#for most of my life I actively wished they'd get a divorce and not be stuck in comfortable loneliness
xiyade · 2 years
okay I'm being mean again but I will never treat the "I'll be super depressed and probably commit suicide because of my parents' divorce" thing seriously. You're telling me you believed in love in marriage after the age of 5?? Grow the fuck up
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
1, 7, 8, 15, 16, 22, 28 for Caejose :D
Haufhawawawawawa,,,,divorce duo....
Ok this is getting long so like always I'm putting it under a read more
1. What's their love language?
Caesar's definitely a guy that expresses his love through words – though, mostly in a flowery, stereotypically romantic way that Joseph wouldn't be that pleased with. Dude comes from like the 1500s with how he approaches romance. I wouldn't be surprised if he writes poems and sings them to Joseph.
Joseph's definitely shows his love through actions. I feel that he'd be quite selfish, but would happily give stuff up for others if he cared about them enough. He also probably rants about things with people he cares about. Caesar would end up knowing a bunch of stuff he wouldn't know otherwise (and probably some stuff he wished he never knew, knowing the sort of person Joseph is. Anyways do you know that most reptiles have two–)
7. Who is the more romantic one?
Hmmm...neither? With Caesar he's too romantic to the point it wraps around to feeling forced and fake, he definitely hasn't been in any proper relationships, only hookups so he definitely doesn't know what to do outside of that fake front. And well. Joseph is Joseph and doesn't really care about being romantic. I feel like he'd try his best to be romantic (waking up earlier than Caesar to cook him breakfast and such, despite Not Being Able To Cook) but he'd be so cringefail flop about it that it just wouldn't be romantic. It'd be romantic to ME, but I am aware enough to know that most people don't have a thing for pathetic insane sopping wet men so (god I'm speaking like I'm not even aroace huh)
8. Do they have any favourite activities to do together?
I think that they'd still enjoy sparring together. As a person who beats the shit out of one of my friends specifically frequently and vice versa, I can confirm that it's very enjoyable to do with a friend! Idk if the whole romantic aspect would ruin that though. I also think they'd enjoy going out on nature walks and such, and appreciate nature. They'd definitely take it slow and savour their moments together. Seeing that they both nearly died against the Pillar Men, I feel that they'd gain a new appreciation for life, and a new appreciation for each other's presence.
15. Do they go on vacations together? Where is their favourite place to visit?
Ohhh they'd definitely go to Italy for holidays (there's no way Joseph would stay there all year round he is British. Way too hot for him. He prefers cold places). They'd visit Air Supplena Island too. Nobody uses it anymore, but it's still nostalgic to them. I think it'd be a yearly thing for them, maybe they go on the anniversary of them getting together?
16. What's their favourite "domestic bliss" moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Their favourite domestic bliss moment would definitely just be Existing Together. Maybe they're just chilling on the sofa watching TV, or cuddling up in bed together ready to go to sleep. Maybe Joseph's done some completely stupid thing and made a mess/hurt himself and they have to deal with the aftermath. Whatever it is, they really enjoy doing mundane, normal things with each other. It's much better than the whole thing they had going on with the threat of the Pillar Men looming over them. They just really love and appreciate mundane things people would gloss over after All That.
They do not cook together, because Caesar is not letting that pathetic excuse of a man into the kitchen. Maybe I'm biased because I don't like 99% of British cuisine (beans on toast is pretty good though. the eels too tbh) but Joseph would not be able to make a good meal. That mf would season with salt and pepper and leave it at that. Where's the garlic??? The onions???? This man will be the death of me (and Caesar, if he wasn't smart enough to not let Joseph cook).
They don't like to go shopping together. They definitely argue about what to get. They argue about a lot of things it's a wonder they're still together. I think they should get divorced. Though, if Joseph wants to go shopping on his own, Caesar usually convices him to let him go along as well. This is because Joseph will definitely buy a ton of stuff on impulse, because having ADHD does that to a guy. He's gotta have a wall to stop him from doing things on impulse or he's gonna like come back from IKEA with a million plushies and Swedish sweets and no furniture because he Forgot
22. How do they apologise after arguments?
Really, it depends on the argument. Little spats they can get over quite quickly. It's pretty much banter to them by this point. With bigger arguments, I think they'd end up apologising formally and then going about their day like nothing happened. Or, in other cases, try to get the last point in when they think it's simmered down enough and start it all back up again (that doesn't sound like a healthy relationship! How about they do themselves a favour and get divorced). And then there's the Massive arguments. Usually they'll try to make it back to the other, usually using the other person's love language. Joseph would tell Caesar how much he loves him and that the argument hasn't changed his feelings at all and that Caesar's the most important person in the world to him. Caesar might try make a little trinket or item (can you imagine him doing origami or clay sculpting. He'd be so cringeflop about it, spent all his time on the streets, hamon training or performing The Intercourse on women to practice doing stuff like that. Thinking about this does Caesar have an STD??? I feel that he might he doesn't seem like the type of guy to use protection. God I'm getting off track) to give to Joseph, or he might prompt Joseph to talk about the things he enjoys talking about. Though, seeing that Joseph has ADHD because I Decided This, Araki Make It Canon You Bastard, and ADHD can be A Massive Bitch, I wouldn't be surprised if Joseph got really upset sometimes over them. Like to the point he wouldn't bother to try make amends because he'd think it's pointless because This One is Definitely The Argument to End It All And God I've Ruined Our Relationship Forever. Maybe he wouldn't have this problem if they were both divorced. However that feeling of absolutely destroying the relationship would probably be exacerbated by the whole argument that happened before the Whammu fight so Yeah. Joseph's so cringeflop I need his head in my mouth
ANYWAYS I am falling off track once more, in those instances I think that Caesar would simply go and sit next to Joseph, and hug him if it was possible in that position. Just sorta remind him that it isn't his fault because Caesar is as much in the wrong as Joseph is, and that they have quite literally been through worse before and that they'll get through this argument easily. They'd watch a film or something afterwards, pretty much anything as long as it's something they're doing together. It's absolutely ridiculous how much they argue but at least in the end they can get over it like functional adults
28. What's something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing, accessory, etc.)?
I am going to bend canon a lil and say that Joseph still has the headband Caesar gave him before his presumed death (let's just go along and assume that he got badly hurt and maybe got hit by a lil rubble instead of the big rock) and that he keeps it in his pocket or smth at all times. If Joseph's upset/stressed and Caesar isn't there for whatever reason he'll take the headband out of his pocket and start fiddling with it, weaving it around his fingers and the sorts.
For Caesar, he'd keep a really bad drawing Joseph did with him. He'd fold it up and put it in his wallet or smth like that. For the drawing itself, they would've gone to an art museum or the likes, and Joseph would've tried to make a work of art himself, claiming that "It's not that hard, you don't need a museum for art", only to produce the Worst Piece of Art To Exist. Joseph would want to throw it away – even if he did spend hours working on it – but Caesar refused to get rid of it. Sure, it's not as good as the art in museums, but it had heart and soul and meaning put into it, and it touched Caesar's heart, so it's more special and important to him than any painting made by a famous artist.
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fangable · 1 year
5, 6, 8, 17, and 20 for Veronica! On the meta questions ask game.
I wish to know the vampire secrets!
thank you very much my friend!!!!!!
5. What kind of abilities and power level does your oc have? Why did you give them their powers? What's the in-universe reason?
veronica currently has blood potency 2 (she's a 10th gen ancilla), presence 4, celerity & auspex 1 and dominate 2! she's very much presence-focused, she spent most of her unlife as a spy and she preferred to use charm to make people spill their secrets.
i really wanted to give her dominate though, and the explanation i originally suggested to my storyteller was that she sucked it out of some poor fledgling while participating in gustav breidenstein's hunts:
Tumblr media
(Camarilla sourcebook, p. 41)
this however is subject to change because i'm trying to come up with a better story!
6. What are the weaknesses in their power? Why did you give them their weaknesses? What's the in-universe reason?
i'm not quite sure how to interpret this question in veronica's case, so i think i'm just going to talk about the flaws i gave her!
enemy - this one comes from her predator type, which is siren. it's an ex-lover of hers named basilius, but the reason he's her enemy has less to do with the fact that they're exes and more with the fact that she wanted to open her own photo studio and he became convinced that they'd run it together. so now he feels cheated out of a business
stalkers - she's 1. a siren and 2. a decently popular photographer, so i figured it wouldn't be much of a stretch to give her this one
bond junkie - one of her convictions is that she won't let anyone control her, which comes from the fact that she's already spent roughly 60 years blood bound to her sire. she is also a hopeless hedonist. so i figured that giving her this flaw could be a source of some delicious delicious inner turmoil in the future
prey exclusion (unwashed and unkempt people) - went with this to highlight that she's still a pretty stereotypical vain & arrogant toreador sometimes
suspect (camarilla loyalists) - she's left the ivory tower not too long ago, so some of the camarilla kindred would certainly be pretty offended if she ever dared to speak to them
8. Does your oc have any notable flaws or activities they're not good at? Why did you give them those flaws? Why do they exist in-universe?
she's quite bad at pretty much anything physical. she has some fencing skills (courtesy of her sire who's a talented fencer), but other than that she's never really had a reason to learn how to fight. until now, that is - turns out that as an anarch you might need to get your hands dirty a bit more often.
17. List/describe up to five tropes that apply to your oc. They could be related to the oc's characterization or their narrative arc.
tragic backstory - oh she's got one. cushy life as a kid, losing it all and having to fend for herself before she hit adulthood, being blood bound for over half a century, multiple lovers who are now dead
the promiscuous bi/pansexual - i have nothing to say in my defence. she likes to have fun!!!
femme fatale girlboss whatever other words there might be. she's a businesswoman who will absolutely step on you
is "divorce coded" a trope? it should be a trope
20. Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
random piece of trivia: veronica is partially based on a sim-turned-oc i had as a teenager! her name was lilith, she was the firstborn child of a vampire lady and her crime boss husband, and had a penchant for killing family members and acquaintances. i'm not gonna lie i was a pretty edgy teenager.
so knowing that, you can see why it was so funny when veronica got invited to join the bahari. it wasn't something i ever planned for her but once she had the opportunity i knew i could NOT pass up on that
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calliettes-posts · 3 years
As much as I am excited for Ismail's season, I do realise that it would have narratively made more sense to have Ava's season. Firstly because it would have dealt with the victim's perspective, which I feel like isn't really shown that much in the way that skamverse could show it? Also I think another thing is I'm kind of sick of this whole redemption on the bully's POV side in the sense that we see the bully's life and feel empathetic towards him and see why he acted the way he did etc. I think we need to see the perspective of the victim and such.
Also it would mean that we can properly see Ava's voice and see the life that she has, her family are divorced and it could explore how she was bullied and the journey for her to forgive and move on from her trauma. Also learning that forgiving doesn't necessary mean forgiving the people that hurt you, but forgiving yourself and letting go of that bitterness that you hold.
I would have imagined that the final season would be about Ismail and since that storyline from bullying was focussed on Ava's season, they would have moved on and focus on his home life and the issues he has etc.
I get it, I personally wish the audience would've been more understanding and empathic towards ava instead of diagnosing her with random personality disorders (I'm still mad about that), and taken her trauma more seriously, but I think the problem is that most of them couldn't relate to avas trauma and because of that, they'd want to see that trauma explicitly if that makes sense, they won't sympathise with her unless they see her actively hurt, and I'm scared that in an ava season people would demand to see her trauma, because I personally can't watch any black trauma anymore, I already get uncomfortable when I rewatch s6 and maulin shows the girls that video in ep7, I always have to skip that part. An ava season would be great, but I think people would have too high expectations or demands and if those aren't met, the season would be ripped to shreds, they were already very critical of ava in s6 (not everyone but a significant amount of people) and the safer choice would be to tackle that through the eyes of someone else ( the bullying I mean), so that the audience can see that it's not only ava that says how bad the bullying was, but other characters as well. Now, it would've been more ideal, if it wasn't one of her former bullies, but it helps that kieu my already stated how bad the bullying was in s6, and that ismail by themselves recognised how bad of a person they were and started regretting their past actions without anyone else explicitly telling them. I still hope for an ava s8, because if druck only goes still s8, I would want it to finish with a cashqueens season and that the writers will go through a lot of research for her season, it also helps that they were rooting for her in s6
I hope this all makes sense because I'm writing this while I'm in the bus right now, and I hope you have a good day!!!
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