#flynn rider wasn't the first disney human male character that was actually well-written had a personality and was interesting enough
Many people, including Disney fans themselves, view the Disney Prince (with very, very few exceptions) as a guy who is just....there and the least interesting, compelling, most bland and personality-less character in the whole cast, but the thing is that this stereotype applies to the very old ones (and this is primarily because back then it was damn near an impossible task to animate a realistic-looking human, let alone a MALE human), yet it has been applied to any Disney Prince that isn't Flynn Rider (and quite possibly Naveen, even) and it low-key upsets me because it's far from true. I saw a post that said that there were only two Disney Princes (guess who they were!) that were "worth anything" (obviously stating the rest were just worthless) and that pissed me off. The only time they ever get brought up is to bash the Princessess instead of looking at the positive qualities that they have because, yes, they do have those! They aren't just there to look good and exist. I think they should be defended more because I honestly think they are just as misunderstood, if not more, in some cases.
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