#for the simple reason that i don't see any reason for Percival to grow as a character until he faced his brother
icharchivist · 2 years
godd i’m genuinely so happy about the Wales event, i’ve been wanting for it for years now and ever since Light Percival came out i knew it was looming on the horizon. 
And i’m so glad because while the wait was agonizing i do think Savior of Dalmore AND Strength to Wield did such a good job at building up Lamorak that now any reunion between the brothers will be satisfying in some shape or form, in a way it wouldn’t have been had they not built it up.
and i just can’t waittttt hhh
and people are already talking about playable Lamorak/Grand Percival and this has been my thoughts this whole time as well so i’m really hyped. I have 2 sparks and 2 Sierotickets so i’m genuinely ready now. Bring it on. Please.
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Second time I've written this (thanks tumblr), but here goes.
So I just rewatched The Death Song Of Uther Pendragon and I have some thoughts.
And maybe a reason why Merlin wouldn't have used the Horn of Cathbhadh to speak to Arthur (or any of the others), and why it was never mentioned again.
So Gaius tells Merlin that in the days of the old religion, priestesses would train for years before entering the spirit world. But given what the episode actually shows us, that doesn't make an awful lot of sense. Sure, I don't doubt that Arthur was somewhat lucky, and that other dangers could have been there, but it still doesn't seem worth years and years of training. I mean, Arthur, who has neither magic, nor any knowledge on it, can use it, and all he supposedly had to know and remember is "don't turn around".
Which leads me to wonder if there was more that Arthur should have known, if the priestesses would have been taught far more than just to use the Horn. And as I was watching the episode, I think I might have had some ideas.
I don't think the Uther that Arthur found in the spirit world was quite the same Uther he knew.
I believe it was Uther, as opposed to, like, a completely different entity entirely. But as much as Uther was a terrible person, his actions as a ghost didn't seem to quite add up. He did things that even for him, seemed a little off.
I mean, Uther's ONE good quality was that he truly cared about his children, even if he was bad at showing it. Perhaps the best example is in one of the earliest episode, where this conversation happens...
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He tells Arthur that he values him more than his whole kingdom. He was willing to risk his life and his honour, he was willing to die, and in doing so put Camelot at great risk, to save his son. Arthur means more to him than anything else. For all his faults, he loved him.
And this carries on. Later, he asks Gaius to use magic to save Arthur. He believes magic to be evil, that its use is a threat. He would never agree to its use for any other reason. But for his son's sake, for the love he has for his son, he is willing to risk all that he has done being a waste. He is willing to threaten his kingdom.
And yet, when Arthur finds his spirit, it says this...
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Of course Uther wants to do right by Arthur and his kingdom, but when a choice needed to be made, he put his son's life above all else while he was alive. His ghost doesn't do that.
And Arthur, who arguably does know him best, struggles to understand or believe his actions.
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Yes, Arthur has always been blind to Uther's evils, but I believe him. At least partially.
And even if Uther would have killed Percival and Gwen, he would never have hurt Arthur, at least not severely. He would never have risked Arthur's life. He would have allowed Camelot to fall before he would let Arthur die.
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He knocks Arthur out.
He is happy to fight him, happy to hurt him. And he walks towards Arthur like he was willing to do worse. Merlin stopping him means we'll never know, but I believe his spirit would have killed Arthur.
Something that Uther would never have even dreamed of.
And I also think that, completely accidentally, Merlin says exactly why.
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A ghost is the imprint of someone who once lived. A ghost and a soul might not even be the same — it may be that Uther's soul has moved on, and the spirit is just residue, something left behind that is a close copy, but not quite the same. Either way, a ghosts priorities will be entirely different to that of a living soul, because a ghost no longer fears death. At least, not the death of the body.
Uther has nothing to fear from dying. He has nothing to fear of Arthur dying. These things don't hold the same weight, because he knows a physical death. He has nothing to fear from it, and by this time he's been dead for a while. He may have even forgotten what mortality feels like.
So what matters most to someone who's already dead? The answer, I think, is holding on to life.
While alive, Uther held great influence and power. The best way to remain in touch with what it is to be alive is to hold on to that, to avoid his memory dying with his body. As long as he is remembered, as long as his influence is still felt throughout his kingdom, he will never truly be gone. As long as his legacy stands, he doesn't have to face what it is to be forgotten and powerless.
After even just a short while in the spirit world, his ghost becomes fixated on this.
He is willing to do things he never would otherwise have done.
He has only one goal in mind, and that is to be known. Arthur's life pales in comparison.
It was no longer Uther that met Arthur in the spirit world. The Uther that had lived had passed on; the ghost was but his shadow, the part of his soul that could not fully accept what death must mean, and shaped in time to fear it.
And that is what I think the priestesses were trained to learn and know. Those they meet in the spirit world will be changed, they will not be the same, because life and death have different needs. A life desires only for them and their loved ones to live, a death demands to be remembered and avenged. The souls have passed on, a ghost is but an imprint.
Death is a complicated and dark magic, there were things Arthur was bound not to know.
Perhaps the priestesses could have retrieved the true souls of those who had passed on. Perhaps the Horn of Cathbhadh was only a door, and the spirit world Arthur saw was only the very first room.
But for someone without that training to use it, they would meet with someone quite different to who they had known. Uther had not been dead long, and his soul was tarnished and cruel enough that the difference was not significant. But even the ghosts of the most pure of heart would, in the numb darkness that is death, fear what it is to lose everything they were. And that fear would grow as time passed and their legacy faded.
Merlin would have realised, after Arthur's death, after he finally had freedom to explore his magical potential, that death is not so simple as the Horn of Cathbhadh made it seem. Perhaps he could have, in time, passed through the spirit world. Perhaps he did. But he would, I think, have known better by the time he was able to do that. And, of course, there was no one left to train him.
So he would have, I believe, let the dead be. Their souls belong somewhere else, somewhere Merlin, for all his power, doesn't know, because he is not dead. And only the dead can know what it is to die.
But none of that matters, because The Horn of Cathbhadh wouldn't have let him see Arthur anyway. Arthur never truly passed on to the spirit world, his soul never left an imprint on this world, because it never truly left.
He is only asleep.
And Merlin will see Arthur again, one day.
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icharchivist · 2 years
Who would you want to see the troupes interact with in gbf? Tbh I'd love to see Misumi meeting quite literally anyone bc honestly I love how he takes everything in stride. I would kill to see winter troupe talk about the mysteries like "yeah haha we got stuck in a timeloop for like a week because of a doll" ACTUALLY WAIT SOMEONE LET MISUMI MEET EWIYAR PLEASE TELL ME HE UNDERSTANDS HER I KNOW IN MY HEART HE DOES
i got carried away so it's under the cut but i have many thoughts and i think i covered about every a3 chara in more or less lengths
ok out of the way first, but, Misumi and Hisoka would befriend Dante so bad it would be so much. But esp Misumi would make it so fun, he'd meet any of Dante's cats and immediately understand them, and Dante is impressed by how this young man understand Cat's Nature, while Sen mopes a bit in the background because she can't understand them.
Misumi would then totally go to Ewiyar and, would completely pin down that something is going on with her. And she would just be like "........ don't tell anyone about who i really am you mortal!" but then Misumi starts to pet her so she forgets.
Hisoka too i think would get along with the kitty gang but he's also much more likely to tell on Ewiyar than Misumi is. Ensue a battle of wits between Ewi and Hisoka as Ewi tries to shut him down.
Outside of the kitty crew, i want Spring to meet up with the Dragon Knights, if only because i think we should allow Itaru's big ugly crush on his video game Lancelot to carry on our Lancelot. I want him to get so excited meeting the knights all named after the same charas that helped him grow all that time.
If he gets to meet Gawain he'd also totally tease Chikage about it. Please. Also just in general i think Chikage would be so hyper competant in a fantasy world that the knights would just be hello what the fuck. I would love to see him bond with Siegfried due to the two of them being more likely to do things behind their friends's back to help them.
And Percival and Citron would be a deadly combo i'm legit begging. Citron would be so chaotic it would drive Percival nuts, and then he'd learn Citron was supposed to be the King of his country and he's just bewildered because HOW. WHAT. And he'd be so frustrated with it until the Serious Moment Of The Collab where Citron actually gets more serious and finally Percival understand what was going on and he would respect Citron. And then Citron would bother him again and he's just "nevermind this sucks hey mongrel save me."
And while still on Spring x Dragon Knights i feel like Siegfried and Vane would like, completely try to adopt Sakuya and Masumi - hell i could see Vane struggle because Masumi is clearly rejecting him and it hurts his feelings.
And i feel like Lancelot and Tsuzuru would get along due to all the responsabilities and stuff, and Tsuzuru would at least look up to someone, until Lancelot indulge in his prankster nature and Tsuzuru is just "nevermind why can't i escape that this is UNFAIR."
Aside from that, what i can also imagine, is to PLEASE have the "Language innovator" crew meet up with Lowain and co. The combo Citron/Kazunari/Homare keeping up with Lowain/Tomoi/Elsam would be a disaster. I want it to drive Tsuzuru completely mad. Also for similar reasons i want Kazunari to meet Chloe because they clearly would talk the same way, driving people mad. Thinking about Chloe the fact she loves make up a lot means i want to see her and Azami bond.
Then i mostly have individuals in mind but like, for very simple situations:
I want Tsuzuru and Lunalu to discuss their artistic creations and the dilema between being self indulgent and making a good story. I want Tsuzuru to meet Cagliostro and see what a real alchemist is like, comparing it to Clockwork Heart and all that jazz. I want Chikage and characters like Predator or Nehan, who were driven by revenge, to have some common ground and discuss, but i also want him to meet Feower because "big brother dirtying his hand to try to protect his only remaining precious family" would be something they'd connect on.
I want Muku and Ange to meet and discuss with heavy loving sighs how much they want to be princes. Also Muku meeting Lunalu and discussing about romantic subtexts in work of fiction they like. I want Yuki and Korva to meet and discuss fashion even if it ends up with the two of them starting to compete against one another. Extremely silly but i want Kumon to meet Albert because, i think he'd find Albert cool, but also mostly because i feel like he'd be so hyperactive around him Albert would go "okay that's it i acknowledge it i'm an old man how the FUCK am i supposed to keep up with that."
i want Sakyo and Yuisis to discuss as both yakuza with fierce beliefs. I want Omi and Lowain to cook together and share some story. I want Omi to meet up with Cain and Rein, too, and have a bonding moment with Rein cooking, and then he'll learn about Cain's grief and would project his own, because i think it would be a great story (and also because my best friend is an Omi and Cain lover, she deserves the double suffering) I want Juza to be covered in candies by any characters willing to give him sweets. I'm putting a huge sign on Vane being the one covering Juza with love because i want to see it.
I want Lamretta and Azuma to have a nice chat around a bottle of wine. I want Zooey and Guy figuring themselves to discuss their existence because i feel like Guy would relate to Zooey's deal. Similar reasoning for why i want Guy and Cassius to meet. I want Tsumugi to befriend Rosetta and Yggdrasil and getting gardening tips from them because who's better to give those to him than people who knows those stuff intimately. I want Hisoka to meet Troue because i think between the sleepiness and memory loss Troue goes through, Hisoka's protective bone will tingle and it'll be a neat plotline. I want Homare to meet Grimnir because i think Grimnir's long stretched sentences would inspire Homare and once Homare brings it up Grimnir would get so flustered about being complimented he'll fish for Homare's attention at all cost. (tho as far as Grimnir is concerned he also need to spend time with Itaru/Tsumugi/Kumon to see who can out chuuni him). 2022 EDIT: I want Homare and Sui to meet!!! both of them have a hard time with social cue and empathize with people but GOD they try because they care and everything, and both of them are the type to break into a poem/song all of the sudden they’d get along sO WELL
in more elaborate hcs:
I want Taichi and Meg to meet and discuss about how heavy it is for them to be "so damn normal" and how much work they have to pull in order to keep up with everyone else, except that it would fall flat the moment Meg starts to talk about her shark hand and Taichi is crying because how the fuck is that supposed to be a relatable normie thing. Also Meg would talk about her childhood best friend and how despite much struggle at first now they are so close and Taichi would project and get all romantic about it you know it.
I feel like Winter would be the more at ease to meet up with the Angel crew too but mostly because i think it would be hilarious if Tasuku breaks into one of his "i'm actually my character right now" if Sandalphon opens up about Lucifer's death into his own hands, and Tasuku is just "i understand you, i lost my lover the angel Michael the same way" and Sandalphon is ?????????????????????????? and Tsumugi has to try to snap Tasuku out of it because Tasuku starts to talk about angels responsabilities (meanwhile i want Hisoka to constantly try to sabotage Tsumugi because "wait no it's going to be funny"). (also if they end up talking about grief i think Sandalphon and Azuma/Hisoka/Chikage could have a great conversation, cut back to how i often mentioned Sandalphon and Chikage have similar pre-"redemption" arc). And speaking of angels i think Belial should be allowed to join, as a treat, and start to provoke people, and all the cast is just hey what the fuck, and Azuma is just wait. I can outdo him. And the two of them gets into a word battle of who can outdo each other out of innuendos. I can see clear as day Homare cheer for Azuma and his mastery of words, Tasuku just being desperate like "that's it we're cheering for that now" while Tsumugi laughs a little nervously like, hey he's having fun at least? Meanwhile Sandalphon is on the brick of crying because WHY is there TWO OF THEM.
(Simiar topic: Azuma and Shalem would get along because neither of them would have any filter and everyone else would be crying around them).
Also, i want Guy and Ladiva to become besties as bartenders, trading tips. Also Guy bonding with Jamil because, ex "person who got their hands dirty out of devotion, who were barely considered people" healing with bartending would make for an interesting duo.
Speaking of Ladiva i feel like she'd get along with Muku so well because of her whole approach as, "love is the most beautiful thing". Muku and Ladiva would just roll with it and have fun. Also i think Yuki would like Ladiva, and I want to see Azuma at her bar almost nonstop and Ladiva jokes about how she had never seen anyone hold his alchool like Azuma does, and they discuss more profond things about emotions and stuff, esp since the two of them may as well be the Designed Listener Trying To Cheer People Up of each crew.
I want Autumn, especially Banri (and Juza) in general, to meet with Feather and Randall though, like, so bad. The fact Randall and Feather are basically just always fighting to prove they're stronger that one another, that Feather is always looking for someone to "speak with his fist to" and overcome, i feel like eventually the Banri senses would tingle. Juza would totally point out "they're like, extreme Settsu" while Banri is just exCUSE ME. And i feel like even Feather and Randall would be too extreme for Banri esp now that he mellowed a bit, but it'd eventually get to him at some point and he'd just "you know what game is game LETS GO." against all better judgement.
Oh and on the same topic/saga, i think we should have Fiorito and Taichi bond, since we have a peak "has joined the crew to betray them but oh no now they caught feelings and that's where their found family is now". Esp Taichi and not, say, Chikage, because it wasn't personal or anything in comparaison, so i feel like this could be an opportunity for Fio to see that there is a way for her to be accepted by her crew even after all she's done. Imagine the whole scene of Taichi opening about his betrayal to Fio, and how much Autumn has accepted him, while they're both looking at Banri and Juza fighting Feather and Randall, and Fio's look gets lost in thought. It'd be great.
Also since i'm speaking of Fio, Tasuku and Fiorito would get along SO WELL because they're both major musclehead. And on that point, Tasuku joining the Fundoshi gang is a must. Soriz, Eugen, and Jin would try to drag him to show off his muscle for Masculinity sake, and Tasuku would just be like hell no, and Azuma would nudge because hey Tasuku pleaaase 🥺, i see it in my dreams.
I'd love Summer to meet up with Vikala if only because i think her whole "terrified of being social and have to make up a whole persona to even gather her strength" could really resonate with like, Tenma/Kumon/Muku especially and they'd take one look at her and go. yknow what. Let's summer it up. We'll teach her. Also i feel like Juza should be around because he'd see Vikala's trick to try to "be someone she's not", ie, putting on the mouse's ears to prompt herself up, and he'd just be like "that rules. I want to try it too." and Banri probably has to bring up that are you serious thinking mouse ears will save your case right now.
Also extremely silly but i want Seofon to meet with Summer because i feel like he'd be totally inspired and carried away by their attitude and he'd try to get tips from Tenma on how to organize his crew like that considering how hard it is for him to do so with the Eternals. Yes Tenma would just go "we just slept together!" and Seofon would just nods and put this advice to use with Feower which would get him a kick in the face.
But most importantly, and i want it to be clear, i just want Sakuya and Lyria to meet and talk. Because i think the two of them would hit of so well, they're so similar in the sense of... past of not being seen as more than a tool or a bother, finally finding a place to call home and blooming around the people they want to take care of. And both of them are ray of sunshines who also constantly play down their own feelings yaknow? I feel like they'd get along so well. I want Danchou to want to adopt Sakuya on the spot like all of us do because he reminds her of Lyria and they're a set do not separate.
This is all that's coming to my mind at the moment and i know some charas definitely have it better than others, but. Many thoughts head full i want them all to meet @ cygame hire me.
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