king-of-kings1 · 4 months
Just love these two together
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Arthur and Ashara Dayne 💫
Commission for the lovely @troiades ! Such a joy to work with and I'm so happy I got to draw these two together💕!
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king-of-kings1 · 9 months
It was not a retcon by George per se but rather a stupid writing decision of the show runners, just like the Rhaenys interrupting Aegon's coronation scene. Both were inventions of the the show runners and they did it so badly that it was so inconsistent. According to the show the prophecy was shared from a Targaryen ruler to his direct heir and that heir alone. If that were true then how did Viserys come to know about it. Viserys himself became the heir as a result of a Great Council. If we assume that Jaehaerys told him then who told Jaehaerys, he who was the youngest son of Aenys Targaryen. Aenys' sons were all murdered by Maegor before any of them could have shared it with Jaehaerys who was nowhere near the inheritance line before they were killed.
now TG is complaining because apparently George created aegon's prophecy out of nowhere lol that he NEVER said that aegon the conqueror was a dragon dreamer, that george is retconning things I even had to read that this is some kind of "targaryen propaganda" lol
go complain to george, it's not our fault he's trying to fix the shit he did with the targs lol
TG stans are full of bullshit.
I love the concept of the Conqueror’s prophesy and the way it was introduced in HotD was beautiful. It adds to the magic of House Targaryen (one of the things which makes it my favorite House in the Asoiaf world).
The fact that this was completely GRRM’s idea and not the showrunners’, makes it canon. Just because certain things about Aegon the Conqueror weren’t added in the books, that doesn’t mean that George retconned something. It’s absurd. It’s not like he specified that Aegon wasn’t a dreamer and then changed it up for the show. He is clearly NOT contradicting himself. He just ADDED something of interest for House Targaryen.
What I love about the prophesy is that it kind of keeps us guessing to whom it is referring to. If we go by book canon, so far, « the Prince that was promised » is definitely Daenerys (who is Rhaenyra’s direct descendant). If we go by show canon, then it is definitely Jon Snow (son of Rhaegar Targaryen, and direct descendant of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen).
Either way, it is Rhaenyra’s line who fulfills the prophesy. Even in GOT S8, just because (by some extremely bad writing), Arya is the one that ended up killing the Night King, the army of the living would have never been able to defeat the army of the dead without Daenerys’ dragons or Jon’s knowledge/fighting skills.
What is more than evident is the jealousy and anger that TG stans display towards how the Conqueror’s prophesy validates Rhaenyra’s reign, and makes her the founder of the bloodline which would one day create the « chosen one » (whereas the “green abomination” is nothing but a creation of the Hightowers with the single purpose of helping them rule over the Seven Kingdoms themselves - a failed attempt with a weak bloodline that eventually ended).
The only thing I have to say to them is: Get with the program! Rhaenyra and Daemon’s bloodline is obviously the legitimate one and the future of House Targaryen. The show is only trying to make it even more evident than the books did. Get over it!
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king-of-kings1 · 9 months
Yeah, let's talk about the 'accomplishments' of Sunfyre. Basically his accomplishments were accomplishments, something not other dragons seem to have. Sunfyre has the highest kill count of any Targaryen dragon. He fought Meleys and at no point do the books say that Meleys was ripping Sunfyre apart, only that after a healthy amount of fighting Meleys managed to get ahold of his neck, but her bite barely did any damage as there was visibly no damage around his neck. Meleys was decades older than him but she still couldn't defeat Sunfyre, a far more younger and smaller dragon than him. Then he managed to come out of the fight alive despite the carnage caused by Vhagar, while Meleys died.
Then Rhaenyra's army foolishly thought they could kill the downed dragon only Sunfyre made a mincemeat of that army, made up of trained soldiers and knights. Meanwhile Syrax was killed by peasants with pitchforks after killing Joffrey Velaryon all the while she was fresh and healthy. If you think Syrax is getting anywhere close near Sunfyre you must be deluding yourself. Syrax did participate in battle and she died in her very first battle. The fact that Sunfyre, one of the most important Targaryen dragons didn't die in a civil war which eradicated the dragons should tell you his worth and why people like him.
And about the fight against Grey Ghost, no one says who picked that fight. Sunfyre was at that point still injured and unable to fly freely. It was highly unlikely that he went and picked up a fight with a healthy, older wild dragon.
Lastly Moondancer... If you picked up a fight against a crippled veteran only to get knocked out on your ass it means you are a complete joke. Maybe that's why readers make fun of Moondancer and Baela. I don't know.
People like Sunfyre because he is a survivor and a fighter, sorta like Rocky Balboa. And he is extremely loyal to his rider. I have read all the books and I have not seen a healthier bond between a dragon and a rider than the one Aegon and Sunfyre had. The great golden dragon or chicken as you called him, still managed to feel Aegon's presence in Dragonstone, went to him battled his last foes and ultimately vanquished the head of the other faction. That's what makes Sunfyre so likeable and most root for him, compared to other dragons who unfortunately lack the personality that Sunfyre has.
Let’s talk a little bit about the dragon TG stans don’t seem shut up about: Sunfyre, or as Mushroom calls him, "a great golden fire-breathing chicken" (love that).
TG stans love to make comparisons between him and our lady, Syrax, for some reason (actually, we know the reason. Because everything belonging or related to Rhaenyra is terrible in their eyes).
Let’s talk about the “great war accomplishments” of the golden chicken then:
1. At the Battle of Rook’s Rest, he was almost ripped to pieces by Meleys. If Aemond hadn’t shown up with Vhagar, Sunfyre would have died right there.
2. He attacked and killed the weakest and most innocent of all wild dragons, Grey Ghost. The white dragon was known to be peaceful, a loner, and he spent his life hiding from both humans and dragons. I personally despise Sunfyre for this reason alone. Killing a poor defenseless dragon who never did anyone any harm and just wanted to live peacefully.
3. His final battle against Moondancer, a dragon much younger and smaller than him. He managed to kill Moondancer (*gasp* Wow!) but not before Moondancer inflicted on him some pretty fatal wounds, which had him meet his demise. How embarrassing…
So what exactly makes this guy so special?
That he sat on his ass, obeyed a command and engulfed a person in flames? Wooooow. How many dragons can do that, I wonder?
Basically, what Sunfyre confirmed throughout this Dance is that on a one-on-one battle with a dragon his own size, he ends up the loser. A golden “beauty” and that’s about it.
Now let us discuss my lady, Syrax. She didn’t participate in any battles during the Dance. Not by her choice, of course.
Rhaenyra suffered a terrible miscarriage, as many green stans tend to ignore. It takes like 2-3 months to recover from a miscarriage, depending on the person. Her Maester clearly advised her not to ride her dragon, so that she may physically recover, and that’s just what she did.
Since Syrax didn’t participate in any battles, we cannot judge her abilities because we don’t know them. Syrax was inexperienced in battle, just as many dragons in the Dance had been, but she hatched in Rhaenyra’s cradle and has been by her side always. She is clearly highly protective, and regardless of her spoiled nature, when push comes to shove, you can bet your life that she would have fought for Rhaenyra until the end.
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And because of that, I can honestly say, that on a one-on-one with Sunfyre, Syrax would have had a pretty good chance to defeat him (she was older and bigger).
So all the TG comments about how Syrax was useless throughout the Battle (as if it is her fault) are getting pretty old. Helaena’s Dreamfyre was just as useless but I don’t see you lot talking about her.
And don’t even get me started on the whole Syrax killed Joffrey!!??? What exactly have these guys been smoking?
It is a known fact dragons will never accept anyone riding them except their actual riders. In Joffrey’s desperation to save the dragons from the Dragonpit, he made the grave error of mounting a dragon which did not belong to him. As such, Syrax took off in the sky and shook him off. It was the mob that killed Joffrey, not Syrax.
So all the shots taken at my Lady Syrax are unfounded.
Focus on your golden goose/chicken’s failures, y’all! (Sunfyre is never even mentioned in Asoiaf, whereas Syrax is).
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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Barycz Valley, Poland by Jakub Wencek
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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Murzasichle, Poland by folkowachata
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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Warsaw, Poland 
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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by saviourmifsud
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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There’s 1 Day Til Christmas!
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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A few of the more creative spellings of Christmas I’ve come across while looking for Dear Santa letters in old newspapers this year.
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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I just think she’s beautiful
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
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“In Dorne, she walked among vipers and none would bite her.”
Elia Martell~
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
No man has an obligation to babysit for their own children but decent men actually do and do go chasing after some other woman before your mother could change your soiled swaddling clothes. So if a guy leaves his wife and children in some old dreary family mansion with enough servants and goes off to spend the weekend in Hawaii with his side piece it's obviously something of admirable quality according to you. Wonderful work on speaking about the rights of women btw. Just wonderful.
Not at all even by his own words. Here's Rhaegar's last line which he uttered to Jaime before he got his breastplate stretched.
Prince Rhaegar shook his head. "My royal sire fears your father more than he does our cousin Robert. He wants you close, so Lord Tywin cannot harm him. I dare not take that crutch away from him at such an hour." AFFC Chapter-8
Brandon came calling for come out and die. The prince is not above law as evidenced by Baelor Breakspear who was the original King who never Was, not the useless Rhaegar during Duncan's trial. Rhaegar had committed a crime and Brandon came demanding justice. And he was given the dragon's justice, just like the one Dany gave to Hazzea's father.
Yeah, sure the Second Dance of the Dragons would have happened, might have happened, must have happened. You can have all those theories in your fanfiction but the fact of the matter is that the realm was at peace even with Mad King Aerys' on the throne until Rhaegar threw cowpie at it.
the way dany talks about what quality a true king should posses and then gets disgusted at jorah bringing up robert AND THE NEXT PERSON MENTIONED IS RHAEGAR, it’s like grrm makes sure we all catch the reference here, the king who should’ve been as opposed to the one who ended up on the throne
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
Yeah, there was definitely justice in abandoning your newborn son and half alive wife, taking a girl out of her family's grasp and keeping her locked in some random tower and then coming back to fight for your mad dad who murdered two innocent men brutally. Like I don't know whether you don't know the meaning or I don't. Also yeah, plunging a peaceful realm into a bloody war for your selfish reasons is a desirable trait to have in a King. Absolute bonkers.
the way dany talks about what quality a true king should posses and then gets disgusted at jorah bringing up robert AND THE NEXT PERSON MENTIONED IS RHAEGAR, it’s like grrm makes sure we all catch the reference here, the king who should’ve been as opposed to the one who ended up on the throne
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king-of-kings1 · 2 years
I mean have you read the books?
The candlelight woke fires in the rubies that decorated the bodice of Cersei's mourning dress as well. Her hair fell to her shoulders, undressed and unkempt. "He killed him, Jaime. Just as he'd warned me. One day when I thought myself safe and happy he would turn my joy to ashes in my mouth, he said." ASOS Chapter-62
She wears the same black dress adorned with rubies for her son's funeral. Did she do it to spite Joffrey and represent her victory over her son as well?
Meanwhile there is actually an explicit mention of how Cersei plans to celebrate a funeral as a victory and not as a mourning and it definitely doesn't evoke anything about Rhaegar.
At least I will not be expected to don mourning for Tyrion. I shall dress in crimson silk and cloth-of-gold for that, and wear rubies in my hair. AFFC Chapter-7.
Obsessed with the idea of Cersei choosing to evoke Rhaegar's armour with her mourning dress (all black with red rubies), not only to spite Robert, but as a representation of her victory over him. She did what Rhaegar failed to do: smash Robert and come out victorious from her own Battle of the Trident. Legend behavior.
It's what Robert deserved!!!
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king-of-kings1 · 3 years
Draw Ned and Ashara from Harrenhal pls
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a redraw of sorts of this
thanks anon!
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king-of-kings1 · 3 years
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@rhaegxr / @vaedar / @darilarosart
So my beautiful and very talented Tati gave me this a few days ago and I am still crying over how beautiful my girl looks. Ashara is such a Dornish beauty
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king-of-kings1 · 3 years
N+A=J, Azor Ahai, and Dawn
Look, before you go and crucify me for presenting and actually believing this theory, just hear me out. I’m not here to convince you or bash on your theory, so please don’t do that with mine.
These are just my opinions and while proof for R+L is stronger and is probably what will happen in the books, I do think that people are missing out on the awesome potential for N+A.
This is not an attempt to prove it. There are people with more dedication and more time on their hands who have tried. I’m only here to discuss why I like this theory from a narrative standpoint better than R+L=J
TLDR: Jon is Azor Ahai and making him a Dayne gives him access to Dawn, cool warg magic, and the potential to be the Sword of the Morning, which I think is pretty sick.
So let’s go!
Keep reading
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