#for me it's love is a laserquest by arctic monkeys i dont think my soul could survive w out listening to this song
menlove · 4 months
hey u should all reblog with your All Time Favorite Song in the tags. like the one song u would hope to have burned onto a cd if the apocalypse happened tomorrow and u had no other access to any other music for the rest of ur life
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pavlovers · 6 years
tagged by my fave @britneyshakespeare, thank youuu
Rules: Pick ten artists you like before answering these questions & tag some people
1. fall out boy
2. blur
3. arctic monkeys
4. gorillaz
5. panic at the disco
6. paramore
7. radiohead
8. the 1975
9. the killers
10. the strokes
What was the first song you heard by six (paramore): 
gosh i dont remember,, i might have heard misery business/decode when i spent my 8 year old days watching random music videos on my dad’s old first gen ipod, but i dont have a clear cut memory of that per say so it could have also been aint it fun/still into you playing on the radio when i was 11. as for the first song that really got me into them, it was ignorance. 
What is your favorite song by eight (the 1975): 
that would be settle down, and it’s always been settle down, and i cant really explain why. it’s just a song that im never not in the mood for i guess, and it’s always stood out to me as just one of their grooviest songs. 
What kind of impact has one (fall out boy) left on you:
god... i cant say enough about what fob has done for me. this is all gonna sound terribly cheesy but if it wasn’t for fob being the first band i fell madly in love with, i wouldnt be the dumb nerd listening to all the varied stuff i listen to nowadays. throughout some of the darkest periods of my life, i poured my heart and soul into loving them, and man did that get me through a lot. and i cant help but think of that one textpost that said something along the lines of how much patrick’s voice feels like home, and god is that so true for me, to this day, no matter how many artists i discover and love, nothing’s ever gonna woo me harder than that man’s voice. seriously, initially it’s always a bit hard for me to outright dislike a fall out boy song, because no matter what weird/dumb/downright awful sounding sonic lane fob decides they want to fling themselves down, there’s always going to be patrick’s voice floating above it all. and i guess that’s just a testament to how much of a constant comfort they’ve been in my life for the past four to five years, and i cant really picture them going away anytime soon. 
What are your favorite lyrics by five (panic at the disco):
oh boyyyyy,, gosh im terribly lazy and dont have the energy to find em all right now so im just gonna nominate the entirety of build god, then we’ll talk because holy shit is that not a gorgeously written intriguing narrative or what. hats off to you mr ross seriously. 
 How many times have you seen four (gorillaz) live:
once, last july in boston and it was so so much fun, i’d die to relive it. 
Favorite song by seven (radiohead):
 fuck i gotta choose just one??? uhhhhhh i guess i’ll shout out subterranean homesick alien. ever since i first heard ok computer it’s always been a comfort song for me, i just love the spacey beautiful atmosphere it creates w jonny’s sweet sweet guitar
Are there any songs by three (arctic monkeys) that make you sad:
uh well despair in the departure lounge is pretty depressing, and ive cried to 505 before i guess if that counts, love is a laserquest is also pretty sad, and i guess you could argue do me a favour...uhh that’s it i think... i mean the monkeys can be slower and reflective at times but not a lot of their songs give off a particularly sad vibe y’know...maybe a bleak vibe, or maybe a frustrated vibe but not a sad one per say. 
What is your favorite song by nine (the killers)
mr brightside
uh no seriously i’d think it would have to come down to either all these things that i’ve done or believe me natalie. all of these things that i’ve done is such a timeless and beautifully crafted anthem, and believe me natalie has such a wondrous freeing sense about it, i’ve got such good road trip memories associated with it. 
How did you first get into two (blur):
well i was a pretty big fan of gorillaz first and im guessing you can put two and two together. honestly i was pretty hesitant of them for a while until i heard for tomorrow and somehow that changed my mind.
What’s your favorite album by ten (the strokes):
 hmm i think it’s a solid tie between their first two albums (is this it and room on fire) because they’re both flawless masterpieces, and while i enjoy pretty much all their albums, im such a sucker for their classic garage rock sound ughh
i’ll tag @achingroses @bonamorrissey @parkliferobyn @teara-cotta @rosecoloredvan and @soulmatescoexist if they want to do this
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