#for anyone curious jonas was the hardest to draw
gabitzart · 8 months
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The whole circus is here! 🎪
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just-lils · 6 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by @jedifish81 and @graciecatfamilyband last Saturday. Sorry it took me so long to answer these. 
GCFB’s questions:
1. Do you drink tea, and if so, what is your favorite kind?
TEA!! I am completely worthless without my cup of Irish Breakfast in the morning. I like most black, white and fruit teas, but I will not drink green tea. Bleh.
2. If you were Leia, after ROTJ, would you train with Luke to become a Jedi, or stick to politics? Why?  
Dude, if I was Leia, I’d have died just outside my prison cell in ANH. I’m not nearly as gutsy and resourceful as she is. If by some miracle I survived post-ROTJ, I’d probably do both. I think it would be useful to learn to control the Force- both so that I don’t lose control accidentally and meditation techniques might prove useful. I don’t know if I could leave politics behind completely, but I wouldn’t be gunning for the top job. I’d like to represent the Alderaanian people in some capacity in the New Republic.
3. What musical album would you recommend to a friend?
Maybe Cursive’s ‘Ugly Organ’.......but.....I’d rather make you a mix tape.
4. Which part of a cat is more beautiful: their whiskers or their beanie toes? (You have to pick one. No both, or neither, or other body part will be accepted!)
BEANIE TOES!!!! Paws down, beanie toes. I like to see my cat flex his little feet at me.
5. What is the plot of a fanfic you’ve always wanted to write but probably never will (or won’t for a very, very long time)? (Alternatively: Fannish daydreams that you don’t want to write down.)
It’s a secret!
6. What is your favorite number? Any particular reason?
42. I’m lame. The reason is I’m lame. I love the Hitchhikers Guide.
7. What would you tell a person new to Tumblr and/or fandom? 
We’re all mad here. No, wait.... a) Don’t be afraid to reach out to that artist/writer you love. They aren’t scary. We’re all a bunch of nerds who like the same stuff, so they would probably really like it if you wanted to ask them questions about their work. You might probably make some new friends. 
b) If reblog something, be sure to credit the creator!
8. What’s the hardest thing you did this week?
Remain breathing. At the risk of bringing down the room, I had a really bad bout of depression for the last 2 weeks or so. It’s been hard to function. 
9. Favorite sitcom?
Parks and Rec.
10. What are you most looking forward to in 2018?
My new lab opens in July. Some of the laboratories in Pathology Department are moving buildings and Microbiology is getting a brand new lab with Total Lab Automation Line (that is a BIG FUCKING DEAL). I also helped design the space and will be doing the programming AND helping with the validation of the instrument. YAY!
I’m also going to take a watercolor class. Because I wanna.
11. One thing you’ve always wanted your followers to know about you but thought you’d never get asked.
I’m practicing the art of making dumpster fires into home heating units. 
Fish’s questions:
1. Fic recommendations? Why?
This is hard. I have SO many favorites that I love for a myriad of reasons. If I could recommend just two, I would recommend New Hope, Indiana by @cicatrick and The Incident by @corellian-smuggler. I had been pretty new to SW fic when those were first posted and I remember reading them and my mind being absolutely blown. They completely changed my mind about what fanfic was and what it could be. Truthfully, I had always been dismissive of fanfic in the past. I never found anything that grabbed (or held) my attention in my old fandom and now I can’t get enough. Y’all are such a talented bunch!
2. Favorite song and why?
My favorite song changes pretty constantly. Current favorites include: “Do you feel it” by Chaos Chaos (because I’m an emo pile of garbage) and The Lumineers cover of “This Must Be The Place” (who also likes cellos).
3. Favorite headcanon/fanon? Why?
I don’t know as I have a favorite but I do have a least favorite: Leia getting raped. Like, at any point, be it on the Death Star or at Jabba’s. I like how people have handled the aftermath of that head canon if it is theirs, but personally I can’t do stories that feature sexual violence.
4. Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given. 
They aren’t mistakes; they’re learning opportunities. 
5. Dream job. Why?
Pastry chef! Because I like to make things for people. I’m not great at words (speaking them or writing them) but nothing says “Hey, you’re rad.” like a homemade cookie/pie/cake. 
6. If you could time travel, when would you go? What would you change? Why?
Interesting question. I can’t answer that, because I wouldn’t travel further back than the 1960s or 70s. I need women’s rights and modern(ish) medicine. I can’t think of anything that I’d change- mostly because I don’t think I’d be able to change anything. If I could change things by fiat, then...stopping the widespread use of chlorofluorocarbons......i guess.
7. Favorite gift anyone has ever given you? Why?
On my first birthday that my husband and I were together, he made me a little book of doodles with a small gift (a sticker, a belt buckle) attached to each page. The cover was a drawing of a penguin doing science. I have never taken it apart- it has a lot of sentimental value.
8. Do you like toast? What’s your favorite? (I love toast and am curious). 
It’s not my favorite breakfast food, but I do like it. I love toast and peanut butter, especially if I’m sick.
9. If you could as anyone a question, who would you ask? What’s the question? Why?
I can’t think of an interesting question for just one person. I’d want to pester Jonas Salk about vaccines and virology, bother Neil DeGrasse Tyson about gravitational waves, and give Hedy Lamarr ALL THE HIGHFIVES!
10. Favorite place. Why?
Mmmm...either Huron National Park in Michigan (where I went camping as a kid), Smoky Mountain National Park (also a great place to backpack/camp) or Ireland (because it’s just beautiful and full of nice people, good music/food, and SHEEP).
11. Neverending Story or The Last Unicorn or both. Why?
.........I’ve not seen either of these. Neverending Story is the one with the Dog-dragon thing, right?
Thanks for asking me things, guys! Sadly, I lack the mental fortitude to come up with questions, much less tag people. My brain is a scrambled egg. I’m sorry.
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