#forbidden lover ・゚✫ side muse (seong cho)
idolsummons · 1 year
Side Muse: Seong Cho
Seong Cho was born to a loving mother and father, so joyous as any couple would be at the coming of their new child - and not just one, but two, for they had been blessed with the gift of identical twins! Being new parents to one child would prove difficult enough, let alone two; however, they navigated the turbulence and excitement of their new lives as best they could.
One day, when Seong and his brother, Jun, were some five years old, the love their parents had for each other seemed to vanish. Loving words were used sarcastically, shouting and tears a near daily occurrence, and it was in each other that they found what little comfort they could.
A time came when their mother had had enough and she took both boys with her, with nowhere to go but to her sister for temporary accommodation. They eventually moved into a home of their own but being a single parent of two children, balancing caring for them and work, meant that their new home was less than glamorous.
Seong and Jun never had the best in life and felt outcast from others their age, not being able to share in the joy of the latest toys or the most popular clothing brands, and often kept to themselves - they were grateful to at least have each other.
It was when they were 15 that an attempt to scout them was made based on their looks alone. Jun was not interested; he had no interest in glitz and glamour and though he did not know where he wished to go in life, he knew it was not down the path of fame.
Seong, for once in their lives, had a different opinion. He had been going through a rough patch lately that had been noticed by Jun but not disclosed to anyone. He was doubting who he was, confusion rife in his mind about where his life was headed. Seong did not know where or how he was going to find answers, but he felt he had to take any opportunity that came his way.
Two years passed of arduous training for Seong. He and five other young men were introduced to one another and became the K-pop idol group known as Sojourn. Though their careers had gotten off to a rough start, a surprise number 1 hit saw them rise through the charts and quickly come to be beloved by adoring fans.
Seong’s public persona had always been clear; he was the flirt of the group, making female fans swoon and fall further in love with him. As much as he showed love and adoration to women, however, he did not feel such emotions for them - not just the fans, but any other women his age. This always brought back feelings of guilt, a belief that something was wrong with him, but he later discovered that this wasn’t the case.
When one spends time working with others their age, they typically get closer with them. This was particularly true of Seong and Min-su Lee. Quick glances were oft exchanged between them, words that were a little more playful than between other members of the group, little touches that lingered slightly too long.
It was one day after a rehearsal, being the last two in the room, that they shared their first kiss - one that turned out to be much more passionate than Seong had expected.
Both Seong and Min-su knew they could not mention this to anyone else; although there was no ban on the men of Sojourn dating, anyone discovering that they were into other men - particularly the flirtatious Seong - could mean the end of their careers.
Seong felt relief in this self-discovery, though that made it an even more difficult secret to keep; especially from his brother, with whom he shared such a special bond.
As Sojourn’s popularity took off, so did the affair between Seong and Min-su. With the group becoming surprisingly popular in Japan, it was decided that they would make the move to Tokyo. It was hard for Seong to break the news to Jun, but promised to visit him at every possible opportunity - a promise he has kept to this day.
With the move to Tokyo being something of a fresh start, Seong decided to begin a solo career along with his group work. Popularity, of course, was not difficult to find, many of the fans of Sojourn (and many new ones, too!) following Seong in his solo career as equally as enthusiastically as they had his work with Sojourn. Aiding in this was the early opportunity to collaborate with one of the most popular idols in Japan, Miyu, with whom he still keeps contact.
As for the affair between Seong and Min-su, the two still see each other, though are in agreement that it is strictly a casual thing; they are free to pursue other relationships and call off their affair whenever they need, though there’s no denying there are feelings shared between the two…
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idolsummons · 1 year
you know what seong gets? a whole bunch of smooches from orion!! all over his face!!
seong deserves this ・゚✫ @constellaris
A soft chuckle escapes from between his lips, accompanied by not a single command to cease or lay off just a little. 'Was this supposed to be an ambush?' Seong asks in his ever gentle tone. 'You need not resort to surprise attacks to give to or receiv such affection from me.' And so he repays Orion's attack with a single kiss upon his cheek.
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idolsummons · 1 year
After a few (obligated) pleasantries, with his guard at his door, Eun walks into his apartment. After having taken his shoes off and put them to their correct spot in the very neatly organised entré. The door is shut behind Seong by the guard. "Don't mind the mess." The mess? A few stray items here and there; a jacket over the back of the couch, a shoe out of line, some magazines on a table unstacked and spread out, a bowl in the sink--- "The maid should come around soon enough to take care of it," Eun says walking straight to his kitchen, to grab a new bottle of (high end) sparkling water. With minerals. Important and very healthy minerals. "You want something to drink? Also let me know what you wanna eat, so I can tell the chef."
the born into money just radiates off him ・゚✫ @mangher
He can't say he hates rich people, given his current position in life, but as he takes his shoes off and places them beside Eun's, Seong is certainly thinking it very loudly. Who even needs a doorman for their home, anyway? It would be one thing if you were having some kind of function or get together, but Eun had invited Seong over out of the kindness(?) of his heart; they were the only two inhabiting the space casually. Seong looks up from his shoes when he hears Eun mention the mess - is this his one failing? But no. Seong considers himself a pretty clean person, picking up his messes as he makes them and cleaning his home when he has a spare day. But what Eun considers a mess is what Seong still considers to be pretty tidy. He decides to hold his tongue. 'Ah, no, I ate earlier.' And by earlier, he means breakfast. 'Thank you, though.' He's still standing just slightly outside of the entrance hall. He fears that even being here is going to cost him money, let alone if he somehow manages to break something.
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idolsummons · 1 year
seong and min-su get physically close on stage (maybe with their faces close to one another too oooo) and there's some actual sexual tension between them but so many fans just go nuts b/c they ship them so much - and without even knowing about the truth behind the situation 👏
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idolsummons · 1 year
That Night
I said I would write a shippy thing for Ren & Seong and nobody stopped me <3
Mostly a talky thing, I wanted to establish them (and I haven't written Seong so I needed to work on his voice).
Non-canon (they don't even know each other in canon) but this wouldn't be the first time I've shipped some of my cuties outside of canon hehehe <3
Trigger warning for smoking.
‘You know smoking’s bad for you?’
‘Fuck off,’ Ren grumbles. His lighter finally flickers with flame, which he uses to light his cigarette. ‘I can do what I want with my body.’
‘Of course, you’re free to do what you want.’ He sounds like he’s smiling. ‘But I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase your body is a temple. You’re free to do as you wish, but it might be worth giving it a bit more respect.’
Too late for that.
‘Who’re you to tell me what to do, anyway?’ Ren finally looks up as he removes the cigarette from between his lips and exhales. His eyes widen as he takes in the taller man standing there. ‘Seong. Shit, sorry, I-’
‘Don’t apologise.’ By the low light beside the back door Ren can see that he is smiling. ‘But you might consider taking my words into consideration.’
Ren feels himself staring and turns his head away, bringing his cigarette back to his lips.
‘Yeah, sure,’ he lies. ‘What’re you doing here, anyway? Thought you’d be too busy to just be hanging around somewhere like this.’
‘Even I need time to myself, you know.’ Seong comes to stand by Ren, back pressed against the brick wall. ‘Hana recommended I listen to your music, so I thought there’s no better way than to catch it live.’
Ren chuckles. ‘So that’s why half the crowd didn’t seem so interested.’ A beat. ‘Well, if you weren’t too busy being bombarded, what’d you think?’
‘Electronic music isn’t really my cup of tea,’ Seong confesses. ‘But you blend authentic instruments with electronic elements - I can see the mass appeal. Are you here every Saturday?’
‘Just tonight. I work most weekends, so I can’t be staying up until 3am every Saturday. Tryna get it changed, though.’
‘Work?’ To Ren, Seong sounds incredulous. ‘You’re not doing this for a living?’
Are you trying to make me laugh?
‘Not until it can pay the bills,’ Ren replies. ‘Not that getting by on a barista salary’s that easy either.’
‘That’s a shame. I would’ve liked to see more of you.’
Of me? Ren smiles. ‘I thought you said electronic music isn’t your cup of tea.’
‘I didn’t mention your music.’
Ren blushes. ‘You can drop by the cafe,’ he suggests. ‘Hell, maybe I’ll get a raise if I mention I can boost publicity and business with my connections.’
‘Hm, but I’d hate to intrude upon you while you work. There’s no chance we could meet a little more privately?’
He’s shaking now. He would doubt it were it not for the quivering of the hand holding his cigarette.
Ren drops it to the ground and quashes it with his foot. ‘I should go load out,’ he says quickly. ‘I wasn’t meant to be this long.’
He turns to the door.
At the call of his name he stops, turns to look at Seong who, with almost inhuman speed, has backed away from the wall and is now facing Ren, hand against the wall and arm between Ren - who once again has his back to the wall - and the door.
Seong’s free hand comes up to Ren’s chin, tilts it so that Ren is looking at Seong. The gentle touch has made this a suggestion; Ren could easily look away if he so desired, but now he can’t help but thinking about Seong’s ridiculously smooth skin, the glint in his eyes that almost seems natural rather than a reflection of the light, and those lips he wouldn’t mind having pressed against his own which slowly appear to be approaching his own.
The hand moves away from Ren’s chin and busies itself in Seong’s pocket. After a moment he withdraws a piece of paper, which Seong holds up so that Ren might see - not that Ren’s paying attention, given that Seong’s lips are mere inches from his own. ‘You’ll call me, won’t you?’
Ren nods only slightly. ‘Sure.’
The smile on Seong’s lips looks so sly, so cunning, almost like he knows exactly what he’s doing. ‘Wonderful.’ His voice is barely more than a whisper, but that’s all it needs to be. ‘Then I hope to be graced by the beautiful sound of your voice again sooner rather than later.’
Seong’s lips brush against Ren’s with a gentle kiss.
‘Farewell, Ren, and I would appreciate if you didn’t tell Hana - or anyone, for that matter - about our exchange tonight.’
Seong pushes himself off the wall.
Ren had intended to say see ya, but the words got caught in his throat as he kept replaying what had just happened in his mind, and all he could do was watch as Seong walked away.
Shit, my gear.
He blinks a few times and it’s as though his mind is suddenly clear. Ren pockets Seong’s number before opening the venue’s back door.
It closes behind him with a mighty thunk.
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