#founder threepwood au
captmickey · 2 years
3, 15, 28
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? To Save A Founder. In some weird way, this was for me the beginning of the wrap up to Founder Threepwood because that AU was created during a sadder time for me, so this fic being a crossover (with a crossover of a crossover) with 3ADV, an AU that has me at my happiest, is cathartic.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Welp, Dinner with the Marleys is one. I keep pushing it off but I do want to finish it because I do have the climax in mind... just need to properly build up to it (and uh... make a beat sheet for this fic)
Favorite work you wrote this year? Ah.... I have a few, but I'm pretty dang proud of Brotherhood, the fact that I can expand on NPCs and everyone seems chill with it makes me happy. Plus I didn't want to say goodbye to Number One juuuuuuuust yet after wrapping up Perspective so this fic makes me smile.
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captmickey · 2 years
Save A Founder, a Three Adventurers fanfic
Based on The Three Adventures and the Founder Threepwood AU, a what-if scenario if Link went to save Guybrush...
Can be read here on AO3
He snuck into the mansion in the dead of night after recognizing the monkey sigil on the outside. It took him some time as he found himself running around the massive buildings, avoiding any colonists or guards and getting confused where he was, but eventually he found what he was looking for. Admittedly, in comparison to the other mansions, it was not nearly as massive, but it was still large. He surveyed the building, trying to find an opening (since he figured going through the front door of the bullet-ridden and slightly burnt and collapsing building was going to warrant him a bullet or an arrow between his eyes) when he found a weak spot in the form of a window loosely open. Looking around to be sure no one was watching, Link grabbed the ledge and swiftly leaped inside the building, ducking from sight and counting to ten before moving forward.
The interior was fine, sans the broken vases, glass and discarded blades, but Link’s hands kept twitching, kept itching for the hilt of the sword as he tried listening carefully to his surroundings. He made it this far without being spotted and frankly had zero intent on being caught now.
Quietly moving, Link made his way to what he could only hope was Guybrush’s office based mainly on the papers strewn about the room. One paper in particular, one that did not look to have been cast aside, laid still at the desk. Curiosity got the best of him as the Hylian stepped closer, picking up the parchment with a letter of a meeting, signed with a sigil of an arm and a cutlass. He skimmed through it once, twice, three times before he heard a click from behind.
“You have five seconds to step away before I put a bullet in you.” An angry and tired British voice threatened.
Recognizing who it was, Link dropped the parchment and raised his arms up, showing no ill will. “Elaine?” He tried to turn his head but felt the nuzzle of the gun pressed up against the back of his head.
“Don’t move.” She hissed.
Link nodded, not wanting to press his luck exactly. “If you need me to prove it’s myself, I’ll be more than happy to oblige.”
A pause of silence lingered in the room “Right… turn around. Slowly.”
Once more, he nodded and turned around, his arms still up. He had to refrain from gasping as it had been far too long since he last saw her. The exhaustion in the form of bags under her eyes were obvious as that familiar light was gone, streaks of grey littered her red hair that was pulled in a loose bun. But more than anything, the one thing that grabbed Link’s attention was the anger that replaced the kindness he was so familiar with. But for a brief moment, for a sliver of a second, it came back as she barely lowered her gun.
“Hi.” He gave a sheepish wave.
“What…” she clicked the safety back into place and stepped back, looking to be debating if this was real or not, “what in the seven hells are you doing here? More… more importantly, how are you here?”
“I followed some clues after thinking like a pirate and found this place. Was a fun challenge though.” Link tried to joke, to make light, but when he saw she wasn’t budging just cleared his throat. “Um, can I lower my arms now?”
She permitted with a nod, pocketing her weapon.
Doing as such, Link continued. “The truth is, I was looking for you all. Graham and I got worried when we hadn’t heard back from Guybrush and I decided to go find the man myself. Asked around and heard about a supposed Paradise, which then had me going across the globe as I followed the clues and, well, here I am.”
Elaine stared at him. “You came to rescue him?”
“Well, more like finding so I can yell at–” Link froze. “Wait. Rescue? Where’s Van Winslow? What’s going on?”
“I was on my way to rescue Guybrush… Winslow is on the ship ready to sail out.” Her eyes lowered, looking at the parchment on the floor with the arm and cutlass insignia. “We don’t have much time… but if you’re here to help, then I think we have a chance at saving him. Here’s what happened…”
He hid in the foliage as the guards walked by, his fingers twitching ready to reach for the hilt of his blade should they look his way. Instead, he slowly exhaled, relieved that they marched on by, unaware of his presence as they continued to talk about a topic he was clearly unaware of, and made his way towards the largest mansion sitting at the top of the hill.
Link went over his loose idea of a plan in his head once more, trying to make sure he got what he wanted to do down pat that his body didn’t need to do more than to go off muscle memory: Get in, get Guybrush, get out. Simple, clean, and hopefully effective. This was the best case scenario of a plan should the room be empty and with no guards, because it would mean it would be a quiet and easy escape and if he was even more lucky, caught the pirate before anything more severe were to happen.
In the worst case…
He shivered. He didn’t want to think of the worst case scenario. If spotting that letter at Guybrush’s mansion, if anything Elaine told him and overhearing those guards in the kitchen were any indication, these poor Founders were about to meet an untimely demise. And one of them, to Link’s horror, was Guybrush.
No, he couldn’t let that happen. He refused to let that happen. The Hylian made two promises before he set off on his solo adventure. One was to find and rescue the missing prince, Alexander. The other was to bring back his friend. And while the former was proving to be more challenging than he initially thought (there were barely any clues or sightings of the young prince), finding Guybrush proved to be shockingly easier. And who knows, if he was extremely lucky, perhaps Alexander was on this island as well… but deep down he knew it was too much of a longshot, otherwise the pirate would have been back at Daventry, prince in hand.
But that was assuming the best case scenario.
Link shook his head and continued his trek through the hidden path, trying to get his thoughts quiet so as to focus on his surroundings. —- He hopped down from the window and quickly rushed to hide behind a pillar, hoping none of the guards spotted his entrance. He was thankful that they were, for the most part, oblivious to their surroundings as they continued to stay put… they were pirates through and through, he guessed as they talked about a pile of gold waiting for them. Guess you could never take the pirate out of the guard, he thought, keeping a close eye on them and waiting for them to move. If he had to guess where he was, and based on the guards standing there, he was only a room away from entering the dining hall. Where Guybrush was. He was so close that all he wanted to do was kick the door down and make his way in, but he knew that was a reckless plan. He had to be smart and patient about this.
However, when he realized that the two guards were not going to budge, he frowned and tried to think of a new way to the main dining hall.
Think, Link, think. He looked around the hallway, trying to see if there was perhaps another entrance in. He didn’t have the luxury of just standing around and wondering about a new plan, especially when he smelled something foul not too far away and heard muffled voices, slowly rising, slowly fading.
The clock was ticking and he needed to get moving, especially when the plan was under a fairly tight schedule. He dug into his bag, trying to see if he had anything that could help when he felt the hard exterior of the deku nut and pulled it out. The small seed was an effective weapon, as when it was tossed and the shell cracked, it released a blinding light, temporarily stunning the enemy and giving the throw a brief window to run in or attack. The drawback was that if the thrower didn’t cover their eyes, they could be stunned as well.
Link looked to the hallways at the bored but alert guards, rubbing his thumb on the seed’s shell. He could stun them, knock them out and run in. Or he could toss it and draw their attention away.
Both terrible plans as there were too many factors that could go against Link. But he furrowed his brow and gripped the seed.
It was going to have to do.
Link slammed the door open, hand on the hilt of his blade as he was ready to strike when he saw the grand dining room. The equally grand table was littered with the bodies of other pirates, none of them moving, none of them reacting. But at the end of the table, reclined back, was the pirate that had the Hylian's heart drop.
He was barely breathing, his lips having turned into a slight shade of blue. ‘Corpse’ was the word that popped front and center as he watched Guybrush’s chest barely move, straining to get any air in.
Link knew that time was of the essence, that he couldn’t just sit and stare as Guybrush’s life was rapidly slipping away right before him and reached into his bag to pull out the small vial containing an antidote. It was a small amount compared to the chalices that laid about on the table. If the quantity of the poison was drunk compared to the vial, the antidote was not enough to heal his friend entirely, but it would be just enough to bring him back from the edge of death. And that’s what he needed. He needed Guybrush conscious enough to carry out back to the hidden ship.
Looking around to make sure that the room was truly safe from any guards, Link uncorked the vial and gently moved his hand behind Guybrush’s head. It was terrifying how heavy it was starting to feel but he pushed aside those bubbling worries and swiftly placed it against the pirate’s lips, tilting his head slowly so that he could properly drink it and not accidentally choke. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally speed up Guybrush’s end by having him choke on the antidote while being poisoned from the inside out.
“C’mon…” Link muttered to himself, hoping that the effects would kick in sooner rather than later, he knew that potions and the such in Hyrule and Daventry were rather potent, more powerful than in most places but even still, it was never a guarantee it would work. He could only hope that whatever it was that was keeping an eye on Guybrush decided to be merciful to him instead of insisting on being cruel. Even hoping that the Goddesses were watching over and would offer their aid. With the vial emptied, Link tossed it to the side and carefully made sure that not a single drop was spilled or spat out, keeping his eyes on the pirate and listening to anything irregular pass his raspy breathing. He decided to count to ten before thinking of maybe pumping his chest, maybe to help expedite the antidote, but for now decided on holding Guybrush’s hand, giving it a small squeeze. “C’mon Guybrush, wake up…” he began pleading, “you can’t go down like this. Not here. C’mon…”
The sounds of heavy breathing slowly came to a crawl and Link felt his heart drop, rationale and faith went out the window as franticness took over the Hylian.
“No, no no no, c’mon!” Link pushed his hands over Guybrush’s chest. “You can’t go, not now, not when we’re so close to going home!” He began pushing his hands. “We can’t lose you too, get up!” He hated the sound of how terrified his own voice sounded, but the thought of losing his friend struck something fierce in his heart. “Get up… get up!” He knew the antidote was a fifty-fifty chance, he knew that the amount he had was probably not enough compared to the chalice, he knew finding Guybrush before the meeting was an absolute long shot, yet he could not let go of the off-chance that the pirate would make it, that against all odds Guybrush would beat Death yet again.
Link was chosen by the Goddesses, he was fated to be the Chosen Hero who would protect the people, act as the sword and shield for Hylia. He was told time and time again how his destiny was a selfless one, yet it was befriending the pirate that made him reconsider that blindly following what he was told wasn’t always everything. That sometimes it was perfectly fine to be selfish. And right now, at this very instance, Link so selfishly wanted Guybrush back. Ever since the end of their last adventure, Link found himself missing the pirate. He missed his quips, his sarcastic responses to serious situations, the way that he found some way to alleviate the crushing weight of everything using either his words or lending a shoulder. He did not want to say goodbye to that, not if he had the chance to save him. He refused to say goodbye.
He kept pushing, kept pleading, kept blinking back the burning sting in his eyes as Guybrush remained still. “Get up… wake up… please just wake up…!” Link begged, giving one final and powerful push against the pirate’s chest.
The Hylian fell back on the ground, startled as Guybrush let out a loud gasp before coughing violently, gripping onto the armrest of his chair as he kept hacking. Link blinked once, twice, before getting up quickly and grabbing onto Guybrush who still looked horribly frail. He moved his hand on Guybrush’s back, slamming as hard as he could against his spine as if the pirate was choking a good handful of times before Guybrush leaned over and let out whatever was in his system. It reeked and it took a lot out of the Hylian to not gag, but the sense of hope that had his body shake overpowered the disgust.
Guybrush leaned back against his chair, gasping for air as he tried to blink his eyes into focus while Link grabbed from his pouch a canteen filled with water, moving himself to help the pirate drink. He didn’t take a lot, in fact he spat it back out to the ground, but the pirate looked over at him, his eyes still distant and glazed over. It took him a minute, like he was trying to piece the name with the face before squinting his eyes. “...Link?”
There wasn’t any time for any of their usual wake up banter, not like how it was done in the past, but there was just enough time for Link to wrap his arms around Guybrush and hold him tight, unable to stop himself from shaking. “Y-yeah, yeah it’s me. It’s me.” He kept reassuring, his distant demeanor vanishing at the sound of hearing the pirate’s voice again after so long. “It’s me.” He rested his face in the crook of the pirate’s neck, ignoring the fact that he was at a table filled with dead pirates, former colleagues of Guybrush, relishing the fact that his friend was back and felt arms around him holding him fairly close, though not nearly as tight as his own hug.
“I don’t…” Guybrush struggled with his words, seeming to gasp for air. “Elaine…?”
Link pulled from the hug, as much as it pained him. “She’s fine. So is Winslow. I’ll explain everything but we need to leave.”
Guybrush looked at him confused with what he was saying and looked at the table before him. His eyes widened as he was able to put together quickly what had happened. “A… Avery… he–” Guybrush stopped and began coughing once more, leaning forward with each heavy cough. “Poison… he tried to…” Guybrush rasped.
He also tore down homes from what Link saw on his way here, but that was something the Hylian kept to himself, instead helping the pirate sit back up. “We can talk about it later, but we really need to move… Can you walk?” That was a dumb question, he thought, of course he can’t. He can barely speak, what makes him think he could walk? But he supposed that was just muscle memory that kicked in to ask. He saw Guybrush try to move himself, to try and stand, but quickly fell back into his seat, looking more like a puppet without its strings from the way his lanky arms flailed against the armrest. The pirate shook his head.
Tired blue eyes looked at him, the fog was still covering his sight, but at least he looked to recognize Link. “I can’t…” he tried speaking, “can’t leave…”
No… no no no, he came too far to give up now. Link frowned and bent down. “Yes you can, I’ll help. C’mon.”
He moved an arm around Guybrush’s waist while moving his other arm around Link’s shoulder. His ear twitched for the sounds of distant voices and footsteps, his stomach twisted in a fierce knot at the idea of fighting. It was easier to face the guards alone, he could take them down one by one with ease. It was significantly harder when he had a barely conscious pirate leaning their entire weight against him and unable to fend for himself. Guybrush, however, let out a tired and pained groan as Link tried to lift him, his legs truly not cooperating but the pirate wasn’t fighting back against the assistance either.
“Stop…” Guybrush moaned. “Link… stop…!”
“No can do, we need to go.” Link argued. He frowned when he felt Guybrush weakly tug away, trying to go back to that accursed seat. “Wha– we don’t have time–!”
“Move…!” With all of his strength, Guybrush shoved Link aside as the sound of a gun fired off, barely grazing the Hylian’s face as the bullet penetrated the wall in the back.
In that moment, in that instant, Link knew he was caught. The worst case scenario was in effect. Quickly turning around, Link looked at the bulking pirate with the smoking gun pointed his way. He could hear Guybrush’s raspy breath quickening while the pirate before him took another step closer with a hand on his hilt. Link, in turn, gripped the handle of his own blade, ready to draw it out.
The two locked eyes, staring each other down in silence. Link contemplated the various methods he could do against this potential foe: negotiation was out the window as the pirate fired at him, so all that was left was to render the man unconscious or to strike him down, then and there. Behind him, he heard Guybrush trying to sit up but failing.
“A… Avery… Avery, stop…” Guybrush weakly pleaded.
Link’s heart dropped to his stomach. Before him was none other than the monster of Libertalia Elaine had mentioned earlier. The one who tricked and encaptured pirates from all over with the grand delusion of a utopia. The one that, as he sees it, tried to kill his friend. “Henry Avery…” Link hissed under his breath.
“Aye, that’s me.” The pirate responded, almost proud. “The real question is…” he pulled back the safety, “who are you? And why are you reviving the dead?”
Something began bubbling in Link’s chest, it was more than determination or obligation… it was something else, something raw. The more he looked at Avery’s demeanor, the way he threw his weight around, the more Link wanted to see this titan fall. The word, shortly after, began to flash in his mind what that bubbling feeling was: Rage.
Staying silent, Link drew his blade and fell into position, anger burning in his eyes as he stared the pirate down. He was leaving Libertalia, and he was leaving with Guybrush. Alive. Whether this monster liked it or not.
And the only way to do that was to aim the gun at himself, away from Guybrush.
Link reached for a plate on the table and tossed it at Avery who predictably shot it, watching it shatter into a thousand pieces. And that made the gun unusable as it was out of bullets. He charged at the pirate, his sword ready and struck the pirate, quickly blocking as Avery drew out his own blade and swung it at him. The two swung a few more times but each hit was met with another block, another hard spark. He knew Guybrush to be one of the best fighters he had the honor of sparring with, but he had no idea that Avery would be just as capable as with each strike, the pirate would block.
Eventually realizing the striking strongly was not getting him anywhere, Link shifted himself to try and swing from below upward, which was enough to have Avery stumble backwards, startled for a brief moment before swinging the butt of the gun into Link’s head hard enough to fall on the floor and see the room spinning. It definitely did not help when he felt a sharp blow to his face that came in the form of Henry Avery’s boot. He hardly had time to block the incoming pistol, let alone kick, but he was still conscious enough to scream at himself to get up, to grip his sword and strike.
Tossing the gun to the side, he saw Avery pull out a second pistol, hearing the telltale click of the safety. He watched in horror as the pirate aimed it at Guybrush, who could still barely move, point blank. The room was a spinning whirlwind and all he wanted to do was close his eyes, but he knew if he did that, if he hesitated for another second, neither of them would be leaving alive.
Link stumbled himself into standing up, trying to push down the growing nausea he was feeling, and let instinct take over. And that instinct screamed to protect Guybrush at all costs.
He charged as fast as he could towards Avery, tackling the pirate off kilter and grabbing his arm, aiming it upward and forcing him to fire his gun to the ceiling.
“You pathetic excuse of a brat!” Avery shouted, backhanding the Hylian off of him and to the ground, he aimed his gun at him and clicked the safety off. “See you in hell.”
The Hylian glared bitterly, when suddenly he heard a voice break through.
“You first.”
The sound of another gun firing off rang the room, the shot having forced the pistol out of Avery’s hand and clatter to the floor. Avery gripped his wrist, cursing a storm as Link turned his head and saw in the entry Elaine standing there, a smoking gun in one hand and a cutlass in the other.
“Elaine!” He gasped and stood up, the room still spinning but at least there was help.
“Get your sword!” She ordered, her eyes not once moving from the pirate.
“What, no chance for mercy?” Avery mocked, his sword aimed at her. “Isn’t that the idiotic ideology your husband kept spewing?”
“From the looks of it in this room, to give you that would be an insult to the ten here.” She hissed. “No, the only way you’re leaving this room is as a corpse.”
Link tried to push himself to grab his sword, tried moving away from being in the cross center of their weapons. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Guybrush moving his arm, reaching for something but the massive seat made it impossible for Link to see what he was grabbing.
“I always knew that you were what made him weak. He would have been the greatest pirate were it not for you.”
“You would have killed him regardless of me as you have so easily slayed your brethren so spare me your meaningless words and your breath and perish like the vermin you are.”
“I would have given them Paradise had they not betrayed me.” He snarled.
“How dare you speak more lies over their corpses.” She threatened.
“You know what you are, woman? You’re just like your pathetic husband. A nothing. A nobody.  A leeching, lying, manipulative, thieving whor–” Avery stopped and let out a loud scream and Link looked over, noticing the knife that was plunged into the pirate’s back.
For a moment, for a sliver of a second, the look in Guybrush’s eyes was not the usual rational one he was so familiar with… instead it was replaced with something raw. Something feral. And it scared him to his very core.
“For God and Liberty, you bastard…!” Guybrush said, his words sounding almost hollow.
With one hand, Avery struck the hilt of the blade against Guybrush to get the pirate off of him, rendering the blond unconscious in his seat as he tried gripping his wound. “You bastard…! You thieving traitorous bastard!” He raised his sword and aimed it at the unconscious pirate.
Time slowed down as Link grabbed his sword, charging as fast as he could towards Avery and barely able to deflect the attack against his friend.
“You stay out of this, you unholy abomination!” Avery hissed. “You have nothing to do with this land!”
“I don’t, but I won’t stand by idly and watch.” Link raised his blade, standing between Guybrush and Avery. “I’m ending this.”
Before Avery could speak, before he could retort, Link charged and began striking at Avery, some strikes landing, some deflected, but the more he fought, the more he pushed the pirate away from Guybrush. The two kept going, blow after blow, until sparks were all that could be seen with each strike. He wanted to end this, to finish this once and for all, but for Avery to match his every hit and with the room spiraling, it was proving to be impossible.
The Goddesses must have shown their love as soon Elaine came charging in with her own sword, helping Link fight against Avery. Each strike was being met into the monster more and more, deeper and deeper. It looked closer to that of a dance with the way the two of them moved around Avery in a whirlwind of blades until finally, eventually, they both struck him down from the front and from the back. He collapsed to let out a choked garble… his venomous words caught in his dying throat as he looked over at them. Link’s ear twitched as he heard a gun click, turning over and saw Guybrush gripping the table, barely standing and brandishing Avery’s abandoned pistol in his hand. He shouldn’t be moving, he shouldn’t be able to, but Link could only watch as Guybrush, who had hatred in his eyes, aimed the gun at Avery.
“Send… the Founders my regards…” Guybrush condemned.
“Traitorous thief.” Avery spat.
The room rang loudly as Guybrush pulled the trigger and the once leader of the Founder fell to the ground, lifeless. Link couldn’t help but jump… he grew to hate the sounds of gunfire, but he looked and saw Guybrush back in the seat, the smoking gun barely held in his hand. He made a run for the pirate with Elaine by his side, noticing his head lolling to the side.
Link gently shook the blond. “H-hey, you still with us?”
He let out a tired groan, but opened his eyes to look at the two. Guybrush barely shrugged before closing his eyes again.
“Guybrush?” Elaine brushed back a strand of his hair, taking the gun out of his hand. “Link, what happened?”
“Avery poisoned him. I-I gave him an antidote but it’s not enough. He needs help. Proper help.” Link looked at her. “Help me carry him.” He sheathed his sword, scooping his arms once more to help the pirate up again.
“Right, up we go.” She moved her arms, helping the pirate finally stand.
He hated seeing how Guybrush’s head hung low, but even the small grunts and moans was enough for the Hylian to know that he was still here. Still alive.
The three of them began to move, with Elaine and Link doing most of the walking as Guybrush was just barely able to lift his feet up. They walked past the corpse of Henry Avery, stopping for a moment to look at the lifeless look in his eyes…
“For God and Liberty.” Elaine spat.
Link’s ears twitched as he heard the sounds of footsteps and distant voices, looking at Elaine. “They’re coming–”
“Don’t worry, this way. I cleared the path for us.” She said, guiding them out of the forsaken mansion. “Winslow is waiting for us.”
Link sat at the steps by the throne, his gaze being at the floor thinking of everything that had happened. It was all a blur on how he got from Thomas Tew’s mansion to Graham’s castle honestly. But he knew that if it weren’t for Elaine helping clear the path, weren’t for the fact that Winslow made sure any of Tew’s or Avery’s men were gunned down and away from the ship, weren’t for the fact that Graham swung the doors to his castle wide open simply because Daventry was closer than Hyrule… he would have seen an end alongside Guybrush right then and there in Libertalia.
But even with knowing all that, whether or not his antidote fully worked was still an enigma. Guybrush was breathing on the journey here, true, but he did not wake once. And that worried him… worried Elaine.
If only he was faster or arrived sooner, maybe he could have prevented the pirate from ever drinking from the chalice– no. Stop. He rubbed his face, trying to stop thinking about the what ifs. It didn’t help anyone, especially himself.
The door opened and Link looked up, spotting the now king of Daventry walk over to him, rubbing his eyes. Link immediately stood up, ready to rush over.
“H-how is he? Is he okay? Is–”
“Guybrush is fine… don’t worry. Did you reach out to Zelda?” Graham then asked, putting a hand on the Hylian and sitting him back down on the steps and joining him.
“I– yeah, I did. She should get word soon that I’m here.” Link shook his head.
“Okay, that’s good.” The king nodded. “You um… haven’t been sleeping.”
“Yeah, you’ve been up since you came back.”
“No I…” Link saw Graham raise a brow at him. “Well, maybe, but so has Elaine and Winslow.”
“Eh… not true.” Graham shrugged. “They’re finally asleep. Granted, in the same room where Guybrush is, but they looked to be at ease once they realized he’ll be alright.” He paused. “Physically, anyways.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Link, what happened back there? Elaine started talking about it but she keeps stopping… and I don’t want to push her on the subject. Not when it’s raw. But I need–” he put a hand on his arm, “I want to know what happened.”
Link ran a hand through his hair, taking a breath. “You said he’s okay? He’s going to be fine? You’re certain?”
“Yes. The doctors gave him the proper medicine and herbs after what you and Elaine explained and he should be fine after some proper sleep. They’re going to keep a close eye on him and see if there are any changes with him, but for now… for now he’s fine.” He gave a small smile. “I have Kyle and Larry on guard to let me know when he’s awake so we can go see him together.”
Link stared at him for a moment before looking away. “Remember how I said that something was wrong with the last letter Guybrush sent? Turns out I was right. I should have gone right after that letter, and thankfully, I was lucky to have found him as it happened.” If Graham was this calm, this rational, then perhaps Guybrush was truly okay. And if so… it never hurt to share, he figured. Besides, he distinctly recalled Guybrush critiquing him in the past that his storytelling was terrible since he never started from the beginning. He took a breath. “It started when I heard of pirates talking about Paradise…”
He wasn’t sure how long he was telling the tale, but Graham never stopped him once. His attention was undivided which made the Hylian feel guilty since he was keeping the king’s attention away from the kingdom… away from the search for his own missing son. But he would be lying if he didn’t admit that telling the story, getting it off of his chest, felt good.
“After that… we rushed our way to Winslow, we looked at the map and found Daventry to be closer than Hyrule. Which, again, thank you for taking us… taking them in like that.”
Graham looked taken aback. “Like I was going to close the door on you all. I’ve said before in the past that the doors to Daventry are always welcome. To both you and Guybrush.”
Just then, the door opened and Larry rushed in, taking a breath.
“Larry? What’s wrong?” Graham asked, on guard and bracing himself.
“Sire– Graham, he’s awake. Guybrush is awake and talking… Mrs. Threepwood is asking for the two of you.”
The two looked at one another for a moment, taking in the news. But quickly with no hesitations, the two stood up, and without having to talk, without having to plan, the two ran out of the throne room to where Guybrush was residing.
They had a lot to catch up on.
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captmickey · 3 years
Delirious thought mumber a billion:
One shot fic of Link saving Founder Guybrush because I'm on both a 3adv and Uncharted kicker.
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captmickey · 4 years
His brows furrowed further into thought and an old and familiar feeling crept over him. After so many long and painful years, horrible days and endless nightmares... a plan began to form. 
There was one good thing about accepting his harsh and bitter truth: He could finally think clearly again.
After almost three years of no update... we have a new chapter and a new arc!
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captmickey · 5 years
Founder Threepwood B2!
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captmickey · 5 years
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Day 14 - Overgrown
He suppose that it was because of his time in Libertalia that he didn't really notice just how much his beard has overgrown.
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captmickey · 5 years
fluff 15 + sad pirate man founder threepwood??????
15 -  “I missed you so much.”
The old pirate was sitting down, his boots and cane haphazardly tossed to the side and drenched somewhat but drawing in his journal. 
He stretched his neck a bit, feeling a slight pop and looked over to his side where Elaine was folding up the laundry for the day, deciding that it was clean enough after hanging it to dry before staring out at the shoreline and then towards him, staring at him for a long time.
He looked to her and went back to drawing, figuring he might as well wrap up the life-drawing he was doodling about.
What he was unaware about was that for a moment... just a small moment, Elaine could have sworn that she saw Guybrush’s old self again, the one that was carefree and wide-eyed to adventure. 
The one that Libertalia took away from the both of them.
Unaware and focused, he didn’t notice that she walked closer, staying quiet so that she could hear him humming an old melody. One that Elaine could have sworn he had forgotten, and truth be told she wouldn’t have blamed him if he did after everything that has happened to them. He saw from the corner of his eye that she sat down next to him, watching his hand at work and eventually resting her head against his shoulder.
His heart, for the first time in a long while, jumped.
“Huh?” She blinked her eyes. “What?”
“Ah... nothing, just been a while since you did this.” He pointed out to her, smiling softly. 
“I guess it has been a while...” She realized sadly, but nuzzled her head further causing him to chuckle slightly. God, how long has it been since he laughed and felt that warmth? He wasn’t sure if his chest was hurting because he lost himself or because he felt that he was moving on... something he also felt that he didn’t deserve.
But his thoughts were cut when he felt something warm on his shoulder. 
“Elaine? W...what’s wrong?” Guybrush asked, seeing her crying slightly. He placed his book down and wiped her tear with his thumb.
“It’s nothing... it’s just. It’s been so long seeing you like this. Seeing you be so calm and... and...” She closed her eyes. “I missed you so much...” Elaine whispered, it didn’t take long for him to wrap his arms around her.
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captmickey · 5 years
3advs + Founder!Guybrush, 11?
11 -  “Nobody’s seen you in days.”
Link was watching Graham pace back in the Throne Room, wringing his hands together due to a lack of an item to fiddle around with. He would have gone to look for the missing pirate himself, but he figured that perhaps he was best suited keeping an eye on the King when the door to the room opened slightly with a limping Guybrush coming in, holding tightly to the side of the door for support.
“G-Guybrush!” Graham stuttered and rushed over to Guybrush, eyeing him for any injuries, not paying attention that Link took a few quick strides to join the others. “Where’ve you been?!”
“Oh, you know... just wandering about.” Guybrush shrugged. “Mind if I just take a seat for a minute?”
"Ah, yeah, no, go ahead... um...” Graham quickly went to grab a chair and had the pirate sit in it, seeing him extend his bad leg out to massage the thigh. “Um... Guybrush?”
“Where... were you?” 
Guybrush looked up, confused between the two friends. “Huh? What do you mean?”
“Where were you?” He asked again, more sternly.
“Relax, I was just out for a walk and--”
“Guybrush.” Link cut him off, knowing too well the pirate’s telltale signs of when he was pretending to be fine. “Stop that.”
The former Founder frowned. “What’s with the accusation tone? I was just out for a walk for a bit because I was getting cabin fever stuck--”
“Wait, hold on.” Graham shook his head. “A bit? Guybrush, explain to me in your terms what ‘a bit’ consists of exactly because I think our time table is off completely.”
Guybrush looked to be quietly fuming, the Hylian noticed and frowned. “What we mean is that nobody’s seen you in days. And then you come back out of the blue and more then that without your cane.” 
“Wait... wait, no. That can’t be right. Days?” The former Founder sounded confused. “I... I was just a couple of hours at most.”
“It was definitely more than twenty four hours.” Graham mumbled.
“No, that’s not right.” He held his head in his hands. “I... no...”
“Guybrush, deep breaths.” Link lowered himself down to be at an eye level with the pirate. “Try to think back. Where were you?”
“I... I was in the forest.” Guybrush answered. “Wandering. I just... I needed some air after being stuck in the castle for so long and I thought... I thought a walk couldn’t hurt so I just... I just left, and then...”
“And then?” Link’s expression soften, noticing Guybrush’s changing expression.
“And then I...” Guybrush’s brows furrowed. “I... I thought I heard something and then I just...” He rubbed his head and then started to cover his face, upset with himself being unable to remember as his voice was sounding strained with panic. “I don’t... I don’t remember.”
Graham and Link looked at each before the King joined Link to the floor, the two placing their hands on Guybrush, “Hey... it’s okay. We have all the time and you’re safe.” Graham reassured, giving Guybrush a small squeeze and pulled him into a group hug, feeling him ever so slightly begin to relax. “You’re going to be okay.”
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captmickey · 5 years
o.o founder threepwood + 4?????
4 - “I don’t know how much longer I can take this…”
"It’s alright, I’m right here.” Elaine reassured, her hand on his back as she helped guide the old blond in the room. 
He couldn’t respond, his mind focusing on his leg to just cooperate with him just this once. They’ve been at this physical therapy for so long that he genuinely felt like he forgot that at one point in his life he was able to walk without the help of some cane.
But just as he spoke, he felt his heart stop as his leg once again locked up on him. No, not this time... not this time--!
Guybrush winced in pain, trying to fight back the lock up but failed and collapsed to the floor, his cane dropped and he just gripped his leg, his eyes shut fierce for a moment before he opened at the wooden mockery, gripped it and tossed it as far away from him as he could.
“Guybrush.” Elaine kneeled down, her hand on his back ready to pick him up once again. She didn’t want to ask if he was alright... she knew from the way his hand curled into a tight fist, the way his shoulders shook and the scowl... that horrible scowl. “It’s... c’mon, let’s--”
“STOP!” He shouted, causing the redhead to wince before he lowered his voice and spoke through gritted teeth. “Just... stop.” 
“Guybrush...” Elaine frowned. “Talk to me.”
He was practically seething stiff in rage.
“Talk about what, Elaine?” He stared at her with angry burning eyes. “Talk about how I’m unable to do the bare goddamn minimum before my leg decides to bum out on me? How I’m officially stuck here as dead weight? How I’m...” His chest rose and fell in rage but he took a look at her solemn expression. “I...” His scowl melted to agony as he moved his hand to his face, quietly starting to sob.
She looked over at the cane and then to Guybrush, seeing just how broken he was and held him. 
“I... I don’t know how much longer I can take this...”
“I know...” Elaine spoke softly. “Just let it out. There’s no rush.”
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captmickey · 5 years
Basically any of the Founder!Threepwood fics where he survives. You do such a great job balancing the Guybrush we know and love but also recognizing that he's been changed by the betrayal and trauma. Plus there's that spark of hope with him slowly but surely healing.
That's always a relieve to hear that I didn't stray far from Guybrush... it's that one lingering fear I have anytime I write anything Founder Threepwood related.
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captmickey · 6 years
1 for the writers questions!
1 - Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Ooooh, hmm… It’s admittedly a tie between Tales from the Inventory and For God and Liberty
For, well, For God and Liberty I love it because it’s for me writing outside my comfort zone which is to say, angst. And I enjoy going into the depths of how a character like Guybrush would survive something as traumatizing as Libertalia. That… and because I was super salty over his death in Uncharted 4 that this fic was my “fix-it”. 
For Tales from the Inventory, I love it because unlike For God and Liberty, it’s such a polar 180 with almost pure comedy as well as writing character I don’t normally write, which is to say stoic macho-esqe like Brock compared to lanky dork Guybrush.
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captmickey · 5 years
I think for me, it's your Founder!Threepwood fics. They're just really good blends between the Monkey Island + Uncharted universes (I say as I've never played the latter) and you just feel for Guybrush and everyone he cares for in either ending.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! That's actually really good to hear if they blend in together! That... and if I can inflict feels...
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captmickey · 6 years
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Okay but like... Founder Threepwood is so thoroughly traumatized that the idea that nothing, not even threats from Ruy can phase him anymore delights me to no end.
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captmickey · 6 years
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Okay but like, Nate finding something that belonged to either Guybrush or Elaine is something that gets to me.
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captmickey · 6 years
Me: Wow, Founder Threepwood AU sure is the most depressing au I have. There's no way I could give him a happy ending.
Me: But suppose there was one...
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captmickey · 6 years
Been listening to some video game soundtracks at work. Finished up Uncharted 4.
Guess who's been having some Founder Threepwood ideaa.
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