iggydabirdkid · 1 year
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Almost done! This is my 5th drawing for Pride Month! 
When The Passenger was still just the demo version I must have played it 100 times over. I just love the whole concept of the game, and anything with Eldritch Horror like themes is just my sort of thing.
So here’s a little something I did for my MC Amara Newman and her love Fiama Brandle.
I think I could do this forever
You wake up first of course. You always do. You don’t need much sleep, at least that’s what you tell yourself even when you constantly yawn halfway through the day. You open your eyes to the pale ceiling above you only visible thanks to the moonlight coming in through the window opposite the bed. Still dark. Too early. You let out a sigh and slowly sit up, being careful not to wake the sleeping form to your right. She’s facing you and you smile as you look upon her face, so serene when she’s asleep and you quickly slip out without disturbing her. Bare feet hit cold ground and you shiver as you look around for your pair of slippers, finding them finally half-hidden under the bed. You stretch, yawn, and tie your hair half up before you pad from the room.
Your stomach growls at you and so you head into the kitchen to grab something to eat and you spy the clock along the way. Ah. Not too early then. Just up before the sun, which, is not uncommon. If you were at your mom’s you’d probably have gone back to sleep to save yourself from the potential outcome of being asked question you couldn’t, and didn’t want to answer. But here? At Fiama’s? You don’t have to hide anything from her or Bruno. Not anymore. You allow yourself a smile as you open the door to the fridge and bend over to take a gander at its contents. You know for certain that there’s some leftover spaghetti in here, and you’re sure Fiama won’t mind if some of it goes missing…
The flash of the kitchen light turning on and the tiny voice behind you takes you by surprise and you jump, smacking your head on the fridge and hissing out a quiet curse before pulling back and turning around.
“Kiddo!” you laugh as you rub the back of your head, “Did I wake you?” You ask to which he shakes his head.
“I was already awake. What are you doing?” he asks.
“Getting some food,” you turn back around, grab the bowl of spaghetti, and shut the fridge, “Want some?” you grin as you shake the bowl. You see his eyes light up and you chuckle, “Alright, go sit down and I’ll make you a plate. But be quiet!” you tell him as he scampers off, “We don’t want to wake your mom!”
You sit at the table with only the light from the kitchen to illuminate your night time feast. You watch Bruno stuff his face as you readily enjoy your own meal and the only reason you aren’t actively shoveling it into your mouth as fast as you can was that you promised Fiama you’d try to teach Bruno some manners. Be a respectable role model. Well, as much as you can be anyways. And as you watch Bruno enjoying his meal you think you could just about do this forever, be a part of something like this. It wasn’t something you ever thought you would want but emotions can be fickle (as you have come to find out), and now you can’t see yourself continuing this life any other way.
Bruno must be able to sense you staring because he looks up at you and you wonder if he would be happy with you around for him as he grows. The answer comes to you as transparent visages split left and right of him and as his mouth stretches into a wide, food-filled grin, those to the left of him grin at you also. You shake your head, the images fading and you chuckle.
“Nobody likes see-food,” you tell him and he frowns.
“Sea food?” he questions. You grin and spoon some spaghetti into your mouth before opening and sticking your tongue out.
“See? Food!” He laughs at that, food spraying from his mouth and you have to lean to the side to avoid getting any on yourself. You watch as he claps his hands over his mouth and looks up at you. You swallow your food and snort a laugh but then you realize he’s not looking at you, but past you. You freeze and tense up, your shoulders bunching up to your ears as you slowly turn in your seat to see Fiama standing in the doorway.
“You two enjoying yourselves?” she crosses her arms over her chest and quirks an eyebrow as she looks at Bruno before finally settling her eyes on you.
“We were hungry?” you shrug and give a sheepish smile and she shakes her head as she laughs softly and walks to Bruno’s side.
“C’mon kid, lets get you back to bed. And you,” she turns her head to look at you as Bruno hops down from his seat, “Make sure you get all the spaghetti from the table okay?”
“Yes Ma’am,” you grin as you push your chair back and get to your feet. You lean in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek and then you head back into the kitchen to grab a cloth.
“Sorry about eating all the spaghetti.” You murmur into Fiama’s hair as you lay together in bed a while later. The sun is up now, its light bathing the room in a soft golden glow. She laughs and snuggles up closer to you. You half sit up to wrap your arms around her and pull her close into your chest.
“That just means you’ll have to help me make more,” she replies and you smile as you lean back and look out the window.
“I’ll be happy to.” You give her a brief squeeze and feel her grab one of your wrists and gently wrap her fingers around your skin.
“I know you would baby.”
You both lapse in a comfortable silence and the warmth of the encroaching day threatens to lull you back to sleep. But a thought is stuck in your head, one that’s been there for a while but stirred more into awareness since you woke up this morning.
“Fiama?” You’re uncharacteristically hesitant and you know she hears it as she tilts her head to look up at you with a slight crease in her brow.
“I was thinking…” You trail off a little, unsure of how exactly to word what you’re thinking, “I feel like I could do this forever. Being here with you and Bruno, being a part of this small family and I… I want to make it more official. As much as we can do and I know I’m not great with words or feelings but this here? Here and now? It feels good. It feels safe.”
You see her eyes water and for a moment your stomach drops and you think you’ve said something wrong before her mouth splits into a grin and her grip on your arms tightens.
“Amara Newman,” you hear the waver in her voice as she wipes the tears from her eyes, “I would love nothing more.”
You’re smiling now as well as you bend slightly to kiss her on the forehead before you wrap your arms tighter around her and lean back against the headboard.
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llaberration · 3 months
Coyne's Chronicles: Shadow Over Yfiria- Chapter 13
Belfus stumbled a little on the smoothly curved floor, holding out his hands to try and get his bearings. It was not just dark here, it was absolute Stygian blackness. Gone were the occasional cracks and openings in the sides of the tree that had allowed him to see at least some of his surroundings, and he had been wandering blindly forwards down neat, rounded tunnels for what felt like hours. His eyes were starting to play tricks on him in the absence of light, and he was certain he kept seeing a pale figure darting ahead of him whenever he turned his head. He had tried closing his eyes to block it out but that hadn't seemed to help. How big could the inside of one tree be?
“One tree you say?”
Belfus blinked. Had that just happened? There had certainly been a voice but had he heard it? Or had it come from him? “Hello?” only silent darkness answered him, and the soldier shook his head, starting to walk again, using his hands to feel his way along the wall, cursing his weak mind for playing such tricks against him. He had felt when he went off with Trevor that he had been getting himself into something he didn't really understand but... he had never imagined that it would lead him here. Wandering around inside an old tree, tiny, alone and in absolute darkness... what if there were rats in here? he put a hand automatically to his hip, where his sword reassuringly hung heavily.
“Excuse me. We do not have rats.”
Okay that time he had definitely heard something. Something outside his head. “Look... whoever that is I really don't appreciate you sneaking about like this... I'm just trying to get through here... it's jolly bad form...”
“Oh. Well. We do apologise,” the tone was almost that of a petulant teenager, bratty and oozing with sarcasm. The voice was neither young nor old, man or woman, it was youthful and yet wizened, and gave nothing away about the speaker. “But it was you who accused us of having rats.”
“Well. With all due respect I merely thought that, in my head, and made no open accusation. That said... uh... might I ask... to whom I am speaking?”
“You address many of us. Perhaps it would be swifter if you tell us who you seek.”
“I don't know. I was sent here by a bat... Camber I believe her name was, and a dragon?”
“Sent by a bat and a dragon? You sound like the first line of a joke.”
“Look here. I don't know what to tell you. I was sent here to make a choice of some kind. Now I'm lost and honestly starting to wonder if I made the wrong choice even starting on this. I should have stayed at the wall. That's where I belong. That's my comfort zone.”
“Indeed. And you would have lived such a life. Ale, celebrations, promotions, money, women, all the things a man wants. Until the plague came and consumed you and your entire civilisation.That part would be considerably less pleasurable.”
“The wall won't fall to the plague. It will stand forever.”
The walls suddenly vibrated as what sounded like a hundred laughs echoed through the area. “Foreveryou say? Have you not seen the ruins where your people built before? You know in your heart that forever is never an option for mortals. Material things simply cannot last forever.”
Belfus considered this, pausing in his awkward hands-out walk to straighten up and stretch his back a little. “Well. I suppose you have got me there. But the wall will outlast the plague.”
“Your wall cannot withstand what waits on the other side of it, building its power.”
“Of course it can. We have some of the best trained men in the world. And the most powerful mages watch over us. How could we fail?”
“And we know that you truly believe that. That is why your choice will be so hard. Go. Continue on your way. What you seek lies ahead.”
As the voices fell quiet once again, Belfus twirled his moustache between two fingers thoughtfully. Who had he been talking to? Or what? Some kind of spirit? His own imagination? He did not know but he sensed the presence or presences were gone now, no longer paying attention to him, and he bent to press his hands against the wall and continue his sideways walk.
More time passed. He felt as though it had been long but at the same time, he did not seem any hungrier or more tired, as though barely any time had passed at all. It was almost as though time was passing him differently now. He had seen the magic users on the wall control time in small, controlled bubbles, but it was of limited effectiveness and apparently took a great many years of study to even do in the smallest capacity. Time did not appreciate being trifled with, and took a toll on those who attempted it recklessly. Or so they said.
It was as he was musing on this thought that the wall under his hands changed, becoming flatter and turning at a sharper angle than he had grown used to. He felt up and down, trying to tell whether the tunnel had changed, and discovered that it had in fact opened out. He could no longer find the roof by following the curve upwards, it extended beyond the touch of his reaching fingertips. He felt around, looking for another wall, not daring to stray far from the one he knew of though.
“Is that some kind of new human greeting of which I am not aware?”
The voice was more defined than the last one he had come across, as though it belonged to one individual rather than many. Belfus stopped and lowered his hands. “Sorry... I can't see so... I was looking for the walls.”
“Oh. Of course. I always forget humans are so limited. One moment.” There was a pause, and then a dim green glow began to light the room, emanating from the walls themselves. It quickly brightened to a comfortable level for Belfus' dark-adjusted eyes, and revealed to him that he was in yet another rounded out chamber. This one was not as smooth and beautiful as Camber's. The floor was made of knotted, root like structures, the walls, rather than being smooth and neat, were lumpy and made of what looked like ancient, dusty bark. “Where am I?” he asked, looking around.
“At the heart of the forest. Deep below ground, where it is safe.”
“Oh... I thought I was...”
“Still in Camber's tree. I know. You have traversed the roots and trunks of many of the forest's trees to be here.”
“Have I? I just... kept walking.”
There was an amused chuckle, “And yet you found your way. I trust the trees were not too uncivilised to you?”
“Was that who I was speaking with?”
“They can be rude to outsiders. Especially humans.”
“Well... they were a little impolite but I did rather accuse one of them of having rats so, it was not necessarily undeserved.”
“I see. I see,” the voice was calm, and though it boomed, it was not necessarily deep or masculine, but it echoed with a commanding power that seemed to reverberate in his chest.
“May I ask to whom I am speaking now?” asked Belfus, trying to be polite.
“I have no name to your people now, but a great many years ago, when they still inhabited my woods rather than feared them, they called me Uhtung, child of Ceharus. I am the creator and guardian of this forest. The first seed that fell here. I watch over all who walk here, and all who grow here.”
“So then... why have they sent me to you?”
“Once in a while Camber sends me souls who have a choice to make. Difficult decisions of one nature or another. I believe that is why you are here. I am unbiased. Without hatred or judgement. I offer these lost souls their options, and help them find clarity within their own mind.”
“I suppose for me, the decision is whether I should return to my life or stay with my friends and venture into something I truly, truly do not understand.”
“Indeed that is so. The dragon, Mylfeziah, seeks for help addressing both the plague, and the plight of his kind in the Black Mountains. Though he began this path alone, he has begun to know the size of the task that lies ahead of him... and for the first time, his path has been forced to intersect with others who would ease his quest. A monster, an ancient, a druid... and a soldier,” there was a pause, “One of these things is unlike the others, I think you agree.”
Belfus nodded, feeling embarrassed by this for some reason. “I didn't know that's what the dragon was doing but ultimately yes. I do not want to do him harm but there is no use for something like me in that world. The world of magic.”
The voice boomed with laughter, “There is only the world of magic. You are part of that, whether you like it or not. It is for you to decide whether you are whipped around in it like a leaf in a gale, or whether you can learn to ride its gusts.”
“But I have no magic in me,” said Belfus, “I never asked for magic. Never wanted it.”
“Indeed not,” the voice was gentle, parental almost. “And that is why you are here. You do not know what you want. You think you do, but the fact you hesitate brings that to question. I am to offer you what you want.” There was a brighter glow in the centre of the room, where the roots dipped down, and Belfus stepped forwards to peer into the indent. There was a bowl shaped formation, made by the roots with dirt in the centre, which was filled with fine grasses despite the darkness. Among them now sprouted two flowers. Long and thin, they sat on delicate stalks, and their long, colourful petals spiralled back on themselves, revealing a palette of sumptuous colour. The two were identical, and Belfus looked from one to the other questioningly.
“The flower on your left represents the 'known'. If you touch that flower's petals, everything will go back to the way it was before you even met Alan and Trevor. You will not remember your decision to leave your home with Trevor. Neither will any of your colleagues. It will be as though you never left the wall. You will be ignorant of all that has happened and all you have seen. Mylfeziah and Coyne will fade from your memories entirely. You shall have your bliss. A well thought of, well bred young man with an entire career ahead of him guarding the kingdom he adores as a soldier of the wall.”
Belfus nodded, “And... the other one?”
“The other represents the unknown. It will equip you to continue down this path with the new friends you have made. It will do this using your own judgement of yourself, and the wrong you have done in the past, to change you into a form the magic sees fit for you. I cannot tell you what that will be. If the magic decides you become a frog, you become a frog. If it decides you become a new god. You become a new god. No refunds. No guarantees. No returns. The only thing I can tell you about it is that you will not be welcomed in the world of man. Whatever you become, you could not return to your old life as it was before.”
Belfus looked from one to the other, “Why do they look the same? The flowers... if my choices are so opposite, why do these flowers look identical?”
“Ah humans, always concerned with the wobbly bits wrapped around the outside of everything. Someday you will learn to look beyond that as a species. These plants look the same because I am unbiased. There is no good or bad choice here, neither is superior and I cannot affect your ability to pick one by making a pretty flower stand beside an ugly flower. They are as they appear. Both beautiful opportunities, new beginnings, doors to be opened. Would you prefer literal doors? Would that make you feel better?” The flowers promptly changed shape, shifting to become two identical, elaborate wooden doors.
Belfus sighed, shaking his head. “No... flowers or doors, they are both still beautiful.” He ran a hand through his hair, troubled. “You say my own judgement of myself chooses the form?”
“The same myself that just began to realise the wrong I have done?”
“The very same.”
“Can I... take some time to think?”
“Take all the time you need. We have all the time in all the planes here. It passes slower, as you have observed. You can sit here and think until the sun grows cold if you wish. But if you do, it might be a little late to help your friends.”
Belfus sat down on the rough floor, folding his armour clad legs awkwardly, glancing at the crest stamped into one of the greaves. The mark of the wall. A simple, memorable insignia stamped into every piece of armour that the wall guards wore. Armour that now, he noticed, felt a little claustrophobic and heavy. Did he want to go back to everything the way it had been before? If he had never known any of this, things would be easier. Simpler. And he had always been a pretty good wall guard. Not like the others, he had never quite fitted in but he had managed. Trevor and Alan had been a welcome arrival because they were different, well read, interesting. But did he want to change everything in pursuit of that? He knew he could live without them, he'd get by... but that did not ease his conscience on the matter of leaving them to whatever fate held alone. He was suddenly seeing a great many shades of grey complicating what had been black and white before. He had been trained everything human was good, everything that could harm humans was bad. Whether these things would harm humans had never occurred to him before. It had thrown into question who he was and what he did... and that made the nature of this decision harder than anything he was equipped to handle.
Trevor hissed through his sharp, misshapen teeth, searching his body and soul for scraps of energy he didn't even know were there, forcing himself to keep changing. He had already gone through more than six entire shape changes, twice the amount he could do comfortably during the day, and was now pushing the limits of a seventh. His senses were in chaos, every fibre of his body ached with exhaustion and strain, and he could feel his consciousness starting to fog.
“How much longer?” asked Alan anxiously, as he watched Trevor's hand-paw things flex desperately against Camber's furry mane, “he can't keep going like this...”
“Not much longer,” said Fez, “Come on Trevor, just a little more,” he wished the druid had the experience to draw off the magic of the trees and nature around him properly. But he hadn't ever been taught to fully harness nature in the way he would one day be able. What energy he had in him was going to have to last.
Alan frowned. He could see his friend's eyes rolling as though he was barely gripping onto consciousness, let alone able to continue transforming. Whatever magic the druid had that allowed him to do what he did was all but gone. He couldn't just watch this. Ignoring Fez's shout to stop, Alan moved on instinct. He stepped forwards, reaching out his arms, he locked one across Trevor's shoulder, reaching under the druid's opposite arm with the other, he met his hands in the middle and locked them in place, burying his face against the druid's back.
Fez let out an exclamation of surprise as the second mage stepped in, a bright glow seizing him for a moment, then settling in the centre of the man's body, pouring down his arms to where they met Trevor's chest, where the light turned green and smoky and seemed to fade into the second mage.
The druid's stalling transformation abruptly levelled into a smooth one. Slow, agonised, but smooth.
Fez watched in shock at this unfolding before him, but was only able to witness it for a few seconds before Camber released the Druid, stepping back, wrangling with a ball of angry yellow energy.
Both Trevor and Alan fell backwards, unsupported, and Fez darted forwards to catch them, gently peeling them apart, and letting them lie on the ground. Alan, though disorientated, was still conscious, and quickly demanded of the dragon. “Is he alive?”
“He is,” confirmed Fez, gently checking the druid over, who was still in partial transformation, but fading swiftly back to his human form as consciousness left him. “But I think that took just about everything out of him.” He looked up, “Camber, did you get it all?”
The bat, still holding the crackling, objecting energy between her wings, gave a chirp of presumably confirmation. “Good, good,” sighed Fez, sitting down, his head rounding on Alan. “That nonsense you just pulled, that was incredibly stupid. Do you have any idea what might have happened to you? Camber was literally straining magic out of the fibres of your friend's body... by jumping in, you might have unbalanced the entire thing! Or worse, had all of the magic strained out of you! And trust me... once you have magic in you, you can't survive without it. What is left after its removal is not a pretty sight trust me.”
“I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking...” said Alan, raising a hand to his head, “But... it didn't happen did it?”
“No... no something else happened,” said Fez, scratching his chin. “Something interesting happened. You tuned into him like some kind of... additional magical energy supply... and you weren't just dumping magic into him, that would have been the dangerous thing... you were changing it into druidic energy as you did it. Have you ever done anything like that before?”
“Um... I didn't know I was doing it this time.”
“Hmmm...” the dragon flicked his tail thoughtfully. “I think more study of that is needed... but not now. Now we have bigger things to do.”
The bat was just finishing wrangling the crackling magical energy into a small bottle, which she then sealed with a cork and a quietly grunted incantation.
“What will you do with that?” asked Fez.
The bat gestured skywards and let out a few chirps.
The dragon nodded, pleased with this. “She is going to have one of her colony fly it out to nowhere and drop it off for the college to find.”
“Will they know it was ever here?”
Fez shook his head, “No, they track directly like those medallions of yours. They will only know to follow its current location, not where it has been.”
Alan let out a sigh, nodding, and looking at Camber. “Thank you... genuinely,” he said, “I never thought I would meet any kind of witch... let alone a bat witch but... I'm glad I did.”
As Camber gave him a quiet squeak of (presumably) thanks and patted his back with a wing, Fez cuffed him on the back of the head with a hand, “Animals can be witches too.”
“I know that now!” said Alan, holding his head defensively.
Fez gently reached out and took Trevor in his arms, “We should leave her in peace. She will need to rest, and make arrangements for that spell.”
“But... what about Belfus?”
“Either he will follow us... or he won't. That's his decision. Don't worry, we will wait a while before we go. It is late, Coyne will be worried. We will camp here tonight anyway so there's no rush.”
Alan nodded, watching with concern as Fez gently heaved Trevor up onto his shoulder, holding him there with one hand as he began to walk three legged. “Thanks again Camber, as always, I owe you the usual,”
The bat let out several indignant squeaks, and Fez laughed, “Alright, fine, the usual per customer makes three.”
The bat folded her wings and gave a (presumably) squeak of confirmation after him as they walked away down the narrow tunnel.
A short walk later, they emerged into the dim moonlight of outside, and Fez smiled as he looked down and saw Bubbles standing calmly nearby, and at the base of the tree was settled a slightly worn looking chest. “Coyne!” he called, “You awake?”
The chest rattled slightly, and then swiftly transformed into the man's human form, looking up anxiously at them. “Fez, everything alright?”
“For the most part,” said Fez, stretching his wings, “Help me down?”
Coyne reached up and gently lifted the small dragon down to his shoulder before reaching back up for Alan.
“I almost forgot we were tiny for a little while there...” admitted Alan, sighing as he was lifted gently down.
Coyne sat quietly at the base of the tree, allowing Fez to deposit Trevor in his palm, frowning a little, “What happened to him?”
“We had to remove some of the college's magic from his body... he's exhausted.”
“Oh,” Coyne cupped his hand a little bit around the still form, immediately protective. “So... where's Belfus?”
“We're not sure. Still thinking probably. We can stay here tonight, it's safe.”
Coyne nodded a bit, “Okay... what would you like to do with him? He'll get cold,” he gestured to Trevor.
“Put him inside. He'll be safe, he'll be warm.”
“What about dawn? I know it's a while off yet but...”
“I'll wake you before then. Don't worry. I need to stay awake to keep an eye out for Belfus. Go ahead and eat that one.” the dragon smiled and nodded reassuringly, and Coyne frowned a little bit, lifting the limp little body.
“He didn't want this before... I don't want to do this to him against his will...”
“He'll be alright,” said Alan, “Why don't I go in with him? So he doesn't get scared if he wakes up.”
Coyne gave a reluctant look at the small body, then nodded, “Okay... but you gotta tell him it wasn't my idea. I don't want an angry bear tearing into me in there.”
“That seems reasonable,” said Alan with a weak smile.
Coyne opened his mouth and gently, carefully, slid the small body onto his tongue. Trevor felt limp, completely unresisting, and that was strange for the mimic. He hadn't done this a lot but he had done it enough to feel that having no resistance was strange. Still, the small form was also chilly, and that was what pushed him to tip his head back and swallow. Best way to protect the weak little druid was to hide him somewhere warm like this. He gulped a few times, pushing the small form downwards with firm, careful swallows until he was past the collarbone, then he levelled his head and waited, his eyes half lidded as his focus fell on the sensations inside, on the small body passing deeper. When Trevor finally dropped and came to a halt, Coyne sighed quietly, resting a hand on his middle and looking at Alan. “He's okay... are you?”
“Me?” Alan blinked.
“Yeah, you don't seem as bubbly as normal.”
“I... think I'm just tired as well. It's been a lot to handle... this entire day, and I'm worried about Belfus.”
“Don't worry about him,” said Fez quietly, “He has been offered the simple choice. He can either return to his life without consequence, or he can become something new, different, and come with us. If only we could all have choices laid so simply. If we never see Belfus again... we know he has returned to his life, ignorant of everything that has taken place. He will be doing what he wished to do. Guarding the wall and nothing more.”
“Do you think that's really what he wanted?”
“I don't know. I barely knew him. Most humans stick like glue to what they know... and that was what he knew.” Fez shrugged, “This is how we find out if what he knew is what he wanted.”
Coyne looked from one of them to the other, and blinked as Alan sat down heavily in his hand, looking drawn. “Coyne, may I go in now? I am tired.”
Coyne nodded, but paused a moment, “Don't we still need to feed you?”
“Well... yes. Honestly humans need more feeding than you have been giving us but we've been too busy to be vocal about it.”
“Well there's good news for you,” said Coyne, standing up, heading to the side of the clearing, “More blackberries. I know it's not ideal, but it's something to keep you going. The next time we stop in a town I'll see if we can get some proper food for you...”
Alan smiled, “I appreciate that Coyne, thank you. If you send me down to Trevor and then have some berries, I'll see to it that he gets some if he wakes up.”
Coyne nodded a bit, raising the small man gently towards his face, “Alright, just, shout if you need anything,” he said, opening his mouth and gently helping the tired little man into it. The two mages had barely been with them long enough to call it a trip yet, and they were already exhausted like this... either himself and Fez were going to have to start taking better care of them, or he didn't know how long they would last. Raising a hand to cover his neck, Coyne swallowed gently, feeling the little form relaxing into this. Alan was still a bit tense about being eaten, that was plain to see but... however tired he was now, he was not as stiff as before.
Levelling his head as the mage passed his collarbone, Coyne sighed and looked at Fez, who was perched on his shoulder, his little claws digging into the fabric of the travelling cloak to hold himself on. “We're going to have to be more careful with them. They seem so... fragile.”
“Humans are fragile,” said Fez, “But it has been an especially difficult day. They need to rest now, and you're giving them that.”
Coyne put a hand on his middle as he felt Alan 'drop' inside, and move to seek out his friend immediately. “Next town we stop, I'm buying them some proper food, that would be a good place to start.”
Fez chuckled, watching as the mimic delicately plucked a few ripe berries, “You know, you're not contractually obligated to care for the humans. I am. Your contract did not state anywhere that other employees were your responsibility.”
“I know,” said Coyne, flicking the fruits into his mouth and swallowing them one at a time, “But clearly I know marginally more about their care than you so...” he shrugged.
Fez chuckled, shaking his head, “What a strange kind of monster you are,”
Coyne smiled. “The strangest.” He took himself back over to Bubbles, and grabbed his bedroll, laying it out beside the tree. He settled onto it with a quiet sigh and helped Fez to clamber into his travelling robe. “You'll wake me before dawn?”
“I will. I promise.”
“Or if Belfus returns... because they will want to know,”
“Of course.”
Coyne sighed, relaxing, a hand resting lightly on his stomach. “Getting uncomfortably used to serving as a hotel...”
The dragon chuckled, curling up in the robe in a catlike manner, settling by his side. “And that is good. With this many assistants, I will struggle to keep track of them all. This way, I can simply feed them to you, and know they are safe.”
Coyne laughed quietly, shrugging. “I suppose. They might not see it so favourably but yes.”
Fez smiled. “I am certain they will start to look upon it as a safe place to be as we continue down our path.”
“To the dragon council?”
“Indeed. The Quat-del-nae can be a truly intimidating place for those new to it. I am sure our new friends will actively wish to remain hidden for most of it.”
“Aren't you going to fix their sizes? That will make it a bit harder for me to accommodate them.”
“Of course,” said Fez, “I couldn't introduce them properly as they are. But do not think on it now. There is a ways to go yet.”
Coyne nodded, “Do you think Belfus will be joining us?”
“Truly? I do not know. It is not for me to understand the hearts of man. Those who seek gold or a specific goal yes but... Belfus was not such a man. He... did not know what he wanted. All you had to do was look into his eyes and you could see he sought only what he found familiar because he lacked the direction to move beyond that.”
“So you think he will go back to the wall?”
“Maybe. Maybe. If he has come to recognise his lack of direction? Then perhaps he will come with us. If not. He will return to what he knows,” the dragon snuggled into the warmth of his side and went still, and Coyne let out a slow breath, looking at the sky. There was only now to wait and find out.
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I hope y'all are still enjoying! I'm still chasing to get caught up here without flooding with posts. Getting there now, only ten behind the main upload!
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resonatingmuses · 2 years
Muse: Hope
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till the end of forever
you need to be loved unconditionally. you need to be reminded that love is not temporary, that you deserve it. that those who love you will not leave. you need to be loved the way angels love humanity. or how devils love angels. you need to be loved in greatness, in fullness, you need to be loved hard and fierce. loud, shout it to the ends of the earth, your love won’t leave. you need to be loved when nothing else will be. you need to realize you are worthy even through the end.
Tagged by: @broadswordandpistol​ Tagging: @sentofight​
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washwashgalaxy · 4 months
YOU ARE MY MUSEEM LÀ NÀNG THƠAuthor : LÊ ANH (Lê Thành Bá) *You are my dream my poetryYou left then returned for being with meHaving you means my owning Spring foreverYou, space and time have co-existed as everThe purifying happiness cleverly I sawAs Nature has its strictly lawHumans must have their originWelcoming life my first cry was to beginI didn’t blindly believe in libertyWhen forgetting…
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doubtingdebispoems · 5 months
I Regret That
I really regret thatI can never look backWith no fond memoriesof when we used to beEverything from back thenI thought would never endIt doesn’t make much senseWe were more than just friendsWhen did it all go wrongAnd why’d it take so longJust long enough for meFor me to love and believeThat it’d last foreverYou were my dream weaverI was so gullibleWhile you were just troubleI really regret thatI…
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fireandfigures · 2 years
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till the end of forever
you need to be loved unconditionally. you need to be reminded that love is not temporary, that you deserve it. that those who love you will not leave. you need to be loved the way angels love humanity. or how devils love angels. you need to be loved in greatness, in fullness, you need to be loved hard and fierce. loud, shout it to the ends of the earth, your love won’t leave. you need to be loved when nothing else will be. you need to realize you are worthy even through the end.
Tagged by: @broadswordandpistol​
Tagging: anybody who’s still reading
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ericgroenevelddds · 2 years
Before Getting Veneers, Consider These Seven Things
Wearing a smile you hate may prevent you from living your life fully. Our goal is to ensure you have a smile you can look back on for years as spring approaches and wedding season approaches!
Getting a beautiful smile is possible with veneers, a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure. Veneers in Richmond, however, deserve a few points of clarification before you commit to them.
1. In rare situations, they might be used by experts in place of braces
Veneers can be an excellent alternative to orthodontic treatment for minor gaps. The adaptability of veneers is one of their wonderful qualities. Veneers can alter your tooth's extent, color, and shape.
And in certain situations, even how your teeth are spaced can be changed with veneers. Discuss your unique reasons for wanting veneers with your dentist. They will ensure that your requirements are met and that you receive the appropriate veneer or Invisalign in Richmond, MI.
2. They endure forever
You should be aware that the treatment is permanent if you choose veneers. To attach the veneer to your tooth, the dentist must prepare your teeth or remove a portion of your enamel. Your tooth will constantly need to be protected due to this preparation.
3. Veneers come in a variety of varieties
Not everyone will respond well to every type of veneer. Your dentist can assist you in selecting the best veneer material because veneers range in strength and price.
For example, porcelain veneers are more costly than direct composite veneers but are more durable and stain-resistant. Dental composite veneers, however, can be the best option for you if you only need a modest repair.
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4. It matters which dentist you go with
It takes a combination of art and science to install veneers correctly, so picking the right dentist is crucial. Always make sure your dentist has years of expertise and superior clinical abilities.
5. The majority of your teeth do not require veneers
It's okay to have veneers for every tooth while acquiring them. Without having to remove all of your teeth, your orthodontist will be capable of matching the color of your veneer to the neighboring teeth, providing you with the ideal smile you've always desired. You can even get Invisalign in Richmond, MI.
6. Veneers have a lengthy lifespan
Although a long-lasting investment, veneers ultimately need to be replaced.
They must be changed by orthodontists every 10 to 15 years. Some veneers are more durable and will last longer than others. So, it's a good investment.
Your veneers will last the longest if you take appropriate care of them. During your routine deep cleaning and screenings, ensure your veneers are examined to ensure they are still in excellent condition.
7. After getting veneers, you could feel uncomfortable
You won't experience discomfort during the process, although you could feel sore afterward. Your gums need to heal around the veneers since some people feel sensitive during bonding.
The bottom line
So, you're now all set to get your veneers. Any dentistry that offers treatment regarding Invisalign in Richmond, MI, also provides veneers. You could get a better answer from the orthodontist on whether you need Invisalign or veneers. Greet the world with your new, stunning grin.
For more details about Affordable Dentist in Richmond MI please visit our website: ericgroenevelddds.com
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lyrics365 · 2 years
Above and Beyond
Above and beyond, enjoy my buddy, don’t stop my friend carry onAlways believe! Thank you my God! Let’s dance and sing along Above and beyond, enjoy my buddy, don’t stop my friend carry onAlways believe! Thank you my God! Let’s dance and sing alongYou want to go above and beyondWe need fight always togetherHope, peace, freedom againHope, peace, freedom foreverYou want to go above and beyondWe need…
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aswedlock · 5 years
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Now it’s his turn to propose me 🤣🤣 Someone plz pinch me.. is it real or I’m dreaming 🥰😍🥰 “SHAADI KE DO SAAL BAAD BHI” itna pyar allah!! Jokes apart.. When we both have mutual feelings for each other ♥️💍 It’s a Super Big Yessssss!!!! and will be forever 🥰😍 ——————————————————— #proposal #proposaltime #yesforever #foreveryes #togetherforever #godblessus #loveyoumore #dontfollowtounfollow #couolegoals #couples #coupleinblack #relationshipgoals #tomandjerry #loveyouforever #indianbloggers #couplebloggers #ikhuaan💏 #as♥️ #shikhanand😍 (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B48A8vCAs4P/?igshid=16fr1rv4k76xq
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erikamitie · 5 years
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Nesta quinta dia 19 de setembro, aconteceu o Coquetel de lançamento da Coleção de Noivas – Forever Yes, da @shoestockbr , na Avenida Bem-Te-Vi, 211- Moema, para convidados, imprensa e clientes da marca. Contou com um Bate-Papo sobre tendências de Moda e Beleza com a presença da Fernanda Jordan (Coordenadora de estilo shoestock), @universo.karenrodrigues (Estilista dos Vestidos Coleção Noiva), Roosevelt Vanini e Bruno Ximendes (Equipe C. Kamura), @poderosadebatom (mediadora do Bate – Papo) e o convidado VIP @celsokamuraoficial Finalizando com um desfile luxuoso de vestidos de noivas, apresentando alguns dos modelos da Coleção Forever Yes. . . . . #shoestock #weddingshoes #foreveryes #colecaonoivas #shoestocknoivas #wedding (em Shoestock) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nuTDggE1U/?igshid=cviefxy6llnu
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znznlin · 3 years
Drive me crazy boy Toil❤️
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iametzinha · 5 years
Realmente eu não sei por onde começar a escrever... Mas enfim...
Mais uma vez eu estou escrevendo um texto pra você... e eu não sei se você vai chegar a receber, a ler esse texto.. Mas tudo bem...
Como as coisas mudam, né? Eu fico pensando nas coisas que passamos, fico pensando em cada momento ao seu lado, fico pensando nos momentos bons que tivemos, e olha que foram muitos momentos bons, se for pra colocar aqui no texto, eu ficaria mais de 10 anos rs.
Lembro das nossas brincadeirinhas, lembro das nossas risadas, intimidades, lembro dos nossos segredos compartilhados... lembro do som da sua risada, que risada gostosa, acho que nunca vou encontrar uma risada tão gostosa como a sua, o seu sorriso então... Lembro quando ficávamos na cama sem fazer nada, ficávamos brincando, você as vezes ficava me irritando pra levantar e ir fazer o café da manhã logo, ou quando você acordava primeiro e ficava me chamando pra fazer o café, isso me deixava tão brava, mas quer saber? Eu sinto falta disso também. Lembro quando iamos deitar, e você me abraçava de conchinha bem forte e falava do meu cheiro, falava que eu tinha um cheirinho de nenem, que meu cheirinho era único... Lembro quando ficavamos abraçadas e eu passava a ponta do meu dedo na pintinha que você tem próximo ao seu pescoço. Eu lembro de tudo... por mais que já passou alguns meses, eu ainda lembro de cada momento ao seu lado.
Lembro quando íamos tomar banho juntas, ficávamos brigando pra ver quem ficou mais tempo de baixo do chuveiro, e você sempre ganhava pra ficar mais tempo, você se lembra que sempre que você ia tirar o shampoo do seu cabelo, com os olhos fechados, eu pegava algum shampoo qualquer e ficava jogando na sua cabeça, e você se irritava porque não acabava nunca a espuma do shampoo e você ficava esfregando pra sair e não saia, eu dava tanta risada e você ficava fazendo birra pro meu lado, mas ria ao mesmo tempo. Lembro das nossas dancinhas na cozinha quando estávamos fazendo a comida, você pegava na minha mão e ficávamos dançando... lembro quando você colocava alguma música só para me irritar, e você sempre conseguiu me irritar tão bem, mas você também sempre foi a única pessoa que sempre conseguiu me fazer tão bem também! Sobre nós duas ninguém NUNCA vai saber de tudo.
Nós duas sempre fomos tão intensas, desde o começo, desde o começo de tudo, sempre fomos intensas... Nossas brigas sempre foi bem intensas também, nenhuma das duas não davam o braço a torcer, mas eu sempre fui a menos orgulhosa... você sempre foi a mais cabeça dura, orgulhosa, o que você não tem de tamanho, você tem de cabeça dura, orgulho... Eu lembro de cada detalhe do seu rosto, lembro do seu sorriso que você nunca gostou, mas eu sempre fui tão apaixonada por ele... E desde o primeiro momento que eu vi sua foto segurando o cigarro e sorrindo, antes mesmo da gente começar se falar, eu me apaixonei por ele... Lembro da cor dos seus olhos, lembro de cada pintinha do seu rostinho, lembro da suas pintinhas no seu pescoço, do seu cheirinho de nenem, lembro do seu abraço que confortava até minha alma, todas as vezes que eu não estava bem, ou até sempre que eu ouvia alguma bosta da minha mãe e aquilo me destruía, você me abraçava e falava que tudo ficaria bem, e realmente... com você tudo ficava bem.
Lembro do corte do seu cabelo, lembro do seus olhos grandes, lembro do seu olhar... esse seu olhar que eu nunca vou esquecer. Sabe, eu sei que errei, nós erramos, sei o quanto fui imatura também, sei o quanto te machuquei com cada palavra, sei que agi por impulso em muitas atitudes. Sei que eu deixei meus monstros internos tomarem conta de mim, que eu não fui forte o bastante, mas eu estava com medo, estava apavorada pelas coisas que eu estava sentindo aqui dentro de mim, e eu não queris te preocupar mais, não queria fazer você se sentir péssima estando comigo e nem pesada, mas eu acabei deixando a dor que eu estava sentindo falar mais alto, eu não queria te causar nenhuma dor também, já bastasse eu naquele momento, e hoje eu sei me olhar com mais carinho, sei me cuidar, sei olhar para o espelho e me ver com carinho, sei cuidar de mim, sei olhar para o meu corpo e gostar do que vejo também, e graças a você, que sempre deu o maior apoio... Ah, uma coisa que eu nunca te contei... eu nunca parei pra pensar em como você se sentia, eu sempre quis que você olhasse para mim, mas eu também não quis olhar pra você, olhar para o que você estava sentindo, eu também fui egoísta... Erramos em muitas coisas, mas sabe, eu sei que nosso amor sempre foi verdadeiro, e acredito eu que, quando é amor verdadeiro não vai embora tão rápido assim, independente de tudo, independente de cada magoa, briga, o amor sempre vai continuar.. E você também me magoou, você também me machucou, você sabe disso.. acho que por isso você fica longe ou não, sei lá... Mas você sabe que eu sempre estarei aqui pra você, por você.
Você me conhece melhor do que qualquer outra pessoa nesse mundo, eu te conheço também...
Sinto muito, sinto muito ter falhado como sua mulher, sinto muito ter falhado como sua amiga, sinto muito por cada palavra, sinto muito por cada vez que eu te machuquei e eu não percebia, sinto muito quando eu demonstrei falta de interesse por você, sinto muito por cada tristeza, sinto muito por não ter me esforçado mais em muitas coisas, sinto muito mesmo, sinto muito pela minha insegurança absurda, sinto muito pelo meu ciúmes, sinto muito por cada palavra que te machucaram... ah, como eu sinto muito. Você foi, é, a única pessoa que me ensinou tantas coisas boas nessa vida, me ensinou enfrentar cada obstáculo da vida, me ensinou tanto, você mudou tanta coisa dentro de mim, você me ensinou amar alguém de verdade, você me ensinou o que é cuidar de alguém, proteger e acima de tudo, respeitar. Eu te admiro, admiro a mulher forte que você é, admiro a mulher batalhadora que você se tornou, e passando os dias eu sei que você ta batalhando mais e mais..
Admiro sua força de vontade em tudo, admiro que independente da vida tentar te derrubar, você sempre se levanta e continua. Porra, o que você não tem de tamanho, você tem de garra, força. Lembrei aqui, faltam quatro dias para o meu aniversário, lembro do que você fez para mim ano passado, meu sonho sempre foi ganhar um urso enorme, e você comprou.. eu estava sentada na cama quando você chega com o urso (quase maior que você rs), chega com o meu bolo predileto, cenoura com cobertura de chocolate, e você comprou no lugar onde eu sempre gostei das tortas/bolos... eu lembro que sentei na cama e chorei, e você dizia que me amava, eu nunca me senti tão amada e protegida estando com alguém... e hoje, três dias para o meu aniversário, não vai ser assim, não vou ter nem o seu abraço, o seu beijo na testa pra dizer o quanto você me ama. Você se lembra quando ficávamos falando que íamos casar em frente ao mar? Era nosso sonho né... Eu me pergunto, como pode ter tudo mudado assim? Porque eu sei que amor não faltou, pelo contrário... Sempre fomos loucas uma pela outra, sempre arriscamos tudo para ficarmos juntas.. Nosso relacionamento sempre foi um relaciomento que sempre teve muita inveja, você sabe disso, e no fundo você sabe que não terminamos apenas por briguinhas, mas, mais cedo ou mais tarde o tempo vai te mostrar a verdade... Hoje, você já esta com outra, e quer saber? isso dói pra caralho.. conseguiu seguir o seu caminho, mas foi tão rápido, mas tudo bem, não te julgo, cada pessoa é de uma maneira, cada pessoa precisa lidar com a dor de um jeito. Ainda tenho o seu papel na bolsinha de maquiagem e lá esta escrito "Eu te amo pra sempre." Ainda guardo tudo com muito carinho, principalmente os momentos. Não adianta eu orar, acender uma vela pedindo pra Deus tirar essa dor, porque eu sei que não tem como, ficou um buraco tão grande dentro de mim, nada e nem ninguém preenche.
Eu não vou me relacionar com alguém tão cedo, te falei isso, lembra? Porque ninguém merece alguém pela metade, eu não iria conseguir, eu iria ser pela metade, pois meu coração está com você, e ninguem merece alguém pela metade.
Eu lembro quando você decidiu se afastar dizendo que seria o melhor pra nós duas, mas não foi.. eu ainda tenho o seu áudio dizendo "Quando isso acontece, é só uma vez na vida e com mais ninguém." Realmente, quando acontece o que tivemos é so uma vez na vida, e eu tenho sorte que foi com você, eu tenho sorte que o nosso caminho se cruzou novamente, digo novamente, porque eu sei que te conheço de vidas passadas.. e tenho sorte de ter reencontrado você. Eu sempre fui honesta demais com você, verdadeira, sincera, eu nunca mentiria pra você sobre alguém/algo, pelo contrário, você conhece até o meu olhar e sabe quando estou mentindo ou não! Esses dias sonhei com você, e eu só pedia pra você me abraçar muito forte porque eu só queria sentir o seu cheiro, e eu senti o seu cheiro, seu abraço, eu acordei sentindo seu cheiro, mas doeu quando eu percebi que era apenas um sonho... Olha, todos os dias que eu vou orar, eu peço a Deus pra te proteger, me preocupo com você, mas sei também que você é forte... você sabe que eu sempre estarei aqui, independente tudo, estarei aqui. Bom... vou parar por aqui, mas quero que você saiba, eu sempre estarei aqui, eu sempre serei o seu anjo da guarda.
E mais uma vez, me perdoa, sinto muito. Espero que um dia toda essa mágoa que você sente, não permaneça mais dentro de você... E se um dia nossos olhares se cruzarem novamente, vamos estar com o coração mais em paz, maduras e decididas... Obrigada por ter me ensinado o verdadeiro amor e acima de tudo, ter me amado, ninguém poderia ter me amado melhor do que você. Obrigada.
"Eu percebi que não importa aonde esteja, ou o que esteja fazendo, ou com quem esteja. Eu vou sempre, verdadeiramente, completamente, amar você."
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sl-graphicdesign · 4 years
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sinah9457 · 5 years
How many km between us, how many people pass through my life,it will be Forever You...
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tania98-blog1 · 6 years
Amor mío.
Cómo fue quererte ? Quererte mi querido Andrés ha sido unos de los placeres más grandes en mi vida , quererte fue la parte más fácil , más dulce , más satisfactoria .
Amarte ... Amarte fue la parte más cruel , fue la prueba más grande que se puso en mi .
Amarte sobre todo , incluso sobre mi .
Amarte mi amor me quitó todo rastro de amor para dar , te adueñaste de mi amor , te adueñaste de mi sentir.
Amarte , amarte siempre será la perdición , porque te amaré siempre completamente , con eso que ni tú puedes amar , así de profundo es este amor por ti , así de intenso es este amor por ti .
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