#folge:was ihr nicht seht
my thoughts on “Was ihr nicht seht”
-God the blood stain on the bed is really aesthetic 
-Leo so beautiful 
-Gosh Kariiiiiin
-Himpe, The cool Rechtsmediziner yesss
-Karin eyes- that’s it
-I can’t deal deal with the incompetence of the doctor” sie hat mich angesprungen wie ein tier” what the fuck yeah because you did not check if she has any trigger points maybe?!!
-Oh man Leo crying I can’t take it
-Sarah needs a psychiatrist right now 
-Himpe looks weird without his glasses
-Why is himpe so ignorant today broo 
-Karin kaut ernsthaft Kaugummi? lol ( Without irony)
-I like the art, all of it is so messy and just a creative blop 
-Uhhhhh the quirky smart guy I like him
-“ Was isn mit der?” Schnabel
-“Der geht mir so aufn Keks“
-„nicht immer so anschleichen, einfach mal mit kräftiger Stimme…“ - i love Schnabel 
-Leorin on the telefon- this scene Is meant to be Edited - make a das heartwrenching breakup Edit pleassseeee
-I like illegal leo 
-It’s so crazy how dangerous a person can look like- like the way she leans forward and watches you holy fuck
-I love it that I now can analyze Leo’s apartment - she has taste that is how much I can say at this moment 
-“Ich glaub es waer besser wenn du jetzt gehst” please someone edit this I’m begging
-I love seeing other people’s houses
-They have gay tension you can’t convince me otherwise
-They shared a CigaReTte together?!! Come oooooon That’s so gay
-Gosh sarah looked a little too much in Leo’s lips my opinion gayy 
-Them cuddling that’s sweet
-Leo’s morning hairrrrrr
-Ferienhaus Leos Eltern okk cute
-Leo und Karin sind genauso im Partnerlook wie Adam und Leo
-The quirky dude eating is my spirit animal
-They are so soooffft for each other helpp 
-iiuuu he’s such a creep 
-DER soll der neue Staatsanwalt sein pfahaah so ein Opfer- he also seems suspicious 
-this sidecharacter is from another dimension she’s so good help and the character depth
-awwwwww schnabel brought Leo food from her lieblingschinese wie goldig 
-Schnabel figuring out how to handle chopsticks is also my spirit animal 
-This is all so disgusting but it’s in beautiful lighting 
-The old man casually eating his lunch while a whole SEK team arrives is also my spirit animal
-Schnabel dont go solo you nearly died like three episodes before we don’t have to go through that again
-Nooo schnabel  Good shot schnabel shot again pls and again 
-Uhhhh is he dead- I would want that I think he is thank god
-Gosh he’s so disgusting I’m so happy he’s dead
- Oh oh- but I feel like it still was kind of notwehr ( I’m saying this without any knowledge in law)
-Karin looks so beautiful 
-Neeeee nicht der  Staatsanwalt und Leo neinnn-Das muss doch nicht sein 
She would’nt in my head
why would you destroy leorin
( although I like the idea of a young,new, nice staatsanwalt - but he is kind of not it)
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