#four faced rudraksha
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Shiva Mission Nyas (Trust) | Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha | Shiva Mission Nyas Gwalior
Shiva Mission Nyas (Trust) is a religious and social organization dedicated to the upliftment and welfare of society through various activities. Its main objectives are as follows: Religious Education and Awareness, Social Welfare, Yoga and Meditation, Cultural Preservation.
Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha, Rudraksha is a sacred seed considered highly significant in religious and spiritual contexts. Wearing it has various benefits: Mental Peace, Health Benefits, Spiritual Advancement.
Amazing Rudraksha Kavach is a special Rudraksha necklace crafted uniquely, offering specific benefits when worn: Positive Energy, Protective Shield.
Unique Rudraksha are those with distinctive shapes and properties. Wearing these has specific benefits: Special Spiritual Benefits, Physical and Mental Balance
Shiva Mission Nyas is dedicated to spreading awareness about these religious and spiritual tools in society, contributing to the overall development and welfare of the community.
For more information about Rudraksha,
Visit - https://www.shivamission.in/rudraksh-list.php Phone: +91-0751-2233499, 7880118361 E-Mail: [email protected]
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the-hem · 8 months
"The Faces of God." From the Rudraksha Jabala Upanishad, the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Metronome.
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The topic of Hindu gods must eventually be discussed if one is going to delve into the Upanishads. Contrary to popular superstition and ridicule, the gods are not worshipped, they are instructors. God alone, called Shiva, "kindness" is worshipped.
Over the ages, the great teachers of the Indus Valley married aspects of the Literature and wisdom to three dimensional forms to help the mind focus, become serene and detach from other forms. The gods are intermediaries between the distractions and profane aspects of life and delusions in the mind and the Absolute Supremacy of the Holy Spirit.
Christians, the biggest critics of religious statuary and images fill their churches with consecrated objects of their own, so it is safe to say the practice is widespread. Without churches and temples and works of art that explain the presence of the sacred, we would all stay home and talk about the Thing, and that wouldn't quite do the trick. Si religious artifacts are Ay-Okay.
Gods are Shaivite, "after Shiva", Vaishnavite, "after Vishnu" or are related to the Devi, the Goddess. Male forms create, female forms energize. Vishnu, "all pervasive" is paired with Sri, "Light" which illuminates the Grace of God in all directions. Vishnu and Sri produce "the right place" whether that is in the mind, the temple or the household or creation itself.
Shiva is the Destroyer of Ignorance. He is often paired with Uma, "the Mountain" where sages go to meditate. If one meditates and subdues the ego, selfish stupid things in the mind go away and the Grace of God becomes apparent. All the great masters came to kneel at the feet of the Brahman through meditation upon the Lord Shiva.
The Upanishad explains how the beads in the rosary are numbered and how these create the concepts of the gods. The literature in the Hindu canon and within the Upanishads are filled with stories of the gods but any Hindu will tell you, the end point resolution of the study of the gods is always none other than Shiva. They are taught this from birth onward.
Rudrakshas, remember are seeds and they represent the days of the year of the soul:
Then again Bhusunda “the pistol” asked Lord Kalagnirudra “the fire at the end of time” [a name used by Lord Shiva]: What are the different forms and effects of Rudraksha beads? Please tell me about the secret of these blessed ones including their various faces, which is the means of getting rid of all evil.
Lord Kalagnirudra said:
The bead with one face is of the form of the Supreme Truth. A disciplined one (controlling his senses) mingles himself with the one Eternal Truth, after wearing these Rudrakshas.
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The bead with two faces is of the form of Ardhanarisvara and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Ardhanarisvara (Siva united with Sakti).
Hindus acknowledge rights and dignities of persons who experience gender dysphoria and respect gender diversity within the human race.
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The bead with three faces is of the form of the three fires and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Agni.
The Three Fires are the Creation, the Path, and the Destination.
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The bead with four faces is of the form of the four-faced Brahma and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Brahma.
The Four Heads of Brahma the Creator represent the knowledge in the Four Vedas. Without knowing how we understand, we do not understand anything, anywhere in any direction.
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The bead with five faces is of the form of Panchabrahman (the five-faced Siva) and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Panchabrahman and drives away the sin of homicide.
The five faced Shiva represents the eradication of delusion at the point of entry in the five senses.
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The bead with six faces is of the form of the six-faced Kartikeya or Ganesha and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of wealth and health, clear intellect and wisdom, and purification.
The six faced god is called Kartikeya, the Splitter of Mountains the god of war who binds the five senses to duty, justice, fairness, equality, and secular law.
He manifested as Krishna to rid the world of an asshole that stole a federal election.
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The bead with seven faces is of the form of the seven Matras (Mother Goddesses) and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of wealth and health, right perception, and purity of mind.
The bead with eight faces is of the form of the eight-fold Nature (five elements, mind, ego, and matter) or the eight Vasus and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of these Devatas and becomes truthful.
The bead with nine faces is of the form of the Nava-Saktis and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of the nine Powers, the Nine Principal Upanishads.
The bead with ten faces is of the form of the ten Yamas means used by Yogins and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of achieving peace of the mind.
The Ten Yamas (restraints) are:
1. Non-injury, ahiṁsā: Not harming others by thought, word, or deed.
2. Truthfulness, satya: Refraining from lying and betraying promises.
3. Non-stealing, asteya: Neither stealing, nor coveting nor entering into debt.
4. Divine conduct, brahmacharya: Controlling lust by remaining celibate when single, leading to faithfulness in marriage.
5. Patience, Kṣamā: Restraining intolerance with people and impatience with circumstances.
6. Steadfastness, dhṛiti: Overcoming non-perseverance, fear, indecision and changeableness.
7. Compassion, dayā: Conquering callous, cruel and insensitive feelings toward all beings.
8. Honesty, straightforwardness, ārjava: Renouncing deception and wrongdoing.
9. Moderate appetite, mitāhāra: Neither eating too much nor consuming meat, fish, fowl or eggs.
10. Purity, śaucha: Avoiding impurity in body, mind and speech.
The 10 Niyamas, Observances For Spiritual Life from the Vedas: (click the name for a separate article)
1. Remorse, Hrī: being modest and showing shame for misdeeds.
2. Contentment, santosha: Seeking joy and serenity in life.
3. Giving, dāna: tithing and giving generously without thought of reward.
4. Faith, āstikya: believing firmly in God, Gods, guru and the path to enlightenment.
5. Worship of the Lord, Īśvarapūjana: The cultivation of devotion through daily worship and meditation.
6. Scriptural listening, siddhānta śravaṇa: Studying the Teachings and listening to the wise of one’s lineage.
7. Cognition, mati: Developing a spiritual will and intellect with the guru’s guidance.
8. Sacred vows, vrata: Fulfilling religious vows, rules and observances faithfully.
9. Recitation, japa: Chanting mantras daily.
10. Austerity, tapas: Performing sādhana, penance, tapas and sacrifice.
The bead with eleven faces is of the form of the eleven Rudras and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of increase well-being and wealth.
The bead with twelve faces is of the form of Mahavishnu or the twelve Adityas and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Moksha.
They are:
Yama: the god of the death of impure desires
Aryaman: the god of friendliness
Indra: the god of the intellect
Ravi: god of praise
Varuṇa; god of water
Dhātṛ: the god of the full moon (enlightenment)
Bhaga: the god of fate
Savitr: the "rouser"
Sūrya or Arka: the god of the sun
Aṃśa: the god of moderation
Mitra: loyalty
Dakṣa: the god of righteousness
 The bead with thirteen faces is of the form of the Kama (Cupid or the god of Love) and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of Cupid in gratifying all desires.
The bead with fourteen faces is of the form of Rudra being generated out of his eyes and the devotee wearing it attains the grace of destruction of all diseases.
After one establishes oneself in meditation, one performs the Rudrakshas and replaced the sinful tendencies in the mind with those of the virtues found in the gods named by the seeds of God's Graces.
He who pays homage to the names and forms contained in the Rudrakshas and memorizes their properties verily comes to enter into life without any residual tendencies to sin.
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What Various Researches has Revealed about 1-5 Rudraksha?
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Rudraksha beads have been treasured for centuries in various cultures for their spiritual significance and purported healing properties. These beads, believed to be the tears of Lord Shiva, are said to possess mystical powers. While exploring these revered beads, we have understood how they have been perceived in different cultures and scientific studies. In this article, we delve into the unique characteristics and benefits of the 2 mukhi rudraksha based on various research findings.
The Significance of Mukhi Rudrakshas
Rudraksha beads are categorized based on the number of mukhis or faces they have; each type is believed to have its own unique properties and benefits. Research and ancient texts suggest that these beads range from 1 to 21 mukhis, with the 1-5 Mukhi Rudrakshas being the most commonly known and used.
The Unique Attributes of Each Rudraksha
1 Mukhi Rudraksha: It is a highly rare and revered bead known for its powerful spiritual significance. It is distinguished by a single natural line, making it unique compared to other Rudrakshas. This bead is often associated with ultimate truth and is believed to bring enlightenment and a deeper connection with the spiritual world. According to various research and traditional beliefs, the 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is said to enhance concentration and focus, making it valuable for meditation.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha: This variety, characterized by two natural lines, is often linked with emotional stability and unity. Studies suggest that it can help in fostering relationships and creating a harmonious environment for its wearer. It's believed to symbolize Ardhanareeshwara, a combined form of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
3 Mukhi Rudraksha: With three natural lines, this bead is often associated with the release of stress and past traumas. Research indicates that it can aid in boosting self-esteem and releasing negative emotions. This bead is thought to represent Agni, the fire god in Hindu mythology.
4 Mukhi Rudraksha: This bead, distinguished by four lines, is connected with knowledge and learning. Scholars and students often seek it for its supposed ability to improve concentration and creativity. It's believed to be blessed by Lord Brahma, the god of creation.
5 Mukhi Rudraksha: The most common type, characterized by five lines, is linked with general health and well-being. Research points towards its potential in regulating blood pressure and calming the mind. It's associated with Lord Shiva himself.
The Scientific Perspective
Modern scientific research has started to explore these ancient beliefs about these beads, like the 3 mukhi rudraksha. Studies indicate that Rudraksha beads might have electromagnetic properties and can impact the human body when worn. This could partly explain their perceived healing abilities. However, more research is needed to fully understand these effects.
Cultural and Spiritual Relevance
In addition to their medicinal properties, these beads hold immense spiritual significance. They are often used in meditation and prayer, believed to bring clarity, serenity, and connection with the divine. Different cultures have embraced Rudrakshas, integrating them into various spiritual and healing practices.
On The Whole
As we uncover the mysteries and benefits of the 1 - 5 Mukhi Rudraksha, it's clear that these ancient beads hold a special place in both cultural and scientific realms. Whether seeking spiritual growth, mental peace, or physical well-being, Rudraksha beads offer a unique blend of tradition and science. If you would like to learn more about this timeless belief, then Shiv Kripa Rudraksha Kendra is the destination for you. They provide authentic and charged Rudraksha beads at affordable prices. To learn more about their offerings, head over to Haridwarrudraksha.com.
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What is everything about 4 Mukhi Rudraksha?
Exploring the Mystical Realm of 4 Mukhi Rudraksha
In the realm of spiritual adornments, few items carry the mystique and significance of Rudraksha beads. Among these sacred beads, the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Original occupies a unique place. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into everything you need to know about the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha, including its origin, properties, significance, and why Shivhare Brothers is your trusted source for authentic Rudraksha beads.
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Understanding the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha:
Origin: The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a seed of the Rudraksha tree (Elaeocarpus ganitrus), found mainly in the Himalayan region of Nepal and parts of Indonesia. The term "4 Mukhi" signifies four natural facets or faces on the bead.
Significance: This sacred bead holds a special place in Hinduism. It is associated with Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, and represents the four Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of Hinduism. As a result, wearing the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Original is believed to bestow wisdom, creativity, and inner harmony upon the wearer.
Properties and Benefits:
Enhanced Concentration: The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is known to improve focus and concentration, making it an ideal choice for students and professionals seeking mental clarity.
Stress Reduction: Wearing this Rudraksha is believed to alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting inner peace and calm.
Creativity and Wisdom: It is said to enhance creativity and wisdom, helping individuals make informed decisions and foster a deeper understanding of life.
Balanced Emotions: The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is thought to help in balancing emotions, fostering harmonious relationships with others.
Spiritual Growth: Many wearers of Rudraksha beads, including the 4 Mukhi variety, report a heightened sense of spiritual connection and awareness.
Customer Needs Related to 4 Mukhi Rudraksha:
Authenticity: Customers seek genuine 4 Mukhi Rudraksha beads that are not altered or tampered with, as authenticity is crucial for experiencing the desired benefits.
Quality: Quality is paramount. Buyers look for beads with clear facets, well-defined Mukhis, and a pleasing aesthetic appearance.
Guidance: Many customers require guidance on how to wear and care for their 4 Mukhi Rudraksha to maximize its benefits.
Reliable Source: Trustworthy sellers like Shivhare Brothers are essential to ensure customers receive authentic, high-quality Rudraksha beads.
Why Choose Shivhare Brothers:
Shivhare Brothers is a renowned name in the world of Rudraksha beads, known for their authenticity and commitment to quality. With years of experience and a legacy of trust, they offer a range of Rudraksha beads, including the 4 Mukhi variety, to cater to various customer needs and preferences. When you choose Shivhare Brothers, you can be confident that you are receiving a genuine and potent 4 Mukhi Rudraksha bead that aligns with your spiritual journey.
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Original is not just a piece of jewelry but a powerful spiritual tool that can enhance concentration, reduce stress, and promote inner harmony. To experience its full potential, it is essential to acquire it from a trusted source like Shivhare Brothers, ensuring that your spiritual journey is guided by authenticity and quality.
Resource URL;https://originalrudraksha.com/products/4-mukhi-rudraksha-original
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The Benefits of Wearing 4 Mukhi Rudraksha 
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a sacred bead with four natural facets or faces, known for its spiritual significance and healing properties. Here are some of the benefits associated with wearing this divine bead:
Enhanced Concentration: Wearing a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to improve focus and concentration, making it an excellent choice for students and professionals seeking mental clarity.
Stress Reduction: This Rudraksha is thought to alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of inner peace and calm in the wearer.
Blessings of Lord Brahma: It is said to be associated with Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, and wearing it may invoke his blessings for creativity and new beginnings.
Balanced Emotions: The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is thought to help in balancing emotions, fostering harmonious relationships with others.
Physical Well-being: Some believe that wearing this bead can have positive effects on the wearer's respiratory system, helping to alleviate issues like asthma and bronchitis.
Remember that the benefits of wearing a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha can vary from person to person, and it is essential to have faith and a pure intention while wearing it. As with any spiritual practice, consult with a knowledgeable guide or expert for the best results.
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Inner Harmony with the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Original:
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha, often revered as a symbol of Lord Brahma, holds the key to inner harmony and balance. With its four natural facets or faces, this original Rudraksha bead is believed to enhance creativity, knowledge, and wisdom.
Wearing the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha close to your heart can help you connect with your inner self, fostering a sense of tranquility and mental clarity. It is said to promote positive thinking, making it a valuable companion in your spiritual journey.
At Shivhare Brothers, we take pride in offering authentic 4 Mukhi Rudraksha beads that have been ethically sourced and carefully selected. Explore the mystical world of this sacred bead and embark on a path towards greater wisdom and serenity.
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astropragyan · 1 year
Unlocking the Mystical Powers of Rudraksha Beads: Benefits, Myths, and More
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Rudraksha, often referred to as "Rudraksh ka ped" in Indian culture, has intrigued spiritual seekers and enthusiasts for centuries. These sacred beads, believed to possess mystical powers, are an integral part of various spiritual practices. From rudraksha beads to rudraksha malas and even rudraksha gold chains, these unique offerings of nature have gained popularity not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their numerous perceived benefits.
In this blog, we will delve into the world of rudraksha, exploring its origins, significance, and the incredible benefits it is said to offer. Let's unravel the mysteries of these mystical beads.
The Origins of Rudraksha Beads:
Rudraksha beads are seeds obtained from the fruit of the Rudraksha tree (Elaeocarpus ganitrus), which is primarily found in the Himalayan region, Indonesia, and parts of Southeast Asia. These seeds are known for their unique appearance, characterized by multiple facets or "mukhis" on their surface. The number of mukhis on a rudraksha seed can vary, with each type believed to hold distinct properties and energies.
Significance in Hinduism and Beyond:
The word "rudraksha" is derived from two Sanskrit words, "Rudra" (a name for Lord Shiva) and "Aksha" (eye). According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is said to have meditated for thousands of years with his eyes closed, and when he opened them, the tears that fell from his eyes transformed into rudraksha trees. Hence, these beads are often associated with Lord Shiva and are considered highly sacred in Hinduism.
However, the significance of rudraksha beads extends beyond Hinduism. They are also revered in Buddhism and other spiritual traditions as tools for meditation and spiritual growth. The universal appeal of rudraksha beads lies in their potential to enhance one's connection with the divine and promote inner harmony.
Types of Rudraksha Beads:
Rudraksha beads come in various types, each distinguished by the number of mukhis it possesses. Here are some of the most commonly found types:
Five Mukhi Rudraksha: This is the most common type and is believed to represent the five elements of nature. It is often used for meditation and prayer.
Four Mukhi Rudraksha: Associated with the four Vedas, this bead is said to enhance one's knowledge and intellect.
Six Mukhi Rudraksha: Linked to Lord Kartikeya, the six-faced bead is believed to boost willpower and creativity.
Seven Mukhi Rudraksha: This bead is associated with the Goddess Mahalakshmi and is thought to bring wealth and prosperity.
Eight Mukhi Rudraksha: It is linked to Lord Ganesha and is believed to remove obstacles from one's path.
Nine Mukhi Rudraksha: This bead is associated with Goddess Durga and is said to provide strength and courage.
Ten Mukhi Rudraksha: Representing Lord Krishna, it is believed to bestow divine protection and love.
Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha: Associated with Lord Hanuman, this bead is thought to enhance concentration and wisdom.
Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha: It is believed to be a symbol of Lord Surya and is associated with abundance and success.
The Benefits of Wearing Rudraksha Beads:
Now that we've explored the diverse types of Rudraksha beads, let's delve into the potential benefits of wearing them:
Spiritual Growth: Rudraksha beads are believed to aid in meditation, helping individuals achieve deeper states of consciousness and spiritual growth.
Stress Reduction: Wearing rudraksha beads close to the skin is thought to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace.
Enhanced Concentration: These beads are said to improve focus and concentration, making them ideal for students and professionals.
Health Benefits: Rudraksha beads are also believed to have positive effects on physical health, including reducing blood pressure and improving overall well-being.
Protection: Many wearers believe that rudraksha beads offer protection from negative energies and malevolent forces.
Harmonizing Chakras: Each type of rudraksha is associated with specific chakras, and wearing them is believed to help balance and align these energy centers.
Manifestation: Some individuals use rudraksha beads as Rudraksh mala for manifesting their desires and intentions.
How to Choose and Care for Rudraksha Beads:
When selecting rudraksha beads, it's essential to ensure their authenticity. Here are some tips:
Buy from a reputable source: Look for trusted sellers or websites like AstroPragyan that specialize in authentic Rudraksh gold chain.
Check for certifications: Genuine rudraksha beads often come with certificates of authenticity.
Know the type: Understand the properties and benefits associated with the specific type of rudraksha bead you wish to purchase.
Caring for rudraksha beads is relatively simple:
Keep them clean and dry.Avoid exposing them to chemicals or extreme temperatures.Store them in a clean, sacred place when not in use.
Rudraksha beads have been revered for centuries for their potential to facilitate spiritual growth, promote well-being, and offer protection. Whether you're drawn to their aesthetic beauty or the spiritual significance they hold, rudraksha beads can be a valuable addition to your spiritual journey. Remember to choose authentic beads from reliable sources like AstroPragyan to fully experience their benefits and mystique. Embrace the wisdom of the Rudraksh ka ped, and let its sacred beads guide you on your path to spiritual enlightenment.
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Rudraksha beads come in various types, each with its unique properties. Mukhi rudraksha, or faces, determine the beads' properties. The most powerful Mukhi Rudraksha is considered the most powerful, promoting enlightenment, spiritual growth, and inner peace. Other types include two Mukhi Rudraksha, which promotes harmony, balance, communication, and intuition, three Mukhi Rudraksha, which overcomes physical and mental ailments, and four Mukhi Rudraksha, which promotes mental clarity, emotional stability, and communication.
Choosing the right Rudraksha beads can be challenging due to the various types and qualities available. Trusted sources are crucial for authenticity. Consider the number of faces or mukhis, natural properties, and size and weight. Wearing Rudraksha beads on the right hand enhances their properties, and they should be cleaned regularly with water and avoid contact with perfumes or chemicals.
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santoshsharmaa · 1 year
Rudraksha And Their Importance In Your Life
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Importance And Benefits Of Rudraksha Beads
What is Rudraksha?
Rudraksha is a seed derived from the Elaeocarpus ganitrus tree, found mainly in the foothills of the Himalayas. These seeds, often referred to as "Tears of Lord Shiva," are traditionally used in Hindu rituals and are considered sacred in various cultures across the Indian subcontinent. The name "Rudraksha" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Rudra" (Lord Shiva) and "Aksha" (eyes). It is believed that Rudraksha beads are the blessings of Lord Shiva and carry his divine energy.
Source of Rudraksha
The Rudraksha tree grows in several regions of India, Nepal, and Indonesia. However, the Best place to buy Rudraksha in India and most authentic Rudraksha beads are found in the Indian subcontinent. The seeds are usually harvested from fully-grown Rudraksha trees, which take several years to bear fruit. The authenticity of the Rudraksha is crucial, as its true power lies in the genuineness of the bead.
Types of Rudraksha:
1(EK) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
This rare and highly sought-after bead represents pure consciousness and is considered the embodiment of Lord Shiva. It is believed to enhance clarity, focus, and spiritual growth. Wearing the One Mukhi Rudraksha bestows immense power and control over one's senses.
Enhances spiritual growth and self-realization.
Facilitates deep meditation and inner peace.
Improves concentration and focus.
Helps overcome obstacles and challenges in life.
Supports personal growth and self-development.
2 (Do) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The Two Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes the unity of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, representing harmony and balance. It is believed to enhance relationships, promote emotional well-being, and dissolve conflicts.
Fosters harmony and understanding in relationships.
Improves communication and emotional bonding.
Balances male and female energies.
Enhances peace and emotional stability.
Supports healing and resolution of conflicts.
3 (Teen) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by three natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Agni Deva, the Fire God, and represents the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. This powerful Rudraksha holds several benefits for its wearer. 
Emotional stability and inner peace
Boosts self-confidence and courage
Improves communication skills
Supports spiritual growth and meditation
Aids in physical healing and detoxification
Overcomes inferiority complex
Promotes harmony in relationships
4 (Char) Mukhi Rudraksha
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by four natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. This sacred bead holds several benefits for its wearer.
Enhances intellectual abilities and problem-solving skills
Improves decision-making capabilities
Balances energies for overall well-being
Stimulates creativity and artistic expression.
5 (Panch) Mukhi Rudraksha
The Five Mukhi Rudraksha is the most common and easily accessible type. It is associated with the deity Lord Kalagni Rudra, representing the five elements of nature. This bead is believed to enhance overall well-being, reduce stress, and improve concentration.
Promotes physical and mental health.
Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.
Enhances focus, memory, and concentration.
Boosts immunity and vitality.
Protects against negative energies and evil influences.
6 (Chah) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The Six Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Lord Kartikeya, the God of War. It is believed to enhance willpower, courage, and determination.
Increases willpower and motivation.
Boosts self-confidence and assertiveness.
Supports success in endeavors and goals.
Promotes courage and fearlessness.
Enhances leadership qualities.
7 (Saat) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by seven natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Goddess Mahalakshmi, the deity of wealth and abundance. This powerful Rudraksha holds several benefits for its wearer.
Attracts wealth and prosperity
Promotes career growth and success
Enhances intuition and spiritual insight
Provides protection and removes obstacles.
8 (Aath) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 8 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by eight natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the deity of wisdom. This auspicious Rudraksha holds several benefits for its wearer.
Enhances wisdom and intellect
Removes obstacles and brings success
Improves focus and concentration
Supports spiritual growth
Provides protection and blessings
Promotes harmonious relationships
Relieves stress and anxiety.
9 (Nau) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by nine natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Goddess Durga, the divine feminine energy.
Enhances courage and inner strength
Provides protection and divine blessings
Promotes inner harmony and peace
Supports spiritual growth and awakening
Aids in healing and vitality
Attracts success and abundance
Develops leadership qualities.
10 (Dus) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 10 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by ten natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Lord Vishnu, the preserver and sustainer of the universe.
Provides protection from negative energies
Promotes emotional stability
Enhances relationship harmony
Boosts energy and vitality
Supports spiritual growth and awakening
Brings good luck and success.
11 (Gyarah) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Lord Hanuman, the epitome of devotion and strength. It is believed to provide protection, courage, and spiritual growth.
Offers protection from negative energies and malevolent forces.
Enhances courage, strength, and perseverance.
Stimulates spiritual growth and self-realization.
Supports meditation and deepening of spiritual practices.
Brings about positive transformations in life.
12 (Baarah) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by twelve natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Lord Sun (Surya), the source of vitality and energy.
Represents Lord Sun (Surya Deva).
Enhances leadership qualities and decision-making abilities.
Provides protection against malefic planetary influences.
Promotes abundance, success, and prosperity.
Enhances spiritual growth and self-confidence.
13 (Terah) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 13 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by thirteen natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Lord Kamadeva, the deity of love and desire. This divine Rudraksha holds several benefits for its wearer. It enhances the manifestation of desires and brings success in endeavors.
Represents Lord Kamadeva, the God of Love and Desire.
Enhances charm, attractiveness, and magnetism.
Facilitates harmonious relationships and love.
Promotes fulfillment of desires and aspirations.
Supports emotional healing and well-being.
14 (Choudah) Mukhi Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is characterized by fourteen natural lines or faces on its surface. It is associated with Lord Hanuman, the symbol of strength and devotion. The 14 Mukhi Rudraksha enhances physical and mental strength. It instills courage, determination, and resilience in the face of challenges.
Enhances strength and courage
Supports spiritual growth
Provides protection from negativity
Promotes healing and well-being
Attracts success and prosperity
Deepens devotion and faith.
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha and Its Benefits
The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a highly revered bead, representing the union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It holds immense spiritual significance and offers several benefits to its wearer:
a. Enhances Relationships: The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is believed to foster love, understanding, and harmony in relationships. It promotes a deep bond between couples, strengthens family ties, and brings about unity and cooperation.
b. Balances Energies: This Rudraksha helps balance the masculine and feminine energies within an individual, resulting in overall emotional and psychological equilibrium. It promotes a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
c. Spiritual Growth: Wearing the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is said to accelerate spiritual growth and aid in the path of self-realization. It deepens one's connection with the divine and enhances spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga.
 Benefits of Rudraksha
The benefits of wearing Rudraksha extend to various aspects of life. Some notable advantages include:
a. Health and Healing: Rudraksha is believed to have a positive impact on physical health, promoting overall well-being. It is known to boost the immune system, regulate blood pressure, and alleviate various ailments.
b. Stress Relief and Emotional Stability: Rudraksha beads are renowned for their ability to reduce stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances. They bring a sense of calmness and stability to the wearer, enabling them to cope better with life's challenges.
c. Enhances Intuition and Spiritual Growth: Rudraksha beads are considered sacred tools for spiritual seekers. They heighten intuition, increase clarity of thought, and facilitate deeper spiritual experiences.
Rudraksha and Spiritual Power
Rudraksha beads hold immense spiritual power and are revered by spiritual practitioners worldwide. Their connection to Lord Shiva and their ability to absorb divine energy make them potent tools for spiritual awakening. Wearing Rudraksha is believed to enhance meditation practices, open up channels of spiritual communication, and deepen one's connection with the divine.
Rudraksha beads are not merely pieces of jewelry but sacred objects that carry profound significance. Their origins, types, and benefits make them invaluable tools for spiritual seekers and individuals seeking holistic well-being. If you are looking for Original Rudraksha in India it is essential to find a reliable source that offers genuine and authentic products. By harnessing the power of Rudraksha, you can embark on a transformative journey, unlocking spiritual growth, physical healing, and emotional stability.
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gemspmkk · 1 year
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a sacred bead or seed that holds great significance in Hinduism and is often worn as a spiritual accessory. "Mukhi" refers to the number of facets or faces present on the Rudraksha bead, and in this case, it signifies the presence of four faces.
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rudrakshalife · 1 year
4 Mukhi Rudraksha
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a sacred bead renowned for its spiritual significance in Hinduism. It is a seed from the Rudraksha tree with four natural divisions or faces on its surface. This divine bead is associated with Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe according to Hindu mythology. Wearing the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to bring knowledge, wisdom, and creativity to the wearer. It is said to enhance one's intellect, memory, and communication skills. This bead is also known for its ability to remove obstacles and bring clarity in decision-making.
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rudrakshabeadsblog · 1 year
Visit us for Bodhi Seed Beads and Prayer Beads
We are one of the biggest companies in India that sells Rudraksha beads. We sell Indian, Nepalese, and Indonesian Rudraksha beads in bulk. We also make and sell pendants, malas, bracelets, and other things that you can wear. Using what we know about the old Vedic texts, we have made many religious goods that are based on science. We'll bring the goods out slowly. We want everyone who is interested in Rudraksha Beads and other spiritual goods to sign up so they can hear about new products, rare Rudraksha coming up for sale, discount offers, and other things.
Also, we update our blog often, so you can learn a lot about Rudraksha and other spiritual goods. Customers can ask questions and look for answers about connected topics. We'll do our best to answer them, based on what we know. Rudraksha beads have a very positive effect on a person's mental and physical health. This has been proven by science study in India and other countries. How they affect a person's mind, health, and luck relies on how many faces they have. With each Bodhi Seed Beads product, we have given thorough details about how it works. We guarantee that the quality of the Prayer Beads is the best. If a customer has a problem with the beads, they can send them back within 15 days and get their money back in full. Use these lucky Rudraksha Bead Malas to help yourself.
Rudraksha cleans you from the inside out and points your energy in the direction of success. We sell all kinds of mala beads in bulk, including rudraksha malas, Tulsi malas, Lotus seed mala beads, and Bodhi seed mala beads. Nepalese Rudraksha Beads have magical powers that you can use here. Choose the all-powerful 1 Mukhi Rudraksha or the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha, which will make your life better. It's a gift for everyone who wears it, whether they're a craftsperson, a housewife, a student, or a businessperson. Six (6) mukhi Rudraksha Beads bring comfort and luxury. It helps the person who wears it be a better speaker and fixes speech problems. For success in school, it should be worn with four(4) mukhi ruraksha. Visit us online at http://www.Rudrakshabeads.Org/
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kailasharudraksha · 1 year
Original 4 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha With Lab Certified
Benefits Of 4 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha
The 4 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha, also known as the four-faced Rudraksha, is believed to possess several benefits according to Hindu mythology and traditional practices. While the efficacy of these benefits may vary based on individual beliefs and experiences, here are some commonly attributed advantages of wearing or using a 4 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha:
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Emotional Stability: It is believed that the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha helps in balancing emotions and promoting emotional stability. It may assist in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression by harmonizing the wearer's emotional state.
Self-Confidence and Concentration: This Rudraksha is associated with the planet Mercury, which is believed to enhance intelligence, memory, and concentration. Wearing or using a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha may help improve self-confidence, communication skills, and mental clarity.
Creativity and Artistic Skills: The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to stimulate the creative aspect of an individual's personality. It is said to enhance artistic abilities, imagination, and innovation.
Academic and Professional Success: According to traditional beliefs, wearing a 4 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha can aid in academic and professional pursuits. It is thought to enhance learning capabilities, academic performance, and decision-making abilities.
Spiritual Growth: Rudraksha beads, in general, are associated with spiritual growth and meditation practices. The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to provide a conducive environment for spiritual progress, helping the wearer connect with higher consciousness and deepen their meditation practice.
Healing and Health Benefits: It is said that the 4 Mukhi Rudraksha has healing properties and can benefit various health conditions. It may help with respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma. Additionally, it is believed to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and alleviate problems related to speech and communication.
Balancing Energy: Each Mukhi (face) of the Rudraksha is associated with a specific energy or deity. The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is linked to Lord Brahma, the creator. Wearing this Rudraksha is believed to balance the energies within the body and align them with the creative and constructive forces of the universe.
It's important to note that the effects and benefits of wearing a 4 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha can vary from person to person. It is often recommended to procure Rudraksha beads from reliable sources and consult with experts in order to ensure authenticity and proper usage.
1 Mukhi Rudraksh
4 Mukhi Rudraksh
7 Mukhi Rudraksh
10 Mukhi Rudraksh
13 Mukhi Rudraksh
16 Mukhi Rudraksh
19 Mukhi Rudraksh
Ganesha Rudraksha
2 Mukhi Rudraksh
5 Mukhi Rudraksh
8 Mukhi Rudraksh
11 Mukhi Rudraksh
14 Mukhi Rudraksh
17 Mukhi Rudraksh
20 Mukhi Rudraksh
Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
3 Mukhi Rudraksh
6 Mukhi Rudraksh
9 Mukhi Rudraksh
12 Mukhi Rudraksh
15 Mukhi Rudraksh
18 Mukhi Rudraksh
21 Mukhi Rudraksh
Address-222, Agarwal tower, I.P.Extension, Patparganj, Delhi, 110092
Cont No. : 7042891757
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How To Identify A Genuine 5 Mukhi Rudraksha?
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Introduction A 4 mukhi Rudraksha is a bead that has four faces. It's one of the most powerful types of beads, and it can be used to bring about positive changes in your life. This article will explore the spiritual and healing properties of this type of bead, as well as how you can use it to improve your health and well-being. How to Wear a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a great stone to wear if you are looking for healing and spiritual growth. It is recommended that this stone be worn on the right hand, as it will bring good luck and prosperity in your life. You can wear your 4 Mukhi Rudraksha in any way that suits you best; however, some people choose to wear them as pendants or bracelets because they look beautiful when worn with other pieces of jewelry. Authenticating a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha - Weight The weight of a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is between 12 and 14 grams. The heavier the beads, the better quality they are likely to be. Precautions to Take - Cleaning - Storage - Use of Malas Cleaning a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha To clean your 4 Mukhi Rudraksha, you can use a soft cloth to wipe away any dirt or dust. Avoid using chemicals or water to clean the bead as they may damage the wood. Storing a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha - Store your 4 Mukhi Rudraksha in a dry place. - Avoid direct sunlight, as this can cause the beads to fade over time. - You can store it in a pouch or box with other Rudrakshas if you wish, but make sure they're all of similar quality and color so they don't clash with each other! Using a Mala with a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is an auspicious bead that can be used in a mala. If you want to wear this mala, make sure that it has a total of 108 beads and that each bead is made from a 4 Mukhi Rudraksha. The best way to ensure this is by asking your supplier if they are certified by the International Association of Vedic Astrology (IAVA). If you're not sure what type of mala would be best for you, consider using one with only one type of bead or gemstone. For example: A pearl mala would consist of 108 pearls strung together on silk thread; while an emerald mala would have 108 emeralds strung together in similar fashion as well; etcetera... Conclusion 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is a very special mukhi that has been considered as one of the most powerful and auspicious. It is believed to bring prosperity, happiness and good luck to its wearer. The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha helps in removing all kinds of problems from life and helps in achieving success in every field. It also keeps away bad energies from you so that they do not affect your life in any way. It is said that if you wear this type of mukhi then it will give you long life span along with wealth and prosperity because this mukhi represents Lord Brahma who has created everything including humans on earth! So if anyone wears this kind of rudraksha then he/she can get benefit out of it easily without any problem at all! Instagram Gallery 6917 678 6895 492 2610 150 9663 321 6642 684 5881 330 6011 63 3958 152 7481 607 8117 506 3306 922 5286 267 7847 70 1120 176 3013 383 5844 780 4191 205 6646 731 Recent Posts - What to know before wearing a Garnet stone? - What is Blue Sapphire? Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Rudraksha For you - Natural 3.200 Grams 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Round Shape with I.G.L Lab Certified ₹1,100.00 ₹770.00 - Natural 2.773 Grams 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Round Shape with I.G.L Lab Certified ₹1,100.00 ₹770.00 - Natural 2.780 Grams 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Round Shape with I.G.L Lab Certified ₹1,100.00 ₹770.00 Contact Us FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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sambhavami · 3 years
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Sapta Tandava
Ananda Tandava Lord Shiva dances in bliss while his matted hair covers the entirety of the sky, with Ganga flowing out of them. In his hands he holds a damaru, fire and holds up an abhaya mudra for the benefit of his countless devotees. He wears snakes as ornaments and sports a calm and beautiful smile. He dances atop Apasmara, thereby quashing all forms of evil from the hearts and minds of his devotees!
Gowri Tandava Lord Shiva dances alongside Gowri, the supreme mother. He has four arms and holds a damaru, a lotus and a snake. He showers his blessings on his devotees by the abhaya mudra on his right hand. He tramples Apasmara who embodies the evil within us. His left foot is in the air and he dances in joy with his love. Both Gowri and Mahadeva possess matted hair with a crescent moon latched on to it. Ganga flows down from Shiva's locks.
Kalika Tandava
In this form Lord Shiv appears in his Bhairava form. In his eight hands he holds his damaru, a fire, an ankusha, trishula., a bell and the divine scriptures. His right hand promises abhaya to his countless devotees. He lifts his right foot up facing the skies akin to the posture of urddhva tandava. He is adorned by countless snakes and has a reddish complexion. This form of Lord Shiva strikes fear into the very beings of all things evil and makes Apasmara shudder.
Samhara Tandava This surreal dance is performed by Lord Shiva during a paralya when the universe is destroyed and the cycle prepares to restart building life as we know it. In this form Shiva adorns a complexion dark as the darkness engulfing the universe at end of a cycle of 4 yugas. Here too, like Kalika Tandava, Mahadeva lifts his right foot facing the oblivion above while he dances atop Apasmara. His matted locks merge with the darkness as the universe merges back into his ever-expanding form. In his eight hands he holds his damaru, the fire, an ankusha, the divine scriptures and his trishoola. In his right hand he holds up the abhaya mudra, the promise of a new creation. One of his hands is empty. In this hand he holds the entirety of the shakti that is this universe.
Thripura Tandava Here Lord Shiva became ecstatic after having destroyed the 3 wandering cities with simply a glance and began his cosmic dance. Mahadeva here displays 16 hands each holding a different weapon. His right foot is lifted in the posture of the urdhhva tandavaas he tramples Apasmara beneath his left foot. In his hands he holds his damaru, a fire, the pasha, ankusha, chakra, parashu, trishoola, danda, the holy scriputes and a snake. In his right hand he holds up an abhaya mudra, ridding his devotees of all fears and in his left he holds out the varada mudra, fulfilling their desires. Vasuki, the king of snakes, lays calmly around his neck. Shiva dances in joy celebrating his victory over the evil.
Uma Tandava This tandava of Lord Shiva displays the ultimate expression of love, or sringara. Shiva in his 6 hands holds his damaru, trishoola, the divine light and a newborn plant. He is adorned with snakes and flowers, rudraksha and golden ornaments. He holds the abhaya mudra for the benefit of his devotees. His stands on his right toes and tramples apasmara with his left. He is complemented on his left by Devi Uma, his consort. She is fair-complexioned and holds the divine fire in her right hand. In her left, she holds out the varada mudra qhich fulfils all desire of the devotees of both Shiva and Shakti. Both Mahadeva and Uma have long flowing locks of hair which is matted and adorned by the crescent moon.
Sandhya Tandava This is the most peaceful and majestic dance performed by Lord Shiva. In his four arms he holds his damaru, the divine light, and a stack of grain. In his right he holds an abhaya mudra that dispels fear from the heart of his devotees. Ganga flows from his matted hair as he dances along. He is dressed in various finery and is adorned with valuable ornaments. Nagaraja Vasuki adorns his neck along with garlands of various flowers. Shiva is surrounded by all Gods, demigods and his loyal devotees. Lord Brahma plays the mridangam, Saraswati plays her veena, Lord Narayana flays his flute while Devi Lakshmi sings. Devi Parvati dances along with her Lord as Ganesha and Kartikeya also watch in glee. Shiva's bhootagana helmed by Nandi and the sage Bhringi look upon in wonder at this divine spectacle.
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rudrakshastore · 3 years
Positive Effects of a Rudraksha – 1 to 14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Rudraksha beads are the seeds of a plant named Elaeocarpus garnitures. Since old days Hindus are wearing Rudraksha mala on their bodies. Hindu scriptures discuss a couple of advantages of wearing Rudraksha. Here are the foremost mainstream benefits you'll get by wearing Rudraksha.
Rudraksha can adjust the indispensable powers inside the body and battles a good range of pollutions. This quality gives you an opportunity to stay unharmed during a new environment. Thus, Rudraksha was very valuable to the Sadhus of Hinduism who got to move far and wide in their lives. On the off chance that you simply are a traveller, can enable you to overcome a good range of sicknesses and issues associated with travels. It can secure your body against the negative energies utilized by somebody against you. due to desire and hatred, insidious individuals use evil spells to form inconveniences to others. the benefits of wearing Rudraksha can enable the individual to shield himself from such negative energies.
Rudraksha is understood to enhance the energy of psyche and hone center and fixation. These properties are exceedingly valuable to Sadhus for reflection, understudies for learning and adults for exceeding expectations in their professions. Particularly four faced and 6 faced Rudraksha globules tied in copper wire can help increase the memory. Buy Rudraksha mala online only from Brahma Gems, one among the simplest gemstone dealers in Delhi. In many cases, Rudrksha facilitates pain and cures poisonous sings. For an extended time, individuals are relying upon these seeds to cure the pain due to scorpion chomp. Particularly the five faced Rudraksha is rubbed on a pounding stone and therefore the glue is connected to the affected parts.
Ayurveda trusts that the physical body is formed of three powers especially air, bile and phlegm. all of the diseases are caused due to the unevenness of those three viewpoints within the body. Devouring the powder of Rudraksha by blending it in water can help keep up the adjust of air, bile and phlegm.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha || 2 Mukhi Rudraksha || 3 Mukhi Rudraksha ||4 Mukhi Rudraksha || 5 Mukhi Rudraksha || 6 Mukhi Rudraksha || 7 Mukhi Rudraksha || 8 Mukhi Rudraksha || 9 Mukhi Rudraksha || 10 Mukhi Rudraksha || 11 Mukhi Rudraksha || 12 Mukhi Rudraksha || 13 Mukhi Rudraksha || 14 Mukhi Rudraksha || Gauri Shankar Rudraksha || Garbh Gauri Rudraksha || Ganesh Rudraksha
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