candyredterezii · 6 years
fortunarex replied to your photoset “Happy Halloween!”
you look so good dani!!!
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devilishcrybaby · 5 years
🍙 + a healthy heap of devils food cake for desert.
Give my muse some food.
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“I never understood why people named this garbage after me.”
He tries to take a bite, but instantly gags. Nope nope noooope. Lu can’t stand sweets.
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toonyencounters · 5 years
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“So many bosses!!!”
“Someone asked me how I keep track, but it’s not that hard! Whenever I meet someone I know I’m gonna be seeing a lot, I try to find a food to link them too!
@devilxdice Is Apple and a Purple Velvet Cake, @six-sided-sinner is a vanilla Petit Four, @gigitumblahrp is Chocolate Macaroon, @fortunarex is Dacquoise!! And there’s also Taters and Pretzels, but I can’t remember what their actual names are... They aren’t my bosses, though!”
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“Can’t remember anything else or what thing I remember goes to which one, but I can at least keep track of the identifiers! ...Hopefully!”
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devilishcrybaby · 5 years
“Hold still”
Whump words
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“D-Don’t touch it!” The Devil holds one bleeding hand in the other, and bites his lip. The crybaby inhales raggedly, unable to wipe away small pink tears as they rapidly spawn. He’s embarrassed, looking away and doing anything not to make eye contact with Dice. A black pharoah hound sniffs his master’s wounds.
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