#free my girls from their small nose/wrong skin tone/ same weight distribution hell
illeaadante · 2 years
Character Creators need to Git Gud
I’m talking about the programs here.
Look, I looooooooooooove, love, love dress-up games and character creators. Love them. Favorite part of a lot of games. But dear lord.
I’m not even talking about the lack of skin tone diversity! (although that is also a problem) because that can be solved with, like, 3 color sliders. (base, highlights, and shadows at the minimum)
I’m talking about how I cannot, for love or money, give my characters their actual nose.
For things like picrews, vtuber makers, and other stylized character creators you generally have 2 options: small pointed anime nose, or the ugliest goddamn shape you have ever seen that, despite what the creator may tell you, has never actually been on a human face before. Sometimes, you don’t even get the ugly option and it’s all just, like, a few micrometers of width shift or pulling the tip of the nose up or down slightly.
I would be perfectly alright with the pointed anime nose and even the ugly not-a-nose shapes being present as long as I could also get some actual nose shapes. A lot of my characters have large, flat noses, or long, high bridged noses, or noses with a bump in the middle! But whenever I see options like those, they tend to look like caricature! and I’m sure we all know why... but this is especially egregious and indefensible in creators that have sliders for proportions. I actually like my vtuber software that I downloaded, but it is a bit frustrating to know that I’ll have to port the model into a different software to actually get the correct proportions for things you can already edit in the original because it doesn’t go far enough. I should be able to make my character’s nose look like a lightbulb or an ax or a hole, especially considering just how many goddamn sliders there are for noses. No, seriously, vroid (the program I use) has, like, at least 8 sliders for noses that barely do anything.
I also can’t give most of my characters their canon weight/build. You want a fat woman? that’s a no. You want a broad shouldered, muscular woman? absolutely not. You want someone with a square jaw or chin? lol. lmao, even. You can make them as tall as you want, you can give them big boobs and wide hips, but you can’t actually give them an ass or muscle definition.
And I know, I know I’m complaining about freeware right now, but I shouldn’t have to pay to model something that looks like me or like the characters I build when the program is already there!
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