kieranfm · 4 years
   ♫     𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐅𝐎𝐑   .          ››          @fmnaya​          !!
𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄  𝐃𝐀𝐘  𝐇𝐀𝐃  𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓  𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄  𝐀  𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋  𝐎𝐅  𝐀  𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐆  &  at  this  point  in  the  day  the  only  thing  he  wanted  was  a  DISTRACTION  —   something  easy  ,  something  he  didn’t  have  to  THINK  much  about  because  after  not  seemingly  being  able  to  hit  the  mark  ,  being  surrounded  by  others  that  were  relying  on  him  to  hit  said  mark  was  NOT  something  he  was  about  to  sign  himself  up  for  .  there  had  been  enough  letting  people  down  for  one  day  &  NAYA  was  about  just  the  only  person  he  deemed   safe  .  things  were  just  easy  —  she  expected  nothing  other  than  some mindless  FUN  —   the  exact  thing  he  craved  .  &  with  both  hands  filled  with  two  pints  ,  tracking  his  way  back  to  the  booth  tucked  away  in  the  back  corner  of  the  pub  not  all  THAT  far  from  his  place  ,  he  settled  upon  down  upon  the  table  in front  of  naya  before  slipping  into  the  booth  opposite  .  “  i  know  i  was  the  one  that  called  you  but  i  reckon  i  should  mention  i  probably  shouldn’t  be  doing  this  since  i  gotta  be  up  at  fuckin’  5  am  tomorrow  .  ”  a  pause  being  taken  as  he  lifted  a  finger  ,  “  so  i’m  coverin’  my  bases  even  if  it  might  be  a  waste  of  time  to  request  takin’  it  easy  just  this  ONCE  tonight  .  ”
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frankiegreen · 4 years
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fmnaya said : have you ever lied to someone you love ?
we  all  have  to  lie  sometimes  ,  right  ?  !  i’ve  absolutely  told  my  mother  that  I  love  the  tassles  she’s  added  to  the  bucket  hat  she  found  and  that  yeah  ,  it’ll  TOTALLY  sell  !!  when  ,  in  fact  .  .  .  the  only  person  buying  that  is  someone  who’s  forgotten  to  buy  any  type  of  hat  for  parklife  and  it’s  due  to  be  super  sunny  .  so  ,  in  short  ?  ABSOLUTELY  .  ’
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judestclare · 4 years
what’s your biggest pet peeve? & an ambition for the future?
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❛     my biggest pet peeve ?   i try not to get too annoyed at the little things. it fucks with my vibe — it’s not fun. but i guess stick in the muds. people who don’t want to do anything. like, it’s okay if you don’t like something    ...   but to not even want to   ?   instant side eye. you can’t beat the fun out of the situation. so you know what, stick in the muds   ?   if you can’t beat ‘em, join them. i’m pretty sure, like, fucking ghandi said that.     ❜
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❛     does being a mega famous superstar count ?  like, maybe not pop royalty    ...    but i’d like those song royalties, you know   ?   i thought that was a good one. i might use it again   ...   i’d like to record and release another album — expand my tours, too   !    i want to visit every continent and perform. even antarctica, but that’s more of like a bucket list, not gonna happen pipe dream. maybe i’ll visit and just sing to myself. and the penguins. how do you think penguins feel about me   ?    ❜
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frankiegreen · 4 years
♫ —— three of my muses favourite songs . 
 ‘ different things ’ —— gracey . 
 ‘ beautiful escape ’ —— tom misch . 
 ‘ goodie bag ’ —— still woozy . 
ღ – a crush my muse had/has
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the fleeting smile the tall stranger gave frankie as he gestured for her to take the last remaining seat beside him on the tram was enough to send her heart soaring . when his raspy voice broke on the word “ grape ? ” she was done for . her perfect stranger , who shared his red grapes with her . they spent their 20 minute exchange stealing glances before he left her forever at his departure at deansgate stop . she’ll never forget him , or the small smile he gave her through the glass as the doors slid closed behind him .  
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judestclare · 4 years
starter  for   ...   naya   (   @fmnaya​​   )
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       &.       the  day  had  been  long,  if  not  entirely  exhausting.  she  was  no  longer  on  the  tail  end  of  coming  back  from  her  tour,  which  essentially  meant  one  thing:    alright,  jude,  stop  slacking  off  and  get  another  album  out.  it  wasn't  that  she  had  no  work  ethic      —      in  fact,  the  opposite.  jude  was  incredibly  dedicated,  committed,  and  every  single  other  positive  synonym  of  hard  working.  sans,  of  course,  the  requirement  that  she  was  not  easily  distracted.  somehow,  she'd  managed  to  make  it  through  the  entire  day  without  once  desperately  clamoring  for  something  else  to  do  but  record.  and  rerecord.  and  rerecord.  a  changed  chorus  here,  a  stanza  flip  there.  an  entire  scrapping  of  the  bridge.    were  all  her  fits  of  creativity  supposed  to  require  this  much  reworking      ?      pushing  aside  any  feelings  of  inadequacy,  the  back  of  a  familiar  artist's  head  was  spotted  down  the  hallway  once  jude  was  finally  released.  her  stomach  does  a  flip  at  recognizing  the  figure  of  course,  naya  being  the  most  recent  object  of  jude's  very  flighty  infatuations.      ❛      fancy  seeing  you  here,      ❜      she  called  cherrily  from  down  the  hall,  even  though  it  perhaps  made  the  most  sense  in  the  world  that  they  would  both  be  here,   coinciding.  jude  decided  she  was  best  off  booking  down  the  hall  and  nearly  trampling  over  a  water  cooler      —      which  she  then  rested  her  hands  and  chin  on,  leaning  forward  casually.   or,   as  casually  as  she  can  muster  while  still  trying  to  look  good.      ❛      some  might  say  it's  fate.      ❜
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kieranfm · 4 years
@fmnaya  𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙     .          ››      7 & 8    ·
   .          ››      7 . their tickle spots
for the record , kieran's fight & flight mode WILL be triggered if someone attempts to tickle him & he WILL most likely fight the person attempting it mostly because he hates being touched by people that aren’t incredibly close to him unless he instigates it . but if one WAS to tickle him , it would be both his neck & his sides but his neck is the ultimate one .
  .          ››       8 . bad memories / experiences
his whole life from when he was 12 to 18 was just one massive bad memory / experience due to the fact that his father was emotionally abusive towards him & physically abusive to his mother . but i’d say the night his mother kicked his father out of the house & told him to never come back due to the fact it was the first time his father ACTUALLY hit him & it resulted in not only a black eye that lasted a decent chunk of time but it also left him with a scar on his cheekbone that he hates more than anything . 
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