#for the uninformed its a wig ghost quote where he essentially goes 'nuh uh- no valhalla for you yet bud. telltale time'
Thoughts on Wigfrid and Wilson's dynamic? Not romantic just, in general
Wilson and Wigfrid to me have an odd, but otherwise cordial relationship. If I'm honest, I do find it incredibly nice that Wilson- who will deny the existence of ghost to the face of a ghost and the existence of magic to the face of a mage- will indulge Wigfrid when it comes to her own religion. And while I don't believe she believes that he believes the words from his own mouth, she appreciates it nonetheless.
Beyond that, I would say they can work together and be friendly with each other when it really comes down to it. Though not without minor criticisms every now and again from Wilson's end, specifically around her diet and other habits that would probably come across as nonsensical at first to someone who tries to base most of his actions in logic.
A fun hc I like to keep surrounding them is that, when they first met, Wigfrid was not partial to Wilson at all. She couldn't believe that this... scrappy, weak willed, socially awkward disjointed mess of a fighter was the one to eradicate her adversary before she did! She found it horribly insulting he would be so bold as to steal her 'kill' from right under her nose, and would deny respecting him for a long while afterward.
However, the more she grew to actually interact with the survivors on a consistent basis (which I like to think took a little bit of time... After grandfathering herself into the belief that warriors work alone, even the biological call of being social can be hard to obey), she eventually found it within her to swallow her pride and drop the subject.
Though if there ever proved to be a confrontation with Charlie it would resurface in the form of leaping directly overtop of him before he could get a chance to steal her spotlight again.
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