#flowers is my catchall name for everything post the OG
sakuranoumi · 2 months
Fandom: Shaman King Flowers
Characters: Yosuke, Kagome
Word Count: 912
This fic is for that one anon on Aonik's tumbler and Aonik too I guess. There's art this was based off of and y'all welcome its becoming public now. Also I got the AU wrong to for the art. Whoops?
Kagome's not stupid. She's seen the IOUs scattered around Yosuke's messy apartment when he thinks no one's looking. They're loans really, with interest rates so high they're only meant to bury someone alive. She doesn't know why Yosuke feels the need to flash around money he doesn't have. He could have less debt living out of a modest apartment and dressed in the simple attire of his youth. Instead he's 21, dressed to the nines, and suffocating under whatever self imposed persona he has.
She's never given the impression she's into money has she?
Yet she doesn't say no to the single shoulder dark blue dress that hugs her perfectly and has a slit up one leg. She should turn it down because she see's the IOU for it peeking out from under a fashion magazine on the coffee table, but she looks so damn good in it. If Yosuke wants to destroy himself then she should get to have one night where she doesn't have to worry about him.
When Yosuke comes out of his bedroom she half expects him to be in a coat with tails.
“Something wrong?” Yosuke asks, adjusting his bow tie and unaware of what she's just been looking at.
“Just not what I was expecting. It's modest for you these days,” Kagome answers, taking in the black suspenders over his white dress shirt. Her eye's glance at the IOU as she nudges it further out of sight and she has to wonder if all of his budget for whatever this is went to her.
“When you're crashing a party it's best not to standout,” Yosuke answers, his arms snaking around her waist and a little lower than she'd prefer.
“We're crashing a party? I thought this was for your job?”
What job she's not sure. She's pretty sure Yosuke should be homeless yet he always defies all odds and she allows herself to keep following it blindly.
“It is,” Yosuke answers, before his eyes narrow, “I wasn't invited.”
“You're not even going to get in the door.”
If they are dressed this nicely then it has to be a high class event. Someone is going to be watching the door ensuring only those on the guest list enter.
“I can just reattach the tags and your can return it and get your money back.”
“Keep it. It looks good,” Yosuke whispers pulling her closer.
She has her clutch up and blocking Yosuke before his lips can try anything. She loves him, she really does, but she also doesn't like whatever he's become. She wants the old Yosuke back. She's not going to let him kiss her with those lying lips.
“I'm not stupid, Yosuke,” she replies, prying his fingers off easily so she can reach down and grab the IOU and shove it at him. “You've got hundreds of these littered around. I thought your mom taught you good spending habits?”
“Everyone has a little debt, Kagome,” Yosuke shrugs.
“This isn't a little debt. Do you even have any money? Do you think I won't look at you if you're poor?”
“It's complicated,” Yosuke huffs.
“It's not,” Kagome answers poking a finger at his chest, “I don't care what you can or can't buy me Kamogawa Yosuke. I care about the nerdy little boy I went to school with before whatever this is happened.”
“Then you're wasting your time, Kagome. He's dead. He's dead because nobody cared, but now somebody does.”
“Using you so you wrack up a debt isn't caring, Yosuke, and you're wrong. I've always cared about you.”
“Well you shouldn't have,” Yosuke yells, and Kagome's not sure the last time she's seen him get truly angry. It's a crack in the mask. It's a glimpse back at the boy who faded away.
“We can get this under control,” Kagome softens, her hand cupping Yosuke's face.
“I'm not taking you down with me,” Yosuke mumbles, not meeting her eyes.
“That's not your choice, Yosuke. It's mine.”
“Just keep the dress and leave. I don't feel like going out anymore.”
He's defeated and she doesn't know why. She's always reaching her hand out to him and he always refuses it. She doesn't understand why he doesn't want to be pulled up from whatever pit he's in.
“I'm sorry,” Kagome whispers, but it's too late. He's shut down again. He's closed off. What was supposed to be another nice evening is ruined before it's even started. It seems all they do is fight. Maybe it's all Yosuke thinks he deserves.
She leaves him because staying never accomplishes anything. The IOUs keep piling up. He refuses to listen to reason, and Kagome can only break her own heart so much.
The IOU for her dress sits crumpled in her hand. She'll return it or at least she'll try her best to return it without the receipt because Yosuke would never give that to her. She'll find the rest of the money as well. She can't pay off all of Yosuke's debt but she can at least pay off this one. She can march into the building of the Yahabe corporation and see at least what Yosuke has gotten himself into that he insists he can't get back out of.
She'll save him. She'll save him even if he'll never look at her again for doing it.
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