#for context Ansi is going through a narc crash
spidey-bie · 7 months
"Some days I wake up and think, what if I'm not as great as I thought I was? What if all this time people have been lying to my face while laughing at my behind my back." 
She turned to look at him desperately searching his face for a confirmation of her fears. 
"I think I'd rather die than be imperfect." 
With each sentence her breathing had becomes more labored. He couldn't risk Ansi facing an asthma attack while undergoing a crash. 
"Sisi where's your inhaler?"
"What if I'm not perfect?"
She ignored him and continued on with her delusions.
"What if all this time it's just been dumb luck? What if all these years that I've spent slaving away to be who I am now were meaningless." 
He was spiraling now. There wasn't much that Hobie could say to get through to him at this point. He could only sit and ride through storm.
-Excerpt From a Story I'm in the Middle Of
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