#for anyone who isn't nikka who reads this miko is nikka's oc for this if the one romancing e <3
beyondthegame · 1 year
you got me SOOO obsessed with e 😭 can i please ask for some music facts about them? thank you <3
Ooo, yes!
E discovered their writing talent before their singing talent, so they originally thought ‘okay, I’ll be a songwriter’.
^ All until one day they were at their friend’s birthday party. The live music booked for it got sick and didn’t turn up so E stepped in — and boom, found their singing talent.
They have multiple notebooks full of songs written, they even have the first shitty one they started working in.
E also dates when they start working on songs.
Genre: pop, RnB, a bit of dance. They’re a very emotive artist so they’d love to sing a ballad at some point… their label isn’t keen on that last idea.
Has a bass guitar named Rebel and an acoustic guitar named Rae. Also named their grand piano Forte <- (yes, E is a softie)
They like adding Spanish lyrics to some of their songs.
E realllyyy wants one of their tracks to be on a movie soundtrack.
When they’re on tour, their team: dancers, backing singers, technicians, catering, band etc. always have the best stuff to say about how lovely, caring and inclusive E is… but of course the media love painting them out as a diva.
Anndd of courseee, they want the pinnacle, E wants a Grammy. They’ll take a Brit Award but… y’know, GRAMMY!
under the cut for my Maxine Taylor x E brainrot, because I am down BAD uggh
Pre-Beyond the Game:
I totally headcanon that E approached Second Coming and thought ‘I like them… I like HER!’ and was like super respectful about the approach, slid in the dms, met face to face a few times, became acquaintances and was completely honest from the beginning about wanting to work with Maxine.
Maxine & E got each other’s numbers, they started texting and whatever and picked a date to go to the studio. Maxine strolls in, freshly dyed red hair and says ‘go on, what are your thoughts? tell me what you want’ *insert innuendo from E here*
E eventually gets serious & says that the media has been on their ass and they’re pretty much sick of it, especially since they’re usually depicted as only a model with no talent.
And I feel like Max loosely relates in a sense where she knows that the media is always going to have an opinion on you, and I think she handles this aspect of fame better than E but y'know... it's gonna sting sometimes.
Thus, the two of them talking about their dislike for certain aspects of their careers and the media — this then caused the creation and birth of Heartless.
I feel like Heartless had a good idea behind, obviously two talented artists ready to work on it, and it ended up taking some long ass months to finish and get perfect.
Month 5: I just imagine the two of them in the studio, a little tired, well past midnight, something isn't quite going right with the song, they've ordered takeout to relax and they're talking about stuff that they wouldn't usually tell anyone... if feelings are getting caught, it's right hereee.
^ Like they're looking at each other with hooded eyes and they just knoww that, not that it's necessarily a bad idea for them to kiss/catch feelings, but they both have 'thoughts' about relationships as a whole, and their partnership was one they walked into without even thinking about anything other than music... definitely leaving whether they kissed/did anything more up to you nikka
Fast-forward: Heartless is out into the world, gets nominated for an award and the single holds such a special place in E's heart. Definitely solidified Max and E's friendship, like E adores her.
I feel like they regularly keep in contact too — calls, texts, FaceTimes, chatting shit about the media as usual. E will always want to know how Second Coming's doing. E definitely invites them to tour with them.
Alsooo, headcanon that E has literally written a song about Max: just how grateful they are for their friendship with her, how you can find a person who is such a diamond in this industry etc... but that song is never seeing daylight asdfghjkl (shy E! for once)
Beyond The Game:
E texts Maxine like 'hey, got hospitality tickets to this football game... wanna come with??'
Hospitality seats at football stadiums are soo nice, like you're inside and you can watch through a window or watch on tv and you have the best food, alcohol, and you're rubbing shoulders with other celebs that are there.
Soo, Max and E would get pictured together and they'd probably laugh about it.
Whilst they're watching the game, Max would probably say 'oh, she's cute/hot' and she's talking about Miko. Miko then scores a goal. Maxine: 'very hot'.
^ This would then get E smiling a little...
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