#forcing you to think about sneeg seeing frank as actual human frank and not the skeleton or the corpse
glsneeg-enthusiast · 11 months
forcing you to think about how sneeg genuinely thought frank was alive
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glowxie · 1 year
gonna gush abt the less lore-centered genloss bits i enjoy a lot teehee
i. fucking. love. imagination horror. it truly encompasses the very core of fear to me. think abt the fear of the dark- the dark isnt scary, it's what you imagine will happen in the dark. the justifiable level of fear is directly controlled by your own unconscious creativity.
thats what makes genloss so special to me. a 19 year old streamer with major budget limitations absolutely using imagination horror in the best and most effective way possible. the show itself is silly on purpose, but knowing what you know abt showfall makes it scary because what you cannot see is the true horror.
frank is a party city skeleton onscreen. in our minds? a naked decaying corpse that a brainwashed sneeg has held as his only comfort for god knows how long. the slime guts that demon charlie had to eat? actual human organs rotting and infested with bugs forced down his throat. the vivisection? the first time we're told near-explicitly that what we're seeing is silly and funny for the show. it's a call to action for our brains to start thinking about whats really happening.
it makes every gag, every silly funny bit that we laughed at in the moment, taste like metal in our mouths as we think about the reality of the situation. i love seeing posts from outsiders looking at us losing our minds and crying over silly props because, yes. that is exactly the point. we are not looking at scary things, we're realizing it. slowly. painfully. and the characters are too.
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