#frank Herbert you fuckin ……. writer …
12thgirl · 6 months
I just finished children of dune I don’t even have words like that ending ….. those last 50 pages were crazy I will be chasing this feeling forever
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gratuacuun14 · 3 months
ffs star wars did not copy dune
it's just cosmetic similarities
desert planets are chosen because they're fucking inhospitable
shai-hulud are nothing like the sarlacc (which has more in common with the fucking gravemind than it does sand worms)
the "chosen one" story of paul atreides and luke skywalker is JUST campbell's hero's journey, and it ends up in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PLACES
the bene gesserit and jedi mind powers are JUST MIND POWERS. ONE OF THE MOST COMMON ABILITIES IN FICTION. did emperor palpatine copy thor because they both have lightning powers? no? there we go
the evil empire? fuckin NAZIS AND ROMANS
the fremen and the rebellion are the same? ah yes because frank herbert invented the idea of a group rising against a tyrannical force. let's just ignore that the themes of the stories here are completely different
stormtroopers are the sardaukar? pfft. not the roman praetorian guards? an army is just an army, and THEY SHARE A NAME WITH THE STURM-ABTEILUNG
i don't deny that inspiration was taken, of course it was. that's how stories work. all the writers, all of my lovely friends and mutuals here, can you honestly say you've never been influenced by anything? that's not a criticism. ideas are made to be shared.
frank herbert and george lucas are some of the greatest storytellers of the last century, and it would be unfair on them both to say they pickpocketed each other.
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songofthevoid · 7 years
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      Tagged by: @admired-aulendil        Tagging: whoever wants to do it!
Name (or preferred online name): Tony, Lizard, Wolf, whichev Age: 28 Birthday: Aug 27 Country: USA Fluent in: English, iffy with German & Russian
Writing details:
Preferred genres/tropes/AUs: Corruption, redemption, generally “grey-ness” (re: the good is evil; the evil is good) lines being blurred.  Disliked genres/tropes/AUs: I’m not really into fluff -- like mermaid or satyr AUs or things like “this as a Disney princess, etc.” Sadism for sadism’s sake (aka: things like Bolton from GoT). Not suuuuuper into crossovers without reason (re: again, not super into fluff, but if there’s sense for it working, I like it).  Preferred writing styles: So long as I can read it ?? Personal Icon preferences (Do you use them? Do you prefer certain sizes? Ect.): What ????? Partners Icon preferences (Do you prefer your partners to have certain icon styles or not care?): ????? WHAT? Any other details about your writing preferences you want to include: I am slow. I deeply enjoy extreme self-inspection. I think I tend to be “too” in your head as a writer, but that may be an inexusable part of my style. I’m rather serious. Everything needs a motive.
Get to know me:
What fandoms do you consider yourself a part of, even outside of this blog?: Tolkien, Marvel, The Elder Scrolls (TES), Dune / Frank Herbert, Neil Gaiman, JJBA
What fandoms are you entirely uninterested in?: Doctor Who -- I loved the old stuff growing up, but I can’t do it anymore, Supernatural, Sherlock -- I love the RDJ movies and books, but I can’t do the fandom either. I’d have to echo the anime fandom thing as well. I like specific parts of the shows and I’ll join specific fandoms, but I can’t do “anime fandom as a whole.” Favourite foods: Indian food >) I’m pretty 50/50 between Northern and Southern cuisine; I just like it all. I’ve had some Sri Lankan as well and that was good. Korean. Chinese. Russian, haha. Some of the Romanian I’ve had was good too, but I want to try more!! Native American. German. Delmarvan. I dunno, if its good, it’s good. You can always bribe me with mint + chocolate, though. Except fuckin’ York’s peppermint paddies. I hate them. Favourite drinks: Spritzers, tea, coffee -- but it has to have a lot of milk and sugar!!  Hobbies: RPing, gaming, cosplaying  Writing and art is kind of a job-level hobby List ten things you want to do in the future: - travel outside the US - work at a zoo >) - publish a book - become more fluent in languages - grow past my phobia! - get a driver’s license -  - - - What do you wish would change in the rp community?: I do wish sometimes that it was more cohesive; I think because we’re so small, its sometimes difficult to find each other. As a whole in the Tolkien community, I find it difficult to hear news. What are some of the things you love about the rp community?: I do love our general fandom for how diverse it is. A lot of the communities I’ve been in are American-centric, and I’m really enjoying the general country and what everyone has to bring to it. I love how creative and original a lot of people are. Anything else you’d like to add?: Sorry that I am so slow and serious >) I wish I could add more to the community <3
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