hongjoongland · 2 years
pairing: kim×hongjoong&fem.reader××
warnings: none...just a lot fluff that'll melt ur heart<3
A/n: This is my first fiction. Hope you'll like that. This one is for those days when you dont feel most confident and happy... Love y'all<3*
A song:
I don't know what happened to me... just a few hours ago i was so happy and was dancing around the house but after seeing on tiktok those girl that look so beautiful it made me feel so sad...
I tought about it that much that my anxiety kicked in and the only thing that i needed to do was to cry. I cried my eyes out. I felt so... Empty so worthless i just felt like nothing. So i stoop up from the sofa and went to our room. And by our room i meant I have a fiancé. And he proposed to me like 2 months ago but thats another story. He is a producer and a songwriter. He also has a group that he produces and makes song with. He usually comes home latelly. Really overworked and sleepy. But altrough he is tired he always gives me attention. Always stays up with me to watch film together or smth. He never misses our anniversary NEVER. Hes the most caring boyfriend i've ever had. Im so thankful for him. He always made me feel so safe a d comfortable. Hes my comfort place.
Time passed by and i was showering because i felt like shit and i felt the need to wash my self up but uselessly i kept feeling the same way. I started to cry while i was showering. I stepped out of shower and dried myself up. I stood infront of a big mirror that we have in bathroom (dont ask me why is there a big ass mirror in a bathroom thx<3) and look in it. i was looking at all my inperfecions and those bad spots on my body. I was fat, have alot of strech mark all over my tights and on my belly, arms. Plus there is a lot of hair everywhere...
"I hate myself" as i started tearing up again. I started to dress up and then I went downstairs to find some kind of food that I'll be eating to cushion the pain.
It was really late and I was just watching some shows on Netflix when I heard someone opening the front door and it was my fiancé. He came in all sleepy with no signs of life. I guess it was a hard day for him too. But he immadientally changed his mood when he saw you laying on the couch. He was all happy and he just went straight into ur arms.
"Hi baby, how was ur day?" I asked him . He was laying now comfortably in ur arms breathing ur scent " hmmm could be better. It was hard day but now I'm happy that I see you and that I'm with you." he said calmly. "what about you hun?" " Well..." you said as you breathed out heavily. "Something didn't went right. Right?" He looked in ur eyes like he already knew the truth. He knows you very well. "Well... hongjoong you know me very well..and I gotta ask you one thing. Do you really think I'm pretty ?" You said unsurelly cause you knew that he will get mad, and thats not good thing. " Babe how many times do I have to tell you this? If ur not gonna get it then I'm gonna repeat myself on and on again. YOU.ARE.SO.DAMN.BEAUTIFUL.! No one is more beautiful like you no one. If I got a challenge where they ask me to choose between you or other women I would always choose YOU ! BECAUSE I LOVE ONLY YOU . babe don't go on any diet or anything because I can't imagine a kilogram of you body going away. I love your body I love your stretch marks I love all your perfect imperfections. You're my aphrodite. You're just as goddess as her. that's the only woman I can compare you to. Don't ever think about your body in this way, because people don't actually understand how much beautiful are you. Okay? And if it's not gonna work on you either...then imma have to punish you.This is your last warning "
"okay captain. Thank you for being here with me. What did I do in my past life to deserve you. I think I was Jesus " at this statement both of you were laughing. " Now my beautiful Rose, I think we should go to sleep it's very late" He said as he kissed your head and then your nose and as he slowly got up he kissed your hand and lift you up in bridal style to carries you to yall shared bed to sleep.
The rest of the night he was making sure he held you really close to him. He is really your ❤️comfort place💞
A/N: thank you for reading I Hope you enjoyed. And don't forget to love yourself❤️ Also Im taking any recommendations. So if you got something help me out please. 🙏 XOXO❤️
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atinyarmyzen · 4 years
𝓭𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 ~khj
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pairing: Cupid!Hongjoong x Mortal!Reader warnings: none, unless you count extreme adoration word count: 808
Her father was king of these lands, and she the youngest of three daughters. Her two older sisters Eurydice and Irene were charming in their own right, but the youngest was donned with an otherworldly beauty. Her charms were fabled and people would come far and wide to look upon her face. Naturally, she had a great many admirers and suitors. They sang songs and wrote poetry about the young maiden, calling her beauty exquisite- some would dare say divine in its nature.
This, of course, enraged Venus. Her temples were abandoned and desolate because of this insignificant mortal who dared challenge her beauty. She could not stand to be upstaged by this girl, so she called upon her son Cupid, the god of desire to do away with her.
“Hongjoong, my darling son” she said “You must take care of this foolish mortal girl who challenges my divine gift of beauty”. She gestured to two fountains in her gardens, “Go to the fountain and fill a vase with water that will curse her with ugliness”.
The young god did as his mother commanded, he went to the fountain and filled two small gold vases. One will sweet water from the fountain of beauty and youth, and the other with bitter water that cursed its drinker with misfortune and toil. He gathered his famous golden arrows with which he could control the hearts of mortals and summon the wind of Zephyr to carry him down to where the mortals dwell.
It did not take him long to find the room where y/n was sleeping. She lay fast sleep on her bed that was situated in the high tower of her home, her window open letting in the ocean breeze and moonlight. Hongjoong flew in stealthily through the window. The sheer white curtains billowed in the summer night’s breeze as he approach the sleeping figure on the bed.
He would be lying if he said he did not understand his mother’s jealousy.
She was breathtaking. Her features looked as if they had been painted on with exquisite detail. He noticed her thick, curly eyelashes fluttering slightly as he stirred in her sleep. Her mouth parted sightly, her lips a rosy pink and beautifully shaped. Her hair fell in ringlets around her head. He was almost surprised she was mortal.
Snapping out of his trance, he remembered why he had come. He removed the golden vase with the cursed water from his mothers fountain and carefully dropped the water onto her lips. He could not help but feel pity and a pang of guilt. This was rare for him, as he was always a mischievous character, not having much regard for rules. Still, Hongjoong could never betray his beloved mother. He reached behind him to grab an arrow from his sheath. He drew it back, aiming it at her side, knowing he would be causing his innocent young woman a lifetime of misfortune. He braced himself to loose his arrow, before he heard her gasp.
The beautiful young maiden woke with a start, looking around the room. Y/N stared out her window, noticing the moon in the night sky. What she did not know, was the she was staring right through the young god Hongjoong, more popularly known as Cupid, who was invisible to her. Hongjoong stared back at the young ladies’ lovely face, his eyes darting back and forth between hers. Taken with the beauty of the young mortal, Hongjoong paid no mind to his golden arrow and pierced the porcelain skin of his chest when he was startled by the girl’s sudden awakening.
Suddenly, he felt nothing but pure adoration and affection for the beautiful creature in front of him. He lowered his bow completely, dropping his shoulders and staring at the girl in awe. He had fallen hopelessly in love with this mortal.
Y/n’s awakening was short lived, as her eyelids began to flutter closed once again with the weight of sleep. Once she was overcome by slumber, Hongjoong pulled the second gold vase from his side, the vase filled with water from Venus’s fountain of youth. Wanting to undo any previous harm he has caused, he dropped the sweet water into her silken hair, adorning her with even more beauty than she had before.
Hongjoong traced the soft skin of her cheek with the back of his hand, wanting nothing more than to tend to her every whim and desire, to make her so incredibly happy. He stepped back from her sleeping figure and climbed to the window, looking at her over his shoulder briefly before taking off back to the home of the gods.
He told his mother that he had completed his task, and that y/n would be cursed to never marry. Hongjoong hid his feelings of love, of course. By cursing her with the bitter water, she would find no mortal husband. But because he had also adorned her with the divine water of the immortals, she would make a bride worthy of a god.
❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥ a/n: what do y’all think?? I wanna make this a series so hopefully I left it on an interesting note ~
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