#for YEARS when i didnt know i was aro i was a huge inclusionist for. yknow. obvious fucking reasons.
pinkseas · 3 months
every now and then i think abt aphobia just as something that Exists and it genuinely pisses me off so fucking much how fucking far up your own ass do you need your head to be shoved to try and claim being aro or ace or aroace isn't queer. how can you look at either of those things and not recognize them as queer how can you ostracize members of Your Own Fucking Community when their labels are none of your fucking business in the first place. we arent faking we arent stealing resources we arent trying to replace anything or anyone we arent doing any of the other bullshit terfs have claimed we are existing!!!!! and if you see our fucking EXISTENCE as a threat i dont know what to fucking tell you other than to get over it.
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