#floydsin imagine
topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 30: Note to self- don't get kidnapped ➣prompt: "Please don't touch me." ➣character: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw ➣warnings: post-partum depression, surrogacy, slash pairing (floydsin), breast milk pumping. ➣note: can be read as a part of this headcannon ➣masterlist | whumptober | library
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It had been nearly six weeks since the birth of the beautiful Aurora Jade Seresin-Floyd. Her dads were fully embracing life as parents, being at the little girls every call. Y/N had gotten the standard six weeks off of work before she had to go back. She had been struggling a bit with the changes post-birth. Hardest thing was coming home from the hospital and not having the little girl that she had housed inside her. She was lucky to have Bradley though, he was a great partner throughout the whole thing, and was by her side the whole time. 
“Do you need anything?” Bradley asked her, zipping up his flight suit. Y/N sat on the bed, reading a book as she pumped her breasts. She decided to pump and give the milk to Bob and Jake for AJ. At first she wasn’t producing anything viable, just in constant pain from her body trying to produce milk for a baby that wasn’t even there. Bradley had done research that listening to the sound of a crying baby tricks the brain into producing milk. So every day for nearly two weeks Bradley had to sit and listen as Y/N played a track of crying babies to help her produce milk. 
“Yeah, tell them to let me stay at home for another week,” She grumbled. 
Bradley sighed and walked into the bathroom, and frowned, “I can see what I can-” 
“No,” Y/N shook her head, and turned her pump off, “I need to go back to work. Can’t sit inside this damn house any longer.” 
“I think Mav would understand if you need an extra day. You did just give birth-” 
“I did but it’s not like I have a child that needs me to look after them 24/7. I’m just here being a fucking. . . human cow,” Y/N gesutred to the two full bottles of breast milk in her hands, “And eating everything in sight, and crying at fucking nothing, and not doing anything productive. I need to get back to work. I need to get back in the sky. I need to get my pre-baby body back. I can’t be here any longer.” 
“Okay,” Bradley nodded, “Alright, well get dressed and I’ll take these,” He grabbed the bottles, “And go dump them and put them in the freezer.” 
Y/N stood up from the bed and kissed her boyfriend, before going to find her flight suit that had been pushed to the back of her closet. She stared at the maternity clothes that Jake had bought her and felt tears well up in her eyes. She was yet to clean out everything, still finding some of the maternity clothes to fit still and be more comfortable to wear. Y/N clenched her jaw as she pushed the clothes to one side and grabbed her flight suit. She combed roughly through her hair and put it back in a ponytail before gathering up her usual items she took to base now; her duffle bag, workout bag, lunch box and now, breast pump. 
Bradley talked the whole way to base, talking about the new flight plans Maverick had given them last week. He didn’t mention that Bob and Jake had started coming in for two days a week and that one of them was more than likely going to be there today. She had hardly seen them since AJ’s birth, nor talked to them longer than asking if they needed more breastmilk. She knew they were busy being parents, and she didn’t really know where she stood in this whole thing anymore. 
“Are you sure you want to come in today?” Bradley asked, making Y/N jump. 
“Yeah, of course,” She responded. 
“Well, we’ve been in the parking lot for three minutes and you haven’t moved from your spot,” Bradley pointed out and he turned his body to face her, “Seriously, I can tell Mav that you aren’t ready to be here yet. He will understand. He said you can still apply for extended-” 
“I am not applying for extended maternity leave when I’m not even a mother,” Y/N snapped, “There are women out there that go back to work the next day after having babies. I don’t even have one, so I can sure as hell go back to work after six weeks.” 
Before Bradley could respond, she jumped out of the bronco, grabbed her bags and headed towards the hangar. Bradley sighed and shook his head, before getting out and walking in behind her. No one seemed to notice that Y/N was back, they all went about their morning routines, getting coffee and mixing up their protein drinks. Y/N tried to not let it bother her as she slipped into her seat that was next to Bradley. He smiled at his girlfriend as he sat down next to her and handed her a cup of coffee. 
“Can’t have caffeine while I’m pumping,” She said, staring straight ahead at the projector. 
“Right, yeah, I knew that,” Bradley said, nodding and setting the second cup down on the floor beside him. Maverick stood at the front of the room and started going in about today’s flight plan. Y/N had a hard time trying to understand what the plan was, seeing as it was a continuation to a flight that the dagger squad had started working on when she went into her maternity leave. Bradley could sense her confusion as he looked over at her. She was trying her best to understand but was slowly giving up. 
“Does everyone understand the course of action?” Maverick asked. There was a chorus of small voices in agreement and head nods around the classroom, “Alright then! Let's get suited up!” Y/N was first out of her chair and heading out of the room. Bradley sighed and shook his head. 
“Is she alright?” Phoenix asked him. 
“I think so,” Bradley said, “I really don’t know. Some days are better than others. I told her to ask for an extension, but she wants to be back.” 
“Well, maybe it's best,” Phoenix shrugged. Bradley hoped the pilot was right as they walked through the doors to the lockers. 
The sky was one of the only places where Y/N seemed to be able to gather her thoughts. It was the place that brought her the most comfort. She didn’t realize how much she missed sitting in that small cockpit until she was up in the air. Rooster couldn’t help but smile at the childlike giggle that came over comms, knowing that it was his girl getting back into her element. Maverick had gone over the plan with her one on one before they went up in the air. It made Y/N feel somewhat more comfortable about being up in the sky. Fanboy and Coyote were also sharing the sky with her. 
“Alright, ready when you are, Momma Hen,” Fanboy said over comms. 
“What?” Y/N asked. 
“Ya know, Momma Hen. . . cause you had a baby, so that kinda makes you a-” 
“Shut up, Garcia,” Payback said, and looked over at the aviator next to him. He couldn’t see much because of the distance and her mask, but Payback knew Y/N well enough to know something was also wrong, “Hey, he was just joking. You’re still our Gunner, you know that.” 
“Yeah,” She cleared her voice, “Let’s do this.” 
Bradley and Phoenix shared a look as Y/N called the mission on, and her plane ascended towards the flight path. The path wasn’t harder than what they went through for the Uranium Mission, but it was getting Y/N’s body back to pulling so many gs at one time. She followed the path closely, feeling the weight of her body as she hit the turns quickly. Payback stayed on her tail, encouraging her to keep her speed up. No one beat Maverick’s time of 2 minutes and 15 seconds, the only person that had come close was Y/N. Bradley’s eyes were locked on the large clock that ticked down, and the speed of her aircraft. 
“Come on, Reaper, come on,” Bradley cheered softly. 
“Stay in this Reaper!” Payback called out, “Fanboy line it up.” 
“Line on sight!” Fanboy said, “Ready and clear, Reaper!” 
“Dropping in!” Y/N said, lining up her “shot” and hitting the target. It felt like a slug to the chest as she pulled up on the joystick, bringing the nose of her aircraft up into a steep incline. Her lungs burned as she fought to stay conscious, having to focus on her breathing as she got out of the valley. The second she leveled out she heard the stop of her timer. 
“Holy fuck! New record!” Payback exclaimed, “Two minutes and five seconds!” 
Y/N smiled and removed her mask, “And that’s how we fucking do it.” 
“Welcome back, Reaper,” Maverick smiled, and clapped Bradley on the back, who was beaming with pride. 
Y/N had to hold herself from running across the tarmac after she landed, heading into the rec room. She opened the door with a bright smile, ready to celebrate the new course record, but it quickly ran away at the sight of Jake and Bob standing in the crowd of aviators. Her heart stopped in her chest as she saw the sight of the baby she had carried for nine months. 
“Hey! Look who’s here!” Bradley said, waving Y/N over to them. Y/N was frozen, as all eyes turned to her. Jake and Bob looked extremely happy as they smiled at her, but what Y/N saw through her eyes was the sight of two annoyed parents who didn’t want her there. 
“Babe?” Bradley called out to her, but Y/N shook her head and left the rec room quickly, letting the door slam. AJ let out a cry at the sound of the door slamming shut, and Y/N let out a groan. 
“Is she okay?” Jake asked. 
“I don’t know,” Bradley shook his head, “I gotta go.” 
Jake and Bob shared a look as Bradley ran out of the room. Bradley had to ask several people in the hallway if they had seen you, and they instructed him to the nursing room at the end of the hall. He knocked on the door and heard the quiet invite to come in. Bradley walked over to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder but she brushed it off. 
“Please don’t touch me,” She said, “I’m fine, I just need to pump. You can go back out to Aurora and-” 
“Alright,” Bradley kneeled down on one knee in front of her, and grabbed her hand, “There is something going on. You have been pushing me away for weeks, and I understood because it was a big change but now, whatever just happened with you in the rec room. . .I can’t ignore this anymore. What’s going on? What’s wrong?” 
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend, and felt her lips start to quiver. Bradley’s heartbroke at the sight and he pulled her in for a tight hug. Y/N let out a sob as he rubbed her back. She had been fighting her emotions for weeks, but now the dam had finally broken. She couldn’t stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as Bradley held her. 
“It’s okay,” Bradley said, pulling away from the hug, and kissed her temple, “Breathe, love, you need to breathe before you pass out. Take a deep breath for me.” Y/N nodded and took a deep breath. Bradley handed her a box of kleenex to wipe her tears, “You going to tell me what’s been going on?” 
“I feel useless,” She admitted, “I feel like I’ve just been thrown away. That no one needs me anymore. Bob doesn’t need me, Jake doesn’t need me, Aurora doesn’t need me. The life that I grew for nine months. . . she’s not depending on me anymore. She has two dads that are caring for her, feeding her, changing her. . . .loving her.” 
“Baby. . . “ 
“And I feel like such a terrible person for feeling like this!” Y/N exclaimed, “It’s not fair that I am feeling like this when I can have a baby anytime I want. Hell, if I wanted to, I could have you bend me over and give me a baby right now. Bob and Jake, they had to jump through hoops and run around in circles just to be able to have AJ, and I would do it ten times over again. . . I just don’t get why I’m feeling like this.” 
“Cause you’re human, Y/N,” Bradley said, “You are human, and you are allowed to have feelings. You are allowed to feel like this. No one expected you to be one hundred percent fine after having a baby for someone else, I would actually be kind of concerned if you were. But you don’t have to hold all those feelings in either.” 
“You don’t think I’m a bad person?” 
“No, and neither do Bob or Jake.” Y/N let out a shaky sigh, “Do you want to talk to them? Do you want to see AJ?” 
“I don’t want them to hate me for seeing her.” 
“No baby, they want you to see her. They want you to get to know her,” Bradley said, “But it’s all up to you. If you want to go see her then you can, but if you don’t. . .  they’ll respect that too.” The two of them sat in silence for a moment, but it was broken up by a knock on the door.  
“Come in!” Y/N called out. Bob poked his head through the door, and smiled at the two of them. Y/N felt her heart beat rapidly and wiped a tear from her cheek, “What’s up?” 
“Wanted to see if you were okay,” Bob answered, “Mav said you two might be in here.” 
Y/N looked at Bradley, and he nodded. One thing that had happened during pregnancy was Bradley’s ability to read Y/N’s emotions without her having to say anything. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 
“She’s okay,” Bradley said, “But, today’s been a long day already. She went up in the air and-” 
“Broke the course record, We heard,” Bob nodded. There was silence before Bob cleared his throat, “Well, we are gonna head out. But Y/N. . . “ 
“Yeah?” She said, looking up at him. 
“If you need to talk, I’m here to listen. Always, I’m here for you,” Bob said and Y/N smiled at him, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Bobby,” Y/N said, her voice cracking. Bob said goodbye to Bradley before leaving the two of them alone. Y/N let out a shaky breath and put her hand on top of her intertwined one with Bradley, “I think I need a couple more days. I’m not ready to be back just yet.” 
“And that’s okay, baby,” Bradley said and kissed her cheek, “Let’s go home.”
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wolfaveasstuff · 1 year
Floydsin dating headcanon
• jake definitely asked bob out because we all know Bob is super shy
• jake goes slow in the relationship because Bob don't have that much experience with relationships
• Bob is definitely a virgin so when jake and him do it jake has to go easy (I cringed writing that)
• Bob sometimes gets jealous of Bradley (do I really need to explain why)
• before they got together they both had a crush on each so the dagger squad gave them a little push
• Phoenix is the biggest floydsin shipper
• jake is very protective of Bob so when a random person comes to talk to Bob jake will send them away so Bob don't get uncomfortable
• jake and bobs relationship tropes are nerd/jock or cowboy/nerd
• rooster is still trying to figure out how jake got Bob cause you know jakes not the kindest person
This isn't the best but it's my first time ever doing this so I tried my best
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coffeecollective · 10 months
Hangman and His friends were VERY notorious for pranking in early flight school
A couple of his best ones are
1) He once flooded the locker rooms, this resulted in class being canceled for awhile because it ended up overflowing, flooding a good portion of the hallways.
2) Hangman and his first RIO brought and set up an entire merry go round on the tarmac. As a result, They all skipped class and were playing on it but were busted by the admirals who were too stunned that they managed it to even properly punish them all.
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rose-pearls · 1 year
Office hours
Summary: Bradley and you can't stand your bosses flirting/arguing so you decide to get them together.
Relationships: Icemav, bob x hangman (mentioned), Bradley x reader
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021 (open for every fandom)
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Part 2
It was an honor to work for Tom Kazansky, surnamed Iceman, it really was. But the fact that he was constantly arguing with Pete Mitchell was getting annoying. 
You had gotten this internship a year ago and just when it ended your boss had asked you if you wanted to stay, and who were you to refuse. It was an honor to work for such a great man and it paid well. The only issue was his arguing, or rather flirting, with Pete Mitchell every single day. The secretary from the man himself was also quite annoying with his ugly Hawaiian shirt but you couldn’t really say anything as you were dating the man.
This morning you had to have a meeting with the Mitchell company, and you were not looking forward to it, your boss didn’t seem to either as he was grumbling. But you could see the excitement in his eyes, after so many months of working by his side you knew him well. You also knew that the both of them had a big fat crush on each other and that they needed to get their heads out of their asses.
“Mitchell.”, your boss says with an unimpressed look, but you can see that he is happy to see him again. Which could be said about Maverick too as he looks like an overly excited puppy.
“Kazansky, still wearing those ugly suits?”, and there it goes the first barb of the meeting. Bradley rolls his eyes behind him, and you can’t help but agree.
“At least I don’t dress like I just got out of a punk magazine.”, the two of them start to bicker again and you go to sit down, these two could go on for hours.
“We need to put a stop to this.”, Bradley mutters next to you and you can’t help but jump a little at his sudden appearance. 
“We need to get them in a closet and get everyone away from there.”, Bradley snorts at your words but he nods in agreement.
“They aren’t really discreet, are they?”, this time you can’t help but laugh, because even though your boss tried to act all cool and collected, the moment Pete Mitchell arrived he lost his head. 
“We both know Iceman is not going to confess his feelings first, Maverick needs to do it.”, Bradley looks at you doubtful and you let out a sigh.
“Maverick is more temperamental, if he sees someone put on a move on Iceman he will flip, and they will get together. Or at least in a bed together.”, Bradley looks at your bosses with a frown and you look at the two of them still arguing, although it is more flirting now.
“So, we find someone stupid enough to flirt with Iceman, even though everyone knows he is off limit after Maverick glared at every single person that dared to approach him?”, you nod in response and turn towards your fellow secretary.
“Just like Iceman did when men and women tried to approach Maverick.”, the two of you can’t help but smile at the memory of both of your bosses glaring at every single individual that dared to approach the other.
“Who is stupid enough to do it?”, Bradley asks, and you can’t help but smirk at the question.
“One man with the ego of the size of Texas, Jake.”, this makes Bradley snort, but he seems to be on board.
“That is going to be quite the show.”, he says, and you can’t help but nod in agreement, unable to hide your laughter as you start imagining it.
“But he is going to want something in return.”, Bradley says, and you smirk at him, already having planned that part.
“You remember the Christmas party?”, Bradley seems confused for a moment before nodding.
“Jake met a lovely guy named Robert, Bob for short and he has fallen head over heels for the guy. Only the man doesn’t seem to have social media and Jake has been searching on every single platform he can find if Bob is on there.”, the words seem to make Bradley perk up.
“Well, my good friend Natasha from the law firm has his number, as he is her colleague and she has agreed to give it to me after I told her what the plan was.”, this time a smirk appears on Bradley’s face and the both of you smirk.
“Oh, this is so going to work.”, he says, and you can’t help but nod in agreement.
“Right, let’s start this meeting.”, Iceman says finally, and you look at your watch, 10 minutes, just what you had bet yesterday.
“Better luck next time.”, you tell Bradley as he slips you ten dollar with a scowl.
The plan was set in motion, in just about five minutes Jake would be walking in and starting up a conversation with Iceman. Bradley had made sure that Maverick was close to them so that he could hear it all.
At ten o’clock on the dot Jake came in with his usual smirk and marching straight towards Iceman with a confidence you could only hope to have one day. 
“Good morning, sir, hopefully you are well?”, he asks like it’s the most innocent thing in the world, but Ice is looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“I’m good, how are you Seresin?”, Jake doesn’t seem to be put down by the uninterest in Ice’s tone and he smiles even more.
“Good, but better now that I’m here.”, you try to stop the snort at the words, but you are unable to as you hear Maverick scoff loudly at the words a few meters away. Ice only raises an eyebrow at the flirting before sitting back in his chair, his full attention to Jake.
“Why don’t we get to the point of this Seresin?”, Jake seems relieved at the words, and you see Maverick perk up at the words, his expression somber and you can see some curiosity in them.
“Gladly sir, I mean I could talk all day about your beautiful blue eyes and your magnificent blond hair.”, the man has a dreamy look on his face, and you know that he is not thinking of Ice but rather of Bob. Maverick seems to be getting closer, by moving up some chairs and Bradley looks like he is trying not to laugh at his seething boss.
“The point?”, Iceman asks again and at the words Jake squares his shoulders before looking straight in Iceman’s eyes.
“It’s maybe a bit unprofessional but would you like to go on a date with me?”, the room is silent after the words, Ice seems to be in shock for the first time in his life and Bradley is recording the whole thing, trying to keep himself from laughing. 
Maverick on the other hand looks outraged, you can see the steam coming out of his ears.
“Excuse me? You are asking him on a date?”, Maverick yells and you try to hide your smile at the indignation from the smaller man as he points towards Iceman who rolls his eyes at the antics.
“Yes, sir?”, Jake says, seemingly asking himself the same question.
“Well, I don’t accept it.”, everyone looks at Maverick like he is crazy, but mostly Ice.
“What do you mean ‘you’ don’t accept it?”, Ice says, and you can’t help but chuckle at his reaction. Maverick stutters over his words for a moment before letting out a big huff.
“Because you should go on a date with me and not Ken.”
“Jake.”, says the man himself unhelpfully and you can hear Rooster laughing from his seat a few meters away. 
Iceman on the other hand looks to be in shock, silent as he tries to get the information inside of his brain while Maverick looks impatient.
“For god’s sake Tom.”, Maverick says before taking a few big strides and bringing your boss into a bruising kiss. Iceman takes a few seconds before kissing back and you can’t help but smile in victory as your plan has worked out.
That is until you hear a moan, and you can’t get out of there fast enough.
“Lunch break.”, you yell over your shoulder before closing the door and looking at Jake and Bradley who are looking at you in disbelief.
“Well, that worked out better than we thought.”, you can’t help but say and the both of them nod in agreement.
You take a slip of paper from your bag and a ‘do not disturb’ sign to put it on the door of the office. Jake seems to light up at the sight of the piece of paper, practically ripping it from your fingers before frowning.
“What is this?”, Jake says while showing you the slip of paper.
“That is a reservation to a restaurant where Bob agreed to meet you for a date. Tonight, at nine.”, a bright smile appears at your words before Jake thanks you and leaves, looking like a child on Christmas day.
“So, when do we tell them about us?”, Bradley asks after a moment, and you can’t help but smile at his words.
“When they aren’t all over each other.”, Bradley makes a disgusted face, and you can’t help but laugh in answer before bringing him into a soft kiss.
“Common, we have some time for our lunchbreak.”, Bradley smiles at the words and quickly takes your hand in his and starts telling you about his neighbor that had been trying to hide their cat from the landlord. 
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topgunruinedme · 8 months
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Look's Like We Made It
Read it on my Ao3!
World count: 10K
Warnings: Omegaverse, Manipulative behaviour
Summary: He thought it would be easy. That he would be able to push off his pilots unwanted advances with the acknowledgment of another Alpha’s interest in him, that he would be able to free himself from Trace’s possessive and ‘protective’ clutches by claiming that another Alpha wanted to mate him. He thought he would be able to walk in, make a deal with one of the biggest Alpha players he knew and walk out with a temporary Alpha on his arm. It was a simple in and out job. But Jake Seresin never made anything easy did he?
He hadn't expected for the Alpha to step up, to demand that he enter a contract to ensure that under no circumstance would Jake be able to control his decisions. He hadn't expected the Alpha to welcome him into his home, to provide him with comfort, money, and means he needed to get by without hassle. He didn't intend for the man that he had seen play so many other Omega’s hearts to step into the role of a propper Alpha who wanted to provide for him, his Omega. Even if only temporarily. An Alpha who seems to have made it his life mission to smother him in affection, to make him feel loved, seen .
What he hadn't expected was to fall so hopelessly in love with the Alpha who went out of his way to make him laugh at least once a day, who drove halfway across town just to get the icecream he liked and who always made sure to lay out an extra blanket at the end of the bed incase he got cold during the night.
He hadn't expected to feel so utterly crushed that their contract was coming to an end. An end that Seresin seemed all too happy about.
His fingers tugged at the end of his sweater nervously, threading his fingers through the small holes between the wool feeling the soft threads against his skin; he tugged the end of the sleeve over his knuckles gripping the fabric in his palm. He worried his bottom lip between his teeth slightly as he ducked his head side steeping to avoid a Beta lingering in the doorway of the Hard Deck. he flinched slightly at the loud atmosphere feeling his body start tensing up uncomfortable at the amount of noise and people surrounding him. He gave the Beta a shy apologetic smile as he slipped past them further into the crowded bar. Doing his best to keep from brushing up against anyone as he resisted the urge to reach up and fiddle with his privacy patch. Realistically he knew the eyes following him were because of the soft dampanded smell that revealed him as an Omega that followed him - a scent that could only be dulled so much with the patch - and not because they were searching for the scent mixed with his, or search for the bite mark that should be on his neck. 
He shifted slowly making his way towards the back of the bar not even bothering with trying to get a drink already knowing that Penny and Travis would be overrun, it would be a fools run. Instead he keep his eyes trailed on the ground trying to ignore the way his skin prickled with the eyes that followed him as he watched people react to his scent shifting slightly out of his way, enough where there was a path but still forced him to brush against them in a way that made his chest clench in panic being so close to an Alpha who could grab at him. He knew that the others would be lingering in the back corner of the bar, they were creatures of habit and he had no doubt that they had arrived easily in order to secure a pool table for the group. 
He lifted his head with a small smile as he saw his pilot wave at him. She was leaning against one of the tables, her hair loose around her head wearing a baggy shirt that slipped off her shoulder as she shifted. Her body was turned towards Mickey whose partner's arm was wrapped around his shoulders as Ruebon rested his chin on his Omega’s shoulder watching over the conversation silently, allowing them to relax while keeping close contact with his mate as he kept guard with a half eye on anyone who they didn't know approached on their group. Catching sight of him she placed her beer down on the green felt and passed off her cue to Javy bumping into him unintentionally dragging the man away from his discussion with Bradley and Logan. Logan shifted slightly, coming up to brush against his mate's lower back who lingered by the side of the game with the other pool stick held in hand. Brigham frowned at her retreating figure and half heartedly called out that it was her go before rolling his eyes and turning into Logans touch jabbing the pool stick out to Bradely who raised an eyebrow leaning forward teasingly pushing off the end of the table to step forward trapping the Omega between his mate whos arms wrapped around his middle and the approaching Alpha who got in his face with a teasing smile. 
Natasha was an admittedly powerful Alpha, she made a name for herself and made it clear she refused to back down just because she was a woman in a male dominated career. She held her chin high and held the same bravo he saw so often when they were in the sky as she closed the distance between them, nudging people who were too slow out of her way until a path was cleared as the strong Alpha approached, she wrapped an arm around his waist and tugged him closer. 
He resisted the urge to shrug her off, plastering a smile on his lips as she tugged him through the path back towards their table as Mickey smiled, waving a hand in greeting to him. Ruebons eyes tracked him carefully, his eyes narrowingly slightly and his lips pursed but he stayed silently - which he normally was these days - and chose to shift pulling off his mate and wrapped his arm around the younger man's waist pulling him into his side mimicking the same position that Nat held him in. Possessive, protected, mine. He knew it was a claim, a warning for others to back off. On normal days it annoyed him that his pilot thought so little of him that she believed she needed to claim him to protect him, but tonight the bar was particularly rowdy and he knew the claim would keep wandering hands away for the moment. So he allowed it to happen despite the weight that settled on his chest compressing as his Omega whined pitifully grumbling in annoyance that the Alpha so happily scented him and warded off others but frankly refused to bite him. 
She was a massive fucking cockblock. 
He loved his team, he really did. But he also hated it. He hated that despite having proved himself time and time again, they didn't trust him. It was subtle, they included him in their circles and were careful to ensure he was included in conversations but he felt it deep under his skin, they didn't trust him. What annoyed him the most was that they trusted him explicitly in the air, not once did they question his skills as a WSO but the moment he's on the ground he saw the side glances. The way his pilot, the day they met all those months ago at Hard Deck took one look at him and tugs him under her arm shielding him from the others, how no one trusted him to take care of himself on the ground. He hated how they saw him as weak because of his secondary gender, and it wasn’t fair because he wasn't the only Omega in the group. No, Mickey, Callie, and Logan were all Omega’s and yet no one questioned their ability to protect themselves. And he knew it was because they couldn't get over the way he looked. How in the air he was confident, secured in his ability to take care of them while they were in the air and he wasn't afraid to back talk someone in order for his opinion to be heard in a life or death situation. But the moment his feet hit hard ground and the adrenaline rush faded, his confidence burrowing away in his chest as he settled for quiet and reserved, his shyness poking through; he watched their respect for him crash and burn. How they couldn’t look past the baby fat still clinging to his cheeks even after all these years, that his reclusive personality and physical appearance made their Alpha’s rear in the need to protect him. They saw him as weak. An Omega who needed protection. 
He had assumed that Nat was clinging during the mission because the stress was making her Alpha more possessive so he pushed back his worry and allowed her to smother him. Letting her hold his wrist prevented him from moving more than three feet from her, who had him sit on the outskirts of her vision siping away at his drink so she could keep an eye on him. Who rubbed against him as she passed unnecessary close in the halls rubbing her scent onto him. He thought it would die down after they landed, once the mission was completed that they would go their separate ways and a more respectable distance would appear between them. Only it didn't, if anything it seemed to encourage the Alpha, now as a permanent squadron he woman made a habit of claiming him the moment he walked through the doors, pulling him to her side where he would be trapped for the rest of the night until he managed to convince her that he wanted to go home - where she would insist walking him to his car and waiting until he pulled out of the parking lot - and going as far as to scent his belongings when he wasn't looking ensuring that everyone within a 10 foot radius knew exactly who his pilot was. 
He had spent one to many nights trapped under her heavy gaze as she stationed herself at his side, her hackles coming up for anyone that got a tad too close for her comfort, who growled threateningly when anyone outside their group tried to speak to him. She was overbearing, overprotective. Her behavior however only seemed to feed the anxiety of the group who treated him like a pup who was asking for another cookie before dinner and he hated it. No one took him seriously, instead they ruffled his hair and called him champ and told him to run off when they were having conversations he was actually interested in. 
Hell he had babysitters. 
Does anyone know how hard it is to pick someone up with a babysitter ? He wasn't even allowed to go to the bar by himself, there was always someone offering to drive him or someone waiting out the front to collect him from the parking lot - that was of course after they attempted in insisting he didn't need to go and could instead use the time to do something else he wanted to do. Let alone talk to someone they didn't know. Nat had some weird assumption that anyone that seeked him out wanted to take advantage of him and put measures in place to prevent that from happening. God, the urge to tell her that he wasn't the sweet innocent virgin she thought he was burnt at the tip of his tongue. He bit his tongue, pushing down a groan of frustration as one of his one night stands - or what he had hoped to be one - was once again chased away. No matter how hard he tried sneaking away while they were distracted there was always one of them sliding up to the bar beside him cutting off the conversation firmly ending it as they places a hand on his lower back herding him back to the group as if he was a lamb still sucking from his mothers tit who had wandered away from the herd. It was humiliating. There was always someone providing snacks for him to munch on and a drink in hand whenever he was finished, regardless if he wanted them or not. Penny had given him the cup of nuts and drink that first night when she realized he was here for the special attachment and it seems the team picked up on the habit and decided - to his agony - to continue it at every seating. ‘His’ stool as Penny had deemed it was always miraculously empty no matter how busy the bar was. He feared asking how.
He wasn't allowed to pay for anything. He didn't even bother taking his wallet with him most days when he was invited out with them. Much to his irritation there was always someone who had settled his bill before he could get to the bar and he had the suspicion that they were using his and Mickey’s relationship against him by getting the man to drag him into interesting conversations at the end of the night. 
Actually, in fact, they were all cockblocks. 
People had their needs, that included himself. Which meant that every so often he liked to get dicked down dumb into a mattress, a pleasure he hadn't been able to indulge in since he left Lamoore. 
Anytime he approached, or was approached by an Alpha that he had spent the night eyeing up to take home they were always shooed away, or became unappealing the moment they opening their mouths and started spewing the ‘protecting and strong’ Alpha  bullshit on him  and as appealing as it was it was harder to pick his partners these days he would have still taken them home, if he had gotten the chance. His plans to take anyone home had a wrench thrown into them as his pilot of one of his minders interrupted them or prevented them from approaching. Nix was the worst colporate, becoming agitated and hostile as the other Alpha sized her up,causing the Alpha’s to ask him if he needed protection from her. He knew what it looked like and as much as he wanted to deny it the facts were hard to ignore. Natasha was bond trapping him, it was so frankly obvious it was painful and yet he didn't understand why no one had challenged her claim, why no one had questioned why it was taking her so long to complete her claim. She was an overbearing Alpha, who forced him to stay by her side, who smothered him in her scent to the point it was painful and yet despite all the clear signs that he was her omega he lacked the final mark to bind them together. A bond he knew he would never receive because the woman had her eye lingering on Rooster. 
It always ended up with blood rushing to his face in embarrassment at the display she would put on as he hung his head in shame muttering out an apology as he watched them stalk out as someone helicoptered over him for the rest of the night; meaning for the next half an hour until the tab was closed out and they took him back to base. Most nights he threw out a half arsed excuse and simply went back home alone, ignoring his phone which was blowing up with messages over the fact he disappeared without telling anyone.
He always ended up in his flat in disappointment, alone. He felt like a houseplant that was withering due to the fact it was being overcared for, struggling to keep up with the affection as he drowned in it. His sour disappointment twisted in the air around him, the pepper like smell made his nose twitched before it blended with Natasha’s pheromones that had drenched every surface of his apartment last time she had unexpectedly dropped by last weekend; which was becoming a habit he would need to nip on the bud, because his nest was all but non-existent with how often he had to wash it and it made his skin crawl . The scent had sunk into his furniture before he could prevent it with a neutraliser, he hadn't even realized what she was doing until it was too late. She had spent the half an hour before he caught onto what she was doing and he kicked her out rubbing her scent all over his belongings and furniture everytime his back was turned. He remembered the rage he felt that ate at his stomach making his limbs tremble as he stared at her with a confused and slightly wounded expression which made her flush and stumble over herself as she tried to explain that it's what's best for him. For his protection . His Omega growled in distress at the pure audacity and disrespect the Alpha was showing his home, but how hurt he was that she would defile his home, his safe space like that.he hated how she stared him down unflattered at told him that her scent him, despite the fact it was forcefully and he had full rights to claim assault, was the safest option, and that it was so no one mistook his as unclaimed. 
Alpha’s, they all had knots for brains. 
He was, unclaimed that is. He was single, unmated, and he didn't see anything wrong with that. Sure if he was mated to an Alpha and chose to move away he would be forced to leave the Daggers and follow after his mate but that wasn't likely to happen. Not if he picked right. 
But she didn't say it like that. No, she said the word as if it was a dirty stray on the side of the road begging for scraps. As if the word physically repulsed her. Unclaimed. As if he was a pet to be owned. As if he should be walking around with their bites on his neck, claimed by the Daggers as a pack Omega who clearly feared he was too naive to make a good decision on his own. A pack Omega which would not only enable him from making any choices, but would legally force him to service them all and follow their orders as if it was law. A worse fate if he has anything to say with it. 
For fuck sakes it wasnt like he was going to fall for the first Alpha who offered him a knot, he wasn’t a teenager and he had gone through his own fair share of knots, mind blowing and disappointing. He was sure he wouldn't become a slobbering mess when he was given the opportunity. Hell, he had been through enough heats without their help.
But instead of talking to him about her concerns she had chosen to go behind his back and drench his entire apartment in her scent so strong that it gave him the occasional migraine and made him want to gag. It truly wasn't pleasant and to make it worse he never got a break from it, between home and working in the cockpit with her; he was sure that the scent was seared into his skin at this point. Which he was sure she was proud of if her smug smile was anything to go by. But he still couldn't get rid of the scent despite having used three cans of neutraliser. He was getting to the point of irritability that he was thinking about going to Cyclone to get a house transfer. But that would bring up questions he hasn't quite figured out how to answer yet. 
She had started doing it on base too now, and it was beginning to hinder his work performance. He was sure that Warlock or Hondo (most likely both of them, they were both horrible gossips) had noticed it and he mentally prepared himself for the interrogation he knew he would be the subject of later that week. She had started squaring up at any hint of danger, ignoring his calls in the air brushing aside his capabilities and allowing her own judgment to cloud their calls as she focused on protecting the Omega in her backseat, instead of heeding his actually helpful advice which was supposed to keep them in the air long enough to survive, instead of toeing the odd line between burning in and nose diving from the sky she was attempting to pull off. 
It was embarrassing . 
She made no attempt to hide the fact she was brushing him aside, scolding him to be quiet in the cockpit when he was making observations or when the team were speaking over the comms; which he had since stopped attempting to weigh in on the playful testing after being on the receiving end of the Alpha’s warning glare and the tense flight to the ground where the pent up Alpha all but stalked away. 
She had started trailing him. Settling by his side whenever she could when it did not hinder him, disregarding whatever she was doing at the point of time to cross the room and pull him obsessively under her arm. Snapping at people who he talked to around base, or used to, when they tried to sit with him at lunch as she dragged him from the table and forced him into the spot between Reuben and Neil at the Dagger’s crowded one. 
It was ridiculous, insulting. 
She was affecting his work now. No one wanted to speak to him and it was obvious when his base hands no longer smiled at him instead tensely looking at the ground until he passed, conversations becoming stilled and curt when he tried to start them as his shadow stuck to him. His mental health was taking a  hint as he forcibly became secluded from the world lead out under the group, never getting the chance to branch out. One can only talk to the same 12 people so many times a day. 
He could feel more comfortable with the causal protection if it had come from their pack head - Maverick - or an older member who wanted to guide him into the pack, someone like Iceman, or hell even Cyclone at this point. The casual protection was fine if he knew they were doing it to help him ease into it, but it was becoming increasingly clear that these idiots had no experience in protecting a pack Omega and were letting their Alpha’s take control and heed their instincts, smothering him in overbearing Alpha’s. But he would never in his life accept the help from someone like Nix, someone similar in age even if he was only a few years older than him, but someone who treated him like an object she owned, it was then he knew she would never truly bite him. 
Especially not while shes chasing after Bradley, the Alpha who was oblivious to her obsessive gaze as he soaked in the attention of his boyfriends. 
At least the lucky bastard was getting laid. He was stuck in a frustrating dry spell that was making his skin itch and skin crawl in frustration. It was impossible to maintain a relationship with Natasha around. His dating life had all but become nonexistent since they met, it was impossible to balance out his dating life and keep a healthy relationship with his pilot without her complaining she never saw him and that his partner was hiding him away or being accused of cheating as it grew harder and harder to explain to his bed partners that Nix was his pilot and no he wasn't sleeping with her and yes it was her scent that leached into his entire house. 
He loved her, he loved them all, truely. But this needed to stop. This overprotectiveness was killing him, and Nix was the worst. It was too much, it was suffocating him. 
He wanted to be able to hold onto a relationship without his partner interrogating him every afternoon when he got home about ‘what he did today’ and ‘oh why do you smell like you rolled around in your pilot's bed’. It was unmistakable, the scent was so well coated into his home he was afraid he might need to tear up the wood floors and bleach the whole place, it stank of pure Alpha. He couldn't smell himself in his home like he used to anymore, his once warm home now made him tense and restless as he attempted to sleep.
He just wanted to prove to them that he wasn't weak, he just wanted them to back off so he could breathe . He wanted to be able to walk around base and talk to his friends, to sit at the table with them without feeling guilty or having the heat of a glare on the back of his neck. He wanted to be able to go home to an apartment that smelled like him, where he could relax and sleep a full night without tossing and turning in destressing thinking she was in the house with him. He wanted to bring someone home and not have to explain to them why he didn't have a bite on his neck or face the judgmental looks, he wanted to be able to relax into an Alpha’s arms without being afraid someone will stalk in. He wanted to be fucked, loved and knotted, and for once in his life he wanted to be anything but an Omega. 
He wanted to prove to them that he didn't need their protection, he wanted to tell them to shove it up their arses and he knew exactly how to do it. It was dumb, terribly so. He could be laughed off, the Alpha could rat him out to the rest of the group but he had to try . Because he wasn't sure how much longer he could do this without burning out, without asking for a transfer and leaving in the dead of the night, abandoning the people he considered his pack, his family. 
That's how he ended up in the middle of the Hard Deck despite it being one of their most popular nights, ones he was normally sent home so they didn't need to keep an eye on him and he could feel the tension in Natasha’s body where it was pressed against him from where he had ignored a direct order and come out anyway. He knew she would be angry, irritated that he was putting himself in danger , he knew she would chew him out later and lecture him on safety. He was dreading it.
But it was for a good cause, he hoped. He needed to find Jake Seresin, Hangman. Because despite everything that had happened, the man was still on the outside of the group even after all these months. He wasn't exactly in the close groups like the others, he had his own group of friends and spent time with them instead of centering his life around the squadron like the others did. It also meant that he did not smother him like the others, instead the man raised an eyebrow at the possessive marks eyes trialing over the unmarked skin of his neck with a frown but kept his mouth shut. He went out of his way to steal him out from under his babysitter to play a game of darts giving him the moment to have fun for a split second before he was stolen away again, forced to the edge of the room. 
Seresin had his own life. He had Javy, and he was sure that the man was the only reason Seresin bothered turning up to Hard Deck in the first place, he never stayed long and he never had more than one beer. He sat at a bigger table at lunch away from them surrounded by people his laugh was often heard during the lunch hours when he was tugged away into hsi prison guard while seresin sat relaxed surrounded by what looked like a mixture of ground staff and engineers. And it was Seresin who he would see stepping in and out of their boss’s offices casually as if he belonged there, who flirted shamelessly with Iceman’s secretary and called Maverick Pops. 
The man who may be his only saving grace. The only reason he was risking the pack's ire, why he was standing in the very place he hated. Crowds and noise wasn't his thing, it didn't stop them from dragging him out but if it could be prevented he dived for the opportunity. Serein better appreciate that he was giving up one of his rare alone days for this.  
His gaze traveled over the group as Natasha tugged him right up to the pool table taking the pool back from Javy whose gaze trailed him slightly before turning back to the game. She shifted, switching hands with the stick and leaned across the table to be heard over the noise of the pub, “Rack em! Bobs here now, we’ll do teams!”
He frowned, “Nat finish your game first. Logan has been waiting for you, it won't take long”. He had to get away from them. If he could get her distracted then it would be easy as long as he slipped past Reuben, Bradley would be too distracted by his boyfriends to notice him moving and as long as Neil and Callie did not appear it should be easy-ish. 
“But-” Nat brows were pulled tight in displeasure as she glanced over her shoulder at him. 
“Please?” he leaned closer using his scent allowing his slight distress and nerves to bleed through as she inhaled sharply before nodding. 
“We’ll finish the game” she declared, giving him a small glance, clearly not pleased. “Then we’ll have a game”. 
“Of course, teams” he promised, nodding his head, before pressing his frames back up his nose. He was dreadfully hoping he would be able to get Seresin on his side by then so he could avoid being put on Natasha’s team and he might actually get the chance to win with Ser- Hangman. The man was somewhat of a pool champion in the stories he's heard. 
“Did you hear about that newest schematic they're trying to push?” Mickey asked him,  the man rolled his eyes with an exaggerated movement, “Utter shit if I do say myself. Really why would they need pilotless planes for anyway-”. 
He kept one eye on the door as he listened to Mickey drone on about Cain’s new attempt to get the Navy to sign off on his project. The man was still trying to find reasons to get Maverick discharged and to frankly everyone's surprise Cyclone seams to be trying to milk Maverick for everythings he's worth by keeping him as an instructor as Cyclone glared down the brass demanding he took custody of the aged aviator until he retired or stubbornly of old age. It wasn't until the conversation dropped off into one of Mickey's new tv-shows that Ruebon tugged his mate closer, nodding his head out the side alerting them of their newest company. 
“Oh the parties here” Mickey smirked, nodding his head over towards the door where Javy - he hadn't even noticed the man had moved - was grinning widely as he wrapped his arm around the blond shoulder who rolled his eyes as allowed the man to tug him over to the group. Aviators on the bridge of his nose, toothpick between his teeth, the same cocky arrogant smile on his face as he approached. 
“Tracy” Hangman tilted his head to her as he turned to him eyes narrowing both hands curling around the pool stick as she leaned onto it michiking the same move he pulled all those months ago.
“Hangman” he corrected the grin becoming sharper, like blunt glass in the center of your palm, but the more pressure you put on it, the tighter you gripped it the sharper it got cutting into your skin until you couldn't be sure it had been blunt to begin with. 
“Whatever” she gave him a mocking smile, “Who invited you anyway?”
“I thought this was a free country Tracy” Hangman tilted his head, “Wasn't aware I needed your permission to walk where I wish”. 
“This is our turf-”
“It's Penny’s really” Hangman interrupted with a sharp smile, “Talking about Penny dearest, I must go share my love”. He patted Javy on the shoulder who sent Nat a heavy frown as the blond he was after walked away form them towards the bar where he waited patiently for Penny to finish her rounds, he waved her off towards a bigger group when she approached and he took a careful look around the group shifting to the outskirts making it look like he was moving toward his seat as he leaned against the pillar. Waiting for the right moment to slip out behind it and duck into her crowd so he could make a break for it and steal the man before he blended in with the crowd.
He didn't need to wait long, he waited until Reubens tugging Mickey down into a kiss and Javy was preoccupied with flirting with a girl - one of the giggling groups that slid to their side running their hands down the man's arm asking about the medals in their high pitched voices - and slips away towards the bar where Hangman was leaning against beer in hand he snags the Alphas arm tugging him further into the crowd ignoring the man's questioning noise but the man willing followed his tugging not resisting as much as he probably should have been. 
He ignored him. Weaving their way to the other side of the bar out of vie of the others towards the older booths that were often forgotten about. 
There was a bit of resistance as Seresin tugged back but he tried to ignore it. He was so close. So close-
“Lieutenant” a hand grabbed his wrist sharply yanking him back, he spun on his heel sharply at the tug and stumbled into the man's chest free hand coming up to brace himself on his chest before gritting his teeth in frustration looking up at the arrogant man whos brows were furrowed in concern, grin tugged down in a frown as his gaze dropped across his body trying to find a reason for their haste. 
“Are you going to listen to me now?” Hangman asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“The booths” he threw a shallow nod over his shoulder, “We’ll talk there”. 
Hangman stared at him for a solid moment before nodding not releasing him but allowing him to lead them to the booths as they slid into the directed opposite sides of the table hangman finally releasing his grip. 
“Does someone know where you are?”
He wanted to scoff, but instead he felt the tingly feeling behind his eyes and inhaled shapely to push back the tears of frustration. It only seemed to disturbed he man further, who shifted to glance over his shoulder with an analyzing look. 
“Did somebody bother you?”
“Yes”. That dragged the blonds attention back to him with a heavy frown on his lips. “They’re bothering me” he tried to explain. 
By the frustrated expression the blond was wearing, he wasn't doing it well. 
“I don't want to be near them. They are smothering me”. 
The blond huffed tension releasing from his muscles a cocky smile falling onto his lips as he relaxed in the booth, “Wanted some time with Hangman eh Baby?”
“No- just listen ” he gritted his teeth anxiously picking at him and there was a tick in Hangman's jaw who tracked the moments. Instead of pushing him like he expected the man too instead the man stood leaving his beer on the table and stepped away. 
Fuckkkk. He was ratting him out then. He knew this as stupid. How could he risk this? It was going to get so much worse now. He was going to have to go back to Lammore, no wait he couldn't go there would find him there and drag him back. He wouldn't be able to stay under Iceman's command. He would have to switch oceans and-
A glass of coke was placed in front of him. He blinked following the hand back up to the blond who retook his seat. Waiting silently for him to continue, he reached out wrapping his hand around the glass quietly with a nervous glance. 
“I just went to the bar, relax” Hangman told him, “Your little groupies don't know we’re here”. 
“Good” he sighed. He played with the straw, lifting it slightly before letting it fall, bobbing in the drink as he thought about how he was going to approach the subject. In one way it was embarrassing and he didn't want to tell the man any of it, but he also knew it was getting to the point that if he let it it would simply build until the rot eventually killed him. He wanted to ease him into it, to keep the man from staring at him and laughing in his face but he didnt feel like he had the time. The others could find them at any moment and discover him gone, he would have to tell him up front. To his face. 
Fuck. This was going to suck. 
“I want you to be my Alpha”. 
The man choked mid-swallow of his drink that slammed down on the table a tad too hard, they earned a few odd looks but not a huge amount of attention. The liquid bubbled down the mans chin as he coughed, hand moving up to his lips to stop his lungs from trying to cough themselves up. He rasped a short breath, it sounded like a wheeze. He silently slid the napkin from under his glass across the table offering it to the blonde, the beer was now spreading on the table in front of him shoved to the side as froth almost spilled into his lap from where he had inhaled it. He squinted slightly as he watched the blond take the napkins and dabbed uselessly at his shirt, his body still jerking in an odd looking fit with the effort to expel the liquid from his lungs. He was glad that no one was really paying attention to them.
For a split moment he wondered if he would need to rat themselves out by waving over Penny to get the man some help. He couldn't help the small flush of embarrassment that climbed up his neck as the man rasped out a thanks, he watched as Seresin took a shallow breath in an attempt to regulate it before dragging a hand over his mouth with a grimace collecting the odd froth from his chin. His hand clenched around his coke as he watched the man, he tried not to let the anxiety of waiting get to him as he traced odd patterns into his glass with the condensation as he waited patiently beyond nervous that the man would turn him down before he couldn't truly convince him that it truly was the best option for both of them. 
He was sure he could offer the man something he wanted. 
“Jueses, Floyd” the man muttered, finally lifting his head to stare at him in disbelief from across the now damp table, the napkin only going too far to force the liquid to the middle of the table with teh drenched paper to prevent it from spilling on anyone. Seresin dumped the wet napkin in the centre of the mess before collecting his abandoned beer from the now sticky table and taking a long swing. “You can't just proposition someone like that”.
There was a tone of disapproval and he felt his molars grind, was he serious, the one being lectured right now?
“I didnt” he frowned, ripping part of the label from his bottle with a sharp tug. 
Seresin let out a sharp laugh hissing at him furiously, “Bullshit”. The blond was glancing around with a weary look trying to see if anyone was observing them, more importantly if anyone had overheard them. It wouldn't be great consequence wise for either of them, not only would they get in shit loads of trouble but someone could overhear and decide to challenge Seresin for him, and that could get messy.  
“No ones there Hangman, they’re not going to chew you up”. Actually they might if they knew what he just asked of the man. 
“Why the fuck did you come to me” the mans lips pursed, “Just tell them to back off if its too much”. 
“I tried” he hissed, the Alpha blinked at him. He groaned in frustration, “Do i have to beat it into that thick head of yours-”
“-They don’t listen to me!  Nat is like they’re fucking spokes person. The moment she took me in she was all over me” he snarled. 
“I thought you were mated” Hangman smirked, but under all that arrogant bravo he could see an intelligent sharpness, despite putting on a relaxed facade he could feel the man's intense gaze traveling his body until it settled on his still bare throat. He knew the blond wasn’t dumb, he wouldn't have made it this far if he was, he would have seens the signs just as he did. 
“That sure as hell isn't happening while she's panting after Bradley like a dog in heat” he snorted, “Besides….i don't want to be her mate, not after…all this”. He shifted uncomfortably. “You have to get me out”. 
“And you think me being your Alpha, your mate will fix that?” Hangman scoffed. 
“No. of course not”. He shifted before leaning over the table peering at the man from under his lashes. “Look” he stated “I'm not propositioning you-”
“Doesn't sound like that” Seresin grumbled, “You asked me to be your Alpha , Bob. That's intimate”. The man swallowed “It’s final ”. 
“Are you going to let me finish?” he drawled irritated. Already questioning if he should drop out of the conversation and simply collect his emergency packed bag from his base house closet and skip town and never come back. The embarrassment of having to ask for help was eating away at him let alone the arse the man was being. 
“I asked you to join me in a benefiting agreement” he continued as if he hadn't been interrupted, glaring at the Alpha who opened his mouth to argue. “I asked you to consider joining me in a fake relationship” he stressed, “It will get Nat off my back and ergo the rest of the squad”.
“Why would I want that?” Sereisn snorted, his wide arrogant grin spreading across his face in the painfully mask he had spent the last two years studying since he first met the man. He leaned back in his chair giving off an air of being unbothered despite the small tension that ran through his body that the man mediated through tapping his fingers against the booth table edge. 
“Because you're not a piece of shit”. The man flattered. “Look Hangman-” he ran a hand through his hair with a heavy sign “i'm tired. This” he motioned between them “this is my last option”.
“Ouch” the blond drawled.
“Oh don't pretend like you're not thinking about it, you wouldn't choose me either. We're not each other types, but I hope your acting game is better than your ability to follow orders. It's the best solution for the both of us. It's not permanent. I don't expect you to bond with me, and wasn't it you who claimed just a few days ago you needed a holiday. Well now you have one”.
“Your insane” Sereisn chuckled taking a sip of his drink eyes wandering to the group, “Are you sure you haven't had anything to drink tonight?”
He felt his hackles rise and he struggled to swallow around the rising aggression, instead he glared at the blond across the table “You could have just said no. God, there was no need to be a dick about it” he hissed. Moving to stand up as he shoved his half filled glass away from him the taste suddenly turned sour in his mouth and his stomach turned. Only for a hand to shoot out before he could clear the booth into the safety of the busy bar, it tugged him backwards and he struggled to get his feet back under him at the sudden change of direction as he was pulled backward into the blonds lap until an arm wrapped around his waist. He paused, stiffening as the blonds chest rumbled in displeasure, he couldn't bring himself to look at the Alpha who he knew would be showing off his canines, whose eyes would have turned dark swallowing his eyes whole as the predator took place. 
“Seresin-” he warned. 
“I’ll do it” Serein said shortly, peering up at him as he nuzzled his neck rubbing his scent onto him “I’ll be your Alpha”.
He paused, swallowing. “Really?” if this was a joke he was going to kill the man, emotion welled in his throat. 
“Really” the man rumbled. The grip on his wrist tightened as the other snaked around his waist tugging him more firmly into his chest, shifting him so he sat horizontally against the man's lap so he could almost rest his head on the man's shoulder. Hangman’s hair was tousled, his canines peaked out from his lips and he stared down at him with a hunger he's never seen up close. 
An alpha. One who looked like he was seriously contemplating his offer. 
“There will be a contract” the Alpha insisted gruffly, “And you will have a clause to leave any time you want”. 
“Deal”, of course the man was worried about saving his own arse. Adding a clause would save the man if the government tried to sue him for entrapment. 
His jaw ticked slightly, “Vice versa” he sighed, he refused to leave any paper trail behind. This was bad enough let alone some desk jockey picking it up years down the trail and having him come in for questioning. He needed this to be a fair contact, it had to be perfect. There couldn't be any suspicion here, it was too risky. His dignity was on the line.
“You will stay in my home”.
“What?” he blanched twisting to stare at the man in disbelief the hands on his waist flexed slightly. 
“You. Will. Stay. With. Me” Seresin repeated through his teeth his frown deepening, “Where I can protect you, endure your safety. You will be my Omega, I will treat you as such and in the meantimes you will get all the liberties of one”.
He swallowed, he hadn't thought about the repercussions of being the man's Omega, he wasn't sure if he really remembered the proper etiquette. But he knew one thing sitting on his lap like this was not considered proper in the slightest. “Which include?”
“You get served first” the man said firmly, not taking any arguments, “You will receive a room in my home, you will get a card from my own personal account which will provide you with the means of money if you ever need it. You will be treated with the same respect as I am within social circles and I expect you to accompany me to Navy functions and more importantly the ones held by my family”. 
“What comes out of it?” he swallowed, staring at the man's intense gaze, what could he possibly get from attending a few balls, it wasn't like he fit the image anyway. He tended to avoid them entirely if he could help it but it seems all his hard work was about to be all for naught. 
“You get my protection little one” he rumbled. 
“What do you get out of it” he corrected throat suddenly dry. 
The blond purred slightly leaning forward to rest his forehead on his collarbone pressing a brief kiss to bare skin within the open top buttons of his shirt. “I get you Robert Floyd. For however long you need me. An Omega to spoil, to care for, to settle my wolf. I get an eye candy on my arm and someone to wrap in my arms during the nights-”
“You didn't say anything about staying in the same bed” he cut off pulling away from the man with a jerk wincing as his spine collided with the booth table as a response. The man cooed tutting slightly as his hand came up to absently rub the sore area in the middle of his back. 
“How do you propose picking up my scent?” He raised an eyebrow, a cheeky grin forming on his face, the darkness receding from his eyes and his green eyes returned with a honey golden ring surrounding them “As much as I enjoy the idea of you walking around wearing my dirty clothes I don't think you would appreciate it”. 
He grimaced, yeah no. That was not happening. “Bed it is then”
Seresin huffed, “Better get started then” he muttered learning forwards and licked a strip of his skin over his scent gland leaving his spit behind leaving small open mouth kisses over the younger man's throat. He made a noise of protest leaning back only for the blond to follow, his hand came up to clutch at the nap of the Alpha’s neck in fear of falling backwards. 
“Now?” he squeeked, a flush making its way up his neck as the blond sucked a hickey just behind his ear. He tilted his head back and oh dear those ceiling tiles look oh so interesting. 
“No time like the present darling” the southerner nipped at his skin slightly, leaving a small pin prick of pain behind the phantom of the man's teeth around his skin that burned his skin. 
“Seresin!” he hissed. 
“Jake” the man mumbled against his skin, hands shifting to his waist as he twisted him in his lap until his own thighs parted over the blonds hips as he saddled him. “If we're doing this you need to call me Jake darlin’ otherwise no one will buy it”. 
He rolled his eyes “I'm not calling you Jake” he frowned slightly “Jacob perhaps?”
“No” the growled response was aggressive as the Alpha tensed around him, his touch still gentle as he cradled him but still the tension in his muscle looked like it was about to snap. 
“Ok” he swallowed thickly, “How about Jay then?” he reached down and captured the blond chin tugging him away from his neck as the blonde looked up at him. He reached up absently and used thumb to rub out the crease between the man's eyes. 
He was just like a jaybird, pretty, always where you didnt want them to be, showing off their colors constantly. And just plain fucking annoying. 
There was a moment of silence as Seresin leaned into his palm causing this thumb to stray from his forehead to his temples before his fingertips glided down the man's cheeks stopping briefly at his chin. He pressed his finger against the man's nose causing it to scrunch up adorably- on his horribly ugly disfigured face. 
“Ok. Jay”. Hangman agreed quietly. 
He tilted his head observing the man quietly as the new mask slid into place. It was odd, seeing it so new, so unbiased, unmarked by the world. Like a baby when it's first placed in its parents arms. One thing that was interesting about Serein, was that much like his mother he chose to play roles in life to help himself cope with it. It was subtle, the shifting between them. So subtle that if you weren't watching it was almost impossible to tell. So seamless, so practiced. He had met many people over his lifetime who had masks. His mother had three; the one she showed her father: the dutiful silent woman who cooked and cleaned and acted like their marriage wasn't falling part, the second she showed to all her children: who she smiled widely laughing that now sounded forced the older he got who acted like each day with her children was her last and that she needed to make memories out of it and the third, the mask that his mother wore when she was alone and his father was out helping at one of the neighboring farms: as she sat on the kitchen floor sobbing quietly handkerchief held up to her face between clenched fist as her body shook the only slight sound of her rasping breath cutting through the silence as he peered down at her from the top of the staircase where he meant to be sleeping alongside his four sisters. 
He had meant people with masks but he had never seen as many as Seresin had. He was complicated; he knew that the first day he met him. 
It made him interesting. Something he had wanted to explore if it hadn't been for the mission. 
It was surprisingly easy to tell them apart really, but it might be because of his pastime in watching the man as he moved around the bar flaunting like a peacock when he was around. How dreadful to say that most nights that was his only entertainment. 
There was Jacob Seresin, he was rare, secluded. Something that was often reserved for Javy, a role that Jacob only felt comfortable falling into when they were together, safe, and relaxed. It was his inner child, it appears whenever Jacob got really excited over small things, shells, an odd crab, spending his time kneeling down on the rock wells where they though no one could see them as Javy knelt down beside the man indulging him as the blond ratted off random facts about the species.
There was Mr Seresin, the executioner. An emotionless object that forced the man on the stressful mission to appear shut down, blank. Empty in the head. He completed tasks. If there was a mission then he was to complete it to the best of his ability with efficiency, even if that cost him several hours of sleep. What goes up must come down. His job was to complete the mission, losses be damned. Even his own. He was cold, calculated. He didn't react to Bradleys taunts or jabs, taking them in stride and walking away. But if Bradley did manage to get a reaction the response was so monotone it physically hurt to hear let alone to be on the other end of the cutting words picked precisely for the most damage. 
There was Jake Seresin. The man who laughed with Javy freely, who had a photo of Javy’s family in his locker along with photos of his nieces and nephews on his phone. Who gushed over jets or lazed out on the wing of his plane in the hanger when no one was looking. 
There was Hangman. The man who was forced to grow up too far, who was saddled with a horrible call sign that forced him as an outcast in his squadrons all thanks to Bradley and his petty anger. A man who took down two air-to-air kills and suffered night terrors at night due to them turning up the next day with dark black circles under his eyes. 
Then there was Jay. He was new. A fresh palate. He wasn't sure if he was excited or disappointed that it was so easy for the man to create a new mask, the man was practically handing them out like tic tacs. Eventually he would get tired of playing all those roles.
His gaze shifted lazily over the bar as he waited for the man to calm slightly from where he had shifted resting his forehead against his sternum feeling the tension slowly leave the man. Nat and Bradley were haggling on Mickey who was squawking about something as Reubon leaned back in a chair sipping a bear with a fond smile. Billy was playing darts with Callie who glared at Neil; who simply grinned at her as once, throwing a coaster in the way of her shot ending up with a dart embedded in it as she hit it mid air in the attempt to hit the target. 
His gaze wandered until he found Maverick talking to another man…Bernie he thinks his name is. The two men were surrounded by a few other younger people - ones he was sure he ahd seen at Hangman's table once or twice - who were shyly sharing data from a clipboard to the captain who smiled gently and picked up a pencil and talked them through the engineering process of whatever ship they were trying to build. He squinted. -ksrtar something, the first few letters were obscured by a sticky notes which held a doddle that was no doubt their own captain's work. A crudely drawn goose was yelling on the pink paper at anyone who attempted to pick up the board, almost threatening to bite them. 
He smiled slightly, he glanced around making his route back to the man in front of him when he caught the eyes of the one person he hadn't anticipated. Penny. She was frowning heavily, hand twitching from the bar towards the bell as she stared at them, she gave him a look tilting his head quietly. Do you need help? 
Something stirred in his chest and his stomach flopped, it wasn't fair. He knew that he was an unmated omega and that Jake could sometimes be seen as aggressive but he was only like that when he was protecting someone else. It wasn't fair that he was immediately seen as a threat. 
This wouldn't do. He needs them to appear couple like. He had to sell this. 
His hand came up to rest on the man's shoulder tugging him closer to his chest as he raised his hand making a small ‘no’ motion. Jay hummed slightly in question as he shifted but made no protest, hands simply readjusting, hand moving out to shift his abandoned coke into grabbing range as the man took a sip of his now warm beer with a grimace. 
Are you sure? He expression asked as she threw a rag on the bar attempting to look busy he gaze never leaving them long. 
I'm fine. He tapped the blond shoulder causing him to pull away blinking slightly almost as if he had been snoozing. 
“What?” he grumbled slightly with a frown
“Don't call another woman's name while you're in my lap” Jay grumbled. 
“No, look Penny” he rolled his eyes and tipped the man's chin towards the bar - it rolled willingly in his hands and it made his chest lurch slightly; this Alpha really was trusting him - where the woman was staring at them not even attempting to be subtle. 
Jake straightened slightly “Ah shit” . 
He pulled himself away from the embrace and after a moment of hesitation the blonde let him, hand moving from his hips releasing him as he stepped away and slid out of the booth the Alpha quickly followed hand moving to his lower back. 
“Time to rejoin the party” Jake sighed, fingers tugging at his shirt not in a warning but rather it seemed like something to keep the blonds mind occupied as they easily slipped back into the Daggers shenanigans as if they hadn't left, perhaps no one had even noticed. 
“Do you want a drink?” Jake asked suddenly as he steered him to sit down as his normal chair in front of the pool table that Penny had even gotten engraved at one point as a joke. Property of a four eyed WSO . 
“Oh uh- sure?”
His stomach twisted but he nodded nevertheless. Watching at the blond played a kiss on the crown of his head before walking away towards the bar where Penny met him - comply ignoring the sailors trying to wave her down as she passed - looking as if she was readying herself to interrogate the man. He stared after him with a puzzled look before someone dropped beside him. He turned and found Billy grinning at him, the bastard wasn’t even trying to be subtle.
“So...where did you two go off too?” the man teased. 
“I don't know what youre talking about” he rolled his eyes. 
“Really?” Billy cocked an eyebrow firm growing in amusement as he leaned closer “Where were you then?”
The man's eyes were shining, he swore they were. The older man bit his lip trying not to laugh as his grin sharpened in glee “Awfully long bathroom break”
“Irritable bowel syndrome” he said easily but to his dismay it was clear the man didn't believe a word coming out of his mouth. But he didn't need to wait long because Nat's eyes dragged back to him where he could already see the tense lecture on the tip of her tongue. Then Jake returned. Standing by his free side like a knight in shining armor, slotting into place as he passed him a cup of nuts and a coke. Filling the place as if it had never been anything but his to occupy. 
“Oh thanks” he smiled while taking a sip and his eyes widened slightly. He cleared his throat trying to push past the tickling sensation in the back of his throat. Jake didn’t react to his sharp inhale anymore then the casual possessive hand that landed in the nap of his neck, calm and patient, thumb gently stroking the small hair on the back of his neck carding his nail through them scratching his scalp, he shivered slightly before dragging his attention back at hand, or rather to what was in his hand. Coke zero, he hadn't even realized the blond knew his order, it had a slice of lemon in it and everything. Had Jake already known or had he weeded the information out of Penny?
He glanced towards the man and blinked in surprise at the identical drink in the man's hand. “Where's your beer?” It was unusual, as far as he was aware he had never seen the man at the Hard Deck without his signature beer in hand. It was one of his staples. 
The blond's lips pursed “You don't like alcohol” he said simply.
“Your comfort is my comfort, and if it means giving up one lame beer on pub night then it's no hassle to me”. 
“Oh” he hadn't realized the man would be so…attentive. It was kind of freaking him out. He tried to ignore Billy who reached over jabbing his elbow into his side, he threw the man an unimpressed look. 
There was a beat of silence, pure beautiful silence before Billy piped up with a mischievous grin “So Hangman, did you go to the bathroom recently?”
He groaned, tipping his head back - inevitably into Jake’s warm palm who sensed the stress of the motion shifting his grip slightly before digging his nail into his scalp releasing the building stress - as he closed his eyes in despair, this isn't going away anytime soon. 
“What the fuck Flitz. What type of question is that?”
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blazingstar29 · 1 year
hey I'm back what's up
how did mavdad react to floydsin getting to together? did mav give Hangman the shovel talk?
DID I NOT POST THIS???? i’m so sorry apparently this has been sittin in my drafts
*shakes out limbs* god i love this ask, welcome back!
Finding out Bob was gay was honestly such a big relief for Ice and Mav because for a while they thought he and Phoenix might get together and when you both fly in the same jet…that can get complicated. So when that came to light it was the equivalent to letting your dog off at the park. He’ll come back…eventually.
Except Bob came back with Jake in tow. Equally tall, equally southern, two confirmed air to air kills Jake. But there was never any fear for Bob. Ice and Mav both respected they were grown men and didn’t need their superior officers getting involved or offering relationship advice.
That doesn’t mean they didn’t keep a close eye on the pair. Over time it was obvious that the two men had hit their stride and were near unstoppable. Jake kept Bob steady like no other.
However, it comes to light that Bob struggles in ways none of them ever imagined. Tame, palatable, dependable, Bob has a dark history. He calls up on night sounding wrecked and with a bite to his tone as he talks. He grits out the words, an uncomfortable admission of flaws and vulnerability.
"How do I be a better person?"
Mav had smiled sadly as he cradled the phone against his ear.
"Bobby, you just gotta do better than you did yesterday. And if you did bad today, then you do good tomorrow. And if you do good tomorrow you do better the next. You never stop trying to be better, so you gotta get comfortable with that."
So yeah, Mav's happy that Jake has Bob. But he's even happier that Bob has Jake.
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
AO3 First Lines
I was tagged by @glitterisblue :3
Rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published ao3 stories (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics).
100 Different Kisses: Chapter 93 || 1,482 || T || Top Gun: Maverick || Hangster
Bradley is not a man who often faces choices he cannot either fuck or fight his way out of. But he supposes that was only true before Jake Seresin tripped his way into his life.
Learning to Speak Your Language || 2,615 || G || Top Gun: Maverick || Fanback
When Mickey had made the suggestion of finally moving into a place together, Reuben should have known putting him at the helm of planning would have them ending up here- the middle of June, a hot summer sun beating down on their backs as they go from the moving truck to the house. 
Dance the Night Away || 7,125 || M || 9-1-1 || Buddie
There are different ways to sweat. Different kinds.
Not Never || 1,879 || T || Top Gun: Maverick || Floydsin
Bob doesn't walk into the classroom at NAS Miramar as much as he shuffles in, head down, sleep clinging to the corners of his eyes, a couple of wayward strands of hair out of place; the gel he'd all but slapped onto the half-dried locks holding it down in a way that'll last (hopefully) just long enough for the morning briefing to be over.
Bar Top Woes || 2,677 || G || Top Gun: Maverick || Hangman & Maverick
Retirement, Maverick considers with a smile just shy of rueful, is boring.
Skirting Around Your Levels || 5,111 || E || Top Gun: Maverick || Icemav
"I look ridiculous," Ice calls out, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he stands in his and Maverick's bathroom, staring himself down in the mirror and trying not to blanch for a fourth time, shame crawling up his spine.
Gonna Make Your Home My Bed and Heart || 6,163 || E || Top Gun: Maverick || Hangster
Jake's stomach hurts, his eyes are watering, and there's an ache in his jaw as he holds a hand over his mouth, trying his hardest to stifle the donkey-like laughter spilling out of him.
I'll Be Home for Christmas (And I'll be Making it Your Problem) || 26,496 || T || Top Gun: Maverick || Hangster
Jake, arms laden with two canvas shopping bags and frowning so deep a few people have thrown themselves out of his way, stomps the entirely three flights of stairs to his and Javy's apartment, throwing open the door with little regard for how it slams behind him and threats to punch a hole in the wall. 
Find Out How I'm Imaginin' You (Part 4 of the imagine being loved by me series) || 14,368 || E || Top Gun: Maverick || Hangster
Jake spends two weeks post-waking up in bed with Bradley and having his entire reality thrown into his face, thinking about what he's going to do.
Top Cut || 5,456 || T || Top Gun: Maverick || Hangster
Jake is dreading getting out of his car. Eventually, he has to. He's got an appointment after all, but God, he'd rather do anything else.
Gonna tag some of my favorite authors! : @anadorablack @yikes-00 @extasiswings @perishablealex @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @hmslusitania and @cristinuke :3
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callmemana · 2 years
Talented Mutuals To Check Out:
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@fanboygarcia @bayisdying @kloofspeaks @itsanerdlife @mrsjaderogers @call-sign-jinx @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @jynxmirage @pearlsofme @sebsxphia @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz @crazyk-imagine @floydsin @floyd-luvr @bobfloydsbabe @rhettabbotts @nobody7102 @thesluttyarchivist @mothdruid @bradshawsbitch @bradshawsbaby @roosterscock @roosterscockpit @forsty @therebeccaw @callsignthirsty @wildbornsiren @writercole @coyotesamachado @barbiewritesstuff @lgg5989 @topguncortez @topgunruinedme @topgun-imagines @lieutenantfloyd @lewispullmaned @jupitercomet @youlightmeupfinn @fandomxpreferences @ohtobeleah @bradshaw-fanclub @sunlightmurdock @rae-gar-targaryen @seresinhangmanjake @jungle-angel @daughterofthereaper02 @constillatedchaos @thebahwrites
And many more talented mutuals that unfortunately I couldn’t add because of limits !
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myfaveficrecs · 2 years
Creator Spotlight
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@wildbornsiren has a masterlist to die for. Tons of stuff to read from Top Gun, Outer Range, Miles Miller, DC Characters, and Triple Frontier. There is literally something for everyone. Head on over and show her some love.
A Little Q & A
1: What is your favorite thing you've written or made?  The Game -- A Bradley/Reader/Jake series. Bradley lost a game of pool, betting Jake a night with you. Things evolve and go from there, finding the three of you in a relationship. Lucky Piece Jake/Reader. This is actually the first thing I've written for the fandom, and it's ending soon. You’ve known Jake “Hangman” Seresin for years. He gets called up,and asks if you’d come with him. Throwing caution into the wind you join him as he trains for a special mission; all the while figuring out how much you really mean to each other. And Delicate Bob/Rooster. A love story and neither of them realize it. It's really really hard for me to pick just once, so forgive me for picking three. There's a few things that I'm really proud of/happy with, and these were the first three that came to mind.
2: Top 3 favorite creators you want people to check out?  @jakeseresins​ , Em is an incredible writer. Their work is one that I immediately drop everything to read. They create with so much passion that the love seeps into every word. Their FloydSereShaw is top notch! I highly recommend Feathers and The Fragile Season. @roleycoleyreccenter Their House We Share series is top tier. Their writing is so immersive, so good. I am in absolute awe of their ability to spin creative, captivating stories. I get so caught up in their stories that everything else slips away. @hederasgarden is one of the first person I've read in fandom. Her work is beautiful, emotional and just incredible. I love how she writes Jake. Her series Friendly Competition is one that I come back to often.
3: An idea you have for a future work that people should look out for?  Finishing up some series! Lucky Piece, Magnetism, and Rise & Shine are all getting finished here in the next couple weeks. As well as The Deconstruction of Hangman. I've got lots of things on deck--I just need to sit down and write them. I've got a Floydsin Hanahaki fic, Bradley reuniting with the girl who got away, and an assassin AU.
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fanboyswhore9 · 2 years
3,4,6,8, and 17
Answered #3 here
4. what flower would I like to be given?
I love orange roses (they remind me of the colors of a warm sunset 🌅), peonies, or Rubrum lilies
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
My eyes (I have dark brown eyes, almost like a dark chocolate) bc when my 1st boyfriend and I were together at the time (a couple of years ago), he complimented my eyes
My face, even though I should take better care of my skin, I take pride in having almost clear skin, and a pretty good jawline.
My boobs, even though they’re small (IBTC), I don’t think I could handle having bigger boobs
My tattoo, my first baby and it’s massive. It’s a geometric D20 from Dungeons & Dragons surrounded by my birth month flowers: roses. I’m planning on getting it touched up and getting the roses and leaves shaded in.
My ability to care about people. I do care a lot about the people that I’m close with. And others do take advantage of that opportunity and they hurt me.
My intelligence: I may not be intelligent in most academic settings or subjects, but I pride myself in being creatively intelligent. Especially since I plan on going into the culinary industry (not necessarily chef per say, but more of baking and bartending)
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
Okay this list is gonna be long:
@hangmanapologist @bratshaws @roosterforme @rae-gar-targaryen @revolution-starter @t-nd-rfoot @endofdays56 @sunlightmurdock @forsty @call-sign-jinx @siempre-bucky @fanboygarcia @withahappyrefrain @whisperofsong @wildbornsiren @writercole @ereardon @rhettabbotts @rosiahills22 @youlightmeupfinn @yanna-banana @beachbabey @a-reader-and-a-writer @a-really-hot-caterpillar @scottishaccentsareawesome @dimension20official @dragon-kazansky @floydsin @floyd-luvr @girl-help-hyperfixation-is-real @hufflepuffprincesse @hangmanbrainrot @hederasgarden @jakeseresins @lewispullmaned @lenafromthenordiccoven @callsignmayhem @crazy-bi-btch @basiccortez @topguncortez @nobody7102 @notyoursbutlewis @notroosterbradshaw @make-me-imagine
17. fairy lights or LED lights?
Fairy lights. LED lights can be too much for me, I mean they’re cool, but I’d rather have the soft lighting that’s on fairy lights.
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icemavschild · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick » Masterlist
I can help you » fluff, angst, 18+ (not in the way you think)
I can help you Pt 2 » angst. 18+ (not in the way you think). Mentions of child abuse and self harm. Read at your own risk.
Never have I ever » Fluff, 18+ themes
Bobby Cat » Fluff!! Kissing (?),, Gay (?)
Daddy! (Fluff)
Once Upon a Love Story (kinda fluffy…kinda sad)
Fishing (smut 18+)
Just a fluffy oneshot!
Imagine (read at ur own risk my guys. This is SO FUCKING SAD!)
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topguncortez · 8 months
WIP tag game:
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
thanks for the tag @whatisloveavy
Are You With Me? Ch 5 - Jake x Shy!Wifey
Court of Thieves Ch 7 - King Jake & Lady Mitchell
Twisted prologue - Mafia!Jake AU
Whump the Musical day 10 (Rent) - Jake Seresin x Bob Floyd
Whump the Musical day 24 (Moulin Rouge) - Jay Halstead
Whump the Musical day 26 (SIX) - Bradley Bradshaw
Whump the Musical day 11 (Bare: A Pop Opera) - Hangster
Gentle Hands, Broken Heart - Jake Seresin
tagging (sorry if you've already been tagged): @sunlightmurdock @a-reader-and-a-writer @topgun-imagines @bradleybeachbabe and anyone else who wants to do it:)
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opalinedaydreams · 2 years
Why is there not a fic of Floydsin set to Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran? It’s a perfect song for them! I can just imagine them dancing to it at the Hard Deck, singing along because it’s their anniversary and they’re having a makeup reception with their friends/new family because their original wedding was the same week DADT was repealed so they rushed out of fear of it being put back in place and they just never told the other Daggers thanks to that old fear. You could even make a line about how they got married in New York right by the Canadian border.
this is such an interesting concept!!! 
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coffeecollective · 10 months
Dagger squad flight school HC
They all loved to place these ridiculous ass bets (as they do because it’s THEM), they would bet on who would get with who or who was currently with who
It included both students AND instructors
Of course, phoenix, the queen of gossip, tea, and drama, won almost all of these betting pools
It was to the point that the others almost banned her from joining bets for this reason
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rose-pearls · 1 year
Office hours - Part 2
Part 2 of this story: Bradley and you can't stand your bosses flirting/arguing so you decide to get them together.
Relationships: Icemav, bob x hangman (mentioned), Bradley x reader
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain (open for every fandom)
Top Gun taglist: @bisexual-watermelons (open)
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“Do you know what Mav just sent me?”, Bradley asks as he falls down on the chair in front of your desk, a pout on his lips.
“I don’t, and it’s still weird you call him Mav when you are at the office.”, you say, and Bradley rolls his eyes before turning back to you.
“He has just told me that he won’t be coming in today because he is ‘too busy’.”, Bradley says with air quotes, and you can’t help but snort.
“Too busy with Iceman probably.”, Bradley looks disgusted at the words, and you laugh at that.
“That is my godfather you are talking about.”, he says, and you shrug your shoulders.
“Not my fault they finally have gotten their heads out of their asses and are enjoying some alone time.”, you say, and Bradley still looks slightly disgusted but there is a soft smile on his lips.
“Alright love birds break it off.”, Jake says as he barges into your office, and you can’t help but sigh in answer.
“Does no one knock in this office?”, Jake simply ignores you before sitting down and giving you your favorite coffee order.
“And that is why you are my favorite.”, you tell the blond and receive a smirk in response while Bradley scoffs.
“Now that we all know that I’m your favorite, I need some advice.”, this surprises you and as you look at Bradley, you see him with an equally surprised face.
“Shoot.”, Bradley says, and Jake lets out a dramatic sigh.
“I met with Bobby yesterday and it was perfect, I mean that man is the most perfect human being on earth.”, Jake continues to ramble about how perfect Bob is in every way before you roll your eyes and interrupt him.
“Why do you need advice?”, Bradley nods, looking relieved that Jake isn’t waxing poetry anymore about Bob.
“I need to figure out how to woo him.”, there is a silence for a moment before Bradley starts laughing, quiet loudly, until he sees that Jake is serious.
“Wait, you are serious?”, Jake rolls his eyes at the words before letting out a sigh.
“Bob seems to think that I am a player.”
“He is not wrong.”, you say and Jake glares at you but you just smirk back.
“So, I need to show him that I am serious and that I only want him.”, Jake says, and you can’t help but look him over, he seems a little bit scared and desperate, which is something you never thought you would see on Jake.
“Well, why don’t you start off with little gestures. Discover what he likes, like flowers or maybe he is someone that prefers to spend time together. Find little things that will make his heart flutter and will show him that you truly care.”, there is a hopeful smile on Jake’s lips before he jumps out of his chair and kisses your cheeks with a loud smack. Leaving you in shock and Bradley with wide eyes.
“Thank you so much!”, Jake says before leaving, ignoring Bradley’s stuttering about how you are his girlfriend.
“That man is something.”, you can’t help but say as you take a sip from your coffee and Bradley agrees grumpily. 
“Aw common Brad, he just kissed my cheek to thank me for helping him find a way to ‘woo’ Bob.”, you say teasingly but Bradley seems to still be pouting so you get up from your chair and go stand in front of him.
“Talk to me.”, you tell him softly and he lets out a sigh before bringing you closer to him, between his legs.
“I just, don’t like it when other people touch you, especially without your consent. And because I get jealous of them touching you, when I’m the only one that should.”, you feel yourself shiver at his heated gaze and his hands that are wandering along the lines of your body.
“Good thing you are the only one touching me.”, you whisper, and Bradley brings you into a heated kiss, making you sit down on his lap.
The kiss is far more heated than it should be, at work, but you can’t stop yourself from kissing him just as fervently. His hands are running across your body before gripping your ass, making you gasp into his mouth and giving him the opportunity to kiss you even deeper. You can feel him getting harder against you and you rock yourself against him, enjoying the breathless moan from him. 
“I know I said I wouldn’t come into work today but-”, the door is flown open, and you nearly fall from Bradley’s lap from the surprise but his strong hands on your ass stops you from falling. The both of you turn around to find Maverick and Iceman in the doorway of your office with mouth wide open.
“Told you.”, Iceman says with a smirk, and you feel confused for a moment before Maverick grumbles and gives Iceman a crumbled dollar bill. 
You scramble off of Bradley’s lap and you try to get yourself back together, but it seems a bit more difficult than you thought it would be.
“So sorry sir.”, you say quickly as you sit back down at your desk, but Iceman only has a bright smile on his lips.
“Don’t worry, I’m happy that the two of you are together, you should come by for family dinner.”, Iceman says, and you can’t help but look at him in shock.
“I – I would love to sir.”, you say and Iceman smiles happily before looking at the two of you with a cold gaze. 
“However, don’t let me or anyone else catch you in this kind of position. Is that clear?”, he says, and you feel slightly scared at the cold blue eyes.
“Yes sir.”, you tell him, and Ice seems satisfied, Maverick is looking at Iceman with so much love in his eyes you feel like he is going to explode but there is something else in there that you don’t want to think about.
“Yes Ice, but make sure you and Uncle Mav don’t get found into a similar position.”, there is that cheeky smile on Bradley’s face and you can’t help but look at him with wide eyes.
“Yeah, yeah that is all Maverick’s fault.”, your boss says, and you can’t help but laugh as Maverick rolls his eyes.
“Didn’t hear you complain old man.”, Maverick says with a smirk and Ice rolls his eyes.
“I’m one year older than you.”
“Still one year.”, the two are looking at each other with heated gazes and you suddenly feel like you are interrupting something.
“Not that we don’t enjoy your company but keep this foreplay between the two of you and between locked doors.”, Bradley says, and Ice seems to try and say something, but nothing comes out. Maverick rolls his eyes and drags Iceman out of your office with a smirk on his lips.
“We are taking our lunch break it will be of an hour.”, there is a smirk on his lips before he closes the door, and you look back towards Bradley.
“They really can’t keep it in their pants.”, you say and Bradley snorts in answer.
“What do you say we lock that door of yours and get back to what we were doing.”, he whispers, a seductive smile on his lips as his eyes roam over your body.
“Better do it quickly Bradshaw because time is ticking.”, that is the only thing you need to say before your boyfriend locks the door and brings you into another heated kiss.
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
You make me want to say ‘ I Do’
Synopsis: Jake's a blob of nervousness as he pins for the youngest member of the group. Javy is sick of it all. Bob's just confused.
Pair: Robert “Bob” Floyd/Jake “Hangman” Sereisn
Rating: General Audience.
Additional Tags: Bad Pick Up Lines, Bar, Pining, Hard Deck, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Unrequited Love, Boys In Love, Friendship/Love, Swearing, Top Gun: Maverick References, "Dagger" Training Detachment (Top Gun), Movie: Top Gun Maverick (2022), Post-Mission
Note: The song in the chapter is ‘Bubbly’ by Colbie Caillat. The title is from the lyrics to ‘I Do’ by Colbie Caillat..
He looked magnificent as always. The way his glasses got cloudy from the heat of the crowd. The way he tugged his still drying shirt away from his skin with a self conscious smile as Phoenix said something, causing him to nod in response. The way his eyes scanned the crowd for them all before settling on watching Rooster and Payback play pool while Fanboy shouted out unneeded commentary.
He leaned back comfortably in the stool against the wall that he had been in all those weeks ago when they first met. The chair that had since been dubbed “Bob’s chair”. Much to the man’s embarrassment Penny had even gotten in on it by sticking up a notice on the wall behind it, ‘reserved for our blushing bride’. It must be some inside joke the two of them have because Amelia couldn't stop giggling when she saw it.
His baby blue swimming trunks had risen up from just above his knees to mid thigh while he sat, the drying fabric clinging to the man's skin. Defining his built thighs that the man often hid under their uniforms. The sight of them made Jake salivate, they looked firm and positively meaty. He wanted to sink his teeth into them, absolute heaven. He craved to have them wrapped around him. He would very happily get on his knees for this man.
How dare he hide them?
Don't even get him started on the man's arm. While he knew they all had to work out for regulation, he hadn't thought it applied to Bob too. He had all but frozen when the man rocked up to their beach day with far more skin on display than normal. While his shirt stayed on he could almost taste the sweat running down Bob’s defined chest from the sweat patches. He swallowed tightly pushing down a whine when Bob lifted his arm, the muscles contorting in such a way that made him light headed. Forcing Jake to take the final swing of his drink in an attempt to fight the sudden heat wave that flooded over him.
Javy chuckled lightly next to him, the man had been urging him to do something. Anything at this point. Apparently sick of watching him observe Bob from afar after the chaotic first impression he had given the man. He cursed himself for being so dismissive of Bob. The chance to warm up to the man thrown to the side before he even recognized what it was.
He hadn't put much thought into the man until he saw the snark hidden under the shy façade, the protectiveness Bob displayed over Phoenix. He couldn't deny his heart racing and the blood traveling south every time Bob gave it back to him just as hard as he dealt out.
“No offense intended”
“And yet somehow you always manage”
Bob's undeniable southern drawl caused heat to spread up his spine, god what he would do to hear the man lose control. To hear the drawl spit venom from his lips, to see the fire the man hid so well. It made him want to melt, to fall pliant right into the man's arms under the abuse. He wanted to hear the drawl wrap around the sweet words and soften as Bob's arms surrounded him. He wanted to hear it belt out songs in the car beside him, he wanted to hear it in the mornings when he woke up.
He wanted Bob.
“Shut up,” he muttered. His hip pressing into the table from where he lounged, as his friend gave him a sly grin raising his hand innocently that was countered by the all too knowing gleam in his eyes.
“I didn't say anything”.
Javy had found it hysterical that Jake, despite his weak denial -well he didn't exactly have room to deny it. Not after he turned up at Javy’s temporary housing and started to break down on the man's couch. Tissues in one hand, a bottle of jacks in his other as he was embraced in his friend's arms. A poor substitute to Bob’s. Crying his eyes out over being so hopelessly in love with someone who didn't want him back.
Unrequited love, he really had to stop watching movies his sister recommended. What had possessed him to watch the holiday, now he wanted a holiday and his heart hurt.
What was it that Iris said again, “the victims of the one-sided affair…the cursed of the loved ones…the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space”.
He smiled bitterly, what a great parking space it would have been. Instead he was parked far enough where Bob wouldn't pick up on the staring and yet not close enough to stop the yearning. Fucking fantastic.
Jake “Hangman” Seresin was pining. Over someone respectable, generous, kind, shy, blushing virgin. The complete opposite of Jake's type. The man who couldn't be further from it, who never failed to draw him in whenever he entered the room, who unconsciously dragged his attention away from his task just to see what the man was doing, if he was eating, if the man was well or sick.
He was fucked essentially.
He took a deep breath as he pushed off the table leaving his empty glass on the table mentally making a note to bring it back to Penny later. He drew all the confidence that was rapidly fleeing from his body the closer he got to the man.
His palms grew sweaty, tacky. His mouth felt dry as the hairs stood up on his arm, it felt like everyone was looking at him. It was stupid, anxiety driven. He knew it wasn't possible for them to have been staring after all he was looking at them, yet it felt like hundreds of knife-like gazes slashed into him. Tearing down his walls poking at his weak spots as he forced himself not to cower back.
He forced the smirk to settle onto his lips. It came slightly easier as he leaned against the wall next to Bob who looked up at him tilting his head back offering him an awkward smile. He felt himself relaxing slightly as Bob’s sweet smile washed away his insecurities that were pushing hard against his body. Trying to make him more anxious then he already was.
Bob brushed his hair off his forehead in an attempt to keep it in its gel look that had been washed out while they were on the beach. The stray lock seemed persistent in battling Bob's will and the wind. Bob tapped his fingers against the half empty glass of lemonade he had been sipping at. His other hand twisting the umbrella absently between two fingers that Penny added to his drinks religiously accompanied with a wink.
“You owe me a drink” the words slipped out before he could stop them. He couldn't help the fondness spreading through his chest as Bob gave him a confused look, adjusting his glasses nervously.
“I dropped mine while checking you out”, he made the obvious move of dropping his eyes and slowly dragging them up his body. Bob shifted and blushed under the scrutiny, his fingers tightening on the small umbrella and he shrunk back slightly.
Not one of his better lines, in fact it wasn't even in the list. It was the first thing that jumped into his head.
Fuck, he had so many better ones.
I was just wondering if you had an extra heart. Because mine was just stolen.
I’m not currently an organ donor, but I'd love to give you my heart.
Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?
Are you a time traveler, because I can see you in my future.
Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?
What's your favorite letter of the alphabet? Mine are U and I.
Sure they were cheesy well used lines, but they worked. Somehow his mind always blanked when Bob came within 5 feet of him. Which in the Navy unfortunately happened a lot, they didn't have much of a budget for standing room.
Shit. He watched as Bob retreated in on himself much like a snail would retreat to its shell in safety from a persistent predator. His heart stopped and he stood there unsure what to do. Shit, did he think he was some weirdo now? Did Bob even like guys? This was information he should have research before jumping the fucking gun. He should have settled for observing from the side. Dread bubbled up in his stomach. Was Bob trying to think of a way to let him down easy?
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkk.
He had fucked up.
He stood there not having a clue on what to do. He had planned on what to do if Bob had said yes, if he said anything. Shit he was meant to come over for a friendly conversation, to have a reason to be close to Bob. To smell the faint aftershave under the salt water clinging to his skin to see if he could catch the fading smell of Bob's vanilla body wash.
A sense of calm washed over him as the wind blew by and as a soft musical note brushed past his ear. He could almost hear the phantom of a song in the wind. A soft singing accompanied it. The familiar song that sent him back to his childhood, to the point he understood exactly what unconditional love meant.
He remembered his mother singing in the kitchen on a rainy day back on their home ranch, he remembered his father watching with a lovesick smile as she tugged him in for a dance. “I've been awake for a while now, You've got me feeling like a child now. 'Cause every time I see your bubbly face, I get the tingles in a silly place...”
The sweet notes fell from his mothers lips as she swung them around with a laugh. He grinned as his older sister Clary pulled him in with a roll of her eyes letting him stand on her feet as she lead them in a faux Waltz causing is father to chuckle.
“...It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose, Wherever it goes, I always know. That you make me smile, please stay for a while now. Just take your time, wherever you go…”
She let out a shriek of laughter when his father dipped her low to the ground; her tight grip on his arm never failed to bring a smile to his fathers lips. She never did trust him not to drop her, although he never had.
“...The rain is falling on my windowpane, But we are hiding in a safer place. Under covers, staying dry and warm, You give me feelings that I adore…”
The song reminded him of home, it reminded him of love. The song reminded him of Bob. The way he smiled, how he laughed; how he scrunched his nose and tilted his head back. The way he beamed as Phoenix or Rooster dropped an arm around his shoulder, how astonished he looked when Fanboy attempted to include him in conversations.
“...They start in my toes, make me crinkle my nose. Wherever it goes, I always know. That you make me smile, please stay for a while now. Just take your time, wherever you go..”
With a hot flash of confidence provided by the music, he smiled genuinely brushing the stray lock of hair off Bob's forehead. Gently taking the glasses from the man as he cleaned them carefully ensuring not to scratch them before placing them back on his nose. Watching the man stare owlishly at him as he tapped them back into place on his nose.
“..But what am I gonna say, When you make me feel this way? I just-, mmm…”
The heat of Bob's skin left tingles that traveled across his skin making him bite his lip as he stared into the other man's gaze. His heart picking up as he watched blood rush to Bob’s checks as he shyly ducked his head, “Thanks”.
“...And it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose. Wherever it goes, I always know. That you make me smile, please stay for a while now. Just take your time, wherever you go…”
The locks of Bob's hair shifted in the wind coming from the open patio door, he wondered if they were as soft as they looked. He wondered if Bob liked having his hair stroked much like his mother would when he laid in her lap as a child.
“...I've been asleep for a while now. You tuck me in just like a child now. 'Cause every time you hold me in your arms, I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth…”
He had wasted all those years jumping from woman to woman, one night stand after another. Simply because he could. Picking up men at bars because he knew it would get a raise out of his teammates. Also because he knew if he picked someone harder than him, more ‘rock and roll’. Maybe just maybe, he would feel cared for, loved on the same level his parents did. The hopeless romantic dream.
“...It starts in my soul, and I lose all control. When you kiss my nose, the feeling shows. 'Cause you make me smile, baby, just take your time now. Holding me tight…”
He had wasted so much time. He watched as Bob’s eyes connected with Phoenix over the bar who gave him a soft smile and nodded her head back towards Jake. Causing Bob to flush harder before pulling his attention back to him, worrying his lip between his teeth dragging Jake's attention to the slightly abused lip that glistened under the bar lights with a small shine.
“So” he started somewhat hesitantly, “You said something about a drink?”.
Jake beamed at Bob’s question, the man taking initiative, giving him a chance. He would have to thank Phoenix later for giving Bob whatever go ahead he had needed.
“...Wherever, wherever, wherever you go. Wherever, wherever, wherever you go. Wherever you go, I always know. 'Cause you make me smile, even just for a while…”
He was going to be sure that he didn’t waste anymore time. Threading his fingers in between Bob’s not giving the man time to react before pulling to to the bar leading him, his hand squeezing reassuringly. He couldn't help the stutter in his breath when Bob squeezed back.
No he wouldn't lose this one. He smiled gently as Bob paced a drink in front of him.
No this one he wanted to get old with. To sing silly songs in the kitchen, to wake up and see the first thing in the morning. The person he wanted to love for the rest of his life, who will watch sappy movies with him and read books in candle light while it stormed. He wanted to hold this man's hand on death's bed, he wanted to greet him in heaven with all his love.
He wanted Bob.
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