#fr tho i wanna see deuce in a tux if they do a ghost marriage what if
epicadventuresofyuu · 2 years
Ghost Marriage Yuu
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"You know, wearing this isn't so bad when I imagine I'm marrying you instead."
Ghost Marriage but what if your Yuusona/protagonist was kidnapped instead? Not my best edit but Rui's outfit was perfect for Yume because of the design (I ship my Yuu with Floyd if that wasn't obvious lol) Voice lines down below!
(Edited from Rui Kamishiro's 4* card: The Alchemist Behind The Scenes)
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(without the groovy)
"Aahhh! How many ways can someone say they aren't attracted to women?! Someone save me!"
"You know, wearing this isn't so bad when I imagine I'm marrying you instead."
Set Home
"At least I got to use my design."
Home Idle
"Hmm, if I ever do get married I'm not sure if I'd do a traditional Guyanese or Japanese wedding."
Idle 2
"Ahh, fanfiction tropes have ruined my standards. Real people don't compare to the wonders of fiction."
Idle 3
"Who needs school when you can have love? ... Actually no, school is slightly more important."
Idle Groovy
"I'll say goodbye to this world, but I won't ever say goodbye to you. Heh, I got that line from my favorite anime. Wanna watch it with me?"
Home Login
"So? What do you think of the outfit? I made this myself, you know!"
"I'm so embarrassed Crewel saw my journal with wedding outfit designs. He praised it, but that was supposed to be private!"
Tap 2
"Hmm... I should've made the sleeves longer. It'd look prettier when I twirl."
Tap 3
"Floyd... *sighs* how in the world did his outfit get that ruined?"
Tap 4
"Idia actually tied his hair back like in my drawing... Ahhh my heart can't take it!"
Tap 5
"If Ace and Deuce don't wear my outfits for their wedding I'm gonna be severely disappointed in them as their partner and possible best man."
Tap Groovy
"Love... It's bittersweet knowing I'll be leaving it behind when I go back to my world."
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