#for personal reasons i'm choosing to think it's jan's hair
radioactive-cloud · 11 months
don't talk to me ever again
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edengarden · 4 years
Hello and if asks are still open may I have a regular match up for BNHA?
Name: Nox
Gender: FTM
Occupation: Student (16 almost 17 yrs old. Jan 4th is b-day)
Sexual orientation: Omniromantic Asexual (male/masculine leaning)
Quirk: Transformative/Mutant, "Zoologic shift" (This quirk allows the individual(s) to transform into multiple animals, but the individual has to have a emotional/special connection or feeling towards the animal and to know it's physical structure to properly shift into the said animal (mythical/made up creatures can be acquired but it is extremely difficult due to the fact of anatomy and bone structure). The user only has a limited time to be in their animal form before they start going feral, if the person is angry or has a different strong negative emotion in animal form, the fast they can become feral (once the user becomes feral they will not remember anything until they have calmed down or are somehow distracted), if the user becomes feral for too long they will not be able to transform back unless they are hurt tremendously or their hatred may take a physical form and eventually kill them from the inside (I guess look at the demons from Princess Mononoke to get an idea of what that is).)
Animals acquired: White Dire wolf, Raven, Orca, Clydesdale, Black Mamba, Barn Owl, Russian Blue House cat, Ram, Fire Dragon, Phoenix, Snake Basalisc
At least 3 positive attributes:
Empathetic (emotional and animal, riots and civil conflict bring me to tears as well as I can feel my friends' pain I and want to cuddle ever dog, cat, etc. I see)
Intelligent (at least in certain subjects like language, art, biology, and physical/hero training), serious (it may come off as intemidation but I just usually mess around)
Diplomacy (I try to avoid any physical fights that can but I will fight as a last resort)
Calm (in most situations I try to keep a level head and it works since when most people need serious help they come to you for advice or to vent)
Justful (kinda speaks for itself)
Soft Blunt and Soft Honest (I am honest with people as well as blunt, but I am not mean or hurtful when I say it)
At least 3 negative attributes:
Anger issues (even though usually calm and serious, when pushed over the edge I can become furious and using my quirk will not help at all)
Self sacrificing (since due to personal circumstances I have started to put other people above me (my friends mostly) and I would do anything, even get myself physically or emotionally hurt for them. It is sorta in a way for having approval for those I care about but mostly is just showing that I care for the people I care about)
Self deprecating with imposter syndrome (it's mostly a form of humor, but I take it far enough where people start to worry)
Dark humor (idk I just like it)
Confrontational (if someone confronts and tries to provoke me I will tell them off but never physically fight back)
Self Righteous (The righteousness is good but usually my self righteousness comes up when it comes to someone's safety or when revenge and anger cloud my judgement)
Children (I don't care for children, but I'm afraid my anger will get the best of me and I'll lash. So that's why I stay away from kids as much as possible for tr he fear of accidentally hurting innocence)
Hahahaha...daddy issues...
Hiking in the woods
Drawing (it's usually vented or dark in some way, but sometimes I like drawing people and animals or characters)
cApTuRinG sOuLs-
Learning about Witchcraft/Supernatural/Celestial
Music Taste:
Viking Chants
Sea Shanties
Celtic instrumentals
Death metal
Old Rock
Bands/song writers: Skillet, SKÁLD, Faun, Black Briar, MARETU, Steampianist, Temporex, Penelope Scott, Mirical Music, Alice Cooper, Pink Floyd, Angel Maker, Forest Music, Panic! At the Disco, MESA works design, , Harrison (not too much into bands but here are the general ones I listen too)
Eyes: Brown/Black has bags under eyes
Hair: Red (henna dyed), it's frizzy at the tips and it's long (cab length) and thick (I hate it's length, but parents...)
Skin: Pale (warm tone)
Body type: In between Skinny and overweight, wide shoulders, actually muscular
Anything else?: Teeth have tiny canines, sometimes can have wolf ears and tail showing, kinda thick thighs-, 5'6ish, usually wearing school uniform. Hero uniform includes a black Cape with under it being a black mechanical suit that is bullet and elemental proof, boots are sharp and steel toed resembling a wolf's paw, wears a head mask that looks wolfish as well in the front but in the back of the mask has fur in the back (look towards some reference of the princess mononoke headgear) (not completely like a wolf but sorta resembles one), the mask also helps with muffled hearing and sight because I am sensitive to those things.
Traits I look for S/O: Empathetic, kind, cooperative, someone who also finds comfort in darkness or the shade, someone that knows how to take things seriously but also having a humors side, trusting and loyal, someone that can work with others (I'm usually a loner but I try to work with others), someone that would at least like to have a relationship that includes physical affection (I am a touched starved peep-), I guess someone that works, likes, or even somehow resembles an animal, some that doesn't get angry easily and is patient, introvert an extrovert doesn't matter to be (I guess if I had to choose maybe someone in between the 2?), and I guess someone that just tolerates my presence and doesn't or call me a piece of shit.
Traits I cannot be around with a S/O: Anger...I can't be around angry people because they scare me to the point I become panicked, people that work towards apathy (I may be empathetic but with someone that can't or won't return the same comfort when needed, they exhaust me), untrusting, someone who is a dick to everyone except me (it just seems suspicious and hurtful), someone who is closed minded, someone that has joy in hurting other maliciously, someone who loves bright lights/areas/lives by the sun, guess someone who wants a 24/7 therapist (again it can become exhausted and I know how it is...it isn'tthat nice.)
Star sign: Capricorn (sun), Gemini (moon), Cancer (rising)
Personality type: INTJ, Lawful Neutral
HP House: Hufflepuff that isn't afraid to kickass
Fun facts!:
I'm somewhat of an animal whisperer
Obsessed with herbs and Crystals
I know it seemed edgy with my hatred towards light, but in all honesty the late does infact bother and irritate me, especially when it's hot
Intrested in the celestial and supernatural
I look at horror and nature documentaries
I've trained my dog to come when I howl
I guess if loving spicy food counts as a fun fact then count that in
Ehhhhh...switch sub-
cAndLe bOi-
I must apologize if this is a lot, I just wanted the matchup as accurate as possible, but again thank you for having the ask box open and I hope you have a good day!
Honestly while I read your description, all I could think of was Tokoyami!
I think it’s pretty obvious why?? You two share a lot of things in common. The two of you are very calm individuals, and I can see you both being voices of reason not only to the people surrounding you, but to each other as well. In a way, I think you can even tend to challenge each other and even push (to a healthy extent) the other to become the best version of themselves.
The VIBE you two have. It’s almost too good. And while Tokoyami isn’t affectionate in public, he’d be more than happy to indulge in your starvation for touch behind closed doors! Don’t tell anyone, but he’s a straight up cuddlebug. And I can totally see him digging the spiritual/celestial stuff?? Maybe he won’t actually know anything, but he’d be so hyped if you were willing to teach him omg I can totally see this as your go-to type of date, that’s so sweet 🥺
- Breathe (In the Air), Pink Floyd (I honestly see you and Tokoyami straight up vibing to Dark Side of the Moon like no other to be honest)
- In the Lap of the Gods, Queen
- Sense of Doubt, David Bowie (THIS VIBE IS SO DARK AND URGH I CAN SEE THIS AS A V I B E FOR YOU TWO - However, Neuköln could be a close second to portray this vibe!)
- Killing a Little Time, David Bowie
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