cid5 · 1 month
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1962-Algiers, Algeria- Young 14-year-old boys, members of the FLN youth organization, during independence ceremonies in Algiers.
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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The Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) was founded Nov. 17, 1983 in the Lacandon Jungle in Chiapas, Mexico by three indigenous and three non-indignous members of its parent organization, the Forces of National Liberation (FLN).
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violant-apologia · 2 months
since i've finished the card requests (i think) , i've decided to treat myself by redoing one of the possible commander combinations for the deck:
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briar is very W as a character, but since the deck is UBR, UR is a decent substitute, especially with how well it works for correspondents. wizard is a pretty good analogue too (even though in a perfect world he's a bard). the politics aspect of ludevic also works well for a prolific player of the great game.
of course, the most important aspect of ludevic is the partner, letting briar and mr stones partner up in the command zone! sengir is the only vampire with partner so stones has to be it, but it works well by itself too (noble, flies, etc.)
(with thanks to @the-insouciant-scientist for the excellent art!)
while this is a bit of a capstone to my card project, still feel absolutely free to request more! i'm totally up to make more cards. i will never ever run out of steam on this intersection of my two favourite games.
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askitom · 3 days
me yazip foto atan erkeklerin topluk
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evenvillain · 2 years
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"you throw me in water again and i’ll drown you myself"
"sure eve"
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newchainsameshackles · 2 months
Bn bisi dusunmek veya hissetmek istemiyorum en sonunda uzuluyorum zaten
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ekasiotompuy · 3 days
bu gece gördüğümüz rüyalar çok önemliydi falan filan ya benim rüya fantastik gerilim dolu bir evrenden fırlamış gibiydi gerçek hayatla sıfır alaka
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adgp35 · 7 months
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Algeria 1961
As the colonial war ground to its bitter close, the collaborationist Algerian police could see which way the wind was blowing and began to desert their French masters. At one isolated post, the officers surrendered to a group of female FLN sympathisers who were demonstrating outside the base and demanding the men lay down their arms. Once the demoralised policemen did so, the hijab-clad women bound them and hauled them back triumphantly to their village as shamed prisoners.
AI image created via Microsoft Bing, before its upgrade.
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brownilikekim · 4 months
normalde yolda yürürken bile karıncaları ezmemeye çalışırım ama bazen onun ölmesini isteyecek kadar kötü biri olabiliyorum
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radicalgraff · 2 years
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"17 October 1961, We are the offspring of the Algerians you didn't drown..."
Graffiti in commemoration of the massacre of Algerian Independence protesters in Paris on the 17th of October 1961, when hundreds of FLN supporters were murdered by police, many of them thrown into the river Seine
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violant-apologia · 2 months
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i wish there was a card that made weasel tokens or something along those lines, but this is a fine reflection of harper's role as a scientist! the replicate on the sagas was a cool detail i didn't fully appreciate until recently: it's representing the reproducibility of experiments! i thought it was neat, at least
(ignore doctor's companion it's not relevant)
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baradurus · 10 days
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Close ups bellow the cut
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kosmazsankosamazsin · 8 months
Nefes al, siktir et.Nefes al, siktir et.Nefes al, siktir et.Nefes al, siktir et.Nefes al, siktir et.Nefes al siktir et. Nefes al, siktir et. Nefes al, siktir et
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senibiopim · 11 days
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olmasını istediğim olay karşılaştışım manzara
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ekasiotompuy · 13 hours
bu sene hatta son üç beş aydır boyoe vücudumun baya büyüdüğünü hissediyorum yani kütlesel olarak değil de sanki kizliktan kadınlığa geciyeoum gibi??? hiç hoşuma gitmiyor gözüme bir sürü şey batmaya başladı sanki yaşlandım ya
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mydearalgeria · 1 year
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The War in Algeria -- FLN commander pins a medal on a young boy who had renered a service to the guerrilas.
Philip Jones Griffiths.
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