#founder of D-Mart brand
smartwork2 · 20 days
IDFC FIRST Private Banking and Hurun India Unveil Top 200 Self-Made Entrepreneurs of the Millennia
IDFC FIRST Private Banking, in collaboration with Hurun India, proudly launched the inaugural edition of 'IDFC FIRST Private Hurun India’s Top 200 Self-Made Entrepreneurs of the Millennia 2023.' This list highlights the 200 most valuable companies in India, all founded post-2000, emphasizing the country's vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem. The rankings are determined by market capitalization for publicly traded companies and valuations for private enterprises.
Leading this prestigious list is Radhakishan Damani, the seasoned investor and founder of D-Mart, whose retail chain boasts a market cap of Rs 2.38 lakh crore. Following closely are Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal, the visionaries behind Flipkart, whose e-commerce platform has revolutionized online shopping in India. These trailblazers set the stage for a new era of entrepreneurship, inspiring countless others to pursue their business dreams.
Among the youngest and most dynamic entrepreneurs featured are Neetish Sarda of Smartworks, Ritesh Agarwal of OYO, Ankush Sachdeva of ShareChat, and Hemesh Singh of Unacademy. These innovators have not only created significant market value but have also transformed their respective industries with fresh, disruptive ideas.
Neetish Sarda, the founder of Smartworks, has reshaped the concept of office spaces in India. His company provides flexible workspaces that foster collaboration, productivity, and employee well-being, addressing the evolving needs of modern work culture. Smartworks' success is a testament to the increasing demand for adaptable work environments that support diverse work styles and enhance overall job satisfaction.
Ritesh Agarwal, the force behind OYO, has revolutionized the hospitality industry with his affordable and standardized lodging solutions. OYO's rapid expansion and innovative business model have made it one of the most recognizable brands in the global hospitality market. Agarwal's entrepreneurial journey from a small startup to a global powerhouse exemplifies the potential of Indian entrepreneurs on the world stage.
Ankush Sachdeva, co-founder of ShareChat, has created a social media platform that caters to India's diverse linguistic landscape. By providing a space for regional language content, ShareChat has tapped into a previously underserved market, fostering a sense of community among its users. Sachdeva's vision has positioned ShareChat as a significant player in India's digital ecosystem.
Hemesh Singh, co-founder of Unacademy, has transformed the education sector with his online learning platform. Unacademy offers a wide range of courses, making quality education accessible to millions of students across India. Singh's innovative approach to education has democratized learning, providing opportunities for personal and professional growth to a broad audience.
The 'IDFC FIRST Private Hurun India’s Top 200 Self-Made Entrepreneurs of the Millennia 2023' list celebrates the achievements of these remarkable individuals and their contributions to India's economic growth. These entrepreneurs exemplify resilience, innovation, and vision, driving India's entrepreneurial spirit forward.
As India continues to evolve as a global economic powerhouse, the contributions of these self-made entrepreneurs will play a crucial role in shaping the future. Their success stories inspire a new generation of business leaders, reinforcing the belief that with determination and creativity, the possibilities are limitless. The IDFC FIRST Private Banking and Hurun India collaboration not only recognizes these outstanding achievements but also encourages the pursuit of entrepreneurial excellence in the years to come.
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kisansatta · 4 years
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डी-मार्ट ब्रांड के फाउंडर राधाकिशन दमानी ने पीएम-केयर्स में दान किये 155 करोड़
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नई दिल्ली : देश में फैली महामारी से लड़ने के लिए खुदरा क्षेत्र के डी-मार्ट ब्रांड के फाउंडर राधाकिशन दमानी ने पीएम-केयर्स और अन्य राज्य के राहत कोषों को कुल 155 करोड़ रुपये का दान दिया है | डी-मार्ट पर मालिकाना हक रखने वाली कंपनी एवेन्यू सुपरमार्ट्स ने एक बयान में कहा कि इसमें से 100 करोड़ रुपये पीएम-केयर्स फंड और 55 करोड़ रुपये 11 राज्य सरकारों के राहत कोष में जाएंगे | पीएम-केयर्स कोष कोरोना वायरस संकट से निपटने के लिए राहत राशि जुटाने के लिए बनायागया है | स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय की नवीनतम रिपोर्ट के अनुसार देश में कोरोना से संक्रमित लोगों की संख्या 3,600 के पार पहुंच गयी, जबकि 76 लोगों की मौत हुई है |
ब्लूमबर्ग बिलिनेयर्स इंडेक्स के मुताबिक, 10.1 अरब डॉलर संपत्ति के साथ राधाकिशन दमानी भारत के चौथे सबसे अमीर शख्स हैं | वहीं, 39.3 अरब डॉलर के साथ रिलायंस इंडस्ट्रीज के चेयरमैन मुकेश अंबानी देश के सबसे अमीर शख्स हैं | अमीरों की सूची में अजीम प्रेमजी 13.8 अरब डॉलर के साथ दूसरे और शिव नाडर 11.2 अरब डॉलर के साथ तीसरे नंबर हैं |
MRPL ने पीएम-केयर्स कोष में दिए 3 करोड़ रुपये
सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की मंगलुरू रिफाइनरी एंड पेट्रोकेमिकल्स लिमिटेड (MRPL) ने पीएम-केयर्स कोष में 3 करोड़ रुपये का दान किया है | सरकार ने यह कोष कोरोना वायरस संकट से निपटने के लिए बनाया है | यह राशि कंपनी कॉरपोरेट सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व (CSR) कोष की है | एमआरपीएल के कर्मचारियों ने भी कोष के लिए करीब एक करोड़ रुपये जुटाए हैं |
https://kisansatta.com/radhakishan-damani-founder-of-d-mart-brand-donated-155-crores-to-pm-cares/ #Donated155CroresToPMCares, #FounderOfDMartBrand, #RadhakishanDamani donated 155 crores to PM-Cares, founder of D-Mart brand, Radhakishan Damani National, Top, Trending #National, #Top, #Trending KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
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mintfaline-blog · 5 years
Final report of KWHS investment competition
From October to December, I have been participating in an online competition held by Warton Business School- KWHS Online Investment Competition. Being the leader of the team, I (and my teammates) developed a thorough investment strategy and asset portfolio in order to maximize the return in the long run. We achieved a satisfying return and ranking in the end. Our final score was ranked 4th in Region 1. Below is the 25-page final report that I completed for this competition.
Final Report of KWHS
Section1: Team investment strategy:
Cautious trading with “right” timing to buy in
  Our team believes that there will be a lot of ups and downs in the world-wide stock market throughout Q4 of the year. For the whole US stock market, it did undergo a lot of variations due to the trade war between the US and China, as well as political factors such as the mid-term election. The continuous rise in interest rates has also driven down the whole US market. We will choose companies cautiously with the right timing to buy in and then hold them firmly for the long term.
Asset allocation + Risk diversification
  We as a team strive to find some relatively stable individual stocks that could offer the highest rate of return as possible. We invest in 5 different sectors to diversify our risks in case any sector is not doing well. Under the risk factor, we, therefore, try our best to diversify our portfolio allocation by investing in different sectors, therefore gaining the possible best return.
Investment on the leading companies in each sector for long-term return
  Our investment strategy is focused on the leading enterprise or BIG names in each sector to gain a stable return in the long term.
Buying large-dividends companies for short-term cash generation
 In the meantime, we also look into several companies that offer GOOD dividends at the end of the year, to generate the short term cash for our client Sachin Rekhi, who has the plan to make a donation to ASPCA annually. Those are normally “blue chip companies” with impressive dividends at the end of the financial year.
In summary, our main focus is to build a portfolio with long-term wealth creation while generating short-term liquidity.
The leading ompanies that we choose may undergo fluctuation, but our team look at them from a long-term perspective and therefore would not buy low and sell high. Under our assumptions, when there are slumps in the whole industry or market, these companies would suffer the least.
   We hold a weekly meeting to monitor and discuss the performance in each sector, after which we modify and improve our tactic under each sector. In addition, we are also left about 5% of the total asset, which is about 2000 dollars as cash flow.
Sector analysis:
   The relative proportion of our team's sectors allocation is as followed:
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Next, we're going to analyze each sector, industry and the stocks we selected, as shown in the above form.
Consumer discretionary sector
   Consumer discretionary sector involves goods and services that are non-essential by consumers but are desirable if consumers have enough income to purchase them. Amazon is under the industry of retail while McDonald's is considered in the industry of leisure.  
    One reason behind the selection of Amazon as a top stock holding is due to the following industry trends: Discretionary sector will focus more on Amazon as the whole discretionary sector becomes more volatile, slower and more dependent on Amazon, like Netflix, Tripadvisor and media companies move to the communications sector. Since Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce companies, it is really matched with the trend in the consumer discretionary sector as spending on traditional retail has been cautious and reluctant. Consumers are now turning to e-commerce as a source of purchase.
    We believe that Amazon’s strategy of gradually merging online and offline retail looks promising. Looking into the qualitative data such as P/E value and EPS, cash flow as well as the growth of profit, we believe the long-term return of Amazon would be very promising.
Porter's Five forces analysis of retail industry:
Amazon: retail industry
Bargaining power of supplier - Low to medium
Amazon set a supplier code of conduct which has to be followed by its suppliers, including a few key areas: Child labor, involuntary labor; safety and health; working hours; anti-discrimination; fair treatment, immigration compliance, freedom of association, as well as ethical behavior.
Bargaining power of buyers -Medium to high
Amazon has focused on Customer retention by ensuring customer satisfaction as well as product quality.
Consumers can easily switch to physical retail and other sources of online retailing without any costs
Very elastic demand of consumers
The buyers from AWS (Amazon Web Services) have less power due to switching costs when turning to its alternatives.
Threats of substitutes -High
Physical retail
Increasing entrants of online retailers
Online retailers that are specific to a sector (Noble books, Best Buy, IKEA, BHS…)
However, substitutes for AWS are minimal.
Threats of new entrants -medium
Although there are barriers to entry existed such as economies of scale and retaliation from Amazon, innovative features and services may serve as a threat to Amazon.
New-entering firms will have easy access to different distribution channels such as UPS
The increasing popularity of online shopping will attract more entrants due to the abnormal profits
SWOT Analysis:
Strength: Low-cost structure, the largest online retailer in the world allowing a huge number of sellers
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Figure 1. Amazon growth rate compared to e-commerce sales growth in U.S. (Source: Amazon financial reports and Digital Commerce 360)
The figure shows that Amazon has grown faster than the entire US e-commerce market, which implies that the company has taken its competitors' market share. According to the founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, the company follows a cost leader strategy that is illustrated in the diagram: A lower cost structure leads to lower prices, which increases the customer experience. Customers will occasionally return back to the company to purchase more products, which thereby create the ever-growing traffic. It, as a result, attracts more sellers from the market, all of which leads to the large growth undergone by Amazon.
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Figure2: Source: Seeking Alpha
In the meantime, the customer service rating of the company has remained the highest in the industry (a score of 85 on ACSI), higher than eBay, the biggest competitor. This also means that the customers have great confidence and satisfaction, and we believe that this could also reflect on its stock's future performances.
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Figure 3: ACSI of Amazon from 1995 to 2018
Increasing debt-to-asset ratio: Amazon's debt-to-asset ratio has been increasing so rapidly through 2013 which has far exceeded its main competitor, Wal-Mart.
Low-profit margin.
The e-commerce sales of Amazon worldwide has been estimated to reach 4.5 trillion dollars in 2021 by forecasting, maintaining its largest e-retailer in the world.
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Figure 4 total e-commerce sales of Amazon
Wal-Mart has made great effort to establish itself as a leading online retailer
Due to the trend that the market of e-retailer is continuously being replaced by physical retail, the Walmart has also established e-commerce websites in more than 11 countries and its e-commerce sales had increased by 29% in 2016. However, we believe that it is extremely difficult to reach the magnitude or status as Amazon due to insufficient start-up capital, and it's hard to reach the same service and quality provided by Amazon.
In conclusion, low price, a huge product diversification as well as leading branding are essential factors that demonstrated the first place of Amazon being the largest retailers in the world as it has an operation in more than 100 countries.
It must be pointed out also, the other key reason that we are convinced to set a large proportion of our capital into the company is the fact that Amazon has not only been a leading E-business company, it has also successfully developed itself into a technology leading company. Amazon is leading in the key technology, such as Big Data, Cloud Computation, and AI.  Kindle E-book, Echo/Alexa, AWS and the Amazon Go are examples of a very successful product or service in the market. As a matter of fact, the R&D spending in the year 2017 from Amazon was the biggest in the world, as high as the US $ 23 billion!
We also purchased McDonald's as part of our portfolio allocation due to the short-term return: the dividend that it generates (2.5% annually) will be able to fulfill the donation requirement for our clients.
Consumer staple sector: Nestle and Moutai
Our strategy of investing in the Nestle in consumer staples sector is that the performance of the sector is relatively stable even when there are slumps in the market- the performance of food industry is always better than other sectors. On October 11th, the American stock market experienced a large decrease in value. Almost all the industries experienced a huge decline in the value per share. However, when we looked at the market of the food industry, the share values of these monopolies have increased a lot and still show a trend of going up. Compared with Coca Cola and Hersey and other big companies in this sector, Nestle had just begun to increase in the share value, and as this is the largest food company with diverse products portfolio as well as stable internal business performance, it successfully spreads its risks to a range of sectors that offers it great stability in the long run. As a result, we all agreed on the potential increase in the share value in the future.
Also, another reason why we choose to invest in the consumer staples sector is that the companies in this sector are always invested or having business activities in emerging markets, which shows a continuous growing demand in recent years, especially in the staple sector.
As for Nestle, it involves in the markets in big emerging markets like China, India. Also, it has a big percentage of business in developed countries like America and Britain. With stable revenue gained in the developed countries and stable growth in the emerging markets, the multinational food companies like Nestle will have good performance relative to other kinds of business.
We also purchased Kweichow MOUTAI, as it is symbolized as the ‘ National Wine’ in China, we see it as a potentially strong stock due to the following reasons:
First of all, it is the #1 Chinese Baijiu Company with unique brand image, as it is served as the national wine in the important banquet for visiting foreign government leaders. In addition, it is a high-end product that is viewed as a luxury brand, especially for Chinese consumers. Thirdly, Moutai company possess unique brewing techniques that can't be replicated, which All of these factors allows the company to enjoy a very high selling price, gaining an impressive net profit more than 50% in 2017, according to its financial statement. Last year, the dividend payout from the company also reached as high as 51%. This impressive dividends rate also persuade our members to buy it as a major of our short-term return that could be used for client's needs. Finally, the company has a very light asset without any heavy debt. It also possesses a large cash flow. Therefore, we believe the stock will continue to be the market STAR in the long run as well as short term, especially for the increasing demand as it is close to the Chinese New Year.
So, finally, we were happy to see the 13% return in the final result.
Technology sector
We invested a combination of 16% into the technology sector, 12% into Twitter Inc and 4% into Alphabet Inc, both of which are leading technology companies with large growth.
Our group chose Twitter seeing its constantly growing estimated earnings from 2014 to 2018 and a final reach of 2865.10 thousand at the end of 2018. The sales growth of the entire company was 28.57% in the previous year and 6.69% in the previous quarter. It also even experienced a 500% EPS growth in the previous year and 33.33% in the previous quarter. According to the Zacks Consensus Estimate, Twitter was expected to witness an increase of 11.3% to 79 cents per share, which reflects a year-over-year growth of 79.6%. Besides, its fiscal earnings have increased by 19% to 25 cents per share in the fourth quarter of 2018. It shorter term, it also experienced a 7.96% growth in its price change in the last four weeks. This demonstrates a relatively steady growth of revenue as well as a similar a rapid increase, seeing that Twitter has an imperative growth driving by currently focusing on adding new features and security initiatives, which can boost user engagement level and eventually boost its revenues.
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Figure 5 sales revenue (source: Nasdaq)
In addition, Twitter’s ad revenues, which consisted 85.7% of its total revenues, are expected to be improved due to its deals with Disney’s ESPN, NBC, Universal, Viacom, Activision Blizzard, etc. It also begins to provide broadcasts of live sports which suits more for consumer’s tastes. Moreover, its another revenue source is enhanced currently, which is that its sources for new outlets and regular users to distribute instant information becomes estimated as invaluable. This helped to see its revenue jump 25% to $108 million in its ad revenues. Therefore, we believe the performance of Twitter in Q4 will be promising.
However, it is necessary to mention that we’ve invested only a small portion into this sector as our teammates agree that technology sector has been overvalued, demonstrated by several slumps in this sector in October and November.
Utility sector: American Electric Inc.
Our team has purchased 65 shares from American Electric Inc. from the utility sector. Listed at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), it is among the largest generator of electricity in America, providing electricity for more than five million customers in eleven states.
Our investment in the utilities sector and industry accounts for 5% of total purchase. The sector contains stocks for utilities such as water, electricity, natural gas, etc.
Those companies within the utility sector provide consumers with very basic needs such as power and gas, so the goods are necessities that consumers are not likely to exit the market of this sector. In other words, goods and services of public utility have inelastic demand. Consequently, under regular circumstances, the prices of stocks within the sector tend to be reliable and steady. In light of these advantages, it is wise to include a percentage of stocks from the utility sector as a defensive portion.
Health care sector
Health care is always the most significant part that everyone would care about so we can not ignore this sector. The reason why we chose JNJ as 12% of our proportion mainly because it is a worldwide famous brand in medical products and providing health care service.
Final Trading results
In general, our team earned a satisfying trading result of 5.82% return and gained class rank 4th out of 259 teams. Our portfolio has performed stronger than class average as well as S&P index, which justified our strong portfolio allocation.
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Team decision-making process
   In order to gain a thorough and deep understanding of the sector to which we are dedicated, within the first 2 weeks we barely bought any stocks; instead we spent time researching in different sectors in order to find its prospect; the structure of the sector; government policies and legislation and competition pattern, monopoly, etc. We did research on the big, dominant companies in the sector as a means to achieve the long-term source of return. In the meantime, we also had research on good companies that would offer a good return in the short run.
    On choosing the individual stocks, we briefly looked at the data overview of each company such as debt/capital ratio, market cap, 52 weeks high-low prices and such. In addition, we did compare the P/E value relative to industry to see whether there is a potential for the company to be overvalued. The most importantly, we looked at the trend of EPS value, revenue and earnings; cash flows to see whether the company is making a profit by glimpsing into their financial statements. Finally, we looked at the periods of the stock graph and the general trend in 5 days, 1 month and 1 year.
   Apart from the qualitative data, we also take into account the recent news of the company: such as M&A, litigation, innovation, improving services that match the new demand of customers, investment. We believe an incidence of any listed above would affect the performance of the stock market, but it won’t have a large impact in the long run. Finally, we made a balanced investment in the companies of our choice to generate long-term and short-term profits.
   The financial statement is a great qualitative tool from our perspective, as we believe that stock is about the confidence by customers’ perceiving to the company in the future and profitability is one of the key factors. Looking at the trend of the revenue growth of a company is a direct method for us to analyze.
   We believe that Porter's five forces are a very compelling tool for us to use, as it offers a clear view of the industry that the company is in such as its competition intensity, upstream and downstream firms, bargaining powers of suppliers and buyers. We really have a better knowledge of the general framework of the company in a certain industry and therefore able to analyze the profitability it could possibly gain in the future according to these forces.
We believe seeing the trend of a company's stock value may not be good to foresee or make accurate predictions of the future, as past incidents of the sudden slumps of big tech companies has all taught our teammates a lesson about how stock market is unstable due to external factors such as political incidents or monetary policy. Thus, an increasing trend of the past does not mean that it will continue to grow in the future.
Overall, we didn’t rely heavily on a specific tool, instead, we synthetically give each tool a proportion and eventually we view them only as assistance or reference to help our decision-making.
Section 3: team dynamics
Each and every member of our team is in charge of a sector of our investment: trade, research as well as report. We face a challenge of sector allocation in the first place as we couldn't decide how much proportion to set for each sector respectively. In addition, since we have a member of 5 students in our team, it is difficult for us to keep track of each student's progress as well as attendance.
We overcame the problem by establishing an online group and have a weekly online meeting every week to ensure every member is able to express their ideas and opinions. We didn’t have a lot of disagreement since we are only focused on one sector. However, some students are prone to quantitative analysis whereas some students like to be qualitative on research. Therefore, cooperation has helped us a lot. we helped each other in the area of what we're good at. For example, the member in our group who is good at math will help other students in quantitative research, for example. The members who have difficulties in analyzing the financial statement and indicators may receive help from other members, vice versa. On writing the final report, other students also dedicated in improving the language or grammar of students who are less skilled at writing.
Our advisor has also helped us especially when encountering the situation when the stock plummets, he always offers the prior notice or news and encourage us. Also, he has taught us some strategies to allocate our capital and when to make the trade.
Section 4: Takeaway
It is very unusual for teenagers like us to have an actual operation in the US stock market and this platform is just amazing for us to have a chance to give it a try without worries about losing practical money. The competition is more difficult than what we think in the first place as we never thought about risk diversification, asset allocation or industry analysis before.
Through this competition, we as a team have come to realize the importance of long term strategy. Shortly after inception, when we had not done much research and developed a plan for investment, we chose our stocks simply by looking at the price charts of stocks in each sector. During the competition when we were considering writing mid-review, we recognize that investment is not only about “buying low and selling high”. We became interested in how miscellaneous factors such as consumers, government policies and features of sectors and companies influence the price of stocks. Though it is almost impossible to predict precisely the prospect of each enterprise. Learning not to be frustrated by the short-term fluctuation of prices, we put a lot of effort into framing a strategy for a steady return in the long run.
We held the weekly meeting and in the middle of the competition, we have met some difficulties as we believe that since the US stock market has been of high-valued (high stock price) throughout the years, due to rising interest, trade war or other political reasons, the variation and fluctuations are of high possibility. The stock of Apple, as well as some other tech stocks, have proven the point that there is going to be periods of dumping. We even sent email to ask if it's possible to short-selling. I think through this competition all of the members have gained a deep understanding of the stock market operation and the condition right now, but more importantly, we thought deeply and tried a best to find solutions.
Due to the short length of the competition, our members could only choose stocks that may generate a relatively short-term return as it has to have an impact in 3 months. But if we're truly viewing this from the long-term perspective, we would probably choose some other stocks like Apple Inc. Although it hasn’t been performing well in the stock market, mainly because of  being unable to generate innovative products in recent 2 years, we believe it has great potential for great growth in the long run, considering its unique Chip+OS+Terminal+ Service as well as its great branding worldwide, for example, when it introduces is in the market.
In a summary, we enjoyed this competition a lot and all our members hope to have more chance to get deeper knowledge with real operation on the stock market, and we can’t wait to do so in the future.  
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cladeymoore · 4 years
Around the Block #9: Dawn of the DeFi Protocol Wars
Coinbase Around the Block sheds light on key issues in the crypto space. In this edition, Justin Mart explores the dawn of DeFi protocol wars as well as other notable news in the space.
To participate in the emerging cryptoeconomy, sign up for Coinbase today.
A war is brewing on the blockchain
Blockchain-based applications are open and transparent by default. This is beneficial because anyone can inspect the project and confirm that things are working as they should. But it comes with an interesting side effect. Because the source code is public, it’s also simple for anyone to copy existing projects (“fork” the project), change a few things, and release a competing platform.
As the DeFi ecosystem grows, some projects are beginning to enjoy strong product / market fit, with real revenue streams. So it’s no surprise that the community is now wrestling with the implications behind protocol wars — the ability for anyone to fork a successful project and try to steal their market share. Let’s look at an example.
The First Protocol War: Sushiswap vs Uniswap
Protocol wars kicked off in late August when an anonymous group of developers suddenly announced Sushiswap, a new Decentralized Exchange (DEX) copied almost entirely from Uniswap, but with one small tweak: Sushiswap would add a $SUSHI token, acting as both a governance token (holders can vote on proposals and modifications to the platform), as well as accruing 0.05% (5bps) of all trading volume on the platform.
Adding the $SUSHI token wasn’t groundbreaking, but Sushiswap contends that their model provides better incentives for liquidity providers (LPs). If true, Sushiswap could gain more liquidity than Uniswap, leading to better trade execution for traders, and ultimately more volume for Sushiswap. This market is substantial as Uniswap is currently generating >$1M in fees per day (but paid primarily to LPs).
But there’s another wrinkle. Sushiswap also embraced yield farming as a fair token-distribution mechanism as well as a clever path to move Uniswap’s liquidity to Sushiswap. It works like this:
Supply liquidity (like ETH or USDC) to select Uniswap pools, which grants “Uniswap-LP-Pool-Tokens” that represent your share of liquidity in those pools
Deposit these Uniswap-LP-Pool-Tokens into a Sushiswap contract (“staking” them), and Sushiswap will supply a pro-rata portion of $SUSHI tokens as they are distributed. This is how $SUSHI is introduced to the market — given to users who commit their liquidity to Sushiswap.
At a specified point in the future, Sushiswap’s smart contracts convert all staked Uniswap-LP-Pool-Tokens into Sushiswap-LP-Pool-Tokens, simultaneously redeeming all staked Uniswap pooled assets and depositing them in identical Sushiswap pools.
The end result? Uniswap’s liquidity would automatically migrate to Sushiswap, fueled by users seeking to receive their pro-rata share of $SUSHI tokens! Effectively bootstrapping a new DEX while simultaneously crippling the incumbent. An all-out liquidity war.
So what happened?
Enough for a small novella. In brief, nearly $2 billion in Uniswap-LP-Pool-Tokens were deposited to Sushiswap contracts, earning their depositors $SUSHI tokens. Yields for these Sushiswap stakers topped 1000% APY at times, driving the surge. Meanwhile, on the back of such strong deposits, $SUSHI was listed for trade on DEXs as well as some centralized exchanges and quickly appreciated in value, hitting $300M in market cap.
Then it all started to unravel over the next week. The price began to drop as more and more tokens were minted to yield farmers, some of whom were only interested in selling them as fast as possible. The drop prompted the anonymous lead developer (“Chef Nomi”) to sell a $14M chunk of $SUSHI tokens to secure long-term funding. However this was a shock to the community and a betrayal of trust (he previously committed to avoid selling any tokens), and he was ousted from the project (later issuing an apology and returning the funds).
But the damage was done. While Sushiswap successfully migrated Uniswap’s liquidity and launched their exchange, the initial energy and enthusiasm had waned. To Sushiswap’s credit the project has now taken on a life of its own, targeting potential integrations with other blockchains like Solana, and charting their own path.
Interestingly, Uniswap didn’t take the attack lying down. While they previously didn’t have a native token, one could argue it suddenly became a critical disadvantage. So on September 17th, they unveiled $UNI as a governance token and promptly airdropped ~$1000 in $UNI to every previous Uniswap user, rewarding past contributions as well as continued loyalty by also distributing remaining $UNI through yield farming.
Today, Sushiswap sustains a respectable $300M TVL, $40M / day volume, and $100M market cap. Not bad for a one-month old project, but dwarfed by Uniswap with $2.2B TVL, $300M / day volume, and $300M market cap. The first battle belongs to the incumbent.
Other Attacks
Where Sushiswap pioneered the movement, others have quickly followed. As a few notable examples:
Swerve forked Curve
C.R.E.A.M. forked Compound and Balancer
YAM and BASED modified Ampleforth
… and more
All these attacks occurred over the past two months, with varying degrees of success. But notably, none have been able to surpass the incumbent. However each project has managed to survive and take on a life of their own, with their own communities building new features to optimize their products to their market.
Implications: Protocol Wars and the Future of DeFi
The fact that none of these attacks have successfully overtaken an incumbent is reassuring. Consider the implications if Sushiswap succeeded — one could argue that they would simply be predicting their own demise by proving the model of a successful attack. It would give wind to the sails for another copy-project to simply attack Sushiswap in the same manner! But their inability to surpass Uniswap as of today is an early but important datapoint that true differentiation may be needed to win in the open market. And coincidentally, Sushiswap’s new roadmap suggests more ambitious features that could bring this necessary differentiation.
The deeper implication is that switching costs in DeFi could be larger than perceived. While it’s simple to copy code, you cannot copy a community, a brand, trust, or broader integrations and mindshare. But whatever the reason, customers seem to be drawn to Uniswap over others, helping retain their current lead.
A few other observations:
Fair-launch yield farming may not be sustainable for long-term growth: Protocol war attacks are fueled by distributing the majority (and sometimes the entirety) of tokens directly to users of the protocol. But long-term sustainability requires long-term incentive alignment. Once your tokens are distributed, how can you incentivize developers to keep building? Will a community be able to properly shepherd and navigate these nascent protocols over time? Difficult questions with a lot of possible answers, but it’s unclear today.
Community governance will be challenging: Decentralized projects embracing token-based governance are new constructs and likely to come with many tradeoffs. This is exacerbated with protocol-war projects, which are by definition new and require rapid community formation to be successful. As such, they are likely to more naturally attract short-term stakeholders who may not be long-term aligned.
Plutocracy or Democracy? In the case of Sushiswap, a wealthy fund is widely rumored to be heavily involved, staking millions of dollars and obtaining a significant allocation of $SUSHI, enough to exert strong control over the protocol’s future. Many implications here, but these projects may end up resembling plutocracies rather than democracies.
Anonymity has a dark side: Many of these projects have anonymous founders (ala “Chef Nomi”), which can be both good and bad — enabling anyone in the world to contribute and own part of a new protocol, but also potentially enabling bad actors to create malicious projects that exit scam by stealing all the funds through a hidden back-door.
In the end, this new era will be fascinating to watch. They resemble a twist on blockchain forks, like Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash or Ethereum vs Ethereum Classic — but with applications rather than blockchains. Similar to forks, these applications must rapidly garner a community, demonstrate a superior product, and hope to overtake the incumbents. But just as we have seen with blockchain forks, you cannot fork a community, its developers, the trust it has built, or its brand and mindshare.
This bodes well for the future of DeFi. It means founders who build unique projects and work hard to garner a lead in community and traction could have some defensibility against protocol war attacks. Ultimately encouraging more builders to create new projects and push DeFi forward.
To participate in the emerging cryptoeconomy, sign up for Coinbase today.
Quick Hits: Commentary on Notable News
News from Coinbase
Coinbase launches Cosmos Staking Rewards
Coinbase Pro adds support for UNI, YFI, BAL, REN, LRC, UMA
USDC launches on Algorand
Coinbase celebrates USDC at $2B, issues Request for Startups
News from the Crypto Industry
Coinlist adds $UNI mining portal
Gemini adds shielded Z-Cash withdrawals; leans into DeFi with 14 token listings; and launches in the UK
Square launches payroll feature through Cash App
Institutional Crypto News
CFTC and DOJ file against BitMEX owners
Kraken wins Bank Charter approval to become first crypto bank, headquartered in Wyoming
Microstrategy buys $425M in BTC
Genesis launches Custody platform
Singapore based exchange KuKoin hacked for $150M
Bitfinex launches equity derivatives that settle in Tether
Baakt’s Bitcoin futures market hits all time high with daily volumes topping $100M
News from Emerging Crypto Businesses
Filecoin sets October 15 mainnet launch date
Keep’s tBTC network relaunches to bring Bitcoin to the Ethereum Network
DeFi protocols surpass $10B in TVL; Uniswap becomes first DeFi protocol with $2B in total value locked
Ethereum 2.0 transition gets closer, Phase 0 proposal submitted
DeFi protocol bZx hacked again for $8M; attacker caught and returns funds
DEXs continue strong growth, volume hits $23.5B in September
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Around the Block #9: Dawn of the DeFi Protocol Wars was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Money 101 https://blog.coinbase.com/around-the-block-9-dawn-of-the-defi-protocol-wars-5118c23a0d49?source=rss----c114225aeaf7---4 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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newsnextnow · 4 years
Photograph courtesy of Fancy Face
Limited-time bundles, brightening creams and beyond.
By Maddison Glendinning
Date October 1, 2020
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Whilst none of us are entirely sure how it’s October, we can indeed confirm today is October 1. And as we mark our eighth month of our “new” normal, what better time to treat yourself to a little pick-me-up? There’s plenty of new beauty launches hitting shelves in October that you’ll want to add to cart – from skincare to makeup, haircare and more.
Below, discover eight of the new best new launches in October:
Fancy Face ‘La Vie En Rosé’ Limited Edition Anniversary Bundle
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What you need to know: October marks 15 years since Canadian beauty brand Fancy Face launched and opened its first storefront called The Rosé Room. And to celebrate, the brand is releasing a limited edition lip bundle. The bundle includes an all-new shade of creamy lipstick in a shade called Angel and a sheer, creamy lip glaze with a soft shimmer in a shade called Whisper. As with all of the brand’s products, both the lipstick and the lip glaze are made in Canada and are fragrance-free, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and paraben-free. “It’s incredible to be celebrating our one year anniversary of the Rosé Room storefront and 15 years in business with these two new products,” Brittany Gray, the founder and CEO, said in a release. “We’ve been working on these offerings for months and thought no better reason to release them in conjunction with such a great milestone. I feel we can all use something to celebrate, to make ourselves feel good and what better than throwing on that perfect shade of lipstick.”
Price: $75
Where to get it: The bundle is available exclusively at fancyface.ca.
Olay Regenerist Max Retinol24 Night Collection
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What you need to know: Following the success of its original Olay Regenerist Retinol24 Face Moisturizer (two jars are sold every minute), Olay is releasing the new Olay Regenerist Retinol24 Night Collection. The collection consists of a moisturizer, serum and eye cream and the products contain 20 per cent more of the brand’s Retinol24 Hydrating Complex, which uses amino-peptide, vitamin B3, retinyl propionate and retinol to deliver 24-hour hydration and smoother, brighter skin. The line is free from frargance, phthalates, mineral oil and synthetic dyes, too.
Price: $32.99 each.
Where to get it: Available nationwide on Olay shelves from October 1.
Lululemon Super Fine Face Mist
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What you need to know: If you’re going hard in your at-home workouts these days, then having Lululemon’s new Super Fine Face Mist on hand isn’t a bad idea. The ultra-fine spray works to replenish skin of moisture post-workout, as well as mattify (using activated charcoal) and protect (plant-based ingredients such as Irish moss help to protect against blue light damage and other environmental aggressors) the skin. Spray it on before or after you apply your makeup or your moisturizer – think of it as hydration on the go.
Price: $28
Where to get it: Available in select stores and online at lululemon.com.
Pacifica Skincare
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What you need to know: This month, US-based vegan and cruelty-free beauty brand Pacifica is available in Canada for the first time at Shopper’s Drug Mart. The brand was founded in 1996 by Brook Harvey-Taylor based on her belief that “non-toxic beauty should be available to all at an accessible price point”. In the year’s since its launch, the brand has continuously delivered a full range of beauty products including cosmetics, skincare, haircare and bodycare. The brand’s best-selling items – including its Sea Foam Complete Face Wash, Dreamy Youth Day & Night Cream, Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream and Supernova Stellar Gaze Length & Strength Mineral Mascara – are among the items now available for Canadians to try.
Price: Prices start from $5.99.
Where to get it: The Pacifica line is available in 780 Shopper’s Drug Mart stores across the country, as well online.
Clinique Even Better All-Over Concealer + Eraser
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What you need to know: Looking for a multi-tasking makeup product that will make getting ready for your morning Zoom calls a cinch? The new Even Better All-Over Concealer + Eraser from Clinique is your answer. The lightweight, oil-free and longwear formula provides instant hydration to skin (and continues to do so for 24 hours), immediately smoothes the appearance of lines, blurs the appearance of imperfections and, over time, visibly reduces under-eye puffiness and dark circles. It’s also sweat- and humidity-resistant and won’t crease, streak or oxidize (plus, there’s no nasties in the formula). It’s available in 30 shades, and can be worn alone or with foundation (either under or over) – simply swipe the doe-foot applicator over the areas you wish to conceal, and use the blurring sponge (which can be washed with mild soap and water) with a stippling motion to blend.
Price: $33
Where to get it: Available from this month at Clinique counters and at clinique.ca.
Dior Backstage Glow Palettes
What you need to know: The newest additions to Dior’s Backstage line were used in the brand’s Spring 2021 show in Paris this week to bring a little springtime glow to the models’ cheeks – and from next week, you’ll be able to easily replicate the look at home. The new palettes are available in a range of gold shades inspired by the brand’s couture collections – Pure Gold 003 (a classic yellow gold), Rose Gold 004 (a rosy gold) and Copper Gold 005 (a warm copper-gold). They can be mixed and matched, and used on any skin tone. Speaking of his newest creations, image and creative director Peter Philips said, “These palettes are multi-faceted products that warm the complexion and deposit a spot of highlight to catch the light on the face. They add a touch of gold to contouring and warmer shades can produce a bronzing effect. They can also be used to highlight an eye look, and of course, applied to the chest and shoulders to create a shimmering halo for the holidays.”
Price: $55 each.
Where to get it: Available at Sephora from October 9.
Bioderma Pigmentbio
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What you need to know: This month, Bioderma launches its new Pigmentbio range which works to actively restore skin’s brightness by lessening the appearance of dark spots. The line includes the Foaming Cleanser (which gently exfoliates the skin for immediate brightening), the C-Concentrate (a powerful vitamin C serum to help with pigmentation) and Daily Care 50 (an illuminating moisturizer which provides instant hydration). Three steps to brighter skin? Sign us up.
Price: The Foaming Cleanser is $19.90, the C-Concentrate is $44.90 and the Daily Care 50 is $39.90.
Where to get it: Available this month at Shopper’s Drug Mart and amazon.ca.
Omorovicza Acid Solution
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What you need to know: The newest addition to the Omorovicza line comes after the success of the brand’s Acid Fix Serum which was launched in 2018. The new solution helps to resurface, brighten and plump the skin via a potent combination of acids, including glycolic, lactic and salicylic. The formula also contains caviar lime extract which helps to boost luminosity in the skin. It can be used both morning and night, though the brand advises not to use it and the Acid Fix Serum on the same day. And as with any acid product, don’t forget your SPF, too!
Price: $150
Where to get it: Available from today at Omorovicza stockists and online.
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The Best New Beauty Launches Hitting Shelves in October Photograph courtesy of Fancy FaceLimited-time bundles, brightening creams and beyond. By Maddison Glendinning Date October 1, 2020…
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
9 Things You Should Know About Ballast Point
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Ballast Point Brewing’s calling card for the last 15 years has been its Sculpin IPA (label pictured here  — and no word on whether the beer has made the sculpin fish more or less popular). Naturally, there’s a lot more to know about this spiky-fish-themed beer brand, and the pioneering brewery behind it.
For instance, it’s one of the forefathers of the California craft beer scene; it’s the first-ever brewery to open in one of the world’s largest theme parks; and it went from being owned by one of the biggest alcohol companies on the planet to a company no one had ever heard of. It’s even got a distillery step-cousin (brother? uncle?) that’s currently producing some of our favorite cocktails in cans (yes).
Here are nine more things to know about Ballast Point.
It started as a homebrew shop.
Imagine wanting to bake a strawberry shortcake but you can only shop at 7-11. That’s what amateur avid brewer Jack White was dealing with in San Diego in the late 1980s and early 1990s, except he was trying to brew good beer and there just weren’t places to buy decent homebrew supplies.
His solution: Build a store, your own beer will follow. In 1992, White opened Home Brew Mart, a humble shop with hops, malts, and, vitally, a place for community that planted seeds for the San Diego craft beer scene to come. White eventually launched Ballast Point from out of the back of the store in 1996. The store is still growing strong.
That shop basically birthed the San Diego beer scene.
Considering all the homebrewing passion Jack White churned up and fed Home Brew Mart, it’s no surprise his humble storefront has been called “the shop that launched a thousand brewing careers.” According to the San Diego Reader, former employees and customers have gone on to contribute to San Diego’s bucket-list-worthy beer destinations, including Coronado, AleSmith, Amplified Ale Works, Pizza Port, and Nickel Beer Co.
Ballast Point became a billion-dollar brewery.
Yes, a billion dollars. As much as we imagine Elon Musk is going to pay for the moon, whenever he tries to buy it, is the number beverage giant Constellation Brands landed on when it purchased Ballast Point in 2015.
But that deal didn’t pan out.
In April 2019, Constellation announced it would close several locations and cancel plans for a new brewery in San Francisco. By December 2019, four years after acquiring Scuplin’s creator, Constellation sold Ballast Point to a small Chicago-based company called Kings & Convicts Brewing Co. It sold at a loss of a few hundred million dollars. (Then again, once I tried to resell my 1996 Toyota Corolla and ended up paying for it to be moved and destroyed. It happens.)
Ballast Point multiplied.
Ballast Point’s star-bright future with Constellation as a parent and Corona as a sibling may have dimmed, but the brewery is still out here making lots of beer. At press time, it operates five locations in California and one in Chicago. Choosing which to visit depends on what kind of beer geek you are. In San Diego alone, there’s the main production facility in Miramar; the original location, none other than the Home Brew Mart in Linda Vista, and another location in Little Italy. Long Beach is home to another Ballast Point taproom, and filling out Ballast Point’s California roster is a location in Anaheim. About that Anaheim location…
Get ready for some fist-fighting Mickeys.
What better to celebrate, or erase, the memory of your third visit to “It’s a Small World” than (so much) beer? In late 2018 Ballast Point opened at DisneyLand, becoming the first brewery to launch a location in the Disney Park universe. Technically a part of “Downtown Disney” (which sounds like a place you can get hassled by an ornery off-the-clock Mickey Mouse), the Ballast Point brewpub includes an R&D brewery, an outdoor beer garden, and a restaurant, according to a press release.
Magic Kingdom-worthy brews include the apricot Belgian Strong Ale aged in virgin oak and clocking in at 12 percent ABV, a 6.5 percent ABV Pineapple Chili Kombucha we’d like to have installed in our water tap, and a small-batch local Thunderking coffee-infused milk stout, which should yield just the right mix of energy-plus-sensory-numbing buzz to prep you for a return to the park.
Its most famous IPA is brewed with a metaphorical rattlesnake bite.
Sculpin IPA is one of Ballast Point’s most noteworthy beers (you might know it better by its aforementioned label — the one with the terrifying bright reddish orange fish?). The beer’s bold, citrusy hoppiness is why people love it, but it’s called Sculpin because of that hoppy bite: For non-aquarists out there, sculpin fish have stinging spines that can supposedly cause as much pain as a rattlesnake bite. (Don’t worry: The beer rings in at a soothing 7 percent ABV.)
Ballast Point was on “The Big Bang Theory.” And that upset some people.
Not because they weren’t Chuck Lorre fans. Ballast Point and its fairly recognizable label were on an episode of “The Big Bang Theory” back in late 2015 (you know, the one where nerdery and hilarity collide). Some beer fans hailed the product placement as a good thing, e.g., “Raj couldn’t be drinking a better beer,” while others maybe not inaccurately decried the non-crafty vibe of product placement on a major network. (Fellow San Diego craft brewery Stone has also made more than a few TV cameos).
Possibly an appearance with more craft beer cachet: That’s a Ballast Point poster over Richard’s shoulder here on “Silicon Valley,” and it’s not paid product placement, either — according to this 2017 interview in Hop Culture, the prop master for the show is a fan, because people who make awesome things like the awesome things other people make.
Ballast Point has a distillery step-sibling.
Just like Ballast Point was incubated in the warm, grainy bosom of the Home Brew Mart, another operation grew up within Ballast Point brewery — the distillery Cutwater Spirits. The brainchild of then-Ballast head brewer Yuseff Cherney and founder Jack White, Cutwater eventually parted ways with Ballast Point, developing into a robust distilling operation that does spirits and— make room in your picnic basket — a game-changing line of canned cocktails (we’re partial to the G&T and Bloody Mary).
The article 9 Things You Should Know About Ballast Point appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/ballast-point-brewery-guide-sculpin/
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johnboothus · 4 years
9 Things You Should Know About Ballast Point
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Ballast Point Brewing’s calling card for the last 15 years has been its Sculpin IPA (label pictured here  — and no word on whether the beer has made the sculpin fish more or less popular). Naturally, there’s a lot more to know about this spiky-fish-themed beer brand, and the pioneering brewery behind it.
For instance, it’s one of the forefathers of the California craft beer scene; it’s the first-ever brewery to open in one of the world’s largest theme parks; and it went from being owned by one of the biggest alcohol companies on the planet to a company no one had ever heard of. It’s even got a distillery step-cousin (brother? uncle?) that’s currently producing some of our favorite cocktails in cans (yes).
Here are nine more things to know about Ballast Point.
It started as a homebrew shop.
Imagine wanting to bake a strawberry shortcake but you can only shop at 7-11. That’s what amateur avid brewer Jack White was dealing with in San Diego in the late 1980s and early 1990s, except he was trying to brew good beer and there just weren’t places to buy decent homebrew supplies.
His solution: Build a store, your own beer will follow. In 1992, White opened Home Brew Mart, a humble shop with hops, malts, and, vitally, a place for community that planted seeds for the San Diego craft beer scene to come. White eventually launched Ballast Point from out of the back of the store in 1996. The store is still growing strong.
That shop basically birthed the San Diego beer scene.
Considering all the homebrewing passion Jack White churned up and fed Home Brew Mart, it’s no surprise his humble storefront has been called “the shop that launched a thousand brewing careers.” According to the San Diego Reader, former employees and customers have gone on to contribute to San Diego’s bucket-list-worthy beer destinations, including Coronado, AleSmith, Amplified Ale Works, Pizza Port, and Nickel Beer Co.
Ballast Point became a billion-dollar brewery.
Yes, a billion dollars. As much as we imagine Elon Musk is going to pay for the moon, whenever he tries to buy it, is the number beverage giant Constellation Brands landed on when it purchased Ballast Point in 2015.
But that deal didn’t pan out.
In April 2019, Constellation announced it would close several locations and cancel plans for a new brewery in San Francisco. By December 2019, four years after acquiring Scuplin’s creator, Constellation sold Ballast Point to a small Chicago-based company called Kings & Convicts Brewing Co. It sold at a loss of a few hundred million dollars. (Then again, once I tried to resell my 1996 Toyota Corolla and ended up paying for it to be moved and destroyed. It happens.)
Ballast Point multiplied.
Ballast Point’s star-bright future with Constellation as a parent and Corona as a sibling may have dimmed, but the brewery is still out here making lots of beer. At press time, it operates five locations in California and one in Chicago. Choosing which to visit depends on what kind of beer geek you are. In San Diego alone, there’s the main production facility in Miramar; the original location, none other than the Home Brew Mart in Linda Vista, and another location in Little Italy. Long Beach is home to another Ballast Point taproom, and filling out Ballast Point’s California roster is a location in Anaheim. About that Anaheim location…
Get ready for some fist-fighting Mickeys.
What better to celebrate, or erase, the memory of your third visit to “It’s a Small World” than (so much) beer? In late 2018 Ballast Point opened at DisneyLand, becoming the first brewery to launch a location in the Disney Park universe. Technically a part of “Downtown Disney” (which sounds like a place you can get hassled by an ornery off-the-clock Mickey Mouse), the Ballast Point brewpub includes an R&D brewery, an outdoor beer garden, and a restaurant, according to a press release.
Magic Kingdom-worthy brews include the apricot Belgian Strong Ale aged in virgin oak and clocking in at 12 percent ABV, a 6.5 percent ABV Pineapple Chili Kombucha we’d like to have installed in our water tap, and a small-batch local Thunderking coffee-infused milk stout, which should yield just the right mix of energy-plus-sensory-numbing buzz to prep you for a return to the park.
Its most famous IPA is brewed with a metaphorical rattlesnake bite.
Sculpin IPA is one of Ballast Point’s most noteworthy beers (you might know it better by its aforementioned label — the one with the terrifying bright reddish orange fish?). The beer’s bold, citrusy hoppiness is why people love it, but it’s called Sculpin because of that hoppy bite: For non-aquarists out there, sculpin fish have stinging spines that can supposedly cause as much pain as a rattlesnake bite. (Don’t worry: The beer rings in at a soothing 7 percent ABV.)
Ballast Point was on “The Big Bang Theory.” And that upset some people.
Not because they weren’t Chuck Lorre fans. Ballast Point and its fairly recognizable label were on an episode of “The Big Bang Theory” back in late 2015 (you know, the one where nerdery and hilarity collide). Some beer fans hailed the product placement as a good thing, e.g., “Raj couldn’t be drinking a better beer,” while others maybe not inaccurately decried the non-crafty vibe of product placement on a major network. (Fellow San Diego craft brewery Stone has also made more than a few TV cameos).
Possibly an appearance with more craft beer cachet: That’s a Ballast Point poster over Richard’s shoulder here on “Silicon Valley,” and it’s not paid product placement, either — according to this 2017 interview in Hop Culture, the prop master for the show is a fan, because people who make awesome things like the awesome things other people make.
Ballast Point has a distillery step-sibling.
Just like Ballast Point was incubated in the warm, grainy bosom of the Home Brew Mart, another operation grew up within Ballast Point brewery — the distillery Cutwater Spirits. The brainchild of then-Ballast head brewer Yuseff Cherney and founder Jack White, Cutwater eventually parted ways with Ballast Point, developing into a robust distilling operation that does spirits and— make room in your picnic basket — a game-changing line of canned cocktails (we’re partial to the G&T and Bloody Mary).
The article 9 Things You Should Know About Ballast Point appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/ballast-point-brewery-guide-sculpin/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/9-things-you-should-know-about-ballast-point
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morganbelarus · 7 years
Today in WTF: Ivanka Trump clothing was casually relabelled and sold as Adrienne Vittadini
Ivanka Trump brand coat sold in a department store.
Image: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
If people don't want to buy pieces from Ivanka Trump's clothing line, the only logical thing to do is change the labels and pretend the clothes are from another brand, right?
It's an interesting/shady AF sales technique, to be sure, but according to Business of Fashion, the company that licenses Ivanka Trump's brand relabelled her inventory as Adrienne Vittadini, then proceeded to sell the clothing items to Stein Mart, a chain of discount department stores with nearly 300 locations in the United States.
SEE ALSO: Meet the woman who's making consumer boycotts great again
As BoF stated, G-IIIthe company that owns the right to manufacture and distribute Ivanka's brandadmitted the garments were relabeled and sold without informing Trump's people.
"G-III accepts responsibility for resolving this issue, which occurred without the knowledge or consent of the Ivanka Trump organisation," a G-III representative told BoF. "G-III has already begun to take corrective actions, including facilitating the immediate removal of any mistakenly labelled merchandise from its customer. The Ivanka Trump brand continues to grow and remains very strong."
Since the 2016 presidential campaigns, Ivanka Trump's clothing and jewelry line have received a significant deal of backlash prompting major stores like Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, T.J. Maxx, and Marshall's to pull her brand from shelves back in Feb. after a boycott campaign #GrabYourWallet, which urged people to stop supporting any brand or store with ties to President Trump.
According to BoF, a source within Stein Mart claimed Trump's brand has also received negative feedback from customers, alleging one person even spat on a Trump-labeled blouse in-store and angrily left.
But on Friday, Stein Mart chief executive D. Hunt Hawkins acknowledged that the chain was aware of the swap, and told BoF that the decision was not reflective of complaints over Trump's label. "Weve had both labels for a while. We may see more Adrienne Vittadini in the short term," he said. "Ive had an equal number of [customers] say that they dont want and do want [the Ivanka Trump merchandise] in the store."
Though the process seems somewhat controversial, Susan Scafidi, founder of the Fashion Law Institute, told BoF that label substitutions are legal. "US textile product labelling laws allow substitution of labels, so long as the entity making the substitution is identified on the new label and keeps records for three years," she said. "This is mostly for supply chain tracking reasons. All of the other required information on the labelfibre content, country of origin, etceteramust be maintained."
However, it remains unclear whether the re-labeled inventory was sold to other retailers aside from Stein Mart, or if Adrienne Vittadini was informed of the label substitution before it happened.
"If the original label [is replaced] with that of a third party unaware of the substitution, the [responsible party] would be liable to the third party," Scafidi says. "All of this derives historically from the law of fraud."
In the mean time, stay tuned to see if Kellyanne Conway advises people to go buy Adrienne Vittadini's stuff.
WATCH: Merriam-Webster throws shade at Ivanka Trump after she can't define the word 'complicit'
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Today in WTF: Ivanka Trump clothing was casually relabelled and sold as Adrienne Vittadini was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
9 Things You Should Know About Ballast Point
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Ballast Point Brewing’s calling card for the last 15 years has been its Sculpin IPA (label pictured here  — and no word on whether the beer has made the sculpin fish more or less popular). Naturally, there’s a lot more to know about this spiky-fish-themed beer brand, and the pioneering brewery behind it.
For instance, it’s one of the forefathers of the California craft beer scene; it’s the first-ever brewery to open in one of the world’s largest theme parks; and it went from being owned by one of the biggest alcohol companies on the planet to a company no one had ever heard of. It’s even got a distillery step-cousin (brother? uncle?) that’s currently producing some of our favorite cocktails in cans (yes).
Here are nine more things to know about Ballast Point.
It started as a homebrew shop.
Imagine wanting to bake a strawberry shortcake but you can only shop at 7-11. That’s what amateur avid brewer Jack White was dealing with in San Diego in the late 1980s and early 1990s, except he was trying to brew good beer and there just weren’t places to buy decent homebrew supplies.
His solution: Build a store, your own beer will follow. In 1992, White opened Home Brew Mart, a humble shop with hops, malts, and, vitally, a place for community that planted seeds for the San Diego craft beer scene to come. White eventually launched Ballast Point from out of the back of the store in 1996. The store is still growing strong.
That shop basically birthed the San Diego beer scene.
Considering all the homebrewing passion Jack White churned up and fed Home Brew Mart, it’s no surprise his humble storefront has been called “the shop that launched a thousand brewing careers.” According to the San Diego Reader, former employees and customers have gone on to contribute to San Diego’s bucket-list-worthy beer destinations, including Coronado, AleSmith, Amplified Ale Works, Pizza Port, and Nickel Beer Co.
Ballast Point became a billion-dollar brewery.
Yes, a billion dollars. As much as we imagine Elon Musk is going to pay for the moon, whenever he tries to buy it, is the number beverage giant Constellation Brands landed on when it purchased Ballast Point in 2015.
But that deal didn’t pan out.
In April 2019, Constellation announced it would close several locations and cancel plans for a new brewery in San Francisco. By December 2019, four years after acquiring Scuplin’s creator, Constellation sold Ballast Point to a small Chicago-based company called Kings & Convicts Brewing Co. It sold at a loss of a few hundred million dollars. (Then again, once I tried to resell my 1996 Toyota Corolla and ended up paying for it to be moved and destroyed. It happens.)
Ballast Point multiplied.
Ballast Point’s star-bright future with Constellation as a parent and Corona as a sibling may have dimmed, but the brewery is still out here making lots of beer. At press time, it operates five locations in California and one in Chicago. Choosing which to visit depends on what kind of beer geek you are. In San Diego alone, there’s the main production facility in Miramar; the original location, none other than the Home Brew Mart in Linda Vista, and another location in Little Italy. Long Beach is home to another Ballast Point taproom, and filling out Ballast Point’s California roster is a location in Anaheim. About that Anaheim location…
Get ready for some fist-fighting Mickeys.
What better to celebrate, or erase, the memory of your third visit to “It’s a Small World” than (so much) beer? In late 2018 Ballast Point opened at DisneyLand, becoming the first brewery to launch a location in the Disney Park universe. Technically a part of “Downtown Disney” (which sounds like a place you can get hassled by an ornery off-the-clock Mickey Mouse), the Ballast Point brewpub includes an R&D brewery, an outdoor beer garden, and a restaurant, according to a press release.
Magic Kingdom-worthy brews include the apricot Belgian Strong Ale aged in virgin oak and clocking in at 12 percent ABV, a 6.5 percent ABV Pineapple Chili Kombucha we’d like to have installed in our water tap, and a small-batch local Thunderking coffee-infused milk stout, which should yield just the right mix of energy-plus-sensory-numbing buzz to prep you for a return to the park.
Its most famous IPA is brewed with a metaphorical rattlesnake bite.
Sculpin IPA is one of Ballast Point’s most noteworthy beers (you might know it better by its aforementioned label — the one with the terrifying bright reddish orange fish?). The beer’s bold, citrusy hoppiness is why people love it, but it’s called Sculpin because of that hoppy bite: For non-aquarists out there, sculpin fish have stinging spines that can supposedly cause as much pain as a rattlesnake bite. (Don’t worry: The beer rings in at a soothing 7 percent ABV.)
Ballast Point was on “The Big Bang Theory.” And that upset some people.
Not because they weren’t Chuck Lorre fans. Ballast Point and its fairly recognizable label were on an episode of “The Big Bang Theory” back in late 2015 (you know, the one where nerdery and hilarity collide). Some beer fans hailed the product placement as a good thing, e.g., “Raj couldn’t be drinking a better beer,” while others maybe not inaccurately decried the non-crafty vibe of product placement on a major network. (Fellow San Diego craft brewery Stone has also made more than a few TV cameos).
Possibly an appearance with more craft beer cachet: That’s a Ballast Point poster over Richard’s shoulder here on “Silicon Valley,” and it’s not paid product placement, either — according to this 2017 interview in Hop Culture, the prop master for the show is a fan, because people who make awesome things like the awesome things other people make.
Ballast Point has a distillery step-sibling.
Just like Ballast Point was incubated in the warm, grainy bosom of the Home Brew Mart, another operation grew up within Ballast Point brewery — the distillery Cutwater Spirits. The brainchild of then-Ballast head brewer Yuseff Cherney and founder Jack White, Cutwater eventually parted ways with Ballast Point, developing into a robust distilling operation that does spirits and— make room in your picnic basket — a game-changing line of canned cocktails (we’re partial to the G&T and Bloody Mary).
The article 9 Things You Should Know About Ballast Point appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/ballast-point-brewery-guide-sculpin/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/190948484184
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kdulgar-blog · 5 years
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Posted by samsul9376 on 2019-02-12 16:30:06
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bujoloveme · 5 years
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Sophia Amoruso on Life After Nasty Gal and How Her Definition of a ‘Girlboss’ Has Changed
Shoppers Drug Mart is gearing up for another Be Bold with Beauty campaign and who better to get involved than Sophia Amoruso? At just 22 years old, she was already taking her first steps towards creating an empire, transforming an eBay store of vintage finds into the ultimate online treasure trove for cool girls, Nasty Gal.
The metamorphosis between the two domains was pretty swift, earning the young businesswoman names like the “Cinderella of tech” and a spot on Inc. Magazines‘ 30 under 30 list. In fact, Forbes even named her one of the richest self-made women in the world. But the skyrocketing speed at which Nasty Gal was born ultimately ended with bankruptcy in 2016.
Now, at 34 years old Amoruso has refused to be buried, carrying on in the face of adversity and charting a new course focused on Girlboss Media, her new company. A lot has changed since she wrote her New York Times bestseller. In fact, her whole definition of what it means to be a “girlboss” has changed. We sit down with Amoruso to chat about how change isn’t always a bad thing—whether it be in life, in your career or simply in your beauty routine.
Why do you think you’re a good fit for Shoppers Drug Mart’s Be Bold with Beauty Campaign?
I’ve always been bold in my career and I’ve had a very loud career. I mean, there’s a Netflix show made about my life, which is crazy. And Nasty Gal, even though I’m not involved anymore, was bold. About as bold as you can get.
I still consider myself bold in my style and in my beauty looks, but I have a little more restraint now when I choose a lip or an eye and maybe don’t layer leather on leather on platforms. I don’t just dump jewellery on myself now. So it’s been nice to have this evolution and it’s important for me and for Girlboss, which is my new company, to encourage women to be bold and to get out there and demand what they’re worth and to discover themselves by trying new things and taking action.
So obviously we know that you’ve always been into fashion, but have you always been into beauty?
I think I’ve always worn makeup. From the time I was 11 I was sneaking mascara onto my face at school. I had no idea what beauty meant, I called it makeup. And I had my compact and I powdered my stinky compact on my face and you know, thought that that was what I should be doing. Beauty has become a lot more sophisticated. There’s so much more education online on what products the pros are using and how to apply them and not look like a clown, which is very easy to do! You’re putting colour on your face! Especially living in Los Angeles; it’s a place that will teach you about personal hygiene like no other.
The campaign’s goal is really to get people stepping out of their comfort zone. Talk to me about a time you did that.
Every day I step out of my comfort zone and it’s in small ways. It’s in the ways that everybody experiences every day. It’s in showing up and doing the job that I know I’m supposed to and wondering if I’m qualified—which we all probably do every day no matter how much experience we have.
I think making the transition from Nasty Gal to Girlboss, I mean it was almost immediate… I didn’t stop or take a break. That was a bold move and people were just shocked that I kept going and were like, “You’re so resilient” but I just kept going. It’s not that hard to do if you just do it, even though it’s way scarier doing it after having such public successes and setbacks as an entrepreneur. But Girlboss is too important to me to just sit on and it feels like it’s my purpose and that makes it an easy thing to do.
So how did you come up with the idea for Girlboss?
I wrote the book while I was building my fashion business in my 20s—I started it when I was 22 years old. I was in it for ten years and it was in 2014 that it kind of took on a life of its own. I really wanted to write a business book that would be the gateway drug for a girl who maybe didn’t have the pedigree of most of the women who were writing books. I’m a community college drop out and I shouldn’t be qualified to run a business… and I’m probably not. But who is? And I wanted to inject a sense of fun and humour into a business book. And I wanted it to be a relatable way for a generation of women who are unlikely entrepreneurs like myself, who have all the digital tools at their disposal, to take risks and be bold and be entrepreneurial, whether on the inside of a company or starting something from the ground up.
Girlboss shares a lot of articles and stories, but what makes it  different from, say, a traditional media outlet?
I mean digitally, we’re not really selling banners and boxes. All of the work that we do with brands is with brands we feel strongly about. And programs that we do with those people and those brands all create value for our user, for our community, for ourselves and for them. So we’re using the powers that be to bring education and utility and connections to women that may not have them otherwise. And we’re sharing content that isn’t news–there’s plenty of news out there–we’re sharing content that can really, very incrementally, inspire and educate our audience on how to make small steps in their lives, whether it’s saving a little bit more money or asking for that raise they know they deserve.
And I know you also do meet ups…
Yeah, the Girlboss Rally!
You just had one in April. Can you tell me a bit more about those events?
So we’ve done three Girlboss Rallies. It’s a conference. We had 800 women at the Los Angeles rally in April, we’ll have more at the New York rally in November and we generally have around 50 speakers. Everyone from Gwyneth Paltrow, to Sallie Krawcheck, to Ashley Graham, to Elaine Welteroth have all spoken and it’s a way for the community that, you know, has read Girlboss, is subscribed to our email list, who is inspired by what we’re doing to meet one another. And content aside, what happens on that stage is one small part of what happens there. It’s really about finding community and meeting maybe your next co-founder in a way that’s maybe hard to do online. And long term we want to figure out a way to bring that online and for women to make those bold moves to meet one another and level up their game.
Where do you see Girlboss going in the future? Do you see it developing further?
I think the digital piece of what we’re doing is more infinitely more scalable than a conference or editorial, which is limited to the number of editors that we can employ. So it’s creating a place where our community is creating content for one another and sharing their learnings, because what they know is as important as what we have to share and there is so much more to share when you bring like-minded women together.
In the future do you ever see yourself revisiting something like Nasty Gal?
I think maybe I would go into fashion. It won’t be any time soon. I mean, I love fashion and I’m sure we’ll work with fashion brands in the future, but it’s been nice to take a break. Our inventory is also infinitely scalable if you think about what it is that we’re selling. It doesn’t have to be in a warehouse and it doesn’t have to go on sale and you can’t ship it late and you don’t get returns and the things that were the bane of my existence for a decade. Retail is really hard. And it’s a difficult time for fashion to feel important, even though it is, but there’s so much going on in the world… focusing on Girlboss right now feels really good.
Do you miss any part of it?
I do miss making products. I miss the physical part of it. I pay way less attention to fashion, but I do miss it. Whatever it would be, I do want to get into commerce again eventually.
Do you think your definition of being a girlboss has changed since you first coined the term?
Yeah, I think it’s evolved and it’s a little more complex now. It’s taking into account everything that’s happening in the world and in culture and in representation. I had a very small view of the world; it was a different time. At the time, just saying “badass” was all you needed to do and now “badass” just feels really played out.  And so I’ve evolved, I’ve become more sophisticated. You know, I was quote-on-quote winning when I wrote that book and a lot has changed since then and a lot of the advice I gave I wouldn’t necessarily agree with today. I hope that everyone who reads that, and who gets any advice from anybody, throws half of it away and remembers that the experience of people giving you advice and what you know about yourself and what’s right for you are very different things. It may always work for them but it doesn’t mean it will always work for you.
Why do you think the beauty industry is booming right now?
Oh my god, it’s massive! I’d say that there’s a very underserved market in beauty. It’s become a lot more inclusive. The legacy powers that be are finding themselves scrambling to innovate as more and more companies have access to social media to build their businesses. Urban Decay is an example of that. They’ve just built a massive business. And there’s a rise in clean beauty. I love RMS, I use it every day. I think fashion has become a lot more subltle and conservative and beauty is still something we can take a lot more risks with and be a lot more bold with.
You mentioned RMS, what are some of your other favourite brands?
For mouisturizer I use Emryolisse. I love Bioderma, just finishing up my cleansing with that. I love Chanel’s foundations. Guerlain feels very cool and classic. I don’t know how to say it… I think everyone here can say it in a more French way than I can. And I mean Nars is tried and true, the best pigments around…
So what’s your every day look?
I use anything in a pot. Anything that’s a cream. I like using my fingers. I don’t think I’m necessarily an expert at it, but I kind of don’t care. And like a simple eye with a bold red lip. You can wear it with denim, you can wear it with all black and you just look cool.
Nothing says girlboss like a red lip…
I know, I know… I’ve definitely carried that over from Nasty Gal.
0 notes
yoke25eugene · 6 years
Lifetime Products – Disposable Dental Impression Tray Manufacturer – Gifts& Health Care Products
Overview Lifetime Products uses polyethylene blow molding and metal forming technology to create a variety of consumer and industrial products. Lifetime has the largest single-point blow molded plastics facility in North America, occupying 2,200,000 square feet (204,000 m2), and employs over 1500 people worldwide. Lifetime Products produces the only folding chair to comply with the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association (BIFMA), which defines durability standards testing of commercial-grade chairs. Lifetime also complies with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and their basketball systems are evaluated by the American Society for Testing and Materials. Lifetime is headquartered in the Freeport Center in Clearfield, Utah, United States. Vertically integrated manufacturing facilities also reside in Clearfield, with international facilities in Monterrey, Mexico and Xiamen, China. Lifetime products are available in more than 50 countries. In the United States, Lifetime basketball systems are in sporting goods stores such as Sports Authority, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Academy Sports and Outdoors, MC Sports and Modell, as well as retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target, and in warehouse clubs such as Sam’s Club, Costco, BJ, and in regional stores. Lifetime tables and chairs are available at stores including Sam’s Club, Costco, Wal-Mart,Home Depot, and Lowe’s. History In 1972, Lifetime Product founder, Barry Mower, set out to make a sturdier basketball pole for his backyard. He purchased a small length of heavy-duty used pipe, a piece of plywood, and a basketball rim, and built his own basketball standard. Seeing the potential in what he had constructed, he placed an ad in the local classifieds and made his first sale. His backyard business eventually became a modest sporting goods store, and in March 1986, became Lifetime Products, a name inspired by the goal of building durable and lasting products. Shortly after, the research and design staff created the “Quick Adjust” basketball system. The concept of adjustable basketball systems transformed the market, making non-adjustable systems obsolete in mass-merchant chains. Shortly after, Lifetime Products became the second largest manufacturer of residential basketball equipment[citation needed]. Lifetime Products was the first company to provide a complete basketball system in one package[citation needed], allowing retailers to conveniently stock, display and sell basketball equipment. The complete package concept now dominates the market. After expanding quickly in the first year, Lifetime began to focus on producing more durable basketball rims, and consequently developed a hoop that withstood twice the load of the nearest competitor rim[citation needed]. In the first three years, the company grew to 167 employees and occupied 120,000 square feet (11,000 m2) of manufacturing, office and warehouse space. New equipment, including an electrostatic powder coating operation and a robotic rim welding system were installed to keep up with demand. A metal fabrication department was also formed to constantly update and improve presses and dies. Lifetime went on to introduce a blow molded folding picnic table in 1995, a folding banquet table in 1998, a steel reinforced blow molded outdoor storage building in 2005, and the first of its kind fold-in-half trailer (folding to 29 inches (740 mm) wide) in January 2007. They continue to develop portable basketball systems, height adjustments, tables, chairs, outdoor storage sheds, lawn and garden equipment such a wheelbarrows, carts, and revolving compost bins, and utility and camping trailers. Lifetime Products is still led by its original founder. Products Manufactured Tables and chairs Folding Chair Stacking Chair Folding tables Round tables Personal tables Picnic tables Camp and sport tables Basketball Systems Portable Residential Basketball Systems In-ground Residential Basketball Systems Bolt-down Residential Basketball Systems Adjustable-Height Basketball Systems (portable, in-ground, and bolt-down) Rim and Backboard Stationary Combinations Sheds Storage buildings Storage sheds Garden sheds Extension kits and accessories Lawn and Garden Yard cart Wheel barrow Revolving compost bin Glider bench Deck box Trailers Fold-up trailer Utility trailer Jumping Jack tent trailers Playground equipment Outdoor playsets Commercial play systems Teeter totters Dome climbers Swing sets Tetherball set EcoHouse Lifetime is currently developing the inexpensive and low maintenance EcoHouse. The EcoHouse is an 11-foot (3.4 m) by 38-foot (12 m) fabricated house made from plastic reinforced with steel. It can be set up quickly, and will be used for impoverished areas, along with providing quick shelter during emergency management and disaster-relief operations. The EcoHouse uses minimal resources to construct, which results in a smaller carbon footprint than other housing. The homes can be configured to be fully self-sustaining, using solar panels, bio-digester systems, and water tanks. Lifetime Metals Lifetime Metals produces processed steel items for both Lifetime Products, and for other manufacturers in the region. Services provided include coil slitting and leveling, shearing, stamping with Minster machine presses, tube mill operations, roll forming, and other processes. Backyards Inc. Lifetime owns the retail chain Backyards Inc., with several locations in Utah. Lifetime Products’ History of Patents and Innovations 1986 – Introduced and patented the first adjustable basketball pole on the market 1992 – Introduced its line of portable basketball systems 1992 – Invented and patented the friction weld joint for basketball poles 1993 – Invented a blow-molded base that is airtight and watertight 1995 – Invented blow molded polyethylene tabletops 1995 – Invented a fully-assembled, folding picnic table 1996 – Invented the Power Lift, the first one-hand, pneumatic height adjustment mechanism 1998 – Introduced blow-molded polyethylene folding banquet tables 2000 – Introduced the only folding chair to meet or exceed BIFMA standards 2001 – Introduced Mammoth Basketball Equipment, a line of professional-quality home basketball systems 2004 – Introduced the Shatter Proof Backboard, the first virtually unbreakable backboard made with Makrolon polycarbonate 2004 – Introduced a line of officially licensed NCAA tables 2005 – Introduced its multi-branded line of outdoor storage sheds 2006 – Introduced an innovative new line of steel utility trailers 2007 – Introduced the first fold-in-half trailer External links www.Lifetime.com, corporate website www.BuyLifetime.com, online sales division www.LifetimeMetals.com, metals division Lifetime365, Corporate Weblog Backyards Inc., retail stores References ^ a b c d e “Clearfield company opens China plant”, The Standard Examiner, 22 Jan 2010 ^ “EcoHousing: Utah company makes temporary homes for distaster survivors.” The Deseret News, 8 Feb 2010 ^ BIFMA Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association ^ American National Standards Institute ^ ASTM International ^ KSL News ^ “Tough economy has Utah manufacturers going lean.” The Deseret News, 12 Nov 2009 ^ Lifetime Metals ^ Backyards Inc. website Categories: Privately held companies of the United States | Companies established in 1986 | Companies based in Clearfield, Utah | Manufacturing companies of Utah | Companies based in Utah | BackyardsHidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements from February 2008
I am an expert from disposablemedicalsuppliers.com, while we provides the quality product, such as Disposable Dental Impression Tray Manufacturer , gifts& health care products Manufacturer
The post Lifetime Products – Disposable Dental Impression Tray Manufacturer – Gifts& Health Care Products appeared first on ABC Dental Implant Center.
Source: https://abcdentalimplantcenter.com/lifetime-products-disposable-dental-impression-tray-manufacturer-gifts-health-care-products/
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markjsousa · 6 years
Walmart Is Not Taking Amazon’s Online Grocery Success Lying Down
Walmart is aggressively moving into the grocery delivery space, defending and expanding its turf against traditional supermarket leaders like Kroger and Amazon, made even more of a force to be contended with by its acquisition of Whole Foods Market to power AmazonFresh.
Amazon reached 18% market share in U.S. online grocery sales in 2017, double that of Walmart. AmazonFresh, appealing specifically to young professionals, more than doubled its monthly sales last year, from $3 million in January to over $7 million by December, for an estimated $350 million in total year sales.
Amazon’s online grocery sales grow more than 50% in each of its top 3 world markets – https://t.co/P0OXUKwEHG Inc.’s online grocery sales grew 59% in the United States last year and are expanding nearly as fast in the United Kingdom and Germany, accor… https://t.co/b7qZd2DREt
— Internet Retailer (@IR_Magazine) January 18, 2018
As RetailDive notes, “’Organic’ proved to be a key search term, with roughly 25% of all AmazonFresh sales going to items with that word in the title, including eight of the top 20 bestselling items.”
You can bet the folks in Bentonville, Ark., aren’t planning to sit back and let Amazon’s online grocery business leave them in the dust. Walmart has had to move aggressively to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving world of groceries and e-commerce and delivery services.
It has already rebooted its Walmart to Go service as Walmart Grocery, and it’s expanding local tests of how to get groceries to customers when, where and how they want they delivered, as highlighted in its most recent Investors Day. As CEO Doug McMillon stated at that event,
We’ve been aggressive with Online Grocery expansion in the U.S., building on our international experience. We’ve been experimenting with delivery in the U.S. We created a digital payment platform in the form of Walmart Pay. And we’re trying things like automated towers to speed the in-store pickup experience. We’re digitizing the checkout experience with Scan & Go. We’re making acquisitions to improve our online assortment.
We’re digitizing experiences in-store, including our pharmacy area. We’re learning how to reward customers for behavior that helps us lower costs and save them money. Picking things up at store level for a discount is one example. We’re expanding our delivery capabilities in China and other markets. We’re enabling easy reorder online, and we’re learning to partner with others in new ways. We’ve always enjoyed creating lasting win-win relationships, and that hasn’t changed.
The common thread in this innovation story is around the customer experience, especially convenience. We’ve made progress on value. Our prices are lower. On assortment, we have even more choice. And we’re focused on saving customers’ time and making it easier to shop with us.
As an example of partnerships and being open to trying new services, Walmart Canada is expanding its click-and-pick-up Penguin Pick-Up/Walmart hubs in Toronto to seven locations to enable residents to place their grocery order online and select a convenient time and location for free pickup.
“The new co-branded Penguin Pick-Up/Walmart locations allow us to better serve more Toronto households, especially those that don’t have a Walmart Supercentre nearby,” stated Daryl Porter, VP omnichannel operations and online grocery at Walmart Canada. “We continue to invest in services to make every day easier for busy Canadians and that includes offering greater flexibility and convenience to shop for groceries.”
“The convenience of shopping for groceries online and being able to pick them up at a Penguin Pick-Up location at the time of your choice makes a lot of sense for people who live or work in dense urban neighbourhoods,” added Mitchell Goldhar, owner of Penguin Pick-Up and Chairman of SmartCentres. “Since its launch in 2014, Penguin Pick-Up has received packages from over 5,000 retailers in 11 countries and the number keeps growing.”
Walmart Canada operates 410 stores nationwide serving more than 1.2 million customers daily. Walmart Canada’s flagship online is visited by 600,000 customers daily.
Exploring how content can drive online grocery sales, Walmart recently partnered with BuzzFeed’s social food network Tasty, encouraging customers to buy Walmart.com and Jet.com products directly from recipes in Tasty’s app.
“The growth potential for online sales of groceries in 2018, and fresh foods in particular, is huge,” writes One Click Retail analyst Nathan Rigby. “In all likelihood, this is the tipping point we have been waiting for.”
Walmart’s Store No. 8 R&D team is tasked with developing customer-first innovations around delivery, payment and the mobile shopping experience. As noted in a recent blog post,
“We now live in a time when we can simply tap our fingers on a smartphone screen to order almost anything and have it delivered, for free, in two days or less. And not too far off is the ability to experience shopping in a virtual setting without leaving the comfort of our homes,” Katie Finnegan, Jet’s former corporate development head who serves as Walmart’s VP of incubation at Store No. 8, wrote in a recent blog post.
“Building new horizons in the context of a company like Walmart is pretty amazing, because new technologies and business models can impact so much—from everyday things like making grocery shopping a little more convenient, to the extraordinary: changing key ways the retail world works.”
.@StoreNO8 is @WalMart's idea incubator. Founder @KatieFinnegan, explains how they play a role in innovating the customer experience. #CheddarLIVE pic.twitter.com/pGcHl1lzDo
— Cheddar (@cheddar) January 17, 2018
Analysts are watching developments like Walmart’s recent trademark for the name “Wam! By Walmart,” described in its U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filing as “retail and online grocery store services featuring home delivery service.”
Walmart has also filed a patent application for a system that would allow customers to view individual fresh items remotely before purchasing them. As Supermarket News notes,
The “Fresh Online Experience,” or FOE, would allow customers to order produce, meat and bakery items online using stock photos, but then have the opportunity to approve the actual items being purchased via image scans (either two- or three-dimensional) sent to them by Walmart store workers. Once an item is approved by the customer, an “edible watermark” could be applied to the item before it was packaged for pickup or delivery to verify that it was the item the shopper had selected.
Walmart also offers in-store pickup for online grocery orders and is trialing “in-fridge delivery,” giving access to delivery drivers to place groceries inside customers’ refrigerators at home. Another pilot grocery delivery tests invites shoppers to order at Walmart.com and have personal shoppers pick items in-store then use Uber for delivery.
Among the strongest performers in the Dow over the past year, ending 2017 with its best gains since the turn of the century, Walmart’s acquisition of Jet.com helped bolster its e-commerce sales by 50%—and you can’t put a price on the technology and market intelligence that Walmart is gaining from acquring the urban-focused Jet. (See more in our recent Q&A with Jet VP of Marketing David Echegoyen.)
“It’s actually signaling their shift from brick-and-mortar stores to a stronger e-commerce presence. We feel they’re well-positioned to compete with Amazon,” said Mark Tepper, president Strategic Wealth Partners, about the signal of the imminent corporate rebrand to Walmart from Wal-Mart Stores on Feb. 1st that a cohesive, seamless, omnichannel Walmart is a focus in 2018.
Walmart’s focus with the acquisition of Jet.com is on urban shoppers in cities like New York, Chicago and Boston, while the 55-year-old discount brand’s online store serves the rest of the country. The retail giant is segmenting America with Jet.com for urban millennials and Walmart for the rest.
Walmart customers at its 4,700 stores and on Walmart.com get different deals from Jet.com’s urban customers. Jet.com, meanwhile, parted ways with Costco after its sale to Walmart.
Turns out old dogs can learn new tricks—and that Amazon doesn’t have a monopoly on digital innovation.
The post Walmart Is Not Taking Amazon’s Online Grocery Success Lying Down appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 6 years
Walmart Is Not Taking Amazon’s Online Grocery Success Lying Down
Walmart is aggressively moving into the grocery delivery space, defending and expanding its turf against traditional supermarket leaders like Kroger and Amazon, made even more of a force to be contended with by its acquisition of Whole Foods Market to power AmazonFresh.
Amazon reached 18% market share in U.S. online grocery sales in 2017, double that of Walmart. AmazonFresh, appealing specifically to young professionals, more than doubled its monthly sales last year, from $3 million in January to over $7 million by December, for an estimated $350 million in total year sales.
Amazon’s online grocery sales grow more than 50% in each of its top 3 world markets – https://t.co/P0OXUKwEHG Inc.’s online grocery sales grew 59% in the United States last year and are expanding nearly as fast in the United Kingdom and Germany, accor… https://t.co/b7qZd2DREt
— Internet Retailer (@IR_Magazine) January 18, 2018
As RetailDive notes, “’Organic’ proved to be a key search term, with roughly 25% of all AmazonFresh sales going to items with that word in the title, including eight of the top 20 bestselling items.”
You can bet the folks in Bentonville, Ark., aren’t planning to sit back and let Amazon’s online grocery business leave them in the dust. Walmart has had to move aggressively to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving world of groceries and e-commerce and delivery services.
It has already rebooted its Walmart to Go service as Walmart Grocery, and it’s expanding local tests of how to get groceries to customers when, where and how they want they delivered, as highlighted in its most recent Investors Day. As CEO Doug McMillon stated at that event,
We’ve been aggressive with Online Grocery expansion in the U.S., building on our international experience. We’ve been experimenting with delivery in the U.S. We created a digital payment platform in the form of Walmart Pay. And we’re trying things like automated towers to speed the in-store pickup experience. We’re digitizing the checkout experience with Scan & Go. We’re making acquisitions to improve our online assortment.
We’re digitizing experiences in-store, including our pharmacy area. We’re learning how to reward customers for behavior that helps us lower costs and save them money. Picking things up at store level for a discount is one example. We’re expanding our delivery capabilities in China and other markets. We’re enabling easy reorder online, and we’re learning to partner with others in new ways. We’ve always enjoyed creating lasting win-win relationships, and that hasn’t changed.
The common thread in this innovation story is around the customer experience, especially convenience. We’ve made progress on value. Our prices are lower. On assortment, we have even more choice. And we’re focused on saving customers’ time and making it easier to shop with us.
As an example of partnerships and being open to trying new services, Walmart Canada is expanding its click-and-pick-up Penguin Pick-Up/Walmart hubs in Toronto to seven locations to enable residents to place their grocery order online and select a convenient time and location for free pickup.
“The new co-branded Penguin Pick-Up/Walmart locations allow us to better serve more Toronto households, especially those that don’t have a Walmart Supercentre nearby,” stated Daryl Porter, VP omnichannel operations and online grocery at Walmart Canada. “We continue to invest in services to make every day easier for busy Canadians and that includes offering greater flexibility and convenience to shop for groceries.”
“The convenience of shopping for groceries online and being able to pick them up at a Penguin Pick-Up location at the time of your choice makes a lot of sense for people who live or work in dense urban neighbourhoods,” added Mitchell Goldhar, owner of Penguin Pick-Up and Chairman of SmartCentres. “Since its launch in 2014, Penguin Pick-Up has received packages from over 5,000 retailers in 11 countries and the number keeps growing.”
Walmart Canada operates 410 stores nationwide serving more than 1.2 million customers daily. Walmart Canada’s flagship online is visited by 600,000 customers daily.
Exploring how content can drive online grocery sales, Walmart recently partnered with BuzzFeed’s social food network Tasty, encouraging customers to buy Walmart.com and Jet.com products directly from recipes in Tasty’s app.
“The growth potential for online sales of groceries in 2018, and fresh foods in particular, is huge,” writes One Click Retail analyst Nathan Rigby. “In all likelihood, this is the tipping point we have been waiting for.”
Walmart’s Store No. 8 R&D team is tasked with developing customer-first innovations around delivery, payment and the mobile shopping experience. As noted in a recent blog post,
“We now live in a time when we can simply tap our fingers on a smartphone screen to order almost anything and have it delivered, for free, in two days or less. And not too far off is the ability to experience shopping in a virtual setting without leaving the comfort of our homes,” Katie Finnegan, Jet’s former corporate development head who serves as Walmart’s VP of incubation at Store No. 8, wrote in a recent blog post.
“Building new horizons in the context of a company like Walmart is pretty amazing, because new technologies and business models can impact so much—from everyday things like making grocery shopping a little more convenient, to the extraordinary: changing key ways the retail world works.”
.@StoreNO8 is @WalMart's idea incubator. Founder @KatieFinnegan, explains how they play a role in innovating the customer experience. #CheddarLIVE pic.twitter.com/pGcHl1lzDo
— Cheddar (@cheddar) January 17, 2018
Analysts are watching developments like Walmart’s recent trademark for the name “Wam! By Walmart,” described in its U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filing as “retail and online grocery store services featuring home delivery service.”
Walmart has also filed a patent application for a system that would allow customers to view individual fresh items remotely before purchasing them. As Supermarket News notes,
The “Fresh Online Experience,” or FOE, would allow customers to order produce, meat and bakery items online using stock photos, but then have the opportunity to approve the actual items being purchased via image scans (either two- or three-dimensional) sent to them by Walmart store workers. Once an item is approved by the customer, an “edible watermark” could be applied to the item before it was packaged for pickup or delivery to verify that it was the item the shopper had selected.
Walmart also offers in-store pickup for online grocery orders and is trialing “in-fridge delivery,” giving access to delivery drivers to place groceries inside customers’ refrigerators at home. Another pilot grocery delivery tests invites shoppers to order at Walmart.com and have personal shoppers pick items in-store then use Uber for delivery.
Among the strongest performers in the Dow over the past year, ending 2017 with its best gains since the turn of the century, Walmart’s acquisition of Jet.com helped bolster its e-commerce sales by 50%—and you can’t put a price on the technology and market intelligence that Walmart is gaining from acquring the urban-focused Jet. (See more in our recent Q&A with Jet VP of Marketing David Echegoyen.)
“It’s actually signaling their shift from brick-and-mortar stores to a stronger e-commerce presence. We feel they’re well-positioned to compete with Amazon,” said Mark Tepper, president Strategic Wealth Partners, about the signal of the imminent corporate rebrand to Walmart from Wal-Mart Stores on Feb. 1st that a cohesive, seamless, omnichannel Walmart is a focus in 2018.
Walmart’s focus with the acquisition of Jet.com is on urban shoppers in cities like New York, Chicago and Boston, while the 55-year-old discount brand’s online store serves the rest of the country. The retail giant is segmenting America with Jet.com for urban millennials and Walmart for the rest.
Walmart customers at its 4,700 stores and on Walmart.com get different deals from Jet.com’s urban customers. Jet.com, meanwhile, parted ways with Costco after its sale to Walmart.
Turns out old dogs can learn new tricks—and that Amazon doesn’t have a monopoly on digital innovation.
The post Walmart Is Not Taking Amazon’s Online Grocery Success Lying Down appeared first on brandchannel:.
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