#fluentmoviequoter valentine's day '24
fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
for the valentines prompts i feel like “could you have found a bigger teddy bear?!” and “i don’t know what kind of wine you’re meant to have with takeout, so i got both.” gives me such big tim vibes like it’s the first valentines as a married couple (or just couple in general) and tim ends up having to work a little bit of overtime causing him to be late so the teddy bear with wine and takeout is his way of apologizing
You're so right, those absolutely have Tim vibes. He'd be so apologetic and sweet about it! This is the first Valentine's Day as a couple in general. I hope you enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day!🤍
Warnings: alcohol (mentions wine and glasses), brief angst, lots of fluff!! 1.4k+ words
The First (of Many?)
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The first Valentine’s Day is special and stressful in a whirlwind of love, fear that something will go wrong, and your valentine. So, when Tim offered to take care of everything for your first Valentine’s Day, promising to make it perfect, you agreed.
“I really don’t mind doing something, if you need me to. I know you’re busy,” you offer.
He looks into your eyes, laying his hands on your shoulders. “I just need you to be there. I promise to make it special. I’m hoping it’ll be the first of many.”
You smile up at him and reply, “I am too.”
When you return home on February 13th, Tim is waiting for you. He has to work on Valentine’s Day, but he has the night planned from the moment he gets off work. 
“Hi,” you greet quietly.
Tim stands, pulling you into a hug. “Hey.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I can’t visit now?” Tim raises his brows, a faux challenge.
“I suppose,” you hum, clutching his shirt. “But it’s a good thing I like seeing you.”
“That is a good thing.”
You lead Tim inside, and he lingers by the doorway to talk while you change and wash your face.
“What happened?” you ask.
“Why did something have to happen?”
You lean out of the bathroom doorway, your face soapy as you look at him.
“I just- I hate that I don’t get to see you until tomorrow night,” Tim replies.
“Tim, you’ve done so much to make the night perfect. I love seeing you, too, but the time that we do get is what matters.”
“You start writing cards for Hallmark?” Tim teases.
You shake your head, trying to move around Tim as you exit the bathroom. He grabs your waist, tugging you against him.
“I love you,” he says.
“I love you. And now you have a lot to make up for.”
Tim laughs, moving his arms around your waist to kiss you.
While Tim finishes working on the 14th, you spend some time cleaning his house for him. Last night, Tim offered to let you get ready at his place to relax for the afternoon before he picks you up, and you accepted but wanted to do something nice for him. As it gets later, closer to the time Tim is supposed to be home, you get ready. Dressed in a beautiful new outfit that makes you feel amazing, your hair styled perfectly, and a smile as you anticipate your first Valentine’s Day with Tim, you grab his gift and sit at the table. Waiting for him to get home quickly becomes your least favorite part of the day.
Tim is about to leave the station when he gets a call. As his phone rings, the radio on his desk crackles with static before the line clears. He wants to see you and spend the evening with you. All he wants to do is change and drive to his house, but he has to answer this call first.
“Calling all available units to Redondo Boulevard and Washington Boulevard. 7-Adam-15 requesting backup; shots fired.”
Being the good cop that he is, Tim responds to the call. He wishes he had enough time to call you and let you know he will be a few minutes late. Or, at least, he hopes it will only be a few minutes.
You have no calls or texts from Tim, but it’s an hour after he was supposed to be here. You stand from the table and walk toward his spare bedroom, sighing as you pull your bag toward you and reapply your lips gloss, hoping that he’ll be home soon.
Two hours of overtime later, Tim finally gets in his truck to go home. He grabs his phone to call you, but it’s dead. Tim tosses it in the passenger seat and hits the steering wheel. His apology needs to be good; he promised a perfect night, and there’s only a slim chance of saving it. Maybe Tim can save Valentine’s Day and make it a special night, even if it’s not the night he originally planned to have with you.
Driving to your favorite restaurant for takeout, he stops in a small 24-hour store and hesitates as he walks down the wine aisle. After picking two bottles, with no clue about what he’s doing, he gets distracted by what seems to be a life-sized teddy bear. 
“Can’t hurt,” he mumbles, pulling it over his shoulder to carry it.
Your Valentine’s Day has turned into more of a self-care day. You’ve ditched your new shoes, stowed them in your bag, and are now sitting on the couch. A cheesy romcom is playing on Tim’s television while you try to forget about Tim. Unable to decide if you should worry about or be mad at him, you’ve chosen indifference until you hear from him and can decide how to react based on his explanation for leaving you alone on Valentine’s Day.
Just as the male lead in the movie proclaims his undying love, Tim’s front door opens roughly, hitting the wall behind it as you look over. Tim enters with several items in his arms, and you can’t choose what to look at first. An oversized teddy bear is hanging on the floor as it slips from his grasp, and two bottles of wine and a bag of takeout are balanced skillfully in his hands.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, nudging the door closed as his eyes stay trained on you. “I’m sorry; there was a call for backup, and it ended up taking longer than I expected, and then my phone died. So, I got you food, even though it’s not the reservation I had or anything. I went shopping too. I don’t know what kind of wine you’re meant to have with takeout, so I got both,” he rambles.
You stand, rounding the couch as he explains himself. You pull the wine and the food from his hands, setting them on the table as he quiets. Watching you, he waits for a reaction.
“I think as long as the wine isn’t in a box, it’s okay,” you say softly.
“You’re not mad?” Tim asks, his eyebrows pinched as you step toward him.
“Depends,” you hum. “Could you have found a bigger teddy bear?!”
Tim sighs at your pleased tone, and when you grab one of the teddy bear’s paws, he says, “If you’re mad, yes, I can find a bigger teddy bear.”
You chuckle, pulling it out of his arms. It’s nearly as big as you, and you hug it quickly.
“Thank you,” you tell Tim, over the bear’s fur.
“Could I- could I maybe get a turn?”
Laughing, you toss the bear onto the couch and pull Tim close. He hugs you tightly, whispering another apology in your ear.
“Stop apologizing. You had to work; I get it.”
“We’re redoing Valentine’s Day.”
“Tim, we don’t have to. Every moment with you is special.”
Tim nods before kissing your forehead.
“You got my favorite takeout,” you realize.
“Of course. Least I could do after making you wait. Although now that I see how amazing you look, I think we should go out anyway.”
“No, it’s perfect,” you reply. “And I can wear this any time.”
“All the time?”
Pushing Tim toward the table, you sit beside him and enjoy your unconventional Valentine’s Day dinner.
“Thank you,” you say again.
“I am so sorry.”
“I know, and I forgive you, even though there’s no reason to be sorry.”
“Sorry,” Tim whispers.
“If you apologize one more time, I will be cuddling that bear instead of you tonight,” you say, pointing your fork at Tim.
“I deserve that,” Tim responds, failing to hide his smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Tim.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He pulls a box of chocolates and a gift bag from his side, setting them on the table beside you. You smile, sliding a gift box to him as well.
“I also got all of this,” Tim adds, lifting a bag of candy onto the table. “It was already on sale.”
The gifts are forgotten as you each take a few pieces of candy and chocolate, joking about what (and who) is sweeter.
You stand to take the empty containers and wine glasses to the kitchen. When Tim joins you, grabbing your hips and pressing his chest to your back, you say, “If you were wondering, this is absolutely going to be the first of many.”
Tim smiles, though you don’t have time to enjoy it as he turns you around and kisses you, tasting like chocolate, love, and many more special days to come.
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
h e l l o, Hanna!!! ♡ guess who is back again with prompts for V-day??? well, what a magician that you are here, here are some prompts that i chose for one and only Victor Vale BUT as we both love college!Vic that much; thus, i would love to see the college lovers day with these prompts!!
“i could marry you right now.” + “you’re all i’ll ever want.” = ♡
bonus: i actually came across with your post how you like shy!reader; if you want you can do this with a shy reader, i don’t mind really since i am a shy person too. happy writing, love ♡
Softie college!Vic🫶🏼 I love these prompts together!!
Warnings: fluff! takes place at Lockland before the events of Vicious, Angie and Eli are together. 1.4k+ words.
Fanart from Pinterest (pretty boy.)
Valentine's Theory
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It’s always hard to talk to Victor, but it becomes harder when he’s studying. You’re never sure if he’s intentionally blocking you out or just so focused that he truly can’t hear you. As you lay on his bed, picking at a box of chocolate someone left at your door, he is sitting at his desk and studying for an exam that is months away (and he will ace, no matter how much he does or doesn’t study).
“Vic, are you doing anything for Valentine’s Day?” you ask, rolling onto your side to look at his back.
He doesn’t answer, and you reach for another chocolate. After a moment, he asks, “When is it?”
Victor shrugs, mumbling that February 14th is just another day on the calendar. You smile, having expected no less.
“Let me guess, it was commercialized by the card companies and chocolate makers,” you joke.
“Absolutely, it was. How else do you explain the stereotypical, not to mention, expected, gift or a card, roses, and chocolate? There are millions of ways to show you love someone, yet those three have their own day,” he explains.
“Okay, then.”
As you put the lid back on your chocolates, having eaten all your favorite flavor combinations, you wonder about something.
“If you were going to go out,” you begin, “what would be your dream date? With your valentine.”
Victor turns toward you, his pale brows raised as he abandons his textbooks. “Who am I going with?”
You shrug, looking back at the heart-shaped box beside you. “Your choice.”
Victor thinks for a moment, then sighs. “I just don’t see the point.”
Smiling, you ask, “What if I show you?”
Victor doesn’t answer, but you push the chocolate toward him and announce, “We’re going out tomorrow. You have to at least try Valentine’s Day before you decide it’s pointless.” Noticing his blank stare, you whisper, “Unless you don’t want to.”
A man of science (and a man who has unexplained feelings around you and difficulty turning you down), Victor agrees. “You have one chance to prove your theory that it’s worth it.”
Standing from his bed, you tap his shoulder in thanks before leaving to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day.
Victor finds you waiting outside his first class on the morning of Valentine’s Day. Extending a box, you wait until he takes it, then tuck your hands behind your back and press your lips together nervously.
Victor’s expression is unreadable as he looks at the gift: a black watch with a cat engraved on the back. At that moment, you have no way of knowing that it will become his most prized possession, and even years in the future when it’s scraped and worn, he looks at it and remembers this moment.
“I know it’s not much,” you begin.
“It’s perfect. Thank you. I, uh, I didn’t get you anything.”
“That’s because you are my valentine for the day, not the other way around,” you remind him. “Have fun in your class and I will see you at lunch.”
Victor watches you walk away before looking at the watch again. It’s the most thoughtful gift he’s ever gotten, but he’s more surprised by the sudden desire to follow you. Victor Vale will do anything to get what he wants, but now he’s questioning what he really wants and what he’s willing to sacrifice for it.
The watch holds his attention throughout the class, and Victor doesn’t hear Angie calling his name until she touches his hand.
“Angie, hi,” he says, blinking as his eyes adjust to looking at more than a watch.
“Eli and I are going out for Valentine’s Day, but I wanted to see if maybe you want to come hang out before?” she offers. “It’s not fair to have to be alone.”
There was a time when Victor would have been angry and hurt at the idea of Angie and Eli together and more so at their pity-driven invite to save him from a perceived miserable, lonely night. Now, though, he can only think of you and how, for once, he’s somewhat excited to spend time with someone else.
“I’ve got plans,” he mumbles. “Thanks though.”
“Wait, Vic! Plans with who?” Angie asks.
The watch beeps, and Victor knows it’s a reminder to meet you for lunch. You really did think of everything.
“Sorry, have to go, have fun with Eli.”
Angie yells after him, but he only has one thing on his mind: you. All those moments with you, the feelings that he couldn’t place… he’s starting to realize that you’re showing him something he has never experienced before. The second realization, though, that you’ve been doing it since long before the Valentine’s Day theory arose, is the one that makes him question everything.
Around sunset, you take Victor to a small restaurant in a secluded area. You know it won’t be busy, making it more comfortable for you and Victor, and you’re glad to have his full attention when you sit across from him.
Victor has been distant since telling Angie and Eli he was happy for them. You could tell it was a lie, but you seemed to be the only one. Part of you thinks he’d rather be out with Angie, but he’s not. He’s with you.
“How is your day going?” you ask kindly.
Victor nods, and you smile. “Thank you, for all of it.”
You see the watch on his wrist, surprised that he hasn’t taken it off yet. When the waiter approaches, you turn to order, and Victor’s hand brushes yours under the table. His touch disappears quickly, but the spark you felt sticks with you.
It’s no secret to you that you have feelings for Victor, but now you wonder how obvious they are to other people, to him. Friends aren’t usually so willing to take one another on dates and buy custom gifts to prove that a day dedicated to love doesn’t have to be scripted or stereotypical. Yet, here you are. Sitting in a nice restaurant with a guy who has never given you anything close to an idea that there could be more between you.
Victor tugs his hand back into his lap before he takes it too far. Your kindness, loving actions, and soft questions and reassurances make Victor see the point of Valentine’s Day. You show him love daily, he realizes, but today is the one day that it is wholly acceptable to show off the person you love and shower them with the gifts they deserve. It’s a day of appreciation, which happens to involve cards and chocolate for some people.
As you leave the restaurant after a dinner filled with pointless conversation, neither of you willing to acknowledge the touch or the fact that this is a date, you walk beside Victor and work up the courage to speak.
“Is there anything else you want to do? We need to make the day perfect.”
Victor slows, and you turn toward him as he answers, “You’re all I’ll ever want.”
“I think I knew. Or have known, for a while, I just didn’t realize what it meant,” Victor admits quietly, his eyes on the ground.
“So, what now?” you whisper.
Victor takes your hand, and your skin alights at his touch. He fights for his composure, his entire being bending to your will with a single touch. Knowing that he is totally yours, Victor doesn’t hesitate to answer.
“I could marry you right now.”
Your hand tightens around his fingers, and you silently hope his trench coat is soft before you lean against it, hiding your face against his shoulder.
“Why’d you ask if the answer was going to make you shy away from me?” Victor asks.
“I was expecting a, ‘let’s take it slow’ or ‘we’ll see,’ not a few words short of a proposal,” you say against him.
“It’s your fault. You’re the one who wanted to show me the point of Valentine’s Day.”
Pulling back, you look at Victor, whose eyes seem softer than usual. You argue, “It may have worked a bit too well.”
Victor runs his tongue over his bottom lip before tipping his head toward you to ask, “Are you denying that everything you say and do comes from a place of love? Love for me?”
“You already said that. You’re getting redundant.”
“I- we…“ You stop, inhaling deeply before asking, “Is this ending tonight? Was all of this just for Valentine's Day?”
“Oh,” Victor says, making a noise that sounds suspiciously like a chuckle as he pulls you against his side and begins walking again. “This is starting tonight.”
Bonus: 2 Years Later
"Vic, it's falling apart, just let me replace the watch," you beg. "I can get the same engraving, like it's the same watch."
"It won't be the same watch," he argues. "I like this watch."
"The new one can be a Valentine's Day gift, just like that one was."
Victor's hand gently cups your hip, turning you toward him as he says, "You will have to take this watch from my dead body."
Speechless, you blink at him. "Okay."
He nods, keeping a hand on your back as he returns to what he was doing.
"But could I at least get it cleaned or something?" you add.
Victor's hands move to your face, cupping your cheeks as he says, "Absolutely not."
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