#fondness for them y'know? so although bunny does have good intentions she may go a little overboard sometimes buttt not to the point-
brutalmasks · 5 months
How physically affectionate is your muse with their partner?
hello, hello, @vulpesse!! thank you so much for the ask :D it is VERY much appreciated, my friend, and i hope you've been having a great day so far <33 BUT OMG. i love this question, tbh. because now i can talk about how physical touch is actually one of bunny mask's love languages... especially when she's in a romantic relationship with someone. so if i were to put a number on how physically affectionate bunny is with her lover, then i would say about an eight, which i know is pretty darn high but in her opinion; being able to be intimate with someone to the point where you can constantly hold their hand and/or snuggle up to them is like heaven to her. and i think part of this might be due to the difference in temperatures between say, her and a human, if they were to find themselves in a relationship together — as although bunny mask does not run cold, she does have a lower resting temperature than humanity as a whole due to her nature as a spirit. like this may be a bit of a weird analogy, but stay with me here: imagine that feeling you get whenever you pull something out that just got done in the dryer and hold it to your skin. the amount of warmth that comes off of clothes in that situation is pretty high and thus, it usually feels pretty good whenever you touch it, right?
well, that same kind of logic applies to bunny mask, as she will quite literally compare her partner to a heater if the difference between their temperatures is drastic enough LOL. and so, if you were to ever get into a relationship with her, expect there to be lots of times where she will just curl up next to you with your skin touching / ask if you could cuddle with her. bunny mask also does this out of just a desire to be close to her partner and because she may, or may not be slightly mystified by them in a ' if i don't touch you right now, then i'm afraid you might disappear right before my very eyes, because you're so perfect. so i HAVE to do it ' kind of way haha. bunny in general is also a being that operates outside of social norms, so although it may seem odd to some, she is definitely the type to want to hold her lover's hand wherever they may go as i was talking about earlier. but of course, bunny mask would always try to take a step back from this if they seemed uncomfortable with this in any way. though bunny mask is certainly not one to shy away from PDA, so if the person that she is with is comfortable with it, she will absolutely do things like kiss them in different spots on their face whenever she feels as if she is just consumed by her love for them or will put her arm around their shoulder's / her head on their shoulder.
so, in summary, whenever bunny mask falls in love with someone and gets into a relationship with them — she usually falls HARD and would want to be as close to them as physically possible. plus, despite her having a humanlike anatomy herself, she just adores hearing her partner's heartbeat. so whenever they are just chilling in bed together, bunny mask would and could press her ear to their chest to hear it, granted that they are some sort of being with a heartbeat like hers. but anyhow, i hope this answered your question, my dear and thanks again for the ask! you are honestly a real one for sending it in :3 oh, OH, and one more thing. bunny mask has never really been hugged before, so i think that as soon as she discovers what a hug is, she will absolutely be diving in for one whenever she has really missed her partner + is experiencing any kind of strong emotion towards them tbh. so yeah,, i LOVE that for her, truthfully
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