#for some reason i have a soft sport for Sexxy Red bc when she drops off the hoodrat act she comes off very sweet
papirouge · 9 months
i think one of the reason ill never take the "attack on white cis man" thing is that a "culture" whose purpose is to mock & degrade its own people is nothing exceptional or unique to White cis male
Black women in the western diaspora have to deal with the influence of rap/hood culture, degrading them into the most abject behavior (thankfully Africa is for the most part spared from this trash)
I think Sexxy Red being the growing star of the rap rn tells everything about how bad it's become for us
and you know how the same men (crying over the "oppression" they face) usually react to it? that it's only but Black people's own fault for entertaining this mess, how Black hood culture is trash, etc. Which is true on some level if we're being honest, but then why don't they keep the same energy whenever they whine about the medias and corporations (allegedly destroying the image of the White cis man) owned by WHITE.CIS.MALES and try to make it EVERYONE'S PROBLEM?? last time I checked those CEOs aren't blue haired queers or woke "leftists". They push that agenda because they have an objective benefit to do so. And the irony is that it's most likely the same demographics owning rap music companies (I heard the there was an overlap between companies owning rap music majors and those having stakes in the prison industrial, which is absolutely not surprising). This hard reality is the reason why so many white men try to cope by pulling out crazy conspiracies trying to prove how aktchually the Jews control the world (and manipulate those poooor white puppets) : they refuse to accept that white would destroy themselves by their own greediness. Which is a trait they're more comfortable imputting onto African who sold each others as slaves :)
In the end of the day, it's just karma biting their butt. They're just mad because *this time*, they're the ones having to deal with a bad PR. And ngl it's pretty entertaining to see them being humbled :)
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