#fluminas / caybabs : and if my wishes came true‚ it would've been you — i'm here with four words on the tip of my tongue.     ♦
quatred · 3 years
@fluminas​ asked:  barbara’s sitting on cater’s ('definitely haunted, but in a fun way') carpet in her coziest pajamas — with her GLAMGLOW Youthmud © mask on and Vil’s special - made deep conditioner in her hair, of course — and almost cackling. “ hold still, ” she laughs, ditching the silicone brush to spread the facemask in question over cater’s face with her fingers (and then wiping them on his arm, obviously). they can’t be too loud or risk riddle finding and killing them in real life, but for some reason barbara can’t make that matter when cater’s put Carly Rae Jepsen on his speaker and the opening to Run Away With Me just started. “ there, perfect. ” she taps his nose for good measure, and really — just because she feels like it. “ we’re leaving this on for ten minutes, not any longer !! i don’t want to dry out. ”
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cater’s also cozy in his pajamas — white tee, shorts with the little orange slices on them, his orange striped robe — with his pair pushed back from his face with a headband. “ alright, alright, ” he complains without complaining, a sing - song lilt to his voice as he laughs, closing his eyes and leaning forward a bit so she can apply the mask easier. “ it was just too quiet in here. riddle’s less likely to question music from my room than he is laughing ~ ” and being caught would be... very bad. he can imagine they’d both lose their heads for that... correction, he’s sure they’d both lose their heads for that.
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his smile brightens as she taps his nose, green eyes opening as he laughs something even lighter, even freer, and he lifts his phone to quickly set a timer. “ aaaaaand there we go!! ten minutes on the clock. ☆ ” and the phone is set on the ground beside him, looking at her once more. it’s almost funny, how he focuses on her more than magicam when she’s around. she really is a star, isn’t she?? and not in the way most people think of her as one. “ you know, i’ve never used this brand before. it definitely firms up fast, doesn’t it?? ” he can already feel the mask tightening on his skin — including on his arm, where she’d wiped her fingers off. luckily he’s got some damp washcloths ready for this so they don’t have to go wandering to the communal bathroom to wash off their faces, and he grabs one to wipe off the excess mask on his arm. 
( time spent with barbara is easy. it feels natural, that constant fear of ruining things lessened in her presence. maybe it’s the fact that there’s an end already agreed - upon that makes it easier. that has to be it, he’s sure. every relationship ends for him, and to have someone on the same page makes it easier. )
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quatred · 3 years
fluminas / caybabs : and if my wishes came true‚ it would've been you — i'm here with four words on the tip of my tongue.     ♦
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quatred · 3 years
@fluminas​ asked: “ of course, if that’s not something you’re up for, no pressure. contractually, all you legally have to do are make a few dozen appearances with me. ” barbara’s reading the details verbatim off her phone, opened to her email. she has over 500 unread messages. yikes. “ but i figure the more we seem a couple, the more convinced everyone will be, so really what i’m saying is — i’m alright with acting like we’re together even when we’re not technically obligated to if you are,” she finishes rather inelegantly. “ if that makes sense ?? ” // puts this in ur hands
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“ yeah, yeah, it makes sense, ” cater assures, nodding for a bit more assurance. “ in a place like this... ” he trails off for a moment, letting the point he doesn’t say settle between them — that some of these students are too nosey, that some are too curious, that some are too smart. he offers barbara a bright smile, and a playful wink for good measure. “ it’s better to play it safe than sorry, after all ~  you can count cay - kun in!! ♫ ”
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it’s a fun offer, after all — someone as online and in the loop as he is is aware of contractual relationships for idols ( and he’s had his own suspicions about a few of them!! ), and the thought of getting to actually experience being in one is too good to pass up. it’s such a rare experience, and barbara’s super cute so it’s not like it’ll be hard to act the part of a happy boyfriend. a question occurs to him then. “ oh!! how are we going about publicizing this?? an accidental reveal or...?? ” he’s sure her management has something in mind, and it seems like an important thing to know.
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