are-they-all-sims · 4 months
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(Violet's POV)
My babies are growing so fast! It's almost impossible to get them all in a single picture together, though. Zo & Yvie are practically inseparable and are such big helps with their little brother and sister. Wynnie is the perfect baby and I am so blessed to watch her grow and learn everyday.
In other news, Aaron has a new job! He now works 10 hour days, 6 days a week at Spring's Printing Company. He helps print Bibles to distribute to the poor. I am so happy he is doing a job he loves and although we miss him when he's gone, Diana and my sisters Dahlia and Primrose are a big help!
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are-they-all-sims · 9 months
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(Violet's POV)
And our fourth baby is another girl! It seems God wants us to raise up some perfect little helpmeets 😍. We named her Wyknowna Forgiveness Talbert (A/N: Winona). Little Wynnie arrived two weeks ago and I had the most perfect home birth. We are working hard on editing the birth video and it should be up on our SimTube in the next week! Keep your eyes peeled 👀.
Zo, Yvie, and Xanny are excited to have a new baby sister and they have all been such big helps to me. Aaron as always has been the best husband ever and Wynnie has him wrapped around her finger.
More pics will be coming soon! 🙏
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
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(Violet's Simsta- @/godlychristianmama)
My little Xanny is getting so big! He is the most perfect angel and is well behaved! I love seeing his personality come out and can't wait to watch him grow into a strong young man ✨
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Zo and Yvie are doing so well too. We have kept the fake news away from them about Aaron - we wouldn't want them to get confused by the awful liberals that think Aaron is cheating on me. (WHICH HE IS NOT!)
My children are the light of my life and I can't wait to welcome this next bundle of joy into our world! It's going to be a long seven months until then. We are praying for a boy and have decided to wait until birth again to find out. If anyone has any name suggestions for W names feel free to drop them in the comments below 🔽
#godlymama #lovethelord #christian4life #pregnancy #namesuggestions #talbertfam #beautifulchildren
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
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@/godlychristianmama ✅
We had some impromptu family pictures done at home! There have been some severe thunderstorms here in Oasis Springs which means Aaron's been home from work. Diana offered to take some pictures of us and we gladly accepted! I 💗my family! Can't wait to add more to this crazy bunch.
#talbertfam #welovejesus #familypics #pregnant #familyof6
10.5k likes 658 Comments:
orangebanana: The stress of cheating has really gotten to Aaron, hasn't it? He looks awful! Cute kids tho.
blessedmama3: Lovely pics! You guys are my fave! Is Aaron doing ok? He looks like he's lost some weight.
talberts4ever: OMG Violet where did you get your outfit???? GORGEOUS
snarker09: Aaron looks miserable - he's probably missing his mistress.
mollynrichardflanagan: My sweet granddaughter and her lovely family!!!!!!! YOU ALL LOOOK GREAT! LOVE MIMI
mrs.jones.always: Maybe you should turn comments off? It seems like a lot of trolls are here. Got your back always, Vi!
anonymous123: Give Aaron a chicken leg or something - dude looks like he's about to blow away if a good gust of wind hits him.
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
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(Violet's POV)
After talking with my Mimi Molly, I decided it would be best to post a video on our side of the story in regards to Aaron's "scandal." Aaron assured me that he was coerced into kissing the other woman (he still wouldn't tell me who it was, but he did say it wasn't Diana and I believe that). He said he would never cheat on me again and said that harlot was the one who caused him to stray.
I found out I'm also expecting our fourth child! Aaron was ecstatic so I knew that he couldn't be in love with any other woman because why would he be happy for our pregnancy? He is an amazing man and sometimes amazing men stumble. Aaron has prayed for forgiveness and as his godly Christian wife, it is my duty to forgive him.
We discussed all these points in our video and it has received a lot of positive feedback. I knew our loyal followers wouldn't abandon us and can't wait to share all about this pregnancy on our SimTube page and Simsta 💖
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
(Molly's POV)
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Hello friends!!
My extremely beautiful, Christian granddaughter, Domonique Carver, just celebrated her 18th birthday!!!! She looks a lot like me when I was her age!!! She loves taking care of her younger siblings and hopes to be a wife and mother someday. She also enjoys animals and would loove to be a farmer's wife!! IF there are any young Christian farmers out there looking for a wife then please feel free to contact Domonique's father, Ross Carver!!! I can give you his phone number.
I am so glad the Lord has allowed me to live these 80+ years on this earth so I can see my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren grow and begin families of their own. I am devastated my husband Richard is not physically with us to see our family grow, but I know he is watching from above and that we will ALL be together in the arms of the Lord one day!!!
God Bless & Keep!!!!!
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
(Talbert House later that night - 3rd Person POV)
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Violet was devastated after reading the SimGossip article. She couldn't delude herself into thinking the article was fake because of the photo evidence. She didn't think it was Diana in the pictures - but it didn't matter. Her perfect Christian family façade was collapsing and her SimTube channel was losing followers by the hundreds. How would she fix this?
She locked herself in her en suite bathroom and after a good cry she began to think about how she would confront Aaron and how she would rebuild their brand.
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
(SimGossip Magazine Article)
Violet Talbert's Husband Cheating On Her?!
SimGossip has the scoop! An anonymous source has submitted some photographs that seem to indicate SimTuber and Simstagramer, Violet Talbert, has a husband who is unfaithful.
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Caption: Violet rose to fame by blogging about her Christian lifestyle as a teenager. She gained followers who loved her advice about modest clothing and building a relationship with God. Over time she has gained almost 1M followers on Simstagram and posts regular updates on SimTube about her family. Photo taken from Simstagram @/godlychristianmama.
Violet has been with her husband, Aaron Talbert, for almost a decade now. The couple has three children and struggled with fertility after having their first daughter.
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Caption: Violet and Aaron's wedding day. Photo taken from Simstagram.
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Caption: Violet and Aaron's first pregnancy announcement. They currently have three children: Zofiya, Yvie, and Xandyr. Photo taken from Simstagram.
This alleged news, if proved to be true, would be devastating for the Simfluencer. A cheating husband is never a good look - especially for one that boasts about family values.
Here is one picture shared with SimGossip:
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In the photo, Violet's husband seems to be kissing a woman with black hair. Violet's hair is brown and has been since her last Simsta post yesterday.
Who is this mysterious woman? One anonymous source alleges that it's Diana Carver - Violet's live-in nanny who also happens to be her cousin. The woman's face can't be seen from this image or the other ones submitted to SimGossip, but it doesn't look like Violet Talbert based on hair color and style.
SimGossip has reached out to Violet and Diana for comment and has yet to receive responses.
This story will be updated as information becomes available. Stay tuned.
Written by Lia Green and associates
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
(@/godlychristianmama Simsta post)
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Happy anniversary to my one and only! I love you so much Aaron and can't wait to welcome baby W soon. You are an amazing husband, father, and best friend. The Lord truly blessed me the day we got married and I wouldn't want to do this life with anyone else.
8.4k likes 34 comments
Comments on this post have been limited by @/godlychristianmama
talberts4ever congratulations!!!! So happy for you.
mrs.jones.always My favorite couple! Love y'all!
helpmeethomemaker I pray for a marriage like yours! You two are a prime example of a Godly couple who have grace.
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are-they-all-sims · 10 months
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(Violet's POV)
My sweet Yvie girl has aged up! She's growing into a beautiful, young lady. She loves helping cook and laundry is her favorite chore. Her favorite color is yellow and she wants to be a mother when she grows up. (A/N: Like there's any other option......)
We have an orthodontic appointment to get her fitted for braces next week - we have to fix that tooth gap!
Yvie was my miracle baby 💖. I went years without a pregnancy after having Zofiya and thought I would never have another baby until I became pregnant with her. She will always be so special in my heart and I thank the Lord everyday for blessing me with her!
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
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(Violet's POV)
I was so happy to get this four generations pic with my dear Mimi! Each year has been harder on her health, especially after my grandfather Richard passed away. She misses him dearly and although she loves being surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, she can't wait for the day her and grampy are reunited in His presence! I hope it's not for a while yet, but for now I cherish all the moments I get to spend with her.
My relationship with my own mother has been stressful lately. She's been coming over a lot to help with Zo and Yvie which has been great! But, I still feel some uneasiness around her and the situation with my dad. It's a lot of mixed emotions and I have to remind myself it's in the hands of the Lord. Although my mom is a divorced woman now, she thankfully hasn't been acting like a single one! My younger sisters still live with her and as far as I know she isn't dating. My father, on the other hand, has recently gotten engaged! It's a lot to take in, but I take it one day at a time.
In other news, I'm happy to announce I'm pregnant again! The Lord is great! I just entered my second trimester and me and the baby are healthy and happy. I've unfortunately had intense morning sickness with all my pregnancies and so far it's been the same with this one. Lord willing I'll be feeling better soon.
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Aaron and I can't wait to hold this babe in our arms soon 💖
With that being said, check out the link in my bio to my simTerra store! I'm doing a 50% off sale and trying to earn some extra money for baby X's arrival!
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
(Violet's POV - Simsta post @/godlychristianmama)
@/godlychristianmama paid partnership with @/wallstyle4u
The Lord is so good! Our addition on our house was finally finished and it is so much more than we expected. At first I thought the contractors were just going to add one room, but they added a second floor to our house! It doesn't cover the entire length of the house, but we now have an additional two bedrooms and one more bathroom. I feel so blessed 🙏 I gave the contractors some simTerra samples as a tip 😄
Although the rooms are small, I pray we won't need any more updates to the house for a little while.
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(A/N: I'm not much of a builder so I know this house looks uneven now but I couldn't be bothered to build an entire second floor 😅)
Diana had been sleeping in our treadmill/office area, so we decided to let her move into one of these bigger rooms. I am so grateful for her everyday and her willingness to be a godly helpmeet! I will be so sad when the Lord allows her to meet the perfect husband.
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We decided to also move Zofiya upstairs. For now, Yvie is going to stay downstairs in the nursery, but once she's older she'll share a room with Zo again.
I am soooooo in love with the accent wall we got done in Zo's room! We got the wallpaper from WallStyle4U and it was so affordable and easy to order. Use my code VIOLET25 for 25% off your next order from them. Check out their simsta @/wallstyle4uofficial.
#wallstyle4upartner #godlychristianmama #bosschristianmama #trustthelord
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
(Violet's POV)
My dad is officially re-married. Her name is Mariam and although she's a lot younger than my dad, they seem to make a good match. I'm just happy he's happy, especially all that's happened in the last few years.
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Some people have asked if I attended the wedding and the answer is no - I did not. I love my dad and I always will, but he agreed to the divorce from my mom. I know it wasn't him who initiated it, but he didn't fight hard enough to stay with her and I can't condone a remarriage while his previous wife (my mother) is still alive.
News of Dad's wedding was hard for my mom to hear, but as I reminded her, she was the one who wanted their marriage to end and if she didn't want him marrying someone else she should have stayed with him. (A/N Violet's such a supportive daughter /s 🙄)
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
(Violet's POV)
As my due date approaches, Aaron and I decided it would be in our best interest to seek some assistance with the girls and general housework. I hoped my morning sickness would settle down the later my pregnancy went on but clearly that was not in the Lord's plan. I have been practically bedridden these last few weeks 😭 I was able to fight through it up until now, but it's clear we need some help.
Thankfully, my cousin Diana graduated from homeschool early and was willing to move in with us and help. Diana is one of my aunt Elena's daughters. She'll be turning 18 in a few months and has such a servant's heart!
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So far it's been amazing having her here. The girls love her and she's been getting along especially great with Yvie.
Aaron loves having her around too 😊. He practically sings her praises every chance he gets. I am grateful to the Lord for allowing this arrangement to work for now and I'm praying for a fast and safe delivery in the next few weeks!
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
(Violet's POV - simsta post)
#GRWM #LifeWithTheTalberts
Good morning, simsta fam! In today's reel you can follow along on my morning routine 🤗
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I do my makeup early, before the girls wake up. It's so important for me to be beautiful for Aaron and to set a good example for my daughters.
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After that, I prepare breakfast! I try to make healthy options as often as possible. I want my girls to be slim & trim! I usually add some essential oils to their meals too.
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Yvie loooovess fruit! She's so adorable 💖
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I end the morning by lighting my essential oils and inhaling them deeply! It's so good for me and the baby and really helps invigorate me for the day. All oils are currently 15% off in my store. Use code SIMSTA15 to get an additional 15% off 😁🪔 #simterra #simterrapartner #girlboss #lovethelord #christianmama #oilymama
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are-they-all-sims · 1 year
(A/N: Thanks to the new 'story progression' for throwing in some twists in my game!)
(Violet's POV)
Hey simsta fam - I am so sorry I haven't been as active but we've suffered an unexpected loss in our family! My dear uncle Brennan drowned while he was out fishing with his son Derek! I could not believe it when I got the phone call from my mom. Uncle Brennan was so kind and always trying to make everyone laugh. My mom was particularly close to him as he was right ahead of her in the sibling line up and she lived with him for a good portion of her college years. His loss hurts but I know he's in the arms of Jesus!
The saddest part is him and my aunt Amelia just had a newborn baby! They thought the Lord had finished blessing them a while ago, especially since Aunt Amelia is in her mid-40s, but He is good and she had a baby girl just two weeks ago. We're praying so hard for her and the family. Thankfully, Derek is unmarried so he still lives at home. He's going to do his best to help provide for his mom and siblings. RIP Uncle Brennan! Until we meet again 😥💖
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In Loving Memory of Brennan Roger Flanagan, number 6 in the Flanagan line-up. He is predeceased by his father, Richard Flanagan. Brennan leaves behind his wife of over 20 years, Amelia, and their five children; Derek, Jasper(+ wife Dorothy), Sierra, Kaitlynn, and Elsa. He also leaves behind 7 grandchildren as well as many other loving family members. May he live eternally with our Lord.
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