#fortysevens is a cat mom
fortysevenswrites · 2 years
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Number of thoughts running through Bishop’s tiny head this morning: none
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
Since I feel like we’re all in need of a little cute right now, here’s Bishop hiding under my giant stuffed dog.
From the front:
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And from the back:
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fortysevenswrites · 2 years
Bishop: I would like some of your chocolate cake.
Me: Bishop, you are a cat, chocolate cake is not good for you.
Bishop: But what if chocolate cake was good for me?
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
The worst day of the year is that day, twice a year, where I have to wrangle Bishop into her carrier and take her to the vet.
I could HEAR the echo of her unhappy meows across the parking lot when they took her in.
I am also not thrilled with this. The condo feels suuuuuuper off when she’s not here.
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
I love my cat, I really, really do, but y’all, the sound she makes she she’s crunching on her nails is just *cringes with the force of a thousand suns*
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fortysevenswrites · 4 years
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Bishop likes to cuddle, but only on HER terms. Specifically when I am on the couch napping. Love her dopey little face
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
A piece of fluff of some kind has ended up on my balcony, so CLEARLY this means to Bishop that we need to loudly declare a Defcon 1 situation, and take cover under the protection of the yoga mat.
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