birdswhoownnothing · 2 months
What does storage smell like to you?
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birdswhoownnothing · 2 months
How does storage make us feel?
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birdswhoownnothing · 2 months
From the birds:
"Hoarding isn't just an over consumption of materials done by humans but an expression of agency by humans and non-humans.
When I heard that I immediately thought of squirrels try and find enough food in the fall to last them the winter by storing it all in a safe space -- collecting and hoarding is done by everyone because it shows that they have the ability to do so, a squirrel has only the store food to help keep themselves and their family alive for months."
-- Remi Benton
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birdswhoownnothing · 2 months
our exhibition text
Take a look into our exhibition via our exhibition text ...
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birdswhoownnothing · 2 months
From the birds:
"I see puppets as both Heros of the story and bottle/containers of narratives/stories. They are each created for a story and to tell a story. The puppeteers that are traditionally the creators of puppets at the same time, must blow the spirit in the puppets to create actors for their shows. They live with every cell of material that forms the puppets, weave the story in every cut and every stitch, line, color and curve. And they must make them as humane as possible. The more personification and animation embedded in the creation of them, the easier the connection of audience with them forms.
Puppets are one of the most multidimensional, multimedia artworks that I encountered and experienced. They are handicrafts, paintings, embroideries, performers (and manipulated to perform), dancers, and most importantly storytellers. The best part is they do not evoke any eager judgement, they are not perceived as a threat, so they have been chosen as media by many artists who were and are socio-politically in danger. A device that is both a toy and a companion, and a carrier. A storage for meanings and narratives.
In many cases, such as artists’ personal archive or museum storages, they need and live in carriers/storages. As if they go back into the womb, waiting to be born and alive again. To tell the stories they were created to tell, and in the case of posthumous archives, tell the stories of their creators and how, when and where they were conceived. Puppets in storage in museum, are Storage of meaning in storage of time in storage of paradigm. Storage in Storage in Storage."
-- Afra Hassan Pour
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birdswhoownnothing · 2 months
For the birds, who own nothing.
"When I moved from one house to another there were many things I had no room for. What does one do? I rented a storage space. And filled it. Years passed. Occasionally I went there and looked in, but nothing happened, not a single twinge of the heart. As I grew older the things I cared about grew fewer, but were more important. So one day I undid the lock and called the trash man. He took everything. I felt like the little donkey when his burden is finally lifted. Things! Burn them, burn them! Make a beautiful fire! More room in your heart for love, for the trees! For the birds who own nothing—the reason they can fly." - Mary Oliver
Mary Oliver expresses the deeply emotional dilemma of throwing away useless things to make room for what you love. Let go of those things that don't occupy the same weight of emotions as those we love. By throwing away those things, we can make room for the things we love.
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