheeky flick of her eyebrow she tossed them straight at him. Possessing reflexes Fred would be proud of, Frank caught them in his left hand and held them to his face, his eyes locked on hers as he pressed his nose into them, inhaling deeply. “You’re a dirty, little shit, Adler.” She let out a naughty sounding chuckle as Frank stuffed her panties into his back pocket. “Yeah, and you’re filthy, goddamned minx, Gallagher.”  He quipped back, and a matter of seconds later he had his jeans and boxers down over his slim hips. Falling back over her, his mouth pressed back to hers again and he gave a hiss through his teeth as she reached down and grabbed him in her hand. Her fingers curled around his shaft and she gave him a few, quick strokes, before she guided him to where she wanted him. Slowly he pushed into her, the pair of them letting out a shuddered breath before his hips began to move quickly back and forth with fast, shallow thrusts and Frank reached down, large fingers curling over her thigh, hooking her leg up round his waist. His hand moved upwards, bunching the hem of her dress up, stopping as he grabbed at her hip, his other palm flat on the rough, coarse hay bale that they were propped up against. His lips crashed to hers in a desperate, needy kiss. His tongue traced the inside of her mouth as her hands tangled in his hair and she let out a little whimper, tipping her hips up to meet his as his thrusts grew deeper, more powerful, his pace still equally as fast as he drove her nearer and nearer to her high, a broken groan rumbling from his chest as he felt her walls tightening down around him. Fliss’ chest hitched, and her eyes closed momentarily, her mouth falling open as she croaked his name repeatedly, almost in time with his thrusts, a mantra as he watched her face which was contorted in pleasure. “Feels so good, don’t stop.” She mumbled, her hands tangling in his hair as her eyes opened. His forehead pressed to hers, a sheen of sweat covering both their red faces as his hips snapped back and forth, simple, fast ruts. Fliss could feel him, deep inside her, and soon that familiar heat and tingling began to burn between her legs and in the bottom of her belly. Her breathing quickened and then the waves of pleasure washed over her, her back arching as she gave a loud cry her nails digging into his scalp. Frank continued thrusting through her orgasm, and it didn’t take him long to catch up with her. “Fuck, Lissy...” his words cut off and a broken whimper slipped from his mouth as he came with a final deep thrust, his fingers tightening around her waist before he collapsed forward, burying his head against her neck. Fliss could feel herself pulsing around him, the aftershocks of her orgasm still coursing through her body, her walls contracting every so often as they lay still, his dick still twitching inside of her. Leaving a soft kiss to the spot under her neck, Frank pushed himself up and brushed his nose against hers, giving her a soft kiss as she gave a hum of satisfaction, the fingers of one hand gently stroking the nape of his neck, the other brushing up and down his bicep. “We should get back.” She whispered. “We’ve been gone half an hour.” Frank gave a groan but nodded and moved gently away, pulling out of her. He stood up, held his hand out and helped her to her feet, tugging her into him, large hands cupping her face. He kissed her again, deeply and she smiled as he pressed his forehead to hers. “Love you.” His lips pecked hers again, and she chuckled, giving him another kiss. “Love you too.” She beamed, stepping back to sort her hair out. Frank pulled his boxers and jeans up, brushing the remnants of forage and dust off his thighs and shirt before Fliss turned round and he did the same to her, plucking away a few strands of straw and hay that had become tangled in her auburn locks. “Am I presentable?” She asked and Frank nodded. “The evidence of our crime is eradicated.” He nodded, giving her a little smirk before he jerked his head towards the outside. “Erm, you’re forgetting something.” Fliss stopped him. “What?” “My knickers.” She held her hand out, palm opened and Frank gave a teasing frown. “Oh, do I have those?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, his hand falling to her hip. “Yes, so gimme.” Her fingers curled into her palm and back out in a demanding gesture and Frank shrugged. “You threw 'em away, so I think I’ll keep 'em.” “Frank, I can’t go back with nothing on underneath this!” She gestured to the floaty skirt of her knee length sundress and Frank shook his head. “Just don’t bend over and we’re good.” He looked at her with that maddening, cheeky smile, holding out his hand. “Such an asshole.” She scoffed, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her out of the barn. 
 As they walked, she squirmed a little, feeling his release beginning to trickle down her leg and Frank looked at her, a knowing smug expression on his face and she glared at him. “I’m going straight upstairs to clean up.” She grumbled and he laughed, letting go of her hand so he could loop and arm round her shoulders. “That would be rude considering we have guests.” He teased, pulling her close he pressed a kiss to her head as her own arm slipped round his waist, a smile on her face, the sounds of laughter and chatter from their guests drifting to their ears as they neared the farm house. They walked into the back yard through the gates and Fliss smiled at Mary who came running over. “Was she okay?” “Yup, settled in the field with Monty and eating away. He’s a good babysitter.” “That’s so cool!” “Where’s Alex?” Frank asked and Mary looked at him. “Poppa Bill has him.” She said, and Frank glanced around to see the man in question did indeed have their son in his arms, the baby grabbing at his short, grey hair letting out squeals as Bill pretended to bite his little neck. “Hey Mom, are we still going in the pool? Joel and Charlie are exited for night swimming!” “Yeah, in fact I’ll go in and get changed right away.” Fliss smiled, shooting a smug glance at Frank as she has been unwittingly handed a perfect excuse to go and clean up. “Cool!” Mary shot off, passing Bill as he walked over towards them. “Hey Dad!” Fliss smiled, “I’ll be right back, the kids want to go swimming so...” “Yeah okay.” He smiled, handing Alex over to his dad who pressed a kiss to his chubby cheeks. “Oh, Titch?” “Hmm?” She spun round to face him and Bill looked at her then to Frank and back again, his eyebrow raised. “Might wanna pull that hay out of your hair too before you come back down.” Fliss felt her cheeks heat up and her hands hastily moved to the back of her head, pulling a few long strands from her ponytail. She threw an accusatory glance at Frank who simply shrugged. “Guess I missed a bit.” He replied innocently, although he was anything but. He knew full well they were there, but there was that naughty, smug little shit inside of him that had wanted everyone to know they’d just been for a roll in the hay, quite literally. It appealed to his macho, alpha-male masculinity. “Dick.” Fliss scoffed, and as she headed inside his laughter accompanied by her dad’s exasperated chuckle hit her ears. 
**** Chapter 26
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Alex ans his mamma
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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Ch 32: One Hell Of A Ride
Summary: Frank and Fliss take their second ‘honeymoon’, to a location Fliss knows very well. And then, as time seems to be flying by far too fast, one morning Frank reflects on his family life.
Warnings: Bad Language words, smut (nsfw, 18+) fluff and drunken shenanigans.
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. Any likeness to real life people/scenarios is purely coincidental. I do not own any characters in this fiction bad Fliss Gallagher and any other original characters. I do not consent to have my work copied/translated onto any other site. If you are reading this story anywhere bar Tumblr, it has been taken without my consent. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
W/C: 7k
A/N:  So here it is, the final chapter. I can’t believe their story has come to an end and I totally had tears in my eyes when I finished, and again as I lined this up to post. I started this story back in March 2020 just when the first lockdown hit the UK. It progressed and progressed and here we are, two series and fifty-seven chapters, plus a one shot later.
Behind Stark Spangled, this has been my longest series to write. I love Gifted, it’s my fave film that Evans has done outside the MCU and digging into Frank’s past, examining what I believe would make him tick, his mannerisms…it’s been fun. A hell of a lot of fun.
At the moment, I’ve no plans for an epilogue. I know I anticipated one, but I don’t think it needs it. The way it ends feels perfect for this little family, and I hope you all agree.  That said, never say never I guess. If the inspiration strikes me, be it from some random HC I get or an ask or message, I might churn out the odd one shot or a drabble. But, for the time being, Frank and Fliss’ happily ever after is just that. A happy ever after, and it’s left to your wonderful imaginations.
Thanks to Nixakimbo on Insta for her edit at the end…
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 31
Take my hand, take my whole life too, for I can’t help, falling in love with you.
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“You gonna tell me where we’re going yet?” Fliss asked as Frank pulled their suitcases out of Bill’s Range Rover.
“You know, I’m gonna find out when we get to the check in desk.”
Frank tossed the cases onto the luggage trolley that Bill had retrieved before he looked at her, his hands on his hips. “Maybe I’ll make you wait in the coffee shop.”
She groaned as Bill let out a roar of laughter. “Titch, you’ve had no idea for the last two months since you found out you were going away, another five minutes isn’t going to kill you.” Fliss pouted and Bill shook his head. “Pack it in, you look just like your mum.”
“Okay, okay!” she held her hands up, “fine. No more questions.”
Frank and Bill exchanged a look and Bill snorted, “hey, I told you when you put that ring on her finger, she’s your problem now.”
“Rude.” Fliss sniffed as Frank chuckled, shaking his father-in-law’s hand.
“Have a good time,” Bill smiled, before he pulled Fliss in for a hug. “And don’t worry about the kids, they’ll be fine.”
“We’ll call you when we land.” Fliss stated as Bill nodded, stepping back.
“See you in a week.” Frank smiled, his hand wrapping around the handle of the trolley. “Ready, Cowgirl?”
She nodded and with a final, quick hug for her Dad, she followed Frank across and into the departure lounge. Frank’s eyes scanned the information screen, selecting the one he wanted before he gestured with his head. “This way, honey.”
Fliss followed him, frowning as she tried to piece together where they were going. All she knew was she’d been told to pack warm clothes. Initially, she’d suspected they were going back to Vermont, to enjoy some snow in the run up to Christmas, but she knew they were in the international part of the terminal, so she wasn’t merely going to another state. She walked behind him, momentarily distracted by his ass as it moved in the dark jeans he was wearing, the light blue jacket he had on framing his upper body perfectly. Then her attention flicked to the various palm trees decked out with baubles and lights, and the other festive decorations, which were dotted about the terminal. It always amused Fliss, how odd it had first seemed when she had celebrated her first Christmas in a tropical climate. No snow, how you could eat your Christmas Dinner outside in the sun if you wanted to. Now, well, it just felt normal.
Eventually, Frank stopped, and Fliss jerked herself back to reality and came to a halt behind him.
Frank watched her face as they joined the end of the line, her eyes flicking up to the screens announcing the destination and her mouth dropped open.
“Heathrow…we’re…we’re going to London?”
“Three days in London, four in Liverpool.”
“Oh…I…” she blinked up at him, her eyes filling with tears before her mouth curved into a huge grin and she threw herself at him. “Frankie!”
“I told you we’d do it one day.” He smiled, kissing her softly. “Merry Christmas, slash, belated honeymoon for just the two of us, baby.”
Fliss could hardly contain her excitement at the knowledge they were heading back to her home country, and more so, her home City. She kept hold of Frank’s hand, squeezing his arm every so often and Frank simply laughed at her. Eventually, they reached the front of the line and Frank handed over their passports.
“Ahh, I see this is your honeymoon?” The man behind the desk smiled, “Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Adler.”
“Thanks.” Frank smiled.
The man tapped at the computer, asking them the usual questions before he glanced around, and leaned forward. “You’re in luck, we have a few upgrades available so I’ve bagged you two seats in Club Class.”
Frank blinked and Fliss gave a little squeal as he slid their passports and boarding passes over to them. “If you go down the Priority Lane for Security, once through you can head to the executive lounge. You’ll also get priority boarding and bag collection one at Heathrow.”
“Thanks, man!” Frank grinned, nodding to him.
“No problem, have a wonderful trip, say hi to the Queen for me.”
Fliss laughed and then Frank took her hand. They cleared security in record time and then followed the signs to the lounge, where their passes were checked again and they were admitted. Frank gave a low whistle as he looked around at the selection of free food and drink.
“How much beer do you think we can consume in…” He checked his watch, “two hours and twenty minutes?”
Fliss laughed, already on her way towards the drink. “Fuck the beer, Sailor. I’m going straight for the fizz.” She pulled out a bottle of Moet from a huge ice container, which was perched on top of the counter.
Frank chuckled and followed her over, selecting a bottle of Peroni. Drinks in hand, they made their way to a free table and sank down into the comfy chairs.
“Cheers, Cowgirl.” Frank held his bottle up and Fliss clinked her glass delicately against it.
“Cheers, Sailor.”
***** Turns out, when it’s free, you can drink quite a considerable amount in the space of two hours. At just after four pm, their flight was called, announcing that priority boarding would commence shortly. Giggling, they grabbed their carry-ons and headed down to the relevant gate. Once their tickets and passports and been checked they headed through the tunnel where the Steward and Stewardesses greeted them, and directed them left into the club class section of the plane.
“Jesus…” Frank mumbled as he looked at their seats. They had a pod of two, lying next to each other so that they were facing one another, a small screen in between them, their own TVs embedded at the foot end of the pod.
Fliss grinned and selected her seat, stowing her bag before she watched Frank as he settled in the one facing her. With a smirk, she hit the button to raise the screen, blocking him from view, raising her middle finger as she did so. Frank laughed, before he pressed the button to lower the screen again, arching his brow as Fliss snorted.
A stewardess came round, handing out glasses of champagne and a little while later, the doors were closed and the Captain introduced himself. He informed them their flight time was approximately ten hours and they expected to touch down at six-fifteen AM local time the next morning.
Soon after, they were on their way.
Their flight was smooth. They spent their time watching films, chatting, drinking and managed a few hours sleep. When they touched down, thanks for their upgrade, they had priority baggage reclaim and less than forty minutes from wheels down they were climbing into one of London’s famous black hackney cabs.
Their hotel was nestled near Tower Bridge, aptly named The Tower Hotel. It was a luxurious four star and their room was nothing short of fantastic. After a quick freshen up they changed and headed out to explore before grabbing some sushi and a bottle of wine to take back to the hotel. After eating and drinking, they crashed out and woke the next morning refreshed.
Their few days in London were spent doing all the cliché tourist things. The London Eye, the tower, Regents Park, The Dungeons and then a trip to Buckingham Palace to watch the changing of the guard. Fliss squealed when they launched into a rendition of “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day” by Wizard, Frank chuckling as she began to dance. She wasn’t the only one, the assembled crowd on Pall Mall all in the festive spirit. They visited the Christmas markets at Covent Garden, took a trip to So Ho, had a drink in the cocktail bar at the top of the Shard, and by their last night they were utterly walked out and beyond happy.
“You enjoyed it?” Frank asked as he slipped into the luxurious bed, laying on his side as Fliss beamed at him.
“The best,” she nodded, “but… well, I’m so excited to go home tomorrow. I can’t wait to show you round Liverpool.”
“Well, bar a meal on our last night there’s nothing booked or planned,” he reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear, “I figured you’d have your own ideas so…”
“Oooh, where we going to eat?”
“Not telling.”
Fliss pouted and Frank chuckled, “stahp being a brat.”
At that she smirked, “I thought you liked my brat side.”
Frank snorted as he leaned over to give her a sultry kiss. “Sometimes she can amuse me a little.”
Fliss pulled back and bit her lip, before she kissed him again, her hand tangling in the back of his hair. Frank rolled her onto her back, his hands feeling her curves as his lips traced a path across her jaw to her neck.
Before long, she was begging for more and he happily obliged. The soft sheets of the bed rustled around them with every thrust Frank made, soft pants and whispered words flowed between the two of them as he loved on his wife. Eventually, Fliss head tipped back, her mouth slack as she groaned, her body shaking hard as she came beneath him. A few minutes later, Frank was there himself, his hips slowing before he stopped complete with a groan.
With a gentle kiss to her lips, he pulled out and rolled to his back, Fliss sliding over to him, her head resting on his chest.
“Love you,” Frank pressed a kiss to her hair and she gave a soft hum of satisfaction.
“Love you too.”
The next morning, they were up, breakfasted and checked out by nine am, ready for the 10:14 train to Birmingham New Street, where they’d then change for a transfer to Merseyside.
Overall, it took just under four hours, and they were walking out of Liverpool Lime Street at round about half past 2 in the afternoon. Fliss gave a happy sigh as immediately their ears caught the sound of a nearby band playing festive favourites.
“So, where are we staying?”
Frank looked at her, “The Hard Nights Hotel.”
Fliss blinked, “you managed to get in there?”
“Oh my God, I love you.” She groaned.
Frank chuckled as he looked around, “Right, I know it’s in the Cavern Quarter,” Frank looked at her, “so…”
“Ten-minute walk.” Fliss shrugged, “the case has wheels. Or we can hail a cab but…”
“Walk it is, lead the way, Cowgirl.”
As they went, Fliss pointed out a few places of interest, recalling anecdotes about her childhood or early adult days. She then took a right down what Frank thought was some kind of back alley, but to his surprise merged into a narrow, pave stones street lined bars and boutique shops.
“Welcome to Matthew Street,” Fliss beamed at him, “Home of the Cavern Club, birthplace of the Fab Four. Well, somewhere they played like three hundred times anyway.”
Frank looked around, the place was already heaving, music could be heard from the many bars and pubs as they walked up to the top of the street where their hotel was. After checking in, they didn’t bother getting changed, Fliss assuring him that for an afternoon where they were, casual was totally the way to go.
“So, I wanna show you something.” Fliss smiled as she slipped her hand into his. She led him back down the street to the sports bar on the corner and smiled at the doorman who let them in. They walked over to the bar and Fliss stopped and nodded to the wall behind Frank. He turned and then blinked, his brows raising a little.
There, right in front of him, was a framed collage of four photos of his wife at the Olympics. They were sequential, the first three showing her clearing a huge purple and green over fence, the footage of which Frank had seen a few times, and then the last photo showed her punching the air and screaming as she realised, she had just won Olympic gold. On the frame was an engraved plaque containing her name and the date of the win, and it was signed by her in the bottom right-hand corner.
“Wow.” Was all he could say and Fliss grinned.
“Fred got ya tongue, Sailor?”
Frank turned and shot her a look, “sorry, I keep forgetting I’m married to a celebrity.”
At that she snorted, “hardly. Equestrians are only really recognised by fellow equestrians. That’s there because I’m from round here, same as everyone else on the walls.”
“I dare you to demand a free drink.” Frank smirked.
“Fuck off.”
“Don’t be a chicken.” He teased. “Go on, do the whole ‘don’t you know who I am?’ line.”
Fliss blinked before she shrugged, “fine. Go grab that table over there.”
Frank popped a shoulder and did as he was told, sitting down at the high table by the large window. He turned, watching Fliss at the bar as she spoke to the bartender. There was as brief exchange and Fliss removed her woollen hat and pointed to the photos of herself on the wall. At that point, Frank snorted and then watched as the man grinned, shook Fliss hand and nodded. Fliss turned and shot Frank a shit eating grin.
A minute or so later she walked over, two beers in her hand and placed one down in front of Frank.
“You’re something else, you know that?” He chuckled, shaking his head. Fliss arched her brow on response and picked up her glass.
As with London, the next few days were spent exploring, drinking, eating and, well, fucking. The difference being, Fliss was on her ‘home turf’ so to speak, and knew the city like the back of her hand. She took Frank up to the Baltic Triangle, which was Frank’s favourite place in their whole visit. Once an industrial area of warehouses, it was now crammed full of independent bars, vintage markets, coffee shops, arcades, skate parks, pop up stalls and gin gardens. They spent a full day there, drinking and eating, watching the entertainment and perusing the Christmas Stalls before heading back. That was the night Fliss took Frank to the Cavern Club, another place he had been desperate to visit. As they descended the steps, Frank couldn’t help but look at all the photos of the singers and bands that had played at the venue. The actual bar itself was just as described, basically a cavern (or cellar, he suspected) with huge archways and curved roof. It was dark, but full of atmosphere as people were crammed together, waiting for the live music to start. They spent most of their night in there, Fliss chatting away to people she didn’t actually know, something Frank had noticed she was doing a lot of during their time in the city. He also noticed, with some amusement, that her Liverpudlian accent was growing a lot stronger and broader the more time they spent there.
She took him to see Anfield, the home of Liverpool Football Club, wrinkling her nose a little. She was much happier when they headed over to Everton’s stadium, Goodison Park, Frank knowing that her family were ‘Blues, not Reds.’ Fliss then headed into the club shop and purchased each of the kids a football shirt with their names on the back. It cost an absolute fortune, but as Frank handed over his credit card, he simply rolled his eyes.
He’d worry about paying that off in January.
On their last day, they headed down through the Liverpool One shopping area to the Quays. Fliss then took Frank on a walk and showed him where she’d seen them filming for some Marvel film. Frank pretended he cared when in truth the only thing he was interested in was the huge smile on his girl’s face, which simply hadn’t faded since they’d landed in Heathrow.
All too soon, they found themselves on their last night. Frank, following the directions he’d been given at the hotel reception, led Fliss round to Mowgli, an independent chain of Indian Street Food restaurants that were owned by a reasonably local chef. Steve had tipped him off about them, as both Fliss and Frank enjoyed Indian food but didn’t get the chance to eat much of it seeing as there weren’t a lot of places that offered it in South Pass. The food was absolutely stunning, the drinks were flowing and a few hours later they left with extremely full bellies.
And that was when Fliss gave Frank a surprise of her own.
“So, I booked us somewhere…for cocktails.”
“Yeah, it’s called Ex Directory, and it’s amazing, but we need to find it first.”
“Find it, what do you mean?”
“I’ve only been once, and I was kinda drunk. But it’s like this secret bar and it’s hidden…”
Frank looked at her, before he shrugged, his hand slipping into hers once she finished wrapping her scarf around her neck, “lead the way.”
Lead the way she did, down what felt like a hundred dark and dingy back streets and alleys near the waterfront area. Frank was starting to wonder if she was playing him, on a wind up, but then he saw her stop and look around, a frown on her face.
“I’m sure it’s round here somewhere…”
They carried on, and as they turned the corner at the end, Fliss gave a squeal and grabbed his arm.
“This is it!” She exclaimed as she stopped at a traditional red telephone box.
“Trust me!” She grinned, yanking open the door.
Frank watched, and then shrugged to himself as he followed her in. She picked up the black phone, and Frank looked around as she spoke.
“Hi, the number I’m trying to reach is Ex Directory.” There was a pause. “Yeah, the name is Adler.”
Then, Frank jumped as a buzzing was heard and Fliss put the phone down and looked at him with a grin. She then pushed on the back wall of the booth, which swung open to reveal a lot set of steps, which descended underground, the sounds of music and chattering hitting his ears.
“Okay, what the hell?”
“I told you!” She laughed, “come on!”
With a snort of laughter, Frank followed her down the steps and they emerged into the underground bar which was heaving. It was lined with large red sofas, tables, the glossy and busy bar to the left. A band was playing on a stage to the right and the whole place was dimly lot with atmospheric lights.
“Fahk me!” Frank shook his head as Fliss grinned.
“Cool, huh?”
A man dressed as an old-fashioned movie detective, in a pair of chord trousers, shirt and suspenders headed over and smiled as he led them to a booth at the back.
Frank picked up a menu, as did Fliss who slapped it down almost immediately. “I know what I want, I’m going for the Merseyside Mash. Liverpool gin, raspberry vodka, cranberry juice and fresh lime.”
“Fuck it, make it two. When in Rome… or Liverpool.” Frank grinned and Fliss laughed, attracting the attention of their server.
Their two-hour slot passed in a heap of ridiculously overpriced cocktails, the two having one way or another made their way through roughly half the menu. They were definitely a little wobbly on their feet as they were led to the exit, which was slightly less spectacular than the entrance. It was simply a flight of stairs which emerged out of what looked like two ancient fire doors onto a busy street which ran parallel to the alley. Fliss blinked as the doors shut, and they both stared hard at the now seemingly completely normal brick wall behind them.
“Okay, I’m officially done.” Frank shook his head as Fliss laughed, hiccupping a little. “Wanna go somewhere else or…”
“Nope, if I drink anymore, I’m gonna spew.”
“Nice.” Frank snorted as Fliss hiccuped again.
They made their way back to the hotel, it taking a little longer than it should in account of the fact they were both giggling and having to stop every so often for air. Plus, the fact Frank was taking every opportunity he could to kiss the life out of his wife didn’t help.
Fliss stumbled at the entrance and the doorman chuckled a little as he held the door open. Frank saluted him and Fliss slapped his arm as they walked, a little unsteadily, across the lobby to the elevator.
They waited for the lift like children, Fliss tapping her foot and Frank bouncing in his. Both teetering back and forth at one point as if they were about to fall over.
The chime of the lift sounded and in the stumbled, the space to themselves. Frank hit the call button for their floor and up they rose, but not before Fliss leaned in and gave Frank a tantalizing kiss and broad swipe of her palm over his clothed crotch.
He grunted a little against her mouth and snorted as she pulled away, her brow flicking up at him.
“Maybe Christmas has come early, Sailor, if the size of that package is anything to go by.”
At that Frank let out a huge bellow of laughter and looked down at Fliss. “Your jokes are absolutely, fahkin awful.”
All she could do was pop her shoulder and grin. She couldn't care less. She was happy, more than so. Fliss Adler had the life she deserved and the husband that she should have had in the beginning. And now they were childless and on a delayed honeymoon, in her old stomping grounds and she was going to dam well make the best of it.
The lift stopped on their floor and out they went, Fliss pulling her Sailor along by his hand as they stumbled down the hall, loudly giggling and causing a ruckus.
“You’re gonna get us thrown out,” Frank whispered loudly as he followed behind her, “or arrested. And I don’t fancy spending a night in a cell. Did it once, it’s not great.”
"No one's gonna do shit," she giggled attempting their door with her key. She failed three times before Frank took over and nailed the first try.
"Smart ass," she giggled.
“Well, I do have a masters in Philosophy.”
Fliss turned on her feet and plowed her lips right into Frank's as the door to their room shut, his back falling into it. The air blew from his lungs in a huff, his hands falling to Fliss’ hips, fingers clutching at the woollen fabric of her yellow pea coat
He backed her into the room, taking charge of the kiss and the space, her own back hitting the wall near the bed as they came in. Rather clumsily and ungracefully, Fliss kicked her boots off as Frank's hands slid up that coat in haste and peeled it from her body. It fell with a thud to the floor, joined by his own as he shrugged it down and off his arms, his hands now moving to the bottom of Fliss’ sweater dress.
Her chilled fingers found his shirt collar and started down the buttons, flicking one by one through its slit and opening the material to reveal his white undershirt. Then she gripped at the belt of his jeans. His lips smashed back to hers as he pressed her further into the wall, yanking the dress over her head as she made quick work of his belt buckle.
That tell-tale clink sounded beyond their breathy kiss and fight for dominance before Frank had decided that was enough and twirled Fliss to the bed, the two of them falling flat, Fliss led over Frank.
“You do know I’m about to fuck you into next week?” Frank reached up and brushed her long hair back off her face.
"Yep." Fliss popped her 'p'.
“Good, just wanted to be clear on the situation.”
"Very clear." Fliss leaned back and sat on her heels as she straddled Frank's hips, her breasts spilling out of her bra, her panties hugging her curvy hips, those lacy boot socks making Frank swallow.
“Fahk, you’re beautiful.” He looked up at her, his hands curling round those hips he loved so much, giving a slight squeeze as he tilted his hips up.
Fliss blushed and bent forward, kissing him deeply. Her tongue dipped inside his mouth, lolling over his tongue before beginning a trail over his beard and along the hard line of his jaw to where the joint fit. She nipped at his neck and carried on kissing down his clothed chest, staining his white shirt with her lipstick before sitting up and tugging at the white tee.
"Off." She grunted, swivelling her hips over his hard cock, confined by his denims.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Frank sat bolt upright, his arms above his head allowing Fliss to tank the tee off.
"Much better," she smirked with a playful giggle. She shoved him back down and carried on kissing over his chest, sometimes trading off with a hot tongue over his skin and nipping at the edge of his belly button.
“His left hand clutched at the bed spread, right tangling gently in her hair as she continued her path, mouth following that strip of hair that ran from his naval right into his boxers.
Her brown eyes looked up at him as she kept kissing his lower belly, her delicate and gently calloused hands gripping at the sides of his jeans and boxers, giving them a tug. Frank tilted his hips to assist as she pulled the material down to his mid-thigh, his cock springing free.
Without a word, she gripped her hair in her left hand, pulling it round and over her shoulder before she wrapped her right around the base of his shaft. Her plump lips closed around the head and Frank hissed. Her brown eyes flicked up and stayed on his blues as she sunk her mouth all the way down as far as she could go.
“Jesus,” his hand gripped the back of her head tighter as his hips tipped softly upwards, his gaze still locked on hers.
Fliss moved with the thrust of his hips, covering his cock with her spit and pressing her thick tongue against that vein on the underside of him. Each bob of her head, each lash of her tongue, Frank could feel everything. She always gave good head, he had absolutely no complaints there at all, but somehow, tonight, it felt better than ever. In a ridiculously short time, Frank was fighting the urge to spill himself down her throat.
"Fahk, Cowgirl," he moaned, his balls tightening as she went. "I gotta... I aint.... Fahk..."
She didn’t stop. Instead, her eyes flashed mischievously and she doubled down on her efforts. Her head moved faster; tongue lashed harder as she hollowed her cheeks.
With a harshness, Frank grabbed both sides of her head, his body curling upward, his hips stuttered as he blew hard right down her throat, that salty, sticky cum coating her tongue and Fliss swallowed it all down.
With a loud groan, he sagged back, Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped in huge breaths of air, his eyes blinking as he glanced down.
Fliss was starting to lean up, licking at her lips, a painted nail wiping at the side of her mouth before she feverishly smirked at her husband.
“Oh, Cowgirl…” Frank shook his head as he sat up, and in a flash had her on her back, caged between his arms and legs.
"Sailor...." She practically purred.
“I believe I owe you something.”
"I'm waiting," she smirked.
Frank cocked a brow before he kissed her, his lips hard on hers but not for long. Just as she had with him, he kissed his way across her jaw to that spot behind her ear. She gave a whimper as his long finger slid underneath her bra strap and he whispered, “off.”
She obliged, unhooking the front clasp and freeing her fleshy mounds from their confines.
Frank’s hands smoothed up the side of her body, tracing her rib cage with skilled fingers. Calloused palms cupped her breasts, the pads of this thumbs brushing over her pebbled nipples.
Fliss' breathy gasp made Frank smirk. "Sensitive?"
She swatted softly at his head and he chuckled, his mouth now trailing down her sternum. Hot open-mouthed kisses moved along, circling the swell of her breast before he gave a soft nip to the underneath.
She bit her lip as he continued down, kissing and scratching at her belly with his beard, nipping at the end of her ribs. His hands tugged at the edge of her panties and she lifted her ass off the bed, allowing him to slide them down over her legs, taking her socks with them.
"Fahking beautiful, honey," Frank husked as he started kissing at the inside of her thigh, heading towards her glistening center.
“You have to… say that, fuck!” She swallowed as he nipped at her skin, “you’re married to me.”
"Nope. I.. Say... It... Because... I... Mean it." He kissed until his lips sat off to the side of her folds. His nose bumped at her sensitive skin, "I can fucking smell you, fahk, you smell so fucking good."
His dirty words made Fliss groan, but she positively cried out as soon as his mouth set to her. She was the ice cream he loved, the licks across her wetness, delving into her hole, nipping at her clit.
Fliss' hand curled into his soft hair and gave a tug as she mewed and moaned. At a certain long swipe of his tongue followed by a flick of it to her sensitive bud, Fliss shivered and shook in delight. Frank shook his head, causing his mouth and beard to scratch and brush across her clit even more. With a loud curse, her back arched off the bed, toes curling into the duvet where her feet rested either side of his shoulders.
His brows flicked upward at her reaction and a heavy arm slid up the middle of her tummy, his large hand grasping a breast, weighing her down. He wasn't finished with her and when he was, he was gonna truly fuck her stupid into next week.
A pinch to her nipple had her cursing, a string of expletives tumbling from her pretty mouth and Frank chuckled. The vibrations against her clit sent her into overdrive and she yanked on his hair, causing him to growl.
Fliss came with a force that made her skin tingle and her body quiver, a sobering effect that lust poured over her body. He carried on, his mouth fucking her and she pushed on his forehead, having become too sensitive, needing a moment. With a shit-eating smirk, Frank sat back on his heels as her legs fell flat against the bed.
“You okay?” He asked, his hands smoothing up the outside of her legs.
Chest heaving, Fliss could only nod. He was sporting a hard wood, solid dick again and he gently moved his fingers over her to wet his tips before fisting his cock.
"Good, cause I ain't done with you yet, Cowgirl."
She didn’t reply, merely gave a little whimper as he leaned over her, his lips brushing hers.
"I promised you into next week, sweetheart, and I'm gonna do it."
Frank lined himself up and slid right on in, whilst his lips crashed against her, swallowing her gasp at finally being stretched by her husband, a feeling she loved and craved.
Their mouths remained locked together with each thrust Frank made, his arms wrapping round Fliss sliding between her back and the bed, holding her close. Her legs curled around his hips, opening up more for him, sending him deeper. Her fingers trailed along those freckled speckled shoulders and down his back until Frank balanced himself in his elbows, reaching for her hands.
Entwining her fingers with his, Frank held Fliss' hands at each side of her head, rolling his hips into her. "I'm gonna fuck you good, baby, slow first then Imma make you scream."
“Fuck, yeah…” Fliss panted, her head falling back further into the pillow, “please, Frank…god, I love you,”
"I love you, baby, so fucking much." His hips kept rolling. Fliss was sensitive and she was close, her second orgasm no doubt on the cusp of emerging. And Frank could tell. From the tiny flutters around him to the way her mouth was open, eyelids flickering, nose scrunching, he knew it all.
"Let go, Lissy."
“I… fuck, Frank, I’m…” her voice cut off as she gave a loud moan, her body shaking as her second orgasm carried her away.
He thrusted her through it, rolling into her and giving a little swirl with each bottom out. And then, as she loudly came down from her crash, Frank slipped away, flipping her to her belly. "Hips up, sweetheart."
“What?” She mumbled, turning her head so her cheek was pressed to the pillow. She blinked and took a deep breath, “I can’t…”
"You can, baby, I know you can, just gimme one more."
With a soft whimper, Fliss raised her hips. The angle at which Frank slid inside her had her moaning as she was swollen from arousal and soaked from orgasm. Frank, too, groaned at the change in feel.
Fliss mumbled something completely and utterly incoherent in response and Frank chuckled a little. One hand curled round her hip, the other gripped at the back of her neck, keeping her face pressed to the pillow,
"Can I go harder, Fliss, please baby," Frank begged.
She nodded, “yeah,” her voice stuttered out and Frank gave a groan of delight.
"Oh, fahk, fucking love you, honey."
She didn’t reply, she couldn’t. No noises at all seemed to be finding their way out of her mouth. Her jaw was slack as her body jolted with each fast and hard rut Frank made into her.
He railed at her, sweat covering their bodies as she took it in blissful, over stimulated stride. His balls were tight and he could feel her walls pulsing around him.
"One more, Flissy, I promise, I'm ganna.... You gotta...."
“Oh…oh God…” Fliss hand reached up, slapping against the headboard of the bed, nails scratching at the velvet material, “Frank, I’m…. Oh fu-uuuck…”
This time, her scream was loud as her face contorted into a heady mix of ecstatic agony and with a tremble her body fell flat against the bed, hips held up by Frank who was now pounding into her with an avaricious pace, chasing his own end which wasn’t far behind.
"Jesus, FUCK," Frank roared like a feral animal at the end of long hunt. He came, with a force he wasn’t sure he’d felt before, his hips giving a final deep thrust before he stopped, buried balls deep in his wife.
He collapsed over her, chest pressed to her back, both over stimulated and breathless, drunkenly fucked out and exhausted. Frank stayed still as did Fliss until his body could function. He then began to slowly, ever so tenderly ply his lips over her bare back. Gingerly kissing each freckle or mole he could. His lips reached the crock of her shoulder, their caress gentle as he softly loved on her.
"That was..." He panted, "amazing."
“As good…” Fliss took a deep breath, her voice muffled slightly by the pillow, “as Vermont?”
"Honey, Vermont is a whole different level," he chuckled into her back.
Fliss lay still, allowing her body to even out as Frank persisted to map his lips over the canvas of her skin.
"I love you, baby."
At that she moved a little and Frank propped himself up, slowly pulling his hips back and sliding out of her. With a sigh, she shuffled round onto her back and looked up at him, those brown eyes shining with their usual warmth and her hand cupped his cheek.
“I love you, too.”
Christmas passed in the usual whirlwind of food, alcohol, family and friends and, in what felt like the blink of an eye, Frank found himself at the end of January, pondering where the absolute living fuck the last month or so had gone.
Time seemed to be speeding up, the more he thought about it recently, and he’d suddenly realised on New Years’ eve that in just over six weeks or so he would be forty
Fucking forty.
Fliss had grinned when he’d made the mistake of voicing that to her, pointing out that it was Steve’s fortieth a few weeks after and then suggested they had a joint party, something that she and Sian were extremely in favour of. He and Steve, possibly less so. But, as Steve had pointed out, it would happen anyway so they might as well just get on board.
Right now, though, the only thing Frank was trying to get on board with was wrestling with an over opinionated eighteen-month-old who was refusing to get dressed.
“No!” Alex shook his head as he sat on his little bed, Frank holding out a blue t-shirt.
“Fine, what about this one?” He held up a yellow one.
He tried again with a purple one.
“Okay, we’re running out of options here Bean, gimme something to work with, huh?” Frank rolled his eyes and watched as Alex climbed down and toddled over to his wardrobe. His little hand then pointed to a little button-down plaid shirt, not unlike the one Frank himself had on.
“You want that one?”
Alex nodded and pointed to Frank, his little face smiling. “Dadda!”
At that Frank grinned, “You wanna be like daddy? That it, pal?”
Alex blinked before he turned back to the shirt in his wardrobe, a coo of satisfaction escaping him as he reached for it. “Mine. Wear.”
“You got it, buddy.”
Ten minutes later, Frank carried a now fully dressed Alex downstairs where the fight then started over his footwear. It had rained overnight, but Alex was refusing to wear his Wellington boots, instead wanting his Converse.
“They’ll get trashed, no. Absolutely not.” Frank shook his head, and rolled his eyes as Alex flopped to the floor, sitting on his butt, arms folded.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Frank shook his head, as Alex pouted up at him, his eyes narrowed “you remind me of your sister.”
“Listen. I’m the adult,” Frank arched his brow, “this ain’t a negotiation.”
But, despite his protests, it totally was and eventually, Alex agreed to wear his little brown cowboy boots. Together they slowly walked to the yard, Alex’s hand held in his dad’s as they crossed the lawn. Frank opened the gate, reaching out to scratch Fred behind the ear as he was perched on the fence, his tail swishing a little.
“Hi, Mama!” Alex beamed and Frank let go of him, allowing him to run towards Fliss, who smiled at him.
“Hi baby!” She swept him up, placing a kiss to his cheek and Frank smiled as he watched her for a moment before she set Alex down on the floor, her hands finding her hips as he toddled over to Mary. Thor looked up from the spot he was lazing in, before he lay his head back down, eyes closing.
“Hi!” Mary grinned at Alex as he held his hand out to her. “You wanna come see Monty?”
“Yip! See Mon-tee!” The toddler nodded, and Frank rolled his eyes. Mary was still the only one that Alex seemed to be completely and utterly happy to acquiesce to. His word of choice ‘yes’ for his sister, as opposed to the standard ‘no’ he gave everyone else.
“I saw that!” Mary shot and Frank scoffed.
“Want me to give you a quarter so you can call someone who cares?”
“What… I don’t know what that means.” Mary looked at him and Fliss laughed.
“He’s showing his age, sweetie.”
Mary merely shrugged as Frank turned to his wife, his brow arched as she grinned back cheekily.
His smart-ass quip back melted away and Frank found himself simply stood, admiring Fliss. Her long sleeved black and white plaid was open over a plain white tee, which was tucked into her light grey jeans, her own cowboy boots on her feet. Her long auburn hair was poking out from underneath her cowboy hat, illuminated by the early Saturday morning sun. He realised then, she was stood in the exact spot he had first seen her some four years ago, back when his life had been a mess, a mess that rapidly slipped into a cluster fuck. One that she pulled him through.
Both of them had been lost, burdened by the pain of their past and in one another they had both found everything they didn’t know they needed, and more.
It wasn’t without flaws, because they themselves weren’t without flaws, nobody was, no matter how much they tried to be. But it was perfect for them. Beautifully flawed, full of ups and downs, bumps in the road offset with the periods of smooth sailing.
Love, frustration, fun, seriousness, happy times, sadder times, it was exhilarating, passionate, full of excitement.  It was one hell of a ride, and Frank was firmly in the saddle, grasping the reins with both hands.
Because he wanted it all.
With large, purposeful strides, he walked over to his wife. Without a word, his arms wrapped around her waist and she chuckled when he kissed her. As his lips pressed to hers, he dipped her slightly causing her to squeak in her throat, her hand flying to her head to catch her hat as it started to slip off backwards.
“Hey, Sailor.” She grinned against his mouth and Frank pulled her back upright, his hands settling at her waist. Her own arms slid up round his neck as Frank smiled at her.
“Hey, Cowgirl.”
He dropped his face to hers, fully intending to take another kiss…
And then a loud yell rang out across the little courtyard.
“No, Frank!!”
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To all of you who’ve been on this wild ride, to everyone who’s liked, commented, messaged and re-blogged along the way over the last twenty months, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This last chapter is dedicated to my Evangers. Your banter, messages, creativity and virtual movie days/nights have seen me through the last 20 months. And whilst oceans may separate us, I love you all.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH31- Keep On Truckin’
Summary: After visiting Steve and Sian in the hospital to meet the newest addition to the family, Frank and Fliss take a detour home and find themselves on the wrong side of the law…
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 3.3k
A/N: I can’t believe this is the penultimate chapter! (or penultimate penultimate if you count the epilogue). We’re so close to the end…*sobs*
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 30
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 Upon return from their honeymoon, the vacation blues well and truly settled as Frank was forced to face the decision he had been putting off for so long; what to do about his job. He and Fliss spent hours pouring over facts and figures, lists of pros and cons which related to all three of his options; stay as was, ask to return to his previous role as the Repairs Manager or leave and start up on his own. Whilst the latter was appealing as hell, after looking at the list of cons he decided to discount it completely. Even though Bill’s offer to help him start-up was tempting, he had too much at stake now. He’d learnt from his mistakes with Mary, flying by the seat of his pants was no longer an option. And despite Fliss’ assurances and the knowledge that her business takings would be more than enough to tide them over if he had a quiet month every so often, he didn’t want that. That little spark of male pride wanted to provide for his family.
After an agonising week or so of then weighing up the final two options, he discounted the status-quo. It was too much, dragging him away from his family more and more as the business expanded. He worked long hours each day, took business trips out of states almost every month. And whilst he wasn’t opposed to being away a couple of nights, a week at a time was too much. He missed Fliss, he missed his kids. Hell, he even missed the one eyed, orange bastard that tried to trip him up on the stairs and the huge, clumsy mutt that occupied half the couch most of the time.
It boiled down to a quality of life versus a standard of living. And given the choice, he’d pick quality of life any day of the week. And like Fliss reminded him, they were a partnership. This way he would win at both aspects; contributing enough to mean security for his family but also be there to enjoy it.
So for that reason, he approached James the first morning back and asked him if he could spare him an hour or so. James gestured for him to take a seat and once the pleasantries had concluded, and Frank had told him a little about their trip, he took a deep breath and explained his thinking.
“I just, I wanna do what I’m good at.” Frank concluded, a little lamely. “I love the repairs, this office job…whilst I’ll be forever grateful, it just isn’t me, bud.”
James took a deep breath. “Well, that does leave me with a bit of a pickle.”
“I know.” Frank nodded. “I realise you got someone else in to oversee the repairs and-“
“Oh fuck him.” James shook his head. “Guy is a waste of time as you well know. I’m aware fully it’s been you that’s been booking out the jobs because he can’t. He’s on his final warning anyway for being useless. I can easy let him go, don’t worry about that.”
“Oh, okay, erm…”
“No my problem is who I’m gonna get in to replace you. You’ve been a phenomenal right hand man, Frank.” James chewed his cheek. “Would you consider splitting your role?”
“Three days in the repair shop, Mondays and Fridays in the office. That way you can help me with the schedules and preparation for the week, and also cleaning up whatever mess I’ve made at the end of it. And if you agree to that, then we’ll keep your salary and benefits as they currently are.”
“Erm, I…wow.” Frank smiled, “that’s…that’s great. Yeah.”
“Great.” James nodded. “I’ll get onto HR and get your new terms of employment sorted and…well, we can implement it as of the start of next month. Should give us enough time to get it all straight.”
“Thanks James, I really appreciate this.” Frank stood to shake his boss’ hand. James nodded and with a smile and a bounce in his step, Frank closed the door behind him, breathing out a huge sigh of relief.
It turns out, however, that wasn’t the only good bit of news the Adlers had that week. On Thursday morning, Steve called to babble excitedly that Sian had gone into labour. However, after twenty-four or so hours, there was still no sign of the newest Baby Gallagher. As Friday evening ticked over, Frank was actively fighting to keep Fliss from jumping in her car to find out what was going on. He was relieved when Verity called to say there had been some complications but everything was okay, and the latest addition had arrived and was healthy.
Mary however, was most disgruntled that her cousin had chosen the weekend she and Alex were spending in Tampa with Evelyn to appear. Fliss laughed when she demanded on the Saturday morning that they come and pick her up immediately so she could go and see him, explaining that there would be plenty of time to do so. She placed the phone down and glanced at Frank, who rolled his eyes.
“I’ll get the keys.”
After checking with Steve it if was okay, they made the short trip over to the same hospital Fliss had Alex in and once they’d checked in with reception, they made their way up and were buzzed through onto the ward. After hugs and kisses to both Sian and Steve, Fliss let out a little gasp as she finally got to hold her youngest nephew.
“Oh, guys!” Fliss stared down at the baby as his tiny eyes blinked, looking up at her with baby blues. “He’s gorgeous.”
Frank grinned at the baby, taking in his features as he gently ran a finger down his chubby cheeks. “He’s certainly a Gallagher.”
Sian smiled from where she was led in her bed, Steve sat by her side, arm slung round her shoulders. “Like there could be any doubt, his labour was almost as awkward as the twins.”
Steve chuckled, “yeah he put you through it a bit, didn’t he?”
“A bit?” Sian scoffed, “thirty-six hours before an emergency c-section.”
Fliss winced a little and then smiled as the baby gave a yawn. “So how long they keeping you in for?”
“A week or so,” Sian let out a breath, “We’re just happy that he doesn’t need to be in the Special Care unit.”
Frank watched as Fliss made a little smiling face, kissing the baby’s head before she turned to him. “Wannaa hold, Uncle Frank?”
“Absolutely.” He grinned, “pass him over!”
With a little chuckle, Fliss carefully placed the baby in his arms and watched as he gently rocked him.
“So, you’ve not asked us his name.” Steve looked at his sister and Fliss wrenched her eyes from Frank to look at him.
“I assumed you hadn’t got one yet.”
“Oh we’ve had one since we found out we were pregnant.” Steve grinned, “just didn’t want to tell anyone.”
Fliss arched her brow, “and?”
Sian and Steve exchanged a glance and Sian nodded. Steve sat up a little and nodded to the bundle in Frank’s arms. “Guys, meet Felix Daniel Gallagher.”
“Felix Daniel,” Frank repeated, smiling. “Quirky, I like it.”
“Yeah, just like the Aunt we named him after.” Sian looked at Fliss, who already had tears in her eyes. She’d recognised the tribute the minute Steve had spoken his name.
“Yeah, Felicity wasn’t really a boy’s name so, we had to alter it a little but...” Steve shrugged as Fliss wiped her face as a tear gently slid from the corner of her eye. “Never any doubt. We wanted him named after the strongest person we both know.”
“I err…” Fliss cleared her throat, “I don’t know what to say.”
Steve shrugged a little, flashing Frank a wink as he glanced in his direction. “Well, you kinda took Alexander and William so didn’t leave us much choice.”
“Oh piss off.” Fliss spluttered a laugh as Steve stood up and wrapped his sister in a hug. “Love you, Steeby.”
“Love you too, Lissy.”
They stayed for another half hour, making sure to take enough photos before they left the hospital, hand in hand. As Frank drove his truck home, he called his mother, just to check in.
“Kids okay?” He asked instantly, not even waiting for Evelyn to say hello.
“No, I drowned them both in the pool and fed them to next door’s dog.” Came the sarcastic response over the speakers. Fliss laughed out loud and Frank rolled his eyes.
“I was just asking.”
“Believe it or not this isn’t my first time watching children.”
“No, but it’s the first time you’ve had both of them over a weekend, and we know Alex is going through-“
“He’s fine. He’s down for a nap.” Evelyn cut him off. “And he went down with no fuss last night either.”
“Course he did, little shit.” Frank grumbled, and then gave a squeak as Fliss nipped his thigh. “Oww.”
“Stop calling him that!”
“What time are you picking them up tomorrow?” Evelyn asked. “There’s no rush, we were just going to go out for breakfast.”
“Early afternoon, that okay?”
“Fine. Do you want to talk to Mary?”
“Sure, put her on.”
A few moments later, Mary greeted them. “Hi Mom, hi Dad!”
“Hi sweety!” Fliss spoke. “You having a good time?”
“Awesome! We went in the pool and then we had tacos and then I played Grandmother my piano scales. She says I’m better than Dad was at my age.”
“That’s not a surprise, I hated playing piano.” Frank smirked as he turned off the freeway.
“You hate everything that isn’t boat or car related.”
Frank snorted and Fliss laughed. “Oh, we just went to see Uncle Steeb, Auntie Sian and the baby.”
“Oh, that’s so not fair!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll take you tomorrow afternoon on the way home.” Fliss soothed her.
“Cool. What’s he called?”
“Felix Daniel.”
“Felix? That’s like Fliss!”
“Yup!” Fliss grinned and Frank took her left hand, pressing a kiss over her wedding band.
“Does he look like Steeb?”
“He does.” Frank nodded, eyes focussed on the road in front of him, giving a little curse as a car cut across him to get to the fast lane.
“Is he driving like a ninety-year old?” Mary asked and Frank rolled his eyes.
“What else is new?” Fliss grinned and he shot her a glare.
They chatted to her for a further five minutes until Frank turned off the main road and onto the smaller lane that would lead down to the beach, the Mexican food truck being their destination. After bidding her and Evelyn a good night, he cut the call and smiled as Fliss’ left hand gently reached up, nails tickling at his neck.
“Stahp,” He shot her a glare and she grinned.
“You know what?”
“Is it distracting you, Sailor?”
“In a word, yes.”
“Hmmm.” She shifted a little, moving so her nose was pressed gently behind the hinge of his jaw. “What about now?”
“Fliss.” Frank’s voice was low and she pressed a kiss to his skin, causing him to swallow. “I mean it.”
“So do I.” Another nip.
“Okay…” with a sharp movement, Frank swung the truck off the lane and they bumped down a small dirt track for a couple of yards. He skidded to a halt and turned to face her, his eyes shining in the dim light. Fliss glanced at her husband, taking in the way his jaw was twitching a little, his shoulders flexing beneath the blue and white open button down he was wearing over his white wife beater. She grinned as he shifted in his seat, his face dropping to hers.
“You’re a goddamned menace.” His lips pressed to hers in a quick, heated peck and Fliss popped a shoulder.
“Wouldn’t want you thinking I lost my sense of adventure seeing as we’re married, now would we?” She winked back, kissing him. “Why do you think I wore a dress?”
“Jesus Christ.” Frank growled, his hand tangling in her hair as he pulled her face to meet him.
Their kiss was heated, full of furvor. And when Frank pulled away, he couldn't help the husky whisper of his voice, "C'mere, Cowgirl."
Fliss smirked lustfully as she attempted to slide over the center console but in the process of her hurried actions, knocked her head on the rear view mirror then jammed herself into the roof of the truck. "Oh, shit," Fliss giggled as she settled herself in Frank's lap. His timbered chuckle bouncing his chest as his hands settled at her waist, gripping her gently. His large hand tucked a strand of her aurbun locks behind her ear as his thumb rubbed over her cheek bone. "You alright?" "I'm fine," Fliss giggled. She bent her neck, her forehead pressing into Frank's. "I need you, Sailor." “What else is new?” He smirked smugly. “Shut up.” She mumbled, her lips pressing back to his. Frank gently tilted his hips up against Fliss' core as she pushed down her own, both grunting at the way their bodies were rolling together. His fingers left their places against her back and neck, finding the bottom hem of her dress. Gently, they floated over her thigh, ghosting up toward her heated centre. Fliss' hands were at the flies of Frank's jeans and belt, deftly undoing the buckle, that light jingle of metal clinking in the quiet cab. She dipped her hand into his jeans and gripped his cock, giving him a squeeze before she pulled out and undid his flies. Again she reached into the waistband of his boxers and wrapped her hand around him, pulling his cock free. Frank moaned as he relaxed a bit in his chest as if relieved. As his own fingers slid into the bottom of Fliss’ panties, Frank couldn’t help the smirk that flew across his lips as she gave a loud gasp. “That what you want?” He teased, his face less than an inch from hers as he watched her brow furrow in delight. "Mmmhmm," she hummed.
“Words, Lissy.” His voice was low and deep, causing her to shudder a little as his lips traced a line up her throat. "Fuck me, Frankie." Her hips lifted off his lap if only for a moment, as Frank moved the thin material of her panties aside while Fliss rubbed her slit with the tip of his cock. Fliss sunk down on Frank's head, slowly burying his shaft within her walls. The feeling of her stretching around him, caused them both to moan. Frank's large hands squeezed at her ass, a sting to his grip. "You gotta move, honey," Frank rasped in her ear. Fliss’ hands gripped at the seat behind Frank’s head as her hips began rolling and grinding. Frank planted his boots in the floor of the truck to use his legs to thrust into her, as quickly and as deeply as he could given the constraints of the cab. "Fuck, Flissy," he moaned into her ear. "Feels so good, Frankie," she breathlessly whined. It was true too. She could feel every ridge and ripple against her soft walls. “Always does, honey.” He panted as his right hand released it’s grip on her ass, "this was made for me, Cowgirl.” Fliss let out a loud cry as his hand toyed with her swollen clit, adding to the pressure inside her which had steadily been building as she ground herself on him. "More, Frank, please," Fliss fluttered around him and his lips tilted into that smirk that made her weak. His left hand wrapped around her hip as his own bucked forward. Fliss’ body fell forward, her arms wrapped around his neck, her chin nuzzling his shoulder. "Fuck, baby girl, so good." Frank grunted into her ear, his breath now mere ragged pants as his thrusts became faster, harder. Both hands now at her waist as he pulled her down onto him.He clenched his jaw as he tilted his ass off the seat, thrusting not only harder but deeper and at that angle he tapped her soft spot deep inside that made her cry out. "Yes, Frankie, right there," Fliss purred with a whine. "I gotta... Oh Jesus...." “Let me see you, wanna see you cum, Lissy.” Frank spoke though his teeth as she leaned back, obligingly. And see he did, he watched her come completely undone. Her head titled back, mouth slack-jawed as she let out the filthiest of sounds, her body vibrating with pleasure as she came, hard. The grip of her walls was like a vice around him, squeezing him, pulling him deeper. “Fahk, Liss…” with a growl and a strangled gasp, Frank felt his balls contract before he too came, his hips pushing up into her as deep as he could go. A few shallow thrusts saw them both through it and Frank collapsed bonelessly into the seat, Fliss falling on top of him, her chest heaving. Two large hands cupped her face and pulled her in for a deep, soft kiss.
Fliss’ head pressed to Frank’s as he reached up, brushing her hair off her flushed and sweaty face. “Fuck, Liss…that was…”
She chuckled, their noses bumping together as her lips ghosted over his, but before she could say anything there was a sharp tap on the steamed up window which made her scream and Frank jump.
“Police…can you wind the window down, sir?”
“Fuck…” Frank mumbled, as Fliss scrambled off his lap and hastily rearranged her dress. Frank turned the key in the ignition to fire up the electronics, taking a quick glance at Fliss who was now smoothing down her hair before he wound the window down.
“Hi…erm…officer.” He smiled at the man, who simply looked at him, then Fliss, his brow arched.
“Sir, you know that having…relations in a car in a public place is a felony?”
“That’s not, we…we weren’t…” Frank began to protest, his eyes darting to Fliss who was now looking out of the passenger window, her fist in her mouth as she was trying not to laugh.
“Don’t insult me.”
“I’m sorry.” Frank shook his head. “I didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, we err…” Fliss turned to him and then she frowned. “Hank?”
“Oh, hey Fliss!” The officer’s entire demeanour changed and Fliss smiled at him.
“I haven’t seen you in a few weeks, is Rachel okay?”
“Yeah, she’s just had a really nasty dose of the flu and then caught a chest infection which has taken her a while to get over.” The man sighed, “keeps badgering me as to when she can start her lessons again!”
“Well, you tell her from me to get better first, the ponies will be still be there when she is.”
“I will.” Hank nodded, before he looked at Frank and then shook his head. “But seriously, guys, if you’re gonna fuck in the car, find a spot a little less conspicuous, know what I’m saying? I’d hate to have to arrest my daughter's favourite person…”
“Sorry, erm, won’t happen again.” Frank scratched at his neck and Hank nodded.
“You both have a good night.”
“You too, erm, sorry again!” Fliss called.
Frank watched the policeman in the mirror as he returned to the car before he looked at Fliss, and the pair of them burst out laughing.
“Like I said,” he looked at her, “you’re a fucking menace.”
“And you’re flying low.” Fliss nodded to his crotch. Frank glanced down and groaned as he saw the flies to his jeans were indeed undone.
“Fucks sake…” He mumbled, lifting his hips of the seat so he could sort his trousers. Fliss laughed again as he turned the engine on. “So, tacos?”
“Yeah, and beer.” She nodded. “Seems I worked up an appetite and a thirst.”
**** Chapter 32
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH30- House Of The Mouse
Summary: Frank, Fliss and the kids take a vacation to Disney World
Warnings: Bad language, allusions to smut…
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 4k
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Ch29 Part 3
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 Any parent will tell you that their child could be in a room full of other kids, all screaming blue murder, and they’d be able to pick their baby out blindfolded from the sound of their cry. So when Frank heard Alex’s loud scream, followed by a huge onset of distraught tears, he instantly spun on his heels. To his surprise, the crying was followed by Fliss’ distinct laugh as he located them a little way from the line he and Mary were waiting in. Fliss had Alex in her arms, laughing and shaking her head as someone dressed as Mickey Mouse was waving at the tot. Fliss gently kissed Alex’s head, said something to Mickey who gave an exaggerated shrug and turned to a group of older kids who were waiting patiently to say hello. “What’s his problem?” Mary scoffed and Frank turned to her.
“Guess he doesn’t like cartoon mice.” Mary took a deep breath and then let out a whoop of delight as they’d reached the front of the queue for ice cream. They placed their order, Frank grumbling a little that three ice creams cost him more than Mary’s college education would, before Mary simply told he was being an idiot. He passed her the cone down, before he grabbed his and Fliss’ and made his way over to where she was stood outside the parlour on Main Street of Disney's Magic Kingdom, gently hushing Alex as his tears subsided. Frank quirked his eyebrow as she rolled her eyes. “Talk about dramatic.” She moved Alex onto one hip and took the cone Frank held out to her with a thanks. “Can you manage?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. “Will you push his stroller over there?” She inclined her head towards a bench which was free off to the side of a little seating area in the shade. “I’ll settle him down and get him a snack.” Frank nodded, dropping a kiss to her cheek before he pressed one to Alex’s head. “No, Frr-ank!” Alex yelled before he giggled as Fliss burst out laughing. “Stahp that!” Frank looked at her, a whine to his voice, “it just encourages him!” “I’m sorry, Sailor,” Fliss chuckled. “Yeah, sure you are.” Frank took a huge mouth of his ice cream, before he gripped the handle of the stroller and the four of them made their way over to settle at the seat. Once there, he took Alex off Fliss and settled him back in the seat, handing him a packet of animal crackers which he tucked into with gusto, all tears forgotten. “Hey, is it nearly two yet?” Mary asked. “Fifteen minutes,” Frank glanced at his watch, “why?” “The Pirates of the Caribbean show starts at two!” She grinned eagerly, “you said we could go see it!” “Errr, yeah!” Frank nodded, “best Disney film around!” “No it’s not!” Mary scoffed, “we all know that’s Oliver And Company.” “You’re both wrong, it’s The Lion King.” Fliss rolled her eyes. Both Frank and Mary rounded on her, and she laughed at the pair of them, that famous indignant Adler expression on both their faces. “Argue all you want, you won’t convince me otherwise!” She shrugged, crunching the last bit of her waffle cone. “That’s because you’re a stubborn pain in the ass.” Frank grinned, leaning over to give her a peck. “Pot-kettle.” She mumbled against his lips and he chuckled, pulling away. Once Mary had finished, they strapped Alex in and made their way through to New Orleans Square and found the small stage not far from the ride entrance. A little crowd had already gathered and they found a spot off to the right and waited. A few minutes later a pistol fired making Mary jump, and both Fliss and Frank laughed at her. She turned and shot them a filthy glare, which simply made them laugh even more. Seconds later some guy, dressed as a very convincing Jack Sparrow swaggered onto the stage to loud applause and then Frank felt the stroller rock a little and he glanced at Alex who was yelling and waggling his arms and legs, grinning ear to ear. “So cartoon mice are a no go, but Captain Jack okay, huh bean?” Frank watched and Fliss chuckled. “That’s because he’s a real sailor.” “No, he’s a pirate.” “With a big ass ship…” “I got a boat.” Frank pouted playfully. “Yeah, a speed one.” She winked, “what is it you keep telling me? You don’t sail a speedboat.” “You hypocrite!” Frank scoffed and Fliss laughed. As the show progressed, Frank found himself watching Mary more than the actors. Her grin was ear to ear, as she cheered and shouted along, hissing and booing in all the right places. He loved watching her like this, exuding sheer innocence, just like a ten year old child should. A lot of people had pulled a funny face whenever he and Fliss had said their honeymoon was a trip to Disney with the kids, but to them it had been the only thing they’d wanted to do. And so far, a week in, it had been nothing short of amazing. They’d opted for a villa just off lake Buena Vista, making sure that they had their own room because, whilst Frank recognised that having the kids with them put paid to any romantic nights out, he sure as hell was not about to be cock-blocked on his own honeymoon. So far, it had worked out great. They Disney’d or toured Orlando by day, and by night they settled round the small pool in the back yard and drank, ate, made out and fucked once the kids had crashed in their bedroom. Today was their first trip to Magic Kingdom, having done Typhoon Lagoon, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and the two Universal parks so far, where Mary and Fliss had both had a fit as they’d seen Harry Potter World for the first time. Frank had snapped a fantastic candid shot of the pair of them, both looking up at the Hogwarts Castle, hands over their mouths in awe and he couldn’t wait to get it framed for the mantle at home. That said, it had been a little draining. Unlike a typical honeymoon, it had consisted of early mornings and late nights, centred round the kids. But tomorrow they’d convinced Mary they needed a day out and were intending to spend it round the villa with a visit to Disney Springs later on to eat and chill out round the shops and entertainment. As the final act of the small show concluded, Frank watched as Mary joined in the singing, hopping on one leg as she belted out, “yo-ho-ho, the pirate life’s for me,” before everyone applauded and Mary turned back to them, grinning. “That was totally AWESOME!” Fliss smiled and gently ruffled Mary’s hair as she spun on the spot and then turned back to them. “Can we do the ride now?” “Sure.” Frank smiled, turning to Fliss, “is this one of the ones he can ride?” He looked at Alex and Fliss nodded. “Yeah, I checked before. I’ll pop his ear defenders on and he can sit in my lap.” They made their way over and joined the queue, which was fairly large but seemed to be moving reasonably quickly. As they waited, their chatter turned to what Disney film was the movie of choice for that evening. So far,  each night as they chilled out a little before the kids went to bed, they had watched something related to the parks they’d been in, selected from the extensive DVD collection which came as part of the villa rental. “Well, we might be a bit too late if we’re staying for the fireworks but if not, I think we should do Beauty And The Beast.” Fliss offered, “I would say Pirates Of The Caribbean but we did that when we went to Typhoon Lagoon.” “Oh yes!” Mary grinned and Frank shrugged. “Whatever you guys want. Although, I’m down for seeing my man, Gaston.” “Your man Gaston?” Fliss looked at him as they moved up the line, “really?” “Hey, he’s the smartest guy in that film.” “What?” Mary looked at him indignantly, “Gaston is a nasty douchebag.” “Yeah, but he’s smart.” “No, he’s an idiot!” “Look, you can’t be an idiot and win a No-Belle prize.” Fliss let out a loud snort of laughter as Mary blinked before she groaned. “God, Dad, that is so lame!” Before long they were at the front and Frank took Alex out of his stroller and passed him to Fliss as she settled down, placing his blue ear covers over his little head. The little boy was mesmerised by the ride, grinning and shrieking as they went at the various twists and turns through the cavern. They spent the rest of the day making their way around, Frank and Fliss taking it in turns to ride the bigger attractions with Mary. There were a few smaller ones they could all do together, although Frank was quite pleased he got to skip the tea cups when he saw the speed Fliss managed to ramp theirs up to. As the night drew in, they headed for something to eat and Mary leaned over and whispered something to Fliss who gave her a wide eyed grin and nodded. “What are you up to?” Frank asked, placing his beer back down. “Nothing,” Fliss replied quickly and Frank narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, right.” After dinner they headed back down Main Street to find a spot for the fireworks. Once settled, Fliss and Mary both headed into a shop as Frank sat and gave Alex a bottle of juice. “Okay, which ones do you want?” Fliss asked as they stood in front of the huge selection of ear hats. “The purple and pink ones I saw on the internet.” Fliss nodded and pulled a pair off the shelf. “Good choice, babe. I think I’m gonna get these ones!” She reached up and grabbed a pair of leopard print ones. “They’re awesome!” Mary grinned. “What about Dad?” “Hmmm, well, you know he’s gonna try and refuse to wear them…” “Yeah, like we’re gonna let him not!” Mary chuckled. “Correct.” Fliss nodded, “but I think we should get him…” “Those!” Mary pointed to a pair that were decorated with little stars like Mickey’s sorcerer hat and Fliss grinned. “Boom!” She pulled them down and handed them to Mary. “And Alex needs these ones!” Mary pointed to a smaller pair which were light blue. “Awesome!” “Mom… could we get our names on the back?” Mary asked shyly as they headed to the counter to pay. Fliss paused and then smiled. “Sure, why not!” They we’re gonna a fair while, but on their return, Fliss laughed at the look on Frank’s face when he spotted their new head attire. He let out a scoff of a laugh and shook his head. “You two look…” he was cut off as Mary thrust one at him and he shook his head. “Yeah, I’m not wearing that.” “You have to!” Mary thrust it at him. “Says who?” “We’re at Disney!” Mary stated. “And we’re gonna watch fireworks.” Frank rolled his eyes and took the hat off her, turning it in his hands. He arched a brow, fighting back a smile as he saw the word “Dad” embroidered on the back in blue thread. Fliss grinned and turned around to show hers, the word ‘Mom’ depicted on hers. “Fine!” He groaned dramatically and jammed the hat on his head, “happy now?” “Yup!” Mary grinned as Fliss went to put one on Alex.
“No, Mama!” He protested pushing her away. Frank took it off her, and went to try, also to no avail. “No, Frank!” “Daddy.” Frank corrected. “Dadda!” Alex beamed, as Mary took the hat from Frank.“Mareeeeee!” He grinned, holding his arms out. Fliss and Frank watched as Mary leaned over and Alex allowed her to place the hat on his head. The two snorted at the realization Mary could get Alex to do nearly anything and chuckled when Mary gave them a grin of victory. 
The wait, seemingly arduous, was soon over and the fireworks began. Because they were at Disney in October, typically there was a special showing for Halloween time in the parks and this was one of those nights. A video layover of Jack Skellington's house covered the castle as a voice announcer brought to life the show, the words "This is Halloween" ending a short little story rhyme as his introduction all while long sparkler fireworks with white fountain fell in the sky behind the scene. 
The first pops caused Alex to jump a bit in Frank's arms but he quickly settled as the bright lights and music played, his ear defenders back on once again. 
Various bangs of shapes and colors exploded in the dark night sky above Cinderella's Castle with the help of story telling by Jack himself and his ghostly dog Zero. The themes of the pop tune and vibrant bouncy songs with various Disney character voices and images were projected across the castle as its backdrop. Mary bounced around as she watched the show, Fliss and Frank taking in their children's expressions and wide eyes as the show carried on. 
Disney Villains controlled the show as it gave them their voice and stage for just under twenty minutes and the grand finale sounded like a war zone but beautifully glittered over the park and Main Street exclusively, dozens upon dozens of bright and colorful fireworks fired off. Frank took the moment to lean down and give Fliss a sweet but firey kiss, a muted "No Frank!" coming from Alex.
At fireworks conclusion, thunderous applause and happy screams filtered through the crowd. Mary beamed, happily content with how exciting the spectacle was and Alex rubbed his eyes, suddenly tired from the excitement of the day.
"It'll be easier if we carry them," Fliss suggested as the large crowd began filtering out of the park. “He’ll probably kick off if we try and strap him back in his stroller. I’ll take him, you grab Stack.”
Frank nodded in agreement and passed Alex off to Fliss once she had secured all their things in the stroller. Once he was in her arms, Frank hoisted Mary up into his shoulders. 
"Hold tight, Stack," Frank's eyes peered up at Mary as she leaned over his head a moment. 
Frank led the way down the crowded Main Street, one hand securing the empty stroller and the other locked around Mary's ankle to keep her steady. Fliss walked in step beside him, a fading Alex in her arms as they navigated through the drives of people trying to get those last minute souvenirs or to the exit. 
At one point, just as they neared the exit Gates, Frank looked down to make sure Fliss was still there by his side and he felt a soft smirk splay over his pout. His sweet baby boy was asleep in his mama's arms, knackered from the day, his ear defenders popped on his head still over his baby Mickey ear cap. The twinkling lights and old fashioned arcade bulbs that lit their way made Fliss' brown eyes glitter as she glanced up at him with a smile. And for just a second, Frank cocked his head up at Mary who was still grinning, her eyes flitting about at the scenes around her. 
In that moment, Frank was a very happy and content Sailor. 
**** Their quiet day was spent around the villa pool, dipping in and out of the water as and when they felt like it. They all took an afternoon nap in the shade, before changing and taking an Uber up to Disney Springs.  They ate at the Paddlefish, Fliss having booked earlier that day to secure one of the outdoor rooftop tables. Fliss and Frank shared a bottle of wine, but were unable to decide what they wanted to eat so ended up sharing a portion of crab fries, ahi poke, crab guacamole and pan fried salmon. Mary opted for a chicken burger whilst Alex chowed down a hotdog and fries, burping loudly as he finished, a huge grin on his face. Once Mary had fleeced Frank for another hundred and fifty bucks in the many gift shops, they headed home, their bellies and hearts full. After another Disney movie, this time Moana, Mary made her way quietly to bed so as not to wake Alex who had fallen asleep on the way home, not even waking when Fliss had changed him for bed. Frank opened a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured them both a glass and they headed outside to the seats around the patio. Fliss lay her head on his shoulder, sighing with contentment and Frank kissed her temple. “I know this isn’t a conventional honeymoon but, well, so far I’ve loved every second.” She whispered and Frank chuckled, his hand running up and down her arm. “We’re not a very conventional couple, Cowgirl, when all is said and done.” “Oh I dunno.” She looked up at him, “I mean we’re married, kids, dog, perfect little white house, not quite on the prairie but…” Frank laughed and pecked her lips, “a million horses, boat, one eyed cat…” “Yeah I’m not seeing your point.” She chuckled as he kissed her again. The kiss grew deep, and flowed into soft touches, which turned into heated making out and clawing at watch other. As Frank stripped the last of his wife’s clothing from her, his lips nipped at her neck causing her to groan loudly. Before long she was in his lap, her hips circling as she ground down on his cock, his ruts up matching her rhythm. They came within seconds of each other, and Fliss collapsed forward, her face pressing into the crook of Frank’s neck and shoulder. His hands held her close, fingers trailing up and down her spine as he felt her nipples gliding against his chest, her breathing deep. “I love you,” He gently kissed her cheek as she sat back a little, the pads of her fingers cupping his jaw as she smiled, “more than I can even begin to explain, Mrs Adler.” “Good,” she whispered back, kissing him deeply, “because I love you too.” ****** The rest of their time passed in a blur and all too soon they found themselves on their penultimate day. Blizzard Beach was the park of choice, being the last one left to do. Mary wanted to go back to Hollywood Studios for the last day, having loved the Star Wars section, Tower of Terror and Rock N Roller coaster, both Fliss and Frank having ridden those with her. The water parks provided a chance for them to relax a little. It was less full than the other parks, and easier to navigate on the whole with Alex as they could secure their spot on a couple of loungers, Frank and Fliss happy to take it in turns to wait with Alex whilst the other headed off for an hour or so with Mary. But when it came to Summit Plummit, Fliss refused point blank to even contemplate it, but instead of waiting at the loungers, said she would come and stand at the viewing platform near the bottom of the slide. And Frank knew full well this was so she could laugh at his reaction when he got off the horrific looking hundred and twenty foot free fall slide. Resigned to his fate, he followed Mary to the queue and began to climb, the steps seemingly never ending. But finally they reached the top and when they were about four from the front, he made the mistake of looking out over the distance. Jesus Christ… He watched as the next guy to go stood on the platform which was released and he fell through it with a yell. “Oh, fuck that.” He shook his head and Mary laughed. “That’s awesome!”
The attendant called her forward, directing her to stand against the stick so he could measure her height. They’d checked her height at the bottom, but Frank’s prayers that she would have shrunk half an inch or so during their climb up the steps were not answered, and she turned to him, giving him a thumbs up. “Stack, I don’t think…” “Don’t be a pussy, Frank!” She giggled, but before he could reply she was gone. Frank swallowed and stepped forward, looking down to see her reach the bottom where she hopped up and skipped off to find Fliss. Oh shit… “You going mister?” A voice behind him said and he turned to see a small kid looking at him.
Everything in his brain was telling him to bail, and go back the way he’d come, but he’d never live it down. And so, his male pride won out. He stepped onto the platform, the attendant giving him a smug smirk as he told him to cross his ankles and arms and then suddenly he was falling through the air. A yell flew from his mouth before eventually his back and ass hit the slope of the slide and he skidded down and down, before it finally levelled out and he came to a stop. There was water up his nose, in his eyes and throat. And to top it off, his trunks were wedged up his as crack. With a groan he stood up, spluttering as he stepped over the edge, shaking his head as he yanked his trunks straight. That was the worst thing he had ever done. Ever. “Jesus Christ,” he shook his head as he reached Fliss, Mary and Alex, his two girls laughing their heads off, “these trunks cost me twenty bucks and there’s about ten dollars’ worth stuck up my ass.” “Ass!” Alex loudly yelled. At his outburst Fliss blinked and Frank groaned whilst Mary doubled over laughing. Instead of walking back to their loungers by the kid’s part of the main pool, Fliss suggested they ride a loop on the Lazy River which ran round the full park. This was much more Frank’s thing. He was quite happy to bob round that, Alex settled on his lap as they floated round in the inflatable rings. Half an hour later, Fliss sat in the shallow water of the pool watching as Alex, Mary and Frank played on one of the small polar bear slides. As Frank guided Alex down the small slope into the water he looked up and caught her eye. She smiled at him, contentment flooding her system as his wedding band caught the sun. She couldn’t remember a time she’d ever been happier. Rising to her feet she splashed trough the barely shin high water and beamed as Alex grinned at her, Frank swinging him up onto his hip, his broad chest and slim upper body speckled with water. “Think he could probably do with some shade and a drink.” He pressed a kiss to his son’s cheek. “Shall we go back to the loungers?” Fliss nodded. “Good idea.” “Mary,” Frank gestured with his head for her to follow as they made their way over to the spot they’d reserved under a large canopy round the edge of the pool. Alex began to protest, wriggling a little and yelling, gesturing back at the slide. He threw his head back, arching his back as he cried out. “No!” “You can go play again in a bit buddy.” Frank adjusted him in his arms, his voice level yet firm, as he nipped the impending tantrum in the bud in his usual calm manner. “You wanna get a snack?” “Mmmm nom nom!” Alex was suddenly all smiles again at the mention of food. They all sat down, Frank heading off to the small food hut to grab a beer for him and Fliss along with a soda for Mary. As he made his way back, Mary skipped over for her drink and he passed it to her with a smile. “You okay, sweetheart?” “Yup.” She nodded, swallowing the huge mouthful of Sprite she had just taken. “Dad, this is the best vacation ever.” Frank grinned as she headed off back to the loungers. He followed her, pausing for a moment and taking a deep breath as he watched his wife hand their son his sippy cup, gently smoothing his auburn hair back. “You’re not wrong, Stack,” Frank felt the soft smile curl across his lips as a warm sense of love and satisfaction filled his chest, “you’re not wrong.”
**** Chapter 31
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH29- Wedlock And Load Part 3- Unchained Melody
Summary: Fliss and Frank head off to their hotel for their own private party…
Warnings: Bad language, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: Yeah, sorry not sorry, this is just a smut fest…
Word Count- 3.8k
Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea, to the open arms of the sea. Yes, lonely rivers sigh, "Wait for me, wait for me, I'll be coming home, wait for me"
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Ch 29 Part 2
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Fliss and Frank arrived at the Sandpearl Resort at Clearwater Beach in just as good spirits as when they’d departed their friends and family some twenty-five minutes or so previously.
The doorman nodded to them as he opened the door into the spacious and modern reception area, the place more or less deserted bar the staff, who all stopped and greeted them with a round of applause. Frank grinned, his arm which was curled round Fliss’ waist pulled her closer and he pressed a kiss to her head as they were greeted by the night manager. After being welcomed and congratulated some more, they headed up to their room where their bags were already waiting. Frank turned, sweeping Fliss into his arms, carrying her through the doorway as she giggled and pressed a kiss to his lips. A bottle of champagne sat on ice on the table in the smaller room of the suite but neither paid it much attention, both heading through to the bedroom, taking in the plus décor of the suite they’d decided to treat themselves to a stay in. The entire place had a direct view of the Gulf of Mexico, thanks to the huge windows and a private balcony. Directly below was the now abandoned tropical, lagoon-style pool and bar area. It was gorgeous.
And now, it was just the two of them for the next few days.
Frank slid his jacket off his thick arms and tossed the garment over the edge of the luxurious looking King size bed, his eyes straying to Fliss as she stood at the sliding door, overlooking the ocean. She sighed contently. With a smile of his own, Frank came from behind, his hands on her hips as he rubbed himself against her backside, his lips pressing against the column of her neck. "I love you, Mrs. Adler." Fliss turned her head, cranking it as far as she could to catch Frank's lips in a soft, slow kiss. He turned her body to face him as Fliss slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. "I love you, too, Mr. Adler," she whispered breaking their kiss. "Have a drink with me. I want to sit outside, enjoy this just for a bit longer." Frank tilted his head to one side. “You wanna sit outside?” Fliss bit her lip and gave him a nod. “I’ve had the most wonderful day, Frankie. I don’t want it to end. Not yet.” "Okay," he softly smirked, "we'll sit outside." “With the champagne.” Fliss instructed and Frank laughed. “Yes, with the champagne.” She grinned and shuffled out to the parlor of their suite. She'd long kicked her shoes off and so her dress dragged across the carpeted floor. She passed the bucket and slipped through the sliding door from the parlor, waiting for Frank to join her. She leaned her forearms against the railing and looked out across the Gulf. The autumn beach breeze fluttered her flyaway strands of hair. Surprisingly, she wasn't cold, nor was there a need for a jacket. Her adrenaline from the day kept her comfortably warm. A large hand slid up her back gently, ghosting along that back panel of sheer fabric on her dress. Frank's lips pressed to her temple and she stood upright to face him. Frank handed her a flute and gave a lazy smile. "Where's yours?" Fliss asked. Frank indicated with a flick of his eyes and twitch of his head that it sat on the little table between the two wicker chairs just behind them. Frank took her free hand, no words between them, and guided her to those very same wicker chairs. He sat and pulled her into his lap. Fliss tucked herself against Frank's chest, her feet swung over his legs, her train covering him like a blanket. He reached for his own flute and looked up at his wife. "Cheers," he said. His voice buzzing against Fliss' side in a low, husky tone. "Cheers," she whispered, clinking her glass with his and bending at the neck for a kiss after taking a sip of the bubbly drink. Her kiss over Frank's lips was soft, but long, sensual and with no deep lashing of tongue. Just a romantically soft, slow kiss. "Did you enjoy it?” Her voice was almost a whisper as she pulled away, her eyes bright as she looked at Frank. "Every second of it," Frank admitted. “Best day of my life, well, one of them anyway.”
“What were the others?”
“There’s been a few, but they all start with the day I met you,” he kissed her again, “Our first date, when you said yes, Alex being born, adopting Mary,” he sighed, “the common factor is you, Lissy, in all of it.” Fliss smiled and then tucked her head back into the crook of his neck as they sat in peaceful silence for a moment. Frank's hand rubbed up and down Fliss back before curling around her side, his fingers sliding up and down the side panel of her gown. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Cowgirl." “Charmer,” she let out a snort, “but for the record, you happen to be the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on, Sailor.” A low chuckle bounced his chest and silence washed over them once more. The Gulf crashed into the shore below, the sounds of the bar quieting as more people left. The sky was clear, the moon bright, glittering the surface of the water. They were only fifteen or so miles from home, but they could have been anywhere in the world. “Where did you find the DJ?” Fliss asked, “he was amazing!” “Online,” Frank took another sip of his champagne, “the reviews were great. Glad the gamble paid off.” “Like my gamble on you, huh?” Fliss quipped and Frank gave a snort. “You saw me as a gamble?” Fliss shrugged, "I did." Frank set his drink down and gently plucked Fliss's from her hand, setting both flutes on the table. Fliss sat up a bit and Frank curled his hand over her the left side of her face, his palm curving over her cheek and jaw, fingers in her hair, his thumb softly against her cheekbone. With a gentle tug, Frank pulled Fliss into a kiss. The action alone made her insides flutter and her throat gasp. A soft squeak escaped Fliss as she placed a hand over his chest, anchoring herself as Frank deepened his kiss, his tongue gliding over her top lip. Fliss opened her mouth and allowed that heavy muscle to invade her. In slow, languid motions, Frank kissed his wife, sucking on that lower lip of her pout. When they separated, both drew in huge breaths of air, their foreheads pressed together as Frank’s palm lay warm against Fliss’ cheek, his thumb softly gliding over her cheekbone. “You ready to go inside yet?” Frank whispered, his eyes remaining closed. "Nope," she replied softly.
Again he chuckled. She was killing him, he wanted to desperately peel the lace away from her skin and devour every ounce of his new wife. But he also wanted her to savour every minute she could, commit this day to memory so she could look back on it fondly, not fearfully as with her previous marriage. And if that meant them staying still, wrapped in a little bubble of peace for a while longer, then so be it. He could wait. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.” Time passed, minutes felt like hours, and at one point Frank assumed Fliss had fallen asleep as her body relaxed against his, but she hadn't, for she'd started running her manicured hand over his chest, curling it upward around his neck, scratching at his longer hairs there. Frank made a noise of contentment, almost a purr as her fingers danced over his skin. Fliss lips turned upward slowly, a soft smile showing her teeth. She bumped her nose with Frank's, rubbing along his own. Then she pressed her forehead against his. "Let's go inside, Sailor." She slid off his lap, and this time Fliss took Frank's hand pulling him up and walking across the balcony to their room slider. She walked in a sideways pattern, her eyes peering over her shoulder, arm extended out pulling Frank with her. Once inside, she didn’t even leave Frank time to slide the door closed. She turned to him, her hands smoothing up his shirt, fingers deftly undoing his already loose tie completely. She gripped the ends of the tie in both hands and pulled Frank's neck down, capturing his lips this time, a growl slipping away from his chest. His hands flew to her waist, thumbs strumming over her ribs. He backed Fliss towards the bed, trying to control their actions, but Fliss weighted herself down and stood firm in place. She broke free, and turned, her back to Frank, her eyes peering over her shoulder. Deep brown pools looked at him from beneath heavy lidded eyes and he felt his cock twitch. "Little help, Sailor," Fliss asked. Frank's chest tightened and he felt it hard to breathe as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. The way she looked at him, her eyes bright in the dark, her hair still done but stray pieces falling free framing her face, he was rock hard already. He reached out with his hands, his eyes running up the line of delicate buttons which trailed from the nape of her neck down to the seat of her stunning dress. With every button he undid, Frank kissed each small bit of now exposed skin. As he made his way down, Frank gently dropped to his knees, popping the last few buttons, leaving him with a glimpse of that dip in her back and the hem line of a pair of skimpy, white lace panties. Another growl rumbled in his chest and as he rose to his feet, he dragged his tongue up her spine, causing her to shudder. A nip at her the base of her neck and hot hands touched her shoulder blades. His fingertips pushed the lace straps over her shoulders and down her arms, his palms rubbing along her skin, never breaking contact. Fliss could feel each exhale from his nose as her body heated up, his lips covering her shoulder in open mouthed kisses. Her own breath was ragged, the erotic and sensual way Frank was being so slow and so handsy was driving her wild. As the straps slipped over her hands, the dress fell away and pooled at her feet, "Look at me, baby." Frank gravely whispered. Fliss turned slowly and caught his eyes eating up her body, from her knees, over the lace panties covering her mound, up her belly and over her breasts until blue met brown. She blushed through and through, and whilst Frank had seen her exposed in this way so many times, she'd never seen the look behind his eyes like tonight. His left hand shot out for her waist, his right immediately cupping her jaw as he attacked her lips with force. Something inside him having snapped and he was tired of slow. Fliss mirrored his eager actions, her own hands flying to the buckle of his belt. A quick movement, and the clanging of metal rang out, mingling with the soft pants and moans which were flowing between the pair of them. Frank backed Fliss to the bed, her knees folding as they hit the side and as she sat down, his hand pressed gently on her sternum, laying her back. Taking a step back, he quickly shed his dress shirt and slacks, her eyes watching his every movement. When he straightened back up from dispensing of his socks, Fliss propped herself up on her elbows and she smirked. “Nice boxers.” Frank grinned and twirled so she could see the ridiculous writing on the back of the underwear she’d given him,  and she laughed before he slipped them down, leaving him naked in front of her, his cock springing free. In a blink, his body was caging hers as she bent a knee to scoot herself further up the bed. Frank bent at the neck, kissing Fliss furiously, his tongue driving down her throat as his hands, curled into fists, held his weight above her. Fliss' nails scratched down Frank's hairy chest, along his soft abs until she turned her wrists, palm up and took hold of his hard shaft. At the feel of her warm hand wrapping around him, Frank’s jaw clenched and he let out a half growl, half moan as Fliss gently began to move her wrist. As his tongue moved around her mouth, her hand pumped him up and down at the same pace. Frank tore away from her lips and nipped along her jaw, getting her right in that spot below her ear. Fliss mewled under him, a purr of sorts vibrating her chest and out her mouth. Hot, open mouthed kisses and nips here and there skimmed down the column of her neck to her sternum, and over her right breast. A pert nipple met tongue and teeth and Fliss gasped. A smirk curled over Frank's lips as he gave his attention to her nipple, the sounds escaping his wife causing goose flesh across his skin. He laved and kitten licked at her right side before minding the same attention to her left. Her pelvis tipped up as she arched into him and Frank, ever the opportunist, sat up a little and hooked his fingers into the waistband of Fliss’ panties, gliding them down her smooth legs. He salivated at her neatly managed core. Those curls and wet heat looking beyond inviting. His hands slid up the inside of Fliss’ thighs, blunt nails gently biting at her skin, lips following in their wake. Frank feasted on her like Fliss was his most favorited dessert, controlling his pace as he went. Long and deep licks tasting all of her, short and shallow flicks of his tongue at her opening, thumbed pressure against her already sensitive and swollen clit. Fliss' hands were at his hair, tugging on the longer strands up top, a growth she was rather enjoying as his beard delightfully burned against her soft skin. As she gave a particularly strong pull, Frank’s face buried further into her heat and he let out a growl at the sting in his scalp. Fuck, he loved it when she got demanding like this. Fliss could feel that knot tightening deep in her belly, her muscles already coiling as her first, but surely not her last, orgasm of the night was fastly approaching. “Frankie, shit, I’m gonna…” her soft, panting breath cut off as her body began quaking. First in her toes as they curled against the duvet, then through her calves upward into her thighs, shaking against Frank's ears. Her belly came next as she curled her body upward, tightening those muscles as the wave moved up through her arms, tingling into her chest as a strangled cry of 'oh' escaped her lips. He hadn't even gotten a finger inside her yet and she was already a writhing mess beneath his touch. With soft and gentle kisses against her most outward lips, Frank brought her through it and ever so gently ran a thick finger over her slit. She jolted at his touch and Frank couldn’t help the smug smirk that spread across his face. Seeing her so suppliant, totally undone underneath him like this was a sight he would never tire off. He dipped a finger into her soaked heat, and Frank could still feel her walls spasm deep inside. "Oh, Fliss," he crooned. He gave her another and hooked his fingers, giving that come hither motion, getting her right in that soft cushion spot. She gave a soft sigh of pleasure, her hips rising and falling gently with the movements of his hands, eagerly seeking out his touch. It took mere minutes of strokes and scissoring to bring her in for a second time, breaking open a damn as she flooded his hand, her chest heaving for calming breaths. Bringing her through it again, Frank was amazed at how she looked. Sex blown and flushed, a sheen of sweat glistening over her body, nipples hardened in the cool air of the room, lips still kiss swollen and hair dishevelled. That was his girl. His wife, his Fliss. His Cowgirl. And he loved her until his dying breath. Moving slowly, Frank crawled over her, his lips latching into hers as he kissed her hard, swallowing the gentle sounds she was still making. Her hands slid up round his back, her finger tips feeling like icy fire against his skin. And then he blinked and was on his back, his wife over his hips, his cock laying against her mound. The strength she had as she titled her hips into him, the force she'd shown as she pushed him with her knee and the lustfully blown eyes she possessed blew him away. Frank knew his eyes were wide with surprise as he watched her. That satisfied smirk over her lips as she balanced herself over his hips, her hands now sliding up his chest, one remaining against his solid peck as the other rest against the pillow, palm flat between his head and shoulder. Fliss bent down and kissed him with fervour. “Why does it still surprise you that my legs are so strong?” She grinned as she pulled away slightly, her nipples dragging in the hair on his chest. “I have half tonne animals between them pretty much every day.” "Is that what you want? A ride?" he chuckled. “I wanna fuck my husband.” She replied, her voice low and sultry as her eyes flashed in the dim light of the room. A groan erupted from Frank’s mouth as his hand reached up and cupped the back of her hair, bringing her face back down to his. “He’s not stopping you, baby girl.” Her hips tilted up as she reached between them, her hand giving him a solid pump before she ran his head between her folds, soaking him. Then, Fliss lined him up and slid her hips back down, her core swallowing Frank up. Frank let out a half gasp, half groan as his hands moved to grip at her hips as she sat up, taking him as deep as he could go. "Fuck, Lissy," Frank's head pressed further into the pillow as she started moving, using only her hips and thighs to carousel up and down his cock. She found a steady rhythm, her strong legs giving her the momentum as she gently bounced on top of him, the hand planted on his chest gently contracting with her movements. Every once in a while she stilled, rotating her hips with him seated inside, and fuck, it was the most exquisite thing he had ever felt. His eyes never left hers, it was almost as if she had cast a spell on him, her very soul bewitching him like it had since the first time they’d met. "So close," Fliss breathed, her eyes fluttering shut for a second as her head titled back. "Oh yeah," Frank squeezed at her hips. "Please, Liss, just like that, honey." Frank watched as Fliss’  face screwed up in pleasure again and he bit his lip hard. He was so close, so fucking close, but no way was he finishing before he dragged a third one from her. "Cum, Lissy," he panted, "good girl. Right there, honey. Just let go." Her jaw slackened, mouth opened as she ground down on him, a feeble noise escaping her mouth as Frank felt her walls clamping around him, weakly this time, and she collapsed onto his chest. His lips met the crown of her head as his thick arms wrapped around her, rolling them, Fliss led beneath him on her back, as Frank was still buried inside her. His hands reached for hers, tangling their fingers together as he pressed them into the pillow either side of her head. His ruts were deep, but fast as he chased his own end, desperate now for the bliss that came from being buried inside his girl. Her body bopped beneath him with each thrust, his forehead just a pinch from hers, the tip of his nose gliding over her own. "I love you, Fliss," Frank whispered breathlessly against her cheeks. "Frankie," she purred, tears brimming her eyes. His lips connected with hers as he came, filling her with a release he felt had been backed up for months. The force causing his body to practically stiffen over her, only his hips sloppily finishing him. Frank pitched forward, his face pressing into the crook of Fliss’ neck and shoulder as the world spun around him, blood pounding in his ears. He felt Fliss wiggle her fingers and he released her hands so she could run them through his hair and down the back of his neck, the way she always did. They both lay in silence, the warm breeze from the still open door gently swaying the veil curtains, causing them to billow into the room.
After a little while, Frank felt Fliss kiss his cheek. “You back with me yet, handsome?” "Nope," he mumbled. Fliss chuckled, her hand still carding though his hair. Frank gave a contented sigh as she pressed her lips to his temple. “I love you.” Her mouth brushed his skin and he smiled, pushing his face further into her neck. Feather light kisses littered her neck and with a deep breath and a little fatigued struggle, Frank lifted himself from his bride. “I love it when you look like this.” He smiled, his lips brushing hers. “Freshly fucked out.” "I love it when you freshly fuck me, Sailor." "I got an idea," Frank smirked. He pulled out gently, missing her warmth and propped himself up over her. “What?” “Wait here, get comfy.” He kissed her quickly and backed off the bed. “Where you going?” Fliss asked as he left her there. Bare ass naked, and with an 'I just got laid' smirk, he slipped out on the balcony, completely ignoring her question.  Grabbing the ice bucket with the still mostly full bottle of champagne in one hand, he picked up the two empty flutes with the other and padded back into their bedroom. Fliss was propped up against the headboard, the sheets pulled up around her, just covering her breasts as she was busy taking the pins out of her hair. She paused as he sauntered back into the room and smiled as she saw what was in his hands. “You didn’t want the night to end, so it doesn’t have to,” Frank smiled, placing the ice bucket down on the nightstand, “let’s put some music on, drink this in bed, then order another bottle. Twenty four hours service, baby.” "I think that's the perfect plan, Sailor." Fliss’ smile grew even wider as Frank poured them both a glass, handing her one before he slipped in between the sheets. “Maybe if we manage to keep our eyes open, we can watch the sun rise.” Frank lifted his left arm so Fliss could snuggle into him, his hand brushing up and down her arm. The silver metal of his new addition glinted in the soft light of the lamp which Fliss had turned on just as he had left the room a few minutes ago.
“It’s way past midnight,” Fliss took a sip of her champagne, “but it doesn’t count as tomorrow until we’ve been to sleep, right?” “Right.” “In that case,” she sat up and looked at him, her eyes bright with love and leaned down to give him a kiss, “sunrise it is.”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH29- Wedlock And Load Part 2- Sweet Child ‘O Mine.
Summary: The ceremony complete, now it’s time for the party to end all parties!
Warnings: Bad language, no smut in this part…adult themes throughout
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: Get ready to PARTY!
Word Count- 5.4k
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Ch 29 Part 1
I’d hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain
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It took roughly an hour or so for the photographer to get all the shots she was happy with, including a few of Frank and Fliss alone, which allowed for everyone else to make their way back to the house for the party. The driver took them the long way round, so they could cruise along the coast, allowing their guests to arrive before them, but also give them a little more time alone together, to digest the day so far. The time the two of them shared was full of laughter and happiness, and many a stolen kiss.
There was to be nothing formal about their evening whatsoever. When they arrived, people were already milling around inside and outside the tent, taking up whatever spaces and seats they fancied, the only one out of bounds was the reserved one at the front. This was to be where Frank, Fliss, the kids and parents would sit, a head table of sorts.
As they walked hand in hand over the lawn, a lot of whistling and cheers filled the air and they both laughed, Frank turning to look down at Fliss.
“You okay?”
She beamed and reached up to cup his cheek. “More than okay.”
“I know I’ve told you about a million times today, but you do look absolutely stunning, Mrs Adler.” Frank brushed his lips over hers and she smiled against his mouth.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr Adler.”
Their noses brushed one another before they continued to make their way over to their guests, Frank noticing that Mary and Steve were already playing game of ‘Jenga’, using the huge set that they’d purchased. They were handed a glass of champagne each from one of the wait-staff who congratulated them and they ducked inside the main tent, which provided a welcome cooling release from the outside thanks to the huge air-conditioning units.  Alex was sat at his chair being fed by Verity.
“Hi,” Verity beamed up at them both as Alex swallowed his food and looked at his parents.
“Mamma!” He wiggled his arms and Fliss smiled, dropping a kiss to his head.
“He been okay?”
“Stop fussing.” Verity gave her a stern look. “It’s your wedding day. He’s fine now, and he’ll be fine for the next couple of nights whilst you’re away.”
“I know.” Fliss shrugged, “just wanted to check.”
Frank curled his arm around her waist as he tipped back the champagne in a huge gulp and Fliss looked at him.
“Take it easy.” She grinned.
“Fahk that.” He scoffed, nodding to her mum. “Like V just said, it’s our wedding day.”
Fliss playfully rolled her eyes before she pondered, tossed back her own drink and shrugged. She handed Frank the empty glass and he smirked, heading off to get them both a refil.
An hour or so later all the guests they were expecting had arrived and found seats. Food was being eaten, drinks were flowing and it was just the relaxed, party atmosphere they’d both hoped for. Eventually, when everyone had eaten their fill for the time being, glasses were recharged and Bill stood, gently tapping the side of his with his fork.
“You’re a noisy lot,” he scoffed and the tent laughed and heckled, Bill holding his hands out, “didn’t say that was a bad thing.” He took a deep breath. “For those of you that don’t know me, well, I’m Fliss’ dad…and I’m also a man of few words, so you’ll be pleased to hear this will be short and sweet. A bit like Mary.”
More laughter and Mary tilted her head to look at him, folding her arms. “I’m not short!”
“You are to us, Stack.” Bill shrugged and she rolled her eyes, nudging Frank in his ribs as he’d given a loud snort of laughter at her expense.
Bill launched into a speech, which was suitably embarrassing to Fliss, making her groan on more than one occasion as he recounted a few tales from her youth, including the full story about how her and Steve had almost burnt the house down when making pot brownies. But then, after he’d been talking for roughly five minutes, he swallowed, and his face grew serious.
“Lissy, I know me and you had our moment before, but I wanted you to know, I meant what I said from the bottom of my heart.” Bill licked his lips. “I love you, so very much my gorgeous, brave, wonderful little girl…” he took a shaky breath, and wiped his eye. “And it makes me so happy to know that you’ll be okay this time, I have no doubt in my mind about that. Frank’s a good man, with a kind heart, has some stupid ideas about football being called soccer but we’ll over look that.”
Frank shook his head, snorting as his arm curled round Fliss’ shoulder and he pressed a kiss to her temple.
“Frank, not even going to waste my breath telling you what will happen if you hurt her because I know you won’t. But look after her. She’s precious.” Bill looked at Frank who nodded to him, giving the man a small smile.
“So, if I could ask you all to raise a toast, to Frank and Fliss.” Bill raised his glass, “may your lives be full of joy, happiness and health.”
As the tent cheered and raised their glasses, Fliss stood up to hug her dad, his arms pulling her close and she smiled. “Love you, Pops.”
Bill pressed a kiss to her head and she sat down, Frank rising to his feet as the jeering began.
“Yeah, wanna let me start talking before you all start heckling?” He rolled his eyes as the cat calling subsided. “Thanks Bill for those kind words. You know, I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again, it truly means the world to me how you, Verity and the rest of the family embraced myself and Mary right from the start. You’ve always treated Mary like she’s one of your own, and for that I’ll always be grateful.”
He nodded to them both, raising his glass in their direction, before he took a sip. He then thanked the bridesmaids, as was customary, before toasting to absent friends and family, he and his mother sharing a significant look and soft smile at that point, before he took a huge breath, and bit his lip. 
“You know, if someone had told me three years ago, I’d be stood here, making a speech at my wedding, watched by not only my wife and friends, but our son and daughter too, I’d have laughed and asked you what drugs you’d been taking. But then on Saturday 5th August, 2017, I stepped onto this very farm with Mary, about two hundred yards or so that way…” he pointed to the opening of the tent, “and met Fliss.”
He smiled down at her and she beamed up, and Frank felt his heart swell as her eyes locked onto his, nothing but happiness and love was etched across her pretty face.
“I don’t believe in love at first sight.” He shook his head. “I’m a firm believer that to love someone you need to know them, truly know them. That said, I’m not gonna lie honey, those britches, boots and that tight polo shirt you were in really gave me the horn.” 
Laughter rang out across the tent and Fliss narrowed her eyes at him playfully, as he grinned and gave her a cheeky wink, before he turned his attention out to the crowd.
“I’ll never forget the first time Fliss came over to my apartment. It was on a whim, Mary basically guilt tripping me into doing it as her folks were out of town and she didn’t want Fliss to be lonely. I remember dashing round the place like a mad man, trying to make the full four rooms we possessed acceptable. For some reason, it bothered me. I don’t know why, but I didn’t want her thinking badly of me. But she arrived, walked in, looked around, and when I, rather hastily garbled that it probably wasn’t what she was used to, she turned and smiled at me. Not one of those smiles people do to be polite, it was a genuine, relaxed, happy one. And then she said ‘I love it, feels like a home’.” Frank licked his lips, as he looked at Fliss. “Baby, I knew from that moment on that there was something about you, something special. I wanted to get to know you more, and by the time you’d left that evening, I’d fallen in love with you as a person way before I fell in love with you as a partner.”
Fliss’s eyes began to water as she looked down for a moment, as various ‘awws’ rang out from the crowd.
“But, you see, that’s Lissy all over. She sees past things that other people get hung up on, she’s unassuming, doesn’t judge, always tries to see the best in people. She gets that from her parents, and I’m so glad she does because over those few months after we met, she saw me at my absolute worst. And still she stuck around.”
Frank turned to look down at Fliss, who peered up at him, her eyes shining with tears as he spoke directly to her.
“Honey, you are the sweetest, most loving, caring and kind person I have ever known. You make every day better, and you make me a better man and father. You’re a wonderful mom to both our children, and when I see you with them every day, I’m reminded of the fact that right from the start you loved Mary, unconditionally, and that is the best gift you could ever have ever give me, along with the one who is sat right there on his nanna’s lap.”
Frank glanced down at Alex who paused chomping on his little chew ring to look up at Frank, a huge grin spreading across his face. Frank sniffed a little, before he looked back at Fliss, his own eyes watering.
“Simply put, I love you, with everything I have.” He swallowed. “And I always will.”
He was aware of a few more coos and sniffs from the rest of the guests as he cleared his throat. He gave himself a moment to gather his composure, before he reached for his champagne flute.
“So, I’d like you all to join me in a toast to my gorgeous, stunning, mother of my children and wonderful wife…” he grinned at the word as cheers rang out across the tent. “My Lissy.”
He raised his glass, everyone doing the same, and then applause started as he sat down. Fliss turned to him, and gave him a soft kiss, her hand resting on the back of his neck.
“No, Frank!”
“Jesus Christ, buddy…” Frank turned to his son as more laughter rang out. The tot grinned and held his arms out, so he gently took Alex off Verity who was sat to his right. “Me and you are gonna need to have a conversation.”
Alex simply grinned and reached out with a little “oooh” as he began to play with the square peeking out from the breast pocket of his jacket.
“I love you.” Fliss leaned into Frank a little, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Love you too.” He beamed back.
The murmur around the tent hushed, and Greg rose from his seat a few tables away and Frank groaned. Fliss grinned, knowing he was about to get a roasting. And it started pretty much from the first line.
“Frankie, Frankie…” Greg grinned, “you said you never thought you’d see yourself here. Well, I speak for all of us-” he gestured to Simon and Jake who both raised their hands, smirking, “-when I say that we never thought we’d see it either. Man, you were a car crash when we first met you. Every Friday night you were on the prowl in Ferg’s, and, well frankly, your bed post has more notches than a Californian Red Tree.”
Huge bellows of laughter rang out as Frank dropped his head, sighing, before he glared at his best friend.
“Jokes on you, asshole, my headboard is metal.”
“It wasn’t.” Fliss shrugged, causing more laughter to ring out.
“Whose side are you on?” Frank looked at her, and she shrugged, giving him a wink.
Greg continue to rip into Frank, everyone joining in the laughter at his expense, Steve at one point wiping tears of mirth from his eyes as Greg recounted a tale about Frank ending up locked out of a hotel room, butt ass nude when they took a trip out to Jacksonville for a boys weekend.
“He thought the door to the room was the one to the bathroom.” Greg shrugged, smirking as he waited for the laughter to die down, and his face turned softer.
“But the thing is, for as long as I’ve known him, Frank’s life has never been about himself. Initially, it was always about Mary. Hell, it took me about eight solid weeks to convince him to come on that trip and leave Mary with Roberta…”
“Yeah, and Mary couldn’t wait to get rid of him.” Roberta called from where she sat on the table with Fliss’ cousins, and Mary grinned at her, Frank sighing.
“And then, it became about her and Fliss, and more recently Alex.” Greg continued. “There’s a well-worn cliché about how behind every great man, there’s an even greater woman. And, whilst Frank has always been great, Fliss changed him somewhat, something he won’t even try and deny. She made him truly see his own potential, tap into those abilities and achieve the stuff that we all knew he was capable of.”
At that point Frank turned to Fliss, the pair of them sharing a look, a soft smile spreading across his face.
“They bring out the best, and probably the worst in each other, but that’s what a partnership is about. Knowing your person at their worst, and loving them just the same.” Greg shrugged. “You guys simply get one another, in a way that a true couple should. You’re made for each other, and there’s nothing anyone else can really say other than that.”
He reached for his glass of champagne and held it out. “May your lives together be blessed, full of happiness and health. You both deserve it. To Mr and Mrs Adler.”
The rest of the tent followed his toast as Frank stood up and moved, meeting Greg half way as the two men shared an embrace, slapping each other’s backs.
“Thank you.” Frank whispered, and Greg pulled back, flashing him a wink.
Frank moved to take his seat, and then frowned a little as Steve rose to his feet, clearing his throat a little.
“Yeah, yeah, it isn’t tradition for me to give a speech, and that’s not what I’m going to do. Well, not much.” He shrugged, before his eyes fell on Fliss and she arched her brow. “Titch, I didn’t get chance to tell you before-“
“Yeah, because you were crying like a baby.” Sian interjected.
“Yes, true, but I just wanted to let you know, I’m so proud of you, we all are. Everything you’ve been through and accomplished. You’re amazing. And seeing you before, so happy, well-” Steve shrugged, “-I can’t put into words how it made me feel. You have a good man there, but just be aware Frank, I run a construction company. And we dig big holes. And fill them with concrete. And build houses over the top of them, get what I’m saying?”
The tent laughed and Frank threw his head back, a huge bellow coming from his own chest as besides him, Fliss also laughed.
“I don’t get it.” Mary chipped in, and Verity chuckled.
“Anyway, the family and your friends got you little something, and it’s outside, so if you wanna follow me…”
Frank looked at Fliss, who shrugged.
“It better not be another damned horse.” Frank grumbled as they both stood, and made their way to the tent entrance. They followed Steve round the tent, most of their guests behind them, until they reached the far side of the paddock, away from everything, and both stopped dead, their eyes widening.
Parked up was a wreck of a camper van. 
“Both of you have often said that when you were younger you’d always wanted one to travel in one and, well, now you can. And you can do it together, as a family.” Steve turned to them. Fliss continued to gape, whilst Frank stepped forward and pulled Steve into a hug before Fliss did the same, and Frank moved to run his hands gently over the rusty hood of the Volkswagon.
“Man, this…” he shook his head.
“This is fantastic.” Fliss finished for him, beaming at him as he grinned and wrenched open the side door to check out the inside.
“Looks like a heap of crap to me.” Mary mumbled.
“That’s because you lack vision.” the twins both spoke at once, identical looks on their faces as they stood there, arms folded.
It wasn’t long post the speeches that the evening’s entertainment arrived, and Frank introduced the man to Fliss, his wife letting out a huge below of laughter as she realised he’d booked ‘Warm Dub-Time Machine,’ a tribute act to Hot-Dub. She’d laughed until tears had poured down her face and then kissed Frank telling him that it was worth it for the name alone.
Thankfully, however, the reviews that Frank had read online all seemed to be bang on, as the guy was hilarious. Frank had already emailed him a list of the things they liked, so when he took over from the iPad, which had been simply shuffling a playlist in the background, he introduced himself and set into a couple of easy gong but catchy songs everyone knew.
Frank was stood at the far side of the tent talking to Steve and one of the guy’s from work when they heard Mr Warm-Dub (or Paul, as his real name was) announcing that it was approaching eight in the evening and therefore almost time for the first dance. Frank excused himself and located Fliss who was stood talking to her mum and cousins, Alex nestled on her hip as his hand absentmindedly toyed with her hair. She too had heard the announcement and was now looking round for him.
As he approached, she flashed him a huge smile and he gently dropped a kiss to her cheek.
“You ready, Mrs Adler?”
She beamed and then turned to her Mum, passing Alex over and took Frank’s hand.
“Lead the way, Sailor.”
“Gotta admit, I’m kinda liking this choice of song, guys!” The DJ spoke as they walked onto the dance floor, “Everyone, I give you the new Mrs and Mrs Adler!”
Everyone applauded, and the opening bars to their song struck up. The applause became a moment of silence; before being replaced with various chuckles and laughs of surprises, as it probably wasn’t a song many people would assume to be first dance worthy. But to Frank and Fliss it was perfect. It was the tune they’d both fast come to realise was the one that they both ended up dancing to at parties, would both turn up the volume for, would dance around the kitchen to, sing loudly out of tune to (in Fliss’ case, anyway).
She's got a smile that it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories, where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Frank’s right arm curled round Fliss’ waist, his left taking her right as he began to steer her round in a lively, upbeat dance to the song. Their party crowded round the edge, their kids both held safely in their grandparent’s arms giving them both the time to focus on nothing but each other.
Now and then when I see her face, it takes me away to that special place, and if I stared too long, I'd probably break down and cry…Sweet child o' mine, sweet love of mine
Frank grinned and spun Fliss out as the chorus struck up, pulling her back in before he twirled them both, watching her face as she simply laughed, her eyes locked onto his. He leaned down and gently kissed her as they were joined on the dancefloor by their friends and family. 
Mary wiggled out of Bill’s arms and headed straight to Charlie and Joel who were now in the middle of the floor, doing some very energetic air guitarring. Evelyn gestured for Verity to hand Alex over so she could dance with Bill, Verity doing so with a thank-you and a huge smile.
“She's got eyes of the bluest skies…”
“Brown.” Fliss interrupted Frank’s singing and he laughed, spinning her round again, his hands firmly planted on her ass as he swayed them.
“Doesn’t really go though, babe.” 
“Meh…” She wrinkled her nose as he pressed his lips to hers, keeping them half an inch from her mouth as he continued singing.
“Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place, where as a child I'd hide, and pray for the thunder and the rain, to quietly pass me by…”
Fliss grinned and kissed him again before the heavier guitar struck in and Frank grabbed both her hands, using them to move her shoulders back and forth in time with the music. Before long, everyone was on the dance floor around them, throwing various moves and shapes and both of them found themselves in the middle of a huge ring of people as the song reached its crescendo. 
On the last bar of music, Frank grabbed Fliss and dipped her, making her shriek and grab both of his biceps, her head tipping back in laughter. He pulled her back up, winked and planted a huge kiss on her lips as the song finished and cheers broke out.
“Alright guys, Frank and Fliss wanted a party, so that’s what you’re gonna get.” Mr Warm-Dub spoke over the sound system, “I’m gonna take you right back to the start of party music all the way to the fifties and right through to now, so get ready to rock ‘n’ roll…”
The opening bars to ‘Rock Around The Clock’ hit their ears and most people stayed where they were, except Fliss moved towards Evelyn to check on Alex.
“He’ll probably go down now.” She looked at her mother-in-law, who nodded.
“I’ll do it, Fliss.” She assured her, “it’s no problem.”
Fliss hesitated before she nodded. “Okay, his buggy is in the corner, there’s a bottle of milk and a pair of ear defenders on the shelf underneath. Are you sure-“
“Fliss, I’m sure.” Evelyn looked at her sternly, now go, go on.”
“Everything okay?” Frank’s arm looped around her waist as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Yeah, fine. I’m just going to pop Alex down.” Evelyn looked at him as Frank’s hand smoothed over the back of the sleepy tot’s head.
“Thanks.” He winked at his mom, before he turned to Fliss. “You need another drink?”
“Yeah, yeah.” She nodded. With a last look at her son who was being carried to the edge of the tent she took a deep breath and allowed her husband to steer her towards the bar.
**** The DJ’s first set took them about an hour, and after that he simply then launched into a list of songs that Frank and Fliss had both compiled, also tossing out a pad and paper for people to write their requests on. Simply put, he was a hit, and Frank was glad he’d stumbled across him. 
“Where the fuck is Steve!?” Fliss yelled, her head whipping around for her brother as their childhood song filled the tent. Almost as if by magic, he came flying through the entrance, his jacket and tie discarded as he skidded into the middle of the dancefloor, grinning. 
“Oh, this is gonna be goooood!” Mary grinned as Frank danced with her to Men In Black. “You know she knows all the moves, right?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen it. Several times.” Frank snorted. “Although, watching Steve do it could be funny…”
But, to give Steve his credit, for such a huge guy, he was surprisingly graceful and as the right bit in the song arrived, the two siblings launched into the dance moves, both of them perfectly in time with the music and one another. Frank laughed along, his eyes straying to Babs who was filming the entire thing, stood by her husband, Hugh, who was acting as the unofficial photographer for the evening with his very expensive and professional looking Nikon. When the pair of them had finished, everyone cheered and Frank shook his head as Fliss looked at him, popping her shoulder slightly. She was then whisked off by her cousins to the bar and Frank smiled, as he turned to Greg who thrust a tumbler of scotch in his hand.
“You’re empty handed.” His best man winked and Frank laughed, reaching up to loosen his tie a little more, his jacket long since tossed somewhere over one of the hay bales serving as a chair.
“Thanks.” Frank took a sip and looked around at the tent, which was buzzing with activity and grinned. “Think we threw a good party.”
“Hell yeah.” Greg snorted, “not that anyone should have expected anything else.”
Frank laughed and then excused himself to go and mingle with a few people, his eyes constantly searching for his new bride. 
Both Greg and Jake had warned him that they’d probably end up spending more time with other people at the party than they would with each other, and so far that seemed to be stacking up. Instead of it feeling strange, Frank actually found it quite nice in a way, watching her simply move amongst their guests.
Plus, he had plenty of time to get her all to himself for the next few days…
At bang on ten, the party moved outside for the sparklers, the music carrying well thanks to the speakers positioned around the little makeshift courtyard. Mary had the honour of taking the first one, along with Charlie and Joel, all four of them spelling out their names along with various ‘rude words’ in the dark of the night. Fliss laughed as she watched before she took one, then yelling as Frank’s arms wrapped round the back of her thighs and he lifted her up. His head tipped back and he watched the reflection of the sparkler, dancing in her deep, brown eyes, like stars as she laughed and waved at her friends and family.
The party continued through the night, plenty of food was eaten, alcohol was consumed, and the songs just rattled through the 90s and 00s tunes they’d asked for. But when Mr Warm-Dub announced that it was now midnight, and therefore he was into his last half hour, Frank felt a little downhearted. Simply put, he didn’t want the night to end.
That said, his little moment was short lived as the opening notes to his favourite song ever rang out. Fliss grinned at him, beckoning him onto the dancefloor where she was dancing with Bonnie and Joanne and he winked, sauntering onto the floor, where he was jumped on by his best friends. Shaking them off, he grabbed Fliss’ hips and pulled her flush to him as he moved them around to ‘Shook Me All Night Long.’
As the song hit it’s loudest chorus, he dropped to his knees in front of her, head tilted back, belting the song out before he stood up quickly, hands wrapping around the back of her legs and she screamed, tipping forward over his shoulder, her hands planting in his back as he spun her round.
“Put me down, you ass!” she laughed, and Frank set her on her feet, grinning as she shook her head.
A couple of songs later, and the DJ announced it was time for the last one, and when he announced that this one was for the other most important person of the day besides the bride, Mary, she came running into the middle of the floor and looked up at her parent’s quizzically. But her puzzlement didn’t last long. The Beach Boys, ‘God Only Knows’ drifted out of the speakers and she gave a huge smile, taking Frank’s left hand in her right, and Fliss’s right in her left. Frank reached out for Fliss’ other hand, the three of them forming a closed circle as they all danced along, their friends joining in around them.
As the song, and therefore the night finished, Frank picked Mary up and pressed a kiss to her cheek as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he felt her give a yawn. He looked at Fliss who smiled, running her hand over Mary’s head, and she pulled back.
“I’m not tired.” 
“Course not, Stack.” Frank deadpanned as she yawned again.
And then, it was all over, after what felt like five minutes to Frank.
After handing the kids over, Fliss started flapping a little. Her parents, Steve and the kids were all staying at their house for the night with Mary going back to Steve’s for a few nights tomorrow, Alex to Bill and Verity’s. Leaving her to it, knowing full well she needed to get it out of her system, Frank headed off to retrieved his jacket.
“Thanks.” He took it off Roberta as she smiled at him.
“Well, I would ask if you had a good day,” she grinned, “but…”
“The best.” He winked. “Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t seen you much, but…”
“Oh hush, Frank, you see me all the time.” She shrugged. “It’s your wedding day, lord knows you’ve had enough other people to get round. Besides, that nice man over there kept me company.”
Frank turned to see Aaron, one of his older work colleagues waving at Roberta and he looked back at her, his eyebrow raised.
“You dirty-“
“Keep talking and you gonna be trying to entertain your wife tonight on one leg.” She narrowed her eyes.
“Don’t need my legs.” He winked and she scoffed. She then took a deep breath, and reached out, laying her hand on his forearm. Frank felt a sudden lump in his throat as Roberta looked at him, her eyes watering over.
“I’ve seen you grow so much as a man over the past few years, Frank. You’re a good guy, and you deserve this. I couldn’t be happier for you, or prouder of you if you were my own son.”
“Stahp.” Frank spluttered, waving his hand at her before he leaned down and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you, for everything, Roberta. You’ve been the one constant in my life since I moved here, and I’d never have managed to cope without you.”
He moved back, letting go a little as Roberta wiped her eyes, before she waved him off. Taking a moment to compose himself, he moved over to where Fliss was, shrugging his jacket on as he walked.
“You ready?” He dropped a kiss to her cheek and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Take her, please.” He grumbled. “it’s like we’ve never looked after kids before.”
“Stop stressing out.” Frank muttered into her ear. “We’re gonna be thirty minutes away, tops.”
“I know, I know…” She bit her lip before she took a deep breath, “okay, lets go.”
“No, you gotta wait.” Mary looked at them as Bill set her down. “We have to make the arch and throw rice at you.”
“Oh, brilliant, really looking forward to that.” Frank shot back sarcastically, huffing a little as Mary dug him in his stomach.
The played the game though, and as they walked out of the tent they both speedily hurried beneath the arms of their friends, shaking the rice out of their hair as they reached the waiting, sleek black Mercedes. The driver opened the door for Fliss and then once Frank made sure she was in, he scooted round to the other side, and took a last look at his friends and family.
With a fist pump of victory and satisfaction, met by loud cheers and applause, he climbed in to the back, reached over and pulled Fliss in for a kiss as the car set off.
*** Part 3
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH29- Wedlock And Load Part 1- I Do
Summary: Mary and Alex Adler request your presence at the wedding of their Mom And Dad….
Warnings: Bad language, no smut in this part…adult themes throughout
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: Eeeeep. It’s finally here!!!
Word Count- 7.5k (yeah, it’s a wedding y’all…sorry not sorry!)
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
The Adler Wedding Album: A selection of moodboards inspired  by the wedding.
Chapter 28 Part 3
It’s a beautiful night, I’m looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, think I wanna marry you.
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The alarm buzzed through the silence of the room and Frank gave a groan, reaching over to his nightstand. He picked up the phone, bleary eyed as he glanced at the time and swiped his finger across the screen. Once the annoying noise had stopped he gave a sigh and rolled over to his side, reaching for Fliss for a quick cuddle before they were disturbed by either of the kids and had to rise, ready for another morning of breakfasting, school and childminder drop offs and work.
But Fliss wasn’t there. Instead, his hand met the sheet over the top of the mattress.
And then he sat bolt upright, a grin spreading across his face as he remembered there was no work or school today.
Because it was Saturday the 26th September. And in roughly eight hours’ time, he’d be married to the love of his life.
Frank grabbed his phone again and was quickly to send a text to his love. 
“Morning gorgeous. The last one you’ll spend as a Gallagher. Love you so much. See you on the sand xx”
With that, he swung his legs out of bed and stood up, stretching as he cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders a little bit. As they’d picked an afternoon wedding, he knew he could have a reasonably slow morning, but he felt anything but relaxed. The adrenaline was already coursing through his veins and he was hyper aware that just after lunch, the rest of the preparations would be completed inside the tent that had been put up last night in the back field.
They’d over seen the setup of the tables together before Fliss had departed for her parents’ house. Haybales upon haybales were stacked and built up, forming intricate and rustic couches and seating spaces with distressed palates for tables along with empty and distressed old wooden wire spools. Big tents had gone up and fairy lights and lanterns would be the only light surrounding them after the sun went down. Other than the current bustle about with barrel beverages being set up and their florist and coordinator setting up the finishing touches, all was set really, but the bar, food trucks and rest of the things such as the lawn games and various boards and whatever the hell else Fliss had ordered would be arriving today for him to oversee. He’d gotten a little frustrated with his soon-to-be bride when he’d asked her to tell him exactly where she wanted it setting up and she’d merely shrugged. When he’d continued to quiz her, she’d laughed and informed him that she didn’t give a shit, as long as it was all accessible to everyone, what did it matter.
Now, all that frustration had been replaced with a nervous excitement.
And he was simply buzzing, from head to toe. 
He grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, which were draped over the chair in front of Fliss’ vanity and made his way out onto the landing. He paused, turning as he realised Thor wasn’t anywhere to be seen and then he rolled his eyes. Of course he wasn’t, he was with Fliss. Both he and Rupert, Bill’s elderly terrier, were being looked after for the day and evening by one of Verity’s friends. They’d toyed with actually having him around them, Fliss musing at some point about him being in the photos with maybe Cap and Cleo, but they’d eventually decided against it. It would be so busy and warm, and they wouldn’t actually be back in the tent until six pm or so by the time the events on the beach had finished, they’d be straight into the speeches and party so they’d decided they’d do a smaller, family orientated shoot a little later in the year.
He padded downstairs, yawning as he headed into the family room and then gave a little blink as he saw his mother was sat on the sofa, dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple white tee.
“Good morning,” she smiled at him and he felt his own face crack into a grin.
“Hey, Mom.” 
“Coffee is brewed. Hope you don’t mind me coming in here but the guest suite felt a little…”
She trailed off and Frank shook his head. “Mi casa es su casa,” he shrugged as he made his way to the kitchen area to pour himself a drink. “Any sign of Greg, Simon or Jake?”
His mother shook her head. “The amount of beer you four put away last night, I’m surprised you’re as bright eyed and bushy tailed as you are.” She gave him a slightly disapproving look as he raised an eyebrow at her before she snorted. “I suspect they’re still sleeping it off wherever they are.”
“Greg’s in the spare room, Jake’s in Alex’s on a pull out and Simon’s in the front living room on the sofa. Mary refused point blank to let anyone stay in her’s.”
Evelyn pursed her lips, “she’s a madam, you should have told her, not asked.”
“Doesn’t work like that with Stack, as you know.” Frank rolled his eyes. “Besides, as Fliss pointed out. She’s ten. Her room is her room, her space. Wasn’t worth the argument.”
Before his mother could reply, a movement in the doorway caught Frank’s eyes and Simon wandered into the room, casually dressed in shorts and a tee, giving a groan. “Thought I heard your dulcet tones, Francis. Jesus Christ my head is banging, got any Advil?”
With a smirk, Frank reached into the cupboard over the cooker where they kept the medical supplies and tossed the box down on the side, as Simon sank into one of the stools at the breakfast bar. With a thanks, he took the bottle of water Frank was offering, tossed back two pills and shook his head. 
“Feeling a little delicate, are we?” Frank’s smirk grew even wider and Simon, who’s head was now resting on his arms which were folded on the surface, didn’t even look up as he simply raised one of his hands and flipped Frank off. Frank let out a bark of a laugh and clapped Simon on the shoulder.
“Better buck up soon, pal. We got work to do.”
“Work?” Simon peered up at him. “What do you mean, work?”
“Gotta check the tent, make sure everything arrives, then we need to be at the beach about an hour before the ceremony.”
“An hour?” 
“Yeah, you need to do your job and usher people to their seats.”
Simon pushed himself up and shook his head. “Fuck this, I’m whisking Bonnie off to Vegas. Done, there and then, one night. Easy.”
Frank gave a chuckle before he shrugged. “You got a few hours yet. Get some breakfast down you and you’ll be right as rain.”
The response was merely a non-committal grunt.
Fliss had been lying awake in her bed for a bit, a smile over her lips as she reminisced about the days that filled her life the past few years that got her to today. Then her phone vibrated harshly beside her, the vibrations felt through the quilt. 
She beamed as she read Frank's message. It warmed her so deep, she grew even calmer as she typed her reply. 
“Morning handsome. I love you with all my heart, I can’t wait!”
Then she flittered down the hall to find her baby boy cooing at the sight if her. 
“Morning baby.” Fliss gently picked Alex up from the crib in his little bedroom, previously one of her mom and dad’s spare rooms. He beamed at her, yawning a little before his tiny hands fisted in her hair and he pressed his face into her neck, muttering something as she gently cradled him, allowing him to come round properly.
She made her way to the curtains, throwing them open and glanced down at the pool area which the room over looked. She gave a snort to see that Mary and her dad were already sat outside, Mary on her poppa’s knee as they both chatted away. Verity then appeared with a plate of toast, and Fliss felt her stomach rumble.
“Shall we go get some breakfast?” She looked at Alex and he grinned.
Fliss gave a chuckle as she pressed her lips to his head. “Yeah, whatever.”
She turned to make her way to the door and her eyes moved to the right, and she caught a glimpse of her dress which was hanging up on the outside of the wardrobe, covered in the sheer protective plastic wrap.  Her stomach did a little jolt as she paused, taking in the ivory and cream lace detail, thinking about how later that day she’d be dressed in it, walking down the soft sand with her Dad towards the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with.
Her Sailor.
She was surprised at how calm she felt, but then again, she wasn’t sure she could feel any other way. Marrying Frank was something she wasn’t doubtful about in the slightest. There were no niggling little voices in her head, no feelings of trepidation or fear about the future. Not like last time.
Because this wasn’t the same. Nothing about her relationship with Frank was the same as her previous marriage. He loved her, cared for her, was a beautiful man inside and out. And he would move heaven and earth to keep her and the kids safe.
No, there were no doubts or worries in her mind whatsoever.
With a last look at her dress, she made her way down stairs and then once in the landing she obliged to Alex’s protests and set him on the floor, where he took a few tentative steps unaided having learnt to do so the very previous morning much to her and Frank’s delight. As she saw his little legs beginning to wobble, she held out her fingers and he curled his hands around them and she helped him toddle into the kitchen and to the large patio doors, which led onto the decking area where her mom, Mary and dad were seated.
Verity was first to spot them, rising from her chair with a smile.
“Morning, love.” She beamed and Fliss smiled back as Alex gave a yell at the sight of his nanna. “Oh look at you, my little big man!” Verity crouched down. “Can you walk to Nanny?”
He let go of Fliss’ fingers and tottered a little unsteadily towards her, the last few steps pitching him forward a little but Fliss didn’t worry. Verity caught him and picked him up, placing a kiss to his cheek as he giggled and hugged her back. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” Bill stood up and gave Fliss a kiss on the cheek. “You doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m great.” She beamed before she turned to Mary who wrapped her arms round her waist.
“I just spoke to Dad.” She smiled and Fliss grinned. “He told me to tell you he loves you and if you’re thinking about running, don’t bother, as he’ll spend forever tracking you down.”
Fliss gave a laugh as she settled at the table, her dad pouring her a coffee from the pot in the middle. “He wishes I’d run.”
“I doubt that.” Bill gave her a wink as he handed her the coffee. She took it with thanks and sipped it slowly, watching as Verity handed Alex a piece of toast.
“Is that nice?” V asked her grandson and he gave a nod.
Considering he had been quite laid back about the amount of time he had, Frank soon found himself checking his watch and giving a little yelp as he realised it was half past one.
“Fuck, the car will be here in an hour!” 
“Hey, it’s all good.” Greg slapped his shoulder. “Everything is here…”
“Yes, Mr Adler.” Their co-ordinator smiled. “I promise, we’ve got what we need. I’ve done this before.”
“So, you know where I want the-“
“Bar and food trucks, yes.” She nodded. “They’ve already called. They’ll be here in an hour. Wait staff are also on their way. We’ll be ready.”
With a final deep breath, Frank allowed Greg to steer him back down the path towards the main yard, the two men stopping once as Frank greeted Cap with a gentle stroke to the nose before they made their way back over the lawn to the house. Once inside, Frank was greeted by a glass of scotch which was thrust into his hand by Jake, who was already showered and in his royal blue suit slacks, his dress shirt collar open.
“Dude, slow down!” Simon chuckled as Frank tossed the drink down in one mouthful, wincing. “What’s gotten you all worked up?”
“Leave him alone, he’s getting married!” Jake grinned, as he topped Frank’s glass up.
“Where’s Evelyn?” Frank asked, looking round.
“Gone to get ready.” Simon nodded to him. “And I suggest you do the same.”
“Yup, come on, buddy,” Greg shoved him gently in the back towards the door into the hall, “Tripple S time. Shit, shower and shave.”
“In that particular order, or…” Frank arched a brow as he reached the stairs.
“Well, if you wanted to save time you could always try shitting in the shower.” Jake called, and Frank rolled his eyes, “wouldn’t recommend it though.”
“I’ll leave shitting in places where it shouldn’t be done to Alex,” Frank stated as he headed up the stairs, “Fliss wasn’t amused when he took a turd in the bath the other night.”
His friend’s laughter drowned out as he closed the door to his bedroom and ran his hands over his face. He took a deep, steadying breath, his stomach was now churning in a mix of excitement and nerves.
“Okay, get it together Adler,” he mumbled to himself as he walked into the en-suite. He tipped the scotch he was holding down his throat and placed the tumbler down by the sink, then stripped off and dived into the shower.
Little over ten minutes later he was out, wrapped in a towel, another rubbing at his hair. He emerged from the en-suite, the steam from the warm shower flowing into the bedroom and he moved quickly, sorting himself out before he turned and then with a smirk grabbed the gift-bag that was on his nightstand. 
In another break from tradition, he and Fliss had exchanged their small gifts the afternoon before. They’d agreed not to go overboard, a strict fifty buck limit. Fliss had beamed when she’d opened the dangly Pandora charm, which depicted a cartoon groom tipping his bride backwards and kissing her. It completed her bracelet, something she was quite emotional about, kissing him deeply before she handed him the gift box he was now opening again.
With a chuckle, he pulled out the black boxer shorts, which were emblazoned across the ass cheeks with gold writing which read ‘Property of Mrs Adler,’ and their wedding date underneath. Dropping this towel, he tugged them on and then reached back into the bag for the pair of socks which were striped in the same colours as his tie. Once he’d pulled those on he then retrieved the final item from the bag, a small box, which contained the silver cufflinks. They both carried an intricate engraving, the letters F and A intertwined on each, with a small deep blue stone set into the middle. 
A quick tidy up of his beard later, which didn’t take much as he’d had it professionally trimmed along with his hair the previous morning, he pulled on his dress shirt, slacks and then set about styling his hair. There was then a knock on his door and it opened to reveal Greg, now completely suited and booted. 
“Did you shit in the shower?”
Frank gave a snort. “No, I used the toilet like a civilized human.”
Greg laughed as he reached out, handing Frank his tie. With hands that were now shaking, he deftly tied the Windsor knot before he pulled on his waistcoat.
“Photographer is here for a couple of action shots so to speak, and the cars are thirty minutes away. Jake also said your hotel have confirmed that your bags are ready and waiting in the Honeymoon Suite for tonight. So, don’t sweat it, buddy,” Greg clapped his hand on Frank’s shoulder, “plenty of time. You got this.”
Frank turned to his best friend and gave him a huge smile. “Yeah, I know.”
“There is one thing I need.”
“The rings.” Greg smirked and Frank cursed.
“Fahk.” He moved round the bedroom to the dresser, and pulled out the ring box, which contained their wedding bands.  He opened the box to check them quickly. Tucked inside was his solid platinum band that had an unfinished sheen to it, giving the band a rugged look while sat beside it was Fliss'; an intricate vine design where the leaves were encrusted with diamonds and he smiled, closing it with a snap. He handed it to Greg who stored it in his top pocket, doing up the button.
“Sorted, see you downstairs.” He turned to go, before he stopped and spun back to face Frank. “Oh, your mom asked me to check she could come up.”
“Sure.” Frank shrugged, sitting down on the bed as he slipped his feet into his shiny dress shoes. He’d just finished lacing them up when his mom walked into the room, her face soft as she took him in.
“God, you look incredibly like your father.” Her eyes misted up a little as she shook her head.
“Yeah, you tell me that a lot.” Frank arched his brow as she stepped towards him, straightening his tie. “Hey, could you do my cufflinks?”
“Sure.” Evelyn took the box and a silence fell over the pair of them as she slipped on through the holes in the sleeves of his shirt, locking the bar in place, and repeating with the other one.
Frank took a deep breath as he glanced in the mirror, not wanting to put his jacket on quite yet.
“You know, he’d be proud.” Evelyn spoke and Frank locked eyes with her reflection as she smiled at him. “And so would Diane.”
Frank smiled back at her, his eyebrow quirking upwards as he swallowed a little. “And you?”
“Frank, you make me proud every day. You always have done, even when I was too pig-headed and stubborn to say it.”  Evelyn sniffed a little as she laid a hand on his shoulder, her fingers giving him a little squeeze before she moved and left the room.
Frank wiped at his eyes as he shook his head, not quite sure whether he believed her or not but that said, if there was one thing Evelyn Adler was not, it was a liar.
Damned, his mother was proud of him. Who knew?
With a final look at himself in the mirror, he took a deep breath, before he grabbed his jacket and headed downstairs.
Fliss beamed at the mirror as Bonnie gently fluffed the veil over her shoulders. Verity’s hand flew to her mouth as Fliss turned to her, a smile on her face.
“Oh my girl!” Her mom spluttered as she held Alex in her arms, the tot fiddling with the little bow tie around his neck which completed his outfit which consisted of a pair of navy shorts, a white shirt and tiny suspenders.
Mary grinned. “You look like a princess.”
“So do you!” Fliss smiled down at her daughter who gave a twirl, her dress fluttering out as she did so.  Fliss then turned to Bonnie and Joanne, studying them both for a second.
“You look fantastic too.” Fliss beamed at her friends who both smiled back at her. However, before either could comment, there was a knock on the door, which could only been her dad. All of them shouted for him to come in and the door opened slowly.
There was a moment's pause as Bill got a first look at his daughter, his hand flying to his mouth as instantly his eyes filled with tears. In four long strides he crossed the room and took her face in his hands and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
"I love you, Titch." He blubbered, his lips moving against her forehead as he spoke.
“Dad…” Fliss stuttered a little, “I know you do, you huge sap! Don’t set me off, my mascara will run!”
"You and Frank...." he pulled back, her face still held in his large hands as he shook his head, "you're meant for one another. I couldn't be more proud of you. I'm so sorry we weren't there when we should have been. I'm sorry I wasn't there, sweetheart."
“Okay, Mary, we need to go watch for the car arriving.” Bonnie tactfully spoke, smoothing down here pale blue dress. Mary made a noise of protest which was silenced instantly when Verity shot her a look. With Alex in her arms, Fliss’ mom gave her a little wink and kissed her husbands cheek before she followed them out of the room, shutting the door behind her.
“You’ve always been there for me.” Fliss turned to her dad once the coast was clear, frowning at his sudden outburst of emotion. “What are you talking about?”
"For years I've felt like I've failed you, I let you marry that bastard and pushed you away because of our hatred towards him. But I see you with Frank, and Mary, and Alex and.... there's a certain peace that settles over me. Like I know you're going to be just fine this time... Forever."
Fliss felt her eyes well up, a lump in her throat as her dads words hit her. She knew he carried a guilt over what had happened with John, and not just how he’d failed in his mind to keep her safe. He’d refused to give her away at the wedding, instead leaving it to Steve who’d done so grudgingly as the other alternative had been John’s brother. They’d refused to contribute financially, not that it had mattered, and then their relationship had been fraught, something John had encouraged, isolating her further. 
But when it had come down to it, her parents and brother had been the ones to eventually reduce her from a cycle of pain and abuse that was now nothing but a distant, shitty memory.
“None of that matters, Dad, please don’t cry.” Fliss stuttered as she reached up and wiped a tear from Bill’s cheek. “You’re the best dad in the world, and more so because you chose to love me as well as Mom. You’ve done nothing but care and provide for me, and you’re the best father I could ever have hoped for, since that day you saw me for the first time asleep in the car. And you’re right, I’m gonna be absolutely fine. More than fine in fact.”
"I know, Titch, I know. But I had to say it. You had to know."
“I love you, William Mitchell Gallagher,” Fliss shook her head, a splutter of a laugh escaping her as her dad wrapped her in a hug, which was a little awkward as she was trying her best not to leave make up all over his suit, “don’t you ever think otherwise.”
Bill gently hugged his daughter back, his embrace warm and telling but so as not to ruin her veil and make up.
Fliss stepped back and dabbed at her eyes. “Am I good?”
"Perfect, but there is just one thing missing." Bill reached into his inside coat pocket, revealing a delicate box in his hand. He passed the antique looking jewelery box over to Fliss and she took it with a perfectly manicured hand.
With a smile at her dad, she opened it and blinked at the delicate, yet stunning earrings inside. They were a simple, white gold drop style, with teardrop shaped diamonds held at the end.
“They were your Nanna Gallagher’s.” Bill took a deep breath. “Your Grandpa Alex gave them to me for you before he died. I held on to them for this day but, well, I didn’t give them to you last time and I’m sorry.”
"Oh, Dad," the bride to be choked up again and sniffled. "They're beautiful."
Bill gave a nod as Fliss set the box on the side before she moved to pick up a small, red leather box that was placed on the dresser.
“I got you something too.” She handed it to Bill who took it with a frown.
“Is it tradition really for the bride to buy her dad a gift?”
Fliss shrugged, “who the fuck cares, you know this wedding isn’t about tradition.”
With another soft smile, Bill opened the box and looked down at the silver, engraved cufflinks inside. On one read the words “Dad, of all the walks we’ve taken…” underneath which sat the time “4 pm” and on the other “…this one is my favourite.” along with the date. Bill blinked, giving another little sniff before he looked at Fliss, his greeny blue eyes shining.
“They’re great Titch. And for the record, I think it’s gonna be my favourite too.”
“You look like you’re about to shit your pants.” Alan, Frank’s old boss greeted him with a firm handshake.
Frank snorted and let out a soft chuckle. “I’m a little nervous, yeah.”
Alan clapped him on the shoulder and shook his head, “you kids have been waiting for this for a while, it’ll be fine, buddy. Once she appears at the end of that boardwalk, you’ll find everything you’re bothered about melts away.”
Frank smiled and then led Alan down to the seats, set at either side of the wooden walkway that had been set up on the beach as a makeshift aisle. There wasn’t many, the actual ceremony itself being limited to close friends and family, so they hadn’t specified specifically where people should sit, bar reserving the front two rows for the bride and grooms parties.
Greg, Jake and Simon, the men most influential in Frank's life on the Gulf Coast, were smartly dressed in suits that bore near the same steel blue colour spectrum as Frank's, but dustier, a lighter colour than the groom's. They, too, wore ties, made from a light, almost silvery, grey fabric, Frank gifting them each their monogrammed tie pins as a thanks for being a part of his special day. Their looks were completed with tan coloured shoes, although Jake had voted for flip flops, Fliss shutting that one down straight away.  They were busy, all doing their job efficiently, directing people to free seats and explaining the order of the service as they went. For which Frank was grateful as he was struggling, at that point in time, to form much more than monosyllabic words.
There was now less than half an hour to go now before he’d be stood at the font, watching Fliss emerge through the arch at the end, which was veiled with thin lines of white flowers.
Frank could feel the heat from the afternoon sun blazing on his neck as he stood looking around, feeling utterly lost. His fingers slid into the collar of his shirt, a shirt he remembered trying on a few months back and was convinced it hadn’t been this tight back then
But his slacks had fit fine, and it had felt okay back at the house…
“So Bonnie just messaged…” Frank turned to Simon who flashed him a grin, “they’ve just set off. Fliss and her Dad are following on so she’s not doing a runner.”
Frank rolled his eyes. “I know she wouldn’t…”
“More fool her.”
“Fuck you.”
“Language.” Evelyn chastised him gently and Frank turned to her, his brow arched.
“Like you can talk.”
“I can, yes, because I’m your mother, Frank.” She mimicked his expression, reaching up to straighten his tie for the second time that day. She smoothed down the jacket of his suit and then gave him a little smile. “Do you need some water, son?”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded, “there’s a bucket at the end of the aisle for people to help themselves.”
“Okay, make yourself useful.” Evelyn shoved Simon in the back who scoffed, but nevertheless sauntered away in the direction of said refreshments.
“I know this might seem like a really, stupid piece of advice but try and enjoy this.” Evelyn looked around. “This is yours, and Felicity’s…”
“Fliss,” Frank corrected.
“Of course, yours and Fliss’ big day.” Evelyn nodded. “Everything is set up for the reception,”
“Whatever,” Evelyn rolled her eyes, “the point is there’s nothing left for you to do now bar marry one another. What was it you used to tell me all the time? I should learn to ‘roll with the punches’?”
Frank blinked before he shook his head, a little scoff of laughter slipping from his lips. “Advice you always used to ignore.”
“Because you were laid back enough for all of us.” Evelyn shrugged. “What I’m trying, very inarticulately, to say is that today is what it is. You’ve planned it, you’re ready. So try and calm down before you pass out. And please tell me you’re wearing sunscreen.”
“Yes, I have sunscreen on.” Frank shook his head. “No more Russian roulette with my skin.”
Evelyn snorted, but before she could say anything else, Simon reappeared with a bottle of water. Frank took it from him with a thanks, cracked it open and drained half of it in one go.
“Woah, steady on pal!” Greg laughed as he approached from the left, “last thing you need is to be pissing yourself.”
“From the look on his face he already has!” Jake sniggered as he drew up besides Greg.
“Fucking fuck you all.” Frank groaned.
Whether it was his friends’ gentle teasing, or his mother’s continued pep talking, he had no idea, but it felt like time simply sped at light speed from then on. He helped usher and visit briefly with those that were there and soon enough he saw Verity, Steve and Sian walking towards him, Alex nestled in his nanna’s arms. The dapper little boy was dressed in his charcoal coloured tweed looking but cotton breathable dress pants complete with grey and cream stripped long sleeve onsie, but what was Frank's favourite part and Fliss' most proud accessories, were the sweet button suspenders with little blue anchors, a homage to her sailor and charcoal matching bow tie.
A huge smile spread across Alex’s face as his son was placed on the floor and Frank crouched, allowing the tot to toddle towards him, before he swept him up into his arms, kissing his head.
“Hey, Pal.”
“Dadda!” Alex giggled and Frank smiled, a sudden wave of calmness washing over him as he held his son, who immediately moved to fiddle with the white rose in his button hole.
“Oooh,” he cooed and Frank kissed his head again, turning to Verity.
“Well, don’t you look dapper!” his mother-in-law to be smiled as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“How is she?” 
“Surprisingly calm.” Verity smiled.
“At least one of them is.” Evelyn beamed as Alex grinned at her and held his arms out. She took him from Frank and he straightened his boutonniere, taking a deep breath. Looking to Verity for approval, she flashed him a wink and touched his arm, before she headed after his mother who was now taking her seat on the front row.
Steve pulled him into a huge hug, clapping his hands on his back, but when Frank looked at the man, Steve simply shook his head, his eyes welling over, clearly unable to speak. He simply nodded, and Sian slipped her hand into his as she gave Frank a smile and a nod, the two of them heading off to their seats.
And then, Greg was in front of him.
“She’s here buddy.”
From then on it was a blur, the nerves back in full force, Frank moved to where he was directed and took his place at the top end of the aisle, Greg to his right, Jake and Simon to his left. The registrar flashed him a smile as she took her place in front of him, on the little raised platform. 
“Ladies and gentlemen!” she cleared her throat and a silence fall over the congregation, the sounds of nothing but the waves and birds carrying over the warm breeze. “If I could ask you to all be upstanding for the bride.”
The opening bars to One Day Like this by Elbow drifted from the speakers and as everyone rose to their feet, Frank closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he turned around.
First through the arch came Mary, dressed in a tea length chiffon number with a skirt that she had happily said looked like cupcake frosting, and a glittery belt with a chiffon rosette that sparkled like the sun across the ocean. She was supposed to be walking slowly in front of Bonnie, along with Charlie and Joel, but one look at him and she set off at a run. Despite his entire body now feeling like a coiled spring, his chest tight with emotion and nerves, Frank chuckled along with their guests and bent down as she threw herself into his arms. He hugged her back, blinking away tears as she kissed his cheek.
“I love you, dad.” She whispered, before she pulled back, her hands on either side of his face. “And mom looks so pretty.”
“I bet she does.” He sniffed, setting her down. With a hand on the back of her head he guided her over to the right side where she slid into a seat between Evelyn and Verity, Alex letting out a screech as he saw her.
Bonnie and Joanne, with smiles on their faces ran the aisle like a runway, their royal blue satin dresses catching the sun's rays and practically glowing against its shine. Their tea length dresses flitted in the slow breeze, and were tailored to fit their bodies modestly as each woman were able to choose their cut. Bonnie opted for a thin strapped camisole cut while Joanna chose a capped sleeve, boat cut neckline.  Both of them smiled at him, and when they moved to take their allotted places, Fliss finally came into view. Frank’s hand flew to his mouth as he took in her appearance for the first time.
Her dress was stunning, the way it moved across the wooden aisle, how it appeared to be painted intricately across her skin, the detail of its cut accentuating those newfound motherly curves he had a part in creating, the way her skin elegantly glowed under the lace and sparkle. She was every bit a beautiful siren out of the water, her hair shone like copper in the late afternoon sun as it hung in loose curls down her back, whisps framing her gorgeous face. And as he watched her, Frank noticed her eyes were on no one else but him, and he her.
In that moment, a soothing wave of serenity washed over Frank as he finally understood what his mother had been trying to say.…
They were ready, he was ready.
And he was utterly, and completely in love with the woman that was gliding towards him.
His hand dropped from his mouth, and his face slid into a huge grin, which no one really noticed, bar Greg who clapped him on his shoulder. For in that moment, all eyes were on Fliss as she walked, slowly and carefully down the wooden slats.
But Fliss didn’t notice. 
The only thing she saw was her sailor, stood, as handsome as she’d ever seen him, a huge smile on his face as he watched her.
And then, her vision blurred as for the first time all day her stomach suddenly started to churn, but not with nerves, with utter emotion. Fliss’ eyes welled with tears, so heavily in joy that if it weren’t for her dad, she’d have been blinded by the pools filling her beautiful brown orbs, which were threatening to spill over and ruin her make up. She took a shuddering breath, he hand tightening over the crook of Bill’s right elbow. He reached up with his left hand, placing it over hers as he pressed a soft kiss to her temple.  
Somehow, she made it to the aisle and her dad stepped back, Bonnie taking her bouquet and she looked at Frank, opening her mouth to speak but she found nothing coming out, bar a shuddering, quiet sob as the tears spilled down her face.
Frank simply chuckled as he reached out with his hands, wiping her tears with his thumbs before he placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Hey, Cowgirl,” he whispered, his hand cupping her face as she gave him a splutter of a laugh and a grin.
“Hey, Sailor.” She swallowed and he smiled, stepping back a little, his hands taking both hers, thumbs brushing her knuckles as they turned to look at the Registrar.
She welcomed them all, giving a small talk about marriage and the legalities, before suddenly Bill was giving Fliss away, shrugging slightly as Fliss had to remove her hand from Frank’s to allow bill to pass it over. There were various chuckles as Bill shrugged, before he clapped Frank on the shoulder and took his seat.
And then, all too soon, it was time for their vows.
They’d written their own declarations, neither having seen or heard the others, and Frank had his copy stored in his top pocket, just in case.
But he didn’t need them, they’d come from the heart, and as he looked at his girl, the words filled his memory and he cleared his throat.
“Fliss, simply put, you are the love of my life. You are my best friend, you’re my lover, you’re my inspiration,” he took a breath, squeezing her hands. “From the minute you walked into mine and Mary’s life, you believed in me, even back then, and have shown me how to love with unconditional acceptance. I wish that I had found you sooner, so that I could love you longer, but that said, I’m not sure that even a lifetime is long enough for me to return all that you have given me.”
He sniffed a little as Fliss’ eyes welled with tears and he felt his own brewing as well, his vision clouding a little. He let go of her hand to wipe his eyes, not caring who saw his outward display of emotion before he took a shaky breath and continued. “I promise to spend my days by your side. I promise to tell you that I love you every single day for the rest of our lives, which by my calculations should be around 23,212 consecutive days if we both live till you’re 100. I promise to-“
But he was cut off, as Mary called out from the front row, “you’re 5 days out!”
The entire congregation burst into laughter as Frank groaned, his head dropping slightly.  “Thanks Stack,” he turned to look at her, “guess I must have miscounted a few leap years.”
Mary shrugged and then Franks eyes caught Bonnie’s as she stood, stifling her laughter. “Trachtenberg.” She winked, and Frank laughed.
“Anyway, where was I. Oh, yeah,” he cleared his throat and turned to look back at Fliss, who was smiling at him, Mary’s little interjection seemingly having steadied her nerves as well as his. “I promise you’ll always be my Fliss, never Felicity. I’ll do my utmost to inspire you, laugh with you, cherish you, to keep you safe and treat you with the absolute care and love you deserve and I vow to remember that neither of us is perfect, but will strive to remind myself of the ways we are perfect for each other.”
Fliss beamed as his hands squeezed hers and the registrar then invited Fliss to make her vows.
“Frank, 3 years ago I could never have imagined I would be here, looking into the eyes of my best friend and pledging to love you for the rest of my life.” Fliss licked her lips, her voice shaky as she spoke. “The way you love me is unlike anything I have ever known. With you I feel safe, loved, secure and I never dared to even dream I’d find a love like this, with a man that strives every day to keep me safe, to show me how much I’m treasured, who tells me that I’m worth the world and more.”
At that point, her voice cracked and there were a few sniffles coming from the front row, but neither of them took their eyes off each other.
“There there isn’t a single shred of doubt in my soul that it’s you I want to come home to for the rest of my life. Frankie, I promise I’ll give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give. I promise to laugh with you, to always kiss you good morning and good night.” She stopped again, and when she spoke her final line, her voice cracked as once more the tears slipped from her eyes. “I promise to love you in the good times and the bad, with all that I have to give and all I feel inside in the only way I know, completely and forever.”
Frank reached up to wipe her tears gently, and the officiant gave them a moment before she spoke softly, her words clear.
“Frank and Fliss, may you always remember the vow and promises you have just made to one another. May you always continue to remember to value each other as special, unique individuals who are bound by a true love. May you be able to forgive and to forget when wronged, and live each day that you may share it together.” She beamed at them, “Now, I’ll ask you to make the legal vows before you exchange the rings.”
They both took deep breaths.
“Frank, do you take Fliss as your wife; as your companion and best friend for life? Do you promise to treat her with love and devotion, honour and respect? Do you pledge to stand by her in triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring husband? If so, say I do.”
Frank’s hands tightened around Fliss’ as he looked straight into her eyes.
“I do.”
Fliss smiled as the officiant nodded, and then turned to Fliss. “Fliss, do you take Frank as your husband; as your companion and best friend for life? Do you promise to treat him with love and devotion, honour and respect? Do you pledge to stand by him in triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring wife? If so, say I do.”
“I do.” Fliss whispered, her hands still held in Franks.
The registrar then smiled as Greg stepped forward. As instructed, Frank placed Fliss’ delicate band at the end of her finger.
“I give you this ring to wear with love and joy.” He spoke. “As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you. I choose you to be my wife this day and forever more.”
He slid the band down, where it settled in the spot her engagement ring normally sat. He looked at it for a moment, as it twinkled in the sun, before he let go to allow Fliss to repeat the words and action. Frank felt the cool of the metal as the band passed his knuckle, and he swallowed as it sat heavy against the base of his finger, a now physical reminder of his commitment to the woman in front of him.
“Frank and Fliss, you have both exchanged your vows and made your declaration in the presence of your friends and family today and sealed your union with the exchange of rings.” The registrar spoke and they both beamed at one another, knowing full well this was it, the last official step. “Therefore, by the power vested in my by the State Of Florida, it is my pleasure to officially announce you as man and wife. Frank, you may kiss your bride.”
Frank stepped forward, his hands cupping Fliss cheeks as he drew her face towards his, pressing his lips to hers. Their friends and family all let out soft cheers and happy little noises of contentment, but as Frank gently slid his tongue over Fliss’ bottom lip, it was their son’s voice that they both heard loud and clear.
“No, Frank!”
Both of them burst out laughing as did the rest of their guests, and Frank shook his head, groaning as he turned his eyes to his son.
“Seriously, pal?”
At that point, two hands gripped his cheeks and his face was pulled back to Fliss. Her mouth was on his, an she was kissing him with a fierceness that it set every single nerve in his body on edge, and their friends all whooped and cheered. Grinning, he kissed her back, his hands splaying against her spine before they both pulled away, their heads pressing together.
Their exit song of choice-Bruno Mars, Marry You, rang out of the speakers and Frank offered Fliss his hand.
“Mrs Adler,” he beamed and she smiled back, lacing her fingers through his.
Together, they walked hand in hand down the aisle in between their friends, and once they reached the end of the boardwalk, a server was waiting with two glasses of champagne which they took. They both turned back to one another, and Frank curled his free hand round her waist and pulled her back to him, kissing her softly again, more cheers ringing out around them.
And right there and then, Frank Adler doubted anyone on the planet could have ever been happier than he was.
**** Part 2
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH28- Hens, Stags and Cubs Part 3- Cubs
Summary: On the final weekend before their wedding, Frank spends some time with his son as Mary and Fliss depart on a special Mother-Daughter Hen-Do of their own.
Warnings: Bad language, some racey themes discussed.
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 4 k ish
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Ch28 Part 2- Stags
If we lay a strong enough foundation, we’ll pass it on to you, we’ll give the world to you. And you’ll blow us all away.
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“Yeah?” Fliss paused outside Mary’s room, popping her head in through the door.
“Do I need anything other than this for the Spa tomorrow?”
Fliss scanned the items on Mary’s bed. A bathing suit, towel, hairbrush, spare hair tie, flip-flops and her book.
“Erm, no, I think you’re good.” Fliss smiled. “You reading Black Beauty again?”
“Yup, it’s my favourite.”
Fliss grinned, “One of mine too. Much better than those deep and meaningful books your dad reads. I can’t understand half of the words he quotes out of them.”
“He only does that to make himself look clever.” Mary scoffed. “Doesn’t work.”
The pair of them cracked up laughing and Mary moved round to give Fliss a hug. “I’m so excited!”
“Me too, sweetheart. It’s gonna be so much fun. And to get the weekend started, we rented Mulan and there’s popcorn in the microwave.”
“Yesss!” Mary hugged her tightly again as Fliss dropped a kiss to the top of her head. She helped Mary pack her things into the little sunshine yellow overnight bag that Roberta had bought her for her birthday, and together they made their way downstairs into the family room.
Alex was already in bed leaving just the three of them and they settled down, Mary in her favourite place in between Frank and Fliss. Frank instructed the Alexa to dim the lights before he fired up the movie and they spent the next few hours engrossed in the live action remake, Frank’s arm stretched over the back of the sofa, gently tickling the nape of Fliss’ neck every so often. It never ceased to amaze Fliss how he constantly liked to touch her, something that had grown even more obvious ever since she’d had Alex.
Not that she was going to complain about it, ever.
They took a reasonably early night, as Fliss and Mary had to be at the Marriott in Tampa by nine-thirty. They ate a quick breakfast together, before Mary headed off to check her back for the hundredth time. When quizzed about what he had planned, Frank jokingly told Fliss that he intended on sitting Alex in front of a recording of an old Red Sox game from the nineties to ‘further his education’.
“Indoctrination, more like!” Fliss snorted. “Baby, he’s one.”
“He’s far too young to sit still through an entire baseball game. You’re setting yourself up to fail.” “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Frank signed, dramatically. “I mean let’s face it, all he’s gonna wanna do is eat, piss off Fred and Thor, crap and nap.” “Same shit you do on a daily basis.” Fliss grinned and Frank snorted. “I don’t nap.” “Liar.” “Not every day!”
At just after half past-eight, Frank and Alex waved Mary and Fliss off, the tot chattering out “bye bye,” before Frank carried him over to the truck, whistling for Thor to follow.
“Boys trip buddy, before the sun gets too hot. You game?”
Alex grinned. “No!”
“Yeah, you’re saying no, but we know you mean yes. Can you say yes? Say yes for Daddy.”
Frank scoffed. “Whatever.”
The drive down to St Pete’s was less than fifteen minutes thanks to the light traffic with it being relatively early on a Saturday morning. Frank parked his truck up at the Public Access car park and, after removing his own shoes and Alex’s sandals, he carried him down onto the beach. It was already starting to warm, but was still reasonably cool and not that busy, perfect time to be out and about.
Frank watched as Thor went racing off into the sea, Alex pointing after him and shouting ineligible words at the dog who barked, jumping in and out of the spray.
“This is where I'm gonna marry your momma, Bud.” Frank looked around the place where in a week’s time they would say ‘I-Do’ and smiled “What do you think?”
“Mama!” Alex grinned
“Yup, Mama.” Frank smiled, dropping a kiss to his head as they walked towards the sea. “Soon to be Mrs Adler.”
They made their way slowly to the ocean, and once there, Frank stood on the damp sand at the water's edge where it lapped at the shore. Thor ran past them, barking some more and Alex wriggled in his dad’s arms, eager to be set down. Frank placed him on the floor and helped him stand up in the waves, moving forward a little as Alex took a few confident steps supported by Frank’s hands.
“You’re getting a dab hand at that, Bean.” Frank smiled, as he stooped over, helping him walk. The boy hadn’t yet taken a step unaided but both he and Fliss knew it wouldn’t be long.
As a wave came towards them, Alex let out a loud coo of excitement and squealed as the cold water ran over his chubby little feet. The squeal became a giggle, which became full on laughter and Frank chuckled along as the little boy stamped his legs, splashing in the spray.
Alex’s joy was infectious, so full of happiness at something so simple and pure. It made Frank’s heart swell that big he thought it might burst from his chest. He once more cast his eyes over his shoulder to the very spot where their friends and family would all gather in seven days and he smiled, his eyes brimming suddenly with content tears.
Simply put, it was the most complete he could remember feeling. Ever.
Upon arrival at the spa, Fliss and Mary were welcomed by the desk staff who directed them through to the changing rooms.
“The lockers are free,” the immaculately turned out brunette smiled at them, “once you’re changed, if you head through the door at the back of the room, Ellis and Marina will be there to meet you and will discuss with you what you want.”
“What we want?” Mary’s eyes grew wide and Fliss chuckled, her hand dropping to the back of her head. “We get to choose?”
“Absolutely, Miss.” The lady smiled and Mary grinned.
“That’s so cool.” It took Fliss a while to calm Mary down enough to get her to change into her bathing suit but she finally succeeded and couldn’t help the smile on her face as Mary wrapped herself in the little, personalised robe which had her name on the front and “Chief Bridesmaid” on the back. It had cost a small fortune, and with the rate Mary was growing probably wouldn’t see the year out, but Fliss didn’t give a shit. It was worth it to see her daughter’s face as she noticed the words in the mirror, her mouth falling open.
“Chief Bridesmaid? I thought that was Bonnie?”
“No, Bonnie is my maid of honour.” Fliss corrected. “You’re my best girl, therefore that role goes solely to you.” Mary smiled, a bit tearfully so, "thank you, Mom."
Fliss never got tired of hearing it. She was still Lissy by account many times, much more than Frank was ‘Frank’ (which seemed now to be reserved for when he was being an idiot or pissing Mary off), but when the sweet sound of 'Mom' would pass over Mary's lips it always warmed her heart. She didn't care if she were Fliss, Mom, or whatever half insult Mary would toss in during a fit, it wasn't important to her. She knew Mary loved her and she too loved and adored the little girl that truly moulded her new world. Fliss slipped into her own robe, this one just a standard one provided by the hotel and together they made their way through to the treatment rooms where they were greeted by two other petite women who instantly began to fuss over Mary. “So you’re both in for the full works.” The smaller of the women, Ellis smiled. “So we’re gonna start with your facials, which will take about an hour, then your massages which will take roughly forty minutes or so. Then after that we send you off to relax for an hour and a half by the outside pool where your lunch will be served. Once that’s done, you’ll be taken into the Mud Room for your body mud treatments and then you can shower, change and come back in for your manicures and pedicures.” As the woman reeled of their treatments, Fliss cast her eyes at Mary whose face just lit up in awe as she nodded, gleefully.  Over the next hour, Fliss enjoyed a clay mask aimed at targeting her complexion, followed by a gentle scrub before being finished with a serum made of blue spirulina and aloe vera. It left her face feeling absolutely amazing. That aside, what had made her smile the most was Mary’s reaction to the avocado and pomegranate seed mask she had chosen. She’d squealed when it had been applied, declaring that it felt ‘cold and slimy’, giggling away as the ladies explained that only the ‘young clients’ got the specially made to order fruit masks. Next they enjoyed their massages. Fliss had opted for a full sports therapy one on her back and shoulders which were feeling a little tight. Mary was given a hot stone one, which she giggled at once more as the heated pebbles were placed up and along her spine. Ellis shot Fliss a wink as she gently moved the stones around over Mary’s back and Fliss smiled before she settled down for her own, which was a hell of a lot less relaxing but left her at the end feeling a whole lot better, especially in her bad shoulder which had been clicking a lot recently. They then made their way outside and Mary asked Fliss if they could have a dip in the pool. So they did, before they ordered their lunch and sat on a lounger under a parasol. Fliss was served a glass of champagne and Mary given fizzy apple juice also in a flute, another thing that made her practically squeal with delight as she pointed out they had the same glasses. As Mary tucked into her burger and fries, Fliss eagerly ate her Chicken and Prawn Caesar salad and took a moment once more to watch the young girl as she chatted away. It amazed Fliss to think how much she’d gained, really, from the moment Frank and Mary had walked onto her yard little over three years ago. She had never in a million years dreamed she would be here, happy and content, with two beautiful children and a man who loved her the way Frank did. Right from the off she had known what she had with Frank was something special. Simply put, he was her person. The part of her that she hadn’t even realised was missing, and Mary herself had been part of that missing piece too. Fliss had loved her instantly, that sweet little girl that so many had written off as troubled, without giving her gorgeous personality a chance to flourish. Despite her intelligence, Mary was still an innocent child and Fliss adored the bones of her, without even having to try. Fliss felt her eyes beginning to well up as she took a bite of her food. Simply put, all the agony and horror and pain she had experienced in what she referred to as her previous life, she’d go through a thousand times over if it led her to Frank. She’d never tell him that out loud though, as her Sailor was probably more upset in away about her abusive past than she was now. He’d told her many a time that it broke his heart to think anyone could be so callous and cruel to her. No, she’d keep that thought to herself. And be happy and safe in the knowledge that she’d never go through anything like that again. “You okay, Mom?” Mary asked and Fliss nodded, reaching for her drink to allow her time to compose herself.
“Yeah! I’m just having an awesome time. Hey,” she leaned forward a little, “what colour are you gonna have on your nails?”
“Erm, I don’t know.” Mary grinned. “I thought yellow, because that’s my favourite. Maybe with some sparkle, if they have it. Will that go with my dress?”
“Babes, your dress is cream. So anything goes. But besides,” Fliss shrugged, “who cares anyway? You’re you, Mary. Own it. And don’t let anyone ever tell you that you need to be anything else.”
“You sound like Roberta.” Mary grinned and Fliss laughed.
“Well then, she’s a wise woman.”
“I know I’m different to most other kids my age,” Mary spoke again after a moment, “but like Dad says, if we were all the same, the world would be a boring place.”
“He’s not wrong, sweetheart.” Fliss reached over the table and cupped Mary’s face with her hand. “He’s not wrong.” ******
Frank and Alex arrived back home just before twelve, having detoured on the way back to the park for a little play, departing before it got too hot for them all. Frank made them both lunch and then attempted to set Alex down for a nap, but he simply wasn’t cooperating. Instead, he persistently hoisted himself up using the bars of the side of the crib, and after half an hour of listening to him on the baby monitor shouting every word he knew, Frank gave in and went up to get him.
“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?”
“You are.” Frank assured his son as he set him down on the play-mat in the family room.
Frank paused, “That’s a new one.” He looked at Alex, his brow arched as the tot grinned.
“No, I’m Daddy.”
“Daddy.” Frank pointed to himself.
“Yeah, that’s right, pal.”
After flicking through Disney + for something suitable, Frank eventually settled on Oliver And Company. Mary had liked it when she was a baby and Frank still found it hilarious. That said, Alex wasn’t really watching. Occasionally, he would look up at the TV from his vantage point on the rug and grin as he shouted “doggy” whenever he saw Dodger. Their real life dog and cat were, thankfully, left to snooze in their preferred spot curled up together in the patch of sunlight that came through the patio doors. Alex’s attention was mostly taken by his rock and stack. Each time he slotted one of the brightly coloured plastic hoops over the post, he let out a loud shriek before clapping. Once it was full, he began swatting at the base to make it sway before he looked at Frank. Frank grinned and tipped it upside down to more laughter and then the process started again. Well, that was until Alex became fascinated by the littlest ring which had a shiny, reflective surface with colourful, swirling beads inside that made, what he clearly thought, was a fun, rattle sound when he shook it.
                        At just before two, Frank spotted Alex’s eyes growing heavy and picked him up, handing him his pacifier. Alex curled up against his dad’s chest, his little hands tangling in his t-shirt, head resting against his shoulder as he yawned. Sixty seconds later he was asleep, and Frank knew he should really set him in his crib…
“Fuck it,” he mumbled, and with as gentle a movement as he could so as not to disturb his sleeping baby, he lay himself flat on the sofa and flicked the TV over to the news channel.
Five minutes into the report he’d been watching on the run up to the election, Frank’s own eyes closed and he too fell asleep, his son clutched to him, rising and falling with the gently rhythm of his chest.
 “Thought you didn’t nap?”
Frank jerked awake to see Fliss stood over him, a smile on her face, phone held in her hand, clearly having just snapped a shot of the pair of them.
“I never said that, I just said not every day.” Frank shot back, his voice croaky with sleep. “What time is it?”
“Little after four.”
“Shit.” He grumbled, looking down as he felt Alex stir against his chest. “We’ve been out for two hours. His sleep patterns gonna be all over the place tonight.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Fliss shrugged as she picked Alex up, the baby giving a yawn before he grumbled a little, and pressed his faced into her neck. “Not like we have to be anywhere tomorrow.”
“Where’s Mary?”
“Shot off to see Monty,” Fliss chuckled.
Frank snorted as he sat up. “Should have known the pony would take priority over me.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it. She won’t be long, she’ll want to show you the matching polish on her fingers and toes.”
“Did you have a nice time?”
“Yeah, it was fantastic.” Fliss beamed as she settled besides him on the couch. “I had a great massage, a facial, the works, but the best bit was seeing Mary’s reaction to it all. It was so innocent, just, oh Frank, I can’t explain.”
“I get it.” Frank smiled, remembering the same feeling he’d had with Alex that morning.
“So what did you get up to?”
 “I took him and Thor to the beach before, showed him where we’re gonna get married. I think he approved. We played in the waves a bit, went to the play-park. Then we came home, played a little and then fell asleep.”
 “Sounds like you had fun, too.”
“Yeah, we did.” Frank smiled as he leaned over to give Fliss a soft kiss. With a grumble, Alex pressed his hand against his beard and pushed him away.
Frank playfully narrowed his eyes and Alex shook his head. “No, Frwank.”
Fliss blinked, before she let out a loud laugh. “Oh my God.”
“Yeah, we had that debate before too when he wouldn’t go down for his nap.” Frank rolled his eyes. “Little shit.”
“Stop calling him that!” Fliss scolded him and Frank laughed, giving her another kiss.
“Oh, yes!” She beamed. “There’s a couple of bottles of Sancerre in the fridge a client got me week. We can crack one open and sit outside if you like?”
Frank did like. So he poured them both a large glass and carried them outside, Fliss setting Alex down on the grass with a few toys and they both perched on the lawn together watching him.
They’d just finished their first glass when Mary came home, declaring she was starving as it had been absolutely ages since she’d had lunch, so Frank rang for a couple of pizzas. As the four of them sat in the garden, eating their dinner, Frank dropped his arm round Fliss shoulder and pressed a kiss to her temple as Mary handed Alex a piece of pineapple off her slice for him to try.
“Is there anything he won’t eat?” Frank asked as Alex made an appreciative noise and held his hand out for more.
“Not found anything yet.” Fliss mused. “Mind you, rather that than him be a fuss-pot.”
“True.” Frank nodded to her glass.
They sat still for a while, until they’d finished eating and Fliss made to collect the boxes up, but Frank stopped her.
“I’ll get it. You want a top up whilst I’m inside?”
“Sure, thanks.”
He stood up, grabbed the boxes and their glasses and headed to the kitchen. He tossed the boxes onto the side, ready to be dealt with later, and pulled another bottle of chilled white from the fridge. He poured them both another large glass before he walked back to the open doors and simply paused as he took in the sight before him. His kids sat on the grass, Alex’s hand curled round Mary’s as he examined the bright yellow varnish on her nails. Besides them, his very soon-to-be wife was sat, legs stretched out, her auburn hair glinting in the setting sun.
All in the home they’d made for themselves.
It was so simple, so domestic, and something a few years back Frank would never in a million years have dreamed he’d have.
He made his way back outside, passing Fliss her glass as he sat down, his hand dropping to her leg, curling over her thigh.
“Love you.” He whispered into her ear and she turned to him, her large brown eyes shining with happiness.
“Love you too.” She beamed, before a loud laugh distracted them. The looked up to see Mary was now stood up blowing bubbles from a small pot, Alex reaching up to grab them, laughing as Thor jumped into the air, his jaws clicking around nothing as he tried to catch them in his mouth.
Fliss leaned up and kissed Frank’s cheek. “I can’t think of a better way to spend my last Saturday as a Gallagher.”
Frank smiled, and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, before he slid his nose gently against hers. “I can’t think of a better way to spend any of my Saturdays, Honey.”
Fliss beamed at him, and then shifted so she was sat in between his legs as they extended either side of hers. She leaned back into him, a contented sigh leaving her mouth.
“Seven days.” She muttered. “I’ll be Mrs Adler by this time in seven days.”
The arm that wasn’t holding his glass gently crossed over her chest, holding her close as Frank smiled, kissing her head. “Damned straight, Cowgirl. I can’t wait.”
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH27- Waves And Words
Summary: It’s a day of firsts for the Adlers. Alex’s first birthday, his first word, and their first sail on the boat.
Warnings: Bad language, smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 5.5k ish
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 26
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“Go on!” Frank heard Fliss’ excited shout as he opened the door to the mud room, shortly followed by Mary.
“Oh, God that was tight, Mom!.”
“Yeah but he’s seen the line, man he’s so good!” Fliss responded. There was a moments pause and as Frank walked into the cool of the family room, he saw Fliss and Mary both jump off the sofa, letting out loud yells of delight as they both hugged one another, Fliss punching the air.
“He did it!” She screamed, “he fucking did it!”
Frank smirked to himself at her slip of language, something she chastised him for normally.
“Who did what?” He asked, juggling Alex who was in his arms and the two girls turned to face him.
“Ben Maher!” Fliss grinned. “He won the championship in Doha!”
“Oh, your teammate, Ben?” Frank racked his brain for the name, which certainly sounded familiar. Most likely because Fliss had talked about a lot of her previous career recently after being approached a few months ago by a British Equestrian Magazine who had been doing an article on the 2012 Olympic team and had asked her for a short interview.
At first she had been hesitant, admitting to Frank she wasn’t sure if she was ready to embrace that part of her life again yet, worried it would trigger some shitty memories, but Frank had encouraged her to think about it as he had seen the flash of nostalgia in her eyes. As such, she had decided to go for it and answered a couple of questions over a phone interview, sent them a few photos of the yard, her horses, a couple of her and Mary, and had received a copy of the magazine when it had run last week. It had been a great article, detailing a lot about the Riding Centre, talked a little about Fliss’ life now and also, with Fliss’ consent, had dug into the violence she had suffered at the hands of her now dead-ex. She’d been keen to share her experiences in the hope they helped anyone else in that situation and when Frank had read the article, he couldn’t have been prouder of Fliss if he tried.
“Yes, that Ben.” Fliss grinned as she took Alex from him. “He’s just jumped an amazing round. Man, I missed following them all.” She took a deep breath, her eyes flicking back to the tv before she shook her head sadly. “I shouldn’t have cut them off like I did.”
“Hey, that wasn’t you.” Frank soothed her, “you know that and they know that. Look how happy they were to see you on that Zoom call the other day.”
“Yeah, they were.” Fliss nodded. “Still didn’t make me feel better that it had taken doing an interview in ‘Horse And Hound’ to make me reach back out to them.” She sighed. “Ben and I used to be so close, he was my best friend with Charlotte.”
Frank gave her a little smile before he dropped a kiss to her cheek. “Well, you’re back in touch now. I’m sure it will work out, honey. We can maybe go see them if we take a holiday over to the UK or Europe.”
“Well, actually, it’s the Longines Global Championships Grand Prix in Miami the last weekend in October.” Fliss pondered. “I wonder if any of them are going.”
“Ask.” Frank shrugged. “If they are then perfect, we can head up. It’s only a few hours drive.”
“Hmmm.” Fliss nodded, smiling as she kissed Alex’s head. “I will. I’ll ask. You know, I’d love to get Mary a lesson with my old mentor, Geoff. He’s amazing. She’d find it so different to me as he just has this way of making you understand things.” 
“On Monty?”
“No.” Fliss shook her head. “His leg has gone funny again, she’s ridden Cap for the last week and I think I might have lost him to her, they work brilliantly as a team and he’s got so much capability to take her up a level.”
Frank groaned, “how high has she been jumping now?”
“She’s moved up to eighty-five centimetres.” Fliss shrugged, “that’s Monty’s limit but Cap can easily do a course of a meter ten, meter twenty.”
“Fuck off.” Frank spluttered and Fliss laughed.
“I told you, she’s got a knack for it. Problem is she can’t compete on Cap until she’s twelve as he’s a horse not a pony. And then, once she is on a horse she’s gonna be against adults as well as they don’t segregate but, well, what’s new where Mary’s concerned?” Fliss turned to look at the girl who was sat on the sofa, her eyes glued to the interview Ben was giving and Frank smiled at Fliss’ excited ramblings. “But, I can still teach her on him and if Monty doesn’t get better enough to compete again in the meantime, I’ll find something as a stop gap. Cap will only be ten when she hits twelve so he will have plenty of life left.”
Frank blinked as she paused for breath, the passion on her face evident and he snorted, shaking his head. “You know I don’t understand a word of what you just said.”
“Oh, piss off!” She snorted, shoving him lightly and he laughed as Alex reached up and grabbed his t-shirt, clearly thinking it was some kind of game. Fliss watched him for a moment, as he turned his head towards her and gave her a huge grin as he began to babble.
Fliss smiled, the noise he had been persistently making for the last few days was starting to sound more like a word every time he said it.
“Mama?” She beamed. “Can you say mama, baby? Go on, say mama!”
Alex cocked his head to the side before he let out a shriek and wriggled, keen to be put down.
“Take that as a no then.” Fliss sighed as she placed him down on the floor, his tiny hands curling round her fingers as she helped him walk over to the couch where he let go and held onto the seat, keeping himself upright as he grinned up at his sister.
“Mammyamamya,” he chattered, and Mary grinned at him as she reached down, grasping under his armpits to pull him up onto the sofa where he settled next to her, his little hands curling into the frayed edges of her shorts.
“Can you believe he’s one in a few days?” Fliss sighed and Frank chuckled, his arms wrapping around her from behind.
“Funnily enough, yeah I can.”
“It’s too fast, I don’t like it.” Fliss pouted and Frank pulled her back into him, kissing her cheek.
“Listen, if you’re gettin’ broody we can...”
“Fuck, no.” She scoffed, slapping his arm and Frank laughed, playfully nipping at her neck before she turned in his arms. “Absolutely not.”
“Just wanted to check you were absolutely sure about not wanting another.”
“Nope. I do not.”
“Because if you did, we should really start thinking about it. I mean you’re 37 next year. Clock’s ticking...”
“Carry on talking, Sailor,” she narrowed her eyes, “and it will be your funeral you’re attending in four weeks, not your wedding.”
Frank laughed and pressed a kiss to her lips before he stepped back, his eyes drifting over to where Mary was sat with Alex, flicking through the channels.
It wasn’t long before they sat down for dinner, all of them chatting happily about their day and once the ice-cream had been eaten for dessert, they all made their way out to the garage. Frank had finished his boat now, and had spent the afternoon putting the finishing touches to it, polishing and cleaning it all up ready for it to be taken to the marina that evening.
Mary smiled as she saw it, walking round to the side, Frank following as she stopped at the neat, copper-slate, navy blue writing which spelt out the boat’s name.
“Dee Dee?” Mary frowned and looked at Frank. Fliss took a deep breath as her hand slipped into Frank’s free one, giving his fingers a squeeze as he adjusted Alex on his opposite hip.
“It’s what I used to call your Mom.” He explained to Mary who looked up at him, a soft smile on her face.
“Yup.” He nodded. 
“So it’s like she with us now when we go sailing.” Mary whispered her hand tracing the lettering and Frank swallowed back the raw emotion that had burnt in his throat. He gave a cough and when Mary looked up at him, his mouth curled up at one side.
Fliss leaned up to kiss his cheek, and his nose gently slid against hers before he turned back to Mary, walking over to where she was stood.
“Wanna check it out properly?” He asked and Mary gave a huge grin, nodding.
The four of them climbed up onto the boat to inspect the deck and Frank watched, proudly. This moment had been pretty much nine months in the making and for the most it all his own handy-work. He was beyond pleased with himself. It wasn’t the fanciest boat out there but it had everything he wanted and needed, and more so it was personalised to him and his family, with the name being selected especially as it meant something to both him and Mary, and by extension Alex and Fliss. 
Fliss and Mary both made their way over to the bench that ran along the back, Fliss’ hand running along the smooth, metal railing at the side. Mary had just flopped down onto the seat, laying back and declaring it her spot, when Alex decided to spit out something that was less babble and more sense than anything he’d said before..
 “Mama! Mamamree!”
Frank looked at his son where he was settled in Fliss’ arms, not sure if he had understood what he had just said because he wanted to, or if the baby has actually said it.
And then he looked at Fliss who was sporting a huge grin.
“Did you just talk, baby?” She cooed at him. “Did you? Did you say mama?”
Frank grinned as he moved behind Fliss, his right arm slipping round her waist and his left tickling Alex under the chin as he shrieked.
“Mamree!” Alex chattered again, and Fliss frowned a little before Alex wriggled in her hold, holding both his arms out to Mary.
“He’s not trying to say mama.” Fliss beamed as she looked at Frank who felt the lump in his throat growing even bigger. “He’s...”
“Yeah,” he managed to breathe.
“What’s he saying then?” Mary asked as she sat up and watched them expectantly as both adults turned to face her.
“Why don’t you ask?” Fliss smiled as she passed Alex to her. Mary shifted him so he was sat on her lap, Frank crouched down in front of them both as she looked at Alex.
“Whatcha saying, dude?” She grinned.
Alex cocked his head to one side before he laughed and wrapped his hand into her hair, giving a tug.
“Oww!” She protested as Alex screamed with laughter.
“Mare-ee.” He grinned up at her, the few teeth he had on show, as he let go of her hair.
“Did he...” Mary’s eyes widened and Frank nodded, that lump in his throat blocking any words he had.
“Yeah.” Fliss sniffed a little as she ran her hands over Frank’s shoulder. “He loves his big sister that much, her name is the first thing he said.”
Frank’s hand reached up and curled over hers as Mary blinked before she looked down at Alex who beamed at her.
“Mareeee!” He chattered. Fliss swallowed as she was expecting Mary’s reaction to be emotional, but instead the girl simply cackled and grinned.
“That’s awesome!” 
Fliss bent down to kiss Frank’s cheek, as he hastily wiped his face, Mary now concentrating on Alex as she was attempting to get him to say Adler, which wasn’t working in the slightest.
“You okay, Sailor?” Fliss whispered and he nodded as he stood up, pressing a kiss to her lips.
“Yeah, I’m-“ he paused to look at his two kids before he turned to Fliss and bent down, catching her mouth in a soft kiss. “I’m perfect.”
At that point, the moment was broken as the sound of a large vehicle could be heard crunching up the gravel driveway. Frank cleared his throat, giving Fliss’ back one final rub before he headed out to greet the guys who has come to collect the boat.
“Is he okay?” Mary asked and Fliss nodded.
“He’s absolutely fine, sweetheart.”
Under Frank’s watchful eye, his beloved boat was loaded onto the flatbed and taken down to the marina, him following in the truck. An hour or so later, just before it fell dark he was strolling back up the boardwalk, a huge smile on his face as he tossed the keys lightly in his palm, a warm sense of satisfaction washing over him. Life felt good, in every sense of the word. His baby boy had spoken his first word, his boat was bobbing on the water ready for its maiden sail on Saturday, his wedding was now basically thirty days away and in two weeks he’d be celebrating his stag do.
His grin didn’t fade at all on the drive home and it was still firmly fixed across his mouth as he walked back into their yard where Fliss and Mary were in the pool enjoying a night swim. He quickly headed inside to change and came back to join them, resuming his so far largely unsuccessful attempts to teach Mary to dive. Then, when Mary was bored of that, she headed upstairs to shower before coming back down in her pyjamas and the three of them settled round the table on the patio for some snacks and a competitive game of Uno, which Mary won. Declaring best of three, Frank’s slightly ruthless streak came out and he won the second, Fliss then winning the third. So naturally, a fourth was decided upon.
Which Mary won.
“Okay, bed time!” Frank deadpanned as Mary was cheering her victory. Instantly, her cheering stopped and she turned to glare at him.
“You’re such a sore loser, it’s pathetic.”
“That may be, but that’s nothing to do with it being bed time. It’s almost ten.”
“But it’s the holidays!” The protests continued
“It’s still late and we’re up early tomorrow, remember? We gotta collect your grandmother from the airport.”
“So? I can sleep on the way-“
“Don’t argue with me, Mary.” Frank shot her a look and she gave one final, dramatic groan accompanied with an eye roll.
“This is so unfair!” 
“Yeah, your life totally sucks.” Frank shot back sarcastically. “Go on, I’ll be up in half an hour to check.”
Knowing she was beat, she sighed and kissed Fliss goodnight before shooting him a filthy glare as she headed back inside the house.
“Would it surprise you if I told you her first word was no?” Frank looked at Fliss as she leaned back in her chair, swinging her feet up so they rest in his lap.
Fliss laughed as she reached for her beer. “Not in the slightest.”
“Mary, time for bed. No. Mary, eat your broccoli. No. Mary, leave the math books alone and act like a normal kid. No.” Frank shook his head as his fingers gently traced a random pattern on the soft skin of Fliss’ calf. “She was a smart, little shit. Still is.”
“Ooh, I wonder where she gets that from.” Fliss teased and Frank gave a snort.
“I’m sure my mother will take great delight in telling you the same.”
“I don’t doubt it.” Fliss smiled. “Are you going to see that apartment with her tomorrow?”
Frank nodded. “Yeah, picking her up and then taking her straight there. Gives me a chance to check it out, plus I’ll know exactly how far away she’s gonna be and how much time I’ll have to make an escape when she announces she’s coming over.”
“Stop it.” Fliss dug him lightly on the thigh with her heel and he laughed, giving a snort.
“I still can’t believe she’s selling the house.”
“Does it bother you?”
“Well, if I’m being honest, a little.” Frank shrugged. “And that in itself bothers me more.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, until Mary was ill, I hadn’t set foot in that house for almost ten years.” Frank mused. “To suddenly feel a connection to it again, it’s kinda unnerving.”
“Nostalgia.” Fliss smiled. “The fact that it’s going to go out of the family means you won’t be able to visit again. And even in those years you didn’t speak to your mom, you knew she was there if you wanted to go back. But, it’s only a house, Sailor. Your memories won’t suddenly fade when Evelyn hands the keys over to a new owner.”
“I know.” He nodded, before he drained the last of his beer, Fliss doing the same. “You want another?”
Fliss hesitated before she pulled a face. “As tempting as it is, I’m opening up tomorrow so I need to be up at six, plus as you just pointed out, whilst you may have the rest of the week off, you need to be out of the house by eight.” Frank graoned and Fliss chuckled. “So, I’m going to take a shower and get in bed,” she bit her lip and looked at him with heavy lidded eyes, “wanna join me?”
“In shower or the bed?” Frank grinned as she shifted so she was sat up, her feet now resting on the cool, sandstone tiles.
“Does it have to be one or the other?” She challenged and Frank arched his brow, his eyes dropping to her chest where he could see the swell of her boobs over the top of her bikini through her crochet slip.
“Well, when you put it like that.”
With a chuckle, Fliss leaned over and kissed him. “I’ll leave you to lock up, you know, being the man of the house and all.” Her lips hovered over his. “Don’t be too long or I’ll have to start without you.”
“Don’t you dare.” Frank all but growled his warning. With a filthy grin, Fliss straightened up and headed into the house, Thor padding alongside her.
Frank, too, stood, a stupid smirk on his face and a slight peak in the front of his swim shorts. He moved around quickly, checking the gate first of all before he headed into the house. He locked the doors one by one, and climbed the stairs, taking a quick peek in on Mary, who despite her protests, was already fast asleep.
Just as he was about to close the door, Fred jumped down from her bed and stopped in front of him, meowing loudly.
“Shut up.” Frank hissed, “you’re gonna wake the kids, Fred. Hush!”
Frank’s protests fell on deaf ears as Fred continued his loud noise, winding himself around Frank’s legs and looking up at him expectantly.
“You’ve had all evening to go out!” Frank glared at him, as the cat loudly meowed again. Frank gave a groane of frustration and headed to the top of the stairs, Fred brushing past and slinking down the steps. “Fucking, little orange bastard, why won’t you use the damned cat-flap to go out as well as to come in?”
The feline slinked into the kitchen. Stalking behind him, Frank yanked open the back door and Fred hopped out to go on his nightly wanders. Frank once more locked the door and headed back upstairs, grumbling to himself. 
With a quick glance in on Alex, he headed over to their room and could hear the shower already running in the en-suite. Reaching back, he grabbed a fist of his T-shirt behind the collar and pulled it over his head, before he tossed it carelessly down on the floor, not giving a shit where it landed, it needed washing anyway. Pushing the door open to the bathroom, Fliss was already in the shower, the steam from the warm water clouded the air in the room slightly but he still had a clear enough view to see her turn to face him, a smirk on her face.
As he watched, her hand slipped down over her breast, then between her legs and she bit her lip as her fingers softly began to play and he gave a growl.
Fucking fuck that!
In a second he was out of his shorts, in the shower cubicle with her and she laughed, a little squeak flowing from her mouth as he backed her against the tiles, both his hands wrapped around her wrists as he pinned them gently above her head.
“I warned you not to do that.” His face was inches from hers.
 "Is that a threat, Sailor?" Her voice was thick with arousal.
Frank's reply was to swallow her quick mewl with a kiss as his lips roughly, but enjoyably, crashed into hers. He was half hard already, just watching her touch herself in the quick amount of time she had riling him up, and Fliss could feel it between her legs, the hard lines of his cock, growing thicker the deeper his kiss went. Frank's lips traveled over her jaw, finding that single spot that drove her wild and his girl moaned out with an unexpected shudder. He kept her hands above her head, gently pinned against the tile. His lips traveled down her neck with a little nip to her collar bone, his hands now dragging down her arms, to her sides the lower he went. He took a breast into his plam and kneading the mound of flesh, Fliss highly encouraging Frank with her sounds of enjoyment as he went. When she went to touch him, run her fingers over his shoulders and through his hair, he stopped her, pinning her hands again.
"No," he rasped and it made Fliss' belly flip. His eyes stayed on hers as he took one nipple into his mouth, lips pulling at the hardened bud.
"Jesus," she moaned at the sensation of a light tug.
A slow smirk spread over his lips as he let go, flicking his tongue over her now tingly nipple, his eyes still trained on hers. Fliss bit back the cry she had and allowed her chest to heave considerably under his gaze and touch as he attacked her other side in the same manner.
She was soaked now and wanted nothing more than Frank to fill her, to ease her throbing centre. His hands released her forearms and gently laid them across his shoulders, Fliss immediately tangling her fingers in the hair at the back of his neck. Lower Frank kissed and licked, his hands on her hips as his lips traveled downward. His tongue dipped into her belly button and nipped at the soft skin below. Skipping where she needed him the most, Frank took to his knees, the water trickling over his body and down his back as he stayed clear of the steamy spray emitting from the shower head. Their eyes met and Fliss bit the corner of her lip.
“Is this where you’re gonna teach me a lesson, Sailor?” She quipped, her voice slightly horse and Frank arched a brow.
“Damned straight I am, Cowgirl.” With his hand, he traced a line down the inside of Fliss' thigh, hooking it over his shoulder at her knee. He ran the tip of his nose along that same inner thigh, giving her skin a soft kiss just at the apex, his tongue lolling over a mark where he nipped at her. Again, his eyes, lust blown with little blue intact, stayed on hers. Fliss swallowed hard, anticipation of what was coming making her skin tingle. At that, if it weren't for the sounds of the shower masking her "oh God" as Frank took his first taste of her for the night, surely their kids would have woken. He laid a flat, hot tongue against her folds, lapping away what had begun to seep and drip down her leg. His nose would bump her sensitive and swollen clit as he ate her like a silk pie. Dipping his tongue in and out of her like she was the last thing he'd ever taste. When two thick fingers slipped inside her, his thump pressed hard into that swollen pearl causing her insides to flutter and Frank stopped.
"Not yet, Cowgirl," he instructed. "Jesus, Frank, I can't...." Fliss gasped.
"Not until I tell you," Frank smirked and slowly started scisoring his fingers deep inside her. A concentration that was absolutely painful started washing over Fliss. It was pleasurable and exhausting trying to separate what Frank was doing and letting herself go but like the champ she was, she tried. And with each uptick in flutters, Frank would back off, pulling away or completely out, reminding her who exactly was in charge of their fun. "Tell me what you want, Fliss," Frank stood, whispering in her ear as his hand continued to remain between her thighs. "Fuck. Me." A ferral Fliss replied.
Frank's hand slipped from her folds and pumped away at his cock, painfully hissing at how the sensation felt. He dipped the head of his cock into her, Fliss' hands squeezing at the skin on his shoulders, her lips on his. Frank hooked her leg around his hip and with lazy roll of his hips he slid all the way in into her. "Oh fuck," together they gasped. Both feeling like they were going to explode with how engorged and sensitive they'd both become in foreplay.
"I love you, Sailor," Fliss breathed against his lips as Frank tilted his hips forward into her, a shallow thrust.
"I love you, Cowgirl," he smiled softly, adding another thrust, his eyes fixed on her face, the look of pleasure across her pretty features made him want to purr in delight. His pace was slow, torturously slow for them both but the feeling of their skin and nerves on fire won out. Fliss' back slid up and down the tiles of the shower wall as she clung to him with each rut. Frank was close and he wanted Fliss to have hers before he did. "You ready to cum?"
"Oh yes, yes, yes." Fliss sweetly pleaded.
Frank sped up, just a pinch, and as he did so he felt Fliss' walls start to pull him in deeper. "Let go, baby."
"Frankie," she cried out. He felt her walls clench around him as she gave a low, broken mewl as her eyes fluttered shut, head rolling back against the tiled wall.  With a groan, Frank sped up, his own release arriving mere seconds later. His hips stuttered as the warmth in his belly fired all across his body. His broad chest pinned Fliss into the wall, his thrusts sloppy before they slowed to a stop as his mouth languidly pressed to hers in a deep kiss.  “You good?” He asked, his lips ghosting hers. “Yeah.” She whispered back, her nose sliding against his. “More than good.” Frank chuckled as her hands gently slid down his back, fingers dancing over the muscles before they came to rest at the nape of his neck. With a contented hum, Frank closed his eyes, his forehead pressing to hers as her nails gently scratched at his hairline. 
“We should...” Fliss sighed and Frank shook his head, pouting, causing her to chuckle. “You can’t keep me here all night?”
“Just a little longer.” He muttered, his lips catching hers again. 
“I’ll wash your hair for you.” She smiled and he opened his eyes, a boyish grin spreading across his face. That was his guilty pleasure, often something he’d happily hop into the shower with her to do more often than not after a shitty day at work, with no sex required, just the pure bliss of being looked after. 
With a soft movement he pulled out of her and set her gently on her feet, his hands cupping her face as he kissed her again, before he reached out for his shampoo. Handing it to her, he backed under the stream of water, pulling her with him.
The rest of the week seemed to fly by. His mother arrived and, as promised, Frank drove her up to Tampa to view the two bedroomed condo she’d identified. It was actually very nice, not that he expected anything else. In a block along with four others, it was a large, spacious ground floor property with a huge open plan kitchen-diner/living area, a modern bathroom, two reasonably large bedrooms and an outdoor space that would be big enough for some outside furniture and a BBQ. It also had access to a shared pool through the back gate, which instantly got Mary’s seal of approval as she waltzed around the place, pointing things out to them both. Even without Mary’s enthusiasm, he could tell his mother loved it from the way her face didn’t look like it could curdle milk when she walked over the threshold.
They then took a quick drive round the area, so they could suss it out, and once Evelyn was satisfied she’d seen enough, the three of them took a pit stop for some ice cream before they headed home.
Later that evening, his mother had put an offer in, which was accepted the next morning meaning it was official- for six months of the year she would be less than forty minutes away by car.
And Frank wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that in all honesty…even if Fliss did tell him he was simply being a petulant, little shit about it.
He did, however, see some benefits to the situation on Friday night. Mary had opted not to go to Roberta’s as she wanted to be there in the morning as it was Alex’s birthday, and instead of having to ask Bill and Verity, he was able to simply drop a hint to his mother who was sharp enough to pick up on what he was asking. As such, once the prep was done for Alex’s little party the following afternoon, he took Fliss out for a few drinks, the pair of them stumbling home at past midnight, giggling like a pair of school kids as they fell into various bits of furniture in the hallway. Evelyn had simply smirked at the pair of them, wishing them good luck in the morning as they were going to not only have present opening to deal with, but a maiden voyage on the boat.
Frank had woken first, cracking one eye open and instantly wincing at the pain in his head. He was faring better than Fliss however, who was positively green and made it to ten am when presents had been unwrapped, and breakfast was cooking to go and puke up the remnants of the alcohol in her system.
Thankfully, by the time midday had rolled around, both of them felt capable of adulting and they packed up the truck to head down to the marina, Evelyn declining the invitation, shooting Frank a look. He grinned, knowing full well she got sea sick, but it had amused him to ask anyway. 
“If you’re gonna puke, do it over the side.” Frank grinned at Fliss as he hopped onto the boat having undone the moorings.
Fliss glared at him as she paused making sure Alex’s little life jacket was fit properly. “Piss off.”
Frank laughed, “don’t take it out on me!”
“I’m gonna because it’s your fault.” She sniffed, slipping the belt around Alex’s jacket as the baby cooed, his fingers curling around the material. 
“My fault?”
“You got me drunk!”
“Oh, because I poured the alcohol down your throat, did I?” Frank scoffed, pushing his shades back up his nose. “You’re so full of shit.”
Fliss gave a laugh as she settled herself down on a seat towards the front and Frank checked the controls before he glanced up. With a grin he jerked his head at Mary and she gave a little “yes” of delight and hurried over to him. He gently moved back so she could stand between him and the steering column before he took a deep breath.
“Ready?” He asked Fliss who gave him the thumbs up. 
“In that case...” he cleared his throat, his hand resting on the curve of the top of the dash, patting it gently. “Take it, Stack. Give it the blessing.”
“We thank the sea gods for granting The Iris a safe passage.” Mary grinned, as she spoke the boats precious title. “Please wash away all records of our boat’s old name, and bless her new one. Oh, and may you grant the Dee-Dee safe... erm...”
“Passage.” Frank supplied.
“Yeah, erm grant the Dee-Dee safe passage on all future sails!”
Turning, she gave Frank a hi-five and Fliss gently clapped Alex’s hands together as he gave a shriek. With Frank’s hand over hers, Mary turned the key in the ignition and the boat’s engine fired to life, sending a pleasant hum of a vibration across the floor. Fliss turned to look at him a huge smile on her face as Alex sat on her knee, his eyes transfixed on the turquoise water of the ocean, the sun bouncing off the surface, shimmering like diamonds. As he watched, a few loose strands of hair gently whipped around her face, from the light breeze, skimming the lenses of her aviators.
Frank simply took a moment to just look at his girl. He knew he said it to her all the time, but he truly meant it. She really was the most stunning woman in the world, both inside and out, and no one would ever come close to making him feel the way he felt about her. She was his, and he was hers. And Frank thanked his lucky stars every single damned day that was the case.
“Give a man a horse he can ride, give a man a boat he can sail. And his rank and wealth, his strength and health, on sea nor shore shall fail.” Fliss’s gentle voice drew Frank out of his little day dream and he gave a chuckle as she continued the well-known poem by James Thompson. “Give a man a pipe he can smoke, give a man a book he can read. And his home is bright with a calm delight, though the room be poor indeed.”
“Give a man a girl he can love, as I, oh my love, love thee,” Frank looked at Fliss as he cut in, picking up the last verse. “And his heart is great with the pulse of fate, at home, on land, on sea.”
Fliss beamed at him, and Frank simply grinned back, before he arched his eyebrow and chuckled. “You’re still not getting me on a horse.”
She tipped her head back and laughed, a full belly laughed that made Frank’s own stomach swoop.
 “Come on, let’s go!” Mary gently tapped him on the arm and he looked down at her and gave her a small salute.
With that, Frank gently pushed the throttle forward and slowly the boat pulled away from the jetty. With a last glance at Fliss, who dropped a kiss to their son’s head as she shifted him gently so he could stand up in her lap, he moved his large hands to either side of Mary’s as they rested on the wheel, as he easily yet carefully navigated the way out of the harbour.
Chapter 28 Part 1
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH28- Hens, Stags and Cubs Part 2- Stags
Summary: It’s the boys turn as Frank, his soon-to-be Brother and Father in law, and the rest of the Circle Of Truth head out for a night on the town.
Warnings: Bad language, some racey themes discussed, but no actual smut, but just in case- NSFW, 18+
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 4 k ish
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Ch28 Part 1- Hens
Houston do you hear me? Ground control can you feel me? Need permission to land.
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 Frank slipped his arms through his blue suit jacket adjusting his shirt and belt once through. The Circle said dress smartly and despite his earlier squabbles with himself over not wanting to really put forth any effort into his stag, he was now looking forward to a few drinks at Ferg’s before hitting up a few of the nicer bars around town that required less tacky tropical attire.
He stepped back, and gave himself the once over in the mirror. He straightened the collar of his white dress shirt, leaving the top two buttons open as he was foregoing a tie- that was a step too far. His hair and beard were both longer having allowed them both to grow out, and he had to admit that he did kinda like it.
It wasn’t the first time he’d allowed it to grow out a little, but had shaved it again when Alex was younger thanks to the fact he liked to fist his hands in it. And damned it, it hurt. However, when they’d been looking through their phones a couple of months or so back for some photos to use for a board at the wedding,  Fliss had made an off the cuff comment about how she had loved what she dibbed his ‘Professor’ look.
So he’d let it grow, and Fliss was very appreciative. An appreciation she made perfectly clear every time she’d shudder and purr with delight when it brushed the inside of her thigh as he ate her out, or rubbed on her neck and jawline as he thrust into her.
Nope, Frank couldn’t deny, it had its perks. One, strangely, being that it made him look older. It was an image that seemed to suggest he had all his shit together, a proper, mature father and soon-to-be respectable, married man.
Frank snorted, who the fuck are you kidding, Adler?
Picking a piece of fluff off his suit slacks, he turned and made his way out of the bedroom, cursing angrily as he nearly tripped over Fred who was sprawled at the top of the stairs. “Find somewhere else to lay, you furry orange bastard.” He glared at the cat who merely eyed him shrewdly. He headed down the stairs and then into the family room at the back of the house. Fliss glanced up from where she was sat giving Alex his night bottle and she smiled as he crossed towards the sofa. “Hello, Sailor.” She grinned and Frank chuckled as he gave her a kiss. “You look great.” Frank quirked an eyebrow, “you sound surprised.” “Not at all.” She shook her head. “I just don’t see you in a suit that often. I like it.” “Don’t get used to it.” He deadpanned and she laughed as he stood back up straight. “My cab is about 3 minutes out so...” “Dada!” Alex interrupted, babbling his latest word as he moved his bottle away from his mouth. He made grabby hands towards Frank and Fliss quickly took the opportunity whilst the tot was distracted and wiped his mouth. Alex pushed the cloth away with a loud protest and, smiling, Frank picked him up and pressed a kiss to his head. “Where’s Mary?” “In her den.” Fliss gestured with her head. “She was watching a film.” Frank headed over and opened the door. Mary was sat on a bean-bag, a bag of chips by her side on the floor along with a can of soda. She turned to look at him.
“How many times have you seen this?” Frank nodded towards the TV were Will Smith was currently chasing down an alien through New York.
Mary shrugged, “it’s my favourite.”
“Yeah, it’s your Mom’s too.” Frank chuckled. “Anyway, I’m off now, Stack. Be good.” He instructed and she rolled her eyes.
“You don’t have to warn me every time you go out.” “I know, but I like to.” He replied simply. “I’ll see you in the morning. Love you.” “You too.” She replied, turning back to the film. Frank rolled his eyes, he supposed he should be grateful she’d actually acknowledged him. He made his way back towards Fliss, adjusting Alex in his arms who was now rubbing at his eyes, a sure sign he was starting to get tired. “Come here, baby.” Fliss smiled as Alex yawned and Frank passed him over, before he felt his phone go off in his pocket.
“Cab’s here.” He said, shoving it back in his pocket. With a final check to make sure he had his wallet and keys he leaned over again to give her another kiss. “See you later, love you.” “Love you too, have a good night.” She beamed. Frank smiled as he headed out of the room, casting a final glance over his shoulder, before he made his way to the waiting car. **** Frank took the steps up to the entrance two at a time and pulled open the door. Immediately, a loud cheer hit his ears and he looked over to see the Circle of Truth boys, along with Bill, Steve, his old boss Alan, and a few of the other guys from work all stood by the bar. That in itself wasn’t a surprise. What was, however, was their attire. They all wore identical, bright yellow Hawaiian print shirts and cowboy hats.
Not a suit in sight. He’d been well and truly had.
With a groan, Frank shook his head as he approached, an annoyed and frustrated laugh bursting from his mouth, “fucking fuck you all.”
He greeted them all with various insults, handshakes and it was then that he spotted Steve who had his phone raised, pointing it at him.
“Are you filming me?” Frank demanded.
Steve grinned. “Yeah, Fliss wanted to see your reaction.”
“She knew about this?” Frank asked, although as he said it he realised that of course she would
Steve nodded. “It was her idea.”
That didn’t surprise Frank either. “Son of a…”
“Don’t you be calling my wife now.” Bill thrust a beer into his hand, causing the men to laugh even more.
“I hate each and every single one of you.” Frank shook his head, before he took a drag of his beer and then sighed as a cowboy hat was dropped on his head.
“Looking good, Frank!” Mike Ferguson, the owner, grinned as he dropped a bottle of tequila onto the bar along with a heap of shot glasses. “On the house, congratulations buddy.”
“Cheers.” Frank grinned before he looked round at Greg and nodded to the bottle. “Well, as best man I think the job of pouring falls to you.”
Greg smirked and slapped Frank on the back between his shoulder blades. “Don’t worry Frankie boy, I got you covered.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.” Frank muttered and Greg laughed, before he reached for the bottle.
Four large beers and several shots later, Frank had completely forgotten the fact he was stood in his favourite dive bar, dressed like a banker and sticking out like a sore thumb. They’d originally planned to hit a few more bars, but as the odd free round of drinks kept getting slipped their way by order of Mike, who himself had abandoned his post behind the bar and was stood with them instead, they’d decided to stay put. Which suited Frank just fine.
“You should come to the wedding.” Frank looked at Mike. “I mean not the beach bit as that’s limited numbers but the party after, you’re more than welcome.”
“Shouldn’t you check with the missus first?” Mike asked and Frank shook his head.
“Nah, she’s cool. Besides, we’ve kinda lost track of how many are turning up. It’s turned into a free-for-all. No stuffy sit down dinner, just food trucks and drinks,” he waved his hand, grinning. “And music. Good music. I can’t wait to see her face when the entertainment turns up.”
“You mean she doesn’t know?”
“Nope.” Frank’s grin grew even larger. “That’s the one bit of the day she trusted me to organise. And it’s gonna blow her socks off. Not that she’ll have socks on…well,” he took a sip of his beer, “she might if she’s wearing her cowboy boots like she keeps saying she is.”
“She’s wearing her boots?” Bill snorted from Frank’s left.
Frank shrugged. “I don’t give a shit; she can wear what she wants. As long as I get that ring on her finger, doesn’t bother me.”
Mike chuckled before he excused himself, having been called away by a member of staff and Frank sighed, turning to Bill.
“Feels like I’ve been waiting for this forever.”
“What, your stag do?”
“No, marrying Fliss!” Frank shook his head as Bill snorted, the pair of them turning to watch the pool tournament that they’d both been spectacularly knocked out of in the early rounds as it was reaching a conclusion. Simon was facing off against Steve, and as ever, Fliss’ older brother was in a fiercely, competitive mood.
“Well,” Bill took a sip of his drink, “you’ve both been through a hell of lot when you think about it. You’ve been together, what…”
“Coming up three years.” Frank answered. “Engaged for almost two.”
“Had a baby…”
“Yeah.” A soft smile spread across Frank’s face. “God, he’s fucking awesome, Bill.”
“Adopted Mary.”
“She’s awesome too.”
“Repaired your relationship with your mother, you’ve built yourself a home, twice if you count the first apartment we did up and you moved into. You’ve helped Fliss expand the yard, you’ve changed jobs and built a career, and yes, I know that’s still a little bit of a niggle at the moment but,” Bill shrugged, “it’s a hell of a lot to cram into three years. And that’s without mentioning the shit that dead cunt tried to pull, or the trouble you had with Pud’s waste of a space sperm donor. And we won’t mention that because this…” Bill’s elbow slipped a little as he rest it on the bar, waving his hand around, “because this is a happy night.”
Frank nodded, clinking his glass against his soon-to-be father-in-law’s. “Amen.”
The two men took a sip of their drink and Frank looked across the bar before he suddenly had the urge to bare his soul to the man stood beside him, but not before he ordered them both another pint. Once the cool beers were slid over the bar he turned to Bill.
“Can I tell you something, Billy?” Frank asked, and without waiting for an answer, he continued. “I really don’t know how, I mean I can’t even remember my life before her. You know? Like, I was an asshole and a different girl every weekend but when I met her it just changed. And I didn’t even look back.”
“Frankie, my boy…” Bill smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “That’s love for you, son. You’re the second chance she deserved the first time and it warms my old heart to see her so happy.”
“Yeah, but I don’t just love her…like, I really love her.” Frank continued. “You know, she loves Mary and never hesitated. Right from the off. And then we had Alex and…she's an amazing mother.”
“That’s Lissy for you. Heart and soul into everything.” Bill smiled and Frank dropped his eyes to his pint momentarily, before he looked up.
“And thank you, too. You and V both, but you…well, you stepped in as someone I've come to respect and admire in my life, someone I love as a father. I appreciate you, Bill.”
Bill took a deep breath and beamed, his eyes watering from emotion, or alcohol, Frank wasn’t sure. But then when Bill spoke he knew his words were from the heart.
“Frank, when you join the Gallaghers, you’re in for life.” He smiled. “Yeah, I’ll admit, I was worried at first, we all were, after everything she went through but, well, we knew a few weeks in that you were in it for keeps.” He smiled, holding his glass up. “And here we are. Two weeks off your wedding date.”
“Yeah…” Frank grinned, clinking his glass against Bill’s. “Fourteen days, I’m counting them all.”
Shortly after, Frank felt the pressure in his bladder and excused himself to take a piss. After he’d finished in the bathroom he then, for some reason, ended up on the decking outside. He stood by the edge, leaning on the wooden railings as the various people behind him continued their chatter and drinking.
The temperature had dropped a little, and Frank took a deep breath, the cool night ocean breeze sobering him up a second and, as he watched the reflection of the moon and the lights of the bar bouncing off the surface of the waves, his mind moved to what was to come.
He was marrying the love of his life. The mother of his son, the woman who’d become a mother as he’d become a father to his niece. The person who’d seen him at, quite possibly, the lowest part of his life and loved him without a second’s hesitation.
And God, did he love her with the same ardour. As he thought about how he’d left her before, on the couch with their one year old son, he found his mind straying to his own father. He wished his dad could have met Fliss. They’d have gotten on like a house on fire. Hell, Diane would have maybe opened up to her eventually too, but then again, if Diane, and his Dad come to think of it, were here, he'd most likely never have felt the need to escape his mother the way he did. He’d still be teaching in Boston.
And he wouldn't have met Fliss in the first place.
Damned, that was a mad, sad twist of fate. As much as he wished his family was still all around, and had never been torn apart, it physically hurt his heart to think of his life before Fliss…was that fucked up? To be almost grateful life had worked out the way it had?
He jumped a little as a hand slapped him on the shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts. He turned to see Greg stood by his side.
“Wondered where you’d got to. The killer tournament’s finished so Simon’s lining up another. You in?”
Frank smiled. “Yeah, sure.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, was just thinking about stuff.”
“Not second thoughts, I hope?”
“Fuck no!” Frank scoffed, “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”
“Good to know, because if you were about to back out, well, her dad and brother are huge, get what I’m saying?”
The two men laughed and headed back into the bar, Frank greeted by more cheers as he made his way back over, another shot of tequila being thrust into his hands.
The tournament struck up, and Frank found himself recalling his first date with Fliss, explaining how she’d hustled him big time and he realised there and then he’d found his match. Somehow the conversation then steered to the rest of the men talking about how they met their respective partners. Bill eagerly told the tale about how he’d met Verity, and how shockingly like Fliss she had been at that age, when Simon stood up straight, chalking the end of his cue.
“Well, you know that they say,” He grinned. “if you wanna know what your girl will look like in her older years check her mom out.”
“Well, Verity is a stunning woman.” Frank shrugged.
“Yeah, she is,” Bill paused, “and she has great tits."
The entire group let out a laugh as Frank choked on his beer, Steve’s groan audible over the noise. “Seriously, Dad?”
“What?” Bill looked at his son. “You think that because I’m almost seventy we don’t do it anymore?”
“Fucking hell.” Frank shook his head
“I need shots...” Steve turned to the bar. “Lots of shots.”
**** Fliss was in the family room when Thor sat bolt upright from where he’d been sprawled beside her on the sofa, his head cocking to one side. Then, she heard the gravel of the drive crunching, accompanied by the opening and shutting of car doors, and hushed voices. A glance at the clock told her it was one in the morning. Whilst she hadn’t been intending on staying up on purpose for Frank to get home, she’d gotten engrossed in a film and had taken the opportunity to crack open a bottle of wine and relax whilst both kids were in bed, and she had the house to herself.
She then heard her brother’s laugh and there was some noise at the front door, Frank’s voice ringing out along with the sounds of a key being scraped along the lock. She waited, as the voices grew louder before she stood up and made her way into the hall. She opened the door to see Frank in between her brother and dad, a glazed, drunk expression on his face as he was paused, hand outstretched, key where the lock should have been.
“Heyyyy, baby!” He beamed. “Look,” he turned to Bill, “there she is, my Lissy.”
“Here I am.” Fliss chuckled, “someone had a good night.”
“We need a new lock.” Frank looked at Fliss. “The key doesn’t fit this one.”
“No, you just couldn’t find the hole…”
“You’ve never had any complaints before.” Frank quipped back, and at that Steve sniggered. Bill, however frowned.
“No, that’s…don’t…”
“Dad, they’ve had a kid.” Steve shook his head. “And after what you said in the bar, you’ve no room to talk.”
Bill hiccupped a little, as Frank stepped into the hallway. “Speaking of which, we should go, your mum might be-“
“Okay, stop, right there.” Fliss groaned. “That’s gross. So…yeah, just don’t.”
With a grin Bill swayed on the spot at little as Frank dropped a huge, sloppy kiss to Fliss’ cheek. “Trick to a successful marriage, my girl. Keep the passion alive.”
“Oh Jesus.” Fliss groaned as Steve and Frank laughed. “Shut up, you’ll wake the kids!”
Frank slapped a hand over his mouth as Steve saluted her. “Yes Ma’am.”
It took Fliss another two minutes or so, but eventually she had finally managed to get rid of her dad and brother off the step and into the cab. She shut the door behind them and then walked into the family room to see Frank, leaning unsteadily against the kitchen counter.
“Flissy, you gonna marry me?” He grinned.
“Yes, Baby, I am. You know this.”
“No, but, Friss, can we jus... jus... hang on.” He paused, holding up his finger, clearly having to think about what he was trying to say, “Lissy, I jus wanna get married now, fuck all the rest.”
“Fuck the rest of what, Sailor?” Fliss watched him, trying her best not to laugh.
“Well I wanna fuck you.” He grinned and at that she snorted.
“What else is new?" “But look, ser... sersly, fuck everything and let's just go in the morning.” Frank slurred as he gestured with his hand. “Mary can be the business... No, witness.” “Okay. Whatever you say baby. We’ll just cancel the beach and the tent and all the food and go tomorrow morning.” Fliss agreed.
Frank nodded, and then grinned.
“Can I bend you over this counter?” He pat the surface as he wiggled his brows.
“Maybe tomorrow.” Fliss nodded. “Now, I think we should go to bed.” Frank smirked and she rolled her eyes. “Come on.”
With a monumental effort, she managed to turn off the lights and TV and got Frank to the stairs. He’d made it up them all more or less before he tripped and then lay down, his head resting on the carpeted floor of the landing.
“Hmmm, maybe I’ll rest here.”
“Frank, you can’t sleep here.” Fliss sighed.
“But it's so.... soft.”
“The beds even softer, sweetheart. Come on,  I’ll let you rest your head on my chest and I’ll stroke your hair.” Fliss coaxed, but nothing. His eyes were closed and he simply smiled, rubbing his face against the carpet.
Fliss looked at him, before she rolled her eyes and stepped over him, deciding to leave him where he was. She couldn’t pick him up, and she couldn’t make him move if he didn’t want to. He would come to no harm, might even end up with Fred as a pillow.
She walked towards their room, when with a total delayed response, to her offer, Frank’s head shot up and he looked up at her.
“Wait, I’m coming.”
He stumbled to his feet, banging into the wall a little, and Fliss was just about to tell him to keep the noise down when the door to Mary’s room flew open.
“You woke me up.” Mary glared at him, her arms folded.
“So?” Frank shrugged. “It’s Stackersday, Sat…I mean Satursday, Stack…”
“Technically now it’s Sunday.” She replied. “As it’s like half past one in the-“
“Shhhh.” Frank cut her off, holding his finger out to cover her lips. “No one cares.”
Mary looked at Fliss who merely shrugged, biting her lip as she tried not to laugh at the indignant look their daughter sported. With a final groan, and a shot at him being a pain in the ass, Mary rolled her eyes and turned back, shutting the door behind her.
“Did she just call me a pain in the ass?” Frank wobbled over to Fliss who nodded.
“She’s not wrong.” Fliss mused and Frank narrowed his eyes.
“You’re the pain in a ass.”
“I know you made them all wear those shirts and hats.” He hiccupped as he followed her into their bedroom. "You...yous sneak... brat" "Words, Sailor. Complete sentences." Fliss helped him out of his jacket and Frank shook his head.
“Mmmm nope."
Eventually, Fliss managed to get him out of his suit, ignoring his various quips about her getting him naked and once he was down to his boxers she ushered him into the adjoined bathroom. After he’d taken a pee, Fliss heard him stumbling about as he flushed and washed, before he staggered back into the main room. He landed with a loud huff on the bed, before he rolled onto his back and managed to wrestle under the covers.
Fliss settled besides him and he shifted onto his side, reaching out to give her a soft kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She smiled back.
“No, but I really love you.” Frank urged. “So much, I can’t…”
“Frankie, I know. I get it.” She whispered, kissing him again. “Now come on, do you need some water before you got to sleep?”
“Nope.” He shook his head as he propped himself up a little, slipping before he steadied himself on his elbow. He glanced at her in the soft light of the lamp and grinned. “Your boobs really are great Liss.”
“Thanks.” She arched her brow.
“Like, I just...” he moved his left hand and gave one a squeeze. “They’re so pert…and round. And they fed Alex…”
Fliss snorted as she turned and flicked off the lamp before she settled down, her hand guiding his head onto her chest.
“Like pillows…marshmallows.” Frank’s voice was muffled as she snuggled into her chest.
Less than two minutes later, he was out for the count.
With a soft smile, Fliss kissed his head. Despite him being a pain in the ass, she kinda liked it when he came home drunk. He turned into such a huge, soft meatball and she adored it.
“You’re going to be such a hungover Cranky Frankie tomorrow, Handsome,” she whispered as he slept, his soft snores filling the room, “and I don’t fancy being in your shoes when Mary gets her own back on you for waking her up.”
**** Ch 28 Part 3
71 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH28- Hens, Stags and Cubs Part 1- Hens
Summary: As Fliss and Frank’s wedding draws closer, it’s time for the Hen and Stag Parties. First, we take a trip to Miami with the girls…
Warnings: Bad language, some racey themes discussed, but no actual smut in this part, but just in case- NSFW, 18+
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 5.5k ish
A/N: So this Chapter is a LONG one, so I’ve split it into three parts. All posting now, but you can divide and read as and when you like. Hope you all enjoy...after this it’s the BIG day! EEEEK
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 27
Who runs the world? Girls.
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“So, explain that again to me,” Steve leaned back in the chair and Fliss rolled her eyes across the table at her brother as he raised a brow, “what’s the difference between a wedding planner and a wedding coordinator?”
“One plans, the other coordinates.” Fliss deadpanned and dodged the bread roll that Steve threw at her face. It landed on the lawn and Thor shot after it, his tail wagging as he snatched it in his mouth and trotted off. “Dick.”
“It's the same thing!” Steve protested and Frank gestured with his hand.
“See, I told you.”
“Shut up.” Fliss looked at him and he laughed. 
“You two are like a pair of school kids when you get going,” Sian sat by Steve, her hand rubbing her now rather large baby bump, “actually, no scrap that, kids are better behaved.”
“I just got confused.” Steve shrugged. “You said you weren’t using a planner.”
“Oh for the love of- we’re not!” Fliss groaned, “we’re using a coordinator.”
Frank’s sharp eyes caught sight of Fliss’ slightly affronted expression and he dropped his arm over her shoulder. “Come on, we’re only teasing.” He spoke gently, kissing her temple.
She gave him a small smile and Frank gave her a wink before he reached for his beer. “It was actually my idea, the coordinator.” He shrugged, taking a pull. “We just wanted someone there on the day to make sure everything arrives and gets set out correctly, so neither of us are worrying about where the food trucks are parked, or if the benches are set out right in the tent. Just easier.”
“What did you do about the wait-on staff?” Sian looked at Fliss. “Did you decide to go for any or…”
“Yeah.” Fliss nodded. “The guys bringing the bar suggested an agency they often partner with. We discussed it and decided that the food trucks would be swamped if everyone simply queued so we’re gonna have guys walking around to take orders. Plus they can help clear tables and make sure all the trash gets collected throughout the night.”
“Sounds like you got it all under control.” Steve smiled and Fliss looked at him.
“Why do you sound surprised? I run a fucking business.”
“Woah, Titch!” Steve looked at her, his eyebrow flicking upwards. “Don’t be so narky.”
“I’m not being narky.”
“You’re being a pain in the ass.” Sian shot Steve a look and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
Thankfully, at that point, the twins and Mary burst out of the doors onto the patio dressed in their bathing suits and didn’t even look at the adults as they hurtled straight for the pool, leaping right in. Alex, who was sat in his chair by the table, let out a loud yell of Mary’s name as she shot passed before he turned to Fliss, his head cocking to one side.
She smiled and smoothed back his hair before she handed him another piece of cheese from the plate on the table, which he jammed happily into his mouth. She studied her son for a moment, still utterly dumbfounded at how much like Frank he managed to look even at the young age he was. He had the same nose, same eyes, same cheekbones, a normally placid demeanour. In fact, the only thing he appeared to have inherited from Fliss was the slight reddish tint to his hair, which hadn’t gone quite as auburn as hers, but it certainly now bore a distinct copper sheen.  
“Do you want me to get him ready for bed?” Frank asked and Fliss wrinkled her nose.
“I’ll do it in a while, he’s okay for now.”
Frank dropped another kiss to her temple, fully understanding that her insistence doing it was down to the fact she’d be away on her hen-do tomorrow for the weekend. He knew she had mixed feelings about it, she was excited but also a little wary about what to expect. It was for that reason, he’d pulled Bonnie to one side a few weeks back and told her exactly how Fliss was feeling. Bonnie had assured Frank she knew and for that reason there were no wild plans, just a nice weekend planned in the villa. 
As the evening drew in, Steve gave the twins about thirty separate five minute warnings, actually following through at about nine pm when he had to practically drag them out of the pool. There were moans and groans, Charlie and Joel both trying everything they could to get out of going, but it wasn’t working. As Steve bundled the two grumbling ten-year-olds into the back of his Audi, Sian hung back a little and turned to Fliss.
“I’m so sorry I won’t be there this weekend.”
“Hey, don’t.” Fliss shook her head. “Sian, I get it, trust me I do. Hell, you can’t fly and I do not expect you, at eight months pregnant, to spend four hours in a car to end up in a villa full of drunk people whilst having to stay sober.”
Sian smiled as Fliss gave her a hug, before she then turned to her brother.
“Enjoy it.” Steve wrapped her in his huge arms, kissing the top of her head. “Lord knows, you deserve it.”
Fliss smiled at him and then stepped back to where Frank stood with Mary, the three of them waving away the car.
“Shower and bed.” Frank instructed Mary and she rolled her eyes. “School tomorrow Stack, come on, it’s late.”
“Okay, okay.” She shrugged as they all made their way back inside. As Mary headed upstairs, Frank and Fliss cleared the outside table down before Frank flicked off the outside lights and locked the doors.
“Honey, are you sure you’re okay?” He asked as he headed upstairs.  Fliss was stood, simply looking out of their bedroom window over the garden and she turned to look at him.
“Yeah, I…maybe, I don’t know.”
“Is this about your hen-do?”
“Sorta, I…why haven’t you organised a big stag?”
Frank frowned. “Because I don’t want a big stag party.”
“So it’s not down to what happened when you went on Jake’s, you know, the-“
“No.” Frank cut her off, shaking her head. “Truth is, I simply couldn’t be bothered. Look, I’m almost forty. We got two kids, a home to run. I literally couldn’t give a shit if I didn’t have one at all.” He stepped forwards and took her hands in his. “I’m so over it all now. I just wanna get you down the aisle.”
“Nice to see you care.” Fliss rolled her eyes. 
“Don’t be a dick, you know full well what I mean.” Frank tugged on her hands and pulled her towards him, his arms dropping to her hips.  “All I care about is marrying you, and us both having the day we want, and you having the day you deserve.”
“We deserve…”
“Whatever, the point is I just wanna make you my wife. The rest of it, yeah, it’s great, and it’s gonna be an awesome day, and everything is gonna be exactly how we want it to be, but what matters to me is you becoming Mrs. Adler. Nothing else.”
Fliss studied Frank’s face for a moment before she smiled and shook her head. “You big softy.”
“Well…” he pulled her closer, “I’m hard where it counts.”
At that Fliss chuckled as she wrapped her arms round his neck and he kissed her, before his hands slid down to the back of her thighs. In an easy movement, he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he turned and walked them to their bed.
**** Fliss was happy to report that her worries and trepidation were completely unfounded. At ten the next morning her mom, Roberta and Bonnie arrived, and the four of them enjoyed a late breakfast of pastries and champagne before Bill came back, ready to take them to the airport. Then, at midday Frank arrived home to wave them all off, something she hadn’t been expecting but made her smile even wider. 
"You look beautiful, Cowgirl," Frank smiled softly as he admired his soon to be wife. He looked at the way she had her hair down and straight, her big framed sunglasses sat atop her head, the wide scooped neck of the white tee ruched at the bust in a downward drape whilst it was tucked into a hi-low deep and dark teal coloured chiffon type fabric skirt. Her waist was trimmed with a chocolate coloured leather belt, a favorite one of hers with a bronze buckle, her pretty feet covered by matching chocolate coloured heeled sandals. 
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"Thank you, Sailor," Fliss smirked with a kiss to his lips. "Feels good to get a little fancy."
"You wanna get a little fancy right now? Got two minutes?" Frank half-joked with her knowing she hadn't really a minute to spare but was really enjoying the way she looked. 
Fliss in reply laughed and shook her head, her hand gently on Frank's forearm. "Nope, not a second extra. But maybe when I get back..."
"It's a date," Frank winked. He loaded their cases into the back of Bill’s Range Rover, kissed her good bye and told her to enjoy herself.
Whilst they could have driven, they’d taken the decision to fly so they could all have a few drinks and enjoy the trip, something Fliss was even more approving of when they were shown into the lounge which Bonnie had booked them into and enjoying even more free champagne and food. It also meant they were the first to arrive at the villa, which was situated right in the heart of Miami Beach, a short Uber to the hotel they’d be heading to the next day for their spa treatments. It was a gorgeous, open plan property with a pool, hot-tub, large outside space for them to enjoy and the fridge had been stocked with more than enough alcohol. The four women wasted no time in cracking into it, and were well into the third bottle of fizz when Evelyn arrived, having flown in from Boston. A few hours after that, much to Fliss’ delight, her cousins Eva, Jennifer and Amber showed up, and then she shrieked an hour later or so when Babs turned up in her usual dramatic way. Fliss hadn’t been sure the woman would make it, but there she was. By seven in the evening, the final guests Jake and Greg’s wives- Lisa and Zara had arrived having driven up with Joanne, which completed their party.
The Friday night was spent eating Tapas and drinking, and then Saturday they indulged in a full half-day spa treatment, before a cocktail masterclass in the Swizzle Rum Bar & Drinkery. By the time they headed back to the villa on the Saturday night for their grill which was being catered, they were all in extremely good spirits.
The food was exceptional, Fliss making a note to tease Frank about his BBQ skills being way surpassed, and once the leftovers had been plated and left in the kitchen, the caterers packed up and left. More champagne was opened as the sun set, leaving them to enjoy the patio and neatly manicured garden as it lit up with various lights, all set into the sandstone walls which ran around the back of the property. It was a warm evening, and after an hour or so of them merely lounging around enjoying the lazy atmosphere, dipping in and out of the pool and hot tub as they pleased, Bonnie winked at Joanne, before she stood up.
“So, Fliss, I know you said you wanted no fuss and no strippers, or basically any type of hen-do bullshit in any way, shape or form…but…”
“Please tell me there’s a Stripper coming in a sailor's uniform!” Roberta shot from where she was sprawled on one of the sun-loungers with a large rum and coke in her hands.
“No, sorry Roberta.” Bonnie shook her head and Roberta groaned.
“Fliss gets enough of seeing a naked sailor with Frank.” Babs grinned and the women erupted into laughter as Fliss rolled her eyes.
“Can I point out his mother is here?” She waved to Evelyn who merely raised a brow, sipping from her glass.
“Well, no, there’s no strippers but we are gonna play a game.” Bonnie grinned as Joanne, who Fliss hadn’t noticed leave, returned with a sheet of paper in one hand, a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses.
“No.” Fliss shook her head as the women cheered. “Bonnie, tequila? Seriously?”
“Oh yes.” Bonnie nodded seriously, placing it down on the outside table. “I have a list here of twenty questions about Frank, all of which he’s answered himself. For every question you get wrong, you neck a shot. For every one you get right, you get to nominate someone else to do one.”
“I hate you.” Fliss deadpanned as she sat up, cracking her neck slightly before she grinned. “I know Frank inside out so fine, bring it.”
“And for that you can do a shot to start off, cocky bitch!” Bonnie cracked open the bottle to a loud cheer, filling the glass as she pushed it over to Fliss. Fliss glared at her maid of honour before she shrugged, took the shot and downed it in one.
“Okay, ready? Question one. When Frank was a kid, what did he want to be when he grew up?” “A baseball player.” Fliss answered back, without hesitation. ”Specifically captain for the Red Sox.”
“That is correct.” Bonnie grinned. “So who-“
“Actually, that’s not the first thing he ever said.” Evelyn spoke and everyone turned to face her. “He clearly doesn’t remember, but when he was four he came home from pre-school and told me and his father he wanted to be Santa Clause so he could make sure the horrible kids in his class, specifically a boy named Howard Daniels, got no presents.”
There was a pause before laughter erupted around the outside space and Fliss snorted. 
“He was a cranky little shit even back then.” Evelyn mused as Bonnie slid a shot over to Fliss.
“No way, I got it right!” She objected.
“Evelyn says otherwise…”
“I said the answer on the paper!”
“Fine, okay, you can take one and then nominate.”
“I nominate you, you bitch.” Fliss shot back to more laughter and Bonnie shrugged.
After both women had done their penalty shots, Fliss grimacing as she set the empty glass down, Bonnie cleared her throat.
“Question two. Who would Frank rather be stuck in an elevator with? Donald Trump or Kanye West?”
Fliss pondered for a moment. “To be honest, he’d probably end up knocking either one of them out, he hates them both.” She chewed her lip. “No, it’s gotta be Cheeto Face, I’m going Trump.”
“Well, his exact answer was, and I quote ‘are you fucking shitting me? What kind of nightmare scenario is this?’ but you’re absolutely right, he chose The Don.”
Fliss grinned as various cat-calls rang out round the pool and Bonnie filled the shot glass. Fliss took it from her and with a wicked grin, handed it to her mum.
“Oh, Lissy!” Verity groaned as she sighed. Pinching her nose, she shot the alcohol back, pulling a face. “God, that’s disgusting.”
The questions continued, Fliss correctly stating Frank’s shoe size, favourite colour, favourite beer, his favourite meal, nominating different people in turn. When Bonnie asked the ninth question- what was Frank’s favourite date night to take Fliss on, Fliss correctly answered it would be a simple sail on the boat with beers followed by food from their favourite Mexican truck, Fliss nominated her cousin Eva to take the shot. Eva glared at her, as she took the glass off Fliss.
“Fucking fuck you.” She muttered, tipping it to her lips and wincing.
“Now, Fliss, halfway there. Question ten.”  Bonnie grinned, as Fliss rolled her eyes. “What is Frank’s favourite song?”
“Oh that’s easy.” Fliss shook her head. “AC/DC- You Shook Me All Night Long.”
“And did he?” Jenn quipped as the women all descended into fits of giggles. Fliss merely grinned and smirked.
“I got no complaints what-so-ever in that department, trust me.”
More laughter erupted around the garden before she realised what she’d said and she clamped her hand over her mouth and turned to see her mother simply face-palming, and Evelyn chewing the inside of her cheek.
“Shit, Evelyn, I’m so sorry!” She chuckled and Evelyn took a deep breath, reaching for her wine.
“Huh, I guess he’s even more like his father than I thought.”
Fliss blinked, as there was a pause, before huge bellows of laughter rang out and Evelyn winked at Fliss.
“For that, you can do the shot!” Fliss eventually recovered, wiping her eyes as she slid the once more filled glass over to Evelyn.
“Okay, so these next ones should be a little trickier.” Bonnie grinned. “So, I asked Frank who’s the messy one in your relationship.”
“Him.” Fliss shook her head. 
“Nope, he said it was you.” Bonnie grinned.
“What?” Fliss shot back, “that is such a fucking lie…”
“Well, according to him he falls over your riding boots every damned night, you dump your wet towels on the floor in the bathroom, and Thor shits in the back garden which is your responsibility, therefore your mess by extension.”
“Asshole.” Fliss grumbled as she necked her shot.
“What, in Frank’s opinion, is the most romantic thing he’s ever done for you?”
Fliss hesitated. “I don’t…that’s a tricky one. He’s actually quite romantic in general…erm, okay, I’m gonna say the time he booked an overnight stay in Tampa when we’d been shopping. That was nice, and a lovely surprise.”
“Nope, Frank says it was the time he railed you at Jake and Lisa’s wedding in the bathroom.”
Fliss groaned, and hid her face in her hands, wishing the ground would swallow her whole as she heard a weary sigh from her mum. “That’s…what…why would he say that?”
“He didn’t, I made it up.” Bonnie shrugged, “He actually said what you said, but I think you need to take a shot for being a dirt-bag.”
“I agree.” Roberta nodded. “I mean, seriously? Who does that?”
“I have.” Amber mused, taking a sip of her drink. 
“Yeah, you doing something is not a means by which we should measure if it’s right or not.” Verity shot her niece a teasing look and she grinned back.
By now, Fliss was starting to feel very light headed and she leaned back in her chair, groaning. “Seriously, how many more to go.”
“Eight.” Bonnie grinned.
To her relief, Fliss got the next six, correct which contained the fact that Frank took three attempts to pass his driving test, a trick question in that he took his tea in no way as he hated it, and that if he could be stranded with one thing on a desert island (bar her or the kids) it would be his boat so he could get off.
“I gotta say, Fliss,” Zara grinned, “I’m impressed. I’m not sure I’d have gotten all these right had they been about Greg.”
“Feel free to take over.” Fliss shot back and the woman laughed, shaking her head.
“Penultimate question.” Bonnie grinned. “After how many dates did you have sex?”
“Oh Jesus.” Fliss groaned. “Erm…there was the boat, then we went bowling, and then there was a night on the beach…so…three?”
“Oooh, Frank said two.”
“No, it was three.”
“Well he said two, your first date, and then the next one was eating Mexican?”
“He’s forgotten the bowling.” Fliss shook his head. “All three of us; me, him and Mary went. We kicked his ass.” “That doesn’t count as a date!” Roberta shook her head. “Not when you had Little Miss Sassy-Pants tagging along!”
“Course it was.” Fliss shrugged. “They came as a package.”
“Ohhh, I don’t know if I can make you do a shot after that, that’s so sweet!” Bonnie sighed before she shook her head.” Yeah, here, drink.”
“But he’s wrong!”
“That’s not the game!” Joanne snorted. “Seriously, this is like the nineteenth question, how can you not have figured it out yet?”
“Piss off.”
“Okay, last one…” Bonnie smirked. “What did Frank say was his favourite thing about you.”
“Knowing him, my boobs.” Fliss grumbled and Bonnie laughed.
“Seriously?” Fliss scoffed as everyone laughed and Bonnie nodded.
“But, he then went on and said, joking aside, whilst he does indeed love your boobs,” Bonnie looked at Fliss. “Because, they are very nice breasts, I’m sure we can all appreciate, he said the best thing about you is your heart, how you can love so easily, how you do things for everyone else before yourself without question, and how you make him smile every single morning when he wakes up next to you and realises he gets to call you his for the rest of his life.”
A chorus of awwwws rang around the group as Fliss felt a soft smile creep across her face, before Babs made a gagging noise from the corner.
“Yeah, as disgustingly cute as it is, you got it wrong so…” Bonnie shrugged, topping up the glass once more and Fliss hung her head. She tossed it back, thanking every damned god she could think of that it was going to be the final measure before she leaned back in her chair and groaned.
“If I don’t puke by the end of the night, it’ll be a miracle.”
Bonnie winked at her, before she clapped her hands together. “Okay, that’s the end of the cheesy, planned activities…let’s crank up the music and hit the hot tub!”
**** Ch 28 Part 2
72 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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CH26- In Sickness And In Health
Summary: A bug hits the Adler household, and it isn’t pretty.
Warnings: Bad language, talks of puke and vomit (grim!)
Pairing: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Word Count- 5.1k ish
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 25
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Fliss woke in the middle of the night to Thor gently scratching at the bedroom door, little whines seeping from his mouth. She sat still, her ears craning for what had gotten him so agitated and then she heard soft crying from across the hall. She knew from the fact it wasn’t coming over the baby monitor it wasn’t Alex, which left one other person.
“Frank...” she nudged him with her elbow gently in his ribs, where he lay in his preferred sleeping position, on his stomach, arms folded under his pillow. “Babe, Mary’s crying.”
He grumbled something before his nose screwed up and he gave a sleepy questioning hum as Fliss flicked on the lamp and rose from the bed, locating her sleep wear which had been discarded the night before as they’d gotten a little frisky. He groaned again, blinking against the light before his sleepy brain suddenly registered what was going on and he sat up, frowning.
The door to their room opened as Fliss headed across the landing and Frank jumped out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats that were discarded over the back of the chair by the vanity and followed. As soon as Fliss opened the door to Mary’s room the smell of vomit hit his nostrils and he sighed, instantly realising what was going on.
“Hey, hey...” Fliss stood on the bottom rung of the steps which led up to Mary’s bed, reaching over to brush her hair which was spattered with puke off her face. “Sweetheart, it’s ok.”
“I couldn’t get to the bathroom in time...” Mary sobbed. “I just woke up and...”
“Stack, calm down.” Frank soothed as he moved behind Fliss. “Does your tummy hurt?”
“Yeah.” She nodded and then without warning she pushed Fliss away, retched, and spewed up once more all over her bedspread, her sobbing growing louder. Frank grimaced, and in front of him Fliss gave a little, sudden half retch of her own- he knew she hated dealing with puke but it was testament to her mom instincts as she swallowed and reached out, rubbing Mary’s back.
“Okay, honey. Let’s get you cleaned up. Can you stand in the shower or do you want me to run you a bath?”
“Bath.” Mary stammered, retching again and Fliss nodded, turning to Frank. “I’ll go sort it, can you help her down?”
“Sure.” Frank nodded as Fliss dodged round him, heading to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry.” Mary whispered.
“What for?” Frank frowned.
“For barfing in my bed.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Frank soothed her. “Have I ever been mad at you for being sick?”
“Only when I ate all those marshmallows.”
“That was different, I told you to stop stuffing them into your mouth and you didn’t.” Frank chuckled, the back of his hand pressing to Mary’s forehead. She felt clammy, her cheeks tinged with pink. “You can’t help it if you’re ill, sweetheart.”
“But the bedcover is new.”
“Mary, it doesn’t matter.” He repeated. “It’ll wash. I’m more worried about you. Now come on, let’s get you in the bath okay?”
With a little clever manoeuvring, Frank helped Mary down from her bunk and she made her way slowly into the bathroom where Fliss as busy drawing her a bath.
“Okay, you want me to stay with you or you wanna be on your own?” Fliss asked Mary as she slumped ok the close toilet seat.
“Can you stay?”
“Sure.” Fliss smiled.
“I’ll go strip the bed and toss it all in the machine.” Frank gently ran his hand over the back of Mary’s head as Fliss handed her a glass of water. “You can get in with us for the rest of the night.”
Mary drained the glass and nodded, wiping her eyes. Frank straightened up and Fliss gave him a little smile before he turned and headed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Half an hour or so later Mary was in a fresh set of pyjamas, had taken a dose of medicine and was settled in their bed. After an initial bit of another flap about her not wanting to be in the middle in case she needed to get out, Frank had assured her that if she moved he would wake and she was now settled in between him and Fliss, curled on her side and snuggled into his chest, her head tucked under his chin. His large arms cuddled her close, his left hand gently rubbing at her back as he gave Fliss a tired smile as she flicked off the light and settled down beside them having checked on Alex to make sure the noise hadn’t disturbed him.
“I’ll stay home with her.” He whispered as Fliss leaned over and pressed a kiss to the back of Mary’s head before she moved and placed a soft one on Frank’s mouth. “It’s easier for me to rearrange stuff than you, I can work here.”
“I can rearrange some stuff if needs be but, well, she’s always a daddy’s girl when she’s sick.” Fliss yawned.
Frank chuckled a little as he too gave a soft yawn. “Yeah, and I’d be lying if I said I ever wanted that to change.”
Mary was off colour for just over two days. Just as Fliss had stated, she’d been clingy to Frank, laying on the sofa by his side or on his knee, her head resting on his lap whilst she slept. Thankfully, by the time the third day rolled around she was back almost to her usual self although Frank insisted she stay home from summer camp for the rest of the week. The bad news was, however, the bug was seemed to have caught him now. He felt funny on the Monday morning and as he drove into work he had to pull his truck over so he could puke out of the door. With a groan he grabbed the bottle of water out of the holder and with a shaky hand drained half in one go before he pulled a u-turn and headed home. Fliss saw his truck arrive back onto their driveway and came into the house to find him rushing into the bathroom, throwing up violently into the toilet. With a sigh she gently rubbed his back and sent him to bed, fetching him some water and kissing his head, telling him to rest up. “Where’s dad?” Mary asked as she walked into her kitchen later that evening, having been picked up by Bill following a call from Fliss earlier that afternoon. “In bed, he’s caught your bug.” Fliss sighed. “Poor bugger.” Bill grimaced. “Yeah, he’s not well.” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “Just a case of it working through his system.” She smiled at Alex as she took him from her dad. “They behaved?” “Good as gold.” Bill smiled as Alex gave his momma a huge grin as she kissed his cheek. “Do you want us to pick them up again tomorrow evening?” “Would you?” Fliss sighed. “Frank won’t be up to it and I’ve got lessons until six.” “Sure, Mary can stay if she likes. We’ve got the twins so...” “Oh please Mom, can I?” Mary grinned and Fliss shrugged. “Sure, if you want.” “Yesss.” Mary gave Bill a hi-five before she excused herself and headed into her den. Bill had a cup of tea before he headed back home and Fliss got Alex ready for bed. Just as she was carrying him out of the nursery for his night bottle,  Frank emerged from their bedroom. He was pale, and looked absolutely drained. “Hey, how you feeling?” Fliss gave him a sympathetic smile and he shook his head, giving a little sigh. “Like I’ve been hit by a bus.” He grumbled as Alex gave a noise of excitement at seeing his dad. “Hey, buddy.” Frank gave him a smile and waggled his fingers, chuckling a little as the baby mimicked his actions. “Frankie, go back to bed.” Fliss coaxed and he sighed. “I can’t sleep, been awake for the last hour.” “You been sick again?” “Not yet. Although my stomach is killing me.” “Can you face anything to eat?” Frank shook his head. “Just need to get some water.” “I’ll get it, just go lie down and watch some TV or something.” “Is Mary okay?” He completely ignored her instructions and Fliss shot him a look. “Stop ignoring me. She’s fine. I’ll send her up to say hi, now go. Go on.” “Yes, Mom.” Frank grumbled before he turned and headed back into their room. As Fliss headed down the stairs she heard the vague sounds of him retching into the toilet in the en-suite. ***** The next morning, Fliss found herself with a sick fiancée and a sick eleven month old as Alex promptly woke her up at five am screaming, and proceeded to projectile vomit all over her as she lifted him out of his vomit spattered crib. With a sigh, she soothed him gently before she carried him into the main bathroom so as not to disturb Frank and stripped them both off, stepping into the shower with him in her arms to clean them both off. Being an expert at doing things one handed now thanks to usually having him on her hip, she managed to wash her hair and his before she stepped out, wrapped him in a little towel. She shrugged on her robe and carried him out of the room, dressing him in a clean romper before she wandered downstairs to make herself some breakfast. As soon as it was an acceptable hour, she called Joanne to have her cancel her lessons for the day before she then called her mum who assured her that her or Bill would collect Mary and drop her at summer camp so she didn’t have to. It was a little after ten when Frank headed downstairs to find Fliss gently rocking Alex to and fro as he griped in her arms, his little hands curled round the material of her t-shirt, his cheeks red as he rest one against her shoulder. “Oh he’s not got it as well?” Frank sighed and Fliss nodded. “Yup, I got a wonderful five am wake up call.” “Oh, Honey, I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” She looked at him, giving him a soft smile. ���How you feeling today?” “A little better, not great but...” Frank shrugged as he ran a hand over Alex’s head. “Is he really bad?” Fliss wrinkled her nose. “He’s not been sick for an hour or so now but his diapers are grim.” She pulled a face. “I’m just worried about him not eating or drinking and getting dehydrated.” “Just offer him something plain to eat.” Frank looked at her, rubbing her arm. “Maybe some rye crackers or those little animal ones he likes and some diluted apple juice. If he’s like Mary then this will pass in a couple of days, don’t worry about it, it’s not like he’s a tiny baby now.” “Hmmm. Maybe I should ask Mum what I should do, I mean she’s done this before and...” At that Frank paused, his hand dropping to his side as he felt his temper flare. “Yeah, because it’s not like I have or anything is it, Fliss?” He knew he shouldn’t have said it, but he was tired, wasn’t feeling too great himself and her lack of faith in him had riled him to the point he’d blurted it out without thinking. And he immediately knew he’d pushed the wrong button when she stilled and turned to him, her eyes blazing. “You’re such a dick!” “I’m a dick?” He snapped back. “Jesus, you constantly second guess everything I suggest. I’ve done this before and Mary turned out just fine.” “I don’t second guess everything.” “You know what, just do what you want. I can’t have this argument now, I feel like crap. Maybe you should check with your mom what I should eat as well while you’re at it.” “Fuck off, Frank.” Fliss spat at him as she adjusted Alex in her arms and stormed out of the room, her feet heavy on the stairs as she made her way up them, Alex’s little cries growing quieter as she went before they died out completely as she shut the door to his nursery. With a groan Frank grabbed a bottle of water and followed her up the stairs where he headed back into the bedroom, climbed into bed and pulled the covers over his head. **** Thor alerted Fliss to someone’s presence and her head turned to see her mum enter through the back door holding a canvas shopping bag.
“Hey love, you sounded a little stressed on the phone so I thought I’d swing by.” She smiled. “How is he?”
“Who, Alex or the asshole upstairs?” Fliss rolled her eyes and Verity arched her brow.
“You two had an argument? I thought Frank was ill?”
“He is. Suffering from asshole-itis.”
“Okay.” Verity sighed as she placed the bag on the counter in the kitchen. “Well, I made you a lasagne and some chicken soup for when Frank feels like eating. Probably better on his stomach than a heap of meat and cheese.”
“Thanks.” Fliss gave her mum a smile as she stood up and headed over to the kitchen area of the large family room, checking on Alex who was sleeping in the pack and play in the corner of the room.
“Did he eat his crackers?”
“A few.” Fliss shrugged. “But he drank most of his apple juice and keeping him hydrated is the most important thing, right?”
"He’s not a new-born now, Fliss.” Verity smiled. “And this isn’t the first time he’s been off colour.”
“No, but it’s the first time he’s been puking up every hour or so.”
“Yes, but as long as he keeps drinking then there’s no need to worry about it.” Verity looked at her. “If he’s still bad in another twenty-four hours and you’re worried, call the doctor. But Frank was right with what he said. Diluted apple juice will make sure he gets water and a bit of sugar, and if he munches on a few crackers then at least he’s eating something. You could always offer him a piece of banana too. Full of vitamins and the potassium will be good for him, too.” At that Fliss pulled a face and Verity chuckled. “You’ve never liked bananas.”
“Frank and Mary love them as well as him, but the texture makes me want to hurl.”
“You eat avocado.” Verity rolled her eyes and Fliss shrugged as she filled a kettle. There was a moment’s silence as Fliss placed the kettle on to boil and her mum reached for two mugs. “So, you going to tell me why Frank’s an asshole?”
“Oh, just before.” Fliss shrugged, tossing teabags into the teapot. “He accused me of second guessing him when I said I wanted to call you about Alex.”
“Right.” Verity nodded, leaning back against the counter. “And you weren’t?”
“No, of course not.” Fliss looked at her mum and Verity shrugged.
“Okay,” she held her hands up, “but, try and see it from his point of view, sweetheart. He is his dad…”
“I know that…”
“…and he’s done this before. In fact he’s done this before the same amount of times I have.”
At that Fliss paused and took a deep breath as her mum continued.
“You and Steve are both my children, but don’t forget, I didn’t meet Steve until he was five. So my sum total experience of babies was from looking after you, which makes Frank as equally qualified as me, certainly from the six month mark anyway.”
Fliss hesitated, in all honesty she hadn’t thought about it that way. She let out a sigh as her eyes filled with tears and her mum gave her a small smile and gently touched her arm. “Hey, don’t get upset, come here…”
Fliss willingly stepped into her mums arms for a hug, sniffing a little as Verity gently stroked the back of her head. “Being a parent is stressful, and being a first time one is the scariest thing in the world, but I wish I’d had the support from someone like you get from Frank.”
“I know, and he’s great, he’s more than great he’s fantastic, sometimes I just,” Fliss sniffed and shrugged lamely as she pulled back a little, “you’re my mum, that’s all.”
“Yeah I was last time I checked.” Verity smiled and Fliss let out a soft chuckle as she stepped back. “But Frank is your fiancée, and Alex’s dad. I can understand why he got a little frustrated.”
“He’s never snapped at me before when I’ve called you for advice.”
“Yeah, well, he’s not feeling great is he?” Verity reasoned. “He’s most likely tired and a bit cranky and you just got the brunt, unfortunately. Isn’t that the way it works? You’re a snappy bitch with him often enough.”
“I know.” Fliss turned to the kettle. “Least he doesn’t beat me black and blue for it, huh?”
“Don’t.” Verity said sternly and Fliss poured the hot water into the tea pot.
“True though.” She sighed, before she shook her head. “Anyway, enough. What are you doing with the kids tonight?”
“Your Dad's pumping the inflatables up for the pool.” Verity took her tea with a thanks. “Then we’ve stocked up on sausages, burgers and enough soda and sweets to keep them wired for a week.”
“Standard night and Nanna and Granddad’s then.” Fliss smiled and Verity chuckled as the two of them made their way outside to sit in the garden.
“The twins are staying until the weekend.” Verity smiled. “Steve’s taking Sian off for a last little break before your wedding and the baby arrives. If you want to gather some more stuff for Mary, she can stay longer. We were going to take them to the waterpark on Thursday.”
“She’d love that. I’ll check with Frank as we’ve paid for summer camp, but I don’t think he’ll have an issue.”
“Issue with what?”
Both women looked up to see Frank stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes slightly. At the sight of him looking so tired and sick, Fliss felt all her earlier anger ebbing away and she took a deep breath.
“Oh, Mum was just saying, the twins are staying with her and dad until Friday, she suggested Mary might like to as well.”
“You don’t need to check with me.” Frank shook his head, his voice soft. “You’re her mom. If she wants to then, whatever.” Frank shrugged. “Not like we’re going to be doing anything at the moment, is it?”
“How are you feeling?” Verity looked at Frank and he gave a shrug.
“Crap.” He snorted, “How’s Bean?”
“He ate a few crackers and had some apple juice, he just seems tired.” Fliss shrugged.
To his credit, Frank didn’t mention the fact that she’d done exactly what he advised. Instead he nodded. “Good.”
“Do you want anything to eat?” Fliss offered. “Mum brought some chicken soup.”
“No, no offence V but my stomach isn’t quite ready for that.” He grimaced as Verity waved his apology off. “I just came for some air and to grab a drink.”
“Do you want me to make you a honey and ginger tea?” Fliss looked at him. “Might help.”
Frank gave her a soft smile, “sure, thanks.”
She stood up and passed him in the doorway, her hand softly brushing over his arm as she went. Once she’d gone, Frank stepped outside, taking in a breath as he let the sun warm his face. “You sure you don’t mind Mary staying for a few days?”
“Of course not.” Verity shook her head. “I was just saying to Fliss, we’re thinking of taking them all to the water park on Thursday.”
“She’ll love that.” Frank smiled, taking a deep breath as a wave of nausea washed over him.
“As long as it’s not an issue, Fliss said you’d already paid for camp.”
Frank shook his head. “It’s not expensive, plus you have to pay for the full summer up front, regardless. Just easier to make sure she has a place. As long as we tell them she won’t be there for the rest of the week it doesn’t matter.” He took a seat in one of the outside comfy chairs, and ran his hands over his face. “God, this is disgusting.”
Verity chuckled. “Yeah, it seems a pretty nasty bug. Make sure you rest up.”
“I’m bored of lying in bed.” He groaned.
“You’re just like Bill.” Verity looked at him, sternly. “Don’t be a stubborn bastard and rush around until you’re ready.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a salute and she narrowed her eyes playfully.
“And whilst we’re at it, I’ve spoken to Fliss about her being a snappy little madam.”
“What do you mean?”
“She told me you’d had an argument before, and yes, before you say anything I can see your point but I can also see hers.” She looked at him. “I gave her a gentle reminder that my experience with babies amounts to the same as yours so I’m by no means more qualified but I’m glad she feels she can call me. It’s a support network I didn’t have, nor did you for that matter. And I bet you wish you did.”
Frank took a deep breath. “I know, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I was just, well, a little frustrated, that’s all.”
“No, I know, I get it.” Verity assured him. “And so does she. Just maybe try not to be such a cranky little shit.”
At that Frank snorted and their conversation was cut off when Fliss appeared, placing a mug on the table in front of him.
“Thanks.” He smiled as she ran her hand through his hair affectionately. Reaching up, he caught her hand and pressed a soft kiss to the inside of her wrist.
“I’m sorry I snapped before.” He looked at her and she smiled back.
“It’s okay.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I don’t trust you something.”
“I should have pointed it out to you in a better way than I did.” Frank conceded, before his eyes playfully darted to Verity before they flicked back to Fliss’. “I was a cranky little shit.”
Verity chuckled and shook her head as Fliss smiled and moved to take her seat. Frank reached over for his drink and took a small sip, leaning back in his chair, happy to be outside the confines of the bedroom for a few moments, until his stomach gave a violent lurch, reminding him exactly why he hadn’t strayed far from the bathroom.
With a groan, he jumped up, almost falling over Thor in his haste and knowing full well he wasn’t going to make it to the toilet, he turned and violently spewed into the kitchen sink.
“Well,” Fliss sighed, standing up to go and help him out, “at least he’ll be bringing up nothing but water.” She pulled a face. “Don’t fancy fishing chunks out of the plug hole.”
Frank woke early the next morning, having slept so much over the last forty-eight hours and he was pleased to report he was feeling much better. It was still quite dark outside and he took care as he climbed out of bed not to make too much noises. He padded over to the spare room, Fliss having chosen to sleep in there along with Alex in the travel crib so as not to disturb him too much, and was happy to see the pair of them fast asleep when he poked his head through the door. Thor eyed him a little before he stood up, stretching and wandered over, yawning.
“Wanna go out, pal?” Frank reached out and scratched the large dog behind his ear as his tail wagged lazily, his mouth opening in a wide yawn. “Okay, come on.”
It was an hour or so later he heard Fliss shout down the stairs. It was a frantic, broken yell of his name and in a flash he sprinted up onto the landing in time to see her bursting into the bathroom where she emptied her stomach into the toilet.
“Oh, baby.” He sighed, walking towards her but she waved him away.
“Alex,” she spluttered, before she turned and puked again and Frank instantly understood. Heading into the spare room, he picked up the baby who had himself thrown up, but was surprisingly cheerful all things considered. There were no tears, no fuss, just a huge grin for his daddy as he sat peering up at him.
“Not quite sure what you find so amusing.” Frank arched his eyebrow and swept the baby up, turning him so that the front of his vomit spattered romper was facing outwards, one large arm supporting his butt.  He made his way back onto the landing to see Fliss now emerging, her face flushed and her eyes heavy.
“Go back to bed.” Frank nodded to their room, before he dropped a kiss to her forehead. “I got this.”
Without so much as a word of protest she headed into their bedroom, Thor following, and she closed the door behind her. Twenty minutes later, Alex was cleaned up and sat in his high chair next to Frank who was perched on a stool at the island, both of them munching on a banana. Alex’s appetite was back with gusto, but Frank was wary of overloading the tot’s stomach (and his own for that matter) so soon following their illness, so he had cut Alex’s banana into smaller pieces than normal in an attempt it would fool him into thinking he had eaten more. No such luck. As he finished the last piece he examined his now empty bowl and then looked at Frank, making a questioning noise.
“No more buddy, not yet.” Frank shook his head, chuckling as Alex reached for the one Frank had in his hand. “This is mine.” At that, Alex frowned and let out a loud noise of protest. Frank merely looked back at him again. “Complain all you want, it won’t get you anywhere.”
Once their breakfast was done, he carried him over to the play mat, watching him carefully as he entertained himself, crawling across the rug to get to some of his brightly coloured blocks. Frank played with him for a little while before he called both work and Joanne explaining the situation and that neither he nor Fliss would be in work that day. Once that was sorted, he then decided to take Alex out for some air into the garden, selecting a spot in the shade by the pool. By the time lunch time rolled around, neither of them had thrown up again, but there was no sign of Fliss. Frank set Alex down for a nap in his room, and headed over to check on her. She peered up at him from where she was led in bed, something playing on the TV and she gave him a weak smile.
“Hey.” He dropped onto the bed by her side, his hand running through her hair. “You need anything?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Is Bean okay?”
“He’s fine. He’s had a banana and some crackers for breakfast and a little more for lunch. So far so good, it hasn’t come back up.”
“Course I would have to get it too.” She grumbled and Frank chuckled, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Well, were you really expecting anything else?” He smiled and she rolled her eyes.
“No, suppose not.” She shifted and stretched, grimacing a little. “Fuck, my back is starting to go funny.”
“Lying down too much?” He asked gently, knowing she struggled with that sometimes if she was on it for too long, a consequence of her accident all those years ago.
“Yeah, that and I think I pulled it puking.”
“Well, how about I draw you a bath and then you can come downstairs and rest on the couch?” He offered, his hand cupping her cheek. “I got plenty of cuddles and sympathy in me, especially now I know I’ve had it and therefore immune.”
“Okay.”  She nodded.
It was little under half an hour later when Fliss made her way downstairs, dressed in a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt, her hair pulled back into a messy pony tail. Frank gave her a small smile and lifted his arm as she sat down next to him. He pressed a kiss to her temple as she cuddled up to him.
“You need anything?” Frank asked her softly and she shook her head, adjusting herself so she was comfy, snuggling into him a little further. Only it didn’t last long. Approximately five minutes later she gave a little whimper and shot up from the couch, running for the bathroom. Frank let out a sigh as he stood up and followed her, his large hand rubbing at her back as he knelt beside her whilst she puked into the downstairs toilet.
“Fuck this shit.” She groaned as she sat back, her face flushed, cheeks streaked with tears. “I don’t wanna be ill. I hate you.”
“Me?” Frank chuckled.
“Yes, you. You gave this to me.”
“Well, actually, I think I gave it to Alex. Who likely gave it to you.”
“Exactly, you infected him and he infected me.”
“If we’re playing the blame game, then Mary is totally ‘Patient Zero’.”
Fliss looked at him, swallowing, before she moved him out of the way and retched again, only this time nothing much came up on account of her stomach being empty.
“I need water.” She mumbled.
“Okay, you want me to fetch you some here or are you done?”
“I’m done, for the time being. I think.” She sighed and Frank stood, pulling her to her feet. He waited whilst she splashed cold water on her face and rinsed her mouth out before he gently scooped his arm round her as she slowly walked into the hallway, stumbling a little as she went. Not wanting her to fall and add a concussion to the mix, Frank easily swept her up into his arms, bridal style and she groaned.
“I’m not dying.”
“Well, you looked you were going to fall so, suck it up, Buttercup.” He shrugged, depositing her back on the couch before he made his way to the fridge. He came back with a bottle of water and unscrewed the lid before passing it to her. She took a large gulp, her face pale before she gave an exhausted sigh, the back of her forearm wiping at her forehead.
“Is it warm in here?” She frowned and Frank shook his head.
“The Air-Con is at normal temp. You’re running a slight fever, same as us.”
“Fantastic.” Fliss groaned, flopping down and stretching out beside him, laying her head in his lap.
 “Well in my eyes you’ve always been hot.” Frank joked lamely, as his fingers gently ran down her neck and back, the same way she’d comforted him the previous day. She shook her head, scoffing at his lame joke.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Calling it how I see it, Lissy.” He chuckled, his hand gently brushing down the side of her face. “Try and get some rest, Sweetheart. You’ll feel better when you’ve slept, I promise.”
They sat in silence, eyes trained on the TV and when Alex woke a short while later, Frank glanced down to see Fliss had fallen asleep. Reaching for a pillow he gently moved her head, propping it up on the cushion, a soft sigh escaping him. She’d spent pretty much the entire last week taking care of them, it was certainly time to repay the favour.
“You gonna be quiet so you don’t disturb Momma?” He spoke in a hushed voice to Alex once he’d changed his diaper and carried him back downstairs. Alex made a little noise in response, a garble of sounds that sounded a little like 'Mama' when Frank thought about it. He had no doubt in his mind that the baby would be speaking sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, Mama.” Frank nodded as he opened the door to the family room. Fliss was still fast asleep and thankfully, Alex seemed content once he’d seen her to be distracted by Fred, who sauntered over towards him as he sat on the rug, his tail swishing in Alex’s face making him laugh as he went to grab it. Fred scooted off and Frank spoke, his voice low.
“Alex, no. We don’t pull tails.”
Alex looked at him before he gave a giggle and spun quickly onto all fours and shot after the animal as fast as he could crawl.  With a roll of his eyes, Frank headed after him and grabbed the back of his t-shirt, lifting him up. Alex’s cackles rang around the room and despite himself, Frank chuckled as well as he spun the baby to face him, holding him at arm’s length.
“You’re a menace, you know that?” He arched his eyebrow as he brought him back down to press a kiss to his cheek, before he extended his arms again, once more bringing him back towards him, more giggles bursting from Alex’s mouth as he continued to repeat the playful motion. “Cute, but a total menace.”
When Frank held Alex above him for a fourth time, it wasn’t a giggle that burst from the tot’s mouth. It was a steady stream of banana and rye barf which hit Frank straight in the face.
“Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.” Frank grimaced, wiping his face on his shoulder, before he turned to look at Alex who grinned at him. “Thanks a lot, pal.”
**** Chapter 27
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