#for a show centred around the mind they sure hate knowledge smh
youbutstupid · 2 months
My favourite thing about Luke and Elle’s love for Reid’s infodumping is that they don’t love what he’s saying. They don’t necessarily find what he is saying interesting, they find the fact that knows it interesting, and this is something Reid barely gets.
Quite often when Reid shows his knowledge, he is faced with some form of negative reaction: ‘I’m sorry for asking’ ‘sorry I asked’ ‘where did you find this kid?’ ‘What kind of doctor are you?’ ‘You guessed. Is this guy actually a genius.’ This is not me hating on the characters who say these things at all, but I feel like it’s rare that the writers give us characters who love the fact that Reid just knows things.
Luke and Elle are a breath of fresh air because they (along with Hotch in 1x04) actually stop to think ‘wow, isn’t it amazing that this guy knows this stuff?’ They don’t see it as some weird or annoying personality trait of Reid’s, they genuinely smile when he talks and they compliment him and they are happy to be in his presence because of it, not in spite of it.
Reid spent his entire life being told that he was weird and nerdy and being bullied and outcasted because of it and Luke and Elle are the only characters who see this trait of his as something positive.
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all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Wanna One as Princes [Part 3]
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Before my school holidays come to an end today, this also marks the conclusion to this requested “Wanna One as Princes” series. :’) This is actually my first time attempting this kind of scenario writing due to the fact that I tend to write either full-on scenarios or simple categorisations with a rationale. Hence, thank you @theresnowarinbasingse for requesting and I really did have  a lot of fun writing this. :) For this time around, I had less of a “writer’s block” and hence ended up with a relatively long bullet list for the remaining members of the band. ^^;; Nevertheless, thank you all for your support and I wish you guys another happy reading experience for the third and final part to this series. :) 
PART 1: Yoon Jisung, Ha Sungwoon, Hwang Minhyun, Ong Seongwoo
PART 2: Kim Jaehwan, Kang Daniel, Park Jihoon, Park Woojin
Bae Jinyoung:
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Will definitely be mistaken for a scholar, tutor or an extremely young government official because his head is always in the books.
Even when he is walking around town, his head will be buried in a new book every 3 days.
Probably developed a skill of walking without bumping into people when he is too absorbed in the text.
Brings about an aura of gentleness and intelligence; all the ladies seem to take notice of him, especially with the way he looks and his decently tall height.
Gets flustered when people bow and greet him, but returns the greeting with a smile and a nod (which leads to a bunch of squealing girls behind him)
Has hidden spots in the city which only he knows of and they are extremely scenic; loves to go to those places to clear his mind and forget his worries for a while.
Also needs a personal bodyguard because of his tendency to wander to these scenic areas.
Always deep in thought thinking of new ways to improve the people’s lives and is pretty innovative.
Delivers without needing to be asked and this leads to a peaceful, hopeful and happy community that he takes care of.
Word will reach him on the success of his new project; if it works, he will smile to himself and heave a sigh of relief. If not, he will go down on site to find out a little bit more with a positive attitude and can be counted on to make the necessary improvements.
Has an extremely friendly relationship with his community and they would casually invite them to their houses for a chat over tea or even a meal.
Loves children and animals; tells the children interesting stories of all the books he has read and is always seen caring for the dog in the city centre.
Probably writes novels or children’s books when he is free under the alias “Prince”.
All in all, he is gentle, sweet, thoughtful and hardworking despite his young age, showing his maturity to be worthy of a prince.
Still, it is recommended not to fool around with this prince, because he is also capable of dismissing incompetent, lazy and untrustworthy officials.
A little clumsy with the sword as well but has a deadly affinity with unconventional weapons and probably has a better knowledge of poisons than actual swords.
Still tries his best anyway and forces himself to read a bit more into the history of swords to aid his appreciation.
His awkward and slightly nervous nature would definitely be brought into his love life, because of the response that he might get.
Prefers to observe first before striking up a casual (and awkward) conversation to get to know her better.
When he wants to tell her, he’ll probably go “Would you possibly, maybe, likely go out with me? Only if you want to of course!” before getting all red faced; probably said this looking at the floor smh.
Has to repeat it because she could not hear and he inwardly cringes as he tries again, only to be greeted back with a grateful smile and a shy kiss on his cheek.
 Lee Daehwi:
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Similar to Woojin, he would also be mistaken to be a young and innocent teenager who seems too pure in such a cruel world.
Looks too young for his own good; people have doubts about him.
Shocked when they find out that he is actually the true prince and soon start treating him with the respect he deserves.
Returns the greeting with an enthusiastic bow and a bright smile, confusing others because he bows lower than the people themselves when they greet him.
Full of hope, optimism and only sees the good in people; always seen with the brightest smile which definitely brightens up someone’s day when people see him.
Earned the nickname “Walking Sunshine”.
Definitely has a personal bodyguard because of his naive personality, making sure that he does not get into any sort of trouble.
The older people treat him like he’s their own son and often give him homemade snacks and sweets, or perhaps cook him a simple homecooked meal.
Always grateful and is a great listener, whether it’s to the elderly, teenagers his age, the adults or toddlers, and everyone has a friendly relation with him.
Will go back to the palace to see how problems can be solved and will discuss them with his officials with as much seriousness as he can muster.
Luckily, all his officials are level-headed and are free of corruption, realising that the prince has quite a bit to learn but give their input anyway to the best of their ability.
Will try his best to rectify any issues, from basic necessities to solving neighbourly conflicts.
Might not always work, but is always seeking new, efficient and effective ways by reading up on history, writings passed down by generals and society.
Recognised for his hard work and determination by his teachers, parents, government officials, friends and the community.
The community turns out to be relatively peaceful, grateful and hopeful too; mirroring exactly what they see from the prince.
Is often seen taking care of stray animals which lie around the palace grounds or joining the teenagers for a game of football to de-stress.
Sometimes, he wishes that he was not born in a royal family because of the many rules and the requirements and often turns to his eunuch for deep conversations about life and how to overcome his personal obstacles.
Sweet, kind, positive, resilient and has an appreciation for objects and trinkets hand made by the local people (or the Arts in general).
Does not like combat classes because he hates to be involved in conflict which might hurt others; still trains with a wooden sword until he is ready to take on a real one.
With his pure, naive and happy nature, he is probably bound to confess by accident.
When the girl does something such as being clueless about simple things or cracks a really bad joke, he would say, “Why do I like you again?”
Gets all surprised when he realised what he said and plays it off; hoping and praying that the girl would like him back. (of course she would omg he’s such a smol so why not)
Lai Guanlin:
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Possibly the youngest official prince that anyone has ever known and even the people are still surprised that he is their prince.
Might be young but is mature for his age and looks the part; extremely noticeable that he is a part of the royal family.
Doesn’t speak very much and occasionally nods in acknowledgement when people greet him, giving a small smile.
Extremely tall so no one really picks or doubts him in any way; looks confident in the way he carries himself and people look up to him (both literally and figuratively)
Usually finds out about the community’s issues from a lady who sells homemade snacks and sweets.
Treats him like he’s her own son too and he is always patronising her stall (he’s a young boy who loves treats like hers)
Gives some form of input but spends most of his time listening as he eats; a great listener to the people’s concerns and issues that they want to change.
Pretty well read and is a quick thinker; able to rectify issues in less than 3 days.
Everyone’s role model, especially for the sons in the community and they are encouraged to sign up for the examinations to become a government official.
Quick to spot incompetence, deception and possible hidden agendas so nobody dares to fool around under his watchful eye.
Only becomes a kid around children (whom he entertains physically) and animals (especially dogs) and shows his more childish side.
Usually found in the palace garden’s main pavilion doing his work and reading; finds his state of calm there.
Serious prince most of the time, but has his moments when he wishes that he could be like ordinary kids (but doesn’t show it)
Another perfect package and is one of the favourite students; good learner, caring personality, smart, appreciates the little things in life and is always willing to perfect his skills.
Adores his younger brother (ahem seonho ahem) and takes care of him extremely well.
The community follows after him; family-like, hard working and incredibly resilient because they can trust their royal family.
Does not really have any sentiments towards combat classes but he just sees it as something that is absolutely necessary if he wants to become a strong and dependable prince for his people.
Not exactly the best when it comes to handling weapons but practices tirelessly under the guidance of his palace guards and sensei.
When it comes to the girl he likes, it will probably be one of those normal confessions (because he is young and does not know very much apart from being completely honest).
Would be quiet and lowkey, but would show more of his inner self i.e. smiling more, opening up and just being at ease for once.
When he’s comfortable, he will ask the girl first because to him, it is less scary that way and he would be able to better judge his reactions depending on the answer.
If she says yes, he will smile extremely brightly and go, “Great, because I like you a lot too.” and if not (why would you do that to such a puppy), he will just nod and move on eventually with a mature mindset.
And with that, I have officially come to the end of this series! ^^ Once again, I would like to thank you all for keeping up with the series and actually having the patience to read through this entire imagine. :) Honestly, I never expected to get that much attention from this blog, considering how many other great Produce 101/ Wanna One blogs there are out there. Now, I stand at a total of 455 notes across 30 posts and 89 followers strong! ^^ Thank you for all your support once again and I don’t know where I would be without you guys leaving your notes and reblogs. :) They might seem small, but they sure make an impact on the writer. :) 
Finally, as for requests. I will be taking them in all the way until Sunday, 1st July 2017. To request, simply head over to drop them via messaging or my ask box if you would like to see more of these “Wanna One as ______” posts! ^^ Hope to see you guys there soon and I hope you guys have had a fun time so far imagining the boys in royal garments as princes in an alternate universe. :) 
Goodbye for now and see you guys again soon with more requests! ^^ 
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