foundfamilymafiaboss · 11 months
Final(?) Update:
Hey, Everybody. So you've probably noticed my last post was from quite some time ago, And I've been silent since. Well, There's a reason for that. And I wanna finally address this and dust off this blog.
A while ago, I promised a fanfiction that was massive, And was gonna tell the story of the Mafia Boss's revenge after getting a new body from the empress and engineer metro cats. I started writing it, and last year when I went on a vacation, I wrote while I was away. I really wanted it to work because I had the entire plot I've had for a few years about this mech revenge thing, and I was so excited to share it with everyone on this website. I had made a lot of posts about it on an art website I was on before I moved to Tumblr and with the new audience I had and the Fandom being able to see it, It made me even more excited.
But then I didn't touch it. I took what I thought was going to be a short break, but weeks turned to months, Days into nightsbrain rotation, And then an entire year, And it sat in my Google docs, collecting dust. I realized I had hit huge burnout. And then I never recovered. It was a mix of both writers burnout and Fandom burnout. (I love you all!! It's not you I just meant the fandom itself. Not anyone in it.) I still love a hat in time, Don't get me wrong, As it's still one of my main special interests, But around October, A new special interest came to me. I fell head over heels for the game "Poptropica." At first I thought it was just brainrot, But I started making ocs, Stories, And nonstop the characters and lore took up my brainspace. I even started drawing fan art, and it turns out it was a special interest. I joined the fandom shortly after, And it kinda overtook others for a bit. Basically, What I'm trying to say is.. I lost motivation. The project became overwhelming, and I wound up not wanting to work on it. And burnt myself out. It's not that I've stopped liking a hat in time (My main blog theme proves that) but Poptropica is just what's been on the brain. ..That and something else but we'll get to that. Also, I don't think I'll have a blog for it.
I think I'm stepping down from this blog. I'll return to it one day, maybe, But for now it's on permanent hiatus. I don't know when I'll come back, but maybe it'll be with a post summarizing the story I was gonna tell. I love this game but it's just not the main fandom anymore. A Main special interest? Yes! But not the main main one anymore. (Also, life stuff. That was a huge factor for this blogs inactivity.)
I'm sorry to anyone who was excited to see where it went. I'm sorry that I disappointed you and went radiosilent. I'm sorry I didn't fulfill my promise. I should've made this post way earlier, but i didn't.
One day, Who knows when, The Junior Mafia cook and Jar Man Mob Boss will make a return. Maybe not into a large fanfiction that I didn't calculate it's length for and thus led to it's early cancelation, But still a return in some way shape or form. (I also lost the file and all my progress for the cover art.. Haha..)
That being said, I still post about Piper sometimes. Or Ahit as a whole. But just.. Not as often. To those who see this: Thank you for understanding. And for sticking around as long as you did.
This isn't goodbye, This isn't the end, This isn't even the final act. It's just the intermission. It's just the pause. It's just the wait. It's just the rest.
Over time, My focus just shifted. That's all. And it sounds redundant, I know. If you want more activity, Check out my main blog @gengar-pixel-2 . It's where most of my stuff is, including fandom things.
That being said.. Here's what I've been up to:
-Gained two new special interests. It's four now instead of two. These being Poptropica and the Jumanji Franchise. (Minus the reboots.)
-I did start writing a fic.. But this time I prepared myself. It's only gonna be 13 chapters long, And isn't even Canon. It'a a crossover fic. I'm taking my time.
-Made new fandom friends.
-Reunited with old fandom friends.
-Went to Chicago for my birthday.
-Made a bunch of new ocs, Little guys.
-Birthday and Christmas happened I suppose.
-Got onto DND. (Haven't played yet though..)
-Got nominated for fan awards and won fourth place. And more..
..Anyway I'm sorry for this sad sounding ramble post. But I wanted to say...
Thank you. For the support, For sticking around, For listening to the stories I had to tell, All the asks, The fan art, The jokes, All of it. You made my day, and I'm not even joking. You all made it worthwhile. I didn't think anyone would even enjoy a story about one of the fandoms most hated characters. Thank you for showing me otherwise.
Anyway, I hope we meet again, Soon. Only time will tell. ..But for now.
"Keep it up! You are amazing and my best friend!! Remember! When you come to HQ, I'll have a sticker for you! Remember: I'm always gonna be there for you. Even if I'm not there!"
"Goodbye, For now. Come back anytime! It does tend to get boring around here. ..But you better not plant any bombs inside of my headquarters. Maybe I'll have a new body next time."
"..Farewell, I suppose. Perhaps you can stop by my metro sometime? Maybe then we can discuss some business.. There's a place in my metro where you would fit right in. ..So long as you fulfill the end of your bargain, Of course."
"I'll see ya some other time, Sugar cube! And you better be ready because I'll whip up something delicious for the next time you come to the island! Remember, I'm always in the rafters. I'll be there for ya when ya need me."
..And from me, Gengar, I'll see you on the other side. Wherever that may be. -Gengar, Signing out.
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hypedsnotch · 2 years
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Why TYE hell is piper venting on main due to emp and cc’s fight scene?? KID GO PLAY WITH YOUR TOYS DAMN IT!!! > piper belongs to @foundfamilymafiaboss
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Hey hey! Been a while!
 I’m still not back yet but however, I BRING YOU NEWS!
After a few months and me fending off writers block, THE PROLOG IS ALMOST DONE. FINALLY. JUST A FEW MORE PARAGRAPHS.
Oh also... At the time of writing this..
Merry Mafia-Mis! It’s almost that time of year! And i most likely will have a drawing for it, At least. Stay tuned! I love y’all.
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Alright jokes aside, I’m back! Go check out my main blog for the full story on the update\fanfic. ..However..
Someone else has arrived..
A certain “Hero” on the island..
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The self proclaimed hero of mafia town, And vigilante for justice, To the mafia boss? She’s nothing but a thorn in his side. To Piper? A potential friend. Mustache girl always has something up her sleeves, Whether it be bombs, Or jars, You never know what she has planned next for her ways of justice. She’s always on the run from the mafia. She keeps the island lively, To say the least!
...It’s a shame that piper doesn’t know the truth, Does she?
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But oh?
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Prolog Preview two:
 *He hears footsteps. Walking up on the stairs, Piper arrives, Smiling. She seems to be in a great mood, As usual. She sits beside his throne, And notices the phone, Moving it. She then Gently picked up her father and hugged him. The boss chuckled, Looking up at her.* "So I would assume today went well?" *He says.* "It did! I got to cook with aunt cookie, Help around the island, AND I found a nice seagull! Can you believe that?" "Really, Now? So then I assume things went well?” *Piper sets him down, Spinning.* “You bet they did! Dad, I think I've made the biggest mark in mafia cook history!” “Of course, After all, A friendly seagull isn’t something that you come across on this island very often!” *Piper then sighs a bit. She sits down. He sees that, Even though she was happy and excited, Something was bothering her.  He speaks in a caring tone:* “What’s wrong, Blossom?” *Piper looks at the mafia boss, As she fidgets with her hands a bit.* “..It’s- ..Dad, Are you going to be stuck like this forever? ..We don’t even know what happened! I just- Woke up and suddenly, I saw you! ..Then, I saw mustache girl leave and it’s all a blur.. It was so sudden. And now, I’m really worried things won’t ever get back to normal..” *The boss then looks at her, As he makes a small sigh.* “..I understand. I don’t think things will ever return to normal. After all, I can’t just magically get my body back. *”I don’t think so..” he thinks.” Piper looks at him, Her eyebrows furrow.* “..However, I can tell you that things shall at least go back to being mostly normal. I’m searching for alternatives to a new body. I understand your worry, Piper. And I appreciate it. But, I wouldn’t worry yourself too much.  I promise, Things will be alright.” *Piper then makes a small smile, Nodding. She trusts what he says, Since, After all, If her dad says it will be okay, It’s most likely true!* “Okay, Dad!” “Now, Why don’t you go look for that seagull, Hm? Perhaps i can meet them.”
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I will now update fics and writings and canon with this name! This includes piper too!
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Hi. As you know, I am writing the largest fanfic i have ever made. Please remember, I am one person, And life happens sometimes. It will take a while before it’s actually finished, Especially since it is divided into chapters.
Thank you for your patience, Everyone. The prolog will be out soon.
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I’m a little tired. This blog isn’t going away, But i’m taking a massive break. It’ll give me more time to work on my fanfic. On top of that? Life stuff happened and has been happening a lot. I fell under the whether two weeks ago, Then proceeded to lost motivation due to this.  It’s not that i don’t care, I’m just putting this AND the bendy blog on hiatus.
Here’s what was/is going to be chapter ones cover:
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Sweet, Huh? Been a while since i worked on it, But i’m gonna return to it. Just.. Not now.
I’ll make scattered posts but any story stuff is on hiatus for now.
Please understand!
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Hey there, Mafia Boss! Just wanted to make sure, you're eating well yeah? Is Piper doingOK, too? I wanna let you both know you're awesome!
"Ah, Thank you. You are very kind.. And yes, I am fine. And so is piper. That's what really matters though, Isn't it? You are great too, I suppose.."
"Gosh! You are so kind! Thank you! You are ALSO AWESOME!! And no worries, Aunt cookie has been making sure we all eat well!"
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Chapter Previews!
I know this isn’t much, But, Here are the chapter titles I have so far/Some plot summaries. (...but only a little because i want you to be surprised hehe-)
Chapter one/Prolog: “The Call”
-The start of the fanfic. The mafia boss dials a strange number he finds via one of his goons. This ends up being his answer and gateway to a new body for himself.
Chapter Two: “Neon Lights”
-The mafia boss takes piper with him to where he needs to meet up with his business partner. The metro’s neon lit lights are blinding, Yet beautiful. The mafia boss meets his new business partner, And Piper is ecstatic about it. New friend!
Chapter Three: “The Cat, The Deal, The Box”
-The Mafia Boss seems to be discussing some business with the empress. After, The cats begin their work on a metal body\mech, And begin to assemble it. Could this be a gateway to gaining his old life back? ..Cooking cat looks at some old memories. ..Some.. Painful, Locked away in a box.
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UPDATE: The fanfic, This blog, Being back!
Hello, Everyone! It’s been a while, Huh? I took a small break for art fight. But now that it’s over, I can start writing the fanfic again, And of course, I can finish the epilogues cover. The fanfic will be in a google document, Because i don’t use A03. (It scares me..) But until i’m finished, You can ask the characters, Maybe even.. Some plot details...
But, I’m back, And i’m here to stay. Thank you for waiting. I appreciate it, And your patience! 
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Hi, So piper's last name\the boss's last name is no longer pavlov. Why, You may ask? As it turns out, The boss is the problem. ..because i accidentally named him after a guy who tested on dogs, In horrible ways. The last name wouldn't be an issue, Since pavlov does mean small as well, And also many people share names\last names. But the awful guys name was ivan pavlov. So, His name's still ivan, but i'm switching last names\height jokes. ..i wish i knew about this but i had no idea.
PLEASE. GOOGLE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I only saw the vague summery but it was enough to make me uncomfortable in many, Many ways. Therefore, I’m removing all traces of pavlov from piper\the boss’s name. However, His name’s still ivan, Just last name change. This applies to canon and AUS.
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Headcanon of the day..
...Stop running from your problems, Old man.
Did you really think that this could help you escape them?
..You might be a great father, But you are a terrible liar..
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Mb show us some of the mafia hq after emps visit? Did it change
"..Not really. However.. The cats are here quite often now. Either they work on the body in the metro, Or, They come here to work on the other parts. I assume it's because the trip from this island to the metro is a long one. ..I don't think there's been any changes, However.."
"At least.. Not yet."
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[ ok this one for most]
Did any one here know about MEOWJIMA like emp cc mb whats your opinion on he.
"Ugh.. Yes, I know about him. We were once business partners, Actually. But he was stubborn Decided to start his own gang and leave the deal we made. If he really wanted money, He would've stayed. ..And i can see that it's not working out for him, As his current position is making him rob Jars.."
"Meowjima? Hmm.. I-I mean, The name sounds familiar.. But, I met a lot of people during that time, So i'd have to think for a moment.."
"Well for starters, He tried to ROB me! Most of all he "Apologized" and then decided to try and steal from my daughter later! What kind of person sees a small child and decides to steal from them?! ...He won't bother us now, Most likely. ..I believe that my goons sent a "message" to him.."
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