#for my beautiful jiaer loving maria
the Last Hour.
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A/N: super late like....so unbelievably late I can’t even (I am so sorry it took forever) but here it is @yeol-stole-my-soul, your birthday gift....ily honey (as much as you loved ‘Twenty Four’ lolol)
The pace of the subway is slowly lulling you to sleep, head on your husband’s shoulder as he holds something small against his chest. 
Your cheek nuzzles against the soft fabric of his sweater, his coat slung over your shoulders to stop the shivering caused by the harsh winter right outside the window.
You know you shouldn’t fall asleep, your house was close and you’d never be able to get up in the morning and make it to work on time if you took a nap right here. But the night falling around you and the movement of the slowly rocking subway was too hard to resist, eyes fluttering shut.
“Don’t you dare fall asleep,” Jackson whispers, slight tease in his voice as he bends his head to reach your ear.
You feel the frown form on your lips, brows furrowing as your burrow closer to him, “Shhhhh, lemme sleep for a second. Just wake me up at our stop.”
He chuckles, shifting a little for a more comfortable position, “Baby, you won’t be able to fall asleep when we get back. And you have to be up to turn in your new piece at the office early tomorrow morning. Try to stay awake.”
Irritation bubbles on the surface, prickling your skin. “Wang Jiaer,” you say, arms crossing and head feeling heavy, “I love you to the moon and back four thousand and one times but please. I’m so tired, we were out all day.”
A wimper sounds from his arms and your head snaps up to see your three old daughter Sooyoung wiggling in her father’s grasp. Jackson chuckles, suddenly cooing at his precious princess as she slowly opens her tired eyes to look at you. She says nothing, incredibly quiet when she’s exhausted, only smiling when you smile at her first. Her cheeks puff up, a habit she adopted from her Uncle Jinyoung, her eyes scrunching in happiness. You wind your arms through Jackson’s as you lay your head back down, just grinning at your little girl as she lets out a breathy giggle. Your slight irritation and mild sleepiness disappear in an instant, face contorting into something funny to make her laugh again. 
She’s amused, little fists hitting Jackson’s chest in a way that you know she picked up from her Uncle Youngjae, his fists just a bit heavier and laugh just a bit (alot) louder. Her butt wiggles and suddenly her face is buried in her father’s chest and he’s visibly melting at the sight. 
“You love her so much,” you whisper, watching his eyes shine as he stares at her.
He looks at you, nodding with no hesitation. “Of course I do. How could I not? Look at her, she’s perfect. The most perfect thing. We made this, I’ll love her forever.”
Your heart swells as she falls asleep slowly again, Jackson rocking her as the subway comes to a stop. You grab your bag and get off onto the platform, Jackson’s hand in yours as he cradles Sooyoung against his other side. 
Tokyo is still very much alive, even with the slightly late hour, people bustling about and lights bright as you weave through the crowd. You’re used to it now, your move to Tokyo over five years ago. Jackson stays close, politely bowing to vendors offering foods or little trinkets.
Before you know it, you’ve entered your more quite neighborhood, houses dark as you climb the hill to your home. 
You feel so content, husband’s hand in yours as your daughter makes small snoring noises from her tiny nose. The night is hushed around your family and you can’t help but zone out a bit as your house comes into view. 
Jackson pulls you back gently and you turn to look at him, “Something wrong?”
He shakes his head, “Nothing. Just...as slowly as you can, grab the wrapped box inside Sooyoung-ah’s backpack.”
You cock an eyebrow in suspicion but do it anyway, carefully unzipping the big compartment of her child sized backpack. 
The box is small, a red bow tied around it, and you meet Jackson’s eyes, “...what is this for?”
He laughs, “Your birthday, duh. It’ll be tomorrow in like - an hour. So go on, open it.”
You grin, your birthday was tomorrow but you weren’t expecting anything until morning when Sooyoung would most likely throw all her weight onto the bed before announcing a birthday breakfast. You untie the ribbon carefully, looping it around your finger, and open the box. 
The necklace is dainty, the pendant engraved with the letters of your first name, Jackson’s, and Sooyoung’s. It’s perfect and eyes tear up as you lift it out to stare at it.
“Jackson,” you whisper, “it’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you.”
He pulls you closer, muttering ‘you’re welcome’ against your lips. You push your hair back, putting it on and turning towards him, “Pretty?”
“The prettiest.”
He grabs your hand again and you start to walk, hands swinging between you. 
“Mommy,” a sudden and quiet voice says.
“Yes sweet cakes?”
Sooyoung rubs at her eyes, blinking lazily while she keeps her head on her dad’s chest, “Happy birthday, I love you.”
You smile, pressing a kiss against her forehead, “Thank you baby. I love you too.”
Jackson throws his free arm around your shoulders, pulling you close, and in the last hour of the day, you’re so unbelievably happy you never stopped searching the streets of Tokyo for the love that lead you here.
A/N: again, I am so sorry it took forever Maria lol but happy (late) birthday I LOVE YOU LOTS
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