#for now I'm thinking more about the logistics of how I'd structure the event
multishipper-baby · 1 year
Thinking about it more deeply, I think maybe it would be best to attempt a general FHS event first and then maybe see if there's an audience for a more specific one later.
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winterrseason · 3 years
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what do i call this au. caraDOS au??? conscience!au???? idk. vote now. i'm also going to revamp it a little. i was originally using this GLaDOS design for a silly fanfic i thought of on a whim but now i wanna develop it into something bigger ig??? so. might scrap those two and a half chapters i wrote and start over. anyway. here's a little explanation about GLaDOS' design here: * GLaDOS and Caroline's bodies are interchangeable. Rather than uploading Caroline's conscience into another body, they instead uploaded GLaDOS to Caroline. In the process, Caroline herself died, now replaced with an AI who cannot recall her original identity. Thus the phrase, 'GLaDOS is Caroline, but Caroline isn't GLaDOS.' Meaning, GLaDOS, at her core (pun intended) IS Caroline in terms of her conscience and even elements of her personality, she shares her brain and, somewhere, even her memories. However, she is different from Caroline in that her personality is constantly modified by personality cores, as well as the fact that GLaDOS isn't consciously aware of her origins. As for physical logistics, GLaDOS' body operates through her organs being powered by technology. Her brain, heart, nervous system and lungs are all powered through electricity, the main source being her mainframe of which she is often attached to (never willingly leaves it, more like). It IS possible for her to stay alive without it, but her body more or less goes on 'battery saver mode', so she cannot move, only communicate through voice. Which begs the question of how Chell killed her in the first place; well, ironically enough, if GLaDOS had disconnected herself from her mainframe, she would have likely survived their first confrontation (not that she'd be able to do much with herself) but since she was attached to a corrupted body, her actual body too became corrupt and shut down.
GLaDOS is also unable to fully delete Caroline. At the end of the events of Portal 2, she does trick Chell into thinking Caroline is gone, however it's not entirely true or even possible. GLaDOS' brain is Caroline. It's the base of her whole structure that she's built on. She can delete certain aspects of Caroline, such as memories, or aspirations that no longer apply to her, but she will never be able to separate herself from her true origins as a human, and that terrifies her.
there are loads of other aspects of this au i'd like to explore, so if you're interesting in hearing more then do tell me what you'd like me to discuss next !!! i plan on explaining cores at some point, if anyone wants to hear abt that
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