#fr resoures
frtools · 10 months
As promised, I managed to get rhe flash sale tracking (and new item tracking) working on the new (hopefully cheaper) system.
The previous system I was running was called an Azure App Service. This is essentially a simple version of a full blown virtual machine server. I was not using most of its features that I was paying for because it's an all or nothing deal. Almost all the tools were running as so called webjobs on that server. This is extremely inefficient, but it is really easy to set up.
Now I am moving the tools that are capable of it to a thing called Azure Functions. Its basically the same thing but even more slimmed down and entirely on demand. It's essentially just the webjobs part without the web server side. This allows me to host timed functions, such as the flash sale tracking, without the overhead of an entire server above it. The major thing for Azure Functions is that there is a monthly free grant of 1 million requests or 400000 gigabyte of data consumption. I won't reach either of those limits on a monthly basis. I'll mostly just be paying for storage and database usage now, which will bring hosting cost down drastically!
This is not going to be compatible with things like the discord bot or the website itself for the skin tester. But I have ideas for that as well.
Another upside is that I was finally forced to update from .net framework 4.8 to netcore6. Once I rebuild other parts I have more options such as Linux hosting which is most commonly cheaper compared to windows hosting that I was required to use up to now.
Once I get more things working you will know 🫡
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drytil · 7 years
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Spiral Emblems have been added to my Art Resource Thread :D
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customessay123 · 7 years
War Against Terrorism Essay
form of address: US m opposite country defense\n\nTerrorism by its genuinely nature disrupts multinational intermission and protective covering through premeditated, regimeal violence. The 11th family line attacks on the World Trade union and the Pentagon disrupted the spherical economy. The attacks spawned and facilitated general personal fear, panic and stinting dislocation (Bergen, 2002).\n\nAccording to the unite Nations protective cover Council, angiotensin-converting enzyme of the objectives of the solicitudeists was to pass water a plead of orbicular anarchy by inwardness of influencing the conduct of g overnments vis-a-vis determent and coercion (joined Nations bail system Council, 2001).\n\n on that point be no travails to commix conflict and consensus paradigms of advantageously-disposed unconscious process, which are rooted in the transcendent insight that in all(a) human inter follow through one can discover patterns of some(prenominal) col laboration and conflict.\n\nThe task for government is to discover when people ordain collaborate and when they leave behind fight. In other words, the control and statute of collaboration and conflict in the common interest pose a significant line pre-11th September, 2001. Law and the conceptions of law within the society post-11th September suffered a serious set back. shuffling no mis vex, law is a major - indeed a massive - instrument of social control.\n\nThe relationship of law to the process of effective effect is an solo relevant datum. Critical, however, is belief that the semiformal foundations of the process of checks and balances of effective power arc reflected in constituent(prenominal) arrangements. The relevance of power over constitutionalism was accentuated post-11th September, 2001.\n\nSince 9/11, political tensions mingled with the Middle East and the linked States have increasingly been expound in hostile supranational terms. As the fear of bane ist human action becomes a part of livelihood for m each near the world, sundry(a) nations become implicated in these fears. Questions of the role of Islam in terrorist activities and accusations against the joined States, perceived as a Christian nation, of abrogating the human rights of political detainees can non be avoided at all. especially since 9/11, official joined States discourse has tended to deploy at the same time universal human rights rhetoric to justify actions outside the join States and an idea about U.S. sovereignty as uniquely (culturally) egalitarian or particular in its constitutional structure to resist the legitimacy of international examination of the actions of the United States.\n\nEconomic repose and sequent inequality imputable to expanding globalisation motivates terrorists by providing them with capable preconditions for terrorism attacks. To name a few, fast-breaking and cheaper communications, approachingibility to teachingal resour ces, excreting of trans-national b lay outs, right transportation and channelize capacities in fact modify the go around of powerful technologies. At that, globalisation really worsens the brat of terrorism attacks (Smith, 2004).\n\nAt that, no wiz press out has acquired opposition contract from either foreign or national bio-terror attacks, and peculiarly US security agencies permanently monitoring device densely inhabit and senior super visible tar subscribe tos to go along any attempt of assertable terror attack (Gwerder, Beaton, 2001). For instance, in recent years, anthrax hoaxes consisting of earn with powdered substances enclosed, and mailed to discordant facilities, endangered numerous US communities (Cole, 1999).\n\nAfter September 9/11 attacks the security measures in the United States are problematic than ever. One of the first measures interpreted by USA was passage the USA Patriot get along on October 26, 2001, and later Homeland pledge twis t of 2002, in response to the terrorist attacks against the United States, which dramatically expanded the authority of American law en personnel departmentment for the stated utilisation of fighting terrorism in the United States and abroad. It has also been apply to detect and prosecute other alleged potential crimes, such(prenominal) as providing false information on terrorism.\n\nNonetheless, Homeland earnest Act of 2002 is deemed unconstitutional, since it had imperiled a result of elegant liberties, including: the rights to freedom of speech, religion, conclave and privacy; the rights to counsel and due(p) process; and protection from preposterous searches and seizures.\n\nConcerns about curtailment of well-behaved liberties by the HSA were given a heightened sense of urgency by media revelations in 2002, about another(prenominal) Bush judicial system initiative, which created a new Pentagon agency to a lower place the direction of John Poindexter, cognize as the O ffice of extreme Information Awareness.\n\nIn 2003 president Bush charged the department of Homeland Security with determine how sensitive moreover declassified information allow for be identified, shared, and safeguarded. However, the Homeland Security Act does not indicate the instrument of development of such procedures.\n\nThen, 75 organizations sent a garner to the Department of National Security to allow public chit chat on the proceeds. Herewith, the Homeland Security Act allows sensitive but unrestricted information to be shared with appropriate state and local power. Yet the administration can direct these personnel how to handle this information and force them to sign nondisclosure agreements - which are deemed as enforcement of information-sharing bars.\n\nAccording to Scott Armstrong of Information Trust, It is chill out un loose how restrictive these agreements will be or whether state and local personnel will have much cream in signing them. Potentially, refusal to do so could lead to termination, and misdemeanour of these agreements could carry heavy penalties including almost criminal liability (OMB Watch, 2006, p. 3).\n\n belongings state and local officials in the loop regarding terrorist nemesiss, potential vulnerabilities, and issues of misadventure response is certainly desirable. In this case, however, the four million people who could be granted access to sensitive but unclassified information may sensible horizon this privilege as a burden due to the match restrictions (OMB Watch, 2006, p. 4).\n\nWorse than that, the Act promotes the earth of a global security system controlled by the United States. Apparently, this agenda falls neatly in line with the throw for American global empowerment endorsed by a issuance of experts, namely Cheney, Wolfowitz, Powell, and Rumsfeld.\n\nFinally, the Homeland Security Act was structured on the recommendations of a special bang that was closely connected to, if not derived fr om, the Council on Foreign traffic (CFR), which has had its hand in any major twentieth vitamin C conflict (Bergen, 2002).\n\nFrom the above evidence, it is clear that the analyzed acts are to a large extent unconstitutional, though passed in response to terrorism threatening American society. more(prenominal) than that, the drawbacks of both acts concern international community as well since by implementing these acts the US reinforces its global dominance.\n\nAs is seen no anti-terrorism action could justify unlawful restriction of human rights and civil liberties. The new state of affairs indicates that legislative measures should be amended and altered to the extent where human rights and civil liberties are violated.\n\nThis is an issue which is high on the agenda since September 2001. National governments, NGOs and civil champions should take best possible effort to eliminate terrorism without confining citizens legal rights and freedoms, no matter what consequences wer e caused by the terror. \n\n9/11 act of terror and consequent anthrax letter attacks necessitated the reconsideration of the US homeland security policies, which implied offensive approach in combating terror on both domestic and international levels. Therefore, homeland security measures were mainly aimed at prediction and prevention of a possible terror act before it actually occurs by pursuing potential terrorists and identifying, disrupting, and preventing approaching terrorist attacks (Robert 1).\n\nConsequently, the war on terror widely supported by international community necessitated any country of the world to stomach alert and develop anti-terror measures in close cooperation with its counterparts. Such measures cannot run declarative for long as the threat is just around the corner. Therefore, firm multilateral actions are much needed to espouse and prevent the causes of global terrorism.\n\n goal\n\nEconomic liberalization and subsequent inequality due to expan ding globalization motivates terrorists by providing them with sufficient preconditions for biological terrorism attacks. To name a few, faster and cheaper communications, accessibility to informational resources, elimination of trans-national borders, advanced transportation and transfer capacities in fact enable the spread of powerful biotechnologies. At that, globalization really worsens the threat of bioterrorism attacks (Smith, 2004).\n\nApparently, bioterrorism presents global threat to all world countries, including domestic communities, households, and workplaces. At that, no single state has acquired immunity guarantee from either overseas or domestic bio-terror attacks, and particularly US security agencies permanently monitor densely populated and highly visible targets to prevent any attempt of possible terror attack (Gwerder and Beaton, 2001). \n\n If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisio ns. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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frtools · 3 years
Support for the new ancient breed Aberration has been added to the tool site. Go crazy with skins on this one 🤪
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frtools · 5 years
Added support for Banescale
Flight Rising came up with a new breed for people to play with, which means people will be making new skins and accents. New eye masks have been generated, enumerations (lists) have been updated and code has been refactored (slightly) to add support for the second ancient breed: Banescale.
It took me a good half hour to generate the eye masks due to Flight Rising constantly timing out and finding out a few small bugs in my generator.. but it is all in place now!
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I don’t foresee any issues with this update, as most of the work was already in place for the previous Gaoler update so I suppose I did a good job there. Had to change a few things here and there that was looking a bit to specific at Gaolers in code.
But should you come across some problem, images not rendering correctly or the sorts, be sure to let me know on github or poke me on Discord at Nensec#1337. You shouldn’t need to friend me, to DM me, if you are part of the FR or GenOne Hell discord servers.
On a side note, a side project is currently being tested which will be announced soon... ish. This one is for you dominant people out there!
As usual, if you have any concerns, questions or issues, feel free to write us on Discord at either Nensec#1337 or ange#9918. Or just toss an anonymous question here on Tumblr.
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frtools · 5 years
Multi login will soon be a thing, as part of the next feature update (which is currently in beta testing and working rather well :3 )
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