#forcemasc ftm staci
xx-crunchycavities-xx · 3 months
More on forcemasc Staci
-eventually he starts having trouble regulating his emotions. Again, it takes a while for him to piece together that what he’s being given is hormones, and even longer for Jacob to admit that’s what it is. All he knows is he is irritable and angry. Combined with all the shit Jacob puts him through he starts snapping at people. This will eventually turn into full on brawls but since Pratt is Jacobs personal project no one can really lay a finger on him. He develops compulsive behaviors that resemble OCD in order to try and regulate himself and if people stop him from doing what he needs he gets violent. Jacob only sees this as positive progress. It’s why Pratt is put in charge of numbers and making sure everything is in order and on time, counting helps him calm down.
-Pratt is horrified at his body hair at first because it reminds him of the judges and he is already having nightmares about being eaten alive or tossed to them as punishment for weakness.
-the Peggie’s see this transformation happening and think It’s a divine miracle and a testament to Jacobs ability to make them stronger. He becomes somewhat of a local legend in the whitetail mountains. He hates this at first, but cultists start treating him better so he can’t complain to much.
-Pratt gets his rations upped to a shocking extent. Jacob knows his body needs to be properly fed in order to actually go through a second puberty, even though he is concerned about it making Pratt soft
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xx-crunchycavities-xx · 4 months
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Donating my brain to science because this is so far removed from canon it stings
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