#folson fam
xlebcmaslom 2 months
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penofwildfire 6 months
I gave Vinny siblings because I need him to be messaging them one day and be like "So I've kinda been seeing this guy..." and they're like "Ooh??? We didn't even know you were gay tell us about him!!!" And he just starts describing the worst man you've ever met. Like can you imagine if your cringefail brother told you he was dating a divorced dad several hundred times his own age with anger issues who showed up at his apartment one day and doesn't have a job and doesn't pay rent and his teen/adult son hates him and won't talk to him and he's been to jail and also your brother won't even say the guy's name but he swears he's actually a really sweet guy like he only broke the TV remote twice I promise he's a good boyfriend cuz I'd be like BRO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. DUMP HIS ASS.
Anyway Folson Family Propaganda 馃憤
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n 3 months
It would be funny as hell if Vinny and Min were like, distant cousins somehow, and there's this bigass family gathering where Vinny also decides to introduce his boyfriend aka Garmadon to everyone and well, the reaction you can guess. Then like half an hour goes where Vinny is trying to explain to his family how Garm is trying to change and is genuine ans all that but they are still not sure about it because Garmadon is just leaning into a wall and staring off into space (he's too nervous to talk to anyone), then someone mentions how the relatives from Two Moon village are running late and Garm hears that and comes up immediately like "did you say Two Moon village?" And then that second Min and her family come in with bears (they were a way of transport and also Min wanted to lol) and Min and Garm recognise each other and everyone is so confused on why they know each other until Min explains how Garm saved the village and all that and Vinny just looks at Garmadon amazed and also confused on why he never told about it (Garm didn't think it was necessary and did not know abt the connection) and then Min gets to know abt the realtionship and also the whole family realises that Garm has indeed changed for the better.
Did I say funny? I meant wholesome.
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xlebcmaslom 8 months
Vinny's parents :)
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And they are living in village that Garmadon captured in 8th season lol
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(Please forgive Kaori for smoking, she's just really worried)
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xlebcmaslom 17 days
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