#former! joe goldberg x reader
moosekateer13 · 2 years
That Won't Save Us Masterlist
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For @supernatural-jackles tell my a story bingo
Quote I
15. "Do you know how much I love you?" "Who do you want dead this time?"
Sam Winchester reader Former! Joe Goldberg x reader 
Warnings: Angst, Attempted murder, mention of murder, Attempted kidnapping, Fluff, Smut
Summary: After running away from her abusive murderous ex Joe Goldberg.Y/N finds herself in Texas. She ends up in the arms of Sam Winchester. Will he be able to protect themself from her ex? Who is hellbent on finding her? Since she's the only lover that has survived.
Inspired by Against the Current's That Won't Save Us.
What did I hear you say? Say it to my face.
It's not even worth the fight. Waiting for you to say.
What's got you so afraid?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Epilogue
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sophiewritesworld · 5 years
Stalker, stalker - Montgomery de la Cruz
Requested by @bbbbbbb1111111112  : Heyyyy, can you do a Monty Imagine where the reader and him arent dating but he loves her and his Friends are calling him stalkerish and obsessed.The End is your choice ❤️🙏
Pairing : Montgomery x Reader
A/N: I am sorry for the loooooong delay ! Hope you like it ! 
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(gif not mine)
“You know your obsession for her is concerning?” It wasn’t a question. It was statement. Something Montgomery had been hearing a lot lately. This time it was Zach who spoke, tired of seeing him replaying your Instastory over and over again during lunch break. “Why don’t you just ask her out, dude?” He added.
Groaning, Montgomery simply shoved his phone in his jeans pocket and glared at his friend. “Shut up, Dempsey.” When he would start an argument on a good day, a fight on a normal day, this time he didn’t say much because he knew Zach was right. Everybody was right. He was slowly turning into a stalker, just like Joe Goldberg from YOU - Scott’s comparison, not his - and it was beyond concerning. But he couldn’t help it and it terrified him. Hell, he didn’t even know when this whole obsession thing started.
Maybe it was the day you accidentally bumped into him while headed to your locker, excusing yourself more than once as he helped you gather the books you dropped. “I was so into my book that I didn’t see you. I am sorry.” You said one last time before giving him a small smile and leaving. He remained silent the whole time, not able to say a word or remove his eyes from you. How come he never paid attention to you before ?
Or maybe it was the day he gave you a ride home when you got caught under the heavy rain after school a few weeks back. That day, you talked for the first time. An unexpectedly smooth conversation with a joke here and there that made you laugh. Yeah, your laugh was probably the beginning of all of this. Day after day, he found himself thinking of you more than he should, seeking to at least see you from afar, taking any opportunity that came his way to talk to you even for a second.
“What’s holding you from asking her out, Monty?” Scott asked, pulling the jock out of his thoughts.
“Ask who out?” Montgomery’s head snapped up to meet your smiling figure standing by their table. It was enough to make his heart beat faster, he was certain that if you got any closer to him, it was either going to stop beating at all or you could hear it. He tried to speak but no sound came out of his mouth. “None of my business, sorry.”
“Monty has this huge crush on this amazing girl, but he doesn’t know how to tell her.” Jeff grinned, eyes darting between you and Montgomery who was getting more and more embarrassed as Jeff spoke. “Could you maybe help him out with this? Ya know since you’re a girl and stuff…”
“Thanks for noticing I am girl, Atkins.”
“You’re very welcome, (Y/L/N).”
The first bell rang making all the boys, minus Montgomery, jump from their seats and head to their afternoon classes. “Are you okay?” You asked sitting next to him. The simple feeling of you being so close to him made him weak in the knees. Jesus, what was going on with him? Not a time in his whole entire existence a girl made him feel that way.
Sighing, he didn’t dare to look at you. “I don’t know…”
“Is it about the girl Jeff mentioned?”
“Yeah…” Wait did he just confirm the fact that he had a gigantic crush on you? Technically you didn’t know it was you Jeff was talking about. “Don’t you have class now?”
Smiling, you tilted your head to the side.  “Are you trying to avoid this conversation, Mont?” This right there. ‘Mont’ nobody else called him that way but you and it made him smile whenever you did.
“I think you should tell her.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“Why so?”
“(Y/N) you know why.” He said still not looking at you, a bit of a shame coating his tone.
“I don’t know, enlighten me, please.” Maybe Montgomery didn’t have the best reputation. He was a hothead who got into more fights than all the boys around Evergreen ever did, and he certainly got into fights with all the boys from Evergreen. He didn’t do relationships, he was the one night-stand kind of guy who flirted with all the girls in Liberty, probably slept with more than half of them. “Let me tell you what I know.” You started listing everything good you noticed about him, from his loyalty to his friends to his dedication to baseball and football, how hard he worked to become captain of the team instead of Bryce. Speaking of the devil, you didn’t forget to mention that you saw him stand for many girls his former friend harassed whether it was at school or outside school. “That’s the Montgomery I got to know for the past… what? Two months.”
“And a half.” He added with a smile.
“Right, two months and a half.” You smiled before quickly kissing his cheek and adding. “Take your chances, stop hesitating.” Before he could react, you were out of his sight, sprinting towards your literature class. His fingers went to touch where your lips were seconds ago, still not sure if he was dreaming or not. Maybe he should take his chances with you, after all, you saw what nobody else did. As he walked out the cafeteria, he quickly typed a text message and hit send before shoving his phone back into his pocket. Seconds later, yours buzzed under the table while Mrs. Green was speaking about post war literature to which you didn’t pay much attention.
Are you free tonight ? - M
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Trump and the Troops: The Media’s Latest Self-Satisfied Grift
Watch how this is done: Joe Biden plans to resign after only one year in the White House, according to someone with direct knowledge of the Bidens’ plans.
A senior official at Northern Virginia Community College confirmed that Jill Biden reached out recently to see if she could resume teaching if her husband was elected—Dr. Biden famously taught there while her husband served as vice president and had befriended the official. The College immediately offered her a four-year cycle of classes. She wanted, however, to make only a one-year commitment. “We won’t be in Washington for the full term,” Biden reportedly explained. “Joe’ll stay in office for a year and work on some signature issues like cancer research, but Kamala will be doing the heavy lifting from day one. Joe will quietly resign and give her plenty of time to make the job her own. It’s set in stone I’m afraid. I wouldn’t let him run any other way given his health.”
I made that up. See how easy it is? Start with a known bias, that many people believe Joe Biden won’t serve his whole term. Play off the fear that he’s a Trojan Horse. Tell people what they already believe: Harris is selected, not elected. Include some truth (Dr. Jill Biden did teach at Northern Virginia Community College during the Obama administration). And then take advantage of the magic of anonymous sources.
This comes in the context of an article in The Atlantic by Jeff Goldberg, where anonymous sources claim the president disrespected America’s military. Goldberg’s piece was followed by former Russiagate FBI agent Peter Strzok telling another Atlantic writer that Trump is controlled by the Russians. Then came the return of Alexander Vindman (powered by an anonymous source, er, “whistleblower”) and excerpts from Bob Woodward’s book Rage claiming without details that Dan Coats and Jim Mattis planned “collective action” against the president.
Those are only a few recent examples. Amid a four year tantrum, the media has recklessly published anything anti-Trump without concern for truth, little better than the minor celebs who take to Twitter to announce #TrumpisaPedo. Journalism has become farce, its purpose not to inform but to advocate. Influence ops. Propaganda.
It’s worth making an example out of Goldberg’s article because of its exclusive use of anonymous sources in pursuit of advocacy, in this case, trying to chip away at Trump’s pro-military base. Though Goldberg talks about events from as long as four years ago, the actual article was released alongside a Military Times poll showing Biden gaining some support among service members, and dovetailed with fuzzy reporting that Trump ignored Russian bounties on Americans in Afghanistan.
The questions of timing and motive make the validity of the sources ever more important. How do we know Goldberg didn’t make things up, or at least allow himself to be used for a partisan end as he did in advocating for the whole false narrative of WMDs in Iraq? Unless you’re Goldberg’s mother or the town mayor from Jaws, credibility comes from sources, not a writer’s inner soul. Goldberg is lacking.
As a diplomat, I staffed overseas presidential visits from Reagan to Obama. I sat in on planning meetings and got a pretty close-up view of the Secret Service. The president exists inside a series of bubbles, like Russian nesting dolls (forgive me). The innermost bubble, the one where someone might hear his personal thoughts, is reserved for very, very few people. The universe of those who could have been physically close enough to Trump (or any president) to overhear such sensitive remarks is tiny.
So if we know the names of the sources, it will be easy to place them in that special group, or not. It will be easy to check photos to see if they were where they would have needed to be to overhear. Fact-checkers could determine who else was around to confirm or deny the story (11 Trump officials deny it by name, zero confirm). Knowing the names resolves the risk. Trust but verify.
Goldberg’s sources say Trump remarked to former White House chief of staff and retired Marine General John Kelly, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” A real reporter would also provide context (Bob Woodward in Rage is also guilty of this, dropping a turd quote in the public punch bowl and then moving on), asking what was said before and after the damning remarks. It is not uncommon for civilians to respectfully inquire as to what motivates men to run into fires, to sacrifice themselves for a buddy, to stand in harm’s way.
Trump supposedly said this at the Arlington National Cemetery gravesite of Kelly’s son, a Marine killed in Afghanistan. This photo shows who was there—Kelly, two family members, Trump, and Pence. This would have been the moment when Trump would have made his remark, and those are the only five people on earth who would have heard it. Trump and Pence deny it; the Kelly family has been silent. The same photo set shows Trump meeting later with other Gold Star families, none of whom claim he made any disparaging remarks.
There is also a sniff test to be applied. The credibility of journalism should not depend on the reader’s biases; that’s the domain of late-night Trump Sucks You Guys comedy. Trump mocking Kelly’s son at graveside would be among the most horrible things anyone could do to a parent. Who would say such a thing? There is no record of the worst humans in history, men like Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, saying such things. There is no record of concentration camp guards, men capable of killing children, saying such things. Would Kelly, a blooded Marine, stand silently with his family as accomplices in their humiliation, then release the information only years later while hiding behind the skirt of a journalist to score a glancing political point?
Though it got much less attention, The Atlantic followed up Goldberg with a piece that included a named source and allowed him to list out baseless accusations of treason. Former FBI agent Peter Strzok sees grassy knolls everywhere. The Atlantic helps him along, introducing a back-and-to-the-left theory by saying, “Despite multiple investigations by the FBI, Congress, and Mueller’s team, Americans have still never learned the full story about the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia.” Like what?
Well, Strzok says he doesn’t really know, but it must be hidden in Trump’s taxes (which the IRS has reviewed for decades). The writer feels it in her ample gut, too, stating in her best Kevin Costner voice, “Strzok was getting too close to the truth.” Ah, from Strzok: “I do think the president is compromised, that he is unable to put the interests of our nation first, that he acts from hidden motives, because there is leverage over him, held specifically by the Russians but potentially others as well.” That is a straight-up accusation of treason.
And there both the writer and the source leave it, no specifics, no follow-up questions, not even a pee tape. We’re left to infer that They Are All In On It, everyone who could have blown this wide open is dummied up—FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ. Remember Mr. X, the character in JFK played by Donald Sutherland? Strzok wants to be him. Problem is he’s not good enough for an Oliver Stone film, so he’s just out there pimping his book.
The Atlantic articles are sucked oranges. Writing this after the hot takes have faded, it’s clear they had little lasting effect and thus weren’t even decent propaganda. Goldberg’s article got far too much attention for how little it had to say. But it has not gotten enough review as a marker, the place we had to end up when the media wholeheartedly advocated for the Iraq war based on lies, literally rewrote history with the 1619 Project for political ends, buried things of concern with Hillary, helped create Russiagate, and used its own freedom of speech to quash dissenting voices as unpatriotic in 2003 and as “useful idiots” and Russian bots since.
In defense of what they call advocacy, crappy journalists often cite Walter Cronkite’s late opposition to the Vietnam War or Ed Murrow’s shaming of Joe McCarthy. Not only are such gold-standard examples rare enough that the list often ends there, they ignore the negative examples above. They also ignore how Cronkite’s and Murrow’s advocacy came at the end of dispassionate study and deep introspection. Cronkite and Murrow broke the objectivity wall not for a favored candidate, but over issues of deep national importance. And they understood the difference before acting.
Peter Van Buren, a 24-year State Department veteran, is the author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, Hooper’s War: A Novel of WWII Japan, and Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the 99 Percent.
The post Trump and the Troops: The Media’s Latest Self-Satisfied Grift appeared first on The American Conservative.
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 1: Psycho
 I breathe a sigh of relief when I finally arrive at my new apartment in Texas. I just hope he doesn't find me this time. Joe Goldberg my controlling ex who I also found out is a murderer.
Guinevere Beck, Love Quinn, Marriene Bellamy.
All of his former lovers are all dead. 
Not all by his hand though. Love his late wife turned out to be just as psycho as him and killed two of his former loves Candace Stone and Delilah Alves.
He also went by several aliases: Will Bettelheim, Jonathan Moore, or as I knew him, Irvine Fadington.
I came across the book by his ex Guinevere and then the tale of his late wife Love in the suburb Madre Linda.
I didn't need to see his picture to know he had committed the crimes.
What he calls love is really manipulation. Joe wants you to do things his way and if you don't you end up dead. He was trying to get clean when he moved to the suburbs but Love turned him dark again. She kept having him clean up her messes then eventually she turned on him. In the end, it was a fight to the death he won by injecting her with wolfsbane.
He confirmed my suspicions about the murders just before he was about to kill me.
Flashback 6 months ago…
He catches me with his ex's book on the table and the page opens with the story about his late wife.
"What did I tell you about going on the internet when I'm not home?" Irvine said.
"Not to. Your name isn't Irvine, is it? It's Joe right?" I replied shakily. I have never been so afraid in my life. I feel it in my gut I'm not getting out alive.
He yanks me by the hair and pulls me into the alley behind our apartment.
"Little worm figured it out. I guess you are smarter than I give you credit for. Well, I can't have you spilling your guts. I have worked too hard to cover my tracks."Joe replied as he wrapped his hand tightly around my neck. The last thing I see before everything goes black is a murderous look in the eyes I once loved.
End Flashback 
By some sheer miracle, a cop named Noe found me in the alley. It was a close call. After giving my statement, I left the state for my safety.
I'm stocking the bookstore shelves when I hear a familiar set of footsteps.
I turn around to see my friend Eden smiling at me. Her multi-spectrum hazel eyes lit up with a smile on her face. As usual, her blonde hair loosely curled.
She works at the restaurant attached to the store.
We met when I had to grab my morning tea from there.
Eden is always so happy-go-lucky. It breaks my heart that she lost her mother because of a work accident. While attending to a patient during transport, a vehicle hit the side of the ambulance.
Turns out her mom Jessica had a genetic disorder Hemophilia. So that cut on her stomach that they thought was minor ended up being fatal. Her dad Sam ended up raising her by himself. He's a lawyer. Eden is following in her mom's footsteps and going to nursing school.
She's got a chocolate muffin and orange pekoe tea in her hand.
" Thank you, sweetheart, such a sweet thing for you to do. What did I do to deserve a friend like you?" I said with a smile.
"Nonsense Y/N you are amazing and you've always been there when I needed you. I'm lucky to have you too." Eden replied.
And sets the food on the counter before hugging me and going back to work.
I spot a tall brown-haired man with broad shoulders buying something from the cafe. Even though I can't see his face I silently lick my lips. I've always liked them tall. You've just got out of a terrible relationship. It's not the time to be looking. Besides, he probably already has someone.
Fantasizing is harmless though I reason with myself.
I catch a glimpse of his eyes before he leaves. They are the most stunning ones I've ever seen. Those multi-spectrum hazel eyes will definitely be in my dreams tonight.
Chapter 2:
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Epilogue: Dear Reader
Sam and Y/N’s 1-year anniversary…
Busy Bean Cafe
It’s our 1st anniversary we couldn’t think of a more fitting place to celebrate than the Cafe where we first met.
Sam’s feeding me pasta. He’s so cheesy sometimes but it’s adorable.
After lunch we exchange gifts.
I gasp at the sight of the ring emerald and citrine ring silver ring.
“Before you say anything it’s not an engagement ring. It’s a promise ring Y/N.” Sam said as he placed the ring on my left middle finger.
He knows not to push things I am not ready for the stone in the ring to be perfect. Healing love is exactly what Sam’s love healed me.
“I love you. Sam, I am so lucky to have you.” I said.
The biggest smile on his face was from my response. It’s also because this is the first time I said I loved him out loud.
“I love you too Y/N,” Sam replied.
We walk hand in hand to his car and head back to our gorgeous brownstone.
Slowly stripping off our clothes. We leave a trail of them in our bedroom.
We make slow sweet love for the first time. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Another first for me and Sam. I am glad he was my first and not anyone else. I love this family I have built here with the Winchesters.
A horrible situation may have led me to find life here in Austin but I am glad I came here.
I snuggle into Sam. We slowly drift off to sleep in our kingsized bed. Our cats Pink and Floyd have wandered in and are sleeping beside the bed.
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 6: Shadow and Soul
Sam has been furiously looking for where Joe is. He's slick so expected that his efforts to find him have all been in vain.
Sam was overprotective as he insisted I move in with him despite my protest. My place isn't nearly as secure as his place so I don't blame him. Sam respects my space though. We haven't slept in the same bed yet. He knows I'm not ready for that yet. After all, we've only been together for a few months. I've been working on a memoir. It gives me something to pour all my thoughts and feelings into. I pray it has a good ending and I don't end up being one of Joe’s' victims.
Sam kisses the top of my head and sits next to me. He loves watching me type. Sam is utterly adorable and sweet. I'm lucky that both he and Eden came into my life.
I don't even notice it is dinner time till a chicken salad appears beside me. He is so worried that I'll forget to eat.
"You are just the sweetest. I'm lucky to have you." I said with a smile.
"No need to thank me. I love you and I want to make sure you are taken care of."Sam replied as he rubbed my shoulders.
Wait did he just let the Big L word slip again? Well, I know he won't pressure me to say until I'm ready.
The next day…
Despite his hesitation, I’m learning from his father John how to fire a gun. I want to be prepared for anything. We all know how dangerous Joe is.
“Y/N a little more to the right,” John said. Finally, being able to hit the target. I feel a sense of relief. The more protected I am the better.
“Amazing Y/N I think you are ready. Hopefully, you won’t have to use it.” John said.
“Thanks, John and hope I don’t have to use it too,” I replied.
He gives me a quick hug before Sam picks me up. I haven’t known John long. Sam said he doesn’t hug much. I guess that's who Dean takes after.
Sam helps me into the car. He gives me a worried look. All we can do is sit and wait. He’ll come to us, eventually.
I open the door to Sam’s place and I’m greeted by a cat an orange tabby.
“Aww, where did this little one come from,” I said
Eden comes around the corner.
“Aww, he ruined my surprise when he got away from me. I know uncle Dean is allergic but remembered you mentioning you’ve always wanted a cat Y/N. Figured he could bring you some more comfort in the middle of all the chaos.”
“That is just the sweetest thing thank you, Eden,” I replied with a smile. I pick him up and decide to name him Pink.
Chapter 7:
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 5: Fire it Up
1 month later…
Sam and I have been dating for a month but we haven't told Eden yet.
She's a smart woman though. Eden has made some comments to her father about how he seems to smile a lot more lately.
He doesn't respond to her remark, but he blushes now and then.
Easily giving away that he's dating someone.
Sam may be a beast with practicing law but with personal matters, he's adorably shy.
"I think we should tell Eden," Sam said in between his sips of coffee.
I raise an eyebrow and consider what to say.
"Okay if you are sure and you think it isn't too soon," I replied as I placed my hand on his.
Sam breaks out into the biggest smile. His dimples pop out slightly.
We head to the cafe to find Eden.
“Before you guys say anything. I know you are together. Those stolen glances you didn't think I saw. I saw them. It's so good to see you both happy.” Eden said with a smile.
"I was worried you'd be upset, Ede. I thought you'd think I was replacing your mom with Y/N." Sam replied with relief. 
"Nonsense Dad I know you will always love her. Besides, mom would want you to be happy and so do I. You've sacrificed so much for me over the years. It's time for you to do something for yourself," Eden said.
“Thank you, Ede. I'm so lucky to have you. How did you get so wise?” Sam replied.
"I learned from the best," Eden said with a wink before heading over to the kitchen.
1 week later…
My perfect little bubble cracked when I received an anonymous letter at the store.
I found you.
My blood runs cold at those three words. Should I run again or should I stay? I left the letter out and Sam saw it. He assured me he would keep me safe.
“I am not letting you run again. My mom and dad are cops. We'll find security to keep you safe. Y/N I'm not willing to lose you. I love you..” Sam said.
I feel my heart skip a beat at those words. It's the first time he's said those words to me.
A blush creeps across his face after he realizes what he just said.
"Look, you don't have to say it back. If you aren't ready yet. I got caught in the moment." Sam said.
" Nonsense Sam I love you too. Maybe even from the first moment, I saw you." I replied. Before I reached up to pull him into a kiss.
Castiel has become my security guard while I'm out and about. Whether it be work or simply just an outing. I was weary of having any new people in my life. It put my mind at ease when Sam said he, Cas and Dean have been friends since high school.
We are getting along great.
I'm nervous that Dean and I are meeting for the first time today.
Sam is running late with a case.
So he's meeting us here at my place in an hour.
I set out burgers and salad for dinner. I'm also keeping an apple pie warm in the oven. Sam told me his big brother loves pie.
The doorbell rings and I run to answer it.
"Hi, Dean, it's great to meet you," I said as I held out my hand to him.
He sets down the beer he's been holding and pulls me into a hug.
This surprised me because according to Sam he's not keen on hugging people he doesn't know.
"Nonsense sweetheart. Your family as far as I'm concerned. I've been wanting to meet the woman that has been making my brother so happy." Dean said with a smile before releasing me.
I feel the heat rising in my cheeks at the last remark.
He follows me to the living room.
Dean shares embarrassing childhood stories of Sam with me 
"So even as a kid, he had lawyer skills, eh? He argued his way out of trouble after he dressed up as Batman and jumped off the shed and hurt his arm. That's adorable." I said.
I hear Sam enter and he's smiling the entire way over to the living room.
We spent the evening playing pool and watching movies.
Eden eventually joins us after her shift at the restaurant.
I am already feeling like part of the family and I can't wait to see where things go. It's good to have a moment of peace. There's still a threat looming over me with Joe around but that's tomorrow's problem.
We deserve some happiness.
Chapter 6:
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 4: Back to Life
1 week later…
Eden told Sam my favourite order and now has been bringing it every day before he heads to work.
He walks in with a big smile.
“There's my second favourite customer,” I said as I pulled him into a hug.
He sets down the food before pulling me into his arms around me.
"I'm hurt hummingbird I’m not number one," Sam replied sarcastically.
"Sorry firebird, that title goes to Ede. After all, we met first.” I said with a smirk.
"Well, setting that aside, I'd love to take you out for dinner on Friday. I know we just met, and you came out of a terrible relationship. Though I'm hoping by some miracle you'd say yes." Sam said nervously 
"I'd love to," I said with a smile.
He breaks out into a big smile. 
 Sam gives me a cheek silently thanking me before he heads to work. I feel the heat rise to my cheek at the gesture.
It was one of the easiest decisions I've made recently.
I rub my hand along my cheek on the spot he just kissed. 
Before I knew it was Friday.
I bite my lip nervously as I wait for Sam to come to pick me up. 
His car pulls up, and he gets out of it. My heart skipped a beat seeing him all dressed up in a suit and tie.
Sam's eyes scan me up and down before he opens the door for me.
“That red dress suits your hummingbird,” Sam said as I got into the car.
I feel the heat rise in my cheeks at the compliment.
"Thank you firebird, "I replied with a smile.
The restaurant he took us to is stunning Harvelle's. I remember Eden talking about this place. Family friends Ellen and Jo own a Roadhouse in Nebraska. Jo moved here a few years ago and opened this restaurant with her husband Alexander.
At one point Dean Sam's brother and her uncle dated Jo, but it was short-lived. They decided they were better off being friends.
The waitress leads us to the table.
Sam pulls out the chair for me. He orders me the steak fusilli and he orders chicken parmesan. We also have the house salad.
The owner comes by with her food.
"So your Y/N I can see why Sam talks about you so much. You are gorgeous." Jo said with a smile.
Sam blushes at that comment and I feel the heat rise in my cheeks.
Jo has to cut our conversation short when a waiter calls her over.
I dig into my food. Damn this food is amazing.
"So you've been talking about me. Eh, Sam." I replied with a smirk.
Sam blushes in response. He looks adorable when he does that.
"Yeah," Sam replied shyly.
"Aww, that's so sweet. I talk about you all the time to my friends too. I feel this connection to you Sam. Something I don't think I've ever felt with any guy." I said wholeheartedly 
"I feel something too. Something I never thought I'd feel again." Sam said with a smile.
Never did I think I'd have feelings for someone again. Not after what I went through. The universe had other plans and I can't wait to see where it goes.
Chapter 5:
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 7: That Won't Save Us
3 months later...
Not closer to figuring out where he is. Joe has been leaving gruesome items on my house’s doorstep. That includes his toes. Utterly disgusting. When Sam saw all the items he muttered under his breath “Do you know how much I love you?” “Who do you want dead this time?” It scared me slightly because I know he wasn’t kidding. Sam doesn’t think I heard him but I did. He knows I am already afraid he doesn’t want to scare me further at the thought of him going to jail.
 I’m headed home after a long day of work. It was busy today with many people buying books. It’s become quite busy lately. With the cafe taking off more people have been visiting the store too. A local celebrity posted about it.
 I’m headed home after a long day of work. It was busy today with a lot of people buying books. It’s become quite busy lately. With the cafe taking off more people have been visiting the store too. A local celebrity posted about it.
Sam and Eden couldn’t take me home today since they both had to work late. So I’m taking public transit. I gave my bodyguard the rest of the day off. Not that far of the trip back to Sam’s. So I figured I’d be fine for my trip home. I anxiously fiddle with the belt on my trench coat as I wait for the bus. I see an eerie figure out of the corner of my eye.
Joe with that all too familiar menacing look in his eyes. He stalks towards me.
“Y/N, Y/N you shouldn’t go anywhere by yourself.” Joe taunted.
“How did you even know I was in Austin?” I asked.
“Your friend Wysteria Riddle has been following your socials. She told me where you were.” Joe said.
That bitch we had a following out in college. We were both taking literature. I was going through a hard time keeping up with things. When I needed her, she left me behind. I did nothing to her so I can’t understand why she’s done this.
“She had no reason to rat me out. I did nothing to her,” I replied.
“Pure jealousy. You had everything she didn’t family, friends and talent. Now you have Sam and Eden an extra slice of good. Wysteria wanted to pay back for that. When she heard I was looking for you. She gave me the information I needed. Of course, she doesn’t know I want to kill you. All she thinks of is a weepy guy wanting his love back. Wy thinks you dumped me for no reason.” Joe said.
After he finishes his nonsense, he lunges for me. Joe failed to notice that I had grabbed my gun out of my purse. I don’t hesitate and shoot both of his legs causing him to face-plant. A few months ago, I registered for a gun. I refused to be his next victim.
With the police station just around the corner. Sirens come almost immediately.
John rushes over to me. 
“Thank god you’re safe Y/N. It was still dangerous for you to give your bodyguard the day off.” I quickly give him my statement. 
That’s when Sam suddenly comes around. How the hell did he get here so fast?
“Hummingbird I am so glad you are okay. It scared the shit out when dad called and told me.” Sam said.
He eagerly takes me into his arms. I sobbed into his shoulder. I feel relieved that all of this is over. Joe while no doubt will be serving several life sentences
Dean has also arrived so has Eden. Mary is even here. 
“Okay, guys let’s not smother her she’s overwhelmed. Let's get her home,” Sam said.
He picks me up and puts me in the back seat of his car. Sam gets in the other side. John drives us back to Sam’s place. Dean, Mary and Eden are following behind us in Dean’s impala.
 When we arrive back my parents are there. Along with my friends, Chelsea, Alicia, Noe and Cole. They all hug me. Then we have dinner my mom made. It’s sort of like a celebration dinner that this entire ordeal is over.
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 3: The Entrance
Eden asked me to meet her in the restaurant for breakfast.
An odd request if you ask me. We rarely meet for breakfast on weekdays.
As I head to the counter I didn't see her anywhere in sight.
"Excuse me miss, have you seen Eden?”  
I spin around to look at the source of the voice. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks when I realize it's the man with hazel eyes I saw last week.
"No sir I haven't," I replied 
“Okay, I'll just wait for her then. Call me Sam, not sir I'm not that old.” Sam said with a smile.
“Okay hi, Sam. I'm Y/N.” I replied 
Eden finally appears.
“Oh hi, dad. You came….” A ding interrupts them.
Excuse me, I've got some pastries to grab you two sit. I'll be right there.
Ten mins later and I see no signs of her, just a note.
Went out for supplies. You and my dad enjoy these banana muffins.
Devious girl trying to set me up with her father isn't she? Not that I mind though he seems like an amazing guy. Though I am I ready to jump into one after all I've been through? Eden doesn't know what I've been through. All she knows is I got out of a terrible relationship.
I take the plate of muffins and bring them back to the table.
"Let me guess my daughter took off. My sweet girl is trying to tell me it's time to do something for myself. I haven't been with someone since her mom died. Raising her has been my major priority." Sam said.
I put a comforting hand on his.
"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. You've done an amazing job with her. Eden is a terrific person." I replied.
Sam takes me by surprise and gets up to hug me from behind.
Silently thanking me with the emotion put into it.
I lean into his touch. Sam's arms have this feeling of comfort and safety.
He reluctantly releases me and sits back down.
We eat and chat about random things. Exchanging smiles and laughs along the way.
I haven't felt this comfortable with a guy ever... Even though I thought I might not be ready to be with someone. Hanging out with Sam is quickly changing my mind. Eden knows me well; she could tell that her dad and I would hit it off.
She takes after her dad for sure, kind, caring, and smart.
Chapter 4:
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moosekateer13 · 2 years
Chapter 2: Who Are You
I barely know you, we shouldn't be doing this… barely able to get the words out as he coaxes another orgasm from my body.
“Why not babe you are enjoying it aren't you.” He murmured against my neck as he marks it.
I claw at his back and hold on tightly as he slams into me again. My vagina was full to the hilt with his cock. His cum shamelessly dripped out of me and down my legs.
Those gorgeous multi-spectrum hazel eyes bore into mine as we shared another heated kiss. I tug him impossibly closer and my legs are now wrapped around his waist.
Another orgasm courses through us.
I wake up back in my bedroom finding no sign of him. To my dismay, it was all a dream. Time for a cold shower before work.
After putting on a blue bra and matching underwear. I put on a pair of black jeans and a red tank with a blue and red plaid shirt. With my French toast and sausage down the hatch, I take my car to work.
Despite my best effort to push that dream to the back of my mind, I can't. My long-time friends Chels and Alicia are meeting Eden and me for lunch today. We have had little time to hang out lately.
Eden sets down my burger and fries along with her hot dog and fries.
Once Chels and Alicia arrive another waitress places Chicken Cesar salads in front of them.
"Okay, Y/N what's up you've got a dopey smile on your face," Chelsea said.
"Nothing" I replied hoping she wouldn't press further.
“You had one of those dirty dreams, didn't you? I know that look. You have that same look when you read certain books.” Eden chimed in with a smirk on her face.
I feel the heat rise in my cheeks but refuse to answer her question.
My silence is all the answer she needs though.
"Nothing could come off though. I saw him in the restaurant the other day. Only caught a glimpse of him. I doubt I'll ever see him again." I said dismissively.
"Come one don't leave us hanging. What did he look like?" Eden said.
"Tall broad shoulders, dark brown hair and the most stunning multi-spectrum hazel eyes I've ever seen," I replied.
I feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I describe him.
Eden gives me a knowing smile.
It's like she's seen him before, maybe he's one of her regulars?
I don't ask because the universe knows I'm not ready for a relationship right now. I don't do one-night stands either. Not wanting to be questioned further I go back to my lunch.
Chapter 3:
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