fredandrewus · 9 months
Find the house of your dreams with the magnificent California sunsets as a backdrop! View our carefully chosen selection of California houses, each one ideal for your way of life. For expert advice and insights on locating the perfect house, check out our blog. This is where California living begins; take in the splendor of golden sunsets and opulent residences.
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davidgilson · 6 years
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Un autre petit hommage pour l’acteur Luke Perry (« Beverly Hills 90210 », « Riverdale »...) parti trop tôt hier.
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reject-princess97 · 5 years
FP Jones imagine (2)
I was sat in a booth at Pop's diner Starring out of the window at my bike. It had been 17 years since I was last here. 17 years since I was happy and 17 years since I last saw my son and the love of my life.
"You OK there young lady?" Pop's asked as he came over.
"I'm OK thank you, I'm just watching the world go by." I smiled looking up at him. Pop's eyes widened for a second as he looked at me.
"Y/N Andrews, is that you?" He asked, a small, kind smiled on his face.
"In the flesh." I smiled up at him.
"Not seen you for a long time. How have you been?"
"Getting by." I shrugged.
"Well, it's good to have you back, What can I get you?"
"Burger, fried and one of you classic chocolate shakes?" I grinned.
"Coming up." he smiled as he turned to walk away but before he left he turned back and gave me a worried smile.
"The sheriff is here, just warning you." He told me before he walked away.
I shrugged and turned to see the Sheriff walking up to the diner, his hat hiding his face.
"Morning Pop's, can I get a coffee?" He spoke and my eyes widened. I knew that voice but it can't be. FP Jones wasn't the north side type.
Then my suspicions were confirmed when the Sheriff took of his hat and asked Pop's about the Strange bike parked outside.
Pop's nodded and pointed over to me. When FP looked my way his eyes widened and he froze. My eyes never left his as he walked towards me after gaining his composure.
"Hi." I asked looking up at the man I once loved.
"Y/N" he asked in disbelief
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see my family." I told him. It wasn't a lie, I was here to see My brother and his nephew but mostly I wanted to see FP.
"It's been 17 years, why now?" He grumbled.
"I missed everybody, I'm finally able to come back into town so here I am." I explained. He sighed and took a seat.
I looked over at FP as he sat in front of me.
"So, how is he?" I asked him. It had been so long since I had seen my brother.
"He's fine, joined the Serpents while I was locked away."
"He did what?" I asked confused. "Why the hell would he do that?"
"Don't be so surprised, his old man is one, his mother was one..."
"Wait...who?" I asked confused. My dad was never a Serpent.
"The kid." FP snapped as if I had done something wrong. "Our son?" My eyes widened and I shook my head.
"We...FP, our son died, 17 years ago. Your wife killed him." I growled. FP watched me confused as tears ran down my face.
"What?" I asked, wiping the tears away.
"Our son is not dead, he was brought up by Gladys and I after you left us high and dry." FP snapped. I shook my head, standing up and walking out.
"No, you're lying." I called behind me. FP stood and followed behind me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him.
"Why, what?" I asked, a lump in my throat.
"why did you leave us." He asked me. I stayed silent, still not being able to bring myself to explain.
"Please, Y/N, I loved you, I thought you loved me but I came home from the bar and you were gone, Gladys was..."
"Gladys told me to go." I told him. He let out a hard laugh and shook his head.
"Bullshit." He scoffed.
"You wanna know?" I asked and he nodded.
"You should come sit down then." I sighed as I grabbed FP's hand and lead him back into Pop's. We passed a group of kids, one seemed to look up at me, his red hear making him unrecognisable. That was Archie, my brothers kid, he had to be. His friends watched as FP and I walked passed hand in hand.
I sat him down on the booth I was sat previously and I sat opposite him.
"So?" He asked, I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands, I could already feel the tears welling up.
"OK, so, I was home, looking after...well, I was calming Forsythe, when I heard a noise outside. I put him down, in his crib and I went outside. I thought maybe it was you getting home so I grabbed my jacket and went outside but you weren't there so I looked around for a second and when I went back in I saw blood everywhere, Forsythe was gone and I saw Gladys sat in your chair, holding a bloodied knife." I cried, tears running down my face.
"Why?" he asked me. I shrugged, it took me a second before I could get anything else out.
"A couple weeks before hand she had told me to go, if I didn't leave she was going to kill my brother and our kid. I didn't believe her and I stayed. Anyway, she made a huge deal about how she had warned me and that if I didn't go she would take Archie next." I told him. "I had to go FP, I couldn't face you when you found out our son was dead and I couldn't be the reason Fred lost Archie." I cried, tears streaming down my face.
"So she wasn't lying?" He mumbled.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Before she left she told him that she wasn't his mum, I mean I knew that but we were supposed to keep it from him, she told him she ran his mother out of town when he was a baby but I didn't believe her. I thought she was just trying to make a point." He told me.
"She didn't kill him?" I asked, FP Shook his head then turned around.
"Hey, Boy, come over here a second!" He called, turning to face the group of kids in the booth beside us. I tall looking kid with raven hair and a grey worn out beanie nodded and walked over, sitting beside his dad.
"What's up?" He asked, he eyed me curiously as he spoke.
"Jughead, this is Y/N Andrew's" FP introduced. I looked over the kid.
"Fred Andrew's sister?" he asked and I nodded smiling, looking at him made my heart skip a beat. He was tall, like his dad, he had his dad's looks but he had eyes like mine. "Yeah, Archie told me about you, you were..." He began but I interrupted "Banished from the family for getting knocked up."   "Yeah, you were Best friends with Alice cooper too right?" He wondered. I saw the kids behind him clearly listening in and I chuckled nodding. "She was Alice Smith back then but Yeah, how did you know that?" "Mrs Cooper had mentioned it to Betty and I. She said you disappeared not long after Betty was born." "Not that she cared, she was one of the many people who pushed me out of town" I told him. "My mum did that?" A blonde girl asked as she turned around to face the table. "You must be Betty?" I asked she nodded. Jug stood up and moved so the Betty could join us. "Well when you get knocked up by a Serpent, you get treated like one and in them days that was worse then being the local psychopath." I told her. My eyes never left Jughead for more than a second, he the same.
"You OK kid?" FP asked, noticing the looks between us both.
"That's her isn't it?" He asked his dad, still looking at me.
"Don't act like you weren't listening in boy." FP chuckled.
"were you telling the truth?" He asked, directing his attention to me.
"Every word." I nodded. "Who are you?" I asked him.
"Yeah I got that bit."
"My name is Forsythe Pendelton Jones III." he told me. My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously.
"No, you're not," I told him.
I didn't him reply, I just stood up and made my way the door.
"He's telling the truth Y/N, he really is our kid." FP called, grabbing the attention of the rest of the diner.
"No, because that would mean I left my son behind and...and I wouldn't do that, I couldn't do that." I told him as I left.
*A couple hours later*
I spent my time driving around until I finally got up the courage to visit my brother for the first time is 17 years.
I walked up the path and knocked on the door. It took a couple seconds but the door opened and there, in front of me, stood my big brother. He seemed to recognised me almost immediately as his eyes widened and he grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Fred asked as he pulled me into the house, a strange look on his face.
"Hi, Freddy." I smiled sadly at him. "How you been?"
"Good, I missed you kid." He smiled happily. His eyes wondered around, looking nervous.
"He told you didn't he?" I asked, knowing FP would have called him the second I left. He nodded then gestured back to the kitchen where I saw the red head from before.
"Come on, I want you to meet your nephew." He told me as he pulled me into the kitchen where the red head sat, drinking a soda.
"Archie, this is Y/N."
"Yeah, she was with FP before." He smiled nodding as he stood up.
"You're a good looking kid." I smiled at him, "You get that from your mum." I joked, Archie laughed and nodded.
"Don't I know it." He chuckled nudging his dad.  
"So, you're my Aunt?" He asked. I nodded and sat down at the table.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"So...." My brother spoke up after a couple minutes of silence.
"Where you been?" he asked.
"Around, California mostly." I told him, looking down at my hands.
"I'm sorry Freddy, I had to go, I had..."
"I know kid, FP told me what happened." He assured me.
"You could have told us, or me at least." He offered but I shook my head.
"I couldn't, she told me if I told anybody why I left she'd kill you and Archie. She already killed my son, I could't lose you too." I explained, Fred looked a little surprised but Archie looked as through he was used to his life being threatened.
" Well, I thought she had killed him." I sighed.
"So is it true, is he really my kid?" I asked Fred who nodded.
"Yeah, FP came home the night you left and found Gladys sat in the trailer with Jug in her arms, she had a note the said you couldn't live there anymore and the you didn't want Jug and FP."
I nodded, sadly. If Fred was telling me this it most be the truth. He wouldn't lie to me about this. I looked over at Archie and smiled softly.
"So, what's he like, Jughead?" I asked him. Archie smiled a huge grin and shrugged.
"Juggy is my best friend. No body else like him." He told me, sitting by me. "He's a writer, he and Betty run the blue and gold, the newspaper at school."
"Yeah?" I asked surprised.
"A lot like you that kid." Fred added and I smiled.
"He's good at solving mysteries, we all solve the Jason Blossom murder case, the black hood case and the G'n'G case."
"Wow, do you guys even have a police crew down here?" I joked making Archie laughed. I noticed Fred had left us alone so we spoke for a while, Archie told me all about Jughead and the group, he told me about the rest of the town news and how FP was doing.
"...Jughead always thought he was missing someone you know. Like he had Gladys and Jellybean but FP wasn't happy with that." He told me.
"Yeah, I guess that was my fault." I sighed,
"Did you ever think about coming back?" He asked me. I sighed and shook my head.
"No, I couldn't, after I thought my son was dead I couldn't come back, it hurt to much." I explained. "That and If I came back I was putting you and you're dad in danger and I didn't want you two getting hurt." I explained.
I heard a knock at the door but ignored it, guessing Fred was gonna answer it, so I kept talking to Archie.  
"So why did you come back?" He asked me. "Not that I'm not glad you're here I just ment..."
"I know what you ment kid." I chuckled. "I got a letter, from Gladys, she told me she wasn't in Riverdale anymore and that there was somebody here who wanted to see me. I just assumed she met Fred...or FP." I shrugged.
That was when a figure came into view and in walked Jughead and Betty Cooper. I stood up, unable to speak and I turned ready to run, tears welling in my eyes.
"Stop!" Fred called. I froze in my place and I turned to face the group, the whole group watching me. I needed help in this situation and I was hoping Fred would step in.
"Freddy, help me?" I asked "I can;t do this on my own." I added and he nodded.
"Archie, take Betty to the garage." Fred ordered. Betty refused to move and I looked over at her as she glared at me. I let out a slight chuckle as Jughead gestured for her to leave. She nodded, kissed his head and followed Archie out the back door.
"She's sweet." I smiled sadly. Fred nodded and chuckled.
"Like her mother when we were that age." He told me. My eyes landed on Jughead and I watched as he watched me.
"Freddy, what do I do?" I asked, my eyes never leaving Jughead.
"Talk to him." he shrugged. "Jug, you wanna say something." Jughead nodded but stayed quiet.
"So....Archie tells me you like to write?" I asked. Jug nodded. I moved to sit back at the table, next to where Fred was stood.
"I wrote a book." I told him. He seemed to snap out of his frozen state.
"Yeah?" he asked seeming to be interested.
"Yeah, I wrote it a little while after I left. I dedicated it to you and your dad." I told him.
"She really told you I was dead?" He changed the subject. I nodded and let out a sigh.
"Look, kid, when I saw the blood in the crib and Gladys holding the knife, my world stopped. I couldn't even comprehend what she was saying, my mind was just stuck on what I thought was my baby's blood until she told me to leave." It was quiet for a second. Then I finished my explanation.
"I loved you and your dad, I still do and if I had known you were alive I would never have left."
"I'm sorry." He sighed.
"What for, it wasn't you're fault, I just had to do what I could to keep the people I lived safe." I explained, "You know it never occurred to me that she was lying and that you were still alive."
"Well, she was kinda twisted like that." He told me.
"You're telling me, we are the same age and we went to school together. She was crazy back then."
"I don't blame you you know?" Jughead told me, grabbing my hand in his. "You were lied to and you thought I was dead."
"Thanks." I smiled.
"So, are you back, for good?" He asked and I shrugged. "Because It'd be really cool if I got to know my mum." He smiled.
"I'd really like it too." A voice caught me of guard. I looked up to see FP stood by the door and Fred was gone.
"When did you get here?" Jughead asked, I looked up at the man who shrugged.
"About the time She told you she loved us." he smirked. I looked up at him and he winked.
"You suck." I told him as he laughed.  
"So, you gonna stay?" FP asked. I shrugged and nodded.
"I think I would. As long as you want me here that is.
"I have no objections." FP smiled. "Jughead?"
"I want to know you....What do I call you?" He asked looking between his dad and I. I shrugged
"Whatever you want I guess."
"Mum?" My eyes widened and I felt my heart skip a beat. I nodded.
"That's gonna take some getting used to huh?" I asked.
"You're telling me." Jughead chuckled.
"FP, Jughead, you guys staying for dinner?" Fred asked as he entered the room. The boys nodded and I smiled.
"You don't get a choice sis. You are staying here." He told me.
"Where am I going to stay?" I asked "You live in a two bedroom house Freddy."
"We have a spare room." Jughead spoke up. "Betty usually stays in my room anyway and..."
"You're welcome to it Y/N." FP added.
"You sure?" I asked.
"I have no objections, Jelly might be a little..."
"Jellybean lives in the basement anyway, she can stay down there is she doesn't like it." Jughead joked as he stood up.
"Great, so, where do you guys live?" I asked. FP and Fred looked at each other and then back at me smiling.
"We live next door." Jughead smiled as he walked out of the room, I'm assuming to tell Betty and Archie about my new living arrangements. . I let out a surprised laugh.
"FP Jones, living in the Northside, the sheriff of Riverdale and not longer the Serpent king, what the hell happened?" I laughed.
"I grew up." He smirked, walking over and sitting by my side.
"Well, I'm just gonna have to fix that." I smiled at him nudging his shoulder with mine making him let out a chuckle.
I let my mind wonder a little, thinking how happy I was gonna be here with Fred, Archie, Jughead and FP.
"What's on your mind?" Fred asked pulling me from my thoughts.
"Just glad to be back home"
"It's good to have you back."
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fanofriverdlex · 6 years
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😍🤗🤩🤯😎☺️✊🏼👊🏼👌🏻🙏🏻👐🏻🙌🏼👏🏼🔥 we miss you #LukePerry
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popyz34 · 6 years
RIP luke perry 😢😭
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frankieslady · 6 years
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Such a shocking,sad and horrible news about Luke Perry’s death!!😭 👶🏻11/10-1966➖➕4/3-2019. I just cant believe it!! He did SO NOT deserve to die that soon,he was only 52! What a wonderful and beautiful actor,so tragic his life ended way to soon😱Many loving thoughts to his family and friends!🙏❤️🌹♥️😇 RIP & ILM of LUKE PERRY🕊🦋🌹You will always be loved and remembered!💚🙏💙 #lukeperry #beverlyhills90210 #dylanmckay #teenagecrush #hestillis #svu #riverdale #fredandrews #noahsibert #criminalminds #benjamincyrus (her: Copenhagen) https://www.instagram.com/mlwzcph/p/Bumgp4TnNyhEjZ1FGVczXLuM4RwHIHAQPZr2HY0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cklqsqnnyuc5
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arielpetersonartist · 5 years
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It’s Wednesday which means Riverdale is on tonight!! This is the midnight club getting ready to meet the Farm leader Edgar Evernever tonight. Who will be watching? #midnightclub #riverdale #riverdalecast #riverdalecw #archiecomics #riverdaleart #fanart #artistsoninstagram #fashionillustration #alicesmith #fpjones #hermionegomez #penelopeblossom #sierramccoy #fredandrews #90sthrowback #throwback https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvg8Sy5A1jV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hr2bhnj829uj
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fredandrewus · 9 months
Cracking the Code" is your guide to unraveling the mysteries of credit scores for FHA, VA, and KHC loans. Discover the key insights that pave the way to your dream home. Don't miss out on valuable tips and tricks—read the blog now and empower yourself on the journey to homeownership. 🌟 #MortgageSuccess #CreditScoreWisdom #HomeownershipJourney
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xolucie-blog1 · 6 years
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The love life of the Midnight Club
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❤️💔 To the best and only Dad of Archie Andrews. Luke Perry you will be missed, your we’re so talented in your acting and s nice person. Riverdale won’t be the same without you. I can’t believe you’re gone, I wish his family and friends that best. #inlovingmemory #lukeperry #fredandrews #riverdale #restinpeace #neverforgotten You’ll never be forgotten. Rest In Peace. https://www.instagram.com/p/BunJTeqhxm1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c47bwpqpmu3j
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flirtygiggles-blog · 6 years
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RIP Luke Perry 🙏🏻💔➕ 1966-2019 ************************* #lukeperry #rip #dylanmckay #90210 #beverlyhills90210 #riverdale #fredandrews #buffythevampireslayer #pike #8seconds #lanefrost #restinpeace #foreverremembered ♾➕ https://www.instagram.com/p/BumNxKXh9p4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c4geulc1e88n
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live-love2340 · 6 years
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We are all praying for you Luke. 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼💜 #lukeperry #dylanmckay #fredandrews #riverdale #beverlyhills90210 #90210 #prayers https://www.instagram.com/p/BucRj_MgQHClWLpbVx7aD4t4Pc4qlYfhKWP5K40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v8w77k6n4m26
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melodramachoni-blog · 6 years
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Cheryl x quote✨
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‘‘hot riverdale dads to the rescue‘‘ 
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zeldascaos-blog · 6 years
Snakes and Ladders ~ Chapter One: History
Keep getting the feeling you want to leave this all behind. You and me got a whole lot of history, we could be the greatest thing that the world has ever seen. I realize that without you here, life is just a lie. This is not the end.
Fred Andrews, Alice Smith, FP Jones, and Hermione Gomez. Four people who were at one point in time inseparable. Riverdale was their oyster. When they attended Riverdale High just as their children now do today, there were no fathers murdering their own sons and there was no hooded psychopath looming over them. The world was at their feet.
Fred and FP had been best friends since elementary school, Alice and Hermione had been self-labelled “frenemies” since Hermione had moved to Riverdale. But, the connection between the four of them was never spawned until the summer before their sophomore year of high school. Riverdale High is currently a small school, but back in the early nineties, there was barely three hundred students enrolled there.
Needless to say, everyone knew of everyone, they had all been friends at least at one point or another in their childhoods, but after elementary school, cliques and tight friend groups were implemented. Alice Smith had been in and out of friendships, her snake-like qualities that were sometimes displayed often proved too much for most girls that had ever been close to her. But, FP and Fred were different. They relied on each other. FP lived on the Southside in a run-down old shack of a house with his drunken bastard of a father; there were many instances where he had shacked up with Fred’s family on the Northside. 
Hermione Gomez had just moved to Riverdale, so she was not yet aware of Alice’s spotty reputation and never felt reason to stay away from her. Their relationship came to be because Alice was a bit of a troublemaker, something that Hermione never had been. Together, they balanced each other out.
The very day before the school year would begin, Alice was introducing Hermione to what she humbly liked to call the “eggshell game.” It was all fair, she only ever did it to people who thoroughly deserved it. But, after Alice had pitched three eggs directly at Tom Keller’s brand new Ford pickup in broad daylight, Hermione was shocked to say the least.
“Alice!” She cried in confusion, as her blonde friend grabbed her hand and made a run for it. “You should have just talked to him!”
Alice scoffed, smiling as she ran alongside her newfound best friend. “He should have called!”
Over the weekend, Alice and Tom had been on their very first date and, even though it didn’t go very well, he promised he would call - it was only the gentlemanly thing to do. “I thought you said he wasn’t even your type!” Hermione yelled as Alice suddenly broke to the left and continued dragging her behind.
“He’s not!” Alice laughed, she didn’t know whose backyard they were cutting through, but she also didn’t care. “He still should have called!” She wasn’t truly angry over Tom’s behaviour, she certainly wouldn’t have called if she were him, but she took advantage of any excuse to have a little fun and cause some trouble while doing so. Besides, it was such a beautiful summer day, how could she pass up the opportunity to spend some time on the run under the sun?
“Are we going to get in trouble?” Hermione was slowly getting used to Alice’s bad girl antics and being dragged into her so-called fun, but she still had no interest in facing the repercussions.
“Hopefully!” Alice teased, knowing just how nervous Hermione was of the law. Alice Smith was born and raised on the Southside and had resented it for her entire life. She didn’t hate that it likely contributed to her free spirit attitude, she was fine with who she was. She just didn’t like the fact that Riverdale didn’t offer her the same opportunities because of where she came from. She didn’t like the reputation that was forced upon her, she didn’t like being treated like scum on the bottom of someone else’s shoes.
Her home life was just as toxic as FP’s was, so she spent as little time there as she possibly could. She was on the run, in search of a safehaven, somewhere to call home, some place that she could feel truly and utterly safe - something she’d never experienced before. But, in the meantime, she and Hermione were literally on the run from whoever may have watched her vandalize Tom’s truck.
“Oh, no.” Hermione stopped in her tracks and crossed her arms when they came to a small chain-link fence that divided two backyards. “No way am I jumping that fence, Alice! These are Louboutin’s!” She whined, gesturing to the shoes on her feet.
Alice rolled her eyes with a sly laugh, “Come on, Hermione, loosen up for once in your life!” She raised an eyebrow and lifted herself over the fence. “If you want to stay here and get caught, be my guest, but excuse me if I don’t join you!”
Hermione huffed but gritted her teeth and followed in Alice’s mischievous footsteps, having more than a little trouble getting herself over the fence though it was only about five feet off the ground.
“What in the name of - “ Alice and Hermione whipped around to face whoever had been watching them from the back porch of their yard. The two girls had been so concerned about making it away from Tom’s house that they hadn’t even thought to worry about who may have been outside enjoying the sunshine in their private backyard. “Who are you and just what do you think you’re doing trespassing on my property, exactly?”
Artie Andrews had always been a rather gruff man, it was only his nature. He was never cruel, and he wasn’t exactly mean. He simply wasn’t the type of person who would enjoy knowing that teenage girls were climbing his private fence and getting away with trampling his garden hedges.
The two girls were at a loss for words, and it was very lucky that fate chose that moment to have Fred Andrews and FP Jones enter the backyard to see what Artie was yelling about. “Alice?” The teenage boys said at the same time, confusion clearly evident in their voices.
“You know these troublemakers?” Artie asked, turning towards his son and FP but not expecting an answer. “We can’t just have you kids running through neighbourhoods away from God knows what. I’ve half a mind to call your parents!”
While Fred’s gaze was now captivated by the raven-haired girl that he’d never seen before, FP had been looking at Alice, and he watched her eyes widen in genuine fear following Artie’s suggestion. The Southside didn’t have the same kind of rumour mill as the Northside, but when you lived on the Southside, you knew a lot about the others who resided there. FP knew that Alice would face the same serious ruthless repercussions at home as he would if either of their parents ever got a call from a Northsider complaining about their kids.
With this in mind, the taller teenage boy stepped in. “Don’t worry, Mr. A, they’re friends of ours.” Artie raised a scrutinizing eyebrow, but waited silently for the explanation. “We invited them over, I don’t know why they were stupid enough to try to come in through the backyard.” FP gave Alice a pointed look, telling her that she would have to be more careful when it came to the kinds of fun she liked to have.
Artie looked to Fred, who nodded his confirmation of FP’s story. Whatever reason FP had for lying to his father, Fred was sure that it was legitimate and harmless. Besides, it was true, they were friends of Alice’s. Kind of. Artie mumbled a bit but went back inside without giving anyone any more trouble. FP and Alice didn’t exactly associate with each other, but they shared common ground, and that gave them a connection that they couldn’t exactly ignore. FP stepped down from the porch and made his way towards her, leaving Fred to approach the girl that had him so entranced.
“You really shouldn’t be pushing your luck in neighbourhoods like this one, Alice.” FP said truthfully, though there was amusement on his face. “There’s not much leniency for kids like us.”
Alice rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, she’d always been strangely haughty for someone who came from such a low background. “Thank you for having my back, FP... “ She began sarcastically, “... but, you can’t tell me what to do.” They both raised their eyebrows slightly as their playful teasing began. “Besides, you can’t possibly be one to talk.”
He gave her a look of mock disbelief, it was refreshing to have a conversation with someone who actually challenged him - most people were rather intimidated. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?” His voice was just as teasing as hers continuously was in his presence.
“Please,” she eyed him daringly, “I know the stories.”
Alice turned back to Hermione, but FP couldn’t help but continue to gaze at her with a grin on his face and a glint in his eye.
“I see that you’ve already been corrupted by Alice’s tricks.” Fred was in the middle of having his own conversation with Hermione, and the two of them were so blatantly flirting that Alice rolled her eyes in disgust.
“Hermione Gomez,” Alice gestured to the beautiful girl with the chocolate eyes as she formally introduced her to the boys. “Fred Andrews and FP Jones.” Hermione smiled warmly at both of her new acquaintances, but couldn’t keep her eyes off of Fred Andrews’ boyishly charming grin for long.
“Hey,” he began nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. “how would you feel about grabbing some malts at Pop’s?”
Alice and FP gave each other perceiving glances as they watched the scene unfold, and Hermione immediately gave Fred an excited smile. “That would be great!”
Fred was pleased that she’d agreed, but he wasn’t surprised. He certainly had a way with the ladies. “Alright, then.” He chuckled and offered her his arm like a true gentleman, making her laugh as she took it without hesitation. “We can walk, it’s only a few blocks away.”
As the two of them began in the direction of Pop’s, Alice and FP remained standing, arms crossed and confused. “Does that include us, or...?” Alice said incredulously, irritated at the two lovebirds’ complete ignorance of her and FP.
From a few yards away, Hermione turned her head back as she walked. “Are you two coming?”
Alice and FP looked at each other again, still processing what had happened as their two best friends were now off together. Alice sighed, and FP only gestured for her to lead the way.
And that was how Fred Andrews, Alice Smith, FP Jones, and Hermione Gomez found themselves in a booth at Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe for the first time together. That was how it all began, the rest was history, really. It became their place, their sanctuary. That’s not to say that their intricate relationships were not complicated. To lay it all out, Fred and FP were best friends, Alice and Hermione were best friends, but Fred and Hermione were also dating.
And, somewhere along the line, FP Jones and Alice Smith fell in love. It wasn’t a convenient kind of love, it wasn’t an easy love, but it was real. It was passionate, it was wild, and it was true. It didn’t happen in the same way as their friends, Fred and Hermione knew that they were bound to have a story together the moment that they both clapped eyes on each other.
FP and Alice had always known of each other, they grew up in the same place, they knew the struggles of Southside families, and they both knew what it was like to try to defy the stereotypes that were cast upon them. It didn’t happen quickly, it was not love at first sight. They were just two acquaintances who happened to have mutual friends and who both acknowledged the fact that the other was intensely attractive. That should have been the warning sign.
But, through their bickering and relentless contradictions of each other, somehow, they managed to fall in love. It took them a while to realize this, but once they did, there was absolutely no stopping them. They ran to each other in times of peril, they shared secrets never revealed before, they finally understood the meaning of safety. They both came from broken, ugly families, they knew that they needed some kind of escape. That’s what the Serpents were for them, an escape.
FP was the first to join them. Alice had been wary, knowing that joining a gang would only make it more impossible for her to ever overcome the obstacles standing in her way of a pure, desirable life. But, she trusted him. If it was something he had to do, then she would support that. They clung to each other, she wasn’t going to turn her back on him now.
But, the repercussions of FP’s involvement with the Serpents took separate tolls on them. FP’s name was rather demonized, he remained the captain of the football team, an object of fancy for the girls, and nothing more than an alluring, dangerous, bad boy. And everyone loved a bad boy. Frankly, the students of Riverdale High were too intimidated by him to ever dare question his character even after joining the Serpents.
For Alice, it was different. The day after the news broke, someone had boldly written the words “Serpent Slut” on her locker in red lipstick. Neither her nor the janitors even bothered to wipe it off. But, this only fueled Alice’s fire. She was not ashamed of who FP was nor his affiliations with the Serpents. They were not demonic, they were not anything to be repelled by, they were safe. They took care of their own. And that was certainly what she needed right now. She’d never been one to give in and cower whenever she was targeted, so Alice wore that label proudly and defiantly.
She did not cry, she did not run, she smirked and went about her day as usual. And, the next day, she had joined the Serpents. It wasn’t just about proving anyone wrong, in fact, she kept her membership a secret from everyone at Riverdale High save for Hermione, Fred, and of course FP. She’d done it for him. The Serpents were a completely different world. And, if it was his world now, then she wanted to be a part of it. After all, they were in this together. That was what they always said.
Separately, Alice and FP were troublemakers. Together, they were detrimental to Riverdale’s prestigious name. They stayed out too late, ran with people who could give them the thrills they desired, spent endless nights in the back of FP’s truck at the Twilight Drive-In, mixed their root beers with alcohol at Pop’s, and had their fair share of run-ins with the cops. While Alice had only ever had to spend one night in jail, FP had done his share of time here and there.
And so began Alice Smith and FP Jones’ ride or die romance that rocked Riverdale. They were wild, they were the couple that everyone wanted to emulate. But, things got hard very quickly. When FP’s father finally threw him out of the house for good, it became obvious that working down at Pop’s diner would no longer cut it so long as he needed to provide for himself. But, on Serpent territory, odd jobs were always available.
He began doing dangerous work, illegal work, and he wanted Alice as far away from it as possible. He knew that they’d always worked better together rather than apart, but if this was going to be his life now, he couldn’t have anything standing in his way. He couldn’t risk hurt. And, if she was hurt, he was hurt. Besides, he knew that it was only a matter of time before she realized that she could have so much more than him, and that would be the day that she left him behind and never looked back. Even at seventeen, after they’d only been dating for about a year, FP knew that Alice was the love of his life, without a doubt.
And it was mutual. Every time that they promised a grand a loving future to each other, Alice felt happier than she ever though she could. Before everything began to fall apart, Alice couldn’t have cared less what any Northsider thought of her. She no longer pined for the polished life that came with living on the other side of the tracks. As long as she was safe, and she was in love, none of it mattered. That was her dream.
But, FP didn’t handle situations in the way that she would have wanted him to. She wanted him to come to her when he was in trouble, she wanted to get through things together, they were a team. After all, she’d joined the Serpents to be with him, she should have been part of his world. Instead, FP pushed her away. He ran. She tried to involve herself in his troubles with intentions of helping him, but he wouldn’t stand for it. So, he pushed, and when this only made her try more ruthlessly, he pushed harder.
As long as he was pushing her away and running from her, Alice was no longer happy. She was no longer satisfied with her life. And so contributed to the subsequent moments of weakness where she looked at the Northside with desirable eyes. She knew FP was the only one for her with respect to love, she knew that from the bottom of her heart. But, if he didn’t want her as intensely as she wanted him - which is what he recently had begun to act like - she could only try so hard. After all, there were others who wanted her. Others who couldn’t provide her with the passion that she needed, but who could provide her with the imperious life that she thought she wanted.
Alice and FP’s breakup had been all anyone at Riverdale High could talk about. Rumours as to how exactly it had gone down spiraled through the halls. Everyone was watching them to see how they would react if they ran into each other in the gymnasium or the cafeteria. The school thrived off of the drama that was Alice and FP’s disastrous fallout.
It happened through an enormous fight, that was the basis of it all. They hadn’t been doing well for months after FP had begun making illegal deliveries and getting himself into dangerous situations. Alice wanted nothing more than to be there for him, and he just wouldn’t let her. To make things easier, he convinced himself that it would just be better if they weren’t even together, and thus provoked his cold attitude towards her that in turn shoved her straight into the arms of Hal Cooper.
The foundation of their argument was simple. FP had never asked her to join the Serpents for him, he’d never asked her to get involved with his way of life, it was dangerous and they both knew that. But, Alice was sick of him pushing her away. If they were going to be in this together, then she needed to be able to help him through things just as he did her. Their breakup was not established due to the true belief on either end that it was what either of them wanted, it was the heat of the moment, it was what happened when two teenagers were thrown into situations that forced them to grow up too fast.
It wasn’t because they stopped loving each other. In fact, just the opposite. They loved each other a little too much. So much that it was dangerous. The kind of danger that they couldn’t afford so long as FP was practically a homeless drug runner and Alice desperately needed an escape from the horrendous home life that she had. The logistics of it all simply never seemed to work out in thier minds. So, Alice left him - his biggest fear - and FP’s promises were all proven empty - her biggest fear.
Staying with the Serpents became impossible for Alice. She was a part of that world because it was his home. And he was her home. Going back to the Whyte Wyrm or any of their other territories only caused her pain. So, she did was FP was so good at doing. She ran. To the Northside, to be exact. She continued to pretend that she’d never been involved with the Serpents and she carefully selected a proper Northside boy that could do what FP never could and give her a life of materialistic luxury.
The Serpents would have been nothing more than disappointed by her leaving of them, but when it became no secret that Alice was going around Riverdale practically spitting on their name, they held back nothing when deeming her a traitor. Hal Cooper was perfect. He hated the Southside, he knew that Alice needed him in order to get anywhere successful, and he thrived off of that. Everyone at school thought Alice was majestic. She was beautiful, she was powerful, and she was popular. But, Hal knew her secret - she would never get anywhere prestigious without him. And he had always loved power.
It wasn’t even a moth after FP and Alice called it quits before he found himself with a Serpent member named Gladys and had set his sights on enlisting in the army. Meanwhile, Alice found herself with Hal - prince of the Northside. Of course, had Alice known that she was pregnant, it would have changed everything. She would never have left FP, she never would have left the Serpents, she never would have decided to pretend to be something that she wasn’t. But, by then, it was already too late.
A theme among residents of Riverdale had proven to be marrying the wrong people.
Fred and Hermione were undeniably in love. Hermione chose Hiram Lodge - the popular son of a rich business man. Fred settled for Mary Andrews. Alice and FP had never stopped loving each other - they didn’t know if they could. But, Alice chose Hal, and FP chose Gladys.
It was all wrong. And now, it seemed that their children were unknowingly out to fix the mistakes that they’d made.
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