#forest of erovar
moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Runaways (Closed RP w/ vampiric-bite)
( cont. )
Megan nodded almost instantly at the question. She was both curious about if what she had seen was real, and worried about the elk's safety if it wasn't a figment of her imagination.
"Dis way, den," she whispered in hurried excitement; following the direction she saw the elk run toward. It was further into the forest, at least; away from the No Man's Land.
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vampiric-bite · 3 years
I did it
Just my silly world building sideblog 👉👈
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Runaways (Closed RP w/ vampiric-bite)
( cont. )
Eryn always liked seeing the elk. Even if they were more free compared to his own elk mount, they were still far better than accidentally running into a giant wolf, or something worse.
He was just a little nervous seeing the other, but Megan didn’t look dangerous for a human. Didn’t seem like a vampire either, which calmed down his nerves.
Compared to her, his own clothes were (somewhat) neat and clean, but that was to be expected of him. More so his father.
“Yes, but is that a bad thing? I know my way back.” And if worse came to it, his father would go looking for him. “I could ask the same thing. What are you doing out here? Isn’t this a dangerous place to be?”
Megan gave the elf a bemused look; not quite answering him straight away. Almost as if weighing the pros and cons of telling whatever truth she was hiding, she tilted her head back and forth a few times, before merely shrugging.
"It's only as dangerous as you make it," she answered coolly. This was technically true - if you stayed as close to the borders of the forest as she was, you weren't in too much danger. Any further, however, and you were likely to run into trouble.
Squinting her yellow eye at him, she made an effort to avoid talking about why exactly she was here, in the middle of nowhere.
"You sceered off dat elk," she began on a tangent. "It looked diff'rent to the rest of the 'erds oi've seen. Did you no'ice while you were blunderin' abou', making loads of noise?"
Truthfully, she wasn't sure if the elf had been the reason behind the elk's fleeing. She hadn't even intended to sound so cruel; she was just so bitterly disappointed that she'd had no time to fully note down the differences before it had run away.
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Eryn wasn’t supposed to be outside of his home- especially not this late- but he wanted to explore! Though maybe he should’ve brought a guard along with him. He didn’t entirely know what was out here after all, and all he had to defend himself was a dagger. The wood elven prince didn’t expect to run into anyone out here.
"Oh! H-hello!"
A long look of mourning crossed the young woman's features as she watched a particularly gorgeous elk of some kind gallop away at the sudden appearance of the wood elf. More troubling still, she could have sworn that the elk was --
Well, nevermind.
Megan had situated herself in the No-Man's Land of Erovar; just on the outskirts of Stelmer Forest. Her mismatched eyes gave Eryndor a swift up-down examination before she huffed quietly and propped her chin up with her hands.
She wasn't very old for a human. If Eryn had a good eye for the ages of species, he could probably pin her for around her early 20s, if not younger.
Her clothes were grubby and torn, and she looked remarkably underfed. She also smelled of wet animal, although it wasn't easy to tell if that was because she was more than human, or because she had recently fallen into the dirt.
"'ello," she glumly answered; her voice thick with an accent. She sounded somewhat like a crow, although there was an odd purr to the end of her one-word reply. "Bit far from 'ome, aren't ya?"
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