#fluffy mcfluffsville
flipperbrain · 6 years
The Deckhand and The Dagger
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Summary: Hook must face up to his error in judgement and realizes along the way that there is often more to the story than meets the eye.
[Ao3] [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4] [CH5] [CH6] [CH7] [CH8] [CH9] [CH10]  [CH11] [CH12] [CH13] [CH14] [CH15]
Hook looks wistfully at Jones' nude reflection in the mirror whilst he dresses, and ponders what a shame it is that he must cover his body with cloth; his skin fresh and clean from their bath should be proudly displayed, he has a glorious physique, muscled and lean... the curve of his back is what dreams are made of. His companion was quiet throughout their ablutions, lost in contemplation or possibly irritation, his silence most likely by design. 
Hook does regret his rash actions, but only for their consequences and how they affect his love. Dr. Martin Fleming deserved to be strangled for his ill-advised treatment of Jones; he will not say so aloud, but he will think it. As for manhandling his daughter, well, he should not have done so. He was angry but there is no excuse, she was merely following the direction of a physician whom she presumed to know the best course.
Hook has seen more than one death by this method, sailors so weakened by blood loss they could not recover; painful and unnecessary deaths caused by stupidity and arrogance. He was livid at the sight of his lover blanched and bleeding into that basin, and he very nearly ended the doctor’s life, but he stepped back from the abyss. Jones has changed his heart on that account, facing his disappointment would be too much to bear. Perhaps one day he will see the error of his ways on his own, for now Jones helps him move toward the light.
Jones sniffs the air as he buttons his vest, savoring the wafting smell of meat roasting on the spit. He grins at Hook then trots off in its fragrant direction and skips into the kitchen to find Sophia as suspected, muttering to herself with spoon in hand. She turns toward the sound of his footsteps on the wooden floor and sees him there by the door grinning sheepishly, his cheeks rosy from scrubbing. 
‘Master Jones!! Look at you!!’ She squeals setting the utensil aside and hurrying to throw her arms around him. He smiles brilliantly and hugs her back, his arms cannot quite circle her round form, his chest is pressed against two very large breasts that jiggle when she laughs. She smells like cinnamon and cooking oil and he grins at the touch of her hand gliding fondly over his hair. When she finally releases him his cheeks are even redder than before, he scuffs his toe and looks at his feet, blushing with embarrassment.
‘You are up and about, and so dashing!’ She chortles, ‘I was terribly afraid when I heard you were ill, but you seem to be in fine fettle now!’
He looks up at her, his face solemn and serious, ’Yes, yesterday was a blur but I understand you were instrumental in my recovery… thank you Sophia,’ Jones says sincerely.
‘You are very welcome dear, your Captain was beside himself with worry. I am grateful that La hechicera was able to cure you… let us hope the price does not come back to haunt, she is a strange and powerful woman but has helped many including my husband,’ she replies.
‘The price? What price?!? Hook did not tell me…’ Jones frowns and is suddenly fearful, he can see the look of trepidation on the cook’s face, she inadvertently shared information that Hook chose not to divulge. He will not press her for more details but will certainly ask his companion later this eve. ‘No matter,’ he says brightly, 'it is marvelous to see you! I am afraid we must be off soon, but I was wondering if you might help me with two requests, the first would be the recipe for the delicious stew you prepared,’ he asks smiling at her proud expression, ‘and the second… tell me what you know about Dr. Fleming.’
Hook sits by the fire wracking his brain about how to remedy the mess he has made, Jones is insisting he apologize to the doctor and it grates him to think of it. The days here have passed in a blink of an eye, their carriage was scheduled to retrieve them and take them to the docks near sunset, but at Jones’ prodding he asked Garrett to arrange for transportation into town this afternoon instead. They will meet with the Doctor and his daughter at their home, what will come of it remains to be seen. Perhaps he will be arrested. He chuckles at that thought, they may try but will not succeed. 
He would be sorry to leave the memories of this place behind though not all have been pleasant, he has shared many tender moments here with Jones. But there are other houses and other towns, they will move on to a new adventure if resolution cannot be found.
Jones saunters into the living room with a strange look on his face, he stops at the well-worn liquor cart in the corner of the room to pour them both a glass of brandy. He walks over to Hook, hands him his drink then plops down beside him on the sofa. ‘Hello my sweet,’ Hook says, ‘You conversed with Sophia earlier this morning, is she well? What did you speak of?’ He asks innocently. ‘Oh, this and that, nothing really,’ Jones answers. 
He knows what Hook is doing, his transparent prying to discover if he now knows the terms of his deal with the witch are obvious, but he will not placate him. He sips his brandy, grimacing at the burn, ’She gave me her recipe for stew. I shall attempt to replicate it when we sail, but I fear it will pale in comparison.’
’Somehow I doubt that my love, you are an excellent cook. Only one of the many reasons why I love you so much, a tasty meal created by a handsome lad does much to provide a happy existence,’ he says and leans to kiss him on the cheek but Jones turns his face to meet his soft lips instead. 
They lounge in the warmth of the fire, drinking and talking about the next leg of their journey. Now that the hour of departure grows near they are both anxious to march toward their goal. It is late in the year, the waters near Acela’s island will be treacherous and extremely cold, they must brace themselves for the weather. Fortunately Garrett has taken care of restocking the Jolly Roger with foodstuffs along with additional blankets and warm clothing for Jones. She is ready to sail when they are.
A bell chimes from the kitchen to signal lunch is ready to serve, ’Sophia has prepared us a light repast, shall we eat? Jones asks, ‘The carriage will arrive soon.’
Hook would transport them to town with magic were he not concerned it would engender additional gossip. He would prefer that Jones did not have to travel past the lake again, but it cannot be helped.
‘Yes love, let us sustain ourselves for the humbling ahead,’ Hook grumbles as they walk toward the dining room.
Roasted chicken with freshly baked baked rolls, greens and hominy awaits them, ’This is a meal fit for a king,’ Hook remarks winking at the cook. 
’Do you require anything else Sir… my apologies, Hook?’ She asks, then continues excitedly, ‘Oh, I have coffee for Master Jones! Would you care for a cup as well?’ Hook arches an eyebrow and glances sideways at Jones, ’That would be delightful,’ he replies. ‘One moment,’ she says whirling on her heel with her index finger pointed at the ceiling and hurries back to the kitchen to fetch two cups.
‘Master Jones?’ Hook whispers with a wry smile on his lips. Jones waves him off, ‘Behave yourself,’ he quips as Sophia returns with the coffee. ’Thank you!' he exclaims, 'would you conjure some cream for me my love? I have developed a taste for it.'
Hook waves his hand and a small pitcher appears on the table in front of them. ‘I am not thrilled at the prospect of begging for forgiveness from that lout,’ he crabs sullenly whilst buttering his bread. 
‘I am sorry to hear it but you will go just the same. Now may I enjoy my food?!’ Jones huffs. Hook continues to moan and grouse under his breath but the deckhand pays him no mind.
They have barely finished lunch when Garrett appears to announce that the carriage has arrived. Hook wipes his mouth and rolls his eyes then pushes himself back from the table. Jones cannot help but giggle at his crankiness, he has no one to blame but himself, but he is satisfied that by the end of the day all will be well.
‘You should have the dagger with you,’ Hook says matter-of-factly, ‘You must accustom yourself to keeping it on your person. I feel fine at this minute but it is not worth the risk.’ Jones brows knit together, he had nearly forgotten that it existed. He nods and runs to retrieve it from the library and attaches it to his belt. He does not yet know exactly how it functions, it feels strange to be in possession of a device that can control his love. He must be careful not to unwittingly order him about and will speak only as necessary during their visit with the doctor.
They climb into the carriage and ride wordlessly toward the home of Dr.Fleming and his daughter Anne, they were kind enough to grant this audience and Jones is not sure if he would do the same were he in the doctor’s shoes; he took advantage of the situation with his very public complaint, but Hook was wrong to react violently and it must be addressed. 
The horses clip clop down the narrow lane and the deckhand busies himself pulling at an errant thread on his vest as they roll past the lake. Hook notices this of course but does not comment, inwardly however, he is enraged that his love would be frightened of such a lovely place, one that he was so eager to visit when they first arrived. That bastard kraken, he would tear it to shreds if he could.
A quarter of an hour later they arrive at 10 Mendoza Street, and Hook is slightly taken aback by the modest home the physician resides in, by his lofty manner he imagined a castle on a hill. It is well kept and painted a cheerful shade of yellow, Anne is tending to a young boy who sits in the shade of a large maple tree. She turns to greet them as they approach, shading her eyes from the sun, 
‘Hello again Captain,’ she says politely enough, but her eyes tell a different story, ‘and Mr. Jones, I am glad to see you have recovered. This is my brother Thomas,’ she says gesturing toward the boy. ‘Good afternoon Anne, nice to meet you Thomas,’ Hook says.
‘Are you a pirate??’ Thomas asks gleefully. ‘The most fearsome pirate on the seven seas!’ Hook answers with a devilish grin. Thomas claps his hands with joy at meeting a real pirate. The boy looks to be 8 years old or thereabouts and is pale and painfully thin.
‘Father is inside,’ Anne says waving her hand toward the door. ‘Come darling, let us go into the house, these gentlemen have come to converse with us, we will play another game later the evening,’ she says sweetly. Thomas reaches for the crutches that lean against the chair beside him and hops up on one foot, the other leg is twisted and misshapen and apparently cannot support his weight, but he is quick and agile enough with his crutches.
He scampers alongside them firing questions at Hook, ‘Have you fought many battles? Do you have a pirate ship and if you do may I see her?’ He asks excitedly, ‘Too many to count and yes I do! Her name is the Jolly Roger and she floats in the bay as we speak. Mr. Jones and I plan to sail away this evening, but I believe we could find time for you to see her if your father agrees,’ Hook offers.
The boy looks to be cheerful enough, but he has a soft place for those who have experienced such an injury, he is quite familiar with the trauma that comes with loss of limb; and Thomas reminds him so much of himself when he was a lad, before his father's unthinkable betrayal ripped his world apart. High-spirited and inquisitive, a charming naivety. Despite whatever obstacles blocked his path, he was determined to overcome them. And this endearing boy looking up at him with such undeserved admiration, well, if he can brighten his reality for an hour then it is the least he can do. There is no question that Jones fully supports the idea, his smile and the sparkle in his eye tells him all he needs to know.
‘Oh Anne do you think he will say yes?? Please make him say yes!!’ Thomas pleads tugging on her skirt. ‘We will see,’ she says as they enter the house, ’Now go find something to do darling, we have things to discuss. I will fetch you when the Captain is ready to leave.’
Jones’ heart melts watching this exchange, Hook is as wonderful with children as he knew he would be. Sophia explained earlier what had happened to Thomas, he and his mother were riding to town in their buggy when the horses were somehow spooked and galloped out of control. The buggy overturned and Thomas was run over by an oncoming carriage, he barely survived; his mother was thrown and hit her head, she died a few days later. Martin was devastated by her loss and hardened by it, he did all he could for his boy but his leg was mangled in the accident and no surgery could help it.
Dr. Fleming enters the room and looks down his nose at them both. ’Thomas is a fine boy,’ Hook remarks and Jones perceives the slightest softening in the doctor’s expression, ‘Yes, he is a good lad… you requested this meeting, I presume you saw the story in the Gazette? What do you have to say in reply?’ he asks curtly. ‘Yes, we did see it, but that is not the reason why we are here… rather it is not the only reason why. I wish to apologize for my behavior, for my rough handling of Anne and for what I did to you. I hope there was no lasting harm. I acted out rashly in anger and worry for my companion, my fear for his wellbeing was so great I was not thinking rationally. You have a beautiful family who need you and I was terribly wrong to lash out the way I did. I am truly sorry and I ask for your forgiveness.’ Hook says earnestly.
The doctor contemplates Hook’s words for a moment then nods brusquely at him, ‘I accept your apology Captain, I was exceedingly angry myself, but I very much understand the strain when a loved one is hurt or ill. I am relieved to see you discovered a cure for your friend. How, may I ask, did you do it?’
‘We called on the sorceress, it was the only way,’ Hook answers. Dr. Fleming raises an eyebrow and glances at Anne but inquires no further on the subject. ‘Are you content as well my dear?’ He asks her. ‘Yes, I will forgive you with one condition,’ she replies then turns toward her father, ’The Captain has offered to show Thomas his ship and he is desperate to see it. If you will allow it, that will satisfy me.’
‘Oh please father, please let me go!!’ Thomas chimes in from the next room, then appears a moment later, ‘A real pirate ship father! And a real pirate! You must let me, they are leaving tonight and I might not have another chance!!’ He begs. The doctor sighs heavily not at all liking the spot he finds himself in, but he is loathe to disappoint Thomas after all that he has endured and eventually concedes, ‘Alright, I will allow it,’ he sighs. 
‘Hurray, hurray!!’ Thomas shouts and nearly topples over in his excitement, Hook reaches out swiftly with a gentle hand to steady him before he falls. ’Thank you for seeing us,’ Hook says then bows in Anne’s direction, ‘We will take up no more of your time. Would 6 o’clock at the docks suit?’ he proposes. ‘That will be fine,’ Dr. Fleming answers with a much more conciliatory tone.
Hook squats down on his haunches, his face level with the boy’s pleased countenance, ’Aye Thomas ‘ye landlubber, prepare yerself!’ Hook declares ruffling the boy’s hair, his voice a caricature. ‘It was lovely to meet you all, we will see you later then,’ Jones says shyly and they exit the house.
The deckhand smiles to himself as they bump along the road home, ‘I am proud of you my love, your speech was perfect.’
’It produced the desired effect but the population is none the wiser, perhaps they will forgive over time,’ Hook remarks. ‘At any rate we must pack our things and ready ourselves. It has only been three days but it feels like far longer, do you suppose I will remember how to sail?’ Jones giggles in response, ‘If you do not, I will remind you.’
They have already said their goodbyes to the cook and the caretaker, Sophia tearily presented Jones with a basket of muffins, Apple cinnamon this time; he will miss her kindness and her rumbling laugh. Garrett assured them that all will be looked after until they return, Hook apologized to him for his poor behavior the day before and thanked him for his good service.
Now all that remains is to make sure nothing is left behind. Jones surveys the bedroom, his new old robe is tucked away in their trunk along with a selection of books to pass the time. He hopes there will be a few moments of peace for reading and other activities he is fond of, his eyes discreetly rake over the gorgeous man across the room. ’Well my sweet, what say you?’ Hook asks, Jones shrugs his shoulders and nods, ’Let us be off then, we must say farewell to this place for now.’ He waves his hand and the trunk disappears, another flick of his wrist and the violin case is gone.
Hook is finished with carriages. They are leaving now and there is no point in pretending he is anyone other than who he is. He touches Jones’ sleeve and in an instant they appear at the docks. A few minutes later Dr. Fleming and his family roll up, Anne helps Thomas exit from their buggy and he hops enthusiastically toward Hook, his crutches barely touching the ground. Hook stands with his hands on his hips looking down at the frail boy, ‘Aha, our new Swabbie has arrived!’ he grins then glances at the doctor, ‘I will have him back in an hour,’ he promises.
‘Come Thomas, touch my coat!’ the boy looks back at his father and sister then reaches out to grasp the leather of his duster, Jones takes hold of Hook’s elbow and all three of them disappear in a cloud of red smoke. Dr. Fleming and Anne are agape at the sight, and run to the end of the dock searching for movement on the deck of the ship.
Thomas is exuberant, thrilled by their method of travel, ’You are a pirate and you have magic??’ He gasps. ‘Yes indeed Swabbie! And speaking of which, I would like to try something before we show you our beautiful lady,’ Hook says, 
‘What is it you wish to try? Thomas asks curiously.
’It is a surprise! Whilst pirates are notoriously untrustworthy chaps,' he laughs, 'I trust Mr. Jones with my life, he has my every confidence and will watch over you until all is revealed. Sit here on the deck and be still, I will not hurt you,’ Hook directs. 
Thomas looks up at Jones who winks in return then dutifully sits and Hook kneels beside him, ‘Now close your eyes and imagine running through a green meadow,’ he says and waves his hand over Thomas’ damaged limb, a beam of healing magic begins to work at the muscle and bone. ‘There are birds and rabbits and a dog runs beside you.’ 
Jones can see the leg gradually untwist and he is moved beyond words. He chokes back tears and is on the verge of sobbing, his hand unconsciously flutters to rest over his heart. ‘Do not open your eyes yet… can you see the dog Thomas? What color is it?’ Hook asks as he moves his palm toward the boy’s hip. ‘It is black like your coat, it is a pirate’s dog!’ He says laughing, ‘My leg feels strange, may I open my eyes now?’
’Yes Swabbie, open your eyes.’
Thomas opens one eye to peek at his leg and it looks different now, straight and the same length as the other one. Hook helps him to his feet, ‘How does it feel? Can you walk on it? Hold my hand and try,’ he says. Thomas takes a tentative step forward and then another, he walks slowly along the rail at Hook’s side, clutching his hand.
’Now try to walk without holding on.’
Thomas lets go and walks a few steps then bounces ahead a few more, and soon he is running circles from bow to stern giggling wildly. Jones slips his arm around Hook’s waist and looks at him as if he were an angel on earth. 
‘Swabbie! Come here!’ Hook commands, and Thomas skips over to him. ‘How did you fix me?!’ He asks, his eyes filled with wonder and joy. ‘With magic my boy! It does come in handy from time to time.’
Hook gestures and a thousand points of light fill the air illuminating the ship. ’And now for the tour!’
They show Thomas everything there is to see, the deck and the ship’s wheel and compass, their cabin, the ship’s mess, the hold and the crew sleeping quarters. Hook even takes him aloft to the crow's nest to see the rigging and the sheets up close whilst explaining basic sailing terminology. ‘So, Swabbie, what do you think of her?’ he asks when they have finished. ’She is wonderful! A real pirate ship!!’ Thomas exclaims, ’This is the best day of my whole life!’
‘Well Thomas, unfortunately all good things must come to an end and now we must send you to your father and sister… but, when we return I promise to take you sailing, if your father consents of course.’
Thomas claps with glee, ’Truly? Oh please, please hurry back!’
’Truly. I swear it upon my black heart,’ Hook chuckles, ‘We will be back before you know it, and you will be occupied running and playing in the meantime,’ Hook assures him then hands him his crutches, ‘You no longer need these but another boy might, give them to your father.’ Thomas smiles brilliantly and hugs them both, ’Thank you Captain, thank you Mr. Jones!!' He cries, his face radiant with happiness. Hook slips three gold coins into the tiny pocket of the boy’s vest, ’Pirate treasure, spend it wisely! Until the next time mate,’ Hook smiles and waves his hand transporting Thomas to the shore and into his father’s arms.
Jones leans in for a kiss and they linger for a moment, holding each other close. Hook gazes at Jones and says quietly, ‘You engineered all of this, I can see it in your eyes... Let us make sail, my sweet.’
Tagging some lovelies: @laschatzi @hollyethecurious @suwya @artistic-writer @ilovemesomekillianjones @therooksshiningknight @ashley-knightingale @cocohook38 @spartanguard 
I didn’t do any new art, so sorry Sandra :) I’ve been shirking my responsibilities with some things I’ve promised but there’s a couple scenes here I’d love to illustrate when I get around to it. ❤️
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