#for making sure theres menstruation products in our house....
treesbian · 5 months
the combination of lesbionic misandry and my hormone cycle is making me so so pissed at my dad for sometimes no reason at all. but sometimes yes reasons. yesterday i was making dinner and one of the cats was bugging me so i was yelling at it to go away so i can cook and he just shouts, full volume "YOURE GONNA HAVE TO BE VIOLENT WITH THE CAT YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO HIT IT." first thing he says to me after he gets home from work btw. and then acted like EYE was weird for going "no???" and oh that pissed me off so bad. and then just now I am literally in the kitchen starting dinner and he says to mom "guess (they're) not making dinner then..." and mom had to tell him like no i got a late start on it but i'm doing it. so those are yes reasons he's pissing me off. and sometimes i'll get annoyed at him for literally just standing somewhere and sighing. what the fuck are you so disappointed about bitch. explodes you with my mind.
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deardeera · 3 years
oh! pregnancy!
My friends, my peers, on my way to my 36th week of pregnancy, im getting more anxious, excited, and felt all that jazz all over my body. instead of bringing negativity somewhere else, let me just write all my rants, experience, and even tips and recommendations here!
As an Indonesian-newly wed, the question will be “udah isi belum” for months and months ahead. Be ready, be not too salty because it’s tradition (i guess), a tradition that I. and most of our generation starting to get rid of. My response was easy, all smiley and still trying to be polite, but at times I got sad too. After three months of my wedding, I started to cry everytime my period comes :/ dont get me wrong. i want to get preggo not just because the pressure but my husband and I wanted kids too. I browsed through internet and do some tips, like both of us start consuming vitamin E (I use natur e & ever e), a more healthy lifestyle (we really tried our best to dodge junkfood), and the most important is to do the pembuahan when I am in my fertile time. To know my fertile time is not easy either, I take fertility test (it’s shaped like testpack) every morning and nigh, three days after my menstruation is done. It’s very hard to be consistent but I do this anyways. Sometimes I slack off too, but I think this is the best way to know your fertile time if your cycle every month is always changing like me. And Alhamdulillah, I have my baby on me!! It was magical, surreal, and unbelievable..
When I first found out I was pregnant, I kept it to myself, i still not believe what i saw until i test with another testpack. It’s clear, it’s two bold lines. And I prepared myself to talk to my husband, of course with a lil surprise and not to forget to record his reaction ~ (IT’S PRICELESS... TRUST ME YOU SHOULD DO THIS TOO). And after all the happy tears we should make sure everything is in there, on my belly, alive, breathing, and healthy. We decided to go to RS Hermina Galaxy, to dr. Wulandari (by my in law’s recommendation) and everything went well. I found out I was in my 6th week and there’s this little precious human on my womb. 
After my second visit to RS Hermina, I decided to stop and move to Halobayi Bekasi (Nadya Medical Centre) with dr. Riene. Halobayi provides 4D USG in such reasonable price, at first me and my husband didnt really expect anything because 250.000? for a 4D USG? dudee? but we were wrong. the doctor is super duper nice to us, new parents, she explained everything soooo well and detailed, and didnt seem to rush us, she also answers all of the questions we have. So up until now, I stick with Halobayi and dr. Riene for my my 4D USG every month. There is plenty of doctor choice too, and besides Halobayi, there’s halobumil, intipbuahhati, that provides super worth 4D USG if you didnt want to go to RSIA. Just dive into their social media and see the reviews!
Trust me, Ive been there... for the first three months i stopped ALL of my skincare (and really i just washed my face and sometimes apply sunblock if i must go outside). But after that three months i felt my skin is very dull looking... theres dry patches everywhere... i look kuyu and not fresh... sis this is not what we want right?!! we should be a sharp lookin preggo women... then i did my research and tried zhofira.. it’s a skincare brand by selebgram i guess, i havent heard any bit of the owner nor the products. but the review?? is very intriguing so i tried their toner and serum, it’s surprisingly good! i felt my skin lighter, and very well hydrated. it’s more than enough for me. for good two months i used them up alongside with Sensatia Botanicals Unscented Soapless Face Cleanser omg did i spell it right... and I love the result. 
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but the serum’s bottle and its consistency annoy me v much so i started to research another serum... Then it comes to my new routine for the past two months I think??? and I changed my facial wash to Jarte Beauty & Sukin Original face wash. I like them both but i think Sensatia face cleanser is still my number one!!!! anyways this routine do pretty good job to my face, it’s nice, plumpy, hydrated and brighten my face a little (it’s the somethinc i believe!) and I am comfortable with them maybe for a long time i wish!
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I thought.... just my thought only... I wouldnt get stretch marks because I started using bio oil in my 4th months. BUT I WAS WRONG -- they really comes suddenly at my 7th months, and now it becomes super bold lines around my belly, under my belly, on my thighs, buttsss.. I was so shocked but I think it’s because i’m petite and my skin is not prepared to get ~this~ stretchy... First i used bio oil, but lately... because it gets very, very itchy i tried using herborist zaitun oil and it works well too. I didnt hesitate to use it much because it’s cheaper than bio oil lmao.. the most important is my skin isnt dry so if they becomes bigger the marks would minimalized (i wish :p) but dont worry... it’s normal!!! i get insecure sometimes but my husband is supportive enough to convince me that i look beautiful, that he will love me for everything that i am. ahaha.
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Stay fit and active is a must.. from 20 weeks i went to yoga class in Nadya Medical Centre once a week until now, i think i slack off for like 3-4 times but I tried do do yoga at home too. Bidan Kita and Kriwilife is my go to channel. But i think it’s veerry important to follow a yoga class with bidan first, so that you could feel confident doing any movements you see on youtube. Besides yoga, walking is another recommendations from so many people. but for this one I still got so lazy at morning (if you’re 30weeks above your sleep cycle wouldnt be the same). But i tried to make it up with walking inside the house or on the treadmill aha.
my dear, i got you. as someone who’s in her life being small at any aspect of the body, I really am shocked by the size i have become right now lol... I tried couple of underwear (panties and bras) to see what i really like. turns out i really like these brands! for panties i use CD Maternity Mamabel (aquoshop on shopee), and Sorex 1128 Maternity Panty (i buy it offline but there’s a lot on shopee too). these two are comfortable and didnt push your womb, the karet is superrr big and with the mamabel ones you could adjust them. For the bras, I really love Sorex 8200. IT’S WHAT I NEED... it’s comfortable, holding your boobies well. the karet is not annoying (you can just add the bra extender if you felt like it’s not enough) and it’s super soooftt. I bought them at cherrybabykidsshop on shopee. I have four of them lmao im obsessed. AND.. if you like to do yoga or you’re comfortable with leggings, maternity legging by sorex is also super recommended. they’re super stretchy and suit for any activities. By this time i sound like sorex’s marketing huh. but they really made such nice quality products.....
So I think that’s on thhat... I wish every one of you reading my post until the end be given with health, and happiness always. And I hope I did help you in a way tho! Feel free to ask me things (~^,^)~
Love always, MSH <3
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